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Jlllnuary 2~, 1950 11:-30 At; M.
The C1ty Commission ot the 01ty of Clearwater met in Special sesslon Monda1.
January 23rd at 11:30 A. M. with the f'ollowing members present:
Le1and F. Drew
Herbert M. Brown
E. B. Casler Jr.
Joe Turne r
-Acting Maror-Commiss10n0r
- Commissioner
- CCDm1issloner
- Comnissioner
Harry D. Sargeant
Also Present:
Bo,-d A. Bennett
George I4cCJ.amma
Ben Krentzman
...c1 ty Ma nager
-Ch1ef of PoJ.ioe
-C1 ty Attorney
The Acting-Mayor called the meeting to order and stated tho purpose ot the meet-
illg was to consider the leaee between the C1t1 and Mr. &: Mrs. C.z,. Youngblood; the
installation of a water line on Saath Betty lane; and to consider mOVing the C1t1 dump
trom ita present location.
The City Manager submitted figures canpiled by Yr. Malone~_ superintendent ot the
carpenter shop, showing that an expenditure of $800.00 would be necessary to put the
bUilding now under lease to C. L.,Youngblood and wife in proper oondition. Mr. Burton
G. Hinson, representing Mr. Youngb10od, requested that the Clt~ grant a five year
lease at this t:1m.e. C0Dlll11ssioner Casler moved that the present tenants rem&in tenants
at suf'france until such time as rentals are established 011 the South side 01" Causeway
Baulevard or 90 days, whichever ahall be the earliest date. The motion was seconded
by Commissioner Turner and carr~ed unanimouBl~.
The City Manager recommended the installation oft
350 ft. of' 2" water main on Soutn Betty Lane, 8stima ted cost of $245.00
100 ft. of 2" water main on Elmwood Street. estimated cost of 75.00
210 ft. of' li" gas main on Florida Ave. at estimated cost 01" 125.00
290 ft. at 2" galv. water pipe on Florida Ave. at estimated cost or 225.00
Cammissioner Cas1er moved that those proposed gas and water main extensions which
h8v8 alr8adr appeared on ~e agenda, be approved. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion
and it carried unanimously.
COlllD1issioner 'l'urner moved that the Oi t1' Manager be authorized to make gas and
wmter main extensions on 1tems up to $300.00 and report on suoh extensions to the Com-
mission monthl1'. The motion was seconded b1' Commissioner Cas1er and carried. It was
mutually agre~d among the members of the Connnission that the f"oregoing action would be
reoonsidered January 30th, if' disapproved by Ma~or Sargeant.
Commissioner Brawn moved tbat the ex-Uayors of Clearwater be automatically
appointed as ex-offloio members of the City Planning Board. Commissioner Turner seconded
the motion and it c~rr1ed. Commissioner Casler did not vote. The City Manager was re-
quested to write a 1etter to each or the ex-Mayors. namely: Messrs. J. o. Houze.
George R. Seavr, H. H. Baskin and Ray E. Green; the letters to be delivered to toe
Chairman of the Planning Board so he can get Mayor Sargeant's signature.
Commissioner Turner moved that the Cit~ Manager be authorized to advertise for
bids on a bulldozer for use on the San1tary fill East ot the Air Port. The motion
_s seconded br Commissioner Brown and carried unarlimously.
'lbere being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourl'led.
A~c;;;;.t!,,/1;oneP h.W'-
1. Youngblood Leese.
2. 1Rter line on South Betty Lane to improve the service 1n this section.
3. Mov.1ng o~ the City dump from the present location.
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January 23, 1950 11:30 A. �.
The Ci�ty Commission oP the City oP Clearw�ter met in Specisl a�ssion �anday,
January 23rd at 1Z;30 A. M, with the i'ollowing members presents
Leland F. Drew
Horbert M. Brown
E. B, Cealer Jr-,
Joe Turner
Harrg D. Sargeent
Also Preaent:
Boyd A. Bennett
George McClamme
Ben Rrentzman
-Actinig Mayor-Co�n3saioner
- Co�xnniasioner
- Cormni.ssioner
- Comniasioner
-E3a yox�-Coxm�i s sioner
-Ci�y iJianager
-Chief o£ Police
-City Attorney
The Aet3ng-biaqor callsd the meeting �o order and stafi'ed the purpoae oP the meet-
ing was to cons3der the leas� betwee:n th� City and Mre & h1ra. Co Z. YoungblAod; the
instellstion oP e water line on Sou�li $etty Lan�; anfl to conaider moving the City dump
from its presant lacation.
The C3ty Manager submitted figuros compiied b9 Mr. Maloneq� superintendent of the
a�rpanter skiop, ahowing that an axpenditzas�e of' �800.00 would be necessary to put the
building now under lea3e to C. L. Youn�;blood and wife in proper conditionv Mr. Burton
G. Hinaon, rapresenting b2r. Youngblood, requested that the City grant a Pive year
iease at this titne. CouanissSoner Casler moved thst the present tenants remain tenants
at suffrance until such time as rentals are eebablished on the South a�d� of Causeway
Boulevard or 90• days, whichever sha11 be the earliest date. The mo'tion vras seconded
by Goumiisaioner Turner end carried unanimously.
The Citg ldanager recammended the installation of:
350 ft. oP 2TM water main on 3�uth Betty �ne, estimated cost o4
lOQ Pt. oP 2f° water main on Elmwood Strset, estiriated coat of
210 ft. oP l�" �as main on Florida Ave. at estimated cost of
290 Pt. of 2" galv. rrater pipe on Florida Ave. at �stimated cost oP
��p245 .00
C�missioner Casler moved �hat those groposed gas and water main extensions which
heve already appeared on the agende, be approved, Co�nission9r 2'urner secondad the motion
and it carried unanimously.
Commissioner Turner monsd that the Cit� Manager be authorized to make gas and
water main extensions on items up to �p300`00 and report on sueh extendions to the Com-
miasion monthly. The motion e�as seconded by Co�issioner Casler and carried. It �vas
mutually agreed among the members of the Cozmnission t�at �he Foregaing action would be
reconsidered Ja rnxary 30th, iP disapproved by biagor Sargeant.
Cor,unissioner Brown moved that the ex-Fiayors of Glearwater be automatically
appointed as ex-o£f3oic� members oP the City Plannin� Board. Comnissionar Turner seconded
the motion and it oarriad. Co�issioner Casler did not vote. The City �danager was re-
quested to v+rite a letter to each of �he ex-idayors, namelga I�essrse J. 0. Houze,
George R. Seavy, H. S. Baskin and Ray E. Green; the ].etters to be delivered to the
Chsirmen of the Planning lioard so he can get Etayor Sargeant�s aignature.
Conuniesioner Turner moved that the City Rianager be authorized to advertisa f or
bids on a bulldozer f or use on the Sanitary fill Eas� of the Air Por�. The motion
v�as seconded by Cormnissioner Brown and carri�d unar�imouslg.
There being no f�rther businass to come before the Board, the mestiz�g was edjourned.
��ti �
c ng c;yor-CouIIn s on�r
� �
City ud t�and Clexk
1. Youngblood Lease.
2. Water line on South Betty Lane to improue the service in this section.
3m Moving of tha C�ty dump from the present locatton.