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December 15# 1940
The City Commission of the City of Clearwator !.let in Special Session at City
Hall Thursday, December 15, 1949 at 7:30 P. M. with the following Members preRent:
Guy L. Kennedy
Herbert M. Brown
Leland F. Drew
-A c t 1 np; 1.;a'Y or-C onu'll i B si one r
Harry D. Sargeant
E. B. Casler Jr.
-Ma ~Tol'-Commls sioner
-CoJrnnissj oner
Also Present Were:
Boyd A. Bennett
George T. McClar~a
Ben Krentzrr",an
-Cit~r !.lal1ager
-ChIef of Police
-City A t torne~l
The Mayor having called the raeeting to order, tho nlinute:J of the regular meeting
ot: November 21st, the Spec 1a 1 lileetings of lJovembel' 30th, Decel110er 5th and ))ecember 9th
and 10th were approved sulJject to the following corroction: In the minutes of the
meeting of Novem1,er 30th". Iter.! 9 be cOl'rected to ShO\"1 the motj.on !:lade by Commissioner
B:rovm and seconded by CommissIoner Drew.
No one having requested any corrections to be made to the list of qualified
electors" the list was apprDved on a !:lot~onby CO'rir.ll::J8ioner Drew, which was seconded
by COlnmissionel" Brovm and CR rried.
The City Clerk reported that I.ir. Loland 1<'. j)rew, Mrs. Nancy illeador and Mr. Joe
Turner had submi ttod petitions bearing the nalr!es of the required 57~ of the qua lified
voters requestin~ that their nar:les be placed on the ballot as' candidates for the
office of City Comnissioner. Acting I.1ayor-Gonnnissloner Kennedy asked Commissioner
Drew to talre the chair temporarily. Upon COlIill1issioner Drew taking the chair,
COJcrnl asi oner Brown moved tha t the candidacy of Lela nd F. Drew, 1111's. Nancy Meador and
J"oe (rumer be approved and their names placed on the ballot for the 11uniclpal Election
Tuesday, December 20th. The rnotlon was seconded by Cormnissloner Kennedy and carriod
unani:mously. Commissioner Kennedy now resumed the Chairmanship.
The City l.ianager reported that a great many people objected to the Christmas
Ch1me~ and that he had had only one communication favoring the idea. It was his
recOll1I:1endation that no contract be nade with !.ir. Dixie I.lasono It was moved by
Connnlssioner Brown# seconded by Commissioner Drew and carried that the Clt~T Manager's
recon~endatlon be approvedo
The Co~nlttee on Garbage collection charges had no report at thla time.
The Ci ty Manager sUi~ge sted tha t a parkinG space on South 1<'ort Harrison Avenue on
the West side near the Fort Harrison Bote1, the space now designated by Parking Meter
#32, be a lloca ted for the use of' Messrs. Shindell and llicGowan in conducting sight-
seeing tours, provided they would pay tlw regular taxi license of $15.00 per yeBr and
$5.00 per month for the space used. On EI motion by Commissioner Drew, seconded by
Commissioner Brown Bnd carried, the matter was deferred for consideration at the
meeting of Deceraoer 19th, and the City l'.ianager was to investigate as to what arrange..
ments had been nade between the operators and the Fort Harrison Hotel, if any, and
report to the Commission.
A petition bearing the signatures of 75 persons objecting to the establishment of'
a used auto parts business on lots 3 and 4 in A.. II. Duncan's Subdivision was presented
to the Commission. Permission to establish the auto parts businesR had been requested
by 1.11'. &. Mrs. William II. Minor, who were represented by George VI. Smith, Attorney. On
a motion by COL~issioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Drew end carried, the natter
was deferred to the meeting of December 19th when more ComrnisRioners may be present.
On a motion by Conmissioner D~dW, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried,
consideration of the Job Analysis Report of the Civil Service Board was deferred to
the next meetlnp; of the Cor:rrniasi on.
Relative to the request of the Florida Council for the Blind~"'. 11- 1 1'~ to install
vending machines in Public buildings, the City Manager reported that machines we~e
now in operation in the City Hall basement and also at the gas plant, that City em-
ployees were practically the only patrons and that the earnings of the machines went"i
back to the employees for entertainment, etc. CO!!missioner Brown moved that the
council for the Blind be informed as to the circumstances involved. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Drew and carried.
A petition bearing the signatures of 70 persons, offered proposed regulations far
control of' parking trailer:J within the City limits of Clearwater. Cn a motion by
COll1Jlliasloner Drew, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried, the subject
was referr'ed to the City A ttorney and the Ci ty Manager 1'01' study and a report regarding
fees and suggested changes for the proposed Ordinance.
Relative to the request of Henry Lockett for a r.lodification of the terms of his
proposal to purchase 50 .feet of :frontage in "Tract D", New Country Club; by unanimous
consent the Clerk was instructed to inform 111'. Lockett that he should submit a written
proposal or appear before the Commission# in person, to SlWr.lit his request.
The City Manager read ~ ~etter from H. M. Turnb~rke, Auditor of the City's
Qccounts~ recommending that the Ledger Tax control accounts be adjusted to confor.m to
the accounts as shown by the tax record cards. On a motion by CoInI:1issioner Brown,
. . . seconded ~y Oommissioner Drew and unanimously carried, the matter was referred to the
......Oit' :MQnsger and City Attorney .for study and a report.
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December 15J 1949
Consideration of a request by Thomas H. Black Jr. of the Thomas H. Black Realty
Company for a discussion of an agreement between that company and the Glty pertalnj ng,
in particular, to water mains, was deferred. COr.nnisDioner Brown moved that the matter
be deferred to the Commission meeting I,ionday, December 19th, and Hr. Black lnfoT'rlled
-that it will be on the agenda for that moeting. The motion was seconded by Comrnisstoner
Drew and carried.
On a motion by Connnissioner Bro\'m, Deconded by COll'Illiss1.oner Drew and unanir'lously
carried, the RapIst of Block B, Skycreat Unit #1 was approved.
On a motion by Cormllissioner Brown, seconded by Conm1i3~Jjoner Drew and unanimously
carried, the Cornmis3ion approved a Replat of 1310cks 00 and 81, tiandalay Unit #5.
A letter from the Exchange Club proposes, with the approval of the Corl\Il1jssion,
to erect bus stop canopies at Acacia street and Ulearwater Beach Hotel stopa, the
cost of the canopies to be defrayed by sale of advertIsing spaces under the ceilings
of the canopies. Commissioner Drew moved that the suggestion be approved, in
principle, and he referred to the City Munager, the Uhier of Police 'and the City
Attorney for the selection of two sites requested and report to.the Comnission, and
if other like requests are received, they are to be handled in the S9!OO manner.
COIDr.lisaioner Brown seconded the motion and it carried unanh;ously.
A letter addressed to the Cor.~ission by the nay View Civic Club requested that
the Commission adopt an Ordinance which Ylould r~strict nlerchants alon~ Gulf to Bay
Boulevard, from Belcher Road to Courtney Campbell Parkway, les8 than 25 feet from
the Boulevard curb. On a motion by Cornnlissioner Drown, seconded by Commissione~
Drew and carried, the matter was referred to tho City Attorney 1'or a report.
A letter from the Clearwater Federation of Civic Clubs addressed to the
Commission enclosed a uResolution" proposinr; thst the Uity employ a filing clark for
the Police Depnrtnlent. On a motion by CommisDioner Drown, seconded by Con~issioner
Drew and carried, the matter was l'eferred to the City 1,anager for study.
A letter from C. L. Knight &: Sons, Inc., of Tampa, representing the Hayden
Ests to, protest s any rezoning or the Hayden property 1nunedia teJ:y north of Sunset
Point Sub as R-l. Commissioner Brown moved that the letter be acknowledged and Knight
& Sons be informed that no change in zoning is considered at this time. The motion
was seconded by Cor:rr:1issioner Drew and carried unanimOUSly.
A letter addressed to the Commission by Mr. Sam Boozer requests tl~t he be gr9nted
a peIT.lit to operate a second hanrl. store at 110 North Gar-den Avenue. Corrnnissioner
Brown moved the t the peml t be granted. Conrrli.issioner Drew seconded the motion and it
On a motion by Cor~issioner Drew, seconded by CO!~lissioner Brown and carried, the
proposal to enact an Ordinance regula tint; the height of shrubbery at dangerous street
intersections was referred to the City Attorney f'or study and a report.
A letter from L. B. Shay addressed to the COt!1misaion requested that he be per-
mitted to operate a store at 41 N. Garden Avenue dealing in used furniture and antiques.
On a motion by COIT~issioner Brown, seconded by Cor.rraiosioner Drew and carried, the
matter was referred to the Chief of Police for investigation and a report to be made
Monday, December 19th.
A letter addressed to the Commission by Mr. Harold D. Wooley, President of the
Pinebrook Civic Assocla tion, requests the t the name pa lraetto street be retained for
that street immediately South of Pinebrook Sub. or if' the name has been changed to
Cedar street it be changed back to Palmetto. Conunissioner Drown moved that the matter
be referred to the City Attorney and the Committee on Street names and that the
Pinobrook Civic Association be notifiod as to when the matter will corne up for dis-
cussion. The motion was seconded by Comr.lissioner Drew and carried unan~ously.
It was moved by Co!~lssioner Drew, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carrled~
that the Plnebrook Association make a check of residents in that area and submit an
accurate report as to how many residents of Pinebrool:: Vlill pay cash on Street'Light
installation as property owners' contribution, and the nUI'lber that will require
financing, and tha t a map showinp; the name s and the addre sses of' owners be 'furnished
the Association. '
Consideration of the third and final reading of Ordinance #584 was def'erred on
a motion by Cornmiss10ner Drew, which was seconded by Con~issioner Brown and carried
City Manager Bennett submitted a list of the bids tendered by three insurance
companiea' for' f'urnishing li'si thf'ul Per1'ormance and Dishonesty Bond for the Office of'
City Treasurer and Assistant City Auditor and Clerk in the aMount of $25,000.00 for a
3 year period as follows:
Harpham Insurance Co. for U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. $675.00
Cloninger Insurance Agency for Accident & Casualty Ins. 675.00
Word-Workman Co. for Lumbermans Mutual Casualty Co. 500.00
Comml~~ioner Drew moved that the low bid (Lumbermans Mutual Casualty Co'.) be accepted.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried, unanlmous1y.
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December l5, 1949
Commissioner Drew moved that th.e proposal to install gas heating in the Jaycee
building on Clearwater Beach be referred to the Cit'Y ~ianager and a report nlllde at
the next meeting of' the COIfl!11issj on Honday December 19th. The motion 'Ylo.e seconded
by Commissionor Brown and carried.
On a motion by Corilln1ss1oner Drew" seconded l)"y Comr.tissioner Brown and carried;
the bid tendered by Larry Dlzmnitt, Inc. to furnish a one-half ton truck .for the
Utility Department by the trade in of a Q ton PIYJf\outh Truck at a net price of
$957.55 was accepted.
A letter fror;l the Clearwater J,lerchnnto Association VIas read to the Commission.
The Merchants Association requested tha t tho Christmas lighting be continued until
January 13th. It was movod by GortlIlli8s:J0l1el' B:t~()wn, seconded by ComMissioner Drew
and carried tho 1; the l'equeo t be f~r~nttJd.
Mr. E. l,l. Greon inqulrec.l as to wlmt act10n hod lJecn taken rolative to his
application for pe:l''l:lissiorl to operate a. servlce 8t;at~on East of Halnea Road, on
Gulf-to-Day Boulevard, IJnd VIas l11f'ormed that the Illlltter would be considered on
receirlt of a recor:ll'i1endation f'ron the zon~.ng bOllI'd.
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There beinp; no further buslneos to COIne before the I3oal'd, the meeting 'Waa
1. Reading of the minutes of ITovember 21, regular meeting; rending of Special Meeting
of November 30, minutes of special meeting of December 5~ (12:00 Noon); special
meeting of Dec. 9 and minutes of special Illeeti!lr: of December 10.
2. Review list of qualif'ied votors and restoring any nar:10S OMitted in error.
3. Approving the petition of candidates qualif'ying for the election.
4. Report of the City l\lanager on the requo at of Dixie !.lason for re-establishment of
Christmas Chimes in the downtown district of Clearwater~ Wllich natter was referred
to the City Manap.;er at the COllllni ssion meeting ot' Nover.tlJer 7.
5. Report of the committee composed of COr.IDlissioneTs Drew, Brown and Casler to
investigate the matter of increasing the garbage and trash collection fees for
businesses requirinr, one-heIr and one truck load per day - 6 days a week.
6. Report of the City Manager on arrangements to be r.1ade with 1,iessrs. Shindell and
McGowan for parking space on the City streets for sight-seeing automobile or bus.
7. Report by the City Attorney on agreement between the City and W. F. Minor relative
to a used automobile parta building on Lota 3 and 4 in A. H. Duncan's Subdivision,
and presentation of a petition relative to this agreement.
8. Consideration of Civil Service Board' a l"'equest for action by the COmLlission on
job analysis report.? carried over from the meetinr; of 1Tovellber 21.
9. Consideration 01" the request of the Florida Council for the Blind to place coin
vending machines in public buildings in Clearwater, deferred from meeting of
November 21.
lO.Consideration of petition relative to trailers.
11.Consideration of Henry Locke tt 's reque at to change conditions under which the sa le
of a 50 ft. lot to him, was approved at the COIIJr.lission meeting of' November 14;-
which approval was subject to his ~ediately construoting a builuing on the
property occupying one-half the square footage of the lot.
12.Consideration of the approval of the Certified Public Account, Hr. H. M. Turnburko's
recorrnnendation that the control accounts of the unpaid taxes and 1Inprovement lian
balances be adjusted or written down in the amount or $2,136.53, to conform to the
detail rocords established by the tax oards in conformity with the schedule pre-
sented in his letter addressed to the City Manager, dated October 18.
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December 15, 1949
Agend~, continued
13. Request of }.lr. Thotll8s H. 13laalc" Jr. of the Thomas H. B1aok Realty Co.- dated
November 18, for a disoussion relative to interpretation or. an agreement between
the City of Clearwater and the ~lomas H. Black Realty Co. (agreement dated
June 30, 1949) ~ith partioula~ reference to the installation of water nains on
Turner and Pine Streets.
14.Conslderation of Skinnor replat on Clearwater Street on the Beach.
15.Consideration of Donald Alvord Plat on Skycrest.
l6.Consideration of a letter rrom the Excl~nge Club of Clearwater for per.mission to
install bus atop oanopies on Clearwater Beach; the cost of same to be reimbursed
by the sale of advertisements to be placed on these canopielJjand a letter dated
November 17" 1'rom the Clearwater Beach. Association relative to this request from the
Exchange Club of Deoember 1.
l7.Reading of letter .frcm the Bay View Civic Club Requesting an Ordinance be passed,
restricting Illerchants from displaying merchandise on Gulf' to Bay Blvd. from
Belche~ Road to the west end of Courtney Campbell Parkway--leas than 25 ft. from
the Boulevard cl1rb.
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lB.Conslderation of a resolution from the Clearwater Federation of Civic Clubs roI' a
provision, whereby the Police Department can add to ita personnel a filing clerk.
19.A letter froIIl C. L. Knight &. Sons of Tampa, protesting - as agents for the Hayden
Estate, against any action the City might take in zoning the Hayden Estate
property as R-l.
20.Request of Sam Booze:r to operate a second hand store at 110 lIorth Garden Avenue.
21.Consideration 01' a letter - requesting a law - protectinr" not only automobile
drivers, but pedestrians at corner of Pierce Street and South Osceola Avenue.
22.The request or Mr. L. D. Shay for a license to opon an antique and used furniture
store at 41 Rorth Garden Avenue.
2:5.A latter from the Pinebroolc C1 vie hssociatlon" requesting the changing of the
name - Cedar St. to Pa~etto St.
24.A letter, de ted II ovember 20 I 1~49" from the Pinebl'ook Civic Associa tion relative
to special street lighting in P'inebrook.
25.Conaide:!'ation 01' Ordinance 584~ amending the license ordinance with. respect to
laundrles on its third reading.
26.Consideration o:f proposals for surety bonds for City Treasurer, Assistant City
Auditor and Clerk.
2.7.Report of' the City Manager on the cost of installation of gas space heating ill the
building on the beach, used by the Chamber of Comrllerce.
28.Report from the County Service Officer for the month of October.
29.Report of the Cj.ty 1,lanager on the replacement
wh iell has disintegra tecl to the extent the t 1 t
Avenue between Bellevue and McLennon Streets.
cost of e7.500.aO.
3D.Report of' the City Hanager on repairing the Digestor at the Se'wer Disposal Plllnt;
the installa tion of' approximately 1200 rt of 61t water main to serve the sewer plant
and replace the present 2" line, which is too small to serve the customers along
the line and the sewer plan t; and to install equipment for handling chlol'1ne in
:Large cOlltainers, saving considerable Bl'lOunt In operating cost. To.tal estimated
cost being apprOXimately ~p35J1000.
of a sanitary concrete pipe sewer,
is now unserviceable - on Second
(Approximately 370 ft. at estimated
31.C6ns ideI'E\ tiOll of' re50l ution request ine 120 propert~.. ovmel~S to clean their lot s of'
weeds and grass.
32.Consideration of bids on trucks. (two (2) half-ton picl.;:-up trucks for Gas Plant)
33.Lettel" dated December 13, from Mel'chanta A.ssociation rolative to Christmas lighting
being kept turned on until Janua ry 13.
34 .Conside:ra tion of' the following Gas I\1a :tn Extensions:
1.14 ft. of l~" Gas Nain on Grand Central and 160 ft. of 1" Gas l'.ia:tn on Ewing Ave.,
Total EstinBted Cost of ~l45.00
425 ft. of lilt Gas 11ain on "E" street at estimated cost of $260.00
420 ft. of lil' Gas 1I1ain on I..alce Drive at ostiInated cost of ~?245.00
250 ft. of 2" Galva111~ed Gas Pipe on Pennsylvania Ave.. at estimated cost of ~185.00.
500 ft. of lilt Galvanized Gas Pipe on Mercur"J Ave. at estit1Bted cost of $185.00.
35.Considerat10n of the following Water Main Estensions: 250 ft of' 21. Water main on
Mercury A. ve. a. t estirna ted cost of ~?185 .00.
Commission serving as Trustees for the Pension Plan.
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,''l'h~,;~:.~.re,under the jurisdlction of the City, certain public buildings
" . C1t~ JralJ., and ete. where the installa tion of.' these r,lEwh1nes would be a
'" "''"',;-v.e#~&.~.9,'e: to,' your employees and to their clients and the general public,
6j,1!:f~~~~,~most worthy cause.
. '.~_ ':~,:,.::..:.:~~. ;':~~~:~;:J:~ ~ ',. ~.:'.,,~. ,
'. '.:rn';~!e~;;Q~"1;hese facts, the F:Lorida Counoil f'or the Blind resp,ectfully requests. that
.."~,,.,,~~',..,.,; ".~~utho~1t'Y.."lJesrante.d by you for the installation of machines in the buildings and
".~}~1:i."~:;:::;;:::':';':/'\:~,.!Jff'1~~s, undery~~r control ~hroughout the c1 ty, wherever these machines would not
,; .
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Deoember 15, 1049
November 26, 1949
To rThe 1I1ayor a.nd 01 ty Commissioners,
r~niclpal Bldg.~
Clea TV/a te r ~ Fla.
Attached hereto f'ind a. copy of' a Hesolution passod at a recent meeting of the
Clearwater Federation of OJ,vie Clubs.
Your cooperation and support of this resolution will be greatly appreciated.
Yours very t~lly,
ClearV/8ter Federatton of Civic Clubff' .
Signed: Gordon Wallis, Secreta,ry
VnIEREA.S: The present set Ul) of' the ClearY/atel' Police 1)epartnwnt makes no provision
for a Folice Departl'l1ent flJ.ing clerk, ilnd,
WHEFillAS: Under the pr esont !l rra. ngel116l1t one Pol:1.c6 Ofi'icer must be relieved from
outside duty to keep Police records and attend to clerical worle.
THEREl"ORE: Be It resolved by theCleul'water l'~oc1el'Elti.ol:1 or Civic tnubs that the City
Manager and Cit~l COl"rlr.lissloners recol':mend the hiring of a Police Department Olerk
f'or the spec lEtl purpose 0.:' keoping Police ree ords and Et ttending to clerical work.
That a copy of' this rOBolution be forwarded to the City 1\:anE.lger and City COI:nnissioners.
Clearwa t~:sr' Pedera tj.on of' Oi vie Clubs
by Gordon Wallis, Secretary
November 18, 1949
Mr. Boyd A. Bennett,
C 1 ty Manage l'
P. O. Box 13413,
Clee.:rwater, Fla.
Dear Mr. Bennett:
This ~s in reply or your letter o~ Novenbe~ 17, 1949. Please be advised t}~t we can
f'urnish s tandar.d coin opera ted vending machines of the following type: Coca'-Oola,
candy, and crackel' or cookie.
Your interest in this lilatter is appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
R. M. Grauel
District Supervisor
Vending Stand Department
RMG :D1p
Uovember 15, 1949
Clea rwe tel'
Dear Sir:
The legislature of the state of' Plorida passed, during the 1949 session, an act pro-
viding for the operation of A.utomatic Vending 1iachinos, f'or the benefit of needy
blind persons.. on publiC property when permjtted by officials in charge of such
property_ A. true copY' of th~s act is attached. These AutoL1atic V.ending Machines!
are to be operated by the Florida Council for the Blind.
such a s the
g rea t con-
a.s well as
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December 15, 1949
copy latter continued (Fla. Counc:t.l for Blind)
unduly interfere with the use of the public property for public purposea-.
The necessary details, such as type of machines desired, 10catlon within the build-
ing, and etc. could be worked out with the local offlcial in each vicinity.
A letter to this ofr1ca to the effect tha t your coopera tion under provisions of
House Bill 304 is extended.. will earn for you the Jasting a.ppreciation of all the
blind people of the state of Florida for your action in their behalf.
. ','
It will be greatly appreciated 11' a list of names and titles of local unit managers
be sent to the Council along with your reply.
Sincerely yours,
: '
R. 11. Grabel
District Supervisor
Vendirltj t)ta nd Department
October 18, 1949
Mr. Boyd A. Bennett, City Manager
City of Clearwater,
Clearwater, Florida.
Dear Mr. Bennett:
This is to report to you the result of our checking the totals of unpaid tax and im-
provement lien balances as noted on the approxirr~tely 13,000 tax cards against the
control balances carried on the books of account for the corresponding tax rolls and
improvement liens. There is attached hereto a schedule which indicates the differences
established by this check.
You will note from this schedule tha t tho net difference 1'01' the tax rolls of 1934
through 1947 is $656.42; that the net difference for the tax rolls of 1925 through
1933 is $5..185.03; and that the net difference of hlprovement liens is $22,034.89.
You, will also note that the dlscount factor applicable to collections of the
delinquent taxes of the various years and the improvement liens he ve been taken
into account on this schedule and the differences above-ste. ted reduced to the ce.sh
collection value thereof. This reslJlts in a total cash collect:l.on value of the
differences of $2,136.53, assuming that the entire ar,lOunt of the delinquent taxes
and improvement liens will ultimately be c'ollectecl. All of' the differences referred
to above are by way of the control accounts on the books exceedinr; the total detail
of the tax cards, thus requiring a write-down of the control accounts.
I reconnnend that these control accounts 1>e adjusted to conform to the detailed
record established by the tax cards, in conformity with the attached schedule, and
suggest tha t you tal::e such steps a s a re required to have thls adjustment authorized
and approved.
Yours very truly,
II . I,;. Turnburlte
Certif'ied J~blic Accountant
Copy sent to Frank Abernathy..
City Treasurer
December I, 1949
City lllanager & City Corilmission
Some time aGo the Clearwater Boach Association approved a plan for the Exchan e Club
whereby this organization would sponsor the erection of Bus stop Canopies, tr! cost
be defrayed by the sale of advertisements under the ceiling of said canopie~.
Hwe propose, wIth :rour approval, to erect one at the Acacia St. & Clearwater Beach
otel stops.
Mr. C. R. Wicknmn, owner and operator of the Olearwater Transit Company has agreed
wholeheartedly in permitting the use of the canopy at Causeway Blvd. end Jf d la
Exchange Club 1n carrying out this pro ject. l.8n e y by the
We are enclosing photographs showing the manner in which the advertisements will be displayed
The proceeds from the sale of advertisements in subsequent years wjll be u d
change Club in conducting and carrying out its civic and co~~runity 'project:~ by the Ex-
We ask that this proposal be placed on the agenda for the December 5th ti
Commission for your approval. mee ng of the
D. B. \Vhyel, Secretary
Exchange Club of Clearwater
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December 15, 1949
November 17, 1949
City Commissioners and Managol'
City Hall
C1earwator, Florid~
Re: Installation or Shelters for Bus Paosen~ora.
At a meetin~ 01' the Clearwater Beach ASBociatlon held November 7th, there was pre-
sented a plan wheX'cby the Exchange Club of Clearwater Vias sponsoring a project to
provide canopied slwltera at Acacia Street~ and Clearwoter Beach Hotel~ and
possibly one more place to be designated~ provided the City approved and granted
the Exchange ClulJ the rlght to place these shelters on city-ovmed property. The
plan oontemplotes selling advertisements which will appear on the underside of the
oanopy hardly visible to passersby~ and rrom tile sale or advertisements in the
first installation, funds would be availallle .for the second and third installations,
and thereafter the net 1nC01:1e .from. tho advertisemonts would belong to the Exchange Club.
The proposed new canopies would be adequate if' appl'oxilJJately 10' x 6' whereas the
present one at the corner of the Causeway and J:1andalay is PI' x 7 '; the latter has
not lJeon offensive in any r,lanner but on the other hand widely unod and helpful. It
is further understood that the Kool-Vont Company in9tal11nF; the new ones will maintain
their exterior appearance.
This plan was sllbmitted to the Association Members and heartily approved, am the
writer was instructed to inform the Commission o.f this action and recommend the plan
to you .for a ppro va 1 .
Ve ry truly yours ~
Clearwa ter Beach Association
Sip;ned: By
RalP4 W. Carson, President
Deo. 1, 1949
Hon. hayor~
City Commission~
City Attorney,
Clea rwa ter, Fla.
\f.HEREAS - it is the desi.re of' the Mayor of the CitJ., the City Cm1l11ission, Attorney and
various departments of city government and citizens to regulate the use, parking and
placing of trailer homes, house cars or other mobile units,. primarily designed for
h1unan occupancy; within the city l:l.mits of Clearwater.
We, the following, offer and suggest the following regulations be adopted to govern soone.
That no trailer, house car, or other mobile unit be used for hUtlUn occupancy within the
city limits without a permit be issued by some desit;nated department of the city at. a
nominal fee to cover the cost of inspection o.f the property to be used.
It shall be the duty of tbe property oV'mer to obta in such perr.Ii t and the duty of some
designated city department to issue a permit for saMe when the following regulations
are complied with.
r.L'hat city water~ sanitary toilets and bath .factlitios must be ava ilable at all times on
the property of the owner~ at all times to the occupants of such trailers, etc.
That no trailer, etc. s~ll be placed within three feet of any adjoining property
line, or within 25 feet of any adjoininf, property residence.
That no trailer, etc. shall be placed in any distrlct~ zoned as R-l, or in any con-
gested area.
That no such trailer, ate. shall be placed on any property where it shall be a public
nuisance, fire hazard or endanger the public, health or safetJt.
That no permit shall be issued for more than one trailer to each resiclence or bath
located on such lot, nor nlOre than 2 trailers on anyone lot, without a special trailer
park permit It
Now, therefore,-
We, the following, property owners within the city limits of the City
of Clearwater, Florida, unani~ou81y approve and request the above regulations, but we
also definitely dlsapprove any reculation, or ordinance prohibiting 01"" barring the
parking of trailer, etc. within the city li~lts as now proposed.
(Signed by 60 residents)
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~*~li@w:~~hh:;~:"", ,References'
:~i~:~~~t.;;;;\':/:';;':" Reade Tilly ;... Jeweler
{~'(5V.~X:~XN!','>',",:,,;'>' John':Atre'p' ~ -, Csme ra Shop
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December 151 1949
Dec. 1. 1949
City Conmiss ionel's'
City of Clearwater
Clea rVla tel', Florida!
As agent for the Ha ydon estate and ppoperty known a 8:
Beginning at a point 663.2' VJost and 330.0' North of the SE Cor. of the SEi of the
NW-;t of Sec. 3, TV/p 295, Rge, 15 E~ run thenco Uorth 332.5' a10!:lg the West Boundary ot:
SUNSET POINT SUD. #2 to Son th Boul1dary of }i~LOHI})BNA SUll.: thence We st 1829.1' along
the South Boundary of' sa id 1~lor1dena Suo. to the via tel' line of Clearwater Harl>or;
thence Southwesterly along the shore line ot: said Clearwater Harbor to interseotion
with the North llne of SU:rlSET POH1'l' SHB. REV., said line being 533.8' South of the
South line of FLORIDE.'NA Sl1B.; thence EBB t a long the North Bounda ry of sa id SUNSh"'T
POINT SHB. a distance of' 1951.9' to P. O. D.
We wish to file a protest aga 1nst any action you r.1ip;ht take zonlnr, this property
as R-l as we feel that it would be detrimental to the property.
The Haydens he ve po id taxes on this propert:'l for over fifty yea rs and they are
faced with a loss if they sellon the present murket. Any action zoning this as R...l
would cause further loso to them.
We therefore" respectfully request thnt you retain this property in its present
classification of R-2.
VerJY truly yours~
Eugene Knight
December 5, 1949
Honorable l1ayor and
City Commissioners
City of Clearwater
I wish to make a request of t:he Cl ty of Clearwa tel' to allow me to operate a second
hand store at 110 N. Garden kvenue to be known as ttsam's Buy and Sell."
I have been a long tinle resident of the City of Clearwater and wish to give the
names of Tom Brown,..Tr. and A. Wa ller Smith as references as to my cr..aracter and credit.
Hoping this will su~flco in the way of an applic~tion and will meet your early
approval, I remain,
Sincerely yours,
Sara Boozer
uec. 6, 1949
Clearwater, 1"la.
Why can't we have a law protecting not only autoiots also pedestrians at corner of
Pierce and So. Osceola. Going South on Osceola you can't see cera corning West on
Pierce. Your attention would be appreciated.
Yours truly,
Mrs. M. SUlTlT'lner
P.S~ Tampa: can do it according to enclosed clipping. Why can't Clearwater. M.M.S.
Dec. 12, 1949
City Commissiont-
Waule like to apply for a pen:it to open a store at 41 N. Garden Ave. to sell
antiques 1 used furn1turel etc.
Have been operating a sea food market at the above address~ which has not been
very 8Btisfactory on account of ill health.
L. B. Shay
" . " '.
~J~.~;,':i/~~ ,-..,
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December 15, 1949
Nov. 25, 1949
City COImllission
Ci toy Ha 11
C1earwe tel', P1a.
Please vote to have the Christmas ChimoS' downtown in Clearwater this Christmas. We
enjoy thom vorr~i llluoh and know a lot of other people \'Ale do also. They add very much
to the Xmas spirit while shopping.
}urB. W. 1'. lIargravea
Hov. 17,. 1949
City COll'mis s1.0110:rS
City of Clearwater
C1earwa tor, Fla.
The Bay View Civic C1uu respecti'u11y subm:tts for your consideration and approval,
a request tl1at a city Ord:Lnanco be eBtablished as soon as poss1l>le, restricting
Merchants :from displaying merchandise on Gulf to Day Blvd. from Belcher Road to the
west end of Courtney Campbell Parlcway, less than twonty fi vo (25) feet from the
Blvd. curb.
'Iho present Morcbants: on tho Blvd. in the zone stipu1nted ahovo, are all in accord
with. this proposed Ordinance,. but the request is made at this tinte to prevent any
future business places from WElkin/!, miscellaneous (lisplays of' merchandise which would
be detrimental to the appel:lrance of an entrDrlce to the city such as the Gulf to Bay
Bl vd. repre (Jen 1.;8.
Vie will appreciate ~;our proI:ipt tlttention to this request and wish to take th:Ls
opport-..mity to 9.ssu.re :70l.l of Ol~l' f.ll1preciation of' the courteaios extended us in the past.
VeI'Y truly ~rours,
A. C. Drew
Day View Civic Club
presiden t
Dec. 12, 1949
Memorandum to Mayor and City Council, Clearwa tel', PIa.
1. At.the monthly meeting of the Pimlbl'ook Civic AssociatIon (59 members present) on
Dee. 8, 1949 a t the Clee 1"W9 tar Countr;y Club, one of' the resolutions una nirnously
passed was that Palmetto street that runs along the front of the Pine brook Division
area be kept named palme tto street and not chanGe(1 to Cec1~lr st. as noted on a few
recently painted sign posts. The Associa tion directed the President to check with
the Civic authorlties and report at the January meeting.
Investigating at the City Hall" it was reported by the City engineer that this
street had been changed to Cedar about ten :reurs ago but nothing l'~od been done
about it until he TImde the discovery recently.
As all or the prosent real estate records and maps on the cit'J' and county records,
the maps printed and distrilJUted by the C. of C. and records in the post office as
\"Ie11 as those fixed in the public l:Jind list this :Jtpeet as Pall~etto, it is'
requested that the name be officially made Palmetto st. to avoid great confusion
for the next several years in public records as well as locating tIlis area l>y
This recent chanf.;o can be corrected now without confusion. The street west of the
jog by the railroad can easily remain Cedar St. and that east of said jog by the
railroad can rel:1ain as now lmown, Palmetto st. without harmIng anyone.
n9rold D. Wooley
Nov. 20, 1949
Memorandum to City Council of Clearwater, P1a.
( thru City li1Bnager, Mr. Bennett):
1.Inc10sed is a pet1.tion from the residents of Pinebrool{ Subdivision of Clearwater
requesting a lighting system as outlined in attached exhibit "Bn as prepared by the
lnorlda Power Cor'p. for this area. This is the type and system of lighting desired.
2.At our Pinebrook Civic Assn. meeting in early May, 1949 at the Clearwater Country
Olub, a resolution was unanimously adopted that plans be propared for the type of
lighting 1n this area aa outlined in exllibit B~ the cost to be assessed against each
piece of property to not exceed $50.00 per lot. According to Mr. Bennett, the City
bas agreed to pay about $850.00~ cost of original lighting plan, and the Florida Power
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Company a slightly higher amount for transformers and other equipment.
bring the cost below the ~~50.00 p6r unit figure.
This would
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December 15, 1949
3.At the meeting mentioned in Paragrapli 2, Mr. Al HOl;era requos1ied that the cost of
paying the asseom,lent against the property be colltlcted by the city over e. :five year
period as then it would not Le un inllnedia to burden on 3omo 01' the property owners-
whose income wan lower thaT' athel'B in the group pr03ent. A number wanted to put up
the $50..00 at once but the rr.ot1on, llf'ter dlscuonion, was unaninlotluly adopted. How-
ever) 0 nUl~ber would prefer to pay the a:Jnes~ment at once and othol'fj over a five year
4.At the presont time, I do not know of anyono in thiD area who pre.fer the type of
wooden pole lighting oriGinally propo:Jod by the city.
5.While we believe that the city should install the now type of lighting here and
elsewhere in the city without expense to the partlcular district, we realize that
city has quite a financial problem to solve and therefore are willln{~ to pay the
minimum necossary - of ~50.00 or less - to get proper lightlne; for this area, and
help beautify Pinebrook I:lnd Cleal'wuter.
.' ': ~'.
Harold lJ. Wooley
~inebrook Civic Assn.
r' .., , ,
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6.E~rly consideration Is requested.
November 13, 194~9
Uemorandlun to the
Mayor and Ci ty llanager,
C J.ea rwa te r , Florida.
We, the undorsigneu residents of Pinebrook Unbdivision in Clearwater desire tha t the
wOI'k of erecting the present type of wooden electric light poles be stopped and the
so called ttWhite Waylt netal standors be used in this area. It is understood that
sufficient numbers of UWhlte Vlay" palOS are available from the improvements made on
North };<'ort HorrlHon Ave. The wooden poles are not desired.
Sir,ned by 39 res:dento and property owners of' Pinebrook Sub.
December 13, 1949
Mro Boyd Bennett, City Manager
Board of City COL~issioners,
City Ha 11,
Clearwa ter, Ii'lorida.
At the meeting of the Boa.rd of Directors of this Association today a motion was
unanimously passed that the City Officials be asked to allow the Christmas Holiday
street JJighting System to relnain lighted each night through January 15, 1950.
So many people have expressed the desire to see these lihhts continued for a
substantial period after New Year's Day that Vie are sure such action will meet with
popular approval. However, there are good reasons for the continua tion of' the
lights l)eynnd affording pleasure to local citizens. There is a much heavier influx
of winter visitors after January 1 who would be favorabl~l impressed by tbls display.
Also, there is to be a meeting of the America.n College of Surgeons at the Bellee ir-
Biltmore Hotel on Jan. 8, 9, &. 10, which will brinr, many out-or-town visitors, many
of them rrom out of the state. Such visitors cannot fail to be favo~bly impressed
wi th this unique li ght Ing fea ture .
Those who have seen holiday lighting in nelghlJoring cities say that the lights
here ha va a much more a ttracti va appearance. The addi tional two weeks lighting will
involve no further labor" since the wiring is alread~t in place. We reel that the
City ohould get the utmost benefit from this installation before it has to be taken down.
Please ~ive t~is matter your favorable consideration at the next Board meeting.
Yours ve~r truly,
Signed: A. V. Hancock, Secretary
-:- .
. '
December 15, 1949
Proposals received December 14~ 1049 for: one-~ Ton
Truelt, Standard Chassis, COlnplete with Cab - Piok-up Body
and other standa I'd eql1ipl11ent. City to trade in a 1940
Ford VB - 1~ Ton Truck.
I ,;'~':;.:
j . .,,~.', ~ L . 1,1, ~l'" \ "
r "I '.~'~,;: '~~;.~:/;~;}.E(~~:~;{.:'.,:.:.,
j '. ..;. " ....~h.);r)....~'"1f. .'.f.
r;i~:~~~ '
Type of M G V \'Ihoel Tire Ra tad Tra ns- Body
Tl'uc]{ }Velt)h! 11..1>. Dase Size Tonnap;e mission Len th
C1ear Motors, Inc. ~ 11)49 or' 50 4600 lb. 80 112'" 5-GOOx. one-half 3 speeda 78"
1233 Ft .Ra rr1 BonA ve. Studebaker 16,4 ply
not given
}let Price
Clearwater Motors, Inc.
1115 Cleveland St. ---No bid on this Proposal
Larry Dimmitt, Inc.
603 S. Ft. Rarrison
Type of
4600 Ib
(truel! on' hand)
Net Price
~p857 .55
16-6 ply
7 II
Kenned1 & Strickland
814 C~eveland st.
Type of
.. Ford
H.P. Base
1,1 G V
4700 lb.
Ra ted
114" 5-600x. one-half
10da~rs-2 vleeks
Net Prio e
Tra ns-
Thayer 1I1otor Co.
28 No. Garden Ave.
Type ot:
:hI G V
4250 lb.
10 days
Net Price
(~1, 077 .20
* 1949 Model-delivery in December
1950" It in January
16-4 ply
." .. - ........ . '. . '.'-
f'~~~t:r';;~1~f~~\}~~~>t . ':~;, . .....
December 15, 194�3
Tha C:ity Corrmtission of t�ie Ci�;y oi' Clearwater r,1e� in Special Seasion at City
Hal7. Thursday, Decen;ber 15, 1949 at 7:30 P. iVI. with the follov�in� raembers present;
Guy T,. Itennedy -Acting P.iayor•��omm3asioner
Herk�ert i�[. BrovJn -L'or.anissione�
Zeland F. Drew -b�m.miasioner
Harry D, Saxgeant -IvIa;ror-Gommissiener
E, B. Casler Jr. -Cormniss3.uner
A1so Presant Wera:
Boyd A. Bennett �City T;Ianager
Gaorge T, n'icClamrna -Chioz o:£ 1'olice
Ben Iiren�zman -City Attorney
The alayor havii�g c�11ed t2�e meeting to orde�, the rninu�ea oi' Lha regular �ieeting
of November 21st, the S�ecial tv2eetings of i3ovember 30th, December 5th and December 8th
&nd l�th v�ere a�provect subject to the followin� correctiion: In the minutes oi the
meetin� of Novem'her 30�h, Iter.m 3 be corrected ta s'ho�r the motion x�ade by Commissioner
8rcwn and seconded by Co�issi�nar Dre�,v.
IJo one ha�ring requested any cor.rections to be made to tha lisi of qualified
elec�or�, the list was apgroved on a r,�otion by Co�i�sioner Drew, which vras seconded
by Corruni�sioner F3rUvm and carried.
The City C1er}: reported that Bir. Lel&nd F. Drew, i�1rs. Pianeq Rfeador and iiir. Joe
�'urr.er ha.d submitted patitions bearing the names of �he required 5 a of the qua2lPied
voters� requestin� tYiat their namAs be plaeed on the ballot a� candidates Por the
office oF Gity Cor.uniasioner. Aeting T1a�yor-Com�issionex Kennedy asked Co�missioner
Drew t� take the chair temporaril�. Upon C'orrrmissionar vrew taking the dhair,
Corrnnissionar Brorrn moved that bhe candidacy of Leland F. Drew, �Irs. Piancy Ia.eador and
Joe Turner be approved and their names placed on the ballot ror the �unicipal Election
Tuesda�, December 20the The motion was seconded by Comm3ssioner Kennedy and carried
unanimaus�y. Commissioner Kenns�dy now resumed the Chairmanahip.
The Citq r,t�na�er reportec3 that a graat many people objected to tha Christma�
Chimes and that �e had had only one co�nunication £avorin� the idea. It was his
recoramandation that no contract be made �vith irir. Dixie Liasorr. It was moved by
Commissioner Brown, seconded bg Connnissioner Urew and carried that the Cit�r�+ianager�s
reeo�nenda�ion be approved.
The Cor�nittee on Garbaga collection charges had no repart at this: time.
The City 1�Zanager suggested that a�arrcin� space on South N'ort Harr�son Avenue on
the VVest side near the Fort Harrison Hote1., the space nozv des�gnatea by Parking hieter
�}32, he allocated for tha use of hfessrs„ Shindell and Il�eGow�n in conductin� sight-
�eein� tours, pxovided thsv v�oul.d pay the regular �axi licenae of �15.Q0 per yeas and
�5.00 per month for thc� sy�ace u�ed. On a motion by Commissioner Drew, seconded by
Corrmiissioner Brown and caxried, the mstter �vas defer»ed for consideration at �he
meeting of Decarsl�er 19th, and the City ATanager was to investigate hs to x*ha.t 2rrange-
ments had beon nade betv+een the Aperators and the Fort Harrison Hotel, if any, and
report to the Cor�mis�ion.
A petition bearing the 3i�natures of 75 persons objecting to the establishment of
a used au�to parts businesa on lots 3 and 4 in A. FI. pu.ncan�s Subdivision was presented
to t12e Co�nnissio,�. Yerniission to establish *;he auto parts business had been r.equested
by Lir. & h7rs. �"lilliam FI, I��iinor, who were represanted by Gaor$e VJ. Smith, At�orney. On
a motion by Coramissioner Brown, seconded by Co�isszoner D�e� and carried, the r.�atter
was deferred to the meeting oi December 19th when more Co�uaissioners may be presents
On a mation bv Cor�nissioner Drew, seconded by Ga�nnissioner Brown and carried,
consideration oF the Job Analysis Report of the Civil Service Board was de�erred to
the next rraeeting of the Commission.
Relativa to the request of the Floric�a Council Por t�e Blind _ to install
v�nding machines in Public buildii�gsy the City Aianager• reported that machines were
now in operation in the City Hall basement and also at the �es plant, that City em-
ployees were practically the onl�* patrons and that the earnin�s of the machines went�
back to the amployees for antertainment, atc, Cor�nissianer Brorvn moved that the
council for the B1ind be informed as to the circums�ances involved. The motion was
secondad by C�rmnissioner i7rew and carried. "
A getition bearing the signatures of 70 pereons, offered proposed regulations for
cox�t�ol of parl;in� trailers vrithin tr� Ci,ty limits of Clearrv�ter. On a motion by
Coru^issioner Draw, seconcled by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried, the subject
was rei'erred to tl�e City Attorney and the City hianager for stud;� and a report regaxding
fees and sug�estod cnsnges for the proposed Ordinance.
Relative to the request of Henry T,ockett for a xiodification of the terms oi his
proposaT to purchase 50 feet of frontage in "Tract D�', NeSx Countrg Club; by unan3.mous
consent the Clerk was instructed to inform Iv1r. Lockstt that he should subr�it a written
proposal or appear bef�re the Gorunission, in person, to subr�iit his request.
The City PI[azzsger read a letter from H. D2. Turnburke, Auditor of tihe City � s
accounts, rocor.miending that the Ledger Tax control accounts be ad3usted to con=orm to
the accounts as shown by the tax record cards. Qn a motion bp Co�issioner Brown,
seconded b� CorrBnissionar Araw and unanimousTy carried, the niatter wAs referred to the
City hianagor and City A�i:orney f�r study and a report.
December 15, 1949
Considera.tion of a request by Thomas H. Blacl� Jr. of the ThomQs H. f�l$ck Realty
Company for a discussion of an agree�ent between that company and bhe (;ity �ertaining,
in particiilAr, to tivater mai.ns, was daferrecl, Co�ni�saioner t3ro�vn Y10V8C� tI1&'C �he matter�
be deferred to tlle Commission �neet3ng NIonday, December 19 �h, and I+Zr. Blaclt inforn�ed
�that it will be on tlie agenda for tlzat rneetin�. The mot�.on was aeconded b� Corrmtissi,oner
I�rew and carried.
On a motion by Corrmiiss3:oner 8ro�vn, seconded by Cr�mmiasioner T7rew and unanimous]:y
carried, the Replat of Bl�ek Bt Skyc�rest IInit �l was approved.
On a motion by Coirunissioner Brosvn, secoz�ded by Co�nissioner Dxc�w and u.na�imously
carr3ed9 the Qom.mission approved a Replat af Blocks n0 and 81, riendalay Unit #5.
A letuer from the Fxchange -0lub proposes, wi�h �he approval of the Cor.nnission,
to erect bus stop canopie,.i ttt Acacia Street and Clesrwater Beach Hotel stops, tho
cost of tlie canopias io be e:yfrayed by sale of advertisin� spaces under the ceil.iz�g�
of the canopias. Cor,u:i3ssioner Drevr moved that the sug�estion be approved, in
principle, and be referred to the City btanager, the Chiaf. oi' Yolice and the C3ty
Attorney for the selection of two sites requestsd and report to=the Commiss3on, and
if other lilse requasts are received, thay are to be handled in the same manner.
Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and it carried unan3r:ously.
A latter addressed to the Commission by the Bay View C3via Club xequested that
the Coimnission �dopt an Ordinance which v,ouZd restriet nier�hants along Gul£ ta �ap
Boulevard, i'ron Belcher Road to Courtneg Campbell Parkwa:y, le�s than 25 feet from
the Boulevard curb. On a motion by Cormnission�r Brovm, seconded by Co�mnisaioner
Drew and carried, the mattar cias referred to the City Attorney for a report.
A l�tter frora the Clear�aater Federation of Civlc Clubs addressed to the
Comm�ssian enclosed a ��Resolution1° propoging that the City ern�loy a filin� clark for
t:he Police Department, On a motion by Coffinissioner Brotim, saoonded b� Con�nissinne�
Draw and c�rriad, the matter was referred to the City h�ansger for studg.
A letter from C. Lo I�night & �o^s, Inc., of Tampa, representing the Hayden
Estste, pro�tests any rezoning o= �he Hayden property immediately north of Sunset
Point Sub as R-1. Comnissioner Brown moved tY+� t the Tetter be sckno�rlledged and Knight
bc �ons be informed that no change in zoning is considered at this timee The motien
was seconded t�y Corun3ssioner Drew and carried unanimously.
A 3etter �ddressed to the Co�ission by htr: Sam Boozer requests that he be granted
a perriit to operate a second Yiand store at 11Q North Garden Avenue. Commissi�ner
Brotivn moved that ti�:e permit be granted. Counnissioner Drew seconded the motion and it
On a motion by Corr�issioner Drew, seconded by Conmiissioner Brown and ca�ried, the
proposal to enact an Ordinance regulatin� the height of shrubbery at dangerous street
intersections was referred to the City Attorney for study and � report�
A letter fram L. B, Shay a,ddressed to �he Cormnission requestad that he be per--
mitted to operate a store'at 41 N. Garden P_venue dealing in used i`�zrniture an� antiques.
On a motion by Comsnissioner Brown, seconded by Comml3sioner Drew and car.ried, the
matter y�as reierred to the Chie� of Police £or investigation and a renort to be niade
ldonday, DAcembar 19th.
A letter addressed to the Cormnission by h2r. Fi$rold D. V�ooley, President of the
Pi:�ebrook Civic As�ociation, requests tl�at the name Pa7.�iettc Streat be retained fo�
that street immediately South of P:trebrook Sub.-or if the name has been changed to
Cedar Stre�t it be changed back to Pa7.metto. Conmiissioner I3rown movgd that the matter
be referred to the City Attorney and the Coianittee on Street names and that the
Pinebrook Civic l�ssociation be notified a.s to when the matter will cor.ie up for dise
cussione Thg mot�on was seconded b� Corr�rnissioner Dxew and carried unanimously.
It was �oved by Cos�unis�3oner Drevr, seaonded by Comm3ssioner Brovm and carried,
that the Pinebrook As,ociation make a checIt of residents in that area and subm3.t an
accurate report as to how r�any residents of Pinebrook will paq cash on Street Light
installation as propert� owners� contribution, a nd the nuriber that wi11 require
financing, and that a map showing the names and the addresses oi' ovanars ba 'fLtrnished
the Associa�ion<
Consideration of the third and final reading of Orcl.inance #584 was deferred on
a motion by Corrnnissioner Drew, which v�as seconded by Comm3ss3oner Brown and carried
Citg hlanager Bennett aubmitted a list of the bids tendered by �hree insurance
compan3.es for furnishia�g Faithi'ul Perforraanoe and Dishqnesty Bond for the Office of
City Treasurer and Assistant City Auclitor and Clerk in the arnount of �p25,000.00 for a
� year period as £ollo•ws:
Harpram Insurance Co. for U. S. Fidelity & Uuaranty Coo �p675.00
Cloninger Insuranee Agencg for Acc3dent F� Casualty Ins. 675.00
Word-i1Vox�nan Co. £or T�umbermans t�iutual Casualt� Co. 500.00
Gonunissioner Drevr moved that the low b3.d {Lumbexmans P+Yutual Casuelty Co:) be accepted.
The motion y�as seconded b� Commissioner Srown az�d carriecl, unan3nz�usl�f.
Dacember 1.5, 1949
Commissioner Drew rnovec� that thA proposaZ to inataZl gss he�ting iri the Ja�cee
buildi.ng on Clearvrater Fieach be rei'erred ta the City nienager and a report mads at
bhe next �eeting of tha Commisaion t��onday December 19th. T'ne mot3on w�as seconded
by Commissioner Br�wn and carried.
On a motion 'b f Cormnissioner Drew, seconded by Commias•' oner firovrn and carried,
the b3.d tenderecl by I,arry Dirrnnitt,, Inc. to flzrnish a on�-ha'lf �on truck for the
Utility Uepartment by the tracle i,n of a� ton Plgrnouth Truck at a nat price o£°
y�p9br1.55' was &CCOpted.
A letter froxz �he Clearrvater Merck�ants Association was read to the Gor.nniesion.
The nlerehants As�ociation requested tha� the Ghristmas lighting be continued until
Januar� 13�1z. It �as moved b;� Corrmiiasioner Brorvn, seconded b� Coxr�ission�r Drevr
and carr:ed tna�G the request ba granted.
I�r. E. 2�1. Grean inquired as to v�hat action had been ta�.en rel�itive to hia
appl.ication for pei�nigsion -�o operate a�ertxice station East of Haines Road, on
Gulf=to-Bey Bou]`.evard, ancl vlas informad that the rnat�sr yvould be considered on
receipt o.i a reaoirrnendat�on fror.l the zoiling board:,
There being no fur�her busine�s to corae before the Board, the meetzr.g lvas
ad jourz�ed,
i� Id or-Co�n i�ner
City Auditor � id Cle-rlc
1. Reading of the minutes of tZovember 21, regular neeting; reading o�' Speczal I�teeting
of IJovember 30, minutes of special meeting of Decexnber 5, (12;00 Noon); special
meetin� of Dec4 9 and minutes of special mee�in�; of Decenber 10.
2. Review list o� qualified voters and restor?ng an� nar.ies ornitted in error.
3. 4pproving the petition of candidatea qualifyin� for the election.
4. Report of the Cit�* nIanager on the request of Dixie kiason for re-establishment of
Christmas Chimes in the downtown district o= 'Clearwater, which rsatter was reserred
to the City A�anager At the corrnnission meeting af Nover.�ber 7.
5. Report of the cor�ittee composed oi' Cormniss3oners Drew, Brolvn and Gasler to
inveatigate the matter oz increasing the �arbage and, �rash collection fees for
bu.sinesses re;quiring one half and one truck load per day - 6 days a week.
6. Report of the City NZanager on arrangements to be �nade vri�h PrIessrs, Sh3.nde11 and
I�icGowan for parking snace on the City streets for si�,ht-seeing automobile or bus.
7. Report Usf the Ci�y Attorneq on agreement between the City and tiJ, F. Minor relative
to a uaed automobile parts building on I,ots 3 and 4 in A. H. Duncan�s Subdivision,
and pre�entation of a petit�on r•elatiue to th3s agreement.
8. Consideration of Civil Service Board�s request for. action by the Com�ission o�
job analys3s report, carried over from the meeti�g of 2ioveraher 21s
9. Consideration oz the raquest of the Florida Council fox the B13�nd to place coin
vending macilines in publzc buildings in Clearwater, d�ferred fxom meeting of
November 21.
lO,Consideration of petition relRtive to trailers,
11.Consideratian of Henry Lockett�s request to change conditi�ns under which the sa le
of a 50 ft. 1ot to him, was approved at the Comnission me.eting of Novamber 1.4;
t�hich a�proval was� subject to h?s imr.iediately constructing a btiilding on the
property occup�ing oneshalf the square footage of the lot.
12.Conaideration of the appraval of the Certifiad Public Account, r2r. H, bi. Turnburke�s
recor!unendation �hat the control accounta of the unpsid taxes and improvement lien
balances be adjusted or writt�n down in the amount of �2,,136.53, to coniorm to the
detail records established b3 the tax cards in confor�ity with the sclzedule pre-
sented in his letter addressed to the Gity Nlanager, dated October ].8.
d ��
Decsmbei 15, 1949
Agenda, continued
13. Request of 142r. Thomas H. Black, Jr. of the Thomag H. Black Real.ty Co.- dated
November 18, for a discuss3.on relative to interpretc�t�on of an agreemant between
tha City of Clearr�ater and the Thomae H. B1ack Realty Co. (a�reement dated
June 30, 1949) vrith par�icular reference to the installation o.f wai;er ma3ns on
Turner and Piue Str�ets.
� 14.Cons3deration of Skinner replat on C7.earwater Street on �he Besch.
TS.Consideration o£ Donald Alvord Plat on Skycras�.
16.Consideration of a letter Pron the Exchange Club of Clearwa�er for pe�nission to
3nsta1l bus stop cenopies on Clearyvater 3each; tlze cost of same to t�e reimbursed
by the sale os advertise�ents to be placed on these canopies�and €� letter a�toa
November 17, from the Clearrrater Beach Association relative to this request �rom the
Exclzan�e Club oi December I.
17.Reading of letter from the Bay View C:Lvic Club Requssting an Ardinance be passed,
ra�tricting merchants from displaying merchandise on Gulf :,o l�ay Blvd. fram
Belcher Roac� to the vzest end of Cot�.rtney Camptaell Park�vay--less thari 25 ft. fr�m
the Boulevarcl curb.
18.Cons.ideration of a resalution from the Clearwater Federation of Civic Clubs for a
provision, �hereb5 the Police Department can add to it3 personnel a filing cle�k>
19.A letter from C. L. Iinight & Sons of Tamps, protestin� - as agenta for the Hayden
Estate, �gainst qny action the City might take in zoning the Hayden Estate
property as R-1.
20.Request of Sam Boozer to operate a second hand stoxe at 110 rtorth Ga rden Aveitiue.
21.Consideration of a letter - requesting a la�v - protectin�;� not only au�omobile
drivers� but pedestrians at corner of Pierce Street and South Oscsoia Avemte,
22.The raquest of 11ire Z. B. Shay for a license to open an ant:tque and used furniture
store at 41 2losth Garden Avenue.
23.4 letter from t11e Pir,ebrook Civic Assaciationf requesting the cY� nging of the
name - Cedar 8t. to Palmetto Ste
24.4 Te�ter, da�ed �Zovera�er 20, I949, from the P3nebrook Civic Association ralative
to special stree� lighting in Pinebrook.
25.Gonsiderat:i_on of Ordinance 584, smending the license ordinance rvlth respect to
laundries on its third reading.
26.Consideration of proposals for surety bonds f or City Treasurer, Assistant City
Auditor and Clerk.
27.Report of the City Nianager on the coe,t o£ installation oi' �;as space heating in the
building on the beach, used by the Chamber oi Comraerce.
28.Report f rom the Count� Service Officer for the month of Uctober•.
29.Repart of i;he City hIanager on the replacer.lent of a san3tary concrete pipe sewer,
whieh k+�;s disintegrated to the extent t�hat it is now unsQrviceable - on Second
Avenue bet+rreen Bellevue and nScLer_non Streets. (Approximatalv 370 ft, at estimated.
cost of �;7,500.00.
30.Rep�rt oi the City I�.iana�er on repairing the Di�estor at the Se��er Disposal Plant;
the installation of approximately 1200 ft of 6 water main to serve the sewer plant
and replace �he present 2" lina, which is too srr�ll to servo the customers along
the lina and the seerer plant; and to install aquipment for handling chlorine in
large con�:ainers, saving considerable amount i.n operating eogt. �o,ta1 estimated
�ost being anprox3.matol� �p35,00Q.
31.CQnsiaeration o� resalntion requesting 120 prog6rtv ovmers to clean their lots of
weeas: anct grass.
32.Gcrnsideration of bid.� on trucka. (tvvo (2) half-tan pick-up trucks £or Gas Plant)
33.Lattor clated December 13, from I�ierchant� Associab:Lan rolatava to Chr�stmas ligh�in�;
being kept turn�c� on unLii January ?3.
34.Consideration af the following Gas hisin Extensiona:
T1� ft. of �L�t Gas, h7ain on GraMd Central and 160. ft. of 1�t Ga� rdain on Ewin� Ave.,
Total Estiriated Cost of �7145.Od
425 �t. o� 12° �as I',ain o;n �'E�' Street at esl;intated cost of ��2oJ.d0
42Q it. of 1z't Gas hiairl on Lake Drive at estimatecl co�t of $p245.UG
250 it, of 2" Galvanized Gas Pipe an Pennsylvan3a Ave. at estimatec� cost of �p185.U0.
300 Yt. of 12°t' Galvariized Gas Pipe on Iblercurzf P.ve. at estiraated aost of' �185.00.
35.Consideration of the fallov�ing Vlater t�Iain E�tensionsc 250 ft aF 2�� 6"Jator ma�.l� on
Mereury Ave. at estinated cost of yp185,00.
Co�nissi��n serving as mru.stees f'or �he Nens3on 1'lan.
C7TY GOT�1tliI5SS0Yd 2r?,'ETII�tG �� "
T3 b 15 19�9 '
ecem er ,
IJovember 25, 1�J49
To:'lhe hiayor anci City Corrnn3ssianera.,
2J;ur.ic3.pa1 Bld�;.,
C1earWA�er, T'la, '
Attachecl liera�o �ind a coP� af a Rosolution passed at a recer.t meeting of the
Clearw�tter Pecleration of Civic CTuba.
Your cooperatior. x�.nd support of thirs resolution will be �;reatly a�prac�.ttted.
Yours very truly,
Clearc�ater Federation of Civic Clubff
5i�ned: Gordon P/allis, :secretary
6VFLERE�A5: The present set up of the Clearti7ater Police Department makea no provision
for a Police DepArtment filin� clerk, and,
Vli3ERI;AS: Under �he presEn-L- arran�enrent one Police O�ficer nzust be relieved �rom
outside duty to keep Po13ce recorda and attend bo elerica7. w�rlt,
TH�FtEi��HE: Fse it resolved by the Clearwater Federation of Civic Clubs that tre Cit�
niana�er and City Gor�issioners recor.nnend the hirir,g of a Yol3;ce Derartmen� G1erk�
for the special purpose of keeping Police records and attending to clerical work.
That a copv af this resal.u�ion be foxvrarded to the Cit� i�;ana�er �nd City Cor.�isstoners.
Clearwater Federa�:ion oP Civic C�ubs
bg Uordon 1�1a1.lis, Secretar�
Noveriber 18, 1949
Nir, Eoyd A. Bennett,
Gity T�;ana�er
P. 0. box 134Ei,
Cleaxnvater, Fla a
�ear i�1r. Bennott:
This is in repl� of your lett�x of 23overnber 17, 134°o Please be advised that vte can
furnish standard coin operated vending machines of the f ollowing t9pes Coca-Co3a,
cand�, and crac��er or co�kie.
Your interesi; in this mati:er is appreciated.
Sincerei� yourss.
Si�ned: R, n4, Gra7�e1
Distric� SuperviQor
Ve�din� Stanc3 Depart�ent
RI�ZG; mp
I7ovember 15, 1949
hia yor
Dear 5ir:
The legisla�tire of tiie stAte of �'lorida passed, during the 1949 session, an act gro-
viding �or the operation of Auboniatic Vendin�, DIaGhines, for �he benefit �? needy
blincl persons, on puUlic property when permitted Uy officials in oharge of' such
property. A true capy of this act is at�ached> These Autor„atic V.ending rriachines
are to be operated bg the Florida Coun�il f or the Blind.
Thero axe, under tha jurisdiction of the City, certain public buildin�s such as the
Ci�y Halls and etc. where the installation o£ these r�iachines s^rould be a��eat con-
veni$nce to your employees erad '�o thair clierts and the general public, as well as;
aidin�.a most woxthy cause.
In v'iew of these facts, the Fl.orida Council for the Blina respectfully requests that
�uthorit� be grantod by yoU,for the installation of raachines in the buildings and
off.ices under your control throughout the city, �rharover these machines wauld not
Decembar 15, 1949
�opy 1e�ter con�inued (Fl�. Councl]. Pox �1ind)
undul;p intarfere with the use of the puU11a �roperty for publio purpo9e��.
The necesaary detail3, such as type of machines desired, Iocatj;on vrithi�n the build-
ing, and etc. could be worked out w3:th the lflcal ,of.�ici�l in eacki vicin3:t�.
A letter to thie of�i�e to the effect tha� your cooporat�,on under px�aviaions of
House Bill 304 is' axtended, will eari� for you the 1.asting appraciation of a17. the
blind people of the state of Florida for your action in their behalf.
It will be �reatly appreciated if a list of nai�es and titles of looal unit mansgers
be sent to the Council alon� with your raply.
5incerely �yours,
Si�,ned: R. nI. Grabel
District Supexvisar
Vending S'trand Depar�ment
October 18, 1949
hSr. Boyd ?. Bennett, City DIanager
Gity of Clearwater,
Clearvrater, Floxicia.
Dear 2Fr. Bepne�t;
This is to regort to ,you the result of our checkir,g tha totials of unpaid tax and im--
grovement lien balances as noted on the approxisnately 13,000 tax cards a�ainst the
control balances carried on the books of account for the corresponding tax rol�� and
improvement liens. Trare is attached hereto a schedule v�rhich indicates the differences
established �p this checko
You will note irom this sehedule that the net difference for the tax rolls of 1934
uhrough 1947 is �656.42; th� t the nat difference for the tax rolls nf 1925 through
1J33 is �5,185.03; and that the net dif£erence of improvement lien� is �22,034.89.
You will ai�o note that the discount iactor applicable to collectiona of the
delinquent taxes of the various years and tha improvement lYens ha ve been taken
into account on this schedule and the �.iiferences abov�-stated reduced to �the cash
collection value thereof. This results in a t otal cash collection value of the
differencas o� �2,136.5�, aasuming that the ent;tre anount o�' the del3.nquen`t taxes
and improvament liens will uTtimately be collec�ced. A1.1 af the differences referred
to aoove are by vray af tho control accounts on the bool�s ex_ceedin�; the totali detail
o#' the tax car�s, trus requiring a write-dowr_ oi the control accounts.
I zecouanend that these con�rol account� be ad�usted to conform to the detailed
recard established by the tax cRr�ls, in coniormitg v�ith the attached schedule, and
su�gest tY�at yo.0 tal€e such steps as are required to have this adjustment authorized
and appxoved.
�'oure very truly,
Signed: Ii , Bi. Turnburlte
Certified Public Accountant
Copy sent to Franl: Abernathy;,
City Treasurci=
Decomber l, 1949
City P�ianager & City Coz�unisaion
Some time ago the ClearvJater Beach Association approved a plan for the Exchange Club
whereby this organization vrould sponsor the erectian of F3us Stop Canopies, the cost to
be defrayed by the sale o£ advertise�ents undex the �eiling oi' said canopies„
We prapose, with vour approval, to erect one a � {:he Acacia St. P: G]�earwater Beach
Hotel stops.
hir. C. R. l�Jic�nan, owner and operator of the Clearv�ater Transit Comp�ny, has agreed
wholeheartedly in permitting the uae of the canopy at Causeway Blvd. and b9anaalay oy the
Exchange Glub in carrying out this project.
We are enclosing photographs showing the manner in v�hich the advertrisements will be displaged.
The proceeds from the sale of adv�rtisements in subsequent yoars wi11. be useci by the Ex-
cY:ange Club in conducting and carrying ou� its civic and coxm7una.tg projects.
We ask that this proposal be placed on the agenda f or the Decembe.� 5th meeting of the
Coimniss3on for yaur approval.
S3gned; v. S. 1^lhyel, Seeretary
Exchan�e C].ub oi' C1.eqrwatEr
December 15, 1949
November 17, 1949
City Corrunis�ioX�ers ana Isianager
City Fia7.1
Clearwator, �'lorida�
Re: Installation o£ ShaTtera for Bu�. Passen�er�
A� a meetin� o£ the Cleasvrater Beach Asgoc3ati.on held November 7th, there was pra-
sented a glan �rheraby the Fxchange Club of Clearwater was sponsoring a project to
provide canopied shel�era at Acacia Sts�eet, and Clear�aater Beach Hotel, and
possibTy one morc place to be desi�nated, provided the City approved and granted
the Exchange Club the ri�ht to place the�e shelters on city-ovtnod property. The
plan aontemplatea selling advertisements which will appear on the underside oF the
canop� hardly visible to passersbq, and from the sale of advertj.semsnts in the
first installation, fundg would be available for the seaond and third installations,
and thereafter the net incor�e i'rom the advertisementrs would belong to the Exchange Club.
The proposed �ew canopies vrould be adequa�e if ap�roxi�nately 10� x 6� whereas tlie
�rasent one at the carner of the Causeway and P,qandalay is `1'7� x'7�; the lat�er h�s
not been of#'ensive in enq xnanner but on the other hand vridely u�ed and helpful. I�4
iz� f7zrther understoocl thst the Kool-Vent Conlpany installin� the new ones will mainca3n
tY�eir extertor appearance.
This plan was submittecl to the Assaciation Riembers and heartily aAproved, arr.l the
tivr3ter was ins�ructeci to inform the Gommission of this action and rEcoimnend the plan
to you for appraval.
�lery truly �ours,
Clear�7ater Besch Assacistioti
Si�ned: By Ralph YJ. Carson, President
� Y� Dec, 1, 1949
Hon . ��ia�or,
City Commission,
Ci�tST Attorney,
Clea r��a ter, Fla .
V�fiI�REAS - it is �he desire of the r:ayor of the City, the City Go�maission, _4�toxney and
various depsrtments oi city government and citizens to regulate the use, parking a nd
placing of trailer hornes, houss cars or other mobile units, primsril� designed f ar
hu�;�an occupancy; +r�ithin the city limit,� of Clearwater.
�Ye, the followir�g, ofier and sug�est the i'ollo�ring regLlations be acioptec3 to govern sa�e,
That no trailer, house car, or other mobile unit be us�ad for human occupancy witY+in the
cit5 limits v�ithout a permit bs issued by some dasignate� depart�sent ot the citg at� a
nominal fee to cover the C09't 0i insoecti,on of the property t� be used.
It shall be the duty of the proper�y o�rmer to obtain auch per�it ana tlze dtity of some
desi�nated city department to issue s permit for saN�e v�hen the i'ollowing regulationg
are ca�pl3ed with,
That city� v�ater, sanitary toilets and bath facil.ities xiust be available at al1 times on
the p2'o�Jei'ty of the ov�ner, at alZ tines to the occupants of such trQilers, sic.
That no 'trailer, etc. sha13, ba place�. within three feet of any adjoiz�ing pr�perty
line, or. within 25 Peet of ang adjoining propertv z•esidence.
That no trailer, etc. shali be placed in any distr:tct, zoned as R-1, rr in any con-
gested area.
Th€�t n� such trailer, etc. shall be placed on any property v�here it shall ba a public
nuisance, fire hazard or endanger the public, health or safstve
That no perc�it shall be is:;ued for more than one trailer to each resi�ance or bath
located on such lot, nor ni�re than 2 trailers on any one lot, Paithout a special trailer
park permit.
Now, there�ore,-
S�o, the following, proper���* owners �vithin i:he city liraits of the Cit�
of Clea�rvater, Florida, uni�ni�;ously approve and request the above re�ulations, but v�e
also def3�itely disapprove any regulation, or ordinanee proh3bitin� or barring the
parkin� of trailer, etc. witl�in the city limits as now proposed.
(Signed by 60 res3dents)
Decomber 15, 1949
llec. l� ].949
City Cozrnnissioners�
City of Clearwater
Clearrta�ter, Florida�
As agent for the Hayden estate and propertg kno�vn as:
Beginr?ing at a point 663.�;� VJest and 330.01 North of �he SE Cor. of the SE� of the
N4V� oi Sec . 3, Twp 295, Rge, 15 E, run �henca North 332.5 � alon€; tiie Vdest Bounc�ar. y of
S'[JPiSET POINT SIIB. #2 to South Bounclary of F�RIT�EIZA SUI33.: thezzce L'Vest 1829.1� along
the South Boundary o£ eaid Floridena Sub. to the vrater 13ne of Cl�arwa�er Haibor;
thence 3outhwesterl�r along the shore line of sa3.d Gleaxws�er Haz�Lor to interseotion
with the nTorth li.ne of 5UN5ET POINT SUB. R�V., said line beinfi 3�3.8� South of the
S�uth line of FLORIDENF� SiTf3.; thence East along the North Boundary of said S1TI�TSET
POINT SiTB, a distance of 1951.e9� to P. 0. B.
We wish to file a protest against ang action you r�ight take zonin�; this proper�y
as R-? as we feel that i� wou�d be detrimental to the property.
The Haydens have pa3d taxe9 on this propert� for over .fifty yeara and theg are
faced with a loss if they sell on the present �narket. Any action zaning this as R-1
tivoulci caus� furtk�.er loss to them.
We �herefore, respectf�zlly request that you retain tris property in its present
classification of R-2o
Vsr� trulv yours,
Signed: Eugene Knigh�
vecember 5, 1949
Honorable i.a, or and
City Com_missioners
City oi Clearcrater
I wish to m$� e a request of the City ai Cleartvater to al].ow me to operaLe a second
hand store at 110 N. Garden Avenue �o be known ae "Sam�g Bug and Sell.��
I have been a 1on� time resident of the City o£ Clearwater and vrish to �ive the
names of Tom 3rovrn, �Tr. anci 5. Waller Smith as references as �o my c'siaracter and credit.
Hoping this ��i11 suffice in the wa� of an appl.ication and will meet your early
a�proval, I rema3n,
Sincerely yours,
S`am Boozer
Dea. 6, 1949
Cor�ais si on,
Clear«aier, Fla,
�",ihy can"t r�e have a lav� pratecting not only autoi�ts also pedestrians at corner of
Pierce and 80. Osceola. Going 8outh on Osceola �ou can�t see oars comin�; VJea� on
Pierce. �'our atten�ion would he appreciated.
Y�urs tsuly,
P�Zrs. P�1, Summner
F.S. Ta�pa c�n do it accordin� to enclo�ed clippin�. 1"Jhy can=t Clea_rwrxter, P�IaPd.S.
vec, 12, 1�349
City C�rrm:is sion; -
Ploule like to apply for a perLzit to open a s�ore at 41 N. Garden Ave. to se11
�nttques, used furniture, etc.
Have been operatin�; a sea i'oocl market at the above adc�rass, wklich haa not been
very satisfactory on accouti� of iJ.l health.
Referencea: L. B. Slzay
Reade Tillv -. Jov�eler
Joh.n Atren - Camera Shop
Rev. Thamas Colreav�
. , ��
December 15, 19�9
Nov. 25i 1949
Oit�+ Commis�ion
City H&11
Clearvra �er, k'1.a .
Ploase vo�e to have the Christmas Chimee downtovrn 3n Clea,rwater this Chr�.stmas. tiVe
en joy tPiem verg much and know a lot of otYLer people ti�.o do also, They add verq much
to the Xmas spirit while ska.opping.
T�i rs . Nl . F. FIa rgra �; e a
T�zov, 17, 1949
City Corranissioners�
Cit� of ClearVrater
Cleax�water, r1a.
Gentl.emen ;
Tkie Ba� View Civic C1uY� respectiully submits �'or � aur consideratian and approval,
a roque�t ttiat a City Ordi.nanca be estal�lishecl as goau as possi�ile, restricting
nIarch�nts �'.rom displaying raerchandise on �u].f to i3a,q 13Tvd. from Belchex Road ta the
v�6st end oi' Courtney Campbell Parl�way, less than tv�enty five (�5) feet from the
Blvcl . curb .
The presant Iv;erchants or, the Blvd. ir� the zcne atipulated above, are all in acaord
vrith thig propoaed Orclinance, but the rec�uest ie niada at tYlis tinie to prevent any
future business p�.aces from making rniscellaneous aisplay� o�' nexcnancii�� v�hich would
be detriniental to the appearance of an entrsnce to tize eit� such as the uulf to Sa�
Blvd. repro3ents.
�Je wi11 appreciate �; nur �rompt attent�on to tl�is requesi and: ;rish to �E�s�e tY�i�
oppo�tanity to assure �rou af our apprr�ciation oi' the courtesio� extenrled us ir_ ths past,
Ver� t�ily � ours,
Signed: A. �. �rer�
T�aq Vievz Ciuic Club
�ec . 1�, ].949
I��emorandusn to Liayor and Cit� Council, Clearnrater, Fla.
l. At•tine xnontnly meating of ihe F3rzEi�rook C�vic Association (59 me�bers nresent) on
liec. S, 194� at the Clearwratei: Countr;� Club, one oi the rasolutinns unanitcously
p&396C�{ W&9 tY�.at Pa1�e�tc �tro�t t?-ia� runs along the i'ront oi' tha Pinebrook f�ivision
area. be kept namecl Palmetto Street and noi; chan��cl to Cedar st. as r.otad on a few
recently painted sign post�. 7.'..�a Association directati the Pres=dant tn eneck with
the Civic sutriorities ancl re�or� at the 3anuary meEtingo
Tnve�ti�ating at the Citv Hall, it was reported b;T bhe City engineer that this
street Yiaci been ehanged tr� Ceaa» abaut ten ye�rs a�o bu� no�hi:no I�a�l been done
abou� it until he �iade the discotre:y recentlg,
As all of the present real estate xscords an� maps an the c-�ty and county records,
the r;iaps printed and distrilauted b� the C, of C> and records 3n �he post ozfice as
v�rell as �hose fixed in tYie public mind list this stree� as Yalr�.etto, it i�
raquested that the name be oi'ficially made Falmetto S�. to avoid �reat eon�a.sion
:For the next sevoral �ear� in public records as wall as loeatin� ��iis araa �sy
This recent ch�an�e can be aorrect�d noxtvrithout �:onfusion, ihe street west of the
jcg by the railroad can easily remain Cedar St. and that east of said jog by �he
railroad can rema��.n as notiv lt;�own, Pal:netto St, wii;hout harx��ng a�yone,
Signed rIarold D. tiJoole�r
r ~_ Nov. 20, 1;949
r��emor�ndunl to City Council oi C7.earwater, Fla,
(thru C3ty NIans�er, I�lr. Benne'tt)r
l.Inclosed is a peti�ion £rom the residez�ts of Pinebrool� Subdivision of Clear���ter
requestin� a lighting system as outlined in a�tached exhibi� 'TB�' ae prepared by �lxe
k'lorida P��r�er Corp, for this area� This is the tvpe ai�d S�rgtepl of Iighting desiredo
2,4t our 1'inebroqk Civic ASsn, mae�ing in early ��ay, 1y49 at the Gleas�v��ater Country
Club, a resolutioz� w�s un�nianously adoptod ti�at plans be prog>ared for �he �ype of
13�Y:tin� in this �rea ae outlinec� in exhxbit B, the cost to ba assesaed against each
p�ece af prapert�T to not exceeci 4P5Q.0� per lot. Accarding to P�lr. $ennett, bhe City
has a�reecl to �,sSr about �850,00, cost oi' ori�inal li�hting p1an, ancl �4he I+'lorida powe�
czm� con�n+zsszorr �r����rrG
December 15, 19h9
Conipan3* a slightly 1�1�;Iier �xnaunt for transfarniers and oth�r equipme�i:. '�Yiis would
bring bhe C09'r b810SV t2ie j�50.00 per unit fi�;urs.
3.At the meet'ing mentioned in Para�rapki 2, �I�. A]. Ro�;ers requeated �hra�L the poa� of.
paying the assesaraent ag�ins� tho proparty be cola.ecteci bq �he aity over a:five year
period as �hen it vrould not t�e an 3mr�ediate burden on sonie oi tY�e properi;y ownera�
whose income was lowar �han others -in tlze grottp present. A numbar wanted to put up
the ��''50.00 at once but the m.otion, ai'�er discussien, was unanimotxely adoptoc�. How-
ever, a nur.zber vr�uld prefer to pay the Assessment a� oY�ce ancl o�h.ors over a f;Lve year
4.At the present time, T do nat lmotv o� Anyona in this area who prefer the type of
wooden pola li�hting originally proposed by the a3ty.
SeWhile tive beliave that the city should install the new type of �i�htin� hexe a�d
elsawher� in the citg� wit�iout expense to the particular d�s�ric�, we realize tl�iat tl�ie
city has quite a financial probiem to solve and therzfora are willin�; to pay the
minimum necess�ry - of �5U.OQ or le�s - to get proper �.i�;htin� for thig area, and
help beau�i,fy Piizebrook and Clearvra�ar.
6.�ar1� considerat3:on is requasted.
Signe�e Harold U. V'toolo,y
Pinebrook C;ivic Assn.
2,iemorandtun to the
P��ay�r and City Aianager,
C3ear�vater, F"lorida.
�'1e, the undessigned residenLs of Pinebrook Subclivision in C1ear��ater de�ire that the
tvork of erectin� tY!e present type of eroaden electric li�ht poles be gtopped and the
so cal?ed "6Yh�te t'Iay�r rietal standars be used in this arsa. It is under�tood that
sufficisnt nunibers of "CJhite T'day�' poles are availat�le from the improvements made on
P:orth Fort Harrison Ave. The v�ooden poles srz not deairedo
Signed b� 39 resident� snd property ovrnera o�' Pinebrook Sub.
December 13, 1949
���� . ��/�
December 15, 1,949
Proposal� received December 14, T��9 £or: one-.�� Ton
Tru;ck, S�andard Chassis, Gompl:ete with Gab - Pick-up Body
and oi:her standard equipment. Citv to #;rade ix� a 1940
Ford VS - 1';z Ton Truck. '
Typa of Tt G V VJheel Tire Rated Trans- Sody
Truck Wei�ht H.P, Base Size Tonna�e missic�n Len�th
Clear T�1o�ors, I1zc. ��J�9 or�SQ 4600. lb. 80 112-°' S,-�OOx one-i�l� 3 speecls 78��
1233 Ft.Harriso�Ave. StudebaYe�c 1&,4 ply
DAliver�� Net Price
not g3ven �;1,074.£i3
Clearwater Motors, Inc.
1115 ClavelAnd �t. --No bid on this Proposal
.. �____-__-�_--�----------------------________--__----_______---------------------
T be oi' nt G V Whee1 Tire Rated Traizs- Body
T,�rry Dimmitt, Inc, sruck 1"leip�h� H.P. Base Size Tonna�e mission �I,en �th
603 S. �t. Harrison �94�— � lb .3�" 1�6� 5-600� one-Y�alf 3 �T8�-
Chevrolet 16►6 ply speeds
beliver,y Net Price
(trucTz on hand) �857.55
Kennady & Strickland T�rpe of n1 G V VJheel Tire Ra�ed Trrins- Bouy
814 Cleveland S�. Truck 1Jei�ht fi.P. Base S?ze Tonnage misaion Length
� Ford 47QO lb. 95 114i� 5-6�Ox one-half � 78��
�g_a_piY speeds
�i*�. Boyd Bennett, City l�ianager
Board of City Co�is9ioners,
C ity iia 11,
Clearwater, Florida.
At the meating af the Board of Directora of this Association taday a motion was
unani;nously passed tlzat the Citv Offi�i�l� be asked to a?loti^r the ChrisLznas Holiday
Street Lightina S�stem to re�ain li�hted each n3ght through Januar� lbs 1950.
So man� �eople ha�e expressed the desire to sec these li�hta continued for a
subs��ntial periocl after Nev� Year�s Day tk�at Pre are sure such action will meet vaitll
popular approval. Hovzever, there are good reasons for tha continur�tion of the
lights bevond affording pleasure to 1oca1 citizens. Thare is a much :heavier influx
of winter visitors after January l who would be favorably impressed by this display.
Also, there is to be a meetin� of the American College oP Surgeons �t tho Bellea ir-
Biltmore ?�s�te1 on Jan. 8, 9, €c 10, wnieh �ill bring many out-oi-town visitors, ma�y
of them from out of the state. Such visitors cannot fail to be favorablq imgressed
vrith this unique lighting feature.
Those who lzave seen holida,y li�htiz��; in neighborin� citiea say thst the ].j.ghts
here havz a much more attractive appearance. The additional two weeks lightir.:g will
involve no further labor, since the wiring is already in place. 4Je feel that the
City should get the utmost benefit fror.z this zngtallation bofore it has to be taken down.
Pleaae give thie m�tter your iavorable consideration at tho next Board meet3n�.
�ours ver� trulq,
Signed: A. V. Hancock, Secretary
Deliver,y Net Price
lOdays-2 v�eeks �1,150,00
Type of nf G V 4�iheel Tire Rated Trans- L'od
`Pruck 1Jeight H,P. Base Siza� Tonna�� mission Ze�ngFth
Thayer Ptiiotor Co. 1950 4250 lb. 96 10.8� 5-600x one-half 3 7r3
28 No. Garden �1ve. Dodge 16d� ply speeds
veliverg Net Price
1� flays yp1,077.20
� 1949 Atodel-cielivery in Decembar
1950 �� " in Januar�
Deaember 15, 1949
rroposals received DeGember 14, 1949 �'or: one ��
Ton Truck, standard cYsassi.s, complate ivith caU, giak�-
up body And othe� s�snderd equipment. Cit�* bo trade
in a�940 Ply'uiouth -u ton Pic1c-u� Truclt.
Type of MGV VJheel T3re ft��ed Tran�- Body
Truck _ PJei�ht HsF. Base Size Tonna�a mission ]len�tkl
Clear hlotors, Inc.
1233 S.F't.Ha.rrisoil ��9�49 or �50 4609 1b 80 112.« 5-500x16 one� 3 78�'
.�tudeba�l�er 4 p1y halz speeds
Delivor.Y Net Price
not givai� �i1,094.83
Typo of hIGV Vifheal '�ira fta�ed Trans- nody
Clearsvater h�otors,Inc. T.ruck tiNei�;�� H.P. Base Size Tonna�e misaion Len�th
�,115 Cleveland 5t. 1950 �600 lb. not 116�' 5-600x16 one- 3 78��
G.u'I.C. given 6 ply halP speeda
DeliverST Net Price
tramediatel'� �1,000.00
Typs of hZGV H.Po V,Iheel Tire Rated Trsn9- Bodg
Truck N]ei�ht � Base S3ze Tonna�e mission Langtb.
I,arry Dim�itt, Inc.
603 SeFtmHarriso� 1949 4600 l�. a0 I16tP 5-600x16 one- 3 78�r
Chevrolet 6 ply half sp�eds
Delivery Pret Price
(truck on hand} p957.55
Tgpe of TiGV VJhee1 Tire Rated Trans- Body
Trucl� Weig� t Ii«P. Base Size Ton� na�e mission Len�thT
gennedy & Strickland
814 �leveland St. � t°ord 4700 1b. 95 lla�� 5-6CJOxl6 one- 3 781R
4 ply half speed
Delivery Ivet Price
10 days to 2 weeks �1,150.U0
� 1950 I�iodel i� delivery in January - 1950
1949 Iviaael if delivery in December -� 5949