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Feb:ruary 13, 1950
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in 8peclaT-~~s81on at City Hall,
Monday, February 13th~ at 12:00 Noon, with the followlne members present:
La land F. Drew
Herbert M. Brown
Joe Turner
-Acting Mayor-Colamissioner
Harry D. Sargeant
E. B. Casler Jr.
-Commissioner '
Also Present Were:
Boyd A. Bennett
George J.1cClamma
Ben Krentzman
-City Manager
-Chief of Police
-City Attorney
The l\layor called the meeting to order and explained tha t the pu.rpose of the meet-
ing W8B to consider proposals for repair of the Dieester at tIle Sewer Disposal Plant.
City Attorney Krentzman reported tl~t after investigation, he believed tl~t the
provisions in the City Clmrter for allowing opportunity for competition in oonneotion
with proposals for repairs to the Digester System have been coup1ied with, in that the
City Manager, in response to letters written by him, has received fifteen proposn1s
for the repair thereof. The City Manager reported toot speci:fications and guarantoes
being taken into consideration, it was his recommendation that the proposal of the
Pressure Concrete 00. in the amount of $13,308.72 be accepted. Commissioner Turner
moved that the City Manager be authorized to accept the proposal of the Pressur~,ConQrete
Company. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously. .
City Attorney Krentzman reported that the City'S suit against E. H. Holcomb ~s
ready for trial. That Mr. Holcomb offered to settle for the $1200.00 as required by
the City provided $200.00 of the amount be in the form of work done by his firm. Cmn-
missioner Turner moved tha t the City Manager be authorized to 'settle the c1a 1m as'
outlined; $l~OOO.OO to be paid the City in cash and $200.00 to be worked out by
E. H. Holcomb Co. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried.
The City Attorney submitted a bill :for $250.00 for extra services rendered. Cam-
missioner Brown moved that the City Manager be authorized to pay the City Attor.ney
$250.00 :for his services in the lfulcomb case. The motion was seoonded by Commis8ione~
Turner and carried unanimously.
On a motion by Commissioner Turner, seconded by COL~issioner Brown and carried,
the next meeting of' the Oommission was set for Wednesday, l<'ebruary 22;, 1950.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
~~~cQ t ~r-
c ing ayor-Conuni.ss oner -
Special Meeting scheduled at 12 Noon, Monday, February 13, in the City HB1l~ for the
. purpose or considering the repair of the Digester at the Sewer Disposal P1ant.
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Febxuary ].3, I950
The Gitg Corr�,iission oi' the City of CZearv�ater met in S'�ecial Session at City Ha11,
trIonda�, Februar� 13th, at 12a00 rloon, vrith the followin� members presez�t:
Leland F. Drew
Herber� M. BroVm
Joe �urner
Harry D. 'Sargennt
E. B. Casler Jro
A1�o Present Ware:
Boyr� A. Bennett
George AScClamma
Ban Krentzr.�an
-F,,eting Mayor-C�mmissioner
-^ity Ivlanager
-Chief 'oi' Police
-City Attorney
The P�layor� called the meeting to order and explaine� that the purpoae of the meet-
ing was to consider proposals fox repair of the Digester at the Sevrsr Disposal Plant.
Ci�y Attorney Krentzmmn reported that a£ter inveetigation, he believed that the
provisions in the City Charter for allowing opportunity for conpetition in connection
�r�ith proposals for repairs to the Di�ester S�stem have bean coLlplied with, in that the
City I�denager, in response to letters w.ritten by hin, has received fifteen pro�osals
for the repair thereof. The City 2�fanager reported that specifications and guarantees
being taken 3nto conaideration, it was his reeorr¢nendation thet the proposal of the
Pressura Concrete Co. in the amount of �p13,308.72 be accebzed, Co�mission�r Turrier�
moved that the City n4ana�er be authorized to acceot the proposaT r.f the Pressure Con�rete
Company. The motion was seconded by Co�nissioner Bror�n and carried unanimousT9.
City .A�ctorney Iirentzman reporte� that the Cityjs gtzit against E. H. Holcomb was
ready for triala That b1r. Holcomb o£Perad to settle for the �1200.OQ as required by
the City provided �200.00 of the ar.iount be in the fo�n of work dona by his Firm, Com=
m3asioner Turner moved that the Cit� L.anager be authorizsd to �ettle the claim as
outlined; �1,000.OQ to be paid the Qity in cash and �200.00 to be `aorked out bp
E. Iie Holcomb Co. The �otion was seconcled by Gorimi�s� oner Browr� and carried.
The City Attorne�r submitted a bill for �250.00 i'or extra servicea rendered. Com-
missioner Brotvn maved that the City Dianager be authorized to pa� the City Attornsy
�25Q.00 for his services in the Holcomb case. The mo�ion was seconded by Co�unissionar
Turner and carried unanimoualy,
On a motion by Cor,anissioner Turner, saconded by Cou¢nissione•r Brown and carried�
the next meeting of the Cor.nnission was set for Y9ednesday, February 2?�, 1950.
There being no further buainess to come before the Board, the meeting Ras adjourned.
� �Z`_`U`
Ac�ing �iayor-t;ommissioner
'ity udi r and Cler
A�;enda .
Speeial T�feeting scheduled at 12 Noon, i�ionday, Febsuary 13, in the City Hall, �or the
purpas� of cons3dering the repair of the Digester at the Sewer Disposal Plante