12/10/1949 '__'_~ ,'.; '_' '._... ...,..,':.:~...~:. ~'''~~'.'H' .,l;", '.~'... ""~' "'.' . .. .' _1.... '_' .....;\.;., :'~"'':''~\:':''':'. ....~.. ,'. #. '. .. . ..: ( >;}.~"..... . .... ......".,""'~L.;LL8i.~2c,C;;~'";~~:.ihiy:4jidB~;illJi'!11ttzl' . . ~"\' . CITY COliiHISSION t,lEb-vrING December 10, 1949 . '~~~.~~.~~,w,~' .,,' 't" jt.r~. ,.'....,1..,.,',. . " . :', :::. ,:~:':. . \' " ',: 1 '. ".~ ' , . , . ", :~. " ,'. t,; -;< ',: J, ' .,' ~ \' r ;" \" ,.... " . j, I ~ ::'. ~,.:' '.' '.',.' I" ~ ,.' i" - I. ;. (I I , ORDIHA.NCB NO. 585 -------- . , . .: I ~/ .., .J" I "'L1~", " I ) ...,:......f}b). AN ORDINANCE M,lENIHHG ORI..iIl'~AITCE HO. 455 AS AI\1ENDJm, THE CI'l'Y ZONING OHDIHAHCB, AND PHO- VIIJING L"OH ~tJbl.:l']'r:'lrW 'l'lJJ:::) hl\;EIWnEli'l' TO A REB'EHENDlI11 BY' THE FHEEHOlJ)EHS OF THE CI'lry OP CLEA.RWA TER BE Pl' OlIDAINEl:> BY TEE Crll'Y COll:I.USS 10lJ 01<' n-m C I'1'Y 01,1 CLEAHVIJ~ TBR, Ii'LORIDA:. :.;. ;~-,.! ;, ',",1 ' . , '1 j .J j '; '":. ., . . Sectton 2.. That Ordinance l'hunber 455" ao amended, being the Zoning Ordinanoe of the Oi ty of Cleurwuter, Florida, i3 hereby amended as follows: (a) 'l'hut all of tho f'ollowlng doscribed property in the City, according to maps thereof :recorded in the public records 01' Pinollas County, Plorida, to-wit: Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Bayview Hel~htB subdivision, Plat Uoole 3, Page 6, Lots 3 and 4, Block 2, Bayview lIeic;hts Subdivislon, Plat Boole 3, Page 6" Lots 23-31 inclusive, Sunburst Court SubdiviSion, Plat Book 13~ page 46, Lots 32-38 inclusive,Sunburst Court Sub- division, Plat Book 13" paf,e 46, Lots 49-56 inclusive, Sunburst Court Sub- divisicn, Plat Book 13, page 46, Lots 5 and 9, Block 6, North Shore Park Sub- division, Plat Book 3, page 10 Lots 7-12 inclusive, Block 7, North Shore Pa rk Subd i visi on, PIa t Book 3" pa~e 10, Lots 7-l2 inclusive" Block 8, North Shore Park Subdivision, Plat Book 3" Page 10, Lots 7-12 inclusive" Block 9, North Shore Park Subdivision, Plat Book 3" Pa~e 10" Lots 1-4 inclusive, Block IG, North Shore Parle Subdivision, Plat Book 3, Page 10" Lots 1-5 inclusive, Block 11, North Shore Pa rk Subd i visi on, PIa t Boo].~ 3, Page 10" Lots 1-5 inclusive, Block 12, Horth Shore Park Subdivision, Plat Book 3, Par,e 10" shall be cha np;ed from R-2 mul tiple dwelling districts to R-l Resident Districts, and each in its changed classification shall be hereafter subject to all the regulations and restrictions of said City Zoning Ordinance as amended. , 1 l, i, (b) That the followtne; doscribed propert~r in the City to-wit: ,. Lot 10, Block 1, !lIrs. Sarah l,icl,:ullen's Subdivision, according to plat book 1, pa~e 41, and Lots 1-7 inclusive, Bloc]{ 1" Ovcrbrook Subdivision, according to plat book 8, par,e 23 shall be chanf~ed to B-Business District, and each in its changed classi- f'icat:i,on shall be hereafter subject to all of the regulations and restl'lctions of said City Zoning Ordinance" as ar;lended. (0) That sub-section 3 o.f Section XII, general provisions, of said Ordinance No. 455 relating to regula tjon of' billboards, posters a rxl directional signs is hereby repealed, ef.fective Narch 1, 1950. Cd) That the following described property located along Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard in the City, according to rr8ps thereof recorded in the public record~ of Pinellas County, Florida" or according to the descriptions thereof otherwise given, to-wit: The South 650 feet of the Vlest 995 .feet of the South half of the Southeast Quarter of the Uortheast Quarter,. Section 14, Township 29 South, Ral~e l5 East, The South 330 feet of the East 383 f'eet of the South half of the Southeast Q.uarter of the Northeast QUf'.rter~ Section 14, Townsh:Lp 29 South, Range l5 Ea st, The South 330 feet of the South half of the Northwest Quarter, Section 13, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, The South 330 i'eet of the Southwest Quarter ot: the Northeast ~uarter, Section 13" Township 29 South, Range 15 East" . .' " The North 350 feet of the East half' of' the northeast Q,'uarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter" Section 14, Township 29 Soutb, Range 15 East, The North 300 feet of Tract "All of a repla t of' Block nn" of Suburb B6aut1ful, according to map thereof recorded in plat book 19, page 100. . :....:.'" " ~<';~.;:.::<)::. :.< .'1 '. " - -" ....-- _..-~-. ..;~~'~~;r~\;t;W#~~~~4li~~~i;~~1:*~!~ifl~i;~;;LS~~~~~&~'~~~:iL~,iie~~:2:tiL.W.i~;,~iii&~~ti~ii" .iJ, . .' "I ..>',~~'}f.~;stjJ~~~~~~~;~~r~' .,'" ...... ..., ,~~ . , .. I CITY COll'lMISSION lI1EETING Deoember 10, 1949 ORDINANCE NO. 585 ---conttnued Lots 1-5, inclusive and tho North 17.5 feet o~ Lots 6 and 7, Block "c" and Lots 1-4 inclusive and the North r/.65 feet of Lots 5 and 6, Block "13", and Lots 1-~ lncluaive and the North 17.61 feet of Lots 5 and 6, Block ItA", all in Suburb Beau tiful Subdivision, a ccordinr, to pla t boole 13, page 61, The North 200 feet of the West 982.83 feet of the 1lorth- west Quarter of tho Southwest Quarter, of Section 13. Township 29 South, nange 15 East. Lots 1-12 inclusive of Midway Subdivis.1 on, BccorcUng to plat recorded in plat book 13, page 4, The North 330 feet of the East 986.08 feet of the North- wost Qua rter of the Southe& st Quarter of Sect:5,on 13,. Township 29 South, nO. nge 15 Ea st.. The North 330 feet of the Northoast Quarter of the South- east Quarter of Section 13, Townsh:tp 29 South, Range 15 East, shall be changed to 13-Business Districts, and oach in its chanr.;ed classification shall be herea fter subjoct to a 11 of ~he regulations and restrictions of said City Zoning Ordinance, as amended. SECTIon 2. That the City Auditor and ClerIc, is hereby authorized and directed to onter tho changes ln use districts herein pl~escribed on the official zoning map of the City of Clearwvter, ,Plurida, as amended, and that the City Building Inspector is authorized Hnd directed to enforce the provisions of City Zoning Ordinance No. 455, as amended herein, froT:! and after the effective date of this Ordinance. SBC1'iON 3. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. SECTIon 4. That this Ordinanco ohal1 llecone effective when approved by fi' ma jorl ty 01' the qua lified electol'[; of the Ci t-:l of Clea )'WR tor \'lho are fre eholders wi thin said City, voting at f\ special election ca1lod ODd held .1,n the manner provided by the City CouJ1islJion of said City for the purpose of deterI<1inlnc whether this anlended ordinance shall go into effect. PASSED AND ADOPTED b~r the City Comnission of the City ot: Clearwater in regular session aS8e~fuled: PASSED on fil'S t l~ending, December I) ~ 11)49. FASSED on second readlne, December 9, 1049. PASSED on th1pd reac1inr;, December 10, lSJ49. Signed: Guy L. Kennody___ ~ Acting 1Iayor-Comrnissioner Attest: (Signed) H. G. Wingo City Auditor a.nd Clerk .. ,:t .', I, ',.'" ",< 'I. < . ,."' , .. ."...., ..,..: . -'" ;...".: :..~. ... . ". ."..~".; ~ I:'.... ..:.':' ..~ ::,,: ,: .. ..,,:-: .;.., ,. .:::........-.,;::-...':.:..~~....::.;.:..:.:.<.. ..' ""; -. ~ l' CITY COM1iISSION MEETING DecemlJer 10,. 1949 .::.,',~D " . ,) ......'..:...:...:;,.. I I il . , I OHlJHU1.NUB HO. 5~ AU om.Jl.llhEGE PIWVILIIIG i.IOE A f..) PEGIA L HJ1jIC IPAL HLECrrlON TO BE JIELD :L1J COH- JUJW'l'101: ViI'I'}: r:J.'.EE m::l11.1LhR ELl~C'j'101i UJl lJ.EGHI',:l.JEH ~~O, 1849 'i'O D~'l'bm:IW~ \.lH~'l'HEI{ GEI{TAIN n\OPO~jl';ll ALI~m)I;~}Jr~'c ::>EALL BJ.; l,AlJE '1'0 TIi~ CiTY ~(JNnJC; 01lliiJ'lA.HCE. BE I'l' OI-illAlllEl> B":t 'l'E~ GI1'Y G01,.Ll~~:.:.i..;.,():i OF TEE C]''l'Y (HI c.;H~iJ{\'IAri'LH, 1.,ILOHlliA: Sl~(Jrl'lO]1 1. 'Ebata ~pecial l>lunlcip~l eloc t ':O~l aLh 11 be lwld, in the r.lalmer l101'e:Ln provided" on S::ucBc.1ny, lJeC(:Jl ,Lor ~~OJl lG49, !'or tlto purpose of cloter- ri1inln{~ whethor cortain pro vosed clJan0e:3 81m 11 lIe 11lU<.[0 to CirdlnmwC:J J\:o. 455, tho City Zoninc Or-dlllu nee. ~. , - , SEC'l'lOH 2. At said svecial l1:un:i.<;ipll elec:tjon, ss:tcl pro!losed chnn,rr,es tCl BEd.el Zonil"w Ord:!.nr:llC:e, !"IS JnccrporatfKl in Ordinance lIo. 585 shnll b~ submitted to a vote and sald O:rdinance No. 585 voted upon Hha11 be acceptecl or re.1ected as a whole. , 'f . . I I I i I SBCTIOH a. Onl;," qUCillfied clect.en's of the City of Clearwater, who are f'l'eeholdero witb.iIl the Cit~r 8118.11 be eligllJle to vute at. sa:1.d election. SE(;Tl0N 4. All pEll'S011S shall be quuJ.:1fied freeho1ders of the City c1' Clearwater who shall be recisterccl as ~uch aecorcl.:tl1[; to law, as evidenced by the rocords of the Sl1ptn'\Iisor of Heg:Lstration of' }'ille11as Count~T, F'loric.a, and as shown on a certified list tlJeroof aulJr,lj.tt,ecj l~r said Suporvisur fifteen (15) days prior 1:;0 SElid electlon. HegistratloD books for the purposE)(, of sald elect:1.on shall be closod tl-~irt;:r (30) du ys prior to E\ nd exclusl ve of' the election day. '- , .::n~c;.JJ_~; 5. The list so certified and SUUl:1itted uy the County Supervisor shall be open to public il1spect:! on at tb.e office of the Git:i Auditor and Clerk upon receipt of sane from the Snpel"visor and it s11.a].l not 1Je necessar:T to otherwise publish the names 'lhltec1 thel>eon. i 'j -I - j . SEC':rI01~ 6. At loast f'our (4) daysllei'orc the clute of' said election, the Ci1;~, COnI;lissio-no-rthe 81 t:r of Cleal'Wa tel' 811a 11 neet at the City Eall for the purpose of' 1'8vie..../inf: snch regist,rat1on list and to restore any nane or names to such list as Llay have been ir.Jproperl~' Ol:rlit1;e(~ or Htricken thorel'l"Ol.l. The registration liat so revise(~ and completed shaJ.l constitute the list (If' voters eli~ible to vote in mdd election. Notie~ of the raeetinc to revise the list shall be given at least one week bei'ol'c md.cl election by publicatIon one (1) time in a newspaper of general cireulation :Ln the Gity. SECTION 7. T]le Gi ty Corilmisnion shall cenae to Le publlHhed in a nevlspaper of general circula t1.on j,n the C.i t;{, once a \<veel{ for two (2) consecut i ve vleeks, a notice statir:g the purpose of tIle election, the polling place and the class of perDons eligilJle to vote therein, the first pul.llicbtJon to be at least ten cays bof'ore the election. SEC'J.110N 8. Votes in such election shall lie cant at polls set up in the City 1.'ire Station on lJorth Garaen Avenue and the Clearw8.ter Deach Fire Sta.tlon on Mandala:! Avenue. The poJls ahaJ.J. open at 7:00 A. Iv1. stnndarc: 'l'in~e, and close at 6:30 P. M. standard 'i'ir:Je on the clay of said electton. SECTION 9. lnspeetor's and Cler}:s of' the elect) on shall be appointed by the City Conr.1ission, except that if the Commission 81-'....a1l 1'ail to appoint same at least two (2) da~rs before the date of the election, tIle I'.laYOl'-Cor.lni~aioner' shall appoint them. SECT10N ~O.. The question to be submitted to the voters at said electlon shall be whe thel' or not Ol'd inance NWlloer 585 aha 11 Le accepted or re Jec ted a s a whole. Votinr; rr.achines sheJ.l be used and the ballots shall contain the quest:l.on "Do You Favor the Adoption of Ordinance l~Ul:lber 585". The election shall be conducted in accordance with the pruvisions of Ordinance 11wlluer 56? and othor applicable laws. Printed sample copios of Ordinance Nunber 585 shall be posted at each polline:; place and said ordinance shall be published in f\tll in two (2) separate issues of a news- paper of general circulatlon in Clearwater, F'lorida, tb,e firnt insertion to ue at least six (6) da;rs prior to Decer.lbe2' 20, 1949. SECTIon 11. The result of the voting shBll be certif'ied by returns in dupJ.ica te, signed by the Clerk and a 111.8 j ori t~r of the electj on Inspec tors. One copy of' such return shall be delivered to the r~la'Yor-COl:IDJis8ioner and the other copy to the City Auditor and Clerk, both of whon shall tra.nsmit such returns to the City Commission at a meeting to be held nt 12:00 Noon Standard Tine on the day following the elec t:ton. At such I.leeting, t11e Ci ty Cor.llniss ion shall canvass the returns and declare the res'l.1lt of the election. SECTiON 12. This Ordinance shaIl be effective ir:lInediately upon passage. PASSB}) Al1D ADOPTED by the City COl:lrui ssian of the Ci ty of Clearvla ter, Plor1da: PASSE}) ON PASSED ON PASSED ON THE FIRST HEAI>INU TIlE SECOUD READING THE THIRD REA.DIHG Decernber De celllbo1'" December 9, 1949. 9, 1949. 10, 1949. Signed: G. L. Kennedy __ ____ Actine Iliayor-Cor.nn1ssioner '. H. G. Wingo "d~ty Auditor and Clerk :> ~- (., , L . ~ ~\ I I \ i I. , .'.: , ' ' - . .' 'f,;' I \. pe � , - _; CT`1'Y COPI�I'J'iISSION NIELTZIQG 35 3 December 10, 1949 9 A.M. The Gitq Co�nission oF the C3.tq of Clarzrtvater met in 3pec3al Se�3ion at City Hall, Saturday, Decomber lOth at 9:00 A.h:. with the following members present: Guy L. Ksnnad,y Actin� IvIayor-Cormnissioner Herber't h4, Brovan -�ommissioner Lfiland F. Drew -Corrunissioner Absent: Harry D. Sr�rgeant -Ma�or-Coumiissioner E. B. Casler J'r. -Cor.unissioner l�lso Presant �Vere; Boyd A. Bennett -Ci�y Manager George T. PlicClanma -Chief of Police Ben Itrentzman -Cit� Atto?^ne� The T;Iayor called the meet3ng to order and sxpl�ined that the meeting had been caTTed £or passing Ordinances #585 and 586, pertain_ing to the Zoning Referendum.' The City kttorney read Ordinance #58� in full. On a motion b� Cobnnissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Drevr, Orclinanca #585 was passed on the third read- in�. Commissioners Ifennedg9 Brorrn and Drew voted "Aye��. There v�ere no n9gative votes and the bZayor declared the Orc�inance adoptede The City �ltto�ne� no�x read Orciinattce �586 in its entirety. Cor�missioner Brown moved the adopt3.on of Orclinance �586. The motioi� was se�onded b,q Co�issione� Dreve and carried. Voting '�Aye°, Gommissioners Kennedy, Srown and Drew. Voting �'No�� none e There being no i�Zr�her 'ousinesa to come before the F3oard, the meeting �as adjourned. / ATTEST: ' City uditox ar Clerk December 7, 1949 �1et3.ng r�ia;�or-Gor.unissionar Guy I�. Kennedy Commissionerst Lel.and b�. vrew Herbext ri. Broivn E, S. Caslar, Jr. Gentlemen: There will be a Special hleetin� of the City (3ormission Saturday Diorning, December l0= at 9;00'A. bi� in the City Hall for the purpose of roassing the Zon3ng amendment on its tliird and fina i reading, Yours verv tMtly, Signede F?�ancis Ce AIid�leton Acting City ATanager , s csy� cor,in;�ssxorr r,��;��rr�� ? � ' �' Deca±�Uer l(3, T�34� URDIIZ�INCL I�O. 5�� AN QRD�'NANCE AI�I�NDTZZCr OFtT_izTVATSCE ;d0. �5.�i A.S An;Ei�TDES), THE CITY ZUIJIA�G ORliINA27G�, AAiL� I'�t0- VTDTNCr b'QR :�UBT�IITTiIJG TYiTS Ai1:�11I�P.i�idrl` t0 A REFERENDil�2 B� T�i� FREEHOLDERS OF' THE CTTY OF QTIEAP,VJAT�R BE IT ORDAINED BY TF?E CTTi' COb'�1,1TSSION OI�' TH� GITY 0�' CLI:AFt4'dATLR, FZORiDA:. Section 1. That Ordinance Number 455, a� amended, bein�; �he Zoning Ord3nance of the Cit3 of Glearwaters Flarida, ia hereby amended as �ollorvs: (a) That all Qf the following descrit�ed property iz� the C3:ty, according to maps thereof recorded in the public records o£ Pinollas County, �'lorida, �o-wit: Lota I and 2, Block 3, }3a,qv�,ew Hei�hts subaiv3sion, P1at Book 3, P�ge 6, Lots 3 and-4, Black 2, Bayv3e�r Hei�;hts Subd3.vision, Plat Boolc 3, Page 6, Lots 23-31 inclus3ve, SunUurst Court Subdivision, Pla� 3ook 13, page 46, Lots 32-38 inclusive,Sunburat Court Sub- d�.vis3.on, Plat Book 13, pa�e 46, Lots 49-56 iz�clusiva, Sunburst Gourt Sub- division, Plat Book 13, pa�e 46, Lots 5 and 9, Elocl� 6, Idorth Shore Park 5ub- division, Plat Book 3, page 10 Lots 7-12 inclusive, Block 7, Piorth Shore Parlt Subdivis3on, Plat Book 3, pape 10, - Zots 7-12 inclus�ve, Block 8, North Share Park Subdivision, tlat Book 3, Page 10, Lots 7-�12 inclusive, Bloek 9, idorth Shore Park Subdivision, Flat Booli 3, Pa�e 10, T,ots 1-4 inclusive, Block 1U, North Shore Park Subdivisian, Plat Boc�k 3, 1'age 10, Lots 1� inclusive, Block 11, North Shore Park Subdivisioi�, Plat Book 3, Page 10, Lots 1-5 inclusivs, Block 12, tdorth Shore Pa�k Subdivision, Plat Book 3, Page I0, shall be chan�ed from R-2 �nultiple dweTliz�g districts to R-1' Ftesiden� Districts, and eaclz in its changed cla:ai�icat�on shall be hereafter subjeet to a 11 the regulations and restrictions of said Ci�y Zoning Ordiz�az�ce as amended. (b) Tkiat the foZlowin� describecl propert� in tYia City to-wit; �ot 1Q, Block 1, l�irs. Sarah P.icr.ullents Subd3vision, according to plat hook l, page 41, and Lots 1-7 inclusive, Block 1, pverbrook Subdivision, according to plat book 8, page 23 shall be changed to B-Eiusiness TJiatrict, and each in its chaz��ed classi- fication shall 'he herea£ter subject to all of the ra�ulations and restrict�ons of said City Zonin� Orrli+�ance, as aniended. (c) That sub_section 3 oi Sectiori XII, general provisions, of said Ordinance No. 455 relating to re�ulation of billboarcls, posters and directional signs is hereby rap�aled, efi'feetive 2�Sarch l, 1950. (d) That the ,£o1low�ng deseribed property locatecl along Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard in the Ciby, according to r� ps thereof recorded in the public records �r Pinellas County, Florida, or acrording to the descrzptiena thereoi otherwise �iven, to-wit: The Uouth 6b0 �'eet of the V7e3t 995 feet o� ttie South half of the :,outi?east Quax�ter of the 2lorbheast Quarter,, Saction 14, Township 29 South, f?ange 15 East, 2'he Sou�ch 330 feet oS the Esst 383 fEet of tlie South halP of the 3ou�Yleast Quarter oi the 23orthea3t �uarter�, Sec�ion 14, Township 29 Soutl.l, Range 15 Eas�, Tlis Sou-�h 330 feet af the South half oi the 2JartYiv+est �uartor, Section 13, Tov�nship 29 South, Ran�e 1.5 Ea�t, The South 330 feet �f the SouiYiwe�t �uarter of the i$ortheast 9,uarter, Sectian 13, Tov�nship 29 �outh, i3an�;e 15 East, The North 350 feet of the East hrxlf oi the ITortheast �uarter of the Narthwes� (�uarter of the Soutlyeast Quarter, Saetion 14,, Tor�nship 29 youth, ftange 15 East, The Idorth 300 zaet of Tract �'A'� o�' a repla� of Block ��D" oi' Suburb Be4utit'ul, accordint; ta map thereof recorcled in r,lat book Z9, page I00. � 3 y:5� CITY C0I:11t4T55TQ1� Ia4EETI2IG T7ecember iQ, 1J�9 ORUINla2JCE T�O. 585 ---oontinued I,ots 1-5, incluaive and the 21or�h 17.5 faet of Lota F and 7, I3].ock "C" and Lots l�a inelu�ive and the I7oxth 17.65 i'eot of Lo�a 5 and 6, 331ock °B°, and Lots 1-91 inclu�ive and the North 1'7 �67. feet of Lots 5 and 6, f�lock "F���, al1 in Suburb Beautiful Subdivision, acqordin�; to plat book 13, pa�e 61, The Naxth 200 feet of �lze West 982�83 feet of the Storth- west �tzar�er o�' the Soiathwest �3uarter, of uection 13,. Townahip 29 :,auttT, Range 15 Fast, Lats 1-12� ix�c7,ua:�?re of Pri;.dv+ay Su'�clivision� accoraing to plat recoxded �n plat book 13, pa�;e 4, Th6 I�lorth 33D feet oi the East 586.08 feei o�' tha North- v�tes� Quarter oi tho 5outhe&st �uarter oi' Sectior� T3,, ' Townsk�.3p 29 Nouth, Ran�e ?5 �ast„ �'hE Tdoxth 330 feet of the 2lartheast Quarter oi the Sn��th- east t�uarter o£ Sect? on 13, To�ms�iip 29 South, �an�;e 15 East, shall re chan�ed to B-3uainess Listricts, and each �n its changed classification slzall be Y�ereafter sutaject to all of the re�;ulatzons and reatrictions of said City Zonin� Ordina nce, a s amended. SECTI02I 2. That tlze Cit� A�aditar and Clerk, is hereby authorized and directeci to enter tre ci�an�es in use districts herein prescribed on the official zoning ma� oF the Cit�� of Clear�rratert Floricia, as ar.iendecl, and tr�at the Cit9 Fuilding InspecLor :Ls authorized and directed ta enforce the provisions of City �oning Crdina nce No. 455, as amended herein, irom and af�er the effective date a� th�s ard:inance. S�CTiUid 3, That all ordinances and parts of oxdirances in conrlict herer�ith be, and the �anre are herab� repeal�d, SL'CTIQTZ 4. 'i'Y�.at trlis Ordinance shall becor�E efiect3ve �r�en a�praveci oy a r�;ajorit� o�' the qualiiied el�ctor� of ihe City af Clear•raa}er tirho are f'reehoTd�rs vrithin said City, votiri�; at a special election callscl And lie7.a in the r..anner proviae4 :oy the City �or:miis�ion rs� ea�d Cit� far the purnose oi deterr:inin� vrhetYxer th�s a�ner.d�d ordirance shall. go inta effect. i'ASS�D l�2drr &TiUPTr'� 1��, �he Gity Comrlission of �he (;ity oi Clearv�rat�r in reF;�.lar sesaian assan�led: � PASSEI� on S'irst readin�, Iiecer:zber 5, 1349, FASuLL an �econcl readin�, Lecer!ber 3, 1:949. 1'�,SSE� on thircl reaclin�, Tiecen�ber 10, 1949. Signe�: Criiy Lo Kenna�� Fictin� i�„aycr-Gor�ii�sior.zr Attest: ( Si�;ned) H. i�. b'fin�a Ci�Gy Auui�or ar�d Clerk � �, 0 RI`Pl' COD�iISSiOI?T hiEETING I�ecember J.O, 19�9 OR�TAtANC;E N0. 586 A2d �Fil�liSARTC;L PROVillIYdG I+'�R A SYECIAL I+:IJNTCII'ATt LLECTIQN TO BE iIET�D 1N CQ1Q- JUI�CTIUT� ViTTFi '1'?�� RB:U"UsT.,AR ELEC^IUSi GN DECLT,:BLft 2tlJ 1949 �'0 I7�TFR3,:TD1L; 1'�FiETiiER CERTA2N P1?OPqS'r;Ii fiI1�EIVI7P,i�T1�5 S�iA�T. BF7 riADE TQ TF� CTTX ZONT�iG pftU.iNAltCE. BE IT ORDATZTET� BY Tf� CTTY COT;:T,:ZSSic)2T OF fiIfiE CTZ'�' 0�� CLIL�II�CIk7,'i3ft, b'T,URIUA; SECT]:tl23 l. That a special iuu�zieiutl elec{;�.on sr�ll be l;xal.d, iiz �he mannor herein providerl, on Tuesd�g, liecea•�t�er 2Q, ];9�'n9, �or �lie �urpoee o�' deter- r��in3ng �^�lzethar certazn propased chan�es sl�ll ba m�tde to t�r.clin�r;r.o TIo� 455� tha Cit�* ��ning Orclinance. " SECTIOTa �a At sa�d special n�unic3Fa1 election,, sn3.d propaeac� chan.Res ta sa3d �onin� Orc73.r.�nce, as incor�:oratecl ir. Orcli�ance Ydo. 585 �hA11 be .subini�t�ted to a vote �nd sa�,8 Ordinance No. 585 Votad tip�n �hall be aceepted or rejec�ed �s a whole. BECTTOTv' 3. Onl;* qualiiied eJ,ectors of the Cit�r oi Cleflri��a�er, v�ho are freeholders witl�,in the Cit� shal7. be eli�;ible to vote AL said election> SECTION �a All perso�s s]Zall k,e qu�alifieci freeY�,olders of the Citv of Clearwater v�ho shall be registere� as such acr.ording to 7.aw, ae ovidencec� i�y the records of the Sup�ivisor of Registration of Pinellas Count�;, r�lori�a, and as sho�m on a certi�ied list tLeraof 9ubr�i:ittaci by s�a.d SLiberviscr Piftesn (15) days prior to said elactiona Registra.tion bool�s for the purpo9os o= said election shall be closed th3rty (30} days prior to and exclusive o� the election ac�5. S�CzIO2T 5. The list so certified and subraitted by �he Cnunty Supervisor sha11 be open to public inspection At �the of�ice of the City Audi�or and �lerk upon receipt of sar.�e from the Supervisor and it et�ll no�t be necessar;,* �o otherV�ise publ;sh the names 'listed thereon. SECTIQN 6. At least four (4} days before tYie dai,e of said election, the Cit� Cox;�iiseion af the City o� Clear�vater shall raeet at the City Iiall for the purposs of ievie�rrin�; su.ch, rebistration list and to restore any nar.ie or names to such �2st as n;ay have been improperlv omittec: or stricken thersfrom. The re�;istration list so revised and campleted shall constitute -the list of' voters eligiY,le to voto in said election. Notice of the meeting to revise the list aYta11 be given at leas� one week beiore said elsct3.on '65 puvlicat�on one (1) time in a newspa�er of �,eneral circti3at_Gn in the City. . SECTION 7. The Cit�y Cor,lxn3ssion shall cau�e to be published in a newspaper of gener&1 circlrlation in the City, once a week for ttvo (2) conseclztive vreaks, a notice atating the gurpose of �he slection, the gollin� place And tYze claas af persons eli�ibls to vote trerein, the first puUlication to be at least ten cags before the electien. uECTIOAT 8. Votes in such slection shall k�e c�st a� polls sat iab in the CitS Fire St�tion on Pdorth Garden l�venue and the Clearwa�er Beach h'3.re Statiari on ilanclalay Aver.ue. The polls sha7.1 open at 7:00 A: PiI. Standard Time, and close at 6:30 P, i<i. Standard lirae on the day o= said election. SE�TION 9. inspectors and Clerks of the election shall be appo�.nted b;r t�.e Cit� Cor,rnission, except that, if the Gorrm�ission shall fail to a�point same a{: least tvro (2} da�s before the date: of the election, the Niayor-Corm.iissioner sha11 appoint them . SECTION T0. The �question to be sut�riitted to the voters at said e�ection sha11 be crhether or not Ordi,nance TJumber 585 shall be accepted or r�jected as a rrhale. Vatin�; machines ahe,ll be used and the ballots shall contaln the question «Do �ou Favos� the Adoptlon of Ordinance Num'be� 58���. The election shall be conducted in accordance v+ith the provieions of Ordinance TTumber 567 �nd other applicable laivs. Printed sample copies of C�rdinance 21u�ber 585 shall be posted at each pollin� place and said ordinance shall 'pe published in i1a.11 in two (2) sepaa�ate issues of a news- paper oP gencZ�al c�rcuiation in Clearwate�, Florida, the i'ir3t insertion fio be at least six (6) cTa�� prior to December 20, 1949. SECTIOI�i 11. °�.'he xesult of the vating shall be cert3fied b,y returns in duplicate, si�ned by the C1erk and a majorittY of the elecGion Inspectors. One copy of such return shal.l b�3 deliverecl ta �he I�.iayor-Commissioner and th:e o�ther cop3 to the Ci�y Auditor and C;lerk, k�o�h of whom ahall tranamit such returns t� the C3�y Comm3.ssion at a meetin�; ta be held at 12;00 IJoon Standarcl Time on the da� following the election. At sur.r r,leeting, the City Cornnission shal:L canvasa the returng and declare +he result cf the election. SECTTON ]2< This Ordinr�nce sha1T be a�fective ix�uned3ately upon passa�e. PA,SSED �:1'JD ATiUTTEL by the City Go�niss3.on of the Cii;�r of Cle�irvrater, b'lorida. PASSED ON TFfE FIRST READING Decembar 9, 1949. T'ASSETi ON TFiE SECOP,iIJ R�ADTSJG Decent'hex 9, 1��9. PASSF.�77 ON THE THiitD i�EADIT7� Dacember 10, :1943. .Sigraeci: U. L. Iienne�-- A�c-�in�; 2�iayar-Cormi3ssio�er Attest. Si�;ned: H. G. P�in�o Ci�y Auditor and Clork � �