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Jnnuar, 30th, 1950
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in Spec1EUt Session at Cit~ Hall,
Monday, Januarr 30th, 1950 at 1:30 P.M. with ~le rollowing members present:
Leland F. Drew
E. B. Casler Jr.
Joo Turner
Herbert M. Bro"n
Acting Mayor-Commissionor
Harry D. Sargeant
Also Present:
Boyd A. Bennett
George McClamma
Ben Krentzman
City Manager
ChIef of Police
Ci ty Attorney
The meeting having been called to order by the Mayor, the minutes or the regular
meeting of January 16th and the speoial meeting of January 23~ were approved.
The City Manager reported tbBt no record could be found or the City's aoceptanoe
of the deeds conveying to the City the South 15 ft. of lots 3 & ~ of A. H. Duncan's
Sub. and the North 15 ft. of lots 5 & 6, for street purposes. The City Manager was of
the opinion that a 30 ft. street was inadequate, particularly if sidewalks should ever
be installed. Commissioner Cesler moved the passage of a resolution accepting the
property for alley purpo8es~ ~1thout obligating the City to construot sidewalks. Com-
missioner Turner seconded the motion and it carried.
A petition in the form of a letter, addressed to the Cor.m1ssion by four fir.ms at
421. 423, 425, and 429 Cleveland Street requesting per.mission to insta11 10 inch signs,
whioh they have already bought. beneath a marquee which has a olearanoe of on17 8 ft.
5 inches, was read by the City Manager~ also a letter from H. F. He~e, owner or the
propert~ aaking that the request be granted. The requested signs would fall short of
the clearance required by the building code by 5 inches. After some discussion, the
Mayor appointed Commissioners Casler and Turner as a Committee to study the matter
and to report at the next meeting of the Commission.
The Clerk read a letter frOD the B. & W. Construction Company requesting permission
to erect a sign 10 x 20 ft. on property owned by theDl at the intersection of Gulf-to-
Bay Boulevard and Highland Avenue. Mr. Earl S. Ward Jr., Secretary-Treasurer of the
Oompany was' present and addressed the COl:J'lll1ission relative to the request. Mr. Ward was
informed that the erection of such signs WBS prohibited by a Section of the Zoning
Ordinance, whioh Seotion was rep~a1ed to be effective March 1st, and that the Commission
would consider in the immediate future. an Ordinance to regulate signs and bill boards. .
Commissioner Turner moved that B. & W. Construction Company's request be denied at this
time. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Casler Bnd carried unan~ousl~. t
Item 3, the report of the Committee relative to garbage and trash col1eotion
oharges and Item 4, the City Manager' and City Attorney's report on an Ordinance
regulating parking of trailers were deferred by consent.
Reporting for the Conm1ttee appointed to study the Exchange Club's request to
erect shelters ror bus passengers; the City Manager recommended that two such shelters
be er~cted, one near the C1earwater Beach Hotel on West side of Mandalay Ave. and
North of Ambler Street, the other on the West side of Mandalay Ave. and the North side
o~ Aoacia street, advertising to be per.mltted only on the inside of the shelters. On
a motion by Commissioner Casler which was seconded by Commissioner Turner and
unanimously oarried, the recommendation was approved.
On a motion by Commissioner Turner. seconded by Commissioner Casler and carried.
an Ordinance regulating the growing or shrubbery at dangerous street intersections was
passed on the second reading. Commissioner Casler, Drew and Ttl.l~nel' voted "Aye". There
were no negative votes.
Item #? on the Agenda, the City Manager's report on a contract with the Clearwater
Flying Company was dererred.
The City Manager reported that Federal funds advanced to other governmental
agencies under Federal Goverrument Law #352, for surveys on projects, required payment
in full. without interest, at such time as work was actually begun, that survey could
be made on overall projects and paid back 8S individual proj&cts were begun. The loans
so made would be payable withjn three years if projects were not begun in that time
unless the borrowing agency ahmlld show convincing evidence to the Fedel~l agenoy
that it had acted in good faith.. Commissioner Casler moved that the City take
advantage of this opportunity and submit the matter to the City Planning Boa~ for
it's recommendations. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried.
Item #10, the City Attorney's report on an Ordinance relative to advertising
signs was deferred.
On a motion by Commissioner Casler, seconded by Commissioner Turner and un-
an~aus1y oarried, the Co~ssion authorized granting per.mlssion to the Feace Memorial
Church to construct a bridge across an alley on the West side of the ChurCh, if no
objeotions were heard, and a building permit was secured. There were no objections
by anyone presen~.
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The Clerk read a letter ~om the Ten Year Planning Committee of ~he Clearwater
Federation of Civic Clubs setting forth the recommendations made by tbat Committee.
Commissioner Casler moved that receipt of the letter be acknow1edged ~ith thanks and
the letter be referred to the Planning Board. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Tumer and carried unan1mously.
On a motion by Commissioner Turner# which was seconded by Commissioner Casler ana
carried, the Co~mission authorized the payment or $150.00 tor membership in the F10rlda
League of Municipalities tor the year 1950.
Commissioner Turner moved that the Commission authorize the expenditure of $42.50
tor membership in the National Ihst1tute of Municipal law Officers. The motion gS
seconded by Commissioner Casler and carried.
On a motion by Commissioner Casler which was seconded by Commissioner Turner and
carried# the report of the County Service Officer for the month of November wee accepted.
On a motion by Commissioner Casler which was seconded by Commissioner Turner and
carried, the Commission adopted a Resolution requiring 123 property owners to clean
their lots of weeds, grass, and under.orush.
The Cl~ Manager submitted the following final report on the refunding of the
5% Utility TaXI
No. of
Cards mailed out 9/17/49
Cards Returned:
Donated to Pier
Donated to Pier unsigned
Pier Fund Receipts
Donated to Pool
Donated to Pool unsigned
Pool Fund Receipts
2,560 $9,494.13
Refunded by cash or check
Returned for refund:
under $1.00 and being
held until customer
calls for money
Total money refund
Total Refunded or donated 6,679
355 186.63
$ 9,680.76
$ 4,OB8.28
A11ocation of outstanding balance
on the same percentage as donations
to pier and pool were made as per
request of City Commission 62% Pier
38,& Pool
lrlemo of Cards rett1l"ned not used in Refund:
Returned for better address 443
Incorrectly marked 24
Signed but not checked 50
Refund stopped 12/22/49
Recapitulation as of Dec. 31, 1949
e 2,534_73
$ 60
$ 9,653. f/O
Pier Fund
Negro Swimming
pool fund
Cash Refund
Cash Under $1.00
held for customer
Tota ].
Total Expense
to date
$ 1,403.30
Commissioner Casler moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager and
City Attorney tor the preparation of a resolution. Commissioner TUrner seconded
Mr. Casler's motion and it carried unanimously.
On a motion by Commissioner Turner, which was seconded by Commissioner Casler and
unan~ously carried, the City Attorney was requested to draw a res01ution for presentation
through the County Commission to the State Road Department requesting the State t~ pay
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Janual'Y' 30. 1950
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for Railroad Crossing warning 11ghts at the intersection of South Fort EWrrison and
Bellev1ew Boulevard, and South Fort Harrison and Seaboard Rai1road CrOSSing.
Citr Attorney Krentzman submitted for the considoration of, the Commission an
Ordinance adopting the state M1sdemeanor Prov1sions. On a motion by Commissioner
Casler, seoonded by Cor.nnissioner Turner and carr1ed, the Ordinance was p,assed on the
first reading. Comnlissioners Brown, Casler, Drew and Turner voted "Aye'. Voting "No"
none. On a motion by Commissioner Turner, seoonded by Commissioner Caoler ond carried,
the ~lnance WQS passed on the seoond reading.
Br unanimous oonsent or the Conmission, Mr. A1 Rogero addressed the Commission,
requesting that the Commission permit the Red Cross to tag each parking meter advising
the public that dimes p1Bced in the meters are to be donated to the Red Cross during
the month of Maroh. Action on the request was deferred by unanDnous oonsent.
Commissioner Brown, reporting for the Comn.ittee on sale of gas for space heating,
said that the Committee reoommends an inorease from $2.00 to $3.50 ror those accounts
which use gas tor heating purposes only, $2.00 per thousand feet for the first 1500 teet,
$1.75 per thousand for the next 1500 feet and $1.50 per thousand feet for any quantity
1n excess of 3000 feet. The rates on gas for domestio use were not to be affeoted. Com-
mIssioner Brown moved that the matter be referred to tl~ City Attorney for the preparation
ot an Ordinance. The motion was seoonded by Commissioner Casler and carried unan~ously.
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City Attorney Krentzman submitted a draft for the proposed 1ease with the Chamber
ot Commerce on the Beach Club property. Several changes in the proposed lease were
suggested by members of the Commission. On a motion by Commissioner Turner. seconded
by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carr1ed, the matter was referred to the City
Attorney for a later report.
City Attorney Krentzman submitted an ordinance Wllioh would regulate the distribution
ot hBnd bills. On a motion by Commissioner Turner, seconded by Commissioner Brown and
oarried, the Ordinance was passed on the first reading. ComQissioners Brown, Casler,
Drew and Turner voted "Aye". There were no negative votes. Commissioner Turner moved
that the Ordinance be passed on the second reading. The motion was seconded by Com-
missioner Casler and oarried. Voting "Aye", Connnissioners Brown, Casler, Drew and
Turner. Voting "No" none.
:", ;
The City Attorney reported on the present status or suits against the Citr,
calling attention to suits ror drunken driving, appea1ed to C~rcuit Court, which require
a derenae by him; he suggested that the Commission oonsider extra co~pensation ror
hIs servioes in suoh cases. By oonsent, the request was dererred for fQrther consideration.
City Manager Bennett submitted the copy of an Order (O~er #2355, Dockett #2468-MC)
by the Florida Railroad and Public Utilitiea Conmission denying the application of
Edwin Thomas, 1116 Wallaoe S. Building, Tampa, Florida, for a certificate of publio
convenience and necessity authorizing the transportatIon of passengers from Dixtan
Cottages to Clearwater and/or St. Petersburg and return. No action was taken by the
. ' " ".'
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The City Manager presented the request or E. M. Green to erect a service station
at 2508 Gulf-to-Bay Blvd., together with the Zoning Board's recommendation that the
request be granted. Commissioner Casler moved that the recomDlendation of the Zoning
Board be approved and the permit granted. Commissioner Turner seoonded the motion and
it carried unanimously.
The City h~nager submitted a report made by ~le Personnel Secretary to the Civil
Servioe Board, and rererred by the Civil Service Board to the Cit~ Comn1ssion. Com-
missioner Brown moved that copies of the report be made for each Commissioner and for
the press and receipt of the report acknowledged. Tl~ motion ~s seoonded by Commissioner
Casler and oarried.
The City Clerk read a letter from the County Superintendent of Education, thanking
the Commission for its cooperation on improving school grounds and play grounds during
the past year, and conmending the Connnission for its accompl.1shment during the year.
Commissioner Brown moved that the letter be acknowledged, with thanks. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried.
On a motion by Commissioner Brown which was seconded by Commissioner Turner and
carried, the report of the County Service Officer for the month of December was accepted.
The City Manager submitted a plat of "Zephyr Hilla" Subdivision, reoommending its
approval. On a motion by Commissioner Caslerl which was seconded by Commissioner Turner
and unanimously carried, the plat was approved.
City Manager Bennett reported the rol1owing Gas and Water mains approved by h~
since January 23rd:
Estimated cost
100 ft. of 2" water Jl1Bin Lake Dr1ve $80.00
100 rt. of 2" water main Tioga street 80.()O
200 ft. or l.~n gas ma in Turner Street 140.00
290 ft. ot lh gas main on So. Myrtle Ave. & Pine11as St. 110.00
150 ft. of lilt water main on Papaya Street 95.00
180 ft. ot 2" water main on Seminole Stree~ 125.00
Commissioner Turner moved that the Manager's report be accepted and the extens10na
approved. The motion was seoonded by Commissioner Casler and carri&d UIlanimoualy.
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Janua'1!Y 30 ~ 1950
fLIt? '
Oommissionor Casler suggested that the City consider the widening ot Osceola
Avenue from Haven Street to Pierce street. stating that Mr. H. M. B1anton bad had ~
c11ent at one time who was willing to purchase the ~provement oert1f1oat9s ~or this
projeot. By consent. the City Manager was requested to consult with Mr. Blanton and
to report at the next meeting of the Commission.
The City Manager submitted a resolution requiring 22 persons to olean their lota
of grass, weeds and underb~sh. On a motion by Commissioner llrown, seconded by
Oommissioner Turner and unanimously carried, the resolution was adopted.
On a motion by Commissioner Casler, soconded by Gommissioner Turner and carried.
the Job Analysis report of the Civil Service Board was turned over to the City ~ansger
tor detailed study, particularly in conneotion with pay scale evaluation, and report
to the Commission.
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The City Manager recommended the fo110wing gas and water ~in extensionsf
Estimated oost, .550.00
~ M 625.00
n " 785.00
210 :f't . 6" water ma in, Turner street
238 .ft. 6" wa ter ma in, Turner Street
228 ft. 8"' WB ter ma in, Druid Road
850 .ft. 6" water ~in, Maple St., with one
hydrant E. of Highland to Wood Drive
400 :t't. of 2in water main on Maple Street ~rom
East o.f Wood Drive
, . I . .
'. .; ~..
" 2500.00 I'
" 315.00
" ,
approved. '!'he
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Commissioner Casler moved that the City Manager's reoommendat1ons be
motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried ~nan1mously.
The City Manager reported that Leo M. Murphy, owner of Lot 7, HUWle7s Sub. would
not consider any offer under $4,000.00 for his property, needed ror the widening ot
Myrtle Ave., and recommended that the City begin condemnation proceedings. By consent
the City Attorney was requested to nake a report to the COImliss1on relative to foreclosure
There being no further business to como be:fore the Board, the Dleeting was adjourned.
~im '7 [)-Il~...r-
ot ng ayor- omraiss1oner
1. Approving of minutes of' Regular meeting of January 16 and Spacla1 :Meeting of
January 23.
2. Public Hearing on the installation o:f a stonn sewer on Prospect street and Pierce st.
3. Report of the Gommittee relative to garbage and trash collection charges.
4. City Attorney and City Manager's report on Ordinance covering the parking or traile~s
in the City limits.
5. City Attorney, Chief of Police and City Manager's report on the request of the Ex-
change Club to erect shelters containing advertising for bus customers.
5. Second reading of ordinance to protect autoists and pedestrians at street intersections.
7. City Manage~'s report on re-negotiating of contract with Clearwater Flying Company.
B. City Manager's report on the state Improvement Commission's letter relative to Federal
Government Public Law #352 passed by the 8lst Congress, whereby the Federal Government
would advance funds for plana and specifications for public works other than Federal
public 'Works.
9. Oity Manager's report on the matter o~ 165 ft. o~ 2" water main on a proposed nS1J
street, requested by Miss Gladys Duncan.
10.City Attorney's report on ordinance relative to advertising signs.
11.Report o.f committee on Gas :for space beating only.
12.Cons1derat1on ot request from Peace Memorial Church for permission to construct a
bridge across the 811e7 on the west aide of the Church.
1~.Con81deration ot a letter and report of 10 Year reoommendation to the Cit~ from the
Clearwater Federation or Clv~o Clubso
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Janua ry 3Q, 1950
Agenda, oont.
~4. Oons1deration of $150.00 dues for membership to the Florida League of Municipalltiea
for the ,ear 1950.
15. o~ty Attorney's report on the Chamber of Commerce lease of the Beach property formerly
leased to the Jaycee Club.
. I
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16. Request from four merchants on east side of Cleveland street (Nos. 421, 423, 425 and
429) for an amendment to the City Ordinance as to clearance of signs on marques or
other oonstruction over City sidewalks, also a letter trom the owner, Mr. H.F.Heye.
, ,
17. Report of the Pinollss County Veteran Service Officer for the month ot November.
18. ReBolutio~ requesting 123 property owners to o1ean their lots of weeds and grass.
19. Final report on the refunding or 5% Utility Tax.
20. Resolution aaking the County to request the State to pay for Railroad crossing
warning l1ghts.
21. Consideration of the adoption of the State Misdemeanor Provision.
22. Consideration of the regulating the distribution of hand-bills.
'.' .' .,\
23. City Attorney's report on the pending cases against the City.
24. Reading o~ an opinion of the Florida Railroad and Public Utility Commission denying
the application of Edwin Thomas for a limited certificate of public convenience and
necessity authorized transportation of renters of cottages of the applicant at
Dixtom Cottages, Pinellas County, Florida, from Clearwater and St. Petersburg, to
said Dixtom Cottages and from said Dixtom Cottages to Clearwater and st. Petersburg
and authorizing the operation of sight-seeing tours from said Dixtom cottages to
various points and places in the State of Florida.
25. Zoning Boa~'s report on the application of Mr. E. M. Green to erect a filling and
service station at 2508 Gulf to Bay Blvd.
26. A letter from B & W Construction Company, requesting permission to erect a s1gn
10 x 20 ft. advertising their company, on property located on the corner of High-
land and Chl1.f to Bay Blvd.
27. Receipt of a report of the Secretary to the Civil Service Board covering the period
January - 1949 to January - 1950, presented to the City Commission by the Civil
Service Board.
28. Reading of a letter addressed to the City Manager fro~ Supt. of Public Instruction
of Pinellas County.
29. Presentation of the report of Pinellas County Veterans Officer for the month of
December - 1949.
30. Presentation or reoord plat for Zephyr Subdivision.
31. Report of c~ty Manager on water and gas main extensions approved by him, each of
which do not exceed an estimated cost of $300.00
100 ft. of 2" wa ter ma in on La ke Dri ve
100 ft. of 2" water main on Tioga Street
26Q ft. of 1.*" gas main on Turner St.
290 ft. of 1N gas nain on South Myrtle Ave.
and Pinellas Street
150 ft. of 1*" 'Water main on Papaya St.
180 ft. of 2" water main on Sominole St.
Estimated Cost
32. Presentation of resolution requesting property owners to clean the1r lots of weeds
and grass.
33. Consideration of Civ11 Service Board's request for a report on ~e job analysis.
34. Considel~tion of the following:
210 ft. of 6" water main extension on.Turner St. at estimated cost of $550.00 to
fur.nish ~ter service to one customer - west of Crest Avenue.
238 ft. of 6" water lllaln on Turner Street~ east of Lake st. at estimated cost of
$625.00 to serve one customer.
Consideration of 228 ft. of 8~ water main on Druid Road east of Lake Ave. to furnish
one customer, $~85.00.
850 ft. of 6~ water nain cn Map1e with one fire hydrant. No new customers on this
l1.ne, but this ll18in is necessary to furnish service beyond its installation thI'ough
s~ller p1~es for ~our new houses now under construction on Maple Avenue - Estimated
cost of $a500.00.
400 ft. of 2t" water main on ~~ple st. from East of Wood Drive, $315.00
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January 10, 1950
, " ' , . ., . ~. 'I ,
January 30, ~950
Commissioners of the City ot Clearwat~r,
Clearwater, Florida.
I refer to the letter of December 30th. written to you by 80me ot my tenants on
Cleveland Street. I am fully in agreement with the suggestion of my tenants. All
the stores of the Whitoomb Building and the office entrance should have signs as
described in the application. The distanoe from the sidewalk will be more than
sufficient to give clearance. In faot, the olearance will be greater than at some or
the signs lately installed on Cleveland Street and other parts of the City.
The faot that the new signs will have lights inside, will be stationary, will be
well built and in keeping with the new store rront of the bui1ding--the architect has
approved the signe--wi11 not only guarantee 8 neat appearance, but will also make the
s1dewaJ.k better lighted. The proposed s1gns I altllough unfortuna tely a ]i ttle lower
than allowed by the City ordinance, will certainl~ be safer than many signs hanging
on oha1ns which may constitute 80me kind of a hazard.
Since the matter is of greatest importance to all of my tenanta, I would appreciate
your consideration in this matter and I hope you ~ill be kind enough to grant the
permission tor installation of the new s1gns.
Yours very truly,
(Signed) H. F. Heye
Deoember 30, 1949
Commissioners of the City of Clearwater,
Clearwater, Florida.
The undersigned, being four SDall businesses located in the 400 block of Cleveland
Street, hereby make request for permits to install four signs (One each) under the
marquees in front of our stores.
The situation being that the architect in designing the .fronts installed the
marquee 8 feet 5 inches above the sidewalk. We understand the city ordinance calls for
en eight foot clearance, thus we have only 5 inches for a sign which is not practical.
Having already had signs made that are J.O inches high resulting in them extending
5 inches below the legal limit and the fact a sign of any lesa depth is not practical,
we would greatly appreciate your granting us per.mission to use these signs.
These signs are stationary and permanently installed to the marquee and will leave
a clearance from the sidewalk of ? feet? inches which we are confident is ample.
This matter is of importance to us and seeing no reason for objections of any
consequence, we sincerely hope you see your way clear to grant our request.
Yours very truly,
REED FLORIST 421 Cleveland
(Signed) C. S. Reed
LEE'S SHOES 429 Cleveland
(Signed) Leonard Collman
CANTRELL & CONDON ~ 425 Cleveland
(Signed) Maurice Condon and E. B. Cantrell
lfflITED SPORTS 423 Cleveland
(Signed) Ed Dinan
January 19. 1950
City Comnission
cf 0 C1 ty Clerk
Clearwater, Fla.
Dear Gentlemen:
It is our understanding of Ordinance #437 that we are unable to erect a sign
10 x 20 teet advertising our company on property located on the corner ot Highland and
Gulf to Bay Boulevard as such property is situated just West of Duncan Ave.
As title to the property is owned by 8 member of the family an undue hardship would
result it it were not possible to erect a sign at this location as it would be necessary
to lease property elsewhere.
Besides, it is our opinion that the property is located in a position 'that in no way
wou1d adversely affect real estate values or be detrfmental to the wellfare of the community.
Hence, we tee1 we are justified in requesting that our appeaJ. .for erection of this sign
West of DUncan be favorably considered. We ~uld~ of course, comply with all other
proviSions of the Ordinance.
Very truly your8 J
e Signed) Earl S. irard, Jr.
Sec. Trea.
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:~~:,~~:,,4' ii OIVIL SERVIOE--Report ot Seoretary to the C1vil Service Board
j;;t<Y~) In aooordanoe with Rules and Regula t10ns governing the Civil Servioe Board,
the Civil Service offioe has pertormed the ~o11owing tunotions: (January
1949 - January 1950)
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Realizing that our rules and regulations are the guide by whioh
the methods and polioies are established ror the impartial and effective
administration or the Civil Service Aot, we have tried to impress tho
oitizens or Clearwater with the tact tnat all city employment i8 open to
oompetitive examination and can be a permanent career servioe tor capable
. I
In doing this we have utilized modern methods at reoruitment.
oontaoting the u. S. Employment office and other employment agenoies in
Clearwater as well as reterring to our own files of eligible lists, setting
torth and showing opportunities o1'f"ered in o1ty emplo:yment to those
qualified, and we certainly wish to express our gratitude to the Clearwater
Sun tor their cooperation in giving us spaee for news items prior to
examinations. Results seem to ~ndioate this approach is a step in the
right direction.
Prior to June 30, 1949, there was no classification plan in
effect. 01' even a description of the duties perrormed by city employees;
naturally, without this background o~ information we have had no way o~
knowing what knowledge or skill should be requlred ot applicants. Before
an examination can be given, there are three questions that should be
1. What must the employee know!
2. What skills must he have!
3. What aptitudes and other traits must he possesOl
to perfor.m sucoessfUlly those duties!
Without this information an examination may be a waste of money
and time. That is the reason examinations have been limited to a great
extent to the Fire and Police Departments, 01er1081 and professional jobs,
where knowledge and skill are gained on the job, providing the applicants
have ~e necessary intelligence and aptitude for that type of work.
Study ot classification needs was ~aken up by Commissioners
Guy Kennedy, Leland Drew and Bob Crane wno gave unselfishly of their t~e
and ef~orts, meeting with certajn representative city employees and jointly
with the Civil Service Board at a mass meeting held at the City Auditorium,
Thursday evening, Kay 27th, 1949~ where all city employees interested in
the subject of olassification, as w011 as otber City OommIssioners and
Officials, expressed themselves as being heart1lr in favor or the plan.
The actual work of classifling city jobs covered a period fraa
February 25th to Juno 30th, 1949_ and was under the supervision of
Hr. Robert Sfmmons, Manager of ~e Tampa F10rida state Employment Service
agency; jobs were olassified by Mrs. Mildred Yoats, Occupational Analyst
ot the Tampa office and many hours ot t~ping atter customary office hours
were put in by your Secretary, who was directed by the Civil Service Board
to acoomp1ish this ta.sk as rapidly as possible In order to meet the demands
ot city otficia1s, city employees and the Florida state Employ.ment Servio~
In view of the many stencils to be cut for the tor.ms necessary in this
work and the great deal of typing involved in preparing a booklet of seven
peges to describe each separate job. 1;he Board members instruoted Mrs. Young
to hire a typist and include the sum or 8300.00 in the Budget for the
Fiscal Year 1949-1950 under the heading of "Salaries, Special". This was
done accordingly, but all the typing was done by your Seoreta1"Y~ Mrs. Young.
Job summaries were prepared and completed for a total of 114 jobs
whioh in~luded the fol10wlng departm6nts: City Manager, Gas & Water.
Publio Works, Pub1io SerVice. Fire and Pollee, F~nancel Reoreation~ Library.
Building inspeotion and Civil Servlce. JQb anal~sis reports were written
tor eaoh of the 11. jobs covering the 11 city deparbments. Your Secretary
was oommended 1n a letter written by Mr. Robert Sbnmons, Manager of the
Tampa Florida State Employment Serv.1ce, to the Civil Service Board, dated
June 30, 1949, .We wish to extend ~r deep-~elt app~eciation for the
oomp1ete and enthusiastio oooperation .e have rece:1ved ;tram 14rs. Betty Young,
during the entire progress of the survey.'
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on June 30, 1149, in the office o~ the Civil Servioe Board, 0it7
&all, 'the Job Manual sett1ng torth the Job Analreis Report ot Citr Job
Olassi~loat10n, was rormal11 presented b1 Krs. K11dred Yeats, Ocaul&tlonal
Analya~ o~ ~e Florida State EmploJment Ser~ioe, t~ the C1t~ or Clearwater.
alld aocepted b)' Mr. au,. Kennedy on behalf of the 01 't1 Corlm1ss10n. 141'. Walter
Havener on behalt ot the CivIl Service Board and Cbarlea P. Jlol.one)' on
behalf of the CIty Emplo1ees. Mr. Burr Iiandall. of the U. s. Bmpl.o~nt
Serv1.oe and IIrs. Young were also present. Grat1tude 18 expressed 101' the
assistaDce and cooperation or Depar~ent Heads and Supe~intendent;s 1n our
11 01.t~ Departments who gave unstintIngly of ~eir 'time to meet wl~
)Irs. Yeats on Jll&n~ oooasions during the period th1s classIf1cation _II
taking place tor each classification questionnaire fllled aut br sane 237
CIty emplo~ees In which their duties were minutely desoribed, had to be
checked and verIfied by an ~ediate au~rviBor, ~oreman or su~r1ntendent.
then department head and fInally bY' the C:1t~ Manager.
In eompliance wIth a request by the City Commission to submit a
list ot qualified applicants ror posltion ot Ohler of Police by January 10th,
1949, owing to vaoancy caused by res1gnat1on of J. J. Elliott, December 3lat,
19&8" twoapplicatI0118 were duly submitted, (1) Georgei'. McClamma, Captain,
and (2) Brnest L. Thomas, Sergeant. of the Olearwater Po1loe Depa~~eDt.
On J'anuary 11, 1949, Sgt. Thomas withdreW' b.18 applioatlon in tavC)!- ot
Capt. JlcClamma and your Secretary so notifled the C1tr Commission at Sgt.
Thcmas' direction.
On Januarr ll1ih, 1949, in oreel- that vacancy created by the
reaigna1iioD or Sergeant Holladay might be filled, a promotional examination
was g~ven to all Grade A Patro~enJ 5 passed, a ce~t1fied.
On January 18th, 1949, in ordex- that 'Vacancy created by the pro-
motion or Capt. MoClamma to Chief, a promotiona1 examinatIon fora the
position of captain was given; three sergeants eligible to take said 8xaDP
1wat1on, 2 ~iled, 1 passed and certiried.
on April 11, 1949, a promotional eD.Illination for Detect:lve
Se2'geant was given; all members ot the Detective Branch and Grede A Patrol..
men were eligible, only one man took exmn1nation, passed ond was certified.
On May 20th, 1949, a promotional ezam1nation for Police cr.hlef
wall given to ActIng Chief George McCmm1na, who was only e11gib1e applicant,
paased, was certified and on July 1, J.949, -his six months prob8tioDal'1
period hav1ng been served 8UccessfUll~~ Acting City Manager dnl~ ~8rltied
his position as regular Pollee Chief, to the Civil Service Boa~.
On August 6~ 1949, Capt. Thomas resigned and a promotioll8.l
eDlD1ill8.t1on for Captain to fill existing vacanoy ..as given on August 15th,
1949. 3 Sgt. were eligible to take it. 1 ta1J.ed, 2 passed and were certified.
On August 15th. a promotional examination for Sgt. to till exist..
1Qg v.acancy wss given; 811 Grade A Patrolmen eligible~ one man re~orted to
take 1~, passed and was cert1fIedo
ExamInations to establish eligible J.1stswere given during the
~8ar in accordance with requests from Po11ce Chief. when the Occ&s1.on
demanded; 15 app1lcants examined and reteJ.-ences checked; 9 passed and were
ce1tti1fled. 6 .tailed.
Dur1ng the past year a desk cle~ks made appJ.1cat1on, were
accepted as: eligible and hired to work 113 Police Department. One painter
was given temporary transfer fram Carpenter Shop to wo~k tor Police Department.
In the Fire ~partment, examinations toestabllsh e11gibl.e list.
wo~ g1ven on Sept<<mber 1st. 1949 and ~cember 16, 1949; 10 men took
e~1nat1on. 6 passed and were certified, 4 ta1.led, 2 were given regular
prob&tlona~ appolntments by Ohier Treole. One electr1c1Qn qua11t~ed for
apPOintment. to tl11 existing vaoanc~ ca~sed by transfer ot e1ectr1.c1an'a
helper into job as tire-f1ghter, one regular fireman hav1ng resigned.
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~n December 3rd, 1949, a resolutlon was passed that the Secretar,
write a letter, to be duly signed by the Board JI1embers".commendlng Ohief
Treola upon the splendid display 01' Christmas lights in town, on the cause-
way and Cle&rwater Beach. Gratitude was expressed to the Merchants
Association whloh paid tor the material used in this display, to the City
Electricians who put up the lights and streamers, and to the Chief who
took the responsibility for producing suoh beautiful and orderly resulte.
In the Building Inspeotion Department, a oarpenter trom the
Carpenter Shop was transferred temporarily to the position of Asst. Build-
ing Inspeotor to fill vaoancy oaused by serious illness of employee
oooupying that position, on November 3, 1949.
Grant Greer, appliance salesman, under date of June 20, 1949,
wrote Mr. Watt Clark, Chairman, as tollows: "I hereby make applioation
for one year's leave of absence, commencing July 1, 1949. I am purchasing
the retail Gas Appliance business from the City of Clearwater and would
appreciate your oomplying with this request." In compliance with Mr. Greer'.
request and recommendation contained in contract between the City of
Clearwater and Mr. Greer, dated June 14, 1949, said leave was granted.
On July 1st, 1949" a clerk at the Gas Plant office was trans-
ferred to the position 01' Billing Clerk in the Gas & Water oftice at City
Hall. was given examination, passed and was certified.
On July 5, 1949, a clerk-stenographer in Gas & Water Office was
examined, passed" and certified.
Examinations to establish eligible lists were given during the
year to those meeting basic requirements of our Civil Service rules and
regulations who were qual~t1ed to make application in this office tor
clerk, stenographer, typist, bookkeeper and cashier work in the City Hall,
and other City Departments.
In the City Clerk and Finance Departments, a clerk-stenographer
serving in the capacity of secretary to the City Clerk, was examined,
passed and certified; also a position of clerk-typist was likewise success-
fully filled, October 12, 1949. On July 1, 1949, Gerald Weimer was trans-
ferred from the Finance Department, where he served in the capaoity ot
Disbursing Officer for the City, to the City Manager Department where he
bas successfully oompleted his probationary period as Asst. Purchasing
Agent to the City Manager.
On July 1, 1949, Mrs. JUanita Blanton, Payroll Clerk, was trans-
ferred to the position 01' Disbursing Officer, and has also successfully
. completed her probationary period of six months, in this capacit,.. Frank
Abernathy, Finance Director, suffered a nervous breakdown and due to hi.
prolonged absence and illness sinoe approximately the 15th of October, 1949,
has been unable to verify the above appointments by sending through the
necessarr personnel action for.=s on these employees. This matter will be
called to his attention ~ed1ately ~pon his return.
There have been no examinations given to emplo~ees 1n our Public
Library since we have only three regular, pe:nnanent employees who have
been with us tor many yea 1'8 and 14iss Byers, Librarian, employs as temporarJ'
help, young people going to school and serving atter sohool hours. A part-
time 3anitor was secured through this office on September 22ndl to serve
in that capacity until the regular janitor recuperated sufficiently from a
serious operation.
Complete employment records and files are kept in this office on
all employees serving the cityo This includes the laboring class who are
emplo'1ed in the Public Service. Public Works, Gas Plant, Parks and
Reoreation Departments. Data suoh.a: Name ot employee, Address, Birth-
date, Male, Female, White, Colored, Married, Number of Dependents, Date
o~ Original Employment, Kind of Employment, How classified, SalarJl and ao
on~ is required tor each employee and cards and tiles are kept up to date
tram day to dal.
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, (Cont. He-port' to C1Vi~ Service Board)
'Pege "
This information is most neoessary in order that your Seoretary
may be able to answer intelli8entl~ and correotly the many calls. both
bl Phone and in person, made b~ the pUblio oonoerning our emploleelo
Appreciation i8 expressed to all Deparbnent Heads who acouratell and
promptly report to this o~tice on our Civil Service Personnel Aotion ~or.ms
the ~ollowlng necessary lnfor.mat1oD: Kind of appointment givenJ regular.
emergenc,. temporary, etc. Dates; Starting SalarYJ Sick LeaveJ with pa1,
wl'thout pay, vaoation leaye, and 80 on, with reason ro%' absenoe. Any
change in status, such as, praaotion, transfer, salary increase or decrease;
termination of emplof,ment, whether laid otf, dismis8ed or resigned. As
each employee 1s granted 15 da~s s10k leave a year, an aocount o~ suoh liok
leave DUst be kept in order that emplo,ee may not be deprived ot his P&1
while absent for 11lness. or paid unlaw~11, should he be absent and
allotted sick leave used up.
On Hal 12th. 1949, Mr. Bennett, Citr Manager. wrote Mr. Olark,
Chairman, J."equesting that the CiVil Service Board aupp17 him with In-
formation covering sick leave, time oft with pay, t~e otr w1thout pay
and actual number or working days of all emp1o,eea in the Publio Service
Depel'tment ~or a period f'rom JulY' 1948 to April 1949. 'rhil tabuJ.ation was
prepared by your Secretary 1f1 th the coopera t10ll of' the Payroll Ole%'k and
records kept in this oft1ce and a lengthy ~po~t submitted to the C1t~
Kanager's office.
On July 29, 1949, Paul Jrane, Supt. of the Publio Service Dept.
met with the Civil Service Board to inform the members tbat he had re-
oeived the follow1ng communioation from Hr. Be~nett, Cit~ Manager. "It
bas been called to the attention o~ this office t~t white smploye8s have
been grallted longer vacations with pay than co~ored employees. It 18 the
unde~standing ot this office that Civ11 Servioe Rules and Regulations
govern this matter. Will you therefore, check on this and see that there
is no discrimination between the oolored and white rega~ing ~cat1ons
with PBy1f.
:.: ';". ,:
Hr. bne stated that his department bad followed the establiehe4
procedure of granting the white laborers ~wo weeks vaoation w1thpay aDd
the co~ored laborers one week. but that beg1nn1ng with the next V&catlon
yea%'. ~ would see that Civil Service ~les whjch state that each employee
ct the City ls entitled to a regular va erA tlon o~ one pay period, were
tollowed closely and that he bad alreeJd'1 informed all employees working
\U1der him to that effect.
~oughttul consideration by the members of the Oivi1 Service
Board was accorded a letter dated May 16, 1949. addressed to Mr. Watson
C1ark, Chairman, trQD1 Mr. Bennett. C'-t:y Manager, the first paragraph read-
ing as follows: "The City Commissicn has under consideration. the ~ploY"-
ing ot two (2) colored pa trolmen for the Polioe De partment . It is
suggested you establish a class1flcation for colored patrolmen. Tbe CaD-
.~e81on 1n discussIng this matter seem to tavora olassification that
eDPbaSiZ8S the reputation ot the policeman more th6n other quallr1ca~1ons.
suoh as age limit, etc."
During the discussion of Mr. Bennett's suggestion, in view ot
the fact that the two colored policemen.ment1cned above were not able to
meet; physical requirements as set forth in the 'Regulations of the Board
or Surgeon Examiners and neither one able to pus the wr'-tten examination
required of all Police applicants, the abI1it1 to nake a written repo~
or a possible accident or breach ot law and order should be at 1east a
basio re~irement ~or all police of~1oers.
On September 26, 1949, at 8:00 p.m.~ the Board members met with
the C1t~ Commission and assured them that as the 01v11 Service Rules and
Begulat10na Itand at present, there is no ~ac1al d1sor~1nat1on_ no
exceptions made in the ru1es fc~ the black or the wnite. no color line
dN1m. That thereby maintaining our high standards and adherence to
p~1no1ple, not onl~ C1tr Employees are proteoted from political p%'essure
O~ ~r8onal opinion but ~e Tax-payers of Clearwater can expect efficient,
1ntel11gent, well-trained publlc servants who capabl~ earn the tax dollars
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Page ,5 .'
. .
whloh :ran the 01 t,. and par the salaries. J4r. Clark. 0h1\ lrman, .t'ul"ther
stated that 1t was alwaY8 the d~81re ot the members ot the Civ1l Service
Bo.~ to cooperate, where posslb1e. with the Honorable Clty ComMlss10ners
~I ma1ntainiDg tail" and bnpart1al representat10n tor Clty Otf1clals,
Oi~l Implo7eea and Cit1zens of Clearwater alike.
or further interest to all those 1n sympathy with the Mer1t
Principle 18 the faot ~bat our 01t1 Clv1l Serv1ce 1s a member 1n good
standing with the Civil Servioe Assemb11 ot the Un1ted statea and Oanada.
~1. membership ent1tle& our Olearwater agencr to the tollow1ng services
and benefits:
1. Use ot the ~est Servioe--a collection ot thousands ot
speo~en exam1nations ~or most pub11o-servioe ocoupations. Civil service
agencies that use it save money by reducing ~e amount ot ttme needed to
prepare examinations. end prof1t by the researoh ot other agenoies 1n
develop1ng botter testa.
20 Use or tne Oonsultation service, through wh1ch agencies can
obtain a1d 1n sOlving specitic problems facing them. This servioe 1s
~mdered by . starr or consultants who have had extens1ve experience 1n
personnel administration 1n federal, state, and municipal government.
and i8 backed by a teohnical libra17 and a large reterence colleotion.
3. ~ serle8 of contidentiel .Personne1 Administration Reports.-
designed to help personnel officials in shap1ng sound administrative
pollo1es. !he Reports include swmmaries of nat10nwide surveys on subject.
ot pr1me ~portance to the personnel agenc7.
4. A Lending Libral"1 Service, placing at the agency's dispoaa1
. oomprehensive specia11zed library covering all pha8es ot personnel
administration, and containing nmnr items that are not avallable through
regular libraX'f channels.
5. An opportunity to attend and take part in national and
reg10nal conferences ot personnel otf1c1als each year. Conference pro-
8~a reature outstand1ng authorities in personnel administration, and
are devoted to intens~ve study ot methods for improving the quality or
'psrsoJ1neJ. adm1nistra t10D 1n the publio service. .
In conneotion with the above, it was the prlv1lege or yaur
secretary to attend the Southern Regional Civil Service Con~erence in
Atilenta, Georgia. March 29..31. 1949. Much use.tul and pertinent 1n~ormat10D
was gelDed, for contacts of ~is sort enables our agency to keep in touch
w1.th wbat's going on today in our f1eld, and above all, keep up to date.
In closing, and on the subject of examining procedures. 'personal
1nterv1ew rating, with a percentage grade, l~s been instituted as part ot
~8 examination. This, howeverJ has been limited to 1nterview with the
01vil Service Examiner and the Department Head. We hope to effect an
arrangement whereby this can be done b7 a special board ot examiners, to
further our attempts tor assurance of equitable rating. Also, we hope to
have a 88t1atactory aDd workable service rating system for all employees.
~e service rating system is what tells the story as to whether an employee
s~a1s 1n the satisfactor.y category or whether the City Service ls better
o~r without h1m. Eventuall,.. we hope to effect this. In this way the
best qual1fied personnel can be obtained and retalnedJ insuring e:f'fic1ent
o~rat10n and resulting 1n cash savings to tax-payers.
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Bett~ Bice YOU~
Peraonnel Dlrec or &
Secretary to the Board
Walter Havener, Chairman
Glenn Allen
Henry Geor~e
Newton Barlow
Roade 'rllle~
. .
. .'
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Janua ry 30, 1960
ORDER NO. 2355
'. '! i
, ',- ,:
In He: Application of Edwin Thomas for a )
Itm1ted certificate or public convenience )
and neoessity authorizing transportation )
of renters of cottages of the applicant )
at Dixtom CottageB~ P1nel1as County, )
Florida, fram Clearwater and St. Petera- )
burg to said Di~tom Cottages and from )
said Dixtom Cottages to Clearwater and )
St. Petersburg; and authorizing the )
operation o~ sightseeing tours from said )
Dixtom Oottages to vari9us points and )
places in the state of Florida, including)
Sarasota. Lake Wales, Bok Tower, Cypress )
Ga~ens, Tamp8~ Tarpon Springs, and )
S~lver Springs. )
". ," ~
",".', ". i
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", I
The Florida Railroad and Public Utllit~eB CommisSion, by its duly appointed EXaminer.
Lewis W. Petteway, held a pUblic hearing in the above matter in the Chamber of Commerce
Building~ Tampa, Florida~ on Wednesday, August 24, 1949, pursuant to notice of this
Commission dated August 9, 1949.
At said hearing the following appearances were made:
Edwin Thoma8~ applicant, 1116 Wallace S. Building, Tampa~ Florida, appeared in his
own behaJf.
John M. Allison, 612 First Na tional Bank Bldg., Tampa, 2 ~ }i'lorida, a ppeared :for Gulf
Coast Motor Line~ Inc., Clearwater, Florida and Florida Greyhound L1nes~ Inc.
C. E. Hill. 635 First Avenue, North, St. Petersburg, Florida, appeared for Southern
Tours, Inc.
Henry S. Bayna rd, First Federal B1.1ildlng, st. Petersburg~ Florida, appeared for Town
of Pasa-s-gril1e Beach, Florida.
By th~s proceeding applicant seeks a common carrier certificate of public convenience
and necessity authorizing the transportation of renters of cottages of the applicant at
Dixtom Cottages, Pinellas County, Florida, from Clearwater and St. Petersburg to said
D1xtom Oottages and from said Dlxtom Cottages to Cleal~ater and st. Petersburg; and
authorizing the operation of sightseeing tours from said Dixtom Cottages to various p01nta
and places in the State of Florida, lncluding Sarasota, Lake Wales, Bok Tower, Cypress
Gardens, 'DUllpa, Tarpon Springs and Silver Springs.
After due consideration of the testimony and evidence adduced at said hear1ng~ the
Commission finds that public convenience and necessity do not authorize and require the
granting of a common carrier certificate of public convenience and necessity for tne
transportation operation which applicant seeks to perfoI'lu.
It is theraf"ore ORDb."RED, ADJUDGED, a nd DECREED the t the a ppllca ti on of Edwin Thoma s
be and the same is hereby denied without prejudice, however, to app1icant to rile an
application for a '''for hire" permit.
By the Commission this ~ day of January, 1950
-I.,:. t
(Signed) Bolling C. Stanley
Executive Secretary
January 17, 1950
Mr. Boyd Bennett,
City Manager!.
CleaMVa ter, It'la.
Dear Hr. Bennett:
The Board of Public Instruction 1n regular session on January 11th passed a motion f"or
the Superintendent to write a letter of thanks and commendation for the outstanding work
of" the City Oo~ias1oners and Manager of Olearwater.
In the past year~ through your efforts you have made possible improvements to our play-
grounds and schools. Your cooperation and work in behalf of the public schools has made
wonderful improvement in the personal appearance of our schools and school grounds.
I wish to e~pre8s the appreciation of the Board for your fine cooperation~ for the work
you ~ve done ~n helping us to build 8 better school system.
Sincerely yours,
Floyd T. Chr~9t1an, Superintendent
of Public Instruction
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January 30, 1950
WHEREAS, it has been deter.mined by the City Con~iSBion of the City of Clearwater,
Florida, that the property described below should be cleaned of weedse grass and/o~
underbrush, and that after ten (10) days notice and failure of the owner thereof to do
so, the City should clean suoh property and charge the costs thereof against the
respective property.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater,
Florida, that the folloWing described property, situate in said City, shall be cleaned
of weeds, grass and/or underb~lBh within ten (10) dayo after notice in writing to tne
owners thereof to do so and that upon failure to comply with said notice, the City shall
perform such cleaning and oharge the costs thereof against the respective properties in
acoordance with section 128 of the Charter of the City of Clearwater, ao amended.
Lot 10., Blk. 12:
Mandalay Subd.
Lot 1'7, Blk 1a
Mandalay Sub.
I' ,.:. ;,
Marie Kramer, c/o Hurd
47 Rookland Pl., New Rochelle, ~.Y.
Laurence E. Fraley
Trailer City, Clearwater, Fla.
Mrs. Lee Patterson
624 Lincoln Ave.
Hawthorne, New Jersey.
i '
Lot 18, Blk 12
J.landalay Sub.
Tweed lvlcMullen
Bayview Bldg., City
Fi10meno F. Gullo
2'715 Spruce St.
Tampa, Fla.
Carl F. Eender
914 S. Ormer st., Arlington, Va.
Maurice Stein
2431 Central Dr., Tampa, Fla.
Samuel & Rebecca Stein
P. O. Box 1869, Tampa, Fla.
Park Berna rd
c/o Bernards Tobacco V/are::louse,
Abingdon, Va.
Henry Henriquez
Manda1ay Road, Clearwater, Fla.
Lot 12, Blk 13
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 13, Blk 13
Manda lay ~ub.
Lot 3, Blk 14
Mandalay Sub.
Lots 1, 2, 3, Blk 15
l4andalay Sub.
Lot 5, B1k 15
Manda1ay Sub.
Lots '7, B,Blk 15
Ma nda la y Sub.
Lots 1, 2, 9, 10, Blk 16
Mandalay Sub.
Dorothy Gullo
2'714 Spruce St., Tampa, Fla.
Benj. F. Carlisle
12851 Rutland Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Tobiao J. Bonaoio
21 Kendall st., City
Helen Munro Robinson
905 Shadowlawn, Tampa, Fla.
T. R. Robinson
905 Shadowlawn, Tampa, Fla.
Hazel B. Bull
Dunedin, Fla.
Leoter Dicus
Sunset Point Hotel, City
Jame s Lumia
3215 - 12th St., ~mpa, Fla.
Nick Segonis
113 Ring Ave., Tarpon Springs, Fla.
Lot 3, B1k 16
Mandalay Sub.
Lots 5, 6, B1k 16
Manda lay Sub.
Lot 6, Blk 1'7
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 5, Blk 18
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 12, Blk 18
Mandale.y Sub.
Lot 1, B1k 24
Manda1ay Sub.
Lot 3, B1k 24
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 14, Blk 24
Mandalay Sub.
Edith Homer
Homer Realty Co., City
Arlington' Smith
Hicksville, Ohio
Alberto Quiroga
849 Manda1ay Road, City
L. P. & G. P. Hovey
Dunedin, Fla.
Lot 15, Blk 24
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 10, Elk 24
Manda lay Sub.
Lot 4, B1k 26
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 3, B1k 2'7
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 10, Blk 27
Mandalay Sub.
, -/ ..-
.<;"" .' .,......,.. ",,"',t:'i:
J81nua r.ry 30, 1950
Lot Cleaning~ Contd.
Lot 1, Blk 28
Mandalay Sub.
N i of Lot 9~ and" Lot 10, Blk 2B
Mandalay Sub.
Lots ll~ 12, Blk 28
Mandalay Sub.
. RobertF. Wyatt
P. O. Box 425, City
Edward C. park
161 Summit Ave., Wollaston, };lass.
J. Wa rd Palmer
Walton, New York
J. E. Satterfield
216 Prescott st., City
Homer Realty Co.
G. T. Culbert
Box 509, Ma rion, Va.
M. A. Armstrong
318 Sunset Court, City
.'. 'Th01lla s Hamil ton
" '
509 Pine street, City
Lot 1, Elk 31
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 14, Blk 31
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 4~ Blk 33;
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 9, Blk 42
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 11, B1k 4a
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 12, Blk. 42
!.1a nds la y Sub.
IDt 8, Elk 44-
Mandala Sub.
WIn. ,E. Cavanagh
P. o. Box 1815, Montgo~ery, Ala.
Cleveland Trust Co.
Cleveland, Ohio
Mr. Fletcher Brown
Bass Rocks, Mass.
Lots 1, 2, Blk 45
Me nda la y Sub.
Lota ?~ 8, Blk 45
Mandalay Sub.
Lots l~ 2, B1k 46
1I1andalay Sub.
Lots 5, 6! Blk 46
l.la nda Ie. y ~ub.
lot 4, Blk 46A
1I1a nda la'Y Sub.
Mrs. Edna Wilson
24 Gramercy Park, N.Y., N.Y.
Mr. Harvey F. Fisher
6116 N.E. 28th st., Portland, Oregon
La rry D1nnni tt
948 Eldorado, City
Dr. J. L. Bowen
421 Druid Road, City
Eliz. & Natalie Bradford
2109 Watrous st., Tampa, Fla.
Emile Goss
5113 Seminole Ave., Tampa, Fla.
Bess Pardo
2503 - 4th Ave., Tampa, Fla.
Bertha C. Sheldon
5641 - 1st Ave. North, st. Petersburg~ Fla.
Helen T. Hinchman
5641 - 1st Ave., North~ st. Petersburg,Fla.
Lot 5, Blk 49
llandalay Sub.
Lot 2, Blk 50,
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 5, B1k 50
Mandalay Sub.
Let 3, Blk 51
Manda 1e y Sub.
Lot 4, B1k 51
Mendalay Sub.
John A. spoto
1425 E. Broadway, Tampa, Fla.
Arthur G. Leithe1ser
926 Manda1ay, City.
Lot 5, B1k 51
Mandalay Sub.
Lots 6 and 7 less si, B1k 51
Manda1ay Sub.
H. E. Pontius
1017 Union st., City
Mrs. John Tapon
924 Manda1ay Rd., City
Lot lO~ Blk 51
Manda1ay Sub.
Lot 1, Blk 52
Mandelay Sub.
Lot 2, Blk 5~
Llandalay Sub.
Lot 3. Blk 52~
Mandalay Sub.
u>t 3. Blk 57
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 2, Blk 5'7
Mandslsy Sub.
Lots 1, 2, B1k 58
Mandala,. Sub.
Florenoe H. Rosenberg
213 S. Gome 2'l, Ta mpa , Fla.
Fanny M. Marks
Jasmine Way, City
Marian S. Dyer
P. O. Box 1588, Tampa, Fla.
William E. Cross
945 Bay Esplanade, CIty
. , , 'lklward A. Oolonna
;':3,921 Elbert Ave., Alexandrla_ Va.
: ,
1, .
, "
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January 30. 1950
Joseph C. Christ
1006 Caracas st., Tampa, Fla.
Helen Stor1s Manss
963 Bruoe ~ve.. Cit,.
s. C. Minardi, Sr.
2816 - lOth st., Tampa, FJ.a.
Samuel A. Korones
206 N. Washington Ave., C1ty
JamB.s Lumia
P.O. Box 5269, Tanlpa, Fla.
Metta L. Watwood
507 N. Osceola Ave., City
Salvador Greco
1543 Easterl~ Terr., Los Angeles, Calif.
Samuel. Stein
P. O. Box 1B69, Tampa, Flo.
J. N. Pew, Estate
Room 1904, 1608 Walnut St., Phi1adelphia,Pa.
Emile Goss
5113 Seminole Ave., Tampa, Fla.
The 1001 Corp., Annette De Bona
1001 Eldorado, City
Fannie B. Williams
Missouri Ave., City
Morris OWens
531 Oak Ave., City.
F. W. Pope
1915 Sanford Ave., City
Xay11b Company
192 Market St., Paterson, N. J.
Edwa rd Proef'ke
1024 Eldorado Ave., City
H. M. Tumburke
Manson Arcade, City
Geo. L. Shead
405 Edgevater Dr., Dunedin, Fla.
Mrs. Esther Daniels
P. O. Box 27
Worcester~ Mass.
Virginia Dann
458 Scotland st., Dunedin, Fla.
The 1001 Corp., Annette de Bona
1001 Eldorado, City
James & liary Lumia
P. O. Box 5405, Tampa, Fla.
Adon L. Sm1 th
1812 N. Ft. Harrison, City
Edward P. MacCarthy
Box 24l~ Sy~cuse, Ind.
Annette DeBono
1001 Eldorado, City
Logan A. Becker
8aO Bay Esplanade, City
J OM J. Ecklla rt.
965 Bay Esplanade, City
Wm. Edward Cross
945 Bay Esplanade, City
George J. ~heurer
115 Broadway. New York City_
.... ,'~ '.' ,
r,ot 3, Blk 58
lrtandala'1 Sub.
Lot 5, Blk 58
.Manda laY' Sub.
Lot 2, Blk 59
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 3, Blk 59
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 4, Blk 59
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 8, Blk 59
Mandalay Sub.
Lot ?, Elk 60
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 11, Blk 60
Manda1ay Sub.
Lot 2, Blk 62
Mandala'Y Sub.
Lot '7, Elk 62,
M8ndalay Sub.
Lots 4, 5, Blk sa
Mandals'Y Sub.
Lot 8, Elk 6a
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 11, Blk 67
Mandala..,. Sub.
Lot 12, Blk 67
Mandala:y Sub.
Lots 4, 5, 6, Blk 68,
Ma ndala y Sub.
Lot '1, BJ.k 68
Mandala y Sub.
Lot 11, Blk 68
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 14, Blk 68
:Ma nda la y Sub.
Lot 17,. Blk 68
'Mandalay Sub.
Lot 18, Elk 68
ltlandalay Sub.
Lots 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
Mandalay Sub.
Lots 1, 2L 3, 4, Blk 84
lv1a nda la y pub.
Lot 10. Elk 84
lilandalay Sub.
Lots 18, 19, Elk 256
Carlouel Sub.
Lot 4, Blk 263
Carloue:li. Sub.
Lot~ -s1 of Lot 4,. Elk 265
Carlouel Sub.
IA:>t 8, Blk 265
Lot 14, B1k 265
Carlouel Sub.
Lots 71 8.Blk 266
Carloue1 Sub..
" .
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Janua ry' 30, 1950
Lot Clean1ngl Contd.
Lots 1, 2, 3, Blk 267
CaJ:'louel Sub.
Annette de Bono
1001 Eldorado, City
Robt. M. Wolff, M.D.~
1219 Oleveland, City
Albert Rudsef Diehl
424 Linden Avo., York, Pa.
Lots 9, lO~ Bik 267
Carlouel Sub.
Lot 13, Blk 26'7
Carlouel Sub.
Norman J. ~11br1ght
5323 Southwestern Blvd., Chicago, Ill.
Roy W. Walce11ng
424 Jasmine Way, City
Logan A. Becker
880 Bay Esp1anadel City
Lot 2, Elk 2'71
Car10uel Sub.
Lot 2, B1k 273:
Oa rlouel Sub.
Lot 3, NE'ly i of Lot 4, Blk 2'74
Carlouel Sub.
Mr. T. R. Falmer
Box 149, City.
Dr. Raymond H. Center
Cleveland st.. City
E. L. Robbins
0/0 T. R. Palmer, Box 149, City
Hal. H. Henton
405 E. Shore Drive, City
Lot 7, S'ly i of 6, B1k 2'73
Carlouel Sub.
Lots 8, 9, Elk 2?4
Darlouel Sub.
Lot 10, 11, Blk 274
Carlouel Sub.
Lot l3, Blk A
Barbour Morrow Sub.
w. R. Harbour
815 Bruce St., City
Oscar C. Loerfler
518 Clearwater St., City
Lot 14, Blk A,
Barbour Morrow Sub.
Lot 15, Blk A,
Barbour Morrow Sub.
R. V. Barden
P. O. Box 8'75, City
Henry Henriquez
Manda1ay st., City
Edith Homer
620 Mandalay Blvd., Ci~
Roy Vfakeling
424 Jasmine Way, City
Antonio Diecidus
46 st., E. Broadway, Tampa, Fla.
Lots 17, 18, Blk A
Barbour Morrow Sub.
Lots 19, 20, B1k A
Barbour Morrow Sub.
Lots 23, 2~, 23B, Blk A
Barbour Morrow Sub.
Willis Tengras
215 Gulfview Blvd., City
Roy Wake ling
424 Jasmine Way, City
L. S. Ruder
Carley Ave., Belleair, Fla.
Lots 55, 56, 57
Lloyd White Skinner Sub.
lot 51, 62)
Lloyd \Vhite Skinner Sub.
Lot s 99, 100 Nt of 101
Lloyd White Skinner Sub.
Lots 103, 104
Lloyd ~Yhite Skinner Sub.
Lots 1091 110
Lloyd \1.hite Skinner Sub.
Lot lll, N~ or 112
Lloyd White Skinner Sub.
Lots 112, Nft of 123, 125,126,128
Lloyd White Skinner Sub.
Lots 1, 2, Blk A
Columbia Sub. #,2
J. B. Tucker
P. O. Box 561, City
L. S. Ruder
Carley Ave., Belleair, Fla.
!aura K. Stoddard
312 Coronado Drive, City
Clwr. Beach Properties, Inc.
Iucius Ruder
Davey-McMullen Bldg., City
Anthony Caltigirone
2001t - loth A va., Tampa, Fla.
H. C. Cogburn
Penna. Ave., CitY'
Michael C. Rynksel
22? Douglas Ave.. Waukegan. Ill.
Lots 3,4.5,5,7,10,11,12,Blk ~,
Columbia Sub. #'4
Lot 14, Blk A
Columbia Sub. #2
Lot Z, 8.G51 or w. 105'
Elk B, Columbia Sub.
Lot 2, N. 65' of W. 105', Blk B,
Columbia Sub.
J....,...; i
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(%j;~ii!t,~~k':i:ji ~:~i~, Ig:~ Home s. Ina.
,,:':':~,",/1!.t..,,,v..Tl~;,::':').\'.,:~" ' 'A~elO Salva .
....,~;'jJ~':\~~;.~:r~:r,~:~.j~!..;,..,(:,,' ,'..:e...'. . ", .. W' S G ld1
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, ,.~!~;.\,i;;.:;\.:i<:::;.<:::,;; Ll t'tleFeri7 . New Jersey
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Lot Jl
Miller's Replat
Lot 6
Miller's Replat
.:)f~i~i.~0~~J~; ·
:. ". ,_.,; " ., ,~......~. "" .... '......, . ,,';'" {. 'i-..:~ :':'", ...~: ' ~'" ..> ;..~,. ,..::. .. - ~. .. ~ ~:..-.. :
. , ~.....';. ,. .....\, u....... '. .... '
January 30. 195<;1
Lot Cleaning, Contd.
JlIb /
Lot 9
Miller's Replart
Morris Rosenstein
c/o McMullen, McMullen & Pogue, City
WIn. Kirstein
114 S. Albany, Tampa, FIa,.
Lot 10
Miller's Rep1at
Mrs. F. G. Wisner
744 E. Michigan Ave., Battle Creek, Mioh.
Jos. G. Simcock
311 Sunset Drive, City
Edgar W. Bright
1146 Drew St., City
Bert D. Shorter
R. F. D. #3, Middletown, New York
Lot 25
Property of A. J. Moore
Lots 9, 10
Gulfview Sub.
Lot in Blk 10
A ikens Sub.
Lot 13, Blk J,
Boulevard Heights
Lots 1, 2, Blk ~
Knoll wood Sub.
Mr. Geo. E. Locker
1111 So. Myrtle Ave., City
Martin Pokorney
1405 Gulf to Bay, City
Lot 3, Blk 3"
Knollwood Sub.
Rbt. C. Lawler
917 Main st., Richmond Ind.
Mallard F. Williams
1781 N. Ft. Harrison, City
J. C. & Lola Mason
P. O. Box 451
Safety Harbor, Fla.
Fred Lentz
Box 156, Wauastosa, Wis.
Edwa rd N. Guy
501 N. Greenwood Ave., City
Lots 8, 9, 10. 11, Blk S
Y.nollVlood Sub.
Lot 13, Blk 3
Knollwood Sub~
Lota 45, 46, B1k C.
Highland Groves
Lot ]3, Blk 13,
Coun try Club Addn.
Lot 10, Blk 12:,
Country Club Addn.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of
Clearwater, Florida, this 30th day of January, A.D., 1950
Leland F. Drew
Acting ---Mayor-Commissioner
H. G. Wingo
City Auditor a r.d Clerk
WHEREAS: it has been determined by the City Corml1ission of the City of Clearwater,
Florida, that the property described below should be cleaned of weeks, grass and/or
underbrush, and that after ten (10) days notice and failure of the owner thereof to do
so, the City should clean such property and charge the costs thereof a8ainst the respective
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater.,
Florida, that the following described property~ situate in said City, shall be cleaned
of weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten(lO) days after notice in writing to the
owners thereof to do so and that upon failure to comply with said notioe, the City shall
perform such cleaning and charge the costs thereof against the respective properties in
accordance with Section 128 of the Charter of the City of Clearwater, as amended.
Owne r:
Lots 6,5,11, B1kA
Barbour Morrow Sub.
Joseph A. Peterman
c/o Ben Ev~s, City
Fred M. Decker
P. O. Box 591, City
Lot 12, Blk A
Barbour Horrow ~ub.
,',' "
Wm. S. MeIring, Jr.
295 Voorhees Ave.,
BUffalo, New York
Paul Bergen
Park Apts., Park St., City
Frank W. Stonecipher
1701 N. Osceola Ave., City
Frenk C. Meyer
2336 ',Sherman Blvd., Milwaukee, W1s.
Lots 1, 2, Blk 0,
Bay Terrace Sub.
Lot 13,
Clearwater Heights
Lots 3, 4, Blk 1,
Ea yview Heights
Lots l~ 2, Blk a
Bay-view lIe1ghtlll
'. '.'"
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Lot 8, Blk: B,
Boulevard Pines
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January 30, ,19~O
Lot C1eaning_ Contd.
Lo Roy Morgan
Green Acres Trailer Park
Gulf to Bay, City
Eddie Viella
2'713 Morgan st., Tampe, Fla.
Lot 12" Blk 5
Clearwater BDach~ Sub.
Lots 10, 11. Blk B
F10ridens Sub.
A. C. Vance
Honasassa Springs, Fla.
N. M. Faulds
Keene Road_ R.F.D. #1, City
Fred I. Coller
1651 Harvard st., City
James & May Lumis
P. O. Box 5405
Tampa _ Fla.
Mrs. D. R. Peters
604 Turner st., City
Wilbur D. A.11en
1916 McKinley St., City
Louis Roberts
2116 Drew St., City
W. 20' of Lot ?
H. A. Kilgore Sub.
Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, Blk D
Keystone Manor
Lots 3, 4. Blk B4
Mandalay Sub.
G. E. Permenter
2114 Harding St., City
Lot 4
Marshall & Brandon Sab.
Lots '7, 8.~,lO,ll,14,15,Elk
Marymont Subd.
Lots 16, 17, Blk 21
MSl'ymont Sub.
Lots 13.14, B1k 23,
MSJ:lynlont Sub.
Helen F. Weber
P. O. Box 704, City
ltrank L. Hovey
OXford, N. Y.
Lots 16. ~7, B1k 24
Marymont Sub.
Lots 6, 7, 8. Blk 24
Marymont Sub.
Lot 24, Blk D,
Sunset Pt. 1st.
Mrs. K. Burton
2116 Drew st., City
H. E. Permenter
2114 Harding St., City
Lots 16. B1k B,
Sunset Pt. 2nd
Cleve1 Hl1~
1856 Stevenson Ave., City
Paul A. Nicks
1115 Stevenson Ave., City.
Lots 17.18, Blk B.
Sunset Pt. 2nd
Lot 19, Blk B,
Sunset l?t. 2nd
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City COlIl111ission of the City
of Clearwater, this 30th daY' of January. A. D., 1950
Leland F. Drew
~ctinp; -- Msyor-Conmisl3ioner
H. G. Wingo
City Auditor and C~erk
" ~ .' j.
~)~~~~;~~;~.:L.'";;".....'.~..; ....
January 30. 1950
WHE~S the City of Olearwater. Florida is transversed from North to a~uth b~ Fort
Harrison Avenue, also known as U. S. 19, whioh is a continuation of said higb:wBY through
the entire length of said City, and
WHEREAS said higllway and street is heavily travelled, and
WHEREAS said street is within the limits of said City crossed at an angle OW the
main tracks of the Seaboard Airline Railroad, said orossing being at this time unguarded
and without the benefit of traffio signals or devices or any kind, and
WHEREAS it is necessary for the protection or the general public and partioular17 of
transientB using said highway that proper trarfic signals should be placed along said
highway in the vicinity of said railroad croBsing
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Conmission of the City of Clearwater.
Florida, that the Board of County Commissioners of Pinellas County, Florida be and i~
is hereby petitioned to request the Florida State Road Department to furnish and install
suitable traffic lights and signalS on South Fort Harr1son Avenue in the City o~ Clear-
water, F10rida in the following place~: Intersection of seaboard Airline Railroad with
South Fort Harrison Avenue, intersection of Lakeview Avenue and South Fort Harrison
Avenue. intersection of Court Drive and South Port Harrison Avenue, intersection of
Bellevlew Boulevard and South Fort Harrison Avenuo.
BE IT ~JRTHER RESOLVED that the City Auditor and Clerk i8 hereby authorized and
directed to certify a copy of this Resolution to the Board of County Commissioners of
Pinellas County, Florida.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 30th day or Janua ry, 1950.
Le 19. nq F. Dr~..
A\ct1ng MEw' or-C'onunissioner
H. G. Wingo
Oi ty Auditor a nd Clerk
Dec. 28~ 1949
Memo to The Honorable Board of County Commissioners.
Plnellaa Oounty Court House,
Olearwater, Fla.
There are submitted herewith the following reports for the month of November, 1949:
Financia1 report covering receipts and disbursements of Clearwater Veterans' Count~
Serv-ice Office ror the month of November. .
Report of activities of Clearwater and St. Petersburg Veterans' County Service Orfices.
Trusting you will find these reports in order, 1 remain
Yours trulY',
(Signed) J. A. Preedom,
County Service Officer
c.o. to City of Clwr.
c.c. to City of Tarpon Springs
c.c. to City of Dunedin
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January SO. 1950
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Memo to The Honorable Board of County Oommissioners,
Pinellas County Court Haase,
Clearwater, Fla.
Following is a statement of Reoeipts and Disbursements of Clearwater Veterans'
County Service Office for the month of ~ovember" 1949:
P1nellas County
C1t-:, of Clearwa ter
C1ty of Dunedin
C1ty of Tarpon Springs
J. A. Preedom, Sa1a17
Seoretary, salary
Telephone & long distance
Poatage & registration
Oar operation
Printing, staty. &
Office expense
Tota 1
J. A. Preedom
J. A. Preedom
Deo. ;30, 1949
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To: The Honorable Board o~ County Oommissioners:
Pinellas County, Florida.
Report of activities of Clearwater & St. Petersburg Veterans' County Service Off1ce~
~or the month of November, 1949.
Total number of veteran contacts
Applications filed for moneta~ benefits as ~ollowB:
Subsistence allowances under PL 16 and PL 346 ---------- -------------32
Pensions, appeals, insurance benefits c1aimn" death
benefits and dependency claims -------- -------------------------
Applications for burial allowances and headstones----------------..-
It It attendants care for disabled veterans-------------
" It hospitalization & domiciliary care -----------__..
Evidence supporting claims as follows:
Photostatic copies of discharges ----~---- ------- --------------
Certified coPties of marriage records------------------------------
It t tt reports of separa tlon ___ _____ __ __ ____ _________
It "It birth records _____ __ ___ _______ _______________
It ",. divorce records _____ ________________________
tt It n death records----------------------------------
Forms filed:
Marital status 8-6860 ------- ------------------------------------
Ohange & location of place o~ training 1905e----------------------
Power of attorney 2-P-22 -----------------------------------------
Ohange of address 4-572 ------------------------------------------
Transfer of case files & reco~a 4-572 -------..-------------------
Applications for out-patient dental &: medical treatments---..------
Interruptions of training &: training reports----------------------
Miscellaneous a~f1davita--------------------------------- --------
Income questionaires on pens~ona------------------------ .---------
Custodians' accountings for minor beneficiaries-------------------
A.pplica tions for original &; supplemental oertj.f"ica tea ----------- .------ ---- 39
Misoellaneous Forms of d1f.ferent kinda ------- --------------------------- 43
App11cations for refund dividends on NSLI --------------------------------.- 37
USGLI & NSLI converted, renewed Bnd applied for -..----------- ~ll~,OOO
State Bonus Applications:
Louisiana ----------- 1
De1aware ----------- 2
Il1ino1s------------- 1
Connect1cut---------- 1
o.c. to City of Clearwater
o.c. to Oi ty of Dunedin;
c.c. to City of Tarpon Springs
'.< ,',
, " ,
Janua ry 30, 1950
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Memo to The Honorable Board of County Commissioners,
Pinellas County Court House,
Clearwater, Florida.
Janua ry 24, 1950
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There are submitted herewith the rollowing reports ror the month of December, 1949:
Financial report covering receipts and disbursements of Clearwater Veterans' County
Service Office for the month of December, 1949.
Report or aotivities or Clearwater and St. Petersburg Veterans' County Service Orrices.
Trusting you will rind these reports in order, I remain
Yours truly,
(Signed) J. A. Preedom,
County Service Officer
,,'....", ",.
JAP/ il
Memo to The Honorable Board or County Commissioners,
Pinellas County Court House,
Clea rwa ter, Fla.
January 24, 1950
FOllowing is a statement of Receipts and Disbursements of Clearwater Veterans'
County Service Office for the month of December, 1949:
Pinellas County
City of Clearwater
City of Dunedin
City of Tarpon Springs
exp. 15.25
J. A. Freedom, salary
Secretary ~ salary
Telephone & long distance
Postage & Registrations
Ca r opera ti on
Printing, staty. & office
To ta 1
Signed JI A. Freedom,
County Service Officer
to City of Clearwater
to City or Dunedin
to City or Tarpon Spr~ng~______________________
January 24, 195Q
Report of activities of Clearwater and St. petersburg Veterans' County Service Offices for
~ month of December, 1949
Tota1 number of veteran contaots ~ - ---------------------------..--------------1370
Applioations riled ror the followingAbene its:
Subsistence allowances under PL 16 and PL 346 ---------------------------30
Pensions, appeals, insurance benefit claims, death benefits
and dependency cla~s---------------140
Applications for burial allowances & headstones-------------------------- 4
It. " attendants care for disabled---------------------------- 2:
n " hospitalization & domici1iary--------------------------- 16
Tot~l--------------------- 192
Evidence supporting claims as follows:
Photostatic copies or discharges---------------------------------------- 36
Certified copies of marriage records------------------------------------ 31
I. It" reports of separe. tion------------------------------- 14
" n,,, birth records------- ------------------------------- 38
It "" divorce records------------------------------------- 14
" "" death records--------------------------------------- 11
Total--------------------- 144
Forms Filed:
Marital status 8-686c--------------------------------------------------- 37
Change of location and type of training 1905e--------------------------- 29
Power of attorney 2-P-22 ----------------------------------------------- 93
Chango of address 5-472 ------------------------------------------------ 61
Transfer of C files and reoords----------------------------------------- 24
Applications ror out-patient dental & medical -------------------------- 29
Interruptions of trainipg and training reports-------------------------- 31
Miscellaneous affidavits ----------------------------------------- ----- 39
Notar1zations--------------------------------- ------------------------- 107
Illcome questionaires on pensions --------------------------------------- 3
Custodians' accountings on minor benefioiaries ------------------------- 5
Total ---------___________
Applications for certificates of eligibility -----------------------_______ ________
Misoellaneous Forms of various kinds --------------------------- -----______________
Applications for refund dividends on NSLI --------------------------________________
USGLI & NSLI oonverted, renewed and applied for ------------------------- $110,000
STATE BONUS Applioations:
Hew York, 6
Oonneotllut ~ 1
Illinois, 1
M1oh1gan, 2
Iowa, 1
cc. to City ot Clearwater
c.c. to 01 ty of Dunedin '.
c.o. to City ot Tarpon Springs
January 30, 1950
1L;2 /,
January 1B, 1949
City of Clearwater
Inter-Office Communication
To Mr. !Jennett
From o. H. Anderson, Seely Zoning Board
, :!
," I
': ',..!
, ,
At the regular meeting of the Zoning Board held on Tuosday evening, January 17.
Q motion was made and carried that the request of Mr. E. M. Green, to erect a
filling and service station at 2508 Gulr to Bay Blvd. (Sec. 17-29-16 Metes and
Bounds description) be granted.
Attached herewith is ~1r. Green's request, proposod plan and plot plan.
1950, .. ;
" .'
.. ','. .
January 5, 1950
, i
To The Mayor and Oity Commission
of Clearwater. ~~orlda.
There is herewith respectfully submitted a copy of recommendations made by the
Federation's Ten-Year Planning Committee for the improvement of certain defects in the
City or Clearwater.
In the event the t your Commission he s not a lready made provision for the oon-
sideration of the itenlS set forth in the Committee's reco~endations, it is requested
that they be placed on your agenda for early action.
Frederick C. Lucas, President
Clearwater, Florid~
Dece~ber 30~ 1949
Resume of recomnendations of ten-year planning committee as submitted to Federation
in August~ 1949.
1. That City Dump be removed from present location to an area several miles distant
from city boundaries on land owned by the city or county--or private indjviduals. It is
urged this be done in 1950 if at all possible.
2. That sewer system of" city be expanded 1n every way practicable by placing of new
and larger pipes where needed now or where new building developments will soon make
expansion necessary.
2A. ThBt early provision be made for a new sewage digestor. That the City copperate
with adj01ning communities in the prevention of water pollution by sewage. The start
on sewage system enlargement should be made in 19S0.
3. City Pier. That provision should be made in 1950 f"or a City Pier on the beaoh
which will be a source or pride to the city.
4. Beach Municipal resort center on lines or Sarasota Lido Beach. Lire guard~
should be provided.
5. Water supply system for city should be increased from new sources outside the
city as in case or st. Petersburg. Artesian wells east of' city should be Diade available.
6. The present parks should be properly landscaped and made attractive to all citizens,
particularly the present open area between the Bay and North Osceola street~ bounded by
Cleveland Street on the South, should be landscaped in 19S0, and provided with comfort
station and benches. Crest Lake Park should be landscaped in 1950 in accordance with
plans of J.andscape architect already prepared for city. City land between Country Club
Estates and Greenwood Avenue east of Greenfield should definitely be set Bside as Park
and recreation center. Lake Bellesir on south side west of Greenwood Avenue should be
acquired by City and developed as a Park.
1. Adequate street lightin~ should be provided from the west end of the Courtney
Campbell ]?arkway to intersection of Gulf to Bay Boulevard with the new Route #19. A
comrort station and information booth should be insta1led on the west end of the Farkway
named above. Drinking water should be provided on the Parkway at intervals.
We wish to go on record supporting the city's plan to draft a bill to go before the
next state Legislature so that the city can operate under the general zoning law allowed
cities by the State of Florida. wherein recommendations of the City Zoning Board CQn
be definitely acted upon by the City Commission, instead of hav1ng to go to a referendum
by the freeholders. Bill Board erection should be limited. especially in ~s1dent1al areas.
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January 30. 1950
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(Clearwater Federation of Civio Club~--oontd.)
An adequate police force should be provided in 1950 so that main arteries may be
pst~olled to stop speeding within the oity limits. Provision should be made tor
additional fire stations to oover entire city. Traffic hazards should be eliminated
in city in congested areas. Sidewalks should be provided in areas where ohildren walk
to school or play in streets. Vaoant lots should be cleared by oity at owners' oxpense,
espeoially where weeds are a menace or nuisance, provided owners neglect them. Gulf
to Bay Bou1evard should be given partioular attention so that it will present a favorable
appearance to visiting tourists and residents. City ordinances should be ooded up to
date and tuade easily enrorceable. A ragwoed elimination campaign should be carried on
annua1ly. Ohannels should be dredr,ed and kept open from the Gulf to the City Mainland
Pier, and a plan prepared for the utilization of the south aide of the Causeway from
the east end to the Eeach. Where there is a reasonable demand for it, an adequate bus
system should be provided for use of East Clearwater residents in 1950.
Submitted by It'ederation Ten-Year Planning Conunlttee.. .Approved by Federation
December 30, 1949
(SIgned) Frederick C. tucaa
. .:. .'
cz� co�z�szot� NtEE��rrc
January 30th, 19b0
The City Cou�n.iasion of the City oP Clearweter met in Special Seasion at C1.ty Hall,
Mor,day, Jarnuasy 3Uth, 1950 at 7:30 P.M. wibh th� follovring members present:
I,eland F. Drew
E. B, Cesler Jr.
Herbert M. Brovrn
Harry D. Sargeant
Also Present:
Boyd A. Bennett
George PdeClamma
Ben Krentzman
Acting Mayor�Coimnissioner
Co�is sioner
City Nianager
Chief o� PoTi�e
City Attorney
The meet3ng having been called to order by the Rtayor, the minutes of the ragular
meeting of January 16th and the speclal meeting of Jar_uary 23rd were appro��ed.
The Gity Manager reported that no record could be Pound oi' the City�s �cceptance
of the deeds convey3ng to the City the South 15 Pt. of lots 3& 41 of A. H. Llzncan's
Sub. and the North 15 ft. of lots 5& 6, Por atreet purposes. The City Mansger was oY
the opinion that a 30 ft. street was inadequate, particularl9 if sidewalk� should aver
be installed. Corr�issioner Casler moved tlle passage oY a resolution accepting the
property for alley purposes, without obligating the City to construct sidewalkss Cos-
m3ssioner Turnar seconded the motion and it carried.
A petitidn in the form of a lettar, addressed to the CoLrnission b9 four Pirrns at
42�, 423, 425, and 429 Cleveland Straet requesting perriiasian to install 10 inch signs,
which the9 have slready bought, beneath a max�quee vrhich has a cleaxance of only 8 fb.
5 inches, was read by the City �14anager, also a letter from H. F. Heye, ovrner of the
property eeking that the request be granted� The requested signa �rould Pall short oP
the clearance required by the building code by 5 inchas. After some @iacussion, the
Magor appointed Cozrnnissioners Casler and 'rurner ae e Co�mittee to study the matter
and to report at the ne�:t meeting oP the Commission.
The Clerk read a letter frorn the B. & W. Conatruction Company request�ng perraission
to eract a sign lt� x 20 ft. on property owned by them at the intersection of Gulf-to-
'E,s�y Boulevard and fiighland Avenue. hir. Earl 5. Y�ard Jr., Secra�ary-Treasurer oP the
Co�pany was� present anc� addrsssed th� Co�nission ralative to �he request. Mr. W�.rd was
informed that the erection oP such signs was prohibited by a Section of the Zc,ning
Ord3nance, wn.ich Section was repealed to be effective biarch 13t, and ��Y,a�t 'the Goumiission
would consider in th� iuunediate future, an Ordinance to regulate signs and bi11 boarda.
Commisaioner Turner mov�d that B. & W. Construction Company's request be denied a t thia
time. Tha motion was seconded by Conmmissioner Casler and carried unanimously.
I�em 3� the report of the Co�rmittae relative �o garbage and trash collection
chargea snd Item 4, the City b'lanagex��and City Attorney�s raport on an Ordinance
ragulating parking of �railer� w�re deferred by cc�sent.
Reportin� for the Conanittea appointed to study the Exchange Club's request to
erect shelter9 fo� bus passengers; the City bianager recommendad that two such shelters
be erected, one near the Clearvrater Beach Hotel on vJes� side of iv]andalay t�ve. and
North oP Ambler Str�et, the other on the «iest side of btandalay l�veo and the North side
of Ac&cia Street, advsrtising to be permitted only on the inaide of the 3helters. On
a motion by connnissioner Casler which was seconded by Co�issioner Turner and
unanimously carried, the reco�nendation was approvede
On a motion by Cormnissionex� Turner, seconded by Co�issioner Ce.sler and carried,
an Orclinance re�zlating the growing of shxra.bbery at dangerou� street intersaetions was
passed on the second reading. Co�iasioner Casler, Drew and Turner voted "Aye19. There
were no negative v�t�s.
Item #7 on the Agands, the City btanager's report on a contr�ct with the Clearwater
Flying Company was de£arr+3d.
Tha City Manager 'reported that Federal fundx advancsd to other governmentaT
agencie.� under Federal Governme�at I�w #352, for survea� on projects, required payment
in flz].I, withnut interest� at such time as woxk was actuall,p begun, that survey could
be m.ade on overalT projects;and paid back as indi�idual projects Q+ere Uegun. TY�e loans
so made would be payable within three years if pr�,jacts were not begun in that time .
unless the borro�ring a�enc� shrnild show convincing evidence Ln the F�deral agency
that it had a�cted in good faith. Commissioner Casler moved that the City take
advantage of this opportunity and submit the matter to the City Planning Board �or
it's recormnendations. The motion was seconded by Cor�uiissioner Turner and carried.
Item �10, the City Attorney�s report on �n Ordinance relative t;o adverti�ing
signs was deferred.
On a motien by Co.tmniasioner Casler, seconded by Corrunissioner Turner and un-
animuusly carr3ed, th� Commission authorizad granting parmission to the Pea�e Niemorial
Church to �onstruct a bridga across an a11ey on the 4Jest eide of the Chu�ch� if no
objections were he�rd, and s building permit wss secured. There wera no objections
b� anyon6 present.
Ja�nuary 30th, 1950
The Clerk read a letter from the Ten Year Plannin� Coimnittee of the Clearwrater
Federation of Givic Clubs setting fQrth �the xecouIInendations made by �hat Committeea
Conur►issionar Casler moved that receipt of the Zetter be aeknowledged with thanks and
the lettar be referred to the Plar�ning Board. �'he m�tion was seaonded by Coimniss3onar
Turner and carried unanimouslg.
On a moi:iom by Counnissioner Turner, which was seconded by Co�nissioner Casler and
car.ried, the Coranissior_ authorized the payment of �150.00 for membership in the Florida
League of Municipalities for the year 195Q.
Covnniasioner Turner moved tlaat tiie Commission authorize the eapenditure of �42.50
for membership in the Nationa3 I-nstitute of Mun3cipal Law Offiaers. The motion was
seoonded b� Gorrnniasioner Casler and carried. _
On a motion by Corrnnissioner Casler which was seccanded by Cou�nissionor Turner and
carried, the repoxt aP the County Service Officer £or tha month of November was aocep�ed.
On a motion by Coimniss3onar Cssler which was seaonded by Commi.ssioner Turner and
carried, the Co�igsion adopted a Resolution requiring 123 property owners to clean
thair lots of weeds, grsss, and underbruah.
The City Manager submitted the following £inal report on the rei`unding of the
5� Utility Tax:
No. of
Ca rcis
Cards znailed out 9�17f49 10,800 �25'2gp�4g
Cards Returned:
Donated to Pier $pS,969.s6
Donsted to Piar uns3gned 149.11
Pier Fund Receipts ^ �7,118.97
Donated to Pool
Donated to Pool unsigned
Pool F�Znd Receipts
�p4, 332 .47
Rei�znded by cash or check 2,560 �9,494.13
Returned Por rePund:
under �i1.00 and being
held until customer
calls £or money 355 Z86.6�
Total money reiiznd � 9,680.76
Total Refunded or donated 6,679
Outstanding 4,121
Allocation of ou�standing balance
on the same percentage as donations
to pier and pool were made as per
request of City Coirn.niasion 62� Pier
38� Pool
hieno of Cards returned not uaed in Ref�indt
Returned for better address 4��
Incorrectly maxlted 24
Signed but not checked 5A
Refiznd stop�ed 12�22�49
Recapitulation as o� Dec. 31, 1949
Pier Fund
Negro Sv�imming
pool i'und
Cash Refund
Caah Under �1.00
held i'or customer
Total Fxpensa
ta aate
� 9, 653.'70
� 1, �403.30
January 30, 1950
far Ra3lroad C�oasing v7arning li�ht� at the interaection of South �ort Harr3.son and
Bellevlew Boulevard, and South Fort Harrison and Seaboard Railroad Cros�ing.
City Attarney Krentzman submitted for the conslderation oP the Gommisaion an
Orclinance adopting the State h4isdemeanor Provisiona, On a motion by Co�issioner
Cealer, seconded by Corrmii,ssioner Turner ancl carried, the Ordinsnce �aua9 �assed on the
�'irst read3ng. Commissioners Brown, Casler, Drew and Turnar vo"ed "Aye'. Voting �I�o°
�one. On a motion by Corrmtisaioner 'Turner, secondea by Ca�iasioner Casler and car�i,ed,
the Ord3nance was paesod on the second reading.
By unanimous consent of the Cammission, Mr. A1 Rogero addreased the Commission,
requesting that the Co�nisaion permit the Red Cross to tag each parking me�er advising
t11e public that dimea placed in the meters are to be donated to the Red Cross during
the month o;c' March. Act�on on the request was dePerred by unanimoua aonaent.
CoYmnissioner Brown, reporting £or the Committee on sale oP gas for space heating,
said that the Coimnittee reco�enda an increase Prom �2.00 to �p3.Sd i'or those accounts
which use gas for heating pur�oses onlys �2.00 per thousand feet for tha firai 1500 feet,
�1.75 per thousand f.or the next 1500 Peet and �1.50 per thousand feet for any quantity
in exceas of 30QU feet. The rates on �as for domestic usa were not to ba af£ected. Cc�_
missioner Brown rrioved thFat the matter be referred to the City Attorneq for the preparation
o� an Ordinance. The motion was second�d by Commissioner Casler and carried unanimously.
Gity Attorney Kren�tzman submitted a drai't for the propasad lease with the Chamber
of Cor�nexce on the Reach Club property. Several changss in the proposacl lease v�ere
suggested by members of the Cormnissione On a mot3on bg Comnissioner Turner, seconded
by Commissioner Broirrn and unanirnously carried, the matber was re£erred to the City
Attorney for a later report.
City Attorney ICrentzman submitied an ordinance which would regulate the distribution
of hand bills. On a motion by Coimnissioner Turner,, seconded by Commissionex Brown and
carried, the Ordinance was passed on tha first readingo Con�lissionPrs Brovrn, Casler,
Dre� and Turner voted "Aqe1P There were no negative votea. Coimnissioner Turner moved
that the Ordinance be passed on the second reading. The motion was ssconded by Com-
missioner Casler and c�rried. Voting "Ayeft9 Cormnissioners Brovm, Casler, Dre�v end
Turner. Voting °tNott none.
Tha �it� Attorney r�ported on the present status of euits against the City,
calling attention to suit;� Por drunken driving, appealed to Cireuit Court, which require
a dePense by h3m; he suggested that the Gottnnission consider extra compensAtion for
his services in such cases. By consent, the request was deferred Por f�r�rier consideration.
City I�anager Bennett su'tsmit�ed the copg of an Order (Order #2355, Dockett �2468-MC)
by the Florirla Railraad and Public Utilitiea; Co�niasion denying the application of
$$2Z,132.20 Edav2n Tnomas, 1116 Wallace S. Building, Tampa, Florida, for a certiPicate of public
convenience and t�ecessity authorizing the �ransportation of passengars from Dixtom
�� 4,088.28 Cottages to Glearcvater and/or St. Petersburg and xeturn. No action a�as taken by the
� 2,534.73
� 00
� 370.38
143. f35
� 5a5.79
Conmiissioner Casler moved that the matter be. referred to tha City Ivlanager and
City Attorney Por the prepar�tion of a reaolution� Commissioner Turner seoonded
Nlr. Casler's motion and it carried unanimouslye
On a motion by Clormniasioner Turner, rvh3ch was seconded b� Co�missioner Casler and !
unanimously carried, the Cit� A.ttoxrney was raquestod to draw a resolution for presentation
through the Countg Couaniasion to the State Road Departmen�t requesting the State t� pa�
Z`he City Bianager preaentad the request of E. I�:i. Green to erect a service ststion
at 2508 Gulf-to-Bay Blvd., together with the Zoning Boardts raeommendation that the
request be granted. Comnissioner Casler moved that the recon¢uendation of the Zonin�
Board be approved and the permit granted. Cou�nissioner Turner seconded the motion and
it carried unanimously.
Th� City Manager sub�itted a report raade by tlae Personnel ��cretary to the Civ�l
Service Board, snd referred by the Civil Service Board to the City Cott�issiott, Com-
missioner Brown moved that copies of the report be made for each Co�issioner and for
the press and raceipt of tha report acknowledged. The motion was saconded bq CoIInnissioner
Gasler and carried.
The City Clerk raad a leti.nr .from �he County Supexintendent o� Education, thanking
the Commission for its cooperation on improving achool grounds and play grounds during
�he past year, and co�iending the Coimnission for its sccomplishment during the year.
Coimn3ssioner Brawn moved that the letter be acknowledgod, with thanks, The motion taae
saconded by Cotmnissioner Turner and carried.
On a motion by Commiasioner Brovm which was seconded by Co�nissioner Turner and
cerried, the raport of �he County Service Offioer for the month of �ecamber was accepted.
The C3ty Managar submittad a plat of ��Zephyr Hills1° Subdivisian, recommending its
approval. On a motion by Covnniss3oner Casler, whioh was seconded by Co�unission�r Turner
and unanimously carried, the pl�t was approved.
City Manager Benneti; reportad the following Gas and Water mains apgroved by him
since January 23rd:
Estimeted cost
100 ft. of 2�� water main Lako Driva $p80m00
100 ft. of 2" water main Tiogc� Street 80,00
200 ft. of 1Q'� gas nain Turner Street 140e00
290 ft, of T'� gas main on So. Mqrtle Ave. & Pinellas St. 11UaG0
150 ft. of 1Q�� water main on Papaya Street 95.00
180 ft, of 2" water uiain on Seminole Street 125.00
Co�iissioner Turner moved that the NIanagar�s sep�rt be aaoepted and the extension�
approvedo The motion was seconded kry Conunissioner Casler and carried unan3mously.
January 30, 1950
Commissioner Casler suggested that tkie C3ty consider t2ie wideT�ing of Osceola
Avenue from Haven Straet to Pierce Straet„ stating that rix. g. ht. Blanton had had a�
client at ona time �ho was will3ng to purchase the improvement certifioates for this
projsct. By consent, the City Mansger was requested to consult rvitYi �1r. Blenton and
to re�ort at the next meeting of the Caffinission.
7'kie City Dlanagar submittec� a resolution raquiring 22 persons to clean their lota
of grass, m�eeds and underbrush. On a motion by Co�iissioner 13rown, seconded by
Counnissioner Turner and unanimously carried, the rasolution was adopted,
On a motion by Commissioner Caaler, seconded �y �or�unins3oner Turz�er and carried,
the �'ob Analqsi� report of the C3viZ Service Board wes turned over to the City Maneger
.�or detailed study, particularl� in cennection with pay scale evalu,�tion, and rep�:rt
�o the Co�ission.
The City IvIanager reco�ended the £ollowing gas and water main extenaiona;
210 �t. 6�� �vater main, Turner Street Estimated cost, �550.00
238 ft, 6» wa�er main, Turner 5tr9et " " 625.A0
228 ft. 3" water main, Druid Fcoad ° �' 785a00
850 Pt. 8�� water main, Maple St., with one
hydrant E. of Hi�hland to qVood Drive ° n 25Q0.00
400 ft. of 2a�� water main on hiaple Street from
East oP YJood Drive " ° 35.5.00
Commias3oner Casler moved that the �'itq Mana�er°s recosrm�endations be spprovad. The
motion was sec�nded by Gommiss3oner Turner and carried unanimously.
The City Manager reported that Leo bi. �Iurph�r, owner oi' Lot 7, Hughe�s Sub. would
not consider any oifer under �4,000.00 for his property, needefl for the widening of
biyrtle Ave,, and recomrsended that the Qity begin condemnation proceedingsa By consent
the City Attornev was requeated to make a report to the Coumiission rel,ativs to foreclosure
There being no further business te come before the Board, the nieeting was adjouxned�
C tg•Au to nd C ar
IX _��'-a...� � "t%�%�,�{�t /�"'
Acting Pdayor-Connnissioner
.. _�....------�_-__�_ _-----ev
1. P.nproving of minutas of Regular meeting oP January 16 and Special NIesting oP
Janu�ry 23.
2. Public Hearing flrz the installation of e storm sewer on Frospect Street end Pierce St.
3. Report of the Ccv�nittee relative to garbage and trash collection charges.
4e City Attorney and City Manager►s repor� on Ordinance cavering the park3x�g of trailers
in the City limits.
5. City Attorney, Chiai of Police and City D�anager's r�port on the request of the Ex-
change C1ub to erect shelters containing adver�ising Por bus customers.
6� 5acor.d r�ading of ordinance to protect autoists and pedestxians at street intersectionsa
7. City hianageros report �n re-negottating of con�ract with Clearwater Flying Companyv
8, City r4anager�s report on the S�ate Improvement CorrunissionTs lei:�er relat:Lve to Federal
Goverrunent Public I,�w ,-�352 passed by the 81st Congress, wheraby the Federal Governmen�
would advance funds for plans arzd specifica�tiana for public works ot;her �han Federal
publie workse
9, �ity Manager�s report on the matter of 165 Pt. oP 2'� watsr main on a proposed nAw
atreet, requ.ested by IvIiss Gladys Duncan.
lO.Cit�* Attorney�s report on orclinance relstive to r�dvertising signa.
11eReport oP committee on Gas Por snace heating only.
12.Corxs3deration oY request Pron Peace:Memorial Church gor permission to con3truct a
br�dge across the a11eq on the west side oP the �nurch.
13.Considera�ion of a letter and report of t0 Year recom�endaicion to the Cit� from the
Clearvrater Federation oP Civic Club�,
January 30, 1950
Agenda, cont.
T4. Considaration o£ �p150.00 dues i'or membership '�o the Florida League of �Iuntcipalitiea;
for the yea� 1950a
15. City Attorneyts report on the Chamber oP Co�erce lease of the Beach property formerly
leased to the Jaycee Club.
16. Request from four merchants on east sid� of Cleveland Street (Ncs. 421, �239 425 an3
429) for an amendment to th� City Ordinance aa to clearance of signs ozrt:iarques or
other aonstruction ovex� City sidewalks, also a Istter from the owner, Mr. HoF.iieqeo
17. Report of the Finellas County Veteran Service 0£f'icer for the month oY November<
18. Resolution requeating 123 propertg owner� to clean their lots of weeds and grass,
19, Final report on the refuncliz�g of. 5� IItility Taxo
2G. Resolution askin� the Caunty to requast the State to pag for Railroad croasing
warning li�htse
27.. Consideration of tlie adoption oP the State M1Ademeanor Provision.
2?.. Consideration of the regulating the distribution oP hand bills,
23. City Attorney�s report on the pending cases against the City,
24. Reading of an opinion of the Florida Railrosd ansi Public 'Qtilitg Cov�n3ssion denying
ths application of Edwin Thomas Por a limited certiPicate of publf� convenience and
necassity authorized transportation oP rente7�s oP cottages of the applicant at
D3xtom Cottagas, Pinellas County, Florida, from Clear��ater and 5t. Petersburg, to
said Dixtom Gottages and Prom said Dixtom Gottages to Clearvratsr and St. Petersburg
and authorizing the operation oP sight-seeing tours from said Dixtom cottages to
varioua points and places in the State oi F].orida.
25. Zoning Board�s report on the a�plication of IJir. E. hl. Green to erect a filling and.
service stat3on at 250£3 Gulf to Bsy B1vd.
26. A letter frorn B& W Construction Compeny, requesting per�ission to erect a sign
3Q x 20 ft. adver�ising tYzsir comp�ny, on property located on the cornar of Aigh-
land and Gulf to Ba9 Blvdm
27, Receipt of a report oi th� Secretery to the Cioi1 Sarvice Board covering the period
January - 1949 to Januar� - 195Q, pre9ented to tYie City Goimnission by the Givil
Service Board.
28. Reading o£ A letter addressed to tha City b'fanager frors Supt. o£ Public Instruction
oP Pinellas Countym
�9. Presantation of the raport of Pinellas County Veterans Ogficer for the month of
December - T949,
30. Presentation oP record plat for Zeph�r Su3division.
31. Report of City Ivianager on water and gas main extensions approved by him, sach o�
vvhich do not sxceed an estimated cost o2 �300000
lOQ fte oF 2" water main on Lake Drive
100 ft. of 2" w�ter main on TingQ Street
26Q ft. of 1Q�� gas main on Turner Ste
290 �t. of 1� gas :nain on South hiyrtle Ave.
and Pinallss St�aet
150 ft. of 1Q�t watQr main on Papaye St.
180 ft. oi ��� water main on Semincl.e St.
Estimated Cost
32. Ps�asentation o�' resolution requesting proparty owners to clean their lots of weeds
and grass.
33. Cons3deration of Civ31 Service Board�s request Por a report ott the job analysiso
34, Consideration of the Pollowings
210 ft. of 6�o w�bar main extension on Turner St. at eatimated ccst o�' �550.00 to
furnish water s�rvice to one customer - west of Crest Avenue.
238 ft. of 6�0 water �ain on Turner Street, east of I�ke St, at estimated cost cf
�825.00 to serve one customer.
Conaideration of 228 ft. of S�R watar main on Druid Road east of Iake Ave. to fixrnish
one custonier, �7�35.OQ:.
850 ft, of E�" weter m�in on MAple wiiYi one fira hydrant. No new custotners an this
line, but t2iis main is necessary to furnish service beyond its installation thraugh
smaller pipe� for foux* new houses now under construction on �iapl� Avenue - Estimatad
cost of �250Q.00.
400 ft. o£ 2�" water m�,in on Maple St. from East of VJaod Drive, �315.00
Aci j ournment
Ta.nuarg 30, 1950
January l0r 1950
Coxmnissioners of tha Cit� oP Clear�vater,
Clearwater, Florida.
I rei'er to the letter o£ December 30th, written to you by somo of my tenants on
Clev�sland Street. S am iizlly in agreement with the suggestion Qf my tensil�s. All
the stores o� tho �Yliitcomb Buildin� and the office entrance should have a3gns as
descri'ved in the application. The distence from the sidewallc will be more the.n
suPficient to giva clearance. In fact, the clearance will be greater than at same of
the signs lately installed on Cleveland Street and other parts of tho City.
The fact that the naw signs will have lights inside, will be s�4tionary, will be
well built and in keeping �vith the new store front of the building--the architect has
approved the signs--s�ill not only guarantoe a neat a ppesrance, but will also make the
sidewalk bettar ligi:tad. The praposed signs, although unfortunately a lit le lower
ha�n lallowed by tha City ordinance, will certainl� be safer than many signs hanging
on chains which may constitu�e some kind of a Y,azard.
Since the mattesr is of greatest importance to all of my tenan�s, 2 would appreciate
your consideration in this matter and I hope you will be kincl enough to grant the
per�ission for installation of the new s3gns.
Yours very truly,
(Signed} H. F. Haye
Co�mnissioners of tha City of Clearfvater,
Clearwater, Florida.
Decem�er 30, 1949
The undersigned, being fbur small businesses located in the 400 block of Cleveland
Street, hereby make request for parmits to install four signs (One each) under the
m�rqueee in frant of our stores.
The situation being that the archit�ct in design3ng the Pronis inatalled the
max�quee 8 feet 5 inches above tha sidewalk. We understand the city ordinance eslla �'or
en e3ght foot clearance, thus we have only 5 inches t'or a sign which is not practical.
Iiaving already had signs made that are 10 inches high resulting in them extending
5 inches below tiie legal lirnit and the fact a sign oi any less depth is r.�t practical,
sve would greatly apprecia�e your granting us permission ta use these signa.
These signs are stationary and permanently installed to the marquee and will leave
a clearanee from the aidewalk of 7 feet 7 ir_ches which we are confident is ample>
This matter is of importance to us and seeing: no reason �or ob3ectiona of any
consequence, we sinceraly hope you see your way clear to grant our requast.
REED FLORIST 421 Cleveland
(Signed) C. S. Reed
LEE�S SHOES 429 Cleveland
(Signed) Leonard Collman
City Coffinission
c�o Gity Clerk
Cl�arwater, F71a..
Dear Gentlemen:
Your� very truly,
CANTRELL & COPillON, 425 Clavaland
(Signed) hiaizrice Condon and E. B. Cantrell
LTNITED SPORTS 423 Cloveland
(Signed) Ed Dinan
Janusry 19, 1950
It is our understanding of Ortiinance #437 that vse are unabla to erset a sign
10 x 20 P�et adver�,ising our company on property locsted on the corner of xighland and
Gu1P to Bay Boul�evar3 as such propert,p i� situated just Nlest oP Duncan Ave.
As title �o the proper�t� is ovrned by a me�ber oP the family an undua hardship would
result if it were not possible to orect a sign at thia location as it would k�e necessary
to lease proper�y else�vheree
Beeides, it is our apinion that the property is located in s position that in no wsy
would p,`versel� aYfect real eatate values or be detrimental to the we1l.Pare of the community.
Henc., _A feel we are �ustified in requasting that our appeal for erection of thi� sign
West op Dunce� be favorablg conaidered. W� would,, oP course, comply vaith all ather
provi�J,ons oP the Ordinance.
Very truly youra,
{8igned) Earl 5, Ward, Jr.
Seo. Trea.
, � :._... _ _. . � __,._ _ -- .
Page 1
CIVIL SERV2CE--h�eport of Secretary to the Cinil Service Board 1/3/50
In accordance with Rules and Reguletions governing the Civil Service Bo�rd,
the Civi1 Service office has performed tha �ollowing Punetions; (January
1948 - January 1950)
Realizing that our rules end regulationa are the guide by which
the methods and policies are established for the 3mpartial and efPective
administration oi the Civil Sernice Act, we have tried to impress the
c3tizens oP Clearviater flith the fact that all city employment is open to
competitive examination and can be a permanent career service �or capable
. Gmployeeg. ,
In doing this we have utilized modern methods of recruitment,
con�acl:3.ng the II. S. Employment office and other employment agenc3ea in
Clearwetex es we11 as ref�rring '�o our own files of eligible lists, satting
Por'th and showing opportunities offered in city emplo9ment to those
qualified, and wa certain].y wish to expre3s our gratitude to the Clearwater
Sun for their coopera�i�n in �iaing us snace for newa items pxior to
examinationsa Results seem to ind3cate thia approach is a step in �he
right directiono
Prior to June 30, 1949, there was no elassification plan in
�•'iect, or even a description o� the duties performed by city employees;
� r�eture�lly' withou� this backgrounel o� inPorination wo have had no v�ay of
knorving whsic knowled�e or skill should be required o� applicantse Be�'or�
' an examination can be given, there are th�ee questions that ahould be
].o What must the employee know2
2. �t akills must he Yiave?
3. YNhat aptiiudes and o�her traits must hs posses�
to perform successf'v.11y those duties?
Withou�t th3s infornati�n an examination may b� a wasta of money
and time. That ia the reason easminations have been limited to a great
extent to the F'ire and Potice nepartments, cleriaal and proiess�ional jobs,
where kno�ledge and skill �re gainecl on the job, providing the appliaant�
have the necessary intelligence and aptitude for tYLat type of �rork.
Stud� of clasei.Pication needs was taken up by �ommissionera
Guy Kennedy, Leland Drew and Bob Cran� �ho gave unselfishlg o� their time
and efforts, meeting mith certain representati�e citg smpZoyaes and jointly
with the Civil Service Bosrd at a mass meetin� held at the Cit� Auditori�,
Thureday ev�enin�, May 27th, 1949, �rhere all city employees intarested .2:�
the subject o� classificetion, as we11 as other City Covnnissioners and
Official�a expres�ed themselves as being heartilq in Pavor oP the plan,
The aatua�. work oi cZassiiying ci�tp jobs covered a period fram
February 25th to June 30th, 1949, and waa under the supervision oP
Pdr. iiobert Simmons, Manager of t,he T�mpa Florida Stats IInployment Service
agency; jobs �vere class3,iied by Mrs. �tildred Yeats, Oecnpational Analgst
oP the Tampa o�fice and mauy iiours of t�ping ai'ter customarg o�fice hours
were put il� by yonr Secretary, who vaas directed by the Civil Service Board
to accomplish this t�sk as rmpiflly as possiUl.e in order to meet the demand�
oP eity off3cials, city amployeas and the Florida State Employ�nent Service�
In vieva of the many stencils �to be cut for the forms necessary in this
work and the great deal oi typing invoi.ved in preparing a booklet oP seven
pages to deacribe eech sepsrate job, the Board members inatruc�ed Mrso Young.
to k�ire a typist and includa the sum oP ��00,00_it� the Budget ior the
Fiscal Year �1949-1950 under the hsading oF "Salaries, �pecial��. This was
done accordingl�, but ell the typing was done bg your Secreta�y, birsa Young,.
Job sunmmaries.wsre prepaxed and complated for a total of 114 �obs
which included the following departnents: City �ana�er, Gas & Water,
Public Works, Fublio Sarvice, Fire and Police� Finance, Recreation, Library9
Builci3ng ittspection and Civi:l Ssrvice� ..�ob analysis reports were tsritten
for each of the 114 jobs covering the 11 citg depart�centsb Your Secretar3r
was conmiended in � letter written by Nr. 1?obert Simmons, Manager of the
Tampa Florida State �pl�ymer�� Service, to �he Givil Service Board, dated
Juna 30� 1949, 1°1Ye wish to extend our deap-fslt app�eciation for the
comp].ete �nd enthuaia�tic cooperation we have received irom Mrse B$tty Youngy
during the entire progrese oi the surveya��
_ ____.__, . _.._ ___ _. _ _ _ . �
z-- _. _ . . .
�- �
� '
�� ConL. ,.�e_po.�i,.ts� G��i��:. �er�ice .Boas�d�
._...._.__ . � , _ r .., � � w)
Page �
On JLne 30p 3.�49, in the office o�' the Civi]. Service Board� Citgr
Hall, the Jcb �azlual se�ting forth the J'ob Analy-�is Reporic of City Job
Clessification� was form�lly pres�ntsd by D3rs. Mildred Yeata, Occupatiot�,l
Analyst n�' the Florida State F.�nployman� Serviwet to the City of Clearwater,
and accepted bg Mro Guy Kenned� on behalP of tiie City Coim�issiony Mr. Walter
Haveaer on behalP of tiae Civil Se�vice Board and Ch�rlea� P. Maloney on
behali oP the City I�inpl.oyens. E�ro Burr Rendall of the IIo S. F3nployrnlent
Seraice and Mrs. Young vrere al.so present. Gra:titude is exprassed for the
�sst�tance and coopera�ion oi' Department Heads and Suparintendants in our
11 City Depa�tments who gave unst3ntingly of their time to meet with
Mrse Yeats on many occaaions during the period this classification eva�
taking p3.ace for each classification questionnaire filZerl out b� some 237
city effiployeea in erhieh �he3r duties cvere minuteiy �i�soribed, had to be
checked and eexif`ied bg an immediata 9uperv3sor, Ye�r.eman or superintendent,
then de�ar�ment head and Pinal.ly bg ihe Cit� �Tax�ager.
In complianee with a requast by the Cit� Commission to aubmi� a�
list of qualiiied applicants Por position a� G}aie£ of Police by danuary lOth,
19499 a�i�g to vaoancy caused by resign�ation oP J. J. Elliott, December 3�stg
1948, two.application� ware dul� submitte�d, (1) George T. McCI�;mma, Gap�ain,
and (2) Eruest Lo Thomar�, Sergesnt, oP the Glearwater Police Departmeat.
On Jsnuaa�* 11� Z949, Sgto Thomas rsithdre�v his appZication in favor of
Capt. McClaunna and �our Secretary so notified the City Cam�mission at agt.
Thomasf diractiono
On January ll�h, 7.949, fn orc�.er that vacxncg created by �he
resignation of Sergeant Holladay migb.t be filTed, a promotional ex�mination,
was given to aZ1 Q�rade � Patrolmen; 5 passed, 3 certified.
On Januaay Z8th, 1949, in order that vacancg created by the pro•�
motion c,i Capt. hioCZsmma to Chioi, � promotiottal easmin�tion for the
positioa of captaix� wss g3ven; thx�ee sergeants el3gibl.e �o take said exam�
ination, 2 f'ailed, 1 passod and certi�isd. ,
On Aps�il Z1, I9a9� a p�amotional eaamination �or Detective
Sergean� was gieea; all members o� the Detectiv� Branch and Grade �} P�troZ�
men were aligible, onl� one man took examination, passed and was certi�iedm
On May� 2bth, 19a9a a promotion�7: eaamisatiox� fox Police Ckiief
was giv�n to Aeting CY��ieP Gearge &IcClamrns, who �as onl� elig3ble applicaut;
pafised, eras �ertif3ed and an Julg 1, 19�9, hi.s six months prab�tioxaary
period having been served successf`u1].yr, kctinFg Cit9 Manager dul� vexifi�d
his position as regular Fo]ice Chiaf, to �he Civil Service Board. �
On Augu�� 6, 1949, Capt. Thamas res3gn�d and a promotioxia2
examinat3on Yor Captain to Pill exiating vacanuy was gise�a on 6ugus� 15th,
1949, 3 Sg�. were eligib3.e to take it, 1 Yailed, 2 p�saed and were certifie>i,
On pugust 15th, a promotional e�amination for Sgte to �:L11 exist-
i�g vac�ne� wa� given; all Grade A Pa�ro].mer� eligible, ane rasn reported to
take i�:e passed and was certifiede '
Extzmination� to estaDiish eligibie list� were given ciur�.ng the ;
year in eccordance wit� requests from Pol�.ce Chiei, when the occasion
demanded; 15 applicants axamined and re�erences checked; 9 pasaed and were
certifi�d9 6 iailed.
T�uring the gast 9ear � desk clerks made application, wera
aecapted ass eligible and hired to vrork ir� Polics Dapartmex�t. Qne painter
�ras givea� temporary tr�nsYer f'rom Carpenter Shop to work ior Police Department.
In the Fire Department, exam3.nations to establish eliglble 13sts
�ere given on September 1st, 1949 and December 16, 1949; 10 men took
examinationp 6 passad and were certii'ied, 4%iled, 2 were given �a�ular
pro'ba�ionar� appointments by Chief Treola. One elec�rician quali.�ied fo�
appointment' to fi11 �xist3mg va�canc;; caused bq tranePer oP e].actrician`s�
helper into job ae iireaPighter, one reguZ�r Pireman having resigned.
., .
Page 3
�LSori't. Re�ort tc� Civ31 Service Board) �'
. . . . .,,.:f
_ __,
-On Dacemb�r 3rd, 1949, a resolution snas passed that the Secretary
�rr3te a letter, to be duly s�.�ned by the Board �embers,..co�.ending Chief
TreoZa upon the aplendid display of Christmas lights in tovrxi, on the caus�-
way and Cloarwater Beacri. Gratitude was expressad to the Merchants
Asaociation.which paid for the mat��rial uged in this dispZay, to the City
Electric:tans e�ho put up the li�hta and strea:ners, and to the Chief �vho
�took 'che responsibility Por producing.such beautii�.il and osderly resultso
� In tho Bu3lding Inspection Dep�rtnent, a carpenter from the
Carpenter Shap was transPerred tempararily to the position oi Asato Build--
ing Inspector to fill vacaney caussd by serious illnss� oP employes
occupying tkiat positiony on 1Vovember 3, 1�49.
Grant Greer, appliance sal�aeiena under data oP June 20, 1949,
wrote Mr. Wett Cl�rk, Chairman, as Pollows; nT hereby make application
for one year�s leave of absence, covunenc3ng Julg 1, 1849. 2 am purchasing
the retail Ga� Appliane0 business Prom the City oP Clearweter and vrauld
appreciate your complying with this request," In compliance vsith �3ro Greert�;
request and recoaunendati.on contained �n contract bet�een the City of
Clearwater ancl �Ir� Grser, dated 3une 14, 1949, said leave was granted.
On Jul� 1st, 1949, a clerk at the �as Plant ofPice �aas tx�ans-
�erred to the position of Billing Clerk in the Gas & Water of�ica at Citg
Hall, was giv�n exsmination, passed and was certified.
On July 5, 1949, a clerk»stenograph�r in Gas & Water Of�ice was
examined, passed, and certiiiedo
F�xaminationa to establish eligible lists were given during the
year to those meeting basic requirements oP our Civil Service rulea aad
regu3ations who were qualiiied to make app7.3cr�tion in this oPfice ior
clerk, stenographer, t�pist, bookkeeper and cashier work in the City Iiall,
and other Gity Departments,.
In the City Clerk and Finance Departments, a clerk-stenographer
sarving in the capacity oi sse�etary to the City Clerk, �as examineds
passed and ce_rtified; also a position of clerk»typist waa likawise success-
�ully filled, Octaber 12, 1949v On July 1, 1949� Gerald '�Teimer �ras trarss-
ferred from the Finance Deparicment, where he served in the capacit� oP
D3sbursing OPPicer for the City, to the City b�aneger Department where he
has succeasfully c�ompleted hi.s probationary period as �sste Purchas3ng
Agent to the City atanagero
On July 1, 1949, Mrs, J'uanita B1.anton, Payroll Clerk, was trans-
ferred to tha pos3tion o� Disbursing Offieer, �nd i.�s slso successfully
comple�ted her probationary period of six months, in th3s capacitg. Fran�
Abernatby, Finanee Director, suPiered a neraous brealtdowu and due to hia
prolonged absence and illness since approximatelg the Z5th of October, 2949,
has been unab3.e �to vesiPy the above appointments by �enclir�g through the
necessary personnel action Porma on these emplr�yees. This matter will be
called to h3s attention ivuner33ately upon his return.
Thera have been no exmminations givan to employees in our Publi�
Librarg siuce �ve have only three regular, permanent employeea who have
been with us for many �ears and �iiss Byers, Librarian, employs as t�mporary
help, yowag people going to school attd sorning after sch�ol hours. A part-
time janitor was secured through this o��ice on September 22nd, to serve
3a that capacity until the regu3ar janitor recuperated �ufficiently f'rom �
�erious operatio�xa
Ccamplats employment records and files are kept 3n thia office an
all empl:ogeea serving the city. This i.�cludes the labosing class who are
employed in �the Public Service, Public Works, Gas Plants Parks and
Rec�eation Departments. Data such �s: Name of em�loyee, Address, Birth�
d.at�, �iale, Femelea iRhite, Colored9 �Iarrisd, Number oi Dependente, Dats
of Or3ginal �nployment, Kinci of' Employment, How classifi�d, Salary, and so
on, is r�quirsd for each employee and cards and files are kep� up to date
fl'om day $O daye
� _..
i� .
3 ..
�� ,..., .._. _.. .: ._
s• "-� (Cont, Reporb to Civil Service Board)
Fage 4
This inPorm�tion ia most �eaassary in order that your Searetsry
way be abla to ansruer intelligentiy and correc�ly the many caila, both
by phone anc2 in �ersona made bg the publi� eoncerning our employees,
9ppreciation is expressed to R11 Departmes�� Heads who acourately and
promptig r�port to this ofPice on our Civil Service Pessonnel Aet3on iQr,ms
the Pollowing necessary information; xind of appointment givem; regular,
emergency, �temporary, atc. Dates; S�Gartir� Salaryy Sick Isave; with pay�
svi�hout pay, vecation leava, and so on� ni�h reason for absence. Any
c}iange in status, such as, pro�totiou� �ransfer, salsry incresse or decre�ae;
termiaat3on oP enploymen��'wb,e�ther laid off, dismissad or resigned. Aa
eaeh employee is grantea as aa�s sick iaave a yaar, an aacount o�' guch siak
leave must �ae kept in order that �mployee may z�ot be depr3ved oi his pay
while abasnt for il:lness, or paid unls�sPul1� should he b� absent and
allo�ted giek leave used up.
9z� hi�y l�ths 19�49a Mro Bennett, City Managor9 �arote Mr. Clark,
Chairman, requesting that the Civil Servica B�axd �upply him with in-
Pormstion eavering sick leave, time of�' with pay, time off without pay
ax�d a�tual number of working day� of a11 employees in the Public 4arvice
De�partme�t for a period Prom Julg 1948 to Agri� 1949, 2hia tabulation aras
prepared bv your Secretary with the cooperation oP the Payroll Clerk and
records kept in this ofPice and � leagthy repert submitted to the Citg
Managerts oPPice.,
On J`ulg 29, 1949, Paul Sane, Supte oP the Publia Service Dept.
me� with the Cieil Service Board to in�orm the memb�rs �iiat he had re..
ceived tha iollo�ing co�nmunication from b4r, Benn�tt, City &ianagero °!It
has been called to the attention o� t�is oi'Pice that whi�e employ�es hav�
been granted longes� vaca�tians wi�h paq than colored employeea. It 3s thee
understanding oP this ofiice that Civ31 Se'rvice Fiulea and Regulations
govern �his mattero CPiII you therafox°e, cheek on this end see �hat tb.ere
is ao discrimina�Yon between the colared and white regarding aaceti�ns
with pagtd.
Mr. Ksne stated that his department �ad Pollaa�e�l the established
procedure of granting the white laborers two aaeeks vacation with pa� and
the coloresi laborers flne weeks t;ut that beginning with the next vacatiox�
year, he would �ea th�at C3vi1 Service Rul�s v�hich atate that each emplo�ee
cf th� City is entitled to a regular vacation oi one pay period, �ere
PQllowed closely end that he �d alraady informad aIl employees worki,ng
under him to that e�fecto
mhoug�t�ui consideration by the msmbers of the Ci�il Servicg
Board wa� accorded a letter dated May 16, 1949, addressed to Mrm Nlatson
Glark, Cii�aaix�an, from Nire Bennett, City 2,Sanager, the first paragraph read«
ing ss PoZlov�s: ^Th� Citv Coimnission has und�r consiaerationa the employ-
ing oi t�a t2) colared patrolmen �or the PoZice Department. It is
suggested �ou establiah � cla3siPication Por colored patrolmena Th� C�n.•
mission in 3iscnssing this matter sesm to Yavor a classiPication that
emphasizas thc.� rep�ztation oi the policeman more than o�Eher qualificationa,
such as age I12��.f.s e$Ce�!
During the d3scussion af Mr. Bennett+� augges�ion, in v3ew of
the �act that,the t�o co].ored po7.icemene��ntio�ed abot�e were not able to
meet ph�raical requirements as set forth in �he �?egulationa oF the Board
oP Surgeon Examiners and nei�then one �ble to pass �he mritten examinstion '
required oP all Police applicants, the ability� to make a written repor�
of �t possib�.e eecidettt ar breach oP la�a and order should be at least �
besic requirement �'or all police ofPicers.
On September 26, 1949, at 8:�0 pam., the Boasd members met rrith
t�e City Comm.ission and assurod them that as the Ci.vi2 Service Rulea and
Regulation� stand at preset�t, there is no racia3. discr3.min�tion, no
exceptiona uaade ia the r�z3ea for the black or the white, no colar l:ine
dxawn. That thereby maintaizaing our high sta�darrls and adh�arence �o
prine3.ple, not only City Ilnployeeg are; protected �rom political prsasure
or personal op3nion bu� the Tax••payers of Cieas+water can expect ePf3cienta
inte113.gent, welldtrained pnblic servants who capably earn the tax dollarffi
t+ (Cont. Repor� to Civil 3ervice Baard) �
�ge ,5 '_ , _ .. .. • . .
Y which run the City and pay the salaries. Mr. C18:rk, Ch�3rman, i'urther
stated thr�t it waa alw�ya the deaire oP the members oP the Civil Sernice
Board to cooperate, a�here possible, with the Honorable City Commissioners
thua maints3ning fair end impar�ial representatian Por City OPPicials,
City ESnpl.ayees and C3�izens of Clear�ater alike�
� 0� Purther interest to a7.1 those in symp�thy with the Merit
�' Prinaiple ia the faot t}amt our City Civil Service ia a member in good
standing �ith ths Gini1. Sern3ce Asaembl�r oP the IInited States and Can�►da.
This membership entitlas; our Cle�rwatar ageney to the following services
and benefits-
le Use of the Tes�t Service--a collection oP thousands oP
speoiman examinationa for moat public-.aervice occupstionso Civ31 service.
agenciea tY�at use it save moneg by raduc3ng the amount of time needed to
prepare exeminationa' and profit by the research of other ag�ncies in
developing bett�r test�,
2, IIse oi the Consultation Sarvice, through which agancie� can
obta3n aid in aolv3ng specific problems Pac3ng them. This ser�ice is
rene�ered b9 �e stePP of .�onaultants who have had extenaive experience in
personnel administration in federal, state, and municipal government,
and is backed bs s technical library and a large referance collection.
3. A serie� of confident3al nPersannel Administration Reports,�
designed to help peraonnel oificials in ahaping sound administrativa
polieiea. T1ze Re�orts include auffinaries of nation�ide surveys on sub3ect�s
of prime importance to the personnel agency.
4. A Lend3ng Library Service, p�.acing at t�e agencyts disposal
a comprehansive specialized librar� covering all phases of personnel
administration, snd conta3ning man� ;Ctem� that are not available throngh
regulas library channels.
5, An opport��nity to sttand and take part in national attd
regione�. conferences oP personnel oPficiels each �ear. ConPerence pro-
gr�ms Peature ou�standing authorities ia personnel adminiatra�ion, and
are devoted to intensive study o� methods Por improving �he qua].ity o�'
personnel administration 3n the public servioa.
In oonnection vrith the above, it was the privilege uf �your
Secretary to attend the Southern Regional Civi1 Service Conference in
Atlenta, Geoz�gia, March 29»31, 1949, bluch izset'til and pertinant inParmation
was gained, Por contacts oi this sort enables our agency to k�ep in touch
with what�a going on today in our iield, and ebove alls kesp up to date.
In closing, and on �he subject of examining procadures, person�l
intarnisw rating, with a percentage grade, has been institv.ted ae part of
the examix�ation, This, hovrever, has bsen limited to intex�r2e�r gith the
Civil 8ervice Examiner an@ the Department Head. P�ie hope to efiect an
arrangsment wheseby th3s can �e done by a special bosrd oP examiners, to
fur�her our attempts for assurance o�P equitable rating. Also, we hope tc�
hav�e a satiaP�etor�* and workable serviae rating sgatem for all employeea.
The service rating syst�m is wY,�t tells the story as to whether an emplogee
s�eys in the satisfaetory cetegory or �rhether the City� Servico is better
off w3.�hout him, Fventuall�-, w� hope to effect �h3s. In thts wey the
best qual3fied personnel can be obtained and retainad, insuring efficient
operation and resulting in cash savings to tax-payers.
Bett Rice Youn(�
Persoxinal �i rector &
Secretary to th� Boax�1
Hsnr�Ge arge
_Reade Ti1Zeq
Walter Haveazer, Chairman
Glenn Allen
Newton Barlow
ORDER N0. 2355
DOC$ETT N0. 2468-MC
J&nuary 30, 1950
In Re: Application o£ Edvrin Thomas for a
Iimited certificQte oP pub�ic conveni.ence
and necessitg author3zing transpertation
of rdnters of cottages of the applicant
at Dixtom Cottages, Pinellas Count�*,
Flnridar from Cleerwater a nd St. Peters-
burg to said Dixtom Cottages a nd from
sa3d Dixtom Cot�ages to Clearwater and
St. Petersburg; and authorizing the
opera�i.on of s3ghtseeing tours fron sa3d
Dixtam Cottagea to vari gus points and
pa,aces in the State of F'lorida, inc;luding
Sarasota, Lfzke Wales, Bolt Tov�er, Cypress
Gardens, Tampa, Tarpon Springs, and
Silver Sprin�s.
r ��
The Florida Rsilroad and Public Utilitias Co�nission, by its du�.y appointed Examiner,
Lewi� W. Fetteway, held a public hearing in the above r�atter in the Chamber of Commerce
Build3ng, Tampa, b'lorida, on Wednesday, August 2�, 1949, pursuazit to not�ce of this
Goiarnission dated August 9, 1949.
At said hearing the i'ollotving appearances c�ere made:
Edrvin Thomas, spplicant, 1116 Wallace S. Building, Tampa, Florida, appeared in his
own behalf,
John bi. 9111son, 612 First National Bank Bldg., Ta�ipa, 2, Florida, appeared for Gu1f
Coast Iviotor Line, Inc., Clear�ater, Florida and Florida Greyhound Lin�a, Inc.
C. E. Hill, 635 First Avenue, North, St. Petersburg, Florida, appeared for Southern
Tours, Inc.
Henry S. Baynard, Firs� Federal Building, St. Petersburg9 Floride, appeared for Town
of Pass-a_grille Beach, Florida�
By this proceeding applicant seeks a cormnon carrier certificate of public cor_vsnience
and necessity authorizing the transportation of renters of cottages of tha applicant at
Dixtom Cottages, Pinellas Countg, Florida, from Clearavater and St. Petersburg to said
Dixtom Cottages and from seid Dixtom Cottages to Clearwater and St. Petersburg; and
authnrizing the operation af sightseeing tours £ram said D3xtom Cottagas to various pointa•
an� places in the �tate uf Florida, including Sarasota, Lake 4`lales, Bok Tower, Cypress
Gardens„ Tampa, Tarpon Springs and Silver Springs.
After due considera�ion of the testimony and evidence adduced at said hearing, the
Cor�nission finds that public convenienca and necessity do not auth�rize and require the
granting nf e common carrier certificate of publia convenience and necessity for the
trr�nspnrtation operation whicki apgl3cant seeks to perforni.
It is therefnre ORDEF,;�D, ADJiTDGED, and DECREED that tha a pplication of Edwin Thomaa
be and thg same is herebg denied without prejudice, however, to applicant to file an
application far a 1ePor hire'� perm3t.
By the Conunission this 2ath da9 of January, 1950
(Si�ned) Bollin� C. Str�nley
Fxecutive Secretary
January 17, T950
Mr. Boyd Bannett,
City MQnager,
Clear�rater, Fla e
Dear Mr. Bennstt:
The Board of �ublic Instruction in regular session an Jenuary llth passed a motion for
tihe Superintendent to writa a letter of thank� and co�endation £or the outstanding work
of the Gity Corrcaissioners and Manager o£ Clearwater.
In the past �ear, through your efforts you have made possible improvements ta our play-
grounda and schools. Your cooperation and work in behalf oP the public schools has made
wonderiul improvement in the personal appearance of our schools and school, grounda.
I wish to expresa tiie appreeiation of the Heard f or your f ine cooperationa for the work
you have dona in helping us to build a better school system.
Sincerely yours,
(51�ned) Floyd T. Christian, Superintendent
of Publie Instruc'tion
January 30, 195U
YJFI�REAS; it has been determined by the City Commissioz� of the City af Clearevater,
Florida, that the property describeci below ahoula be cleanec� of weeda, grass and/o�
underbrush, and that after ten (10) de�s no�ice and failure of the ov�ner thereoP to do
so, the City should cl.ean auch property and chargc� the costs thereo£ against the
reapect{ ve properi;y.
NOW TH�I�FOR� BE I�' RESOLVED by the Git•y Coxamission of the Cit� of C3earwater,
Florida, that tho following described property, situate in said CitS�, shall b e cleaned
of weeds, grasa and�or underbruah within ten (10} days after notice in writing to the
owners thereof �o do so and that upon failure to cpmply Nith said notice, the City shall
perform such cleaning and charge the coats thereof against �Ekie respective �roperties 3n
aceordance with Section 128 of the Chartsr of the City oP Clear�rat�r, as amended.
Marie Rrarr.er, c�o Hurd
47 Rockland P1., New Rochelle, N.Y,
Laurence E. Fraley
Trailer Citg, Clearrvrrater, Fla.
Mrs. I,ee Patterson
624 Lincoln Ave.
Hawthorne, Nev� Joraey,
Twead bicMuZlen
Bayvievr Bldg., City
Filorneno F. Gu110
2715 Spruce St.
Tampa , Fla .
Carl F. Bender
9I4 S. Ormer S't., Arlington, Va.
Maurice Stein
2431 Central Dr.., Tampa, Fla.
Samuel & Rebecea Stain
P. 0. Box 1869, Tampa, Fla.
Pa rk Be rna rd
c�o Bernards Tobacco V'�arehouse,
Abingdon, Va.
Henry Henriquez
I�andalsy Road, Clearwater, Fle.
Edith Homer
Homer Realty Co., Cit�
Arlington Smith
Hicksville, Ohio
Alberto Q,uiroga
849 filandaley Road, City
L. P. & Ge P. Hovey
Dunedin, Flam
Doroth� Gullo
2714 Spruce St., Tampa, }�le„
Benjm F. Carlisle
12851 Rutland Ave., Detroit, 2riich.
Tobias J. Bonacio
21 Kendail St., Citg
Heldn I�1�.anro Robinson
905 Shadowlawn, Tampa, Fls.
T� R. Robinson
505 Shradowl�wn, Tampa, Fle.
Hazel B, Bull
Dunedin, Fla.
I,ester Dicus
Sunset Point Hote1, City
James Lumia
3215 - 12th St., Tampa, Fla.
Nick Segonis
113 Ring A ve,, Tarpon Springa, Fls.
Lot 1Q, Blk. l�
hia nda lay Subd .
�,ot 17, Fslk l�
Mandaley Sub.
Lot 18, Blk l�
Diandalay Sub.
Lct 12:, Blk 13
Nia nda la y Sub .
Lot 13, Fslk 1�
Pdandalay �ub.
Lot 3, Blk 14
hlandalay Sub.
Lots 1, 2, 3, Blk 15
�da nda la y 5ub .
Lot 5, B1k 15
I�[andal�y Sub.
7ots 7, 8,Blk 15
114andaley Sub.
Lots 1, 2, 9, la, B1� 16
hiandalay Sub.
Tjot 3, Blk 16
niandalay Sub.
Lots 51 6, Blk l6
hiandalay Sub.
?�ot 6, �l� 17
Nandslag Sub.
L•ot 5, Blk 18
hiandalay Sub,
Lot T2, Blk 18
h4a nda lay Sub .
Lct l, Elk 24
%Iandalay 5ub.
Lot 3, Blk �4
Tviendalay S��b.
T�ut 14, Blk 24
nia nda le y Sub .
Lat 15, Blk 24
hiandalay Sub.
Lat 16, Blk 24
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 4, B�.k 26
hiandalay Sub.
Lot 3, Slk 27
hiandalay Sub.
Lat 10, BIk 27
hiand�].a� SuU.
January S0, 15�50
Lot C1.ean3ng, Contd.
Robert F. Wyatt
P. 0. Bax 425, City
Edward C. park
1&1 Suimnit Ave., Wollaston, hiass.
J. Ward Palmer
INaltons New York
J. E. Sati:erfield
216 Prescott St., City
Homer Realty Coo
G. T. CuTbert
Box 509, fuiarion, Va.
M. A. Armstrong
318 Sunset Court, City
Thomas Tismilton
509 Pine Street, Cit�r
Wm..E. CQva�nagh
P. 0. Box 1815, biantganerya Ala.
Cleveland Trust Co.
Cleveland, ahio
Mr. Fletcher Brown
Eass Rocks, Mass.
Mrs. Ed.na YYilson
24 Gxamarcy Park, N.Y., N.Y�
Mrv Harve� F. Fisher
61I6' N.E. 28th St., Portland, Aregon
I,arry D3rmnitt
948 E1dor�do, C�.ty
Dr. J. L. Bowen
42Z Druid R9ad, City
Eliz, & Natalie Brad�ord
21G9 4�'atrous St., Tampa, Flao
Emile Goss
51I3 SemiIlole Ave.r TBmpa� F1s.
Bess Pa rdo
2503 - �4th Ave., Ta�ps, F1aa
Bertha G. Sheldon
5641 - Zst Ava. North, St. PQtersburg, E'lea
Helen T. fiinchman
5641 - lst Ave., North, St. Petersburg,Fl�.
John A. Spota
1425 E, Troadway, Tampa, Fla.
Arthur G, Isitheiaer
926 2vlandelay, Ci�y.
H. E. Pontiva
1�J17 Union St., C3ty
ir��s. John Tapon
92a Mandalay Rci., City
Florence H, Rosenberg
813 S. Gorae�, Tampa„ F].a.
Fa nny hl . hia rks
Jasmine Way, Citq
2viarian S. Dyer
P. 0. Box 1588, Ta mpa, F2a.
William E. Cross
945 Bay Esplanade, City
Edward A. Ca7.onna
3921 Elbert Ave., Alexandria, Va.
T ot 1, Bllt �3
hiandalay Sub,
N a o� Lot 9, and Lot 1Q, B1lc 2.8
h7andslay Sub.
Lots ].1, 12, Blk 28
Ma nda la y Sub .
Lot l, Blk 31
ntandalay Sub.
iot 14, Blk 31
Mandalay Sub,
Lot 4, Slk 33;
Nandalay Sub.
Lot 9, Blk 4�
biandalay Stxb.
Lot 11, Blk 4�
Ma nda la,q •S'ub «
Lot 12, Blk. 42
E4e nda la y Sub .
Lot 8, Bl}s 4g.
Ivie nda la Sub .
Lots 1, 2, B].k 45
hiandalay 5ub,
T�o�� 79 8, Blk 45
2riandalay Sub.
Lnts 1, 2, Blk 46;
R7andalay 8ub.
Lots 5, 6, Blk 46
Iriandalay sub.
I,ot 4, B1k 46A
h'fandala� Subm
Lot 5, Rlk 49
Mandala;� Sub.
Lot 2, Blk 5Q.
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 5, Blk 50
NIa nda la y Sub .
Lot 3, Blk 51
Ma nda 1s y Sub .
Lot 4, Blk 51
Ivlandalay Sub.
Zot 5', Blk 51
Ivia nda 1a y Sub ,
Lote 6 and 7 less S2, Blk 51
Mandalay Sub.
IAL lOr Blk 51
blanda].ay Sub.
L�t l, Blk 52
hiandala� Sub.
Lot 2, Blk 52.
hlandalay Sub.
Zot 3, Blk 52
a4andalay Sub<
Lot 3, BI.k 57
P�!andalay Sub.
I,ot 2, }31k 57
Iviandalay Sub.
Lnts 1, 2, Blk 58
Mandala5� 8ub�
:Ta,ntzary 30, 1950
Joseph C. Chris�
1006 Caracas 5�., Tampa, Fls�.
Helen Storia Manss
963 F3ruce Ave., Citq.
S. C. Minardis Sr.
2816 - lOth St., Tampa, Fla,
Samuel A. Kor.ones
206 N. NTash:ingtan Ave., City
James Lwnia
P. 0. Box t�269, Tampa, F1ae
Metta L. Watwood
5Q7 N. Osasola Ave., City
Salvador Greco
Z543 Easterly Terr., Lon Angeles, CaliPo
Samuel Stein
P. 0. Box 1869, Tampa, Fla,
J. N. Pew, Eatate
Room 1904, 1608 4Yalnu.t St., Philadelphia,Pae
�,lnile Goss
51I3 Seminole Ave., Tampa, Fla.
The 1001 Corp., Annette Da Bona
1001 Eldorado, City
Fannie B. V�rilliams
I�fissouri Ave., City
Morris Ovrens
�31 Oak Ave,, City.
F. W. P�pe
1915 Sanford Ave., City
I{aylib Cor.xpany
192 niarket St., Paterson, N. J.
Edwa rd Proefke
1U24 Eldorado Ave., City
H. Iti. Turnburke
TJlanaon Arcade, Gity
Geoo L, Shead
405 Edgewater Dr., Dunedin, Flx.
Pfrrs. Esther Daniels
P. 0. Bax 27
Worcester, IVfass.
Virginia Dann
45a Scotland St., Dunedin, Fla,
The I�O1 Corp., annette de Bona
1001 Eldorado, City
Jama s & hiA _ry Lumia
P. o. Box 5405, Tanipa, Fla�
Adort L. Smith
i812 IQ, Ft. harrison, City
Edivard P, PiacCar�hy
Box 241, Syracuse, Ind.
Annette DeF3nno
1001 Eldox�do, City
Logan A, Becker
8a0 Bay Esplanada, C3ty
John J. Eckhart,
965 Eay Esplanade, City
Win. Edward Crosa
945 Dsy Esplanade, C3ty
George J. Theurar
115 Br�adway, Ne�v York Cityo
�� �
Zo� 3, BIk 58
Rlandalay Sub.
Lot 5a, Elk 58
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 2, Blk 58
Ma ncta la y Sub .
Lot 3, Blk 59
IJlandalay Sub.
Lot 4, Blk 59
Ir7andalag Sub.
I,�t 8, Bik 59
b2andalay Sub.
Lot 7, Blk 60
htandalay Sub.
Lot 11, Blk 60
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 2, Blk 62
Mandalay Sub.
Lot 7, Blk 62
Niandalay Sub.
Lots �, 5, Blk 6�
hla nda 1a y Sub .
Lot 8, Blk 6�
Ivia nde lay Sub .
Lot 11, Blk 67
D�Iandalay Sub.
Lot 12, Blk 87
bia nda lsy Sub .
Lots 4, 5, 6, Blk 68,
b1a nda 1a y Sub .
Lot 7, Slk 68
hiandala � Sub .
Lot 11, Blk 68
Ivta nda la y Sub .
Lot 14, Blk 68
i�landalay SuUo
Y,ot 1 r, Blk 68
hfandalay Su3,
Lot l8, Blk 68
3�iandalay Sub.
Lots 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, Bllt68
P�iandalay Sub.
Lots ?, 2, 3, 4, Blk 84
Mandalay Sixb.
Lot l0y Blk 84
r�IandaZay Sub..
Lot� T8, 19, Blk 856
Ca.rlouel Sub.
Lot 4, �lk 26t>
GarloueT Sube
Zots �SR af Lot �, Blk 265
Carlouel Sub.
I�ot 8, Blk 265
T,ot 14, Blk 265
Carlouel Sub.
Zots 7, 8,Blk 266
Carlouel S1.ib.
Januarg 30g ].950
Lot 'Cleanin�, Contd.
Annette de Bono
1001 Eldorado, City
Robt. nS. Wolf�', P6.D.,,
1219 Cleveland, City
Al�ert Rudsef Aiehl
424 Linden Ave., York,, Pa.
Norman J. Allbright
5323 Southwestarn Blvd., Chicago, I1.1.
Roq CJ. 4Vakeling
424 Jasmina 'V�ay, City
Logan A. Becker
880 i3sy Esp_lanade, City
htr� T. R. Palxner
Box 149, Citg.
Dr. Raymond H. CEnter
Cleveland St., City
E. L. Robbin3
c�o T. R. Palmer, Box 149, Gity
Hal. H. Henton
40S E. Shore Drive, City
W. R. iiarbour
815 Bruce St., City
Oscar C. Looffler
518 ClearFrater St., City
R, V, Barden
P. 0. Box 875, City
Henry Aenrique�
N[andalsy St., City
Edith I3omer
620 PdandaZa� Blvd., City
Roy VJakeling
424 Ja�mine 4J�y, City
Antonio Diecidus
46 St., E. Bro��way, Tampa, Fia..
4Villis Tengras
215 Gulfviow Blv�., Cit�r
Roy VPakeling
424 Jasmine Vlay, City
L. S. Fiuder
Csrley Ave,, Belleai r, Fla.
J. B. Tucker
P. O. Box 561, City
L. S. Ruder
Carley Ave., �elleair, Fla.
Iaura K. Stoddard
3�.2 Coronado Drive, City
Clv�r. Beach Properties, Inc.
Lucius Ruder
Daveg-A�ZcNIullen Sld�,, City
Anthony Caltigirone
20012 - lOth Ave., T�ampa, Fla�
H. C, Cogbuzm
Penna. Ave., Citq
Michael C. Rynkael
227 Douglas Ave., Waukegan, Ill,.
Dunedin Islea Homes, Inc.
Dunedin, Fla,.
An elo Sa1vo
c� W. S. Gremoldi
Little Ferry, T7ew Jersey
T,ots 1, 2, 3, B11f 267
Carlouel Sub.
Lots 9, 10, F31k 267
Carlouel Sub.
Lot 13, Blk 267
Carlouel Sub.
I,ot 2, Blk 271
Carlouel Sub.
T�ot 2, BZk 273,
Carlouel Sube
F,ot 3, NE � 1y a of Lot 4, Blk 274
Carloue2 Subo
I,ot 7' Si�y Q of 6, Blk 27�
Carlouel Sub.
"Lots 8, 9, Blk 274
�arlouel Sub.
Lot 1Q, 11, Blk �74
Carlouel Sub.
Let 13, Blk A
Barbour Nlorrow �ub.
Lot 14, B1k A,
Berbour ;�Tarrow Sub.
Lot 159 Blk A,
Barbour hIorrow Sub.
Lots 17� I8' Blk A�
Barbour IvIorrow Subo
Lots 19, 20, Blk A
Barbour D1or�ow Sub.
Lots 2�, 23A, 23H, Blk A
Barbour hiorrow Sub.
Lots 55, 56, 57
Lloyd iNhite Skinner Sub e
Lot 61, 62�
L1oyd 4Vhita Skinner Sub.
�ts 99, 100 N� of 101
Lloyd White �kinner Sub.
Lots 103, lU4
I,loyd 4Yhite Skinner Sub.
Lots 1U9, 110
Lloyd VVhite Skinner Sub.
I,ot 111, N� of 112
l,loyd White Skinner Suhe
Lots 112, N2 of 123, 125,126,12:8
Lloyd White Skinner Sub.
Lots 1, 2, Blk A�
Collambia Sub. �2;
Lot3 3,4,5,6s7,1Q,11,12,B1k A1,
Columbia Sube �2c
Lot 14, Slk F�:
Columbia Sub. #2'
Lot 2:, 5.65� of W. I05+
Blk B, Co];umbiA Sub.
Lot 2, N. 65t aP 'N. 105�, Blk B,
Coltuabia Sub.
Lot 1
Miller�s Replat
Lot 6
Ivlilleria Replat
January 30, 195Q
Lot Cleaning, Qontd.
A4orris� Roaengtein
c�o h4cMullen, Meniullen 8c Pogue, City
Wm. Kirstein
1].4 S. Albany, Tamp�, Fla.
Mrs. F. G. Wisner
74h E. Michigan Ave., E3s,ttle Creek, Ivtich.
Jos. G. Simcock
311 Sunset Drive, City
Edgar W. Bright
1146 Drew St., Ci,ty
Bert D. Shorte�
R. F. �. �3, Middletown, New Yorls
Mr. Geo. E. Locker
1111 So. Myrtle Ave,, City
Martin Pokorney
1405 Gulf to Br�y, City
Rbt. C. Lawler
917 Main St., Richmon� Ind.
Mellard F. Willia�s
1781 N. Ft. Harrison, City
J. C. & Lola Mason
P. 0. Box 451
Safetg• H�rbor„ Fla.
Fred Lsntz
Box 156, 4Vauastosa, Wis.
Edward N. Guy
501 N. Green�vood Ave,, City
Lot 9
R1i11er�s Rep1�'�
I�ot lo
Mi11er's Replat
Lot 25
Property o� A. J. AToore
Lots 9, 10
Gulfview Sub.
Lot in B1k I0
Aikens Sub.
Lot 13, Blk J,
Boulevard Heights
iots l, 2, Blk �
Knollwood Sub.
Lot 3, Blk 3
Knollwood Sub.
Lots 8' 9, 10, 11, Blk �
Irnollvrood Sub.
Lo� 13, Blk �
Iinollwood Sub.
Lots 45, 46, BIk CP
Hi ghla ncl C rove s
Lot 13', Blk 13,
uountry C�.ub Addn,
Lot 10, Blk 52:,
Country Club Addn.
PASSED AIdD ADOPTED by the City Co�¢nission oP the City oY
Clearvrater, Florida, tris 30th day oP January, A.D., 1950
H. G. P�ingo
City Auditor a nd Clar�
Leland F. Drev�
Acting --- ayor- o�issioner
>_..__ _,RESOLUTION --�-J----
WEEREA�: it has been determinad by the City Conmiission of the Cit� of �learv�ater,
Florida, that the property described beloe� should be clesned oi weeks, grass a nd�or
underbrush, and that aftex ten (10) days notice and failure of the owner thareof to do
so, the City shouZd clean such property and charge tha aosts the��eo� a�ainst the respective
NOW TiiEREFORE BE TT R�.SOi.VED by the City Commission of �he City of Cleqrraater„
Florida, that the following deseribed propart�, situate in said Cit�, shall be cleaned
of weeds, grass and�or underbrush within ten(10) days after notice in writing to the
owners thereof to do so and that �zpon failure to comply with said notice, the City shall
perform such cleaning and charge the coste theraof against the respective properties in
accordance tvith Section 128 0� the Charter of the City of Clearrrater, as amended.
Ownera Propertv;
Josaph A. Petermar. Lats 6, 5, 11, Slk A
c�o Ben Eva�ns, Ci�y Barbour r�iorrow Sub�
Fred M. Decker Lot �2', Blk A
P. 0. Box 591, City Barbour I�oxrow Sub.
Wm. S. hlslring, Jr.
295 Voorhees Ave.,
Buffalo, New York
Pau1 Bergen
Fark Apts., Park St., Cit�*
Frank VJ. Stonecipher
1701 N. Osceola Ave., City
Frank C. �rTeyer
2336 Sherman Blvd.� n�iilwaukee, 4Jis.
Lots 1, 2, Blk �,
BQS Terrace Sub.
Lot 13,
Clearwater He3ghts
Lo�Gs 3, 4, Blk l,
Bayvisw Heighta
I,ots l, 2-s Blk 2:
Bayvieva iiei�ht�
Je�nu� r� 3U, 1950
I,�t Cleaning, Contd.
Le Roy Morgan
Graen Acres Trailer Park
Gulf to Ba,y, City
Ecldie Viella
2713 &Iorgan 8t., Tampa, F'la.
A. G, V'ance
Iiomasassa Springs, Fla<
N. bi. Fauldg
Keene Road, R.F.D. ,�1, City
Fred I. Coller
1651 Harvard St.9 City
James t� r4ay Luraig
P. 0. Box 5405
Tampa, Fla.
Mrs, D. R. Peter�
604 Turner St., City
Wilbur D. P 11en
1916 &Ici�inley St., City
Louis Roberta
2Z1& Drew St., City
G. Ee Pexmenter
2114 Harding St., City
Tvirs. K. Buri;,on
2116 Drew St., City
H. Ee Permenter
2114 Harding �it., Cit�
Hel�en F. i�Teber
P. 0. Box 704, City
rrank L. Hovoy
Oxford, N. Y.
Glevel Hill
1856 Stevenson Ave., �ity
?aul A. Nicks
1115 Stevenson Ave., City.
Lot 8, BZk B,
Boulevard P3nem
.�ot 12, Blk �
Clearwates Boach, S�ub.
Lots lU, 11, Blk B
Floridena Sub..
W. �O t of .Lot 7
H. A. Kilgore Sub.
Lots 10, 11, I2, I3, B11� D
F�eystone R9anor
Lot� 3, a, BTk 84
hiandalay Sub.
Lot 4
Marsl�al:L & Brandon Subo
LOts 'l� 8p�;10,11,14s15,Blk 20
Marymont Subd.
I,ots 15, 17, Blk 21
Ivlarymant Sub.
Lots 13,1�, Blk 23�,
Marymont �ub,
Lots 15, 17, Blk 24
Marymont Subo
T�ots 6, 7, S, Blk 24
Iviarymont Sube
Lot 24, Blk D,
Sunse� Pt. lstm
Lots 16, Blk B,
Sunse� Pt. �nd
Lo�s 17,18, Blk B:,
Sunset Pt. 2nd
Lot 19, B1k B,
Sunset Pt. 2nd
PASS�D AND 9vOPTF�D by the C3ty Commission of the City
oP Clearrrater, this 30th day of January, A. D., 1950
Zeland F. Drevr.
.4.c�ing -- h�ayor-Cormnissioner
H. Ci. V�in�o
Citg Auditar and lerk
January 30, 1950
WHEREAS the City of C�earwater, Florida is tra;nsversed from North to South by Fort
Harrison Avenue, also known as U. S. 19, which is a continuation of said highwag through.
the entire length of said City, and
1VHEREAS aAid highway and street is heavily travelled, and
VVFiEREA� s�id street is within the limits of said City crossed at an angle by the
main tracks. oP the Seaboard Airline Railroad, said croasing being at this tim� unguarcied
and without the benefit of tra�fic eignals or devioes of any kind, and
WHEREAsS it ia necessary for the protection oP the general public and p�rticularly of
transients�using said highway that proper traffic signals should be placed along said
highway in the vicinity of said rallroad crossing
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Coirnnisaion oP the City oP Clearwater,
F'lorida, that the Board of County Commissioners oF Pinellas County, Florida bs and it.
is hereby petitioned to raquest the Flor3da S+�ate Road Department to furn3.3h and install
suitable tr:afPic lights and si�nala on South For� Harrison Avenue in the City of Glear�
water, Florida in tha following place�: Intersection of Saabo�rd. Airline Railroad with
S'outh Fort Harrison Avenuea interaection of Iakeview Averiue and South Fort Harrison
Avenue, intersaction of Court Drive and South Fort Harrison Avenue, intersection oP
Bellevi�tv Boulevard a nd South �ort Harrison Avenue.
BE IT FT7RTHER RESOLVED that tre City Auditor and Clerk is hereby authorized and
directed ta certify a copy of this Rasolution to the Bosvd oP Gounty Comnissioners of
Pinellsa County, Florida.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of Januazy, 1950.
Laland F. Urew
�cting b4� or-�ommissioner
H. G. PJin o
ity Aud3.tor e rxi Clerk
Dec, 28, 1949
Memo to The honorable Board of Coun�y Oou�nissioners,
Pinellas County Court House,
Clearvvater, Fla.
There are submitted herew3th the following reports Por the month of Noversber•D 1949:
Firi,azlcia� report cover�ng receipts and disbursements of Clearv�ater �eterans� Coun�y�
�uez�vice Office for the month of Novembe�.
Report cf activities of Clearwater and St„ Peter�burg Veterans� County Servic� Office�.
Trusting you �vill find these ragurtis in order, I remain
c.c. to CitS of Clwr.
c.c. to City of T�rpon Springs
c.c. to City o£ Dunedin
Yours truly,
(Signed ) J. Qt. Preedcm,
County Service Officer
Jarivary 30, 1950
Memo to The Honorable Board of Count� Counnissionars,
Pinellas County Gourt House,
Qlearwater, Fla.
Follotiving is a statement of Receipts and Di�bursementis o£ ClearwAtor Veteranst
County Service Offica for the month of November, 1949:
Receipts. Disbux�se�ents
Pi.nellas County �p215.90 J. A. Preedom, Salary �p125.65
Cit;r of Clearwater 50.00 Secretary, sal�ry 100.00
Citg of Dunedin 9.Q0 Telaphone w long distance 8.90
City of Tarpon Springe 9.00 Postage & reg3stration 9.10
Car operation 25.00
Printin�, staty. &
Office expanae 15.25
Tot�l �283o9Q Total �283.90
Signed J. A. Preedom
J. A. Preedom
T�: The Honorable Board oi County Co�issioners;
Pinellas Count�, Florida.
Dec. 30, 1949
Report of activities of Clearv�eter & St. Patersburg Veter�nst County Service Office�
for tk�e month oi Plovember, 1�J�9.
Total number o£ veteran eontacts -----------------._______________ ______
Applications filed for monetary bene�its as �'ollows:
Subsistence allowances under PL 16 aud PL 346 ------�--- --.------___.._�2
Pensions, appeals, insurance benefits slaims, death
benefits and dependencv claims -------- --------------------_-___ Z39
l�pplicr�tions for burial allo�rances and heaflstones------------------ 6
10 �" attsndants care for disable�l weterans-------- - �
�r 1R hos italizat3.on & damiciZier care 1�
P Y --------------
Evidence supporting claims as follows:
Photosta�ic copies of discrarges -------__ _______ ____________�_
Certified copies of marriage records�-----------___�_>..__.._________
u �c �t reports of separation -------------------------
u n u birth records --------------------------------
u n n divorce rscord� ----- ------------------------
�r u ie death records-�-------------------••-------------
Forms Piled;
Marital status 8-686c ------- ------------------------------------
Change & location af place of training 190�e----------------------
Power of attorney 2-P-22 -----------------------------------------
Change of address 4-572 -----------------------------------------�
Transfer of case files & records �-572 ---------___-______________
Applications for out-patient dental & medical treatments--------__
Interruptions of train.ing & training rsports______________________
Miscellaneous affidavita-----------------------------..--_ -------_
Income questionaires on pensions______________ ________ _________
Custodians► accountings £or minor beneficiaries __________________
January 30, 1950
Mamo to The Honorable BoArd o�' Cpunty Commissioners,
Pinellas County Court House,
Clea rwater, Florida.
January 24� 1950.
Thero are subrriittecl herewitH the i'ollowing reports for the month of Decer.�ber, 1949;
Financial re�ort covering re�eip�s and disbursements of Clearviater Veterana� Qounty
Service Office for the month oi' December, 1949. `
Report of activitias of Clear�vster and Ste Petersburg, Veterana� County Service Offices.
Trus�ing you will find these reporta in orrler, I remain
Yours trul9s
(Signed) J. A. Preedoms
�ounty Service Of£icer
Memo to The Fionorable Board of County Comrnissioners,
Pinellas Gounty Court House,
Clear��ater,, Fla.
Gentlenien •
January 24, 1950
Following is a statement of Receipts and Liabursements of Clear�vater Veterans�
Caunty Service Of#'ice i'or the month of December, 1949:
Pinellas County 215.4�r J. A. Preedom, salary �124e80
City of Clearwater a0.00 Secretary, salary 1U0.00
City �f Dunedin 9e00 Teleph�ne & long distanee 8.80
City of Tarpon Spring� 9.OU Posta�e & Regietrati.ons 9.8t�
Car operation 25.00
Printing, staty. & office exp. 15.25
Total 283.45
19� Signed J� A. Preedam,
c.c. to Cit� of Clearwater County Service Officer
c.c. to City oP I}uned3n
c.c. to City of Tarpon S.�ar3x�7,�__�________________
�- Jan:aary 24, 195Q
Report of �ctivities oi' C1ear.v+ate-r and St. petersb�:rg Veterans+ County Ssrvice Offices for
- month-of-Dacember, 1949
Total number of veteran contacts -- 1370
---------------- --------
Y63 Applications filed for the followir�nbene its:
Subsistence allowancea under PL 16 and PL 346 ___________________________S0
Pensions, appea].s, insurance bene£it claims, death benefits
and dependencg claims-----_..________140
Applicstions for burial allowonces & headstones---.._____________________.. 4
1P` �� attendants care for d:isabled-----__-
trir ------------------- 2
hospitalization & damiciliary_______ __________________ 1�
Tote�S--------------------- 192
Appliaatians for original & supplemerttal certificates ___________ __________ 3c�
biiscellaneous Forius o£ different kind� ---_--- -----.--__________:__________ �g
A�pplicatians �`�r refund diviclends on NSLI ---------------------------------- 37
USGLI & NSLT converted, renewed and appl3ed for ----.----�---- �11°7,000
Staie Bonus Applications:.
Zouieiana ----------_ 1
Delaware --------___ 2
Illinois------------- 1
Connecticut--------_- 1
c.c. to City of Clearr�atar
c.c. to City of Dunedix�
c.c. to City of Tarpon Sprtngs;
Evidenoe supporting claima as followsr
Photostat:'.c copies oi' discharges---------------------------------------- �6
Certified co�ies oi' marriage records------ ______W_ ______,�.__________ 37
��' � '� reports of separation------______ ZyZ
�� �y' " birth records---_---
tr�r u ------------------------------- 38
�e ct u riivorce records------------------------------------- 11
death records--------------- -----------------------
Total--------------------- 144
Forms Filed;
114arital status 8-686c-----------------------�--------- -----------------
Change of location and type of trxining 1905e-.-_______�__..______________ '29
Power of attorneY 2-F'-22 ----------------------------------------------- 93
Chanp;e of address 5-472 _--_-------------------�-------------------------- 61
Transfer of C files and recorcls---------------------------------- ----- �4
Applications for out-patiant dental & medical ------------------- .._____ 29
Interruptions of trainipg and trFaining rsports----------.________________ 31
Miseellaneous af£idavits -----_-----------------------..----------- 3�
P7otarizations--------------------------------- - ---------------- --
Income questionaires on pensions --- 107
---- ---------- --------------- ---- 3
Custodians� accountings ori minor beneficiaries __________________ _____ 5
Total - -------- -----^ 4S8
Applications For certiifi�at�:s of eligibilitg -- __ __ �2
-_ _ - ----
Miscellaneous Forma of various kinds ------ _-_ _ __ _ _ __ ___.. 47
Applications for re£und dividends on NSLI - -- -_ .. _ _ ..�__ _.._. 31
IISGLI & NSLI converted, renev�ed ar.d abplied for ------------------------- �110,000
STATE BQN(TS Applicationst
i�ew York, 6 Il�,inois, I Iowa, ]:
Connect3e`ut , 1 hiichigan, 2'
ec. to City of Clearwater
c.c. to City of Ihznedin
c.c. to City of Tarpon Springs
January 30, 1950
January 18, 1949
City of Clearwater
Inter-0ffica Corrnnunication
To Mr. �ennett
Fron 0. H. Anderson, Sec�g Zonin� Boa�d
Sub ject: REt�UEST Ob' E. M. GREEN
At the regular meeting of the Zoning B�ard held on Tuosday evening, January l7, 195Q,
� motion vras made and carried tha:t the request of hir. E. i�4. Green, to erect a
filling and service station at 2508 Gulf to Ba.y B1vd. (Sec. 1"l-29-16 Bletea and
Bounds description) be g ranted.
Attachad herewith is 112r. Greents request, proposad plan and plot plan,
January 5, 1950
To The Alnyor and City Corrnnission
of Clearr+atex�, Floric�a.
2'hera is nerewi�h respectfu119 submitted a copy of reccnnnendation3 made by the
Federation�s Ten-Year Planning Coimnittee for the improvement of certain defects in the
City of Clearwatar.
Tn the event that your Corrnnission has not already made provision i'or tha con-
sideration of the items set forth in the Corrmiittea�s recomr.iendntions, it is raquested
that they be placed on your agends for early action.
(Signed] Frederick C. Lucas, President
Clearv�ater, Florid�
December 30, 1949
Re�ume of recArmnendations of ten-9aar planning comriittee as sub�iitted to Federation
in August, 1949.
1. That City Dump be removed f.rom present location to an area several mil�� distant
from city boundaries on land owned by the city or county--or private individuals. It is
urged this be done in 1950 if at all poss�bleo
2o That sewer syster.� of city be expanded in ever� way� prscticat�le by placing of new
and larger pipe� v�here needed now or where new building developments will soon make
expansion neces�ary.
2A. That early provision be made fo.r a new sewage digestora That the City cuoperata
with adjoin3ng c�mmunities in the prevention of water pollution by sewage. The start
on sewage s�stem enlargement ahould be made in 1950.
3� City Pier. That provision should be made in 1950 for a City Pier on the beach
which will be a sourca of pride to the city.
4. Beach 14iunicipFl resort center on �.i.nes of Sarasota Lido Beach. Life guards�
should be, provided.
5. Water supply system for city should be increased frorn new aources outeidA the
city as in case of St� Petersburg. Artesian �ells east of cit�* shauld be made available.
6. The present parks should be properly landscaped and made atiractive to all citizens,
particularl� the present open ares� between the Ba� and North Osceola Street, bounded by
C].eveland Straet an the South, should be landscaped in 1950, and provided �ith comfort
station and benches. Crest Lake Park shoul�. be landscaped in 195U in accordance with
plans o£ landscape architect alreadv prepared for citg. Ci_ty land between Country Club
Estates and Greenwood Avenue east oi' Greenfield should definitely be set aside as Park
and recreabion center. Iake Belleair on south side wes� of Greenwood Avenue should be
acquired by City and developed as a Park.
7. Adequate street lightin� should be provided from the vaest end oP the Courtney
Campbell Parkvray to 3ntersection oP Gulf to Bay Boulevard with the new Route #19. A
comfor't station and in£ormation booth should be installed on the west end of the Parktivay
named above. Drinking vrater should be ps�ovided on the Park+xay at intorvals.
Y1e wish to go on record supporting tha city�s plan to draft r� bill tn go before ttie
next State Legislature so that the city can operate under the general zcining law all�wed
cities by the State of Florida, vaherein reconnnendations of the Cit� Zoning Board can
be definitely acted upon by the City Co�nnission, instead o£ having to g� to a referendum
by the freeholders. B3Z1 Board erection should be limited, especially in residential areag.
Js�nuary S0, 1950
(Cleervrater Federation of Civit; Clubs�--contd.)
�� �
An adequate police force shoula be provided in 1950 so that main arteries map be
patrolled to stop speeding within the city limits. Provision should be made for
addi�ional Pire stetions to cover entire city. Trafi'ic hazards should be eliminated
in citg in congested areas. Sidewalks should be provided in areas where children walk
to school or play in streets. Vacant lots �hould be cleared by cit� at owners� expense,
espeEielly where weads are a menace or nuisance, provided owners neglect them. Gulf
to Bay Boulevard should be given par�icular attention so that it will present a favorab].e
appearance to visi.ting tourists and residents. City ordinances should be coded up to
date and niade easil� enforceablo. A ra�gweed elimination campsign should be carried on
annumlly. Channels should be dredged and kept open from the GulP to tkia City Iviainland
Yisr, and a plan prapared for the utilization of the south side oP the Causeway �rom
the ec��t end to the Beach. Where ther�e is a reasonable derasnd �or it, an adAquate bua
sys•tem ahould lae provided £or use of East Clearwater residents in 1950.
Submitted by Federation Ten-Year Planning Committee...Approved by Federation
Decenber 30, 1948
(Signed) Frederick C. Luc�s
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