02/07/1950 . .. ".. .... \. , .,~ . . .. '.' J ; ,.,... .,; .. ~. ..:, , ...... :.1...., , ',,:.. ;-",;:t:/.>:'.' ~ ~. :..: ;.'~i.:"';:di~..L:~:~";,,-:;.:,J..:~,: ":';:,:I:L, ,/(;'L,-;::r:, 1'-'& f \J CITY CO~Th1ISSION MEETING Februa ry 'l, 1950 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in Speoial Session at City Hall Tuesday, February 7th~ 1950 at 7:30 P. M. with the following members present: Leland F. Drew Herbert M. Brown Joe Turner -Acting Mayor-Commissioner -Connnissioner -Connnissioner ,Lf\ ~;p""", .J I ...;.....;;.:... i 'I Absent:- Harry D. Sargeant E. B. Casler Jr. -Mayor-Commissioner -Commissioner Also Present: Boyd A. Bennett George McClannna Be n Kre n t ZIlla n -City Manager -Chief of Police -City Attorney , I I ,:\ I ! I The meeting being called to order. by the Mayor, the minutes of the Special Meeting of January 30th were approved. The City Manager, r~porting for the Committee on garbage collection teea, recommonde~ that a charge of $6.00 per month be made for collecting trash and garbage~ where collection amounted to one-half Q truckload daily, and a monthly charge of $12.00 for those places which require one full truck load collection daily. The COJjnn1 ttee recommended further that Ordinance #469 be a~ended so as to require that all wooden crates be broken down and that all cardboard cartons be broken down. It was also recommended that Ordinance #539 be amended to cover business units as well as dwelling units. Commissioner Turner moved that the Committee's recommendations be approved and the City Attorney instructed to draw the amendments to Ordinances. Conmissioner Brown seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. .._'Jt.IM.or- ... .,.. -~;~ "...,..."..: ,',.... , City Attorney Krentzman submitted an Ordinance which would regulate the parking of trailers within the City; the Ordinance to be effective May 1st, 1950. On a motion by Commissioner Brown which was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried, the Ordinance was passed on the first reading. Commissioners Brown, Drew and Turner voted 'tAye". There were no negative votes. The City Attorney submitted a Resolution accepting a 30 ft. thoroughfare between lots 3 and 4 and 5 and 6, Duncans Subdivision~ deeded by Miriam Millhauser and Lester D. and Mildred M. Plumb. Commissioner Turner moved that the Resolution be adopted as read and the thoroughfare be designated as "Queen Lane". Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Commissioner Turne~, reporting for the Committee appointed to investigate the proposed signa to be placed under the ~rquee of the Heye Building on the South side of C~eveland street, said the Committee had found that the marquee was not as low as had been assumed, and that the proposed signs would not extend more than three inches below the limit at the lowest point and it was the opinion of the Conmlittee that the signs would not create a haza~, if permitted. The Committee recommended that this be cons1dered a hardship case, caused by an error made by the City in issuing a permit not in accord with building regulations and that the signs be permitted. On a motion by Commisslonel' Brown, seconded by Commissioner Turner, the report was accepted and the reoommendation approved. The Mayor announced that the public hearing relative to installation of Storm Sewers on Prospect Ave. and Pierce streets, and Cleveland Street would be held at this time and asked if anyone present wished to object to the improvement being made. Mr. Ralph Richards, representing L. P. and G. P. HoveYI protested against the proposed improvement, stating that his clients would be assessed for a sewer whioh would be of no benefit to them, and would be unfair for that reason. Mr. Ivan Green of Green Brothers' Transfer Company, protested against the proposal, stating that the proposed assessment against his ~ir.m was far in excess of any benefits his firm would receive. Mr. William Goza, representing Rogal, Inc., stated that the land belonging to that Company was oomparatively low priced and the proposed assessment would be confiscatory, in that the sale of the property would be blocked by such an assessment. Mr. Richards pointed out that pro- perties not benefited would bear the costs of the improvement and that Mr. Blaokburn's property, which derived the greatest benefit would not be assessed at all. Mr. Alfred Marshall filed a formal written protest on behalf of the following--Hovey Brothers, Tack and Warren~ Green Brothera Transfer, Pinellas Trading Corp., and the Estate of E. H. Coachman and Mae s. Coac~n. A Sunmary of front feet involved and the amounts it 1s proposed to assess is set forth below: (See following page) " ';'. " .... '". Summa~ of front feet, cont'd. Jul~ 18, 1949 PROSPECT AVENUE FRONTAGE Cleveland Street to Park Street Frontage 112.5' 132.5' 245' Assessment $1,089.00 1,282.60 2,371.60 ~al Footage 245' 245' 490' Owner Eli Witt Cigar Co., Tampa,Fla. Green Bros. Transfer L. P. and G. P. Hovey Park Street to Pierce Street 265' $2,565.20 557.57 2~531.32 319.1' 584.1' 265' Tack & Warren Myne M. Steck Pinellas Trading Corp. c/o H. Lane Coachoan, Wallace S. Bldg., Tampa, !t'la. 57.6' 261.5' G RAND TOTAL 1074.1' PIERCE STREET FRONTAGE Prospect Avenue to Myrtle Avenue Frontage 392.8 Owner Rogal, Inc. et als (A1 Rogers, P.O. 246) Assessment $3,802.30 Total Footap:e 392.8' 393 3,804.24 GRAND TOTAL 393 785.8' Tack and Warren $18,003.83 Overall 'l'otal 1859.9' . $9.6779/ front foot Commissioner Brown moved that study be given this matter, regarding chartar provisions, and the hearing be continued to Tuesday, February 21st at 7:30 P. M. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The City Manager reported that he had received a number of informal proposals for the repair or the rebuilding of the Digestor at the Sewage Disposal Plant. He recommended that the City advertise for formal bids on specifications made by a competent qualified engineer. Mr. Alfred Bergman of the ~entieth Century Company stated that his company had a lining material that was resistant to all acids and would last for 30 years. The Manager asked for an opinion from the Attorney as to whether he could enter into a contract without advertising for bids. On a motion by Commissioner Brown and seconded by Com- missioner Turner and carried that the City Attorney be requested to"advise the Commission whether or not this could be done. By unanimous consent of the Commission, Mr. R. H. Dempsey infor.med the Commission that he and other property owners had had the wa tel' hyacinths cleaned out of Lake Bellevie.. He requested that the City reimburse them for part of the cost of the project by donating $100.00. Commissioner Brown moved that the request be granted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried. On a motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried, Ordinance #587, an Ordinance regulating the growing of shrubbery at dangerous Street Intersections, was passed on the third and final reading. Commios10ners Brown, Drew. and Turner voted "Aye". There were no negative votes. Item #8 on the agenda, the City Manager's report on re-negotiating a contract with the Clearwater Flying Cmnpany, was deferred. The City Attorney reported that he did not have an Ordinance relative to advertising signs ready to present at this time. The City Attorney submitted a Resolution setting forth the final disposition of .fUnds, donated from the five per cent utility tax refund. Commissioner Turner moved the resolution be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously. " Ordinance #588, an Ordinance adopting the State Misde.meanor Laws was passed on the third and ~inal reading on a motion by Commissioner Brown, which was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried. The vote was as follows: nAyesn--Commissioner Brown, Commissioner Drew, Commissioner Turner. ~on, none. 1 ,~:. '.;. ''Bit Comprehensive Automobile , Liability Insurance for ~ $200 _ 000, $100 _ 000 and ~"(.. $.5~000 for one (1) year to ~'~::.:(':f' cover Oi ty fleet of vehicles ~..; ",,~\~':'~i,!;:';j~j/:~,.t .":"':';", , CIT"Y COMMISSION MEETIIIG Febrt~ary 7, 1950 1-30 The City Attorney sub~itted an Ordinanoe which would regulate the sale of gas for space heating only. On a nlotion by Commissioner Turner... u..i!.' 'L v ,., - It: - -. --- r !P"'--~. seconded by Commissioner Bro~n and oarr1edp the Ordinance was passed on the first read- ing. Commissioners Bro~n, Drew and Turner voted '~yelt. There were none opposed. ~ The City Attorney submitted a draft or the proposed lease between the City or C1ear- wa ter and the Chamber of Commerce on the Beach Club property. Contuissioner Turner moved t~t the lease agreement arrived at after conference with the Chanwer of CODmlerOe be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously. Ordinance #58g, an Ordinance regulating the distribution of hand billa was passed on the third and final readi~g on a motion by Commissioner Turner. which was seconded by Connnissioner Brown and carried. The vote was as follows: "Aye", Conuniasloners Brown, Drew and Turner. "No" none. ! ("'" .." ' 1 j ~ 1 1 1 I j ] 1 ..~ :1 '~ k1 '~ ...i'. ' .~. - '. ~ . , .~ ..~ ..~ The City Attorney reported that he had investigated the matter and that the States' Attorney did not represent the City in casas appealed from the Municipal Court to the higher oourt. Relative to the proposa~ to widen Osce01a Ave. from Haven Stroet to Pie roe street, the City Manage~ estirrmted the cost at approximately ten thousand dollars and that one half of the cost would probably have to be borne b~! the City in assuming the cost in exchange for rlght-of-~ay. He stated that Mr. H. M. Blanton had a client ~ho would buy the Certifioates of Indebtedness. Commissioner Turner moved t}~t the City Attorney be instructed to advertiae a Public Hearing on March 6th on the proposal to widen Osceola Avenue, between Haven and Pierce streets. The motion was seconded by Commlssionelr Brown and carried unan~ously. C0I!lli11ssioner Brown moved that the City exeroise the right of eminent domain in seouring the property of' Frank Murphy (Lot ?, W. F. Hughey Sub) for the purpose of widening Myrtle Avenue. The motion was seconded by Conmissioner Turner and carried unaniInously. Cit~ Manager Bennett recommended the employment of two extra patrolmen in ~he Pollee Departnlent 1'01' the next two or three months, the extra men to be used for general pollee work. He estil.-18ted the cost at $1200.00 to $1500.00. Commissioner Brown moved that the City Manager's reconmendation be followed and two patrolmen be employed on a temporary basls. Commissioner Turner seconded the ~otion and it carried unanbnous1y. The City Manager stated that the hiring of a recording clerk for the Police Department was to be the beginning of a record and finger print department and anyone hired for this position shou~d possess qualifications above the average. Comm~ssioner Brown moved that the City Manager request the Civil Servico Board to set up a tentative classification, as outlined, after conference with the City Manager and the Ch~ef of Police and report to the Commission. The motion was seconded by Conmissioner Turner and carried unanimously. A letter addressed to the Conmission by the Chair.man of the County Board of Health, requested that the City elect and certify a member of: the Municipality to serve on the County Board of Health for the next two years, dating fro~ January 1st. Commissioner Turner moved that the City Manager be appointed. The motion was seconded by Cotm1issioner Brown and carried unanimously. The Clerk read a letter from the Olearwater hlerchants Association quoting"a motion passed by that body as follows: "That the Merchants Association recommends the placing of more waste cans on the streets of Clearwater, but does not favor any commercial advertising to be displayed on the sides of such cans." COIrlIllissioner Brown moved that receipt of the letter be acknolVledged, and the Merchants Association be advised that more receptacles will be provided~ if possib1e~ without advertising. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried. The City Manager submitted the fo11owing tabulation of bids for cODlprehenslve Automobile Liability Insurance for coverage of the City's vehicles: Tabulation of Proposals received 10:00 a. m., February 3~ 1950~ Clearwater, Florida, for: It A ,1\ Comprehensive Auto~obile Liability Insurance for $lOO,OOO~ $50.000 and $5,000 for one (1) year to cover City fleet or vehicles by Boyd A. Bennett~ C~ty Mgr.. AGENT: COMPA:NY: L.B.A.bbett General Accident~ Fire & Life Assurance Corp. Fidelity & Casualty Co. of New 'York Not given London Guaranteo & Accident Co. Travelers Indemnity Co. of Hartford Great American Indemnity Co. or ~ew York *1,740.21 Hartfo~ Accident ~ Indemnity 1,716.20 Not given 1,673.31 Firemen's FUnd Indemnity Co. of New York .. ., Wi tter Ago,.. F~de11ty & Cas.Co. ot N. Y. ::,:~ ><~ .':, ," : ;;,;:;/,.> 'WorlaDan &: G~een Amer10an Ca sual ty Co. or ~)t1'.7:):. . ..: . Roading , PEl. ~.'t' 1\'.' ;." I ~./' t ~ 1 -. .I' . ~f:\l( ..l/ '~'i ~ .; ~ ;' , ~:: --." :', . " .. " ;,:~:;J'~~(;;{{ ;<> ">..' ..;~PropertYd.mage ,$1,000.00, one accident ~:\~\~i:,':;,:'~:~~\'~i~.~' .,t(,. ~;'::'f~:.'.~:i:..::,\:: ;:;.': :~ r .' .,.' .' I' "".... J ' $1,380.12 $1,404.56 A~leY' , Rehbaum & Capes, Inc. Chesnut &: Lee Earpham In- surance Agency Home r Rea 1 tyo 1,?68.91 1,750.84 1,792.05 1.7'74.18 1,718.15 1,740.40 1,68'7.55 1,709.6~ Geo.W.Jol't..nson 1,,762:. '77 1,738.411 1~695.09 1~7'74.32 1,792.05 3,,0'77.18 Laney-Naylor Ina R.LoRodgers & Co. Bruce Taylor 1,751.46 1,768.91 3,038.09 ..~ I If,'. > . ,j' ,-' "'."" '. , ,'" ':., ". , I r. f' , i I I 1 i i " f . .' t: ',' , . 1\ . I ,'-.' "'.', . 1\.::;:</:. ,,>:\~,;:l;~~~k; >'"""~}"" ". )\j~t~~f~: .i t ''', "......,,'.. , Illfiit'!'; 11;~~i;: ~. ...-"...."",..1""."..,. . f;I\I1l1tJ '~ii;)':~::;;i ,: ; , i ; I ~ , ,I ............. ".''':'':~' , " , , , I " .. .1: . ....'.. . ~''''''... . ~."..~. . "'\'. ..' ~.. ,"" , -. . , . ,,' . . .....~~, ...;....."........ ..' ...... '" .... .. ......~ ._,or'. CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 7, 19f.'0 ""f<""";'~"':'::,",:":',:',",\: , ' , I" . ";'-,' , ' . . . '. ',"'. Commissioner Turner moved that the ~ow bid, the bid of L. G. Abbett ror the General Accident & Life Assuranoe Corporation, in the amount of $1,404.56 be acoepted. The motion waG seconded by ComzniBsioner Brown and carried unan1JnouslYe The City Manager submitted a resolution which would require six persons to olean their properties of weeds, grass and underbrush. On a motion by Conmlssioner Brown, seconded by CornmisfJioner Turner and unanimously carried, the resolution was adopted. The Clerk read a ~etter addressed to tll0 City Manager by the Rector and Senior Warden of the Eplsoopa~ Churoh of the Ascension requesting t~t the Church be pe~1tted to use lots 2, 3, 4 of Block 5, starr and Savery Addition, for Churoh purposeS'; the propert~ being zoned aa B-1. Cor.~1asion6r Brown moved that tho matter be referred to the Zoning Board. for recommendation and report. The motion waa seoonded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanDrnoualy. The Mayor submitted Ii request .from tho National Adjutant of the Disablod Anlerloan Veterans requesting that the organization be permitted to park an exhibition trailer in front or Posey J."urniture for a two day period. There would be no charge for admission but voluntary oontribu tions would be accepted; funds to go to D.A. V. Chaptel' in Flor~da. ConwiBsioner Drown moved that the request be granted, subjeot to the approva1 of' the City }'Ianager and the Chief' of Polico. '],lhe motion Was seconded by CoonlsfJ:1.oner Turner and carried. A :Letter addressed to the Commission by E. J. Hunter, Connander of the local post of Veterans or Foreign Wars requested that the City refund to the post the forty dollara it had paid as ~icense f'ee for an Antique Show on February 1st to 4th inclusive. Cam- missioner Brown moved that remittance be made as requested. The Dlotion was seconded boy Commissioner Turner and ca.r-ried. The City lflanager reported the t he would like to purchase a };<'ord Automobile f'or the Police Department; the car being especially designod for polioe use. He inquired of the City Attorney if it would be possible to purchase such a car without advertising ror b~ds, and was advised that it would be necessary to advertise, but that specifioations could be rrade to apply to a certain make and model. C1ty Attorney Krentznan reported the need of an Ordinance file at the Police Department and suggested that copies of those Ordinances pertaining to "Offenses" be furnished to the department. The Mayor referred the l1la tter to the Clerk for a report. There being no further business to oome before the Board~ the meeting was adjourned. Q(^J-.cfJ -~ ~ - Acting :fila yor-COLrrrn?;;ioner ATTEST: - AGENDA 1. Approving or minutes of special meeting of January 30. 2. Public hearing on storm sewer on Prospect Ave. and Pierce Street. 3. Report of the committee re~at1ve to garbage and trash collection charges. 4. City Attorney and Cityl\lanager's report on ordinanoe oovering the parking of trailers-in City limits. 5. Consideration of reso~ution accept:1.ng property in the Duncan Subdivision as a public alley~ on which Gladys Duncan requested 165' of 2" water main. 6. Report of the committee composed of Commissioners Turner and Casler on the requost of" Merchants on the south side of Cleveland Street for arnendment to the City ordinanoe lowering the clearance of' signs under marques. ? Consideration of an ordinance on the third reading, for protecting autolsts and pedestrians at street intersections. 8. City Manager's report on the ro-negotiating of the contract with the Clearwater Flying Company. 9. City Attorney's report on ordinance relative to advertising signs. lO.Consideration of a resolution re~ative to the final report on the refunding of 5% utility tax. 11. Consideration of resolution to be presented to the County COJ!JlJ1isslon requesting the state Road Department to furnish and install a traffio light at the South Fort Harrison crossing of the Seaboard R. R. l2.Consideration of the third reading of ordinance adopting state ~l1sdemeanor Law. 13.Consideration of an ordinance increasing the rates on Gas Space Heating only. 14.Consideration of a report by the City Attorney and City Nanager on the lease with the Chamber of Commerce for the beach property. 15.Consideration of ordinance, on the third reading, relative to the distribution of hand bills. 1S.City Attorney's report on the matter of Cases Appealed ~rom the Municipal Court-- w~th particular reference as to whether or not the State Attorney should handle such cases. l?The City Manager's report on the widening of South Osceola between Pierce and Haven. lS.The CitY' Attorney's report on the ma tter of condel1l1ng property of }<'rank Murphy on east s1de of :Myrtle Avenue. for the purpose of widening Myrtle Avenue. "', , ,- ~..._, il .' " , " ',,-- ."~ :' 'J' , ".1 . ~'. . ,. . . .....~.,..,..~....~~~~~.~~~~,..~~~;~~ CITY COW~ISSION MEETING Febru~ry 7, 1950 19. City Manager's report on the employing of two extra- patrolmen for the nextt two or three months. 20. City Manager's report on the hiring of a permanent recording clerk for the Police Department. 21. Consideration of the appointment of a member of Pinel1as County Board of Health for the next two years. 22. A letter rro~ the Merohants Association relative to metal waste oans on the streets-- oarrying advertistng. 23. Consideration of bids for comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance, received Friday, February 3. 24. Resolution requesting property owners to clean their lots or weeds and grasa. 25. Request of the Episcopal Churoh to amend the Zoning Law ss a ~rdship case and permit the Clrurch to use property on Orange and Pine, Orange and Bay--which property is located aorOBS Pine street from the present churoh. 26. Report of the Manager on the repair of the sewer digestor at the Disposal Plant. 27. Consideration of petition for twelve (12) I-hour meters on west side of South Garden between He ven and !i'ra nklin streets, requea ted by Mtlrchanta. January 28, 1950 Honorable Mayor, and City Council Clearwater, Florida Dear Sirs: In accordance with the act which created the P1nellas County Board of Health, we wish to advise that it is again necessary for you to elect and certify a member of your municipality to serve on the Board for the next two years. The ter.m of office of the present member from your municipality expires January, of this year. Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Signed: Sincerely, Andrew E. Potter, Chairman Pinellas County Board of Health AP: gk Jan. 30 ~ 1950 Mr. Boyd Bennett, City Manager, Clea rwa te r, Fla. Dear Mr. Bennett: ~le Board of Directors of this Association held a meeting this afternoon to consider a proposal from the Capitol Display Company, of Kansas City, Mo., to place a number of metal waste cans on the down town streets, these cans to carry individual store advertising for an annual charge, and the entire project to be sponsored by the Merchants Association. , The Comp~y proposes to maintain the oans in good condition~ keep ~lem painted, etc., on a continuing basis frOl"ll year to year. The proposal was discussed at con- siderable length from all angles, viz.~ the need for more waste cans, the advisability of having advertising signs on business streets, and various other related questions. After !ull discussion the following motion was made and passed unanimously: "That the Merchants Association recommends the placing of more waste cans on the streets of Clearwater, but does not favor any commercial advertising signs to be dis- played on the sides of such cans." Hoping that this makes clear the position of the Association when and if this proposal is presented for the consideration of the Board of City Commissioners, I am; Yours very truly, A. V. Hancock Secretary (Signed) ','. . . .' ,.... CITY COMli1ISSION MEm:'nm February 7 ~ 1950 li'eb. 1, 1950 The Mayor, CIty Hall, Clearwa ter, Fla. Dear MI'. Mayor: The Disabled American Vete~n8 respectfUlly requeatcr permission to show a mobile exhibit in your city for a Short period within the nc~t sixty days. We are touring nationally Robert Riplo-y's BELIEVE IT OR NOT personal collection of authentio curiosities, odditle~ and art objeots* The exhibit tentatively scheduled for your city is mounted in a custom built traller unit and can be pal"ked against the curb on any street where automobile parking is perL1ittod without inter.. fering with traffic. While admission to this educational and interesting eXhibit 1s fI'ee~ voluntary oontI'ibutions are accepted. 'l'he money tho Disa l)led American Veterans reoei V8S from these voluntary contributions will be used by the state Deparblent of Florida, DAV, and the local chapters of the DAV in tho state where the contI'ibutions are .made, to help them continue their Pany services to the disabled veterans. Disabled American Veterans is a non..pro~lt national service organization. chartered by special Act of Con~ress in 1933, the membership of which is composed ex- clusively of men and women who were wounded~ injured, gassed or disabled as a result of their honorable service in the armed forces of the United states during 8 period of war. We will appreciate any speciaJ: courtesies and consideration you can extend. Sincerely, (Siened) Vivian D. Corb1y National Adjutant AEM cG Feb. 2, 1950 Mr. Boyd Bennett~ City Mgr., Clearwa tel', Fla. He: Hardship Case, Episcopal Parish Hall. Dear Sir: Recently lots 2, 3, 4 or Block 5~ starr & Savery Subdivisions, with the house on said property was offered to the Eplscopa~ Church of the Ascension for sale, for the purpose that it would be used as a parish house and for what other church activities. necessary for the proper function of the cllurch. The Vestry o~ the church, a~ter due consideration, have decided to acquire this property for said purposes, and a drive to acquire the necessary fUnds is now in progress. This drive has the enthusiastic support of the congregation. On checking the zoning it was discovered that this property 1iea in a residential zone although it is directly across the street ~rom the church building. This property represents the only large enough ava i1able outlet obtainable for the church fur its continued growth and for the very necessa~J parish hall without which it can not fulfill its duty to the community it serves. This parish hwll is to be used as a Sunday school for the children of this congregation which represents in number at the present time seven or eight hundred people. It would work a great hardship for a sizable part or Clearwater's population ir this propert-y can not be used as a parish hall to ~urther Christian education. It is respectfully requested that your committee allow this property to be used for the above said purposes. As a great many people are interested in this drive and are working on it at present, it would be of great assistance ir we could have your answer at your earliest convenience. Sincerely yours, Robert M. Man, Rector Alexander C. Liggett,Senior Warden sifined: . Feb. 7, 19S0 The City Commission, City Hall, Clearwater" Fla. Gentlemen: Pursuant to City Ordinance No. 580, Section 3, and the last itenl on page 7 of the mimeographed publication of said Ordinanoe, V.F.W. Post #2473, 651 Court Street~ Clearwater, Florida, has paid to the City Clerk the sum of $40.00 (Forty Dollars) as license fee fDr the operation of an antique show held February 1-4, !950 inclusive. This antique show was operated under the sponsorship of the Post in order to ra1se funds for the operation of the Post--a non profit organization. Request is hereby made for remittance of the 11cense fee or ~40.00 (Forty Dollars) paid to the City of Clearwater by Old Fort Harrison Post #2473, Veterans of Foreign ~rB otthe United Statea. ,", ....' Respectful1y yours, E. J. Hunter~ Commander :'\1 Signed: t>.. _ ..LL... ._. ~,_._ l~~~,.;,;,:,.~ . .', ~. . ,. ':. ,,;; .0-.......... '.. '" ''" _'" ';:~~,"r\it.:1/ }f;'(' M"""""""1.e.'\'I""':" . . ~i~~(~~~~ \' . ..... .. ". "'. \..'....:.::::;i;'/,,/:;.;.:...::... . . . , I , J" ",.' ".. _,;' ',://<.,";:.1:, " . .....~. ':';'J~~~I%~~tL~~"'b""c""""'"; .' ;.",: .'. .... . ~ ,~ ;-:r n~I.''; " :":" .~~..:' ........; ~.,; .'.... ,:..,'.....::." :..~; ",,';.. -.::~ --:;..r.:s.:....-j...2: :...~ .~:".:. ~J ...:.~.' .. :'; ~\.,:.~,;.:~...:.~,;:J.:~,,':.:~~;: ;...;~.~,.~ .......... ,< . ..c..; :':, "".""~u :~'""_~A~~~11t:2'i;~~~~~4l~)' CITY CO~WISSION MEETING February 7, 1950 Feb. 6, 1950 ~~> .i':'}J ""'.'."."~ . '., . "':',~ ~.i::,:,~.,:.;'(~J-",~~~,/ '. "." J :' '. 'i. I .,' ':1' I,' . ',' "; Leland F. Drew Aoting Mayor Clearwa ter, Fla. Dear Mr. DrewI We of the Disabled American Veterans Chapter #11 hBve already made the arrangements with' Mr. Posey of the Posey Furniture for his permission to p~ace the "Believe it or not~ exhibit in front of his place of business on :t.londay and Tueada.,' Feb~ 13th and 14th and now ask you to arrange with the city commission and the police dept. for their approval. Thanldng you and the commissioners for your cooperation in granting us a permit. Very truly yours, Signed- Charles A. Kerekes Comdr. Feb. 4, 1950 Corrnnander Chas. Kerekes, Disabled Amer. Vet. Clearwater Chapter. Dear Mr. Kerekes: Enc'losed find letter f"rom your national organization. If the local approves this please so state at the bottom of the page and return to me so that the commission can act on same. T}~nking you in advance I am, Yours very truly, Signed: ~land F. Drew Acting :Mayor RESOLUTION WHEREAS' it has been brought to the attention of the City Commission of the City off Clearwater, Florida that the owners of certain.property hereinafter described have by proper deed dedicated a right-of-way thereon to the City of Clearwater and to the general public for street purposes, and WHEREAS the City Connnission through its proper er.lplo'Yees has investigated and considered the advisability of accepting on behalf of" the City and the public said dedication, and WHEREAS it appears that the thirty-foot alley dedicated will be sufficient now and in the future for the purposes for which it is dedicated provided sidewalks are not installed along either side thereof and that the dedication of said alley should be .accepted under that condition, NOW THERE:B'ORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City or Clearwater, ~~orida, in session duly and legally assembled, as follows: 1. That the dedication of the South Fifteen Feet or Lots 3 and 4 and the North Fifteen F~et of Lot 5, A. H. Dtmcan's Subdivision of the East half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter section 22, Township 29, South range 15 East, contained in that certain deed from the then owner of said property, lI1riam M:1.llhauser, to the' City of Clearwater as the same is recorded in Deed Book 1159 at Page 351, Public Records of Pine1Ias County, ,Florida and that the dedication of the North Fifteen Feet of -Lot 6 of A. H. Duncan's Subdivision of the East half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, Section 22, Township 29, South Range 15 East, contained in that certain deed from Lester D. Plumb and Mildred M. Plumb, his wife, to the C1 ty of Clearwa ter, a a the same is recorded in Deed Book 1159 at Page 353, Public Records of Pinel1as County, Florida, are each hereby accepted by the City of Clearwater for itself' and the public generally. 2. That in accepting said dedication for all~purposes the City is doing so with the express proviSion that no sidewalks shall exist now or hereafter on either side of said alley. 3. That a certified copy of this Resolu.tion shall be recorded among the Public Records of Pinellas County in order that the acceptance of said dedication may be a matter of public record. 4. This alley shall be known aa "Queen lana". PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of February, 1950. Leland F. Vrew Acting Mayor-Commissioner Attest: H. G. Wingo C1ty Auditor and Clerk . .; ." ,.' ..~......:....,.....::;:,. .. .....?I..L .....'...c.....~.. ....T"'t':?~. . . , ;':....~.,. '. .,.~~_. CITY 001fil1SSION MEETING February 7, 1950 '.., __........."1 :..:. '~'''.....:" ~.,~>.~'~,/-,,:;;,',.:'~'::' '~':... RESOLUTION vmE~S by Resolutions dated June 27, 1949 and July IB, 1949~ the City Commission of the City or Clearwater, Florida authorized and prescribed the manner in ~ich certain Utilities Tax Receipts should be ref'unded to taxpayerft or accepted by the City as' donations ror cert~in purposes therein set out and~ ~REAS all acts }~v1ng been done and time having passed as presoribed in said Rosolutions, said Utilities Tax Receipts were rerunded or donated as of December 22. 1949 as 1s indicated on the attached Exhibit which is by refere11ce fllade a JSrt hereof, and, WHEREAS" as 1s indica.ted on aald Exhibit there renlalned in the hands or the City the sum of Four T.housand Eighty-Eight Dollars and Twenty-Eight Cents ($4,088.28) which was neither donated or refunded and in accordance with the spirit of the Resolution~ above referred to the said amount should be pro-rated between the two funds designated as recipients in said Resolutions in the same proportions as the donors of money ~de their donations. and WHE~S further inatructlons as to the disposition of said Utilitios Tax Reoeipts are necessary and desirable.. I I. . j' , 1'., NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City or Clearwater. Florida, as follows I 1. That the utility taxpayers who otherwise might have been entit~ed to the sum of $~,088.28, for ~hich no authorization as prescribed in said Resolutions were received, are hereby deemed to bwve waived their rights to said sum and the same is hereby divided among the two funds specified as follows: : :/~'.: \:~,.'>,. ., .J. FUND FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED PIER OU CLEARWATER BEACH............. .. . .. .. .$2 ,534. 7~ FUND FOR PURPOSE OF OBTAINING SWIMMING POOL FOR CLEARWA.TER NEGROES.. ... . ... .. .... . . .$1,553.56 2. That the total sum or ~15,539.72~ received as proceeds of said refUnding cmn- paign is hereby designated and allocated as follows: PIER F'tJI'ID.......................................... $9,653.70 NEGRO SWIMMING POOL FUND...........................$5,8B6.02: 3. That the City Treasurer and Tax Collector shall invest said PIER FUND in negotiable securities of the type approved by the City Charter and sha~l hold said secur1 ties and said fund in a sepa ra te account subject to further author:1za tion of the City Ooxmn:1ss1on. 4. That the C~ty Treasurer and Tax Collector is hereby authorized to deposit in the Bank of Clearwater. Florida, said sum of $5 886.0a to the credit of an account designated '''CLEA.RWATER NEGRO SWIMMING POOL FUNDA, the custodlana of which fund shall be Boyd A. Bennett as City Manager of the City of Clearwater~ P~orida and his successors in office and Ralph Richards, Esq., as representative of the Civic League. a non- profit corporation which is supporting said project. 5. That the expense of said refund campaign, in the amount of $1.403.30 shall be paid by the City from its operating revenues. S. That the sum of $186.63 now being held for refund at the request of taxpayers whose individual refunds were ~es~ than One Dollar ($1.00) shall be held in a special account for that purpose. FASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of February" 1950. Le la nd F. Drew Acting Mayor-Comm1ss~oner Attest: H. G. 'Wingo G1ty Auditor ~d Clerk f., . . ~ . \ .i " t: , ','. '....'-f"'.,....:.. . .', .~'.' .i', .'/:,:~'......:..:,~:?'..i>? ".. ". ",:' '. ~ ..~;.:; , '.~~' '-_ t....:...'..:r~'~\..:....:.'.:,..,..... .......;.-~._~ ...;., _..;::- ',. _ . ...... .J ~~". '.".' .;~..~:~~, ~..... '. : .... ,c. ..... CITY COMliISSION MEETING February 7, 1950 1L8/; Resolution Feb. 7, 1960 . ~ ;:; ;)' ... '~<':, ".: . ,'; . . .' ~"'.,';- ".' -', ;".' . .. . . -:"'::.\C,'i; :/;:';,:::'j ::';'.-:1_"" ',.):./:'.. :""I-'~"'-' ,,; >~) -'; '." ,'; ....::-::., i .. '.' To the Honorable City Commissioners Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners on Prospect and Pierce Streets in Clear- water, Florida, in response to your published notice of intention to install 8 24" reinforoement ooncrete stonu sewer, eto., in said streets abutting our property do hereby respectfully present to you the following objections to such proposed installation, to-wit: FIRST: The purpose of this installation being primarily and a1moat wholly a drainage project for Cleveland Street from Myrtle Avenue eastward neceDsitates the ~tallation of a trench, pipe line, ~nholes, catch basins, etc., at lease three .t~would be required to care for drainage upon the lands of the abutting property owners and therefore to require abutting property owners to fully pay for such enlarged and exte:lded installation would be wholly unfair and unjust and in effect a oonfiscation or our properties. large as ~'; ,i, " . , <. .... I ";1 ! , SECOND: The development of the areas abutting the portions of Prospect and Pierce Streets here involved have not now reaohed such a stage as to require any establishment of storm sewers in that area and, therefore, even if your abutting property owners were charged with one third (1/3) of the total oost of such installation it would be a cost which they now should not have to bear or would not have to bear until such time a8 the area. haa so developed as to require suoh installa tion. THIRD: ~~e City Engineer's survey information shows that the elevation of protestant'~ property is such that natural drainage is furnished into paved st~eets and other exist- ing storm sewers so that their properties, in their present state of undevelopment, do not have an immediate need for any stOrIll sewer. ! .:1 ,:, , I \ I j . .... ~ . , 'j 'J : . ,~ , , ~ -l .~ I . J . i :J "::",' . :',":,', :' " '. . . ...., ".. ".: '.' 1 , '.' 1 . 'j .. . . I .1 , I The Protestants therefore respect~llly show to the City that their individual properties do not have a need for a storm sewer line as now contemplated and that at no ti~e in the visible future will they have such a needl the only need for such being to properties along Cleveland Street and that if such a sewer line is installed over said Prospect and Pierce Streets in the area described in the City's notice payment therefor should be made by those benefited and no part thereof should be placed as a burden upon Protestant's or any other of the adjacent properties. Respectfully sub~itted, Tack & Warren by Frank Tack Al Rogers: Green Bros. Transfer Pinellas Trading Corp. By H. Lane Coachman, President Hovey Brothers G. P. Hovey Estate of Mae S. Coachman by H. Lane Coachman Estate of E. H. Coachman By H. lane Coacmll8.n --~----------------~ RESOLUTION VffiEREAS: it has been determined by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, that the property described below should be cleaned of weeds, grasa and/or underbrush, and that after ten (10) days notice and fa ilure of the owner thereof to do so, the City should clean such property and charge the oosts thereof against the respeotive property. NOW THERElt'ORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Connnission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, that the following described property, situate in said City, shall be cleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) days after notice in writing to the owners thereof to do so and that upon failure to comply with said notice, the City shall perfor.m such cleaning and charge the costs thereof against the respective properties in accordance with Section 128 of the Charter of the City of Clearwater, as amended~ Owner: Jessie P. Downing 1212 Woodlawn Terrace Pro~erty : wt 21, Blk A, Highland Groves Lots 19, 201 Blk A, Highland Groves. Martha M. Lester 1216 Pacific st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Helen J. den Heyer 1273 Pacific St., Brooklyn, New York William G. Harris 1485 Gulf to Bay, City Lots 17, 18, Blk A, Highland Groves Lot 24 & 25 less deed #8l~7l3, (that part of Lot 25 lying So. of straight line fnom S.W. Cor. to lffi cor. of Lot 25, Blk J, Blvd. Heights John Parker 1469 Gulf to Bay, City Lot 26 & Begin at SW oor of Lot 5, run N along lot line to No. line of Lot 5, th E. to E. line of Lot 5, th SW to p.e.B., Blk J, Blvd. Heights ", .... \/~';t: '" " ,~ ~~i!~'~;ii:<~'.~(::.:;; ',' . PASSED AND ADOPTEI? by the City :;i;~i::;:X(:l\:;:/;<~/,'>~: ." day of February, A.D., 1960. -it:~~~~~:iiiK_.!(~;,';(:;';'.\.';.."."'A'~t~ 8 t.: ''',o;''?'~:''_'~'''~'....H.G.Y/1ngo, City Auditor & Clerk ',;.~~;::~\~(W:/:>.'; .J, '.'; . , . Commission of the City of Clearwater, Floridal this 7th Leland F. n"..ew Acting Mayor CornmlBs1onor~ ._.._~"" -.. .. '''''--.. ,~ .,1:' ;, ,,', I , i . i } i ",' , ;.'~. , , ...~. '. . ,".:"., .! '~': . --~-_. '.,. .~~ '~. ~;'.;;"'~~ .,....~'.,...: '..:.-........: ~ . -, . ... _ ~+. -~~~',~ ~....,:...' ,',. :.- ,. :" ...~.'" ... ........ .'~........ .....:.~j.-_..~~..::..~.:..._;.."';.:~.' ). .'.... '.,:',.,: ..~.....IJ...:..~.:,:"... :'; ...... ,~.;.:.:. ~~ ,; 7 .1>~I!~r'. ~,.~., .\. ".',. !],MlJ;;{f];f~~! "Ll . ",:\:.:" '::"",::.~ , .........r-~' 1 'j ,I :!j " I " ,J CITY COMl1ISSIONMEETING February 7, Hj50 ORDINANCE NO. Sa? AN ORDINANCE~ ORDAINING THAT THE PIA}~TIHG ~ FIXING AND M.AIN- TAINING 0Ii' ANY TREES ~ SHRUBBERY ~ OR OTHER OBJECTS ON THE PARKWAYS OR ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJA.CEHT TO STREET INTER- SECTIONS OR CROSSINGS IN TEE CITY OF CLEARVIATEl~ WHICH ODSTRUCT 'llHE DRIVING VISION OF THE OPERATORS O}t' MOTOR VEHICLES PASS ING OVER AND ACROSS SUCH INTERSECTIONS CONSTITU'l'ES A NUISANCE; PRESCRIBING THE lilETJIOD AND 1,lEANS FOR TIIE ABATEMEHT OF SAID NUISA.NCE; FIXING A PEIfALTY !<'OR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND REPEALING A.LL OHDINANCES A1ID PARTS OF ORDINAnCES IN CON}t'LICT lillREWITR. , \ 'i ' " .,'. , WHEREAS the vehiculnr traffic upon the streets of the City of Clearwater bas created a condition which when not prope~'ly reE~ulatod causes a public nuisance and 8J hazard and danger to the life~ health and property of the inhabitants of said city; and WHEREAS' it has been made apparent by records and investigation that a great peroentage of the causes of injury to persons and property by vehicular traffic in said city are collisions at intersections of streets; an~ \.1.':. WHEREAS such collisions at such intersections are due in many instances to the obstruction of' the vision or the operators of vehicles by trees~ shrubbery, and other objects planted or placed upon the parlcrlsys and the private property of' indivlduals~ fi~lS or corporations, adjacent to said intersections; and ,. .) VfilEHEAS it is apparent that for the p:t'otection of the life, health and property of the inhabitants of the City of Clearwater it is necessary- that the plantlng~ growing, fixinB and maintaining of any tree, shru1Jbel'Y 01" other objects on parkways and private property adjacent to streets intersections, which obstruct the driving vision of the operators of vehicles in the Cit~r of Clearv/ater should be regulated; NOW, THEREFORE, " .,..J , , . , , BE IT ORDAIITED BY THE CITY COM1rIISSION 01;> THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. That any person, fim or corpora tion~ who plants,. fixes or maintains any tree, shrubbery, or any other ob ject upon any parkway or 1>1'1 va te property within the City of Clearwater adjacent to the intersection of any Dtreets in said city,. which obstructs the driving vision of the operator of' any vehicle properly npon a street approaching said intersection ~s }lereby declared to be guilty of cOnID1itting a nuisance. Section 2. Whenever the City J\lanager of the City of.' Clea:rwater, after investigation, sl~ll determine that any tree, shrubbery or other object planted or fixed upon any parkway or private property in the City of Clearwater adjacent to a street intersection~ obstructs the driving vision of the operators of vehicles passing over or through such street intersection~ he shall cause to be served upon the o~ner or occupant of the property abutting such parkway~ or the owner of the property upon which such trees.. shrubbery or other objects are planted or fixed in violation of' this Ordinance, a written notice requiring such owner or occupant to remove such tree ~ shrubbery or othe:L"- object, or to tr~l suoh tree or shrubbery or reduce the height and width of other objects so as to comply with the prOVisions of this Ordinance. The notice herein pro- vided for shall be served upon the owner or occupant of the property herein described' and shall require the said oVlner to comply with the directions contained in said written notice~ within fifteen (15) days after the service of said notice. Sa~d notice ma~ and can be served by placing a copy of the notice at a conspicuous place upon the property abutting the parkway~ if the of~endinf, object be thereon o~ upon the private property upon which tlw offending object may exist. Section 3. The owner of any property af'fected by the directions of the above notice can within the time specified in said notice appeal to the city Commission of the City of Clearwater and until the City Cor.mission shall act ul)on said appea.l" the said appellant shall not be required to conlply wif;h said notice. Section 4. If after the service of the notice herein provided, the said owner or occupant does not comply with the directions contained in said notice within the time specified or does not have an appeal granted by the City Conmiasion the City Manager shall have the necessary action taken to relieve and ternlinate said traffic ~za~J either by having such trees or shrubbery trimmed or by ha ving it or them rellloved. Seotion 5. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the owner of' any property from erecting or maintaining buildings or structures as permitted by ordinances of the City of Clearwater. Section 6. Each day of violation of, or each day of non-compliance with, any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be and constitute a separate offense~ and shall subject every person guilty thereof to all the penalties prescribed in Section 7 of this ordinance. Section 7. Any person who, after receiving tho notice herein provided for, doea not abate the nuisance herein defined~ within the time described thereln~ shall be punished by a fine of not more than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) or be imprisoned ror not more than ten (10) days, or both, within the discretion of the Municipal Judge. Section 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. ~" ., ." . :, .~. )..~':'.:.~:. ~ ~,:.;' '.-~w :~ ~.t:',~'.~ ,~'- ~':.'. :~:'.~J~~:"::;: ~~~.::: ;~;.:~~...~':.:::. _~':-';.... ;~!. ::"1: :~.:~:...:': :.;,';~ ~.. . ',. "'. '" ""~). '~\\"'Y""'.(';~'r~~"i"';1/.!:\<~~\.c"~~~!'{'~r~m~.s " , ... ,',~: i, ,;:.,.-,:".q,':;;;;'f~~::~:i;:'f ,<;.?~r;;:~~..' ,,::;::2<;t;;m~;t;r~~iJ;::,,::?;\ ;'~).: ",,~,,"..,";...,~,,~t!;~';;:1"~;~r);d~\ . . . Ij1J>>lf ~ ~,) " .'.i.:..::':: Section 9. This CITY COlt1lol ISS ION MEETING February 'l ~ 1950 " Ordinance no. ~ cont 'd. Ordinance shall be erfective ~ned1ately .. upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED by tho City Coma1ssion o~ tho City of Clearwater~ Florida: PASSED ON FIRST READING~ January 166 1950. PASSED ON SECOND READING, January 30, 1950 PASSED OU THIRD REA.DIlfO, February 'l6 1950 Leland F. Drew . Acting Mayor-Commissioner Attest: II. G. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk ---~-------~------------- ORDINANCE NO ., 588 AU ORDINAlfCE TO FORBID AIm PUNISH AllY ACT WITHIN TIlE CITY LIMITS WHICH SHALL BE RECOGNIZED BY THE LA. WS 01<' FLORIDA AS A. MISDEMEANOR DE IT ORDAINED BY TIlE CITY C01.\MISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEA.RWATER.. PI.,ORIDA: SECTION 1: It shall be unlawf'ul to COIlJIllit~ within the limits of the City of Clear- ~ater, any act which 1s or shall be recogn1zed by the laws of' ~e State of Florida as a misdemeanor; and the commission of such acts is hereby forbidden. SECTION a: '~osoever shall v10late tIle proviSions of' this Ordinance upon conviction thereof', shall be punished by the same penalty as is thereror provided by the Laws o~ the State of Florida, but in no case shall such penalty exceed a fine of' Two Hundred Dollars (~200.00), 01" an inlprisonment for more than ninety (90) days in the City Jail. PASSED AND ADOPTF~ by the City Comnission o~ the City of Glearwater6 Florida. PASSED on :first reading January 30, 1950 PASSED on second reading 3anuary 30, 1950 PASSED on th1rd reading February 7, 1950 Le la nd F. Dre'W Acting Mayor-Comm1ssioner Attest: lie G. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk ---------------------- ORDINANCE NO. 589 AU ORDTIJANCE, DECLARING THE THROWING, CASTING.. AFFIXING OR DISTRIBU'rION OF ANY HANDBILL, CIRC1JLAR, CARD OR OTHER ADVERTISING AND COM11ERCIAL MA TTER IN OR UPON ANY STREET 6 PUBLIC PIACE OR :MOTOR VEHICLE LOCA TED THEREON~ TO BE AGAlliST THE PUBLIC HEALTlI~ SAli'ETY AHD WELFARE Ann ORDA :nr ING THE SAJ,lE TO CONSTITUTE A NUISANCE; EXCEPTING FROM ITS PROVISIONS NON-COM1IERCIAL, RELIGIOUS A:ND POLITICAL UATTER AnD JlIXING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATIOn OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS the act of throwtng, casting.. a:ffixing or distributing handbills, circulars, oards and other advertising and cOIimercll::ll matter 1n or upon the public streets or p1aces of the City or C1earwater~ Florida or in or upon motor vehlc1e~ located thereon has the direct eff'ect of littering said areas in an unhealthy and unsanitary manner and WHE~S the act of so doing gives persons otherwise having none an excuse to approach and touch motor vehiclos not their own, the effect o:f which in many instances is to aid or contribute to the theft or said vehicles or articles therefrom and ~m~s said acts should be prohibited in the interest of public health and sa~ety; NO\V THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OP CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. That any person who throws, casts, aff'i~es or distributes any handbill, circular, card, booklet, placard or other advertising and commercial matter whatsoever, in or upon any public street or place of the City of Clearwater~ }~orida or in or upon any motor vehicle located thereon is hereby declared to be guilty of committing a nui sance . Section 2. That noth1ng contained in this ordinance shall be deemed to prohibit or : ~. . j' ',,' "'-'. ' ~. . . '.. -. ',' ~ ~:' <' . .... , !l\NO. _ '" .,. ~~{~tmr~::::'~I~~!)\;;<~~~:~.:,~:C':;~ ' : ,::,'" : .,.. ", . .0.' _ . .', '.' """,.~,;,. '.i .'\"~;-Jxf~;~:?'~?:;i"~;fi~g~~~~~#w,~ii~~~~~~f~l'~ii~~~i~~ir~~~i~~i;i.~~J~~ii~"'" ,: ....., ',: - ~ ......~,. '.!' . '~':.;~:':;I'~~,~~1~~'-"'~~~:::~~.;~\;"4!~~~~m~~~~r~:~~+~;.~: ,CITY CO~1ISSION MEETING . February 7 ,.1950 Ordinance #589--oontinuad otherwise regulate the distribution or sale of newspapers regularly sold by the copy or by annual subscription or to prevent the lawful distribution of religious or politioal matter or of anything other than oommeroial and business advertising matter. Seotion 3. That if any section. part of seotion, sentence or olause of this Ordinance shall be adjudged to be invalid by a oourt of oompetent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of any other portion of said Seotion but shall be restrioted and l~ited in its operation and effeot to that speoirio portion of said Section or Sections involved in the litigation in which such deoision shall have been rendel"ed. Seotion 4. Any person WllO shall violato any provision or provisions of thi~ Ordinance shall upon oonviction in the Munioipal Court of the City of Clearwater be punished by a fine not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or imprisonment for not more than sixty daysp or by both such fine and 1mprison~ent. Section 5. All Ordinanoes or part~ of Ordinances in oon~lict herewith are to the extent of said confliot hereby expressly repealed. Section 6. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon ita passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida: PASSED ON FIRST ~DING, January 30. 1950. PASSED ON SECOND READING, January 30, 1950. PASSED ON THIRD AND FINAL READING, :[4'ebruary 7. 1950. Le ls nd It' . lJrew Acting Mayor-Commissioner Attest: H. G. Wingo City Auditor aoo Clerk '. . . . ' .' .'. " . '_'. - 'H'" "., ...(.~. ,,~>, '>". . :: ',;. az2^r coNrn�zsszorr ME��ziJG February 7� 1950 �he City Cor.m�isaion oP the Cit� of Clearwater met in Special Session at City Ha1� Tuesday, February 7th, 1950 at 7:30 P. M. with the i'ollow3ng rzembers present; Loland F. Drevt FIerbert M. Bro�vn Joe Turner Absent: Harry D. Sargeant E. B. Casler Jr� Aleo Yresent: Boqd A. Bennett George McClamma Ben Krentzman ��cting Mayor-CoYrmiissioner -Commiasioner -Cor,miissioner -hIa�or-Co�nissioner -Comrnisaioner -Cit� Mana�er -ChiaF of Police -Ci�y Attorne� The m�eting being called to order b� tha hTayor, the minutes of the Special &Ieeting of Jsnuary 30th prere agproved. Tha Citg �4anager, raporting for the Gorunittee on garbage collection fees, recommendech that a charge of $p6.00 per month ue made for collec�ing trash and garbageb where collection amounted to one-half a truckload rl�ily, and a monthly charge of �12v0U for thosa places which requirs one full truck load collection daily. The Co�nittee recormnended £urther �hat Ordinance #469 be anended so as to require that all wooden crates be broken down and t?�at all cardboard cartons be brok9n down, It rvas also recouffnended that Orclinance �539 be amended to cover business units 2s �e11 as dwelling units. Co�nissioner Turner moved that the Committee�s recozmnendations be approved and the Gity Attorney instruc�ed to draw the amendments to Ordinances. Cor.unissioner Brorvn seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. City Attorney Krentzman submitted an Ordinance which would regulate the parking of trAilers within the Oity; the Or@inence to be effeetive Aia�r lat, 1950a On a motio�i hy Co�rnniss3oner Brown tvhich was s9conded by Commissioner Turner anfl carried, the Ordinance was passed on the first readiiig. Commissioners Browrn, Drew and Turner voted °Aye°. Thera v�ere no negative votes. The City Attorney submitted a Resolution accepting a 30 ito thoroughfare betv�esn lots 3 and 4 and 5 and �, Duncans Suhdivision, deeded by b4iriam Millhauser and Lester D. and &fi�.dred bt. Plumb. Cor�nissioner Turner moved that t'ie Resolution be adopted as read and the thoroughfare be designated as "Qu.een Lane". Cor,�nissiones Brown seconded tha mot�.on and it carried unanimously. Cammissioner Turner, reporting for the Coynnittee at�pointed to �nvestigate the proposed s:Lgns to be placed under �the marquee oi' the Heye Building on the South side of Cleveland Street, said the Coannittee had found that the rasrquee was not as low ae had been assumed, and that the proposed signs would not extsnd more than three inche�. belove the limit at the lowest point and it was the opinion of the Cormrt3.�tea that the signs w�ulc� not create a hezard, if permitted. The Co�ittee recor�ended tY�at this be considered a hardship case, caused by an error made by the City in iss�aing a persait not in accord with building regulations and that the signs be permitted. On a �.notion by Co�issioner Hrown, seconded by Caumiissioner Turner, the report was accegted and the recor8nendation approved. The Iuag�or announced that the public hearing relativa to installation of �torm Sewers on Prospect Ave. and Pierce Streets, and Cleveland Street would be held at this t;ime and asked if anyone prea�nt wished to objeot to the improvement being nade. bire Ralph Richards, representing L. P. and G. F. Hove�, protested against the proposed improvement, ststing that his clienta would be assessed for a sewer a�hich would be of no benefit to them, and would be i:,afair ior that reason, Nir. Ivan Gxeen of Graen Brothera� Transfer Company, protested against the proposal, statin� tYiat the proposed assessment against his Pirm �ras far in excess of any bonefits his firm would raceive. hir. William Goza, representing Rogal„ Inc., etated �hab the land belonging to th�t Carnpany was comparatively �.ow prieed and the ps�oposed assassment would 'ne confiscatory, in that the sale of the proner�y �rould ba blocked by such an assessment. hir. Richards pointed out that pro- pc�rties not benefited would bear the costs of the improvement and that Ivir. Blackburn's property, which derived the greatest benefit would not be assessad at all. Mr. A�.fred Marshall P31ed a formal w'ritten protest dn behalf of the follo�a3ng--Hovey Brothers, Tack and Warren, Green Brothera Transfsr, Pinellas Tx�ad�ng Corp., and the Estate of E. H. Coachman and blae Se Caachman. A Summary� oP front feet involved and tha amounts 3t is proposed to assess is set Porth below: (See following page) CITY COMIvIIS$InN AiEETING Februar�y 7, 1950 Suimnary o� fr�ont feet, cont'd. PROSPEGT AVENt1E FRDNTAGB Cleveland Street �o Parlt Stree�: Fronts�e Owner Asseasment 112.5� Eli VVitt Cigar Co., Tampa,Pla. �p1,089.OQ 132.5� Green Bros. Transfer 1,252.60 245� L. F. and G. P. Hovey 2,371e60 Park Street t4 Pierce Street 265+ T��ek & V'darren 57.6t Iviyne N.. Steck 261.5� Pinellas Trading Carp. c/o �i. Lane Coechtaan, Wallace S. Bldg., Tampa, Fla. PIERCE STiiEET FRONTAGE Prospect ?_venue to lYfyrtle Avenue Frontage Owner 392.8 Rogal, Inc. et �ls (A1 Rogars, P.O. 246) 393 Tack and Ylarren �2,555.20 557.57 2a�31.32. GRANU TOTAL Assessment �3,8Q2.3Q 3,804.24 GRAND TOTA L �p18, 003 e83 Overall Total �i Suly I8, 1949 Tota7. Footage 245� 245� 490� 265r 319.1' 584.1� 1074.T' Tota 1 Foot�e 392.8� 393: 785.8� 1859,9� �9.8779/ front ioot Commissioner Brown �oved tY�at study be given thie matter, regardiiig chartar prov3siona, and the hearing be continued to Tuesday9 E�'ebruarf 21st at 7:30 P. b4. Co�n3�ssioner. Turner seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The City Manager reported that he had received a number oP inPor�al proposals for t2�e reFair c� the rebuilding of �he Digestor at the Savrage Disposal PZant. xe recormnended �hat the Citg advertise for formal bids on spacifi.r,ations made by a compatent qual.ified engineer. �Ir. Alfred Bergman of the 'iRventieth Century Cor.igany stated that his company had a lining materiaZ that was resistant to all acids and wouid last far 30 years. The bianager asked for an opinion from the Attorney as to whether he coulcl onter into a contract withou.t advertising for bids. On a motian by Coxmnissioner Brown a�d seconded by Com- missioner Turner and carried that the �;it� Attornsy be "requested to aclvise the �ommiss3�n whether or n.ot this coul.d be done. Bq unanimous cons�nt oP the Gommission, Mr. R. Ho De�psey informed the Commission tha� he and ather property o�ners had had the water hyaainths cleaned out of Lake Ballevievt. He requested tY�at the City reimburse them for part of the cost of the projec� bp donating �100.00. Commissioner Brown moved that the request be granteds The motion was seeonded by Cormiissioner Turner and carr3eda On a motion by Corrnniesioner Brown, secondec� by Cou�nissioner '1'urner and carried, Ordinance �587, an Orainanae regulating the groer3ng of �hrubbery at dangerous Street Intersections, was passed on the third and final reading. Gommi�sioners Brown, Dre�v and Turnar voted «Aye°e There were no nega�ive votes. Item #8 on the agenda, the City IvTanager�s report on re-negatiating a contract with the Clearwater Fl�ing Campany, was deierred. �'he City ELttorney reported that he did not have an Ordinanca relative t� advertising signs ready to present at this time. The City Attorney submitted a Resolutic�n setting forth �he £inal disposition of ii�.nds, don�ted from the five per cent utility tax rei�ind. Commi�sioner Turner �oved the resolution be adopted as read. The mot•ion wae seconded by Commissioner Brown and carr3ed unanimously. Ordinance �58f, an O�rdinance adopting the State TZisdemeanor I,awa was passed ok� the �hird and Pinal reading on a motion by Coimnissioner Brown, which *�as seconded by Cormnissioner Turner and carrie�. The vote was as follows: "Aqea��--Cor�nnisaioner }3rown, Conmissioner Dre�r, Co�issioner Turner, nNo«� none. CT'S3C GOb4b1Z.5STON M�ETING February 7, a.950 �� The City Attorney aubmitted an (7rdin�r,ae v�hich would regulate the sale oP gas for spaco heating onl�. On c� mot�.c�n by Corurr.issioner Turner, � socondsd lay Commissioner Brown and carx�ied, the Ordi.anca wa� passed on the f3rst rea3- ing. Commissioners Brown, Tirew and Zizrner voted �'Aye�o. Thsr� vrere none opposed. The City Attorneq submitted � draft of the praposed lease betv�een tk�.e Gity of Clear- vra�er and the Chamber of Corrmierco on the Beach Club property. Cosranissioner Turner moved th�t the zease agreement arrived a� a£t�r conference with tha Chantber of Commer.�e be �pproved., The motion was aeconcled by Coimnissionor Broa�n and carried unanimoi:�ly. Ordinance �589, an Orclinance regulating the distribut;ion of hand bills was passecl on the third and final reading on a moti.on by Commissioner Turner, �vhich was aeconded by Counnissioner Brown and carried. Tha vot� was as follows; �'Aye", Coxnmissioners Brovrn, Drew and Turner. '�No�� none. The Citq Attorney reported that he had investigated the matter And the,± the Stateg Attornay did not represent the Gity in cases appealed from the btunicipal Court to the h3gher court. Relativa to the proposal to widen Oseeola Ave. Prom Haven Street to sierce Street, the Ci�y b4anager estimated the cost at approximately ten thousand dollara and that one haZ�' oP t;he cost vJou11 probably have to be borne b� the City in asstuning tY:e cost in exchrango for right-of-way. He stated that I�,ire H. bi. Blanton had a client who would buy the Certificates of Inclebtedness� Com�issioner Turnes moved that the City �sti:orney be instructed to advertise a Public Hearing on Tiarch 6th on the proposal to widen Osceola Avenue, between Haven and Pierce Streets. The motion was seconded by Com�3_ssione� Brown and carried unanimoUsly. Comnissioner Brown moved that the City exercise the right of eminent domain in securing the property of Frank biurphy (Lot 7, W. F. Hughey Sub) for the purpose of widening Myrtle Avenue. The motion P�as seconded by Co�¢nissioner turner and carlied unan3mously. Cit� r4anager Bennett r�aorrunended the employment of tvro extra patrolmen in the Police Department for the next twa or three months, the extra men to be used £or gez�aral police worlr. He estii�ated the cost at �1200.-00 to �p1500.00o Comraissionar Brown moced thAt the City nianager�s recouviendation be followed and �wo patrolmen be employed on a tempor�ry basis. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The City nianager stated that �he hiring of a recording clerk for the Police Department was to be the beginning of a record snd finger print department snd anyone h?r9d for this poaition should possess qu&lifications above the avex�age. Commissioner Brocvn moved tha� the City Mpnager request the Civil Service Board to set up a tentative classification, as outlined, after conference a ith the City Nlanager and the Ciaiei of Police and report to the Gorcmission. The motion was seconded by Coimnissioner Turner and carried unani.mously. A letter addressed to the Corunission by the Chairman of the County Board of Health, requested that the City elect and certify a me�ber of the r:unicipality to serve on the Count� Board of Health ior the next tvro years, dating frora Januar, lst. Co�issioner Turner moved that the City bianager ba appainted. The motion rvas seconded by Co�mis3ioner Brovrn and carried unanimouslg. The Clerk read a letter from the Clearwater blerchants Association quoting"a motion passed by that body as follows: °That the hlerchants Association recommends the �lacing of more waste cans on the streets of Clearwater, but does not favor sns co�ercisl �dvertisin� to be displayed on the sides of such cans.�� Carnnissioner Bro�en moved that recsi.pt o£ the letter be acknowled�ed, and the i�ierchan�s Aseociation ba sdvised that more receptacles will be provi.ded, if possible, without advertising. The metion was seconded by Coffinisaioner Turner and carried. The City A4anager submit�ed the :following tabulation of bids for comprehensive Automobile Ziability Insurance for co�erage of the CiL�ts vehicles: Tabulation of Proposals received lO:QQ a. m., Fabruar5 3, 195Q, by Bo�d A. Benn�tt, City Mgr., Clearvuater, Florida for: t�A �r� s�n Comprehansive Autorr�obile Compreb.ensive Automobile I,iability Tnsuranca fox� Li.ability Insurance for �n100,000, �50,Q00 and `p800,000, �p100,000 and AGENTc COniPANY: �5r00U for Qne (1} �*ear �p5,000 for one (1) year ta ! to covPr Ci�y flaet of cover City fleet of tiehicles �ehicles, L.B.Abbett Gensral Accidents F3r� & Life Assurance Gorp� Al1ey,Rehbaum Ficielity & Casualty Coe & Capes, Inc. of Ne� YorI. Chesnut & Lee Not given Harpham In- Landon Guarantee & surance Agency Accident C�. Aomer Realty Travelers Indemnity Co. of Hartf`ord Geo.W.Johnson Great �merican Indemnity Co. o£ New York ianey-Naylor Ins Hartford l�ccident & Indemnity R.L„Rodgers & Coo Not given Bruce Taylor Piramen�s Fund Indemnity Co. of New York Witter� l�gcy. Fidelity & Gas.Co. of Id. Y. Worinnan & Green American Casualty Co. of I?eading, Pa. *Property dama�e y�1,fl00o00, one accidant �p1, 380 .12 1,768.91 1,750.$4 l,'718.15 1,687.55 *1,740.21 1,716.20 1,673.31 1,751.46 1,768.9]. 3,038.09 $�I, 404 .56 1,792,05 I,774o18 1,7a0.40 1� 709 . n2� 1, 762;<77 1,738.41� 1�695.09 1,774.32 1,79?.05 3,077.1L � _. : _ _ �� � � � �. � ��� ; CTTY CODm12SSTON htEETING �abruary 7, 195Q Commissioner Tuxner moved that the lo�v bid, the bid of L. G. Abbett for the General Accident & Life Assurance Corparation, in the amount of �p1,404.56 be aceepted. The mot3on wa3 seconded by Corrnnissioner Brown and carried unanimously. The Citg Manager submitted a resolution which would require six pQrso�s ta clean their properties of weeds, gra:as and underbrush. On a motion by Commissioner Brown, secondod by Corrunissioner Tuz�ner and unflniniously carried, the resolutdon was adopted., �� / 'I`he Glerk read a letter addressed to the Ci�y nqAna�er by the Rector and Senior 4Yarden of the Episcopal Chnrch of the Ascension requesting that the Church be permitted to use lots 2, S, 4 of Block 5, Starr and Savery Addition, �or Ghurch purposes�; the property being zoned as R-1, Cor�missionor Srown moved that the matter be re£erred to the Zoning Board for Tecottnnen�ation and report. The motion was gQ�onaea by Coirunissioner Turner and carried unanimously. Ths Mayor submitted a request frou� the National Adjutant of the Dissbled Am�ricrn Veterans requesting ttlat the organ3zation be permitted to park an exhib3.tion trailer in �ront of Posey Furniture for a t�vo d�y period. There would be no charge for admission but voluntary contributions would be acceptad; funds to �o to D.A.V. Chapter in Florida�e CouIInissioner Brown moved that the requesz be granted, subject to the approval af the City hianager and tho Chief of Po13ce. The motian was seconded by Cormiissioner Turner and earried. A letter addressad to the Comnission by E. J. fiunter, Cor�unander of the local post of Veterans of Foreign Wars requested that the City refund to the post the forty dollax� it had paid as license fee Por �n Antique Show on Februar5* lst to 4th inclusive. Com- -�issioner Brown movad that remittanc� be �ada �s requegted. The motion �uvas seconded by Cu�issioner Turner Rnd carried. The Citg t�tanager reported that he would like to purchase a Ford Automobile for the Police Departmer.t; the car being espac3allg designad for police usso Iie inquired of the City Attorney if it would be possible to purchase such a car without adnertising i'or bids•, and was advised that it would be necessary to advertise, but that specificati�ns could be anade to apply to a cer�ain make and model� City Attornev ICrentzrr�n reported the nee� oi' an Ordinance file at tYia Poliee Department and suggested that copies of those Ordinances pertaining to ��Oifens�s�t'be fizrnished to the department. 2'he Mayor referred tha matter to bhe C1erk for a report. There being no iurthar bus3nass to come before the Board�, the meeting was adjourned. AITEST• , ' J� City Auditor and Cle "� AGENDL� �f, /,/^1 . A/�/� � ./ . Acting D�Iayor-Coimn- ssioner 1. Approving of ninutes of special maeting of Januar� 30e 2, Put�lic hearing on storm sew�r on P'rospect Avea and Pierce Streetd 3e Report of the committee relative to garbege and trash collection charges� 4. City Attorne�r and City T�ian�ger�s report on ordinance covPring the p�rking of trailers•in Cit� limits. 5. Gonsideration of resolution accepting property in the Duncan Subdivision as a publi� alley, on which Gladys Ihznc�zn requested 165 i of 2° �vater ma3n. 6. Report of the comnittea composed of Coannissiorer� Turner and Casler on the request of hterchants on the south side of C1eveland Street Por amendment to the City orciinance lowering the clea,rance of signs under marques. 7. Consideration of an ordinancd on the third reading, for protecting autoists and pedestrians at street intersoctions. 8. City hsanager�s report on tkie re-negotiating of the contract with the Clearwater Flying Company. 9. City Attorney�s report on ordinance relativ� to advertising signs. 1�D.Consideratian of a resolution relative to the final rsport on the ref�znding of 5% utilitq tax. 11.Consider�tion of resolution to be presented to the County Corunission requesting the State Road Department to furnish an� instell a traffic li�ht at the South Fort Harrison crossing of the �eeboard R. R. 12.Consideration of the third reading of ordinance adopting State �Sisdemeanor Lavr. 13.Consideration of an ordinanca increasing the rates on Gas �pace Hesting only. 14.Conside:^ation oi'a raport by the City Attorney and Gity I�fanager on the lease with the Chamber oP Co�nerce 1'or the beach property. 15.Consideration nf ordinance, on t he third reafling, relative to the distribution of hand bi11s. 16.City Attorneyta report on the �.atter of Gases Appealed Prom tho h4iznicipal Cour't-- with particular reference as to whather or not the State A;ttnrnoy should handle such cases. 17.The Citg Alanageris report on �he v�idening of Soutrh Osceola bet;ween Pierce and Haven. Z8,The City Attorneq�s report on the matter ot nonde3ning property of E'rank Iviurphy on east side of Myrtle Avenue, for the purpose of widening Dtyrtle Avenue. r CTTY �OI�'�11ISSTON P.:E�TING �ebYuary 7, 1950 19. City P,4anager� s report on the em�loying of two ex_tra� patrolmen i'or the next twa or three month�. 20. City I+ianager's report on the hi�ing of a permanent recording clerk f or the Police Department. 21. Consideration of the apgointment of a member of Pinellas County Boar�. of IIealbh for the next two years. 22. A letter fro�n thfl h4erchants Association rela�3ve to metal maste cans on t}ae street�-- carrying advertiai.ng. 23. Consideration of bida for comprehez�si�ve Automobile Liability Insurnncd, rece3ved Friday, February 3. 24. Resolution requesting progerty ownsrs to �1ean their lots of weeds and gras�. 25. Request of the Episcopa3. Church to amend y':ee Zoning Larv as a hardship case and permit tha Church co use property on Orange �nd Pine, O,range and Say--which propertq is located across Pine Street frorn the presant church. 26. Iteport oP the hYanager on the repair of tha 9ewer di�esbor at the �iisposal Planb. 27. Conaideratian of petition For tvfelve (12) 1-hour meters on west side o�' South Garden betVreen Haven and b'ranklin Streets, requested bq Dlerchants. January 28, 195Q Iionorable tlayor, �nd City Council Clearwater, Florida Dear Sirsc Tn aGcordance with the act which createcl the Pinellas County Board o£ Health, we wish to advise that it is again necessary f'or you to alect and certifg a member o� your municipality to serve on the Boa.rd for tYie nex`c two �ears. The term o� office oP thff present rr�e�ber frum your ffiunicipality ex�ires January, af this year. Y`our prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, Signed; Andre�v E. Po�ter, Chairman Pinel2as County Board of Health AP:�k Jan. �0, 1950 nSr. Boyd Bennett, Ci'ty NIana�ar, Claarwater, Fla. Dear IvIr. Bennett: The Bo�rd �f Directors of this Assoeiatioi, hel3 a meeting this af�;ernoon to consider a proposal from tha Capitol Dispiay Compar�y, of Kansas City, 2tio., to pla�e & number of �atal waste esns on the down torvn streets, thasa cans to carry individual store advertising zor an annual charge, and the entire projeet to b� sponaored by the n7erchants Association. The Conpan q proposes to maintain the cans in good condition, keep them painted, etc., on a continuing basis frorz year to year. The proposal vras discussed at cnn- siderable length Frora a11 angles, viz., the need Por r.iore waste cans, the advieab�lit� o£ having advertising signs on businass streets, and various other related questions. After full discussion the following motion was znede and passed unanimouslye "^1Y� t the Eieichan�s Association recommends the placing o� ±nore waste cans on the straets of Clearvrater, but c�oes not favor any co�ercial advertising si�;ns to be die- played on the sides of euch cans,�� Hoping that this makes olsar the position of the Association when ,�;nd if thi� proposal is presentad for i:he considerr�ion of the Boas�d o,' C3.�� GO117In3.89i0416I'S: I am, Yours very truly, (Signed) A. V. Han_coek Secretary CITY' CQN:tvITSSTOIv D1E��'I�1G February 7, 1950 The h4ayor, City Hall, Clearwater, F1a. Dear l�ir, hSayor: N'et�. 1, 1�J50 The Disabled American Veterans respectfully raquests permiss�,on to show a mobile exhibit in your city for a siiort period within the noxt sixty days. Nle are tourin� nationally Rabert Ripley�s BELIEVE IT QR NOT person�l collection of authentic curiosities, oddi�ies and art objecta. The exhibit tentative�y scheduled for your city is znounted in a ctiatom built tra�.Ier un3t and can be parkod against the curb on any street �vhere automobile parking is per�itted without inter- �`ering with traffic� While ad�ission to this educational and interest3r_� exhibit is free� voluntar,y contribution� are accepted. The money the Disabled American Veterans receivea from these voluntary contributions will be used by the Steta Department of b'lorida, DAV, and the local chapters of the DAV in the state where tho contributions are made, to help them co7ti�ue �heir many services to th� disabled veterans. �� . ��'.,�''" Disablad A�erican Vetarans is a non-profit naticnal ssrvice organizationp chartered b� spec3al Act of Congress in 1933, the me�bership of which is composed ex- clusively of inen and women Nho were wounded, injured, gassed or disabled as a result of the3r honorable service in the c�rmed £orces of the United States. during a period of war. I�Ve will appreciate az�y spe�3a1 courtesies and consideration you can extend. AEf.i cG Mr. Boyd Bennetts City Mgrs, Clearvrater, Fla . Dear S'ir: Sincerely, {Signed) Vivian D. Corbly National Adjuta nt Re: Hardahip Gase, Ep3scopal Parish Halla Feb o ?�, 1950 Recantly lots 2, 3, a of Block 5, Starr & Saverg Subctivisions, with the house on said property vras offered to the Episcopal Church of the Ascension for sale, for the purpose that it `vould be used as a parisi+ house ancl for what other churcr a,ctivities: necsssary i'or the proper �"unction ef the ehurehv The Z�estry o� the church� after due consideration, hrave decided to a.equire this property for said pur�oses, and a drive to aequire the necessary itiuids is nov� in progress. This drive has the en�husia�tic support of the congregation. On checking the zoning it was discovered �hat thie propert� lies in a residen tial zone although it is directly across the street from the church bu3lding. '1'his �ropert� represen�Ga the only large enough available outlet obtainable for the churchfbr ita cont:Lnued grov�th and, for the very necessax� parish hall tvithout which it can not fulfill its duty to the corranunitv it serves. This parish hall is to be used as a Sunday school for the children of this congregation which represents in number at the present time seven or eight hundred people. It woald work a great hardship for a sizable part ef Clearwater�s p�pulation i£ this property can not be used as a par:Lsh hall to further Christ3an educatian. It is respectfully requested that �our co�nnittee allow this property to be used for the above said purposea. As a gre�t many people ara interested in this drive and ara working on it at pre9ent, it *rrould be of great assistance i�' we could have your answer at your earliest convenienceo Sincerely �our�i, Si�ned: Rabert Ir2. Man, Rector . . Alexar�der C. T,iggett,Senior YVarden Feb. '7� 1950 The City Corr�nission, Citv Hall, Clearwater, �'la. Gentlemsnt Pareuant to Citg Ordinance Z1o. 580, Section 3, and the last item on page 7 of th� mimeographed publication of sa�,d Ordinance, V.FpI'V. Post �a'73, 651 Gourt Street, Clearwater, Florida, has naid to tn.e City Clerk tne sum of �p40,00 (Forty Dollars) as license fee f�r the operation of an antiquo show held February Te4, 1950 inclusive. This antique show was operated under the sponsorship oP the Post in order to raisa Yunds for the operation of the Post--a non profit organiz�tion. Request is hereby mmde for remittance of the license fee oi'�;i40,00 (Forty Dollars) paid to the City oP Clear�eater by 01d Fort Harrison Post #2473, Veterans of Foreign VVars of tha United States:. Reapectfully yours, Signed: E. J. Huntar, Corranander � Leland F. Drew Acting Mayor Clearv�ater, Fls a Deax Mr, Dre�a: CITY COtVIl�,1ISSI0N IviEETINCi February 7, 1950 Feb. 6, 1950 �� We of the Di�abled American Veterane Chapter #11 have a lready made the arrangemente with Mr4 Pose9 of the Posey Furniture £or his per�ission to place tha °Believe it or not�T' e:�.lbit in front of his place oF businesa on I+4onday and Tuesday Feb. 13th and 14th and now ask you to arrange with the cit� coxnnisaion and the police dept, for the3r appronal. Tha�nking you and the corrmiisaioraera for �our cooperation in granting us a permit. Ver� truly yours, Signed- Charles A. Kerekes Cor�dr. Feb. 4, 1950 Cox=miander Ck�rzso I�erffkes, Disabled Amer. Vet. Glea�v�ater Chapter. pear Nir. T�erakes: Encloaed find le'tter from your national organization. I.� the local approves tlzis please so stats at ihe bottom of the paga and return to me so that the co�isaion can aet on same. Thanking you in advance I am, Yours very tr�aly, Signed; ?,eland F. Drevr Acting D4ayor RESOLUTIO'� WHEREAH it has bean brought to the at�ention of the City CoBnnission of the City of Cleartvater, Florida that the owners of certain.property hareinafter described have by proper deod dedicated a right-of-wa� thereon to the Cit, of Clearv�ater and to the general public for street purposes, .end � 1h'Fi�REAS the City Coumiission through its proper er.iployees has investigated and considered the advisability of accapting on behalP of the City and the public said dedication, and 4VHEREAS it appears that che thirty-?oo� a].leq ded3cated will be su=ficient no� and in the iiiture for the purposes for which it is dedicated provided sidav�alks are �ot installed along eithe�� side thereof. and that the dedication of said a11eg should be �accepted under that condition, 0 NOW TfIERFFORE B� IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the Gity o2 Clearwater, b'lorida, in session duly and legally assembled, as sollo�vs: l. That tlie dedicatian of the South Fifteen Feet of Lots 3 and 4 and the North Fifzeen r'aet of Zot 5, A. H. Duncan�s Subdivision os the Easb half nf the Northeast quarter of ��he Southv�est quarter section 22, Township 29, South range T5 East, contained in that cer�ain agea fro�, the then owner of said propert�, lliiriam �iillhauser, to the City of Clearwater as the ennie is recorded in Deed Sook 1159 at �age 351, Public Records of Pinellr-:s County, Florida and that the dedication of the North Fifteen Feet of �ot 6 of A. H. Duncanis Subdivision of the East half of tha Northeast quarter erf the Southwest c�uarter, Section 22:, 'to�vnshi�� �9, South Range 15 East, contained in that certain deed from Lester D. Plumb and hiil�3red D�i. PZumb, his wife, to the Citg of Glearwater, as the samo is recorded in Peed Bo�k 1159 et Page 353, Public �iedards af Pinellas County, Florida, ara each hereby accepted b,y the City of Clear�later for itaelf and the public generally� 2. That in accepiing said dsdication for alleg purposes tha City is do3ng so with the express provision that no sidewalks shall exist now or hereafter on either side of ' said alley. 3. That a certi£ied eopy� a�' this Resolution shall be recorded among the Public Records of Pinelles County in order that the acceptanc`e o:f said dedication may be a matter of public record. 4. This alley shall be known as t'Queen Iane��. PASSED APTD ADOPTED this 7th day oi February, 1950. Attest: H. G. VJingo _ G�ity Aud3,tor end C1erk Leland F, vre�v Acting 2iIayor-Co�nissioner CITY C�11�iISSION NEETING February 7, 1950 RESOLUTION PrHEREA� by Resolutiona d�ted June 27, 1949 and July 18, '1949, the City Coirunisaion of the City of Clearv�ater, F'lorida authorized and prescribed the manner in v�hich certa3n Utilities Tax Receipts should be rsfl.inded to taxpayerg or accegted by the City aa donations for certa�3n purposas therein set out and, S'�iiEREAS all acts hsving been done and time haVing passed as prescribed in said Resolutions, .said Utilit3.ss Tax Rece3pts were refunded or donated as of December 22, 1949 as is indicated on the attached Exhib3t which is by re£erence rasde a xert hereo�, and, 4VIiEREAS'as :is indicated on said Exhibit thare rema:Lned in the hands of the Ci�y the sum of Four Thousand Ei�hty-�ight Dollars and Twanty-Ei�rht Cet�ts (�$4,088.28) which �as neither donated or raflznded and in accordance with the spirit of the Resolutior.s� above referrod to the said amount ahould be pro-s�ated between the two funds designated as recipients in said Resolutions in the sarne proportions as the danors of moneg made their donations,, and WHEREA� flzrthar instructions as to the disposition of said Utilitiea Tax Receipta �re necessary and desirable.. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEII by the Ci`y Cormnission of the City of Cleart�vater, Florida, es foTlows: , l. Th�t ths utility ta•xpayers who otherwise might have beon enti�led to the sum of $4,Q88.28, for whicY+ no authorization as prescribed in ssid Resolutions were rece3ved, are hereby dee�nned to have rraived their sights tin said sum and the sar,�e is hareby divided among the two funds specified as follows� F`ITND FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 11'IUNICiFALLY OWNED PIER OIJ CLEARWATER BEACH ....................e��,534.7� F'UND FOR PURPOS� OF OBTAINING SVJI2�i��tING POOL FOR CLEAR4JATER NEGROES...........e...�p1,553.55 2, That the total sum o� ��15,�39.72, received as proceeds of said refunding cam- paign is hereby designated and allocated as follows: P1�R FU1V13 .............. ...........................�9,653i.70 NEGRO SYI'lbIlVilNi'r POOL F'UNIi:. e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�p5, 886 002'. 3. 'I'hat the City Treasurar and Ta�e �olleetor shall invest said PTER FUND �.n negotiable securities of the type approved bq the City Charter and sha11 hold said seeurities and said Pund in a separate account subjeet to fur�her authorization of the Cit� Cou�nissiond 4. Tfiat the Citq Treasus�er and Tax Collector ts hereby authorized to deposit in the Bank of Clesrwater, Florida, said 9um of �;5 886.02; to the credit of an account designated ��CLEARYJATER NEGRO SWIP,IIv7ING POOL �OND�f', the custodians: of wh�.oh fund shall be Boyd A. Bennett as Gity bianager of the City of Clearwater, Florida and his successor� in o.ffice and RaZph Richards, Esq,, as repr•esentative of the Civic League, a non- prc,fit corporation rvhich is supporting said project. 5. That the expense oY said refund canpaign, in the amount of �1,403.30 sha11 be paid by the Gity from its onerating revernzese 6. Thet the �um oP �186.63:now being held for rafund at the request of taxpayerg whose individual refunds ware Tegs; than Une Dollar (�p1.U0) ahall be held in a specisl eccount for that purpose. PASSE'Ll AND ADI?PTID �his 7th day o�' February, 1950. Attest; He G. Y�ingo Z.4iL�* auaitor and Clerk � I,eland F. Drev� Acting Ata�or-Cott�iss�.oner CITY COMI�tIS�TON MEETING �ebzuary 7, �g50 Rasolution Febo 7, 1950 To the Honorable City Couunissioners Clearv+ater, Florida� Gentlemen: We, the unders3gned property ovmers on Prospect and Pierce Streets in Clear- water, Plorida, in response to your published notice oP intention to install s 24�� reinforcement concrete atorri sevter, e�c., in said stree�s abutting our propert� do hereby respactfully present to �ou the Pollowing ob��etions to such proposed installation, to-wit: �� FIRST: The purpoae of this installation being primarily and almost wholly a drainage project for Cleveland Street from Myr�le Az�ernze eastward necessitat�s the large as s�a].lati�n of a trench, pipe line, manholes, catch basins, etr.., at lease three time a would be required to care fo� drainage upon the lands of the abutting property o�mera and therefore to require' abut�3ng �roperty ovrners to Pully pay Por such enlarged and extended installr�tion v�ould be wholly unfair and unjust and in effect a confiscation o£ our properties. SECOND: The development of tha areaa abutting the portiona of Prospect ana Piere� Streets here involved have not now rearhed such a stage as to require any establisYunent of storm sewers in that area and, therafara, even if your abutting praperty owners were charged wii;h one third (1/3) of the t�tel cost of such installstion it �rould be a cost which they now should not have to bear or would not have to bear until such time aa the area has so develaped as to require such installatione THIRI�: TYie Citg Engineerts survey information shovrs that the elevatian of protest�nt�� propert� is auch that natural drai.nage is iizrnished into paved atreets and othe� e�ist- ing s�o�cn sewers so that their properties, in their present state of undevelo�ment, do not have an immeciiate need for any storm sewer, The Protestants therefore respectii�lly shovr to the City that their individual properties do not have a need for e atorm sevrer line as nova contemplated and that at no time in the visible iliture will they have such a need, the onl� nsed for such being to properties along Cleveland Stroet and that if such a sewer line is installed over said Prospect az�d Pierce Street9 in the area described in the Citgrs notice payment therofor should bo �ade by those benefited and no part thereof should be placed as a burden upon ProtestantTs or any other of the adjacent properties. Hovey BrotYiers G, p. Hovey Estate of Ivlae S. Coachman by H. Lane Co�chraan RESO�:IITION Respectfully subraitted, Taci� & ti'�arren by Frank Tack Al Rogers� Green Bros. Transfer Pinellas Trading Corp« By H. Lane Caachman, President Estate oP E, H. Coachman Bg FI. Imne CoacYunan Y�I3EREASs it ha� been deter�!ined by the Gity Cor.a.n3ssion of tha City of Cleerwater, Florida, that the property described below should be cle�ned o�' weeds, �rae� and�or underbrush, arid that after ten (10) cleys not'ica and failure o�' the o�mer thereof to do so,� the City should clean such property and charge the costs thereoi' agair,st tha respective property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESO�VED b� the City Conunisaion of the City of �leasnvater, Florida, that the following described property, situate in said City�, shall be cleaned of weeds, grass and�or underbrush within ten (10) cia�s after notice in writing to the o�mers thereof to do so and that upon failure to compl� v�ith said not3ce, the City sl�all perform such cleaning and charge tha costs thereof against the respectiva propert3es in aecordance w3.th �ectinn 128 of the Charter of the City of Cleax�vrater, as amanded. Ovrner: Jessie P. Down�ng 1212 �,'loodl�vrn Terrace Martha :�1. Lester 1216 Pacific St,, BrooklynT N. Y. Helen J. den Ne�er 1273 Facific St., Brooklyn, I�Tew York Will:iam G. Harris 1485 Gulf to Bay, City John Parker 1469 Gulf to Bay, City Proper�ty : Lo� 21, Blk A, Fiighland Groves Lots 19, 20, Bll� �4, Highland Grove� Lc�ts 1'7, 18, Blk A, Highland Grove� Lot 24 & 25 less deed #814'71.�y (that part oi Lot 25 lying So. of str�ight line fnnm SvW. Cor. to NE cora of I,ot 25, Blk J, BZvd . Iie i�hfi 9 Lot 26 & Be�in at SW cor of Lot 5, run N along lot lzne to �,Ta. line of Lot 5, th E. to E. line of Lot 5, th S4V to P.O.B., Blk J, Blvd. fieights 1'ASSED ArID ADUP7'ED t�y the City Co�nission of the City of Clearv�ater, Florida, thi� 7th day of Februar�*, A.Ii., 1y50.• Leland F'. Drevr Attsstx Ac ing aqor ormissioner H.G.VJingo, City .Auditor 8: Clerk CTTY CO&Il44TSSI�N NTEETING Februar� 7, 1950 ORDINANC� N0. 587 AI1 ORDINANCEI, ORDAINING TIiAT THE PLANTING, FIXiNG ANn h1A2N- TlsINING OP ANY TREES, SHRUBBERY, OR OTHER 0}3JECTS ON TfiE PARAV�IAYS OR ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACFI�IT TU STREET TNTER- SECTIONS OR CROSSINGS IN THE CITY OP CLEARYJI�T�R WHICH OBSTRUCT THL DRIVIPdCr VSSION OF THE OPEi2ATORS QF nROTOR VEHICLES' PASSING OVER AND AQROSS SUCH INTERSECTIONS CONSTITUTES A NIIISANCET PRESCRIF3ING THE 1viETifOD AI�TA k1EANS FOR TfiE ABATII1iEN'.P OF SAID NIIISANCE; FIXING A PETdP.LTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORI?IN'ANCE,, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINAIdCES ANl3 PARTS OF ORDINATICES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. .`� �- r`� � VJFI�RE.4S the vehicular traffic upon the �treets of the Ci�y of C1�arwatex h�� created a condition which when not properly re�;ulated cauaes a pul�lio nuisance and �u hazard and danger to the life, health and property o� the inhabitan�s of said city; and WHEItFA5' it has been mads apparent by records and investigst3.on that a great percentage of the causes of injur� to persons and property by vehicul�r traffic in said city are colliszons a� intersoctions of streets; and VJHEREAS` such collisions at such intersections are due in many instanc�s to the obstruction of the vision of the operators of vehicles by trees, shrubUe�, and other objects planted or placed upon the parltv+ay� and the private property of individuals, f3rms or corpor�tions, adjacent to said intersections; and ViHEREAS it is apparent that for the protection of the life, heaZth and property o£ the inhabitants of the City of Clearc�rater 3t ia necessary tl�at the plRn�in�, growtng, fixing and rriaintaining of any tree, shrut�bery or other �bjec�s on parkways and private property adjscent to streets i.ntersec�ions, which ob3truct the driving vision of the operators� of vehicles in the Cit� of Glearwater should be regulatad; NONI, TH�REFOFE, BE FT ORDA�dED BY `i^HE CITY COI��IIviISSTON Or lIiE CITY OF CLEARL"JATER, FLORIDA.: Section 1. That any per;�on, firm or corporation, who plants„ fixes or maintains any treer shrubberg, or anq mther o�ject upon any� parkway or privatA pxoperty v�ithin the City of Clearwater adjacent to the intersection of an� �treets in said city� whieh obstructs the driving vision of the operator of any vehicle properly upon a street approaching said intersection is hereby declared to be guilty of comrnitting a nuisancE. Section 2. Whenever th.a Citq hIanager of the City oi` Glearv�ater, aiter investi�ation, shall deternina that any tree, shrubbery or other object p�antod or fixed upon any parkway or private propertT� in the City of Clearwater adjacen� to a stroet intersactic�ni obstructs the driving vision of the operators of vehicles passing over or through sucla stree� intersectior�, he shall cause to ba served upon thb ov�ner or occupant of the property abutting such parkway, or the os�ner of the property upon v�hich such trees, shrubbery or other objects are planted or fixed in violat3on of this Ordir,ance, a vrritten notice requiring such owner or occupant to rempve such tree, shrubbery or ot1-.e�� object, or to �rirn such tree or shrubhery or raduce the height and tivid�h of other objects so as to comply with the provisions o£ this Ordinance. The notice herein pro- vided for shall be served upon the owner or occupant of the property here?n describ�d: and s21a11 require the said ovrner to comply v+i�h the dlroction� contained in said written notica, withir fifteen (I5) days after the service of said natice. Said no�cice mr�y and can be served b� placing a copy of the n�tice at a conspicuous place upon tYle property abutting the parkway, if the offending objeet be theraon or upon the private property upon which the offending object may sxist. Section 3. The owner of any property affected by the d:irec�ions of the above notica can rvithin the ti�e specified in said notice appeal to tha City Go�unission of the CitS of G1.earwater and until the City Co�nission sha11 act upon said a�peal, the said app�llant shall not be raquired to comply with said notice. Section 4. If after the service of the notice hersin provicled, the said owr_er or occupant does not comply v✓ith the directions contained in said notice within the time speci#'ied ar does not hav� an appeal gz�nted by the City Gorimis�ion the City n2anager shall have the neceqsarg act,ion taken to relieve and terminate said trafi'ic hazards either by having such trees or shrubbery trir�ned or by having it or them removed' Secti�n 5e �othing con�ained herein sha11 prohibit the owner of any �ropert� £rr�m erecting or maint�ining building� or structures as permitted bf ordinances of the City of CLearwatar. Section 6a Each day of violation of, or each day of non-compliance cvith, any of the provisions of �his ordinance, shall be and constitute a separate ofiense, and shsll subjsct everq person guilty thereof to all the penalties prescribed 3n Section 7 �f this ordinance. Section 7. Any person who, after receiving the notice herein provided for, does not abate the rnxisance herein defined, vlithin the time described trerein, shall be �unished by a fine o.f not more than Tv��enty-five Dollars (��25.OU) or be imprisone� for not mare than ten (10) days, or both, �,vithin the discretion of the Rtunicipal Sudge. Section 8. All ordinances or parts of orclinances in conflict here�rith ara hereb�,� repsaled. � � �}k�i} CITY CO,�'�'I T�S IO�i NtEETING �� t p� y' " j February 7, 1950 � ' �,� � J Ord3.na�lce No. 587 cont�d. Section '�. '�his Urd3nance shall be e�a.�ective immediataly upon passa�a. n PASSED AND ADOPTID by the Gity Commissioz� of tiie Gity of Qlearwa�e.r, F`lorida: PASSE� ON �'IRST READTNG, January 16, 1,950. PASSED ON SEC016D READIrIG, January 3'0� 1S5Q PASSED OPl TFiIRD READTNG, February 7, 195Q .Leland F. Drev� ct3n� Ma,yor-Coirm�3.ssianer Attest: FI. G. Win�o Cit�tt Auditor and Clark �� t ORDINAPIC£ N'0. 588 AN ORDII�IANCE TO FORBID ATdD PIINiSH AI�Y ACT 1VITHIN TFiE CITY LINtITS Vt+Ii�CH SHALL Br� RLCOGN�Z�D BY THE LaWS OF FLORIDA AS A I�tISD�1EANOR BE IT �RDATNED Bi.' THE GI`�`i' COD'IDRISSION OF TIiE CITY OF CL�ARWATER, �'LORIDA: SECTION I: Tt shall be unlawful to corrmiit, witnin the limits of the City of Clear- water, any act whicli is or shall be recogn�zed by th6 larvs oi the:State of F1,Qrida as a misderaeanar; and the �ommission af such acts is Iiereby £orbidden. SECTION �: Whosoaver sha11 vio7.ate the provisions of this Ordinance upon conviciion thereof, sha11 be puni.,hed by the same penalt� as is thorefor provided by the I,aws of the State of Florida, but in no case shall such penalty exceed a fine of Two Hundrad Dallars (�p2Q0,00), or an imprisonment for more than ninety (90) day� in tha City Jail. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Co�rmission of the City of Clearwater, Florida. PASSED on first reading January 30, I950 PASSED on second reading January 30, 1950 PASSED on third reading February 7, 1J50 Leland Fo Drew Ac ing ayor-Corrunissionex Attest; $. G. I�ingo City Auditor and Clerk � �ORDINATdCE N0. 589 AN ORTlIP]AhCE, DECLF.BING �IiE THRdWING, CASTTNG, AFFIXING OR DISTRIBUTION OF ANY TiANDBILL, CIR�TTI,AR, CARD OR (7THER ADVERTISING AND GOD4h1ERCTAL :�ZATTER IN OR UYOTT ANY �TREET, PUE3LIC PLA.CE OR IJiOTOR VEHICLE LOCATED 7.2i�RE0Pi, TO BF3 AGf,INST TFiE PITB�IC HEALTH, SAFET�' AIdD VVELFARE AND ORDAITdIldG THE SAI�iE TO CONSTI`�'UTE A NUISATdCE; EXCEPTING FROIr1 ITS PROVISIONS IdOtd-GOIdf�tERCIAL� RELIGIUUS AND POLITICAL 1'�ATTEF{ ATdD FIXIPIG A PENALTY FOR THE VIOT,A.TIOTd OF THIS ORDINANCE. Wh'ERE.4S the act c�fl throrr•ing, casting, affixing or dlatr:Lbuting handbills, c3�rculara, �card�? and o�her advert3.sing and cozmnercial matter in or upon th9 publie streets or plsces of the City of C1ear�tater, Florida or iiz or upon motor vehicle� loca�od �hereon has the direct effact of littering said areae in an unhaalthy and unsanitc�ry n�an�ler and WHEI�EAS the act oP so doing givea per�ons otherwise having none an er.cuae to approac}2 and touch mot�r vehieles not their awn, the ei'foct of which in many instanees is to aid or contribute to t he theft of sa3d vehicles or articles therafrom and WIiEREF.5' said �ets should be prohibitecl in the 3.n�ereat of public liealth and safety; P1CV1i THEREFOREy BE 1T ORI'iATNED BY THE CITY CO4.'IR1rSSI0id OF THE CITY OF CLT'�RWATER, FLORIDA: Section l. That any peraon whn throws, casts, affi:ces or fl-!stributes any handb�.11, circulars cardt book].et, p�.acarcl or o�her advertisin� and eammerciel ma�ter v�hateoever, in ox up�n any public stx�eet or place of the City of CJ.oarwater, Florida or in nr upon ariy motor vehicle located thereon is hexebg declared to be �,nzilbp o� car,nmitting a nuiaance. Section 2. That nothin� contained in �his ordinance sha11 be aee�ea to prohibit or , CI'.�Y COi�1I�lIgSZQ�T t�1E��'TNG February 7, 195Q Oxdinal�ce �589--continued v � otherwise regulate the distribution or sale oP newspapexa regulerly sold by the copy o�r bg annua7: subscription or to pravent the 7.awYu1 di�tribution of raligious or poYitical matte� or o£ anybhing other tY�an correnercial. and busineas advertiaing matter. Section 3'. That if any section, parL oF aection, sentence or cla�zse o£ this Ordinance aha11 be ad�udged to be tnvalicl by a cour� of ccarapetent jurisdiation, such decision shall noi affect the =.ralid3ty of any other }�ar�ion of sa�.d Seati,on t5ut shall be restricted and 13mited in 3�s operation and effect to that speciP3.c portion o� said Sect�.on or Sections involved in the liti�at3.an in which such decision shall l�eve b9aiz rendered. Sectian 4. An,q per3on Hho shall violate ang prov3.sion or prov3sions of this Ordinance aha�.l upon convi�tion in the tdunicipal Court o£ the City of Clearvrater be puniahed by a f3na not to c�xceed One iiundred Dollars (�100.OQ) or imprispnment f or not more than sixty dayse or by bo�h such fine and 9.rinrisonmant. Section 5. All �rdinancea or parta� of Ordinances in conflict herewi�n are to the extenb af said conflict hereby expreesly repealed. Section 6. This Ordina,nce ar�a11 take effect iirnnediately upon ita passagea PASSID AND AUOPT�D by the Cj.ty Comtnission oi the City ot' C7.earvra�sr, Fl.orida: PASSED ON b'IRS�' READING, January 30, 1950, PASSED OY� SECOND READ�IJG, January 30, 1950. PASSP�D ON THIRD ANp FIidAL READING, Fe'tiruar� 7, 1y50. Attest; H G. 'Ningo Z:3ty Aud itor a rxi Clerk a Leland F. �re�e Acting hlayor-L`otrnaissione� .