12/09/1949 : ,~. '. 1 : ' ':'~~i:,,~:~:..VI . . ,.' . ~, ~ ." .. 'j " '. 'I:, :', . ,} I:.'. j' , ".. ~~ . '~ , .' , 'I' I. . ! , ) .' I " . I ' , '. ".~ ' , , '. , , ~, .' ~ ~',;'.;. ..A" '.\ ;.".. .#. .' >'. ~ . " ~..., . : , . .'...., ,~u..".....,. '" ,._ . . .;.~:: " .'.... i:~ "li" CITY COMMISSION MEETING December 9, 1949 12 noon ) +-q The City Commiasion or the City of Clearwater met in Speoial Session at 12: 00 Noon, Frida y, Dec ember 9, 1949 wi th the followin~ met!1bera present: I -.e Guy L. Kennedy Harbert M. Brown E. B. Casler Jr. Leland Fl. Drew -Acting Mayor-Con~isBloner -Conmlissj,oner -Conmlissloner -Commissioner i'" ~ ' '\ I , i Absent: Harry D. Sargeant -Mayor-Commissioner Also Present Were: Boyd A. Bennett George T. :lI1cClamrna Ben Krentzmlln -Ci ty I\lanap,er -Chiof of Police -City Attorney The r,tayor called the meeting to order. A Publ1c Hearing having been advertised on the proposal to install an 8 inch Sanitary Sewer line on Clearwater street, and no objections being heard, a Resolution was preaente6 by the City Attorney which would authorize the improvement. Corrnnissioner Casler moved that the resolution be adopted, COT@lissioner Drew seconded the motion and it carr1ed. Voting "Aye It, Conrrnissioners Kennedy, Brown, Caslor and Drew. Voting "No"', none. The City Manager estimated the total cost of the SeYler }Iain at $4500.00" or- which the Oi ty' s portion would be ~p2800.00 and the rel:l!:)' inder would be assessed against the abutting properties. \ I f I I 1 I, . C:,i;iti. i . t;" " ''-...,.,.'' , . J~~\~ .~.:: The Conrrnission considered the request of the Edgewater Drive Association the t "all land lying along both sides of Edgewa ter Dr1ve, extending from the rear property line of all lots facing South on Sunset Point Road, North to the Dunedin line and East to the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad", be change& from R2 to R-l Zoning. Mr. H. H. Baskin, representing the Association, suggested that the City incorporate a new classification for this area, referred to as R-la, into the Zoning Ordinance Amendment, which would permit "any use permitted in an R-l District and in addition, Hotels and Apartments expressly excludine Tourist Courts, Motor Courts, Motels and Trailer Parks, upon Special Pennit issued by the City Commission, after due notice and publiC hearing." The Zoning Board's recommendation \"Ia s tha t no change be made in present zoning. C01;11n1 ss loner Ca slar moved tha t tIle Zoning Bonrd's recommendation be accepted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously. On the propoaal to zone those lots in Harbor Gales, noVl zoned for "business" to permit use for professional offices only, the Zoning Board recotmlended that no change be made in present zoning. Commissioner Brown moved that the Zoning Board's reco~endation be followed. Commissioner Drew seconded the motion and it carried. The City Attorney read Ordinance #585, an Ordinance to Arnend Urdinance #455, the City Zoning Ordinance in full. Comnlissioner Drew moved that the Ordinance be passed on the first reading. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and it carried. Commissioners Kennedy# Brown, Casler and Drew voted "Aye". Negative, "none'~ The City Attorney now read Ordinance #585 in full the second time. CommIssioner Casler moved that Urdinance #585 be passed on the second reading. The motion was seconded by Co~nissioner Brown and carried. COL$lissioners Kennedy, Brown, Casler and Drew voted "Aye". Negative, "none". The City Attorney sl.l.bmitted Ordinance #586, an Ordinance providing for a referendum on Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. Co~~ssloner Casler moved that the Ordinance be passed on the first reading. Conmiss1oner Drew seconded the motion and it carried. Voting "Aye", Commissioners Kennedy, Brown, Casler and Drew. Voting "nolt none. The City Attorney now read Ordinance #586 in full for Commissioner Casler moved that Ordinance #586 be passed on The motion was seconded by Commissioner Drew and carried. Kennedy, Brown, Casler and Drew. On a motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by;ommissioner Drew and carried, the Conunlssion approved the fonn of Election Returi'1 submi tted by the City Clerk. The City Manager read a letter from the Department Headquarters of the Veterans of It'oreign Wars requesting permission to display one of their 110bile Vlar Exhibits in Clearwa ter December 23rd, 24th, and 25th. Connnissioner Casler moved tha t the permission be granted subject to the written approval o~ the Local Chapter or- the V. F. W. and the City lIlanager's approval of the location. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Drew and carried unanimously. the second time. the second reading. Voting "Aye", Connniss:ioners There being no further business to come before the Boal~, the meeting was adjourned. ~ _....tjI:J'.:o""-....._ i~ signed: December 7, 1949 . . ", ,., ..~.~_......!;.)\...:.....,'.' ,.~ ..,.....,~:.i1:,:.;,..."o;J.;,:.'.":~"".,.,,.:~'......... ". -." ...'t:.....\~!...,.;....... CITY CO~~tISSION MEETING Deoember 9, 1949 12 noon ,':;~)T~':,:;}!';::i!'1 "\-, '.- .:...'.",.... .;;jIi~;,:;,lrJ ...','. ",'~..r.i-'\ ,; , ' 'I '.'. '''J' , , "'_1:i,J.;'" , , "\ ',.' I :,) . ,,~ \ '\/ ,.I Oity o~ Clearwater Inter-Ofrice Communication To Frorn Mr. Bennett Anderson, Seo'y. Zoning Board . '. ~ .:. " ~ ' -: ". Subjeot: Item #] - REQ,UEST 01.1 RE-ZOIUNG EDGEWNJ.1EH DHIVE SEC'l'IOU At the speoial meeting of the Zoning Uoard held Tuosday evening, December 61 1949, the Board voted in fa VOl' of the following roco1l1I'\enda tioru 't'J~o change be made in the present zoning." r , I I r I " " I" '. '. ", '"." :'r:, The above recol':111lenda tion is in answer to your me}'l\O of DectJr.tber 1, 1949. Attached herewi th is a copy of a reque st signod by H. H. Baskin and Ha lph Richards Att'ys. for the Edgewater Drive Association and Lewis Homer. .' ::,;' : . .~.:'. . : ," .,'... t i December 5, 1949 . I " , , J The Honorable City Commission, The Zoning Board, City of Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: Re:Request for Zoning Changes You will recall that at the hearing held puraunnt to pUblic notice before the City Commission on November 30, 1949, our request to rezone the following property, to wit: All land lying along both sides o~ Ed~ewater Drive, extending from the rear property line of all lots facing South on Sunset Point Road North to the Dunedin line and East to the At- lantic Coast Line Railroad, was referred back to the Zoning Board, in the light of a.n objection raade by Mr. Lewis IIomer and his a ttorney I I\lr. Ralph Richarda-, for f"o..l.rther screening and report back to the Commission in time for its meeting on December 9, 1949. Since said time, George W. Smith and I have been employed to represent the Edgewater Drive Association, and we believe that we have worked out a proper solution to our problem which will be to the best interests of the public and all property owners concerned. Will you therefore please consider for favorable action the following zoning changes a s a modifica t:ton of' our original petition heard November 30: 1. Amend Section III or the Zoning Ordinance of the Citr, of Clearwater, to establish an additional Use District, to be deoignated Itn_lA', or any other agreeable designation, for "Any use permitted in a R-l District, and in addition, Hotels and Apartments, express- ly excluding tourist courts, motor courts, motels, and trailer parks, upon Special Per- mit issued by the City Commission, after due notice and public hearing." 2. Amend the Zoning Map to change all of above described property from R-2" its present designation, to this new Use District, "R_lAlt or however otherwise designated. Mr. Richards is joining us in this petition as this solution is satisfactory to him and his client. Respectlully submitted, H. H. Baskin AP PROVED: Signed: Ralph Richards . Inter-Office Communication To Mr. Bennett oc City ~ttorl1ey From Anoeraon, See'y - Zoning Board Subjoot: Itom #2 - REZOlIE CERTAIl! LOTS IN HARBOR OAKS SUB. At the speoial meeting of the Zoning noa~ held Tuesday even1ng, December 6, 1949, the Board voted in favor of the following recommendation: Decomber 7, 1949 "No change be made in the present zoning." . .,; I!V~ ....._. _...~.. .. l"~ ~~"'~--'...... if, f^;. .," .. .:," City Commission Meeting December 9, 1049 ';:.' ;":':)':':~:<'~';::;\i;!(;f~:::t{tio'Y::l~~ ';?'~" Z "..,.'" . ..'t"'}l'~~~ '~';";'i.;1t~ Election Return STATE OF !t'LORIDA COUnTY 01<' PINELLAS CITY OF CLEAHVlATER against votes ; :rI~~&~~} .,' ~, i '.~' ~"~(:'f.. .....~. l!l: ..' . ,", .. .. '1-, ,,,t * t~''''~'''l' 't i :~: .i;~ -~-';~~f,t~';.1~,..t~. 'I ,~, I." .."."... 'i'1. ,', " t '..', ",'.. '7.'1 tl :.,.'/."" '/- )' . 1',~t~,~'jf':"'~'''':\'.~t ", "(/~~~:(?j{'~i;" !' , '" ; ',,>J;:<;'/ I .. . ':. ,t~~~ ~:i.f;._:' I!i~~i}~i~~t; : (.."..q,:1~~qg'1 ';;F !'i,;:r.: ~~~~ ~\\~:~ We the undersigned Clerk and Inspec tora ot: the C; i ty General Eleotion held on Tuesday, December 20, 1949, polling plaoe at the Clearwater Fire Station 1 on North Garden Avenue do hereby certify that we have conducted said eleotion aocording to law and upon count1ng~he ballots find the result of said election to be as ro11owa: Total number of ballots cast Total number of lJallots mutilated Ordinance # .for votes For Commissioner to serve for a ter.m of two years. received votes received votes received votes received votes; race i ved votes Given under our hands at Clearwater, F1orida~ this 20th da~ of' December, A.D. 1949. CLERK -nISPEC'llOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR I~TSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR Sworn to and subscribdd before me at Clearwater, Florida this 20th day of December, A. D. 1949. City Auditor and Clork ',. , ;". '.' ", . "'h'{~f~?j~~!ii~;;~i:.il'"'iL"",i;";;~'~j",^,,,~.;:'''''''e'''''''i);''''""'''","i; ."i. ,......, ....,._,;;,~". ,: "'" ,i., ,,' "" ...~,;;,~,;;;.~;,~.'..,." OITY OOMlvlI8SIOl'l 1I1EETING December 9, 1949 AGENDA 1. Public Hearing of the Sewer on Clearwater Street. 2. Consideration or Ordinance ~lendlng the presont Zoning Law. 3. Considera tlon or preps ra tions for Ihmioipal Elec tion on Deo61ilber 20, 1949. .-------------------------------------------------~-~ , IU.."'SOUJTION WHEREAS the City Oonunisslon, by motinn duly passed on tho 21st day of November A. D., 1949, deemed it adviBab~e, necessar-,i and to the best interest of the City 01' Clearwa ter, l.'lorida to do certa in work and Dlake certain im- provements, 8S hereinafter described, within said City, end WHEREAS proper and legal notice of its intontlona to do such work has been published, a copy of said notice along with the publisher' 8 affidavit a8 to its date of publioation beinp. hereto attached and by ref'()renoe made a pal't hereo.f, and WHEREAS the public hearing therein described has this date been held, and no objeotion to said improvements have been offered or made, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City CO~Jission of the City 01' Clear- water~ Florida, in session duly and regularly provided: 1. That no objection to said improvenJents having been lnade~ and it being deemed advisable, necessary and to the beat interest of the said City that the .following work and ir..provenents be d one wi thin sa jd City: Install an ei~ht-inch sanitary sewer with four manholes and appurtenances on Bast Clearwater Street from the west edge of Mandalay Avenue east to Bay Esplanade, for a di~tance 0.1' app~oximately 950 feet. 2. TIlat the proper officials and employees shall forthwith proceed with said improvements under applicable provistona o.f the City Charter. 3. That when said ir.'!provements shall ha ve been completed, the cost thereof shall be assessed against the property abutting said street and avenue. PASSED A}ID ADOPTED this 9th day of December, A. D., 1949. Signed: Guy L. Kennedy Ac ting :tla yor-Conu'!lissioner Attest: Sl~ed: H. G. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk SEViliR LINE CLEARWATER ST. Esti~Rted cost $4,500.00 Estimated length 915.00 f't. Total assessable frontage 1500.08 feet Frontage 82?54 153. r/5 Oity of' Clearwater Dolores Shear G. Warren Wheeler Esse1styn Investment Company E. L. Roux, Est. Estin~ted Assessment () 2,482.62 461.25 153.75 525.00 87'7.62 51.25 175.00 292.54 $ 4,500.24.1 Cost per assessable foot. $3.00 NOTE: Legal costs, etc. not included -" I"" -- CTTY COIa;P�iT�SI�I�T T+;EETI1dG Decamber 9, 1949 ]:2 �oon > �-9 The City Corru-nission oi' t2ze City �f C�ea2uvater met in Special Session �� 12:00 Noon, Friday, Decemher 9, 1949 with the f�llovcin� members present: Guy L. Kennedy Acting N1a?/or-Cazr�ni,ssioner Fferber.t Ir4. Brown -.Coznmia�ioner E. B. Casler Jr. -Commissioner• Lel$nd �. Drevr -Commissioner Absen �: Harry L. Sargeant -llleyor-Commissioner Also Present Were: Soyd A. Bennet� -City ialana�er George T. it2cClairnna -Chie#' of Police Ben Kren�zman -City Attorney The P,iayor called the meeting to order. A Public Hearin� ;asving �ieen advertisad on �ha proposal to install an S inch Sanitary Sev�er line on Clearvrater Street, and no object�.ons being hea5�u, a Resolution vras pxeaentecl bf the City Attorney which �vould authorize the improveniant. Commiss3aner Gasler moved that the resolution be adopted, Commissioner Drew seconded the motion'and it carried. Voting "Aye'�, Cormnissioners Kennedy, Bror�n, Casler and Drew. Votin� '�I1o°i, none. The City Nanagor e3timated the total cost of the Sev�er hiain at �4500.00, oF which the City's portion would be yp2800.00 and the re�ainder �vould be assessed against the abutting propertiea, The Cottmiission ec5nsidererl the �equest of the Edgewater Drive Association that ��all land ly3n� al�n� both sides o� Edgewater Drive, extendinK Pror.n the rea� property lino of all lots facing South on Suns�� Point Road, PTorth to the T�u:nedin line and East to the AtZ�ntia Cosst T�ine Railroad��", be changed frora R2 to R-1 Zoning, h7r. FI. H. Baskin, representing the Association, suggested th�tt the Citg incorporate a netv classification for this ar�a, re=erred to as R-I&, into the Zoning Ordinance Amendment, which would permit '�any use permitted in an R-1 District and in addition, Ho�els and Apartmants expressly excluding Tourist Court�, Motor Courts, �1oteTs and Trailer Parks, uPon Special �°erniit 3ssued by �he City Cor�rnission, after due notice and publie heaxing.�t The Zoning Boardts rec�menda.tion ��as that no change be made in present zoning. Cor�missiox�er Casler moved that the Zoning Board�s reco�endation be accepted. Tha motion was secondeci by Cozrunissioner Brown and carried unaniriously. Qn the proposal to zone �thosa lots in �iarbo� Oaks, now zaned for f�Uusiness�� to permit use Por prafessional offiees only, the Zoning Board racomnended that no change be i:iade in present zoning. Cor:unissioner Br�tivn �noved that the 7,oning l3oard�s recommen_dation be followed. Commissioner Drew seconded the rsotion and it carried. The City 4ttorneq read Ordinance �`585, an �rdinance to Araend ���dinance ,-�a55, the C�ty Z�ning Ordinance i:� fu1T. Commissioner Dre� moved that the Ordinance be passed on the first reading� Coimnissioner I3rown seconded tl:e motion and it carried. Cormnissianers Kennedy, Brown, Casler and Drew voted "Aye". Negative, °none: The City Attorne� now read Ordinance �585 in full the second time. Gommiasioner Casler movad that Urdin.ance �`585 be passad on the second reading. The motion was seconded b� Corzinisaioner Broyn and carried. Gorr,rsiss;oner� Kennedy, Brown, Caslar and Drew voted "Aye��. Pdegative, "none". The City Attarnep submitted Ordinance #586, an Ordinance provicling for a re�erendum on Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. Cor�nwssion3r Casler moved that the Ordinance be passad on the first read3ng. Commissioner Drew seconded the motion and it carried. Voting °Aye��, Commi.ssioners Kennedy, Brnwn, Casler and Draw. Voting °no�� none, 'i'he City Attorneg nn�r read Ordinance �586 in i`ull for the second time. Cormnissioner Casler moved that fkrdinance �}�i86 ba passed on the second reading, Tho motion was sdconded by Comm3ssioner Drew and carried. Votin� �'Aye", Cor�nnissioners Kennedy, Brotivn, Casler and Drew. On a motion by Connnissioner Brown, seconded ta�r �oimnissioner Dracv and carried, � the Conun:ission approved the form of Election Aeturn�subrsitted bg the City Clerk. The CiLy P.4anager read a latter from the Department Headquarters of the Veterans of Foreign 1Yars requesting permission to display one of their hlobile �dar Exhibits: in C16arwater December 23rd, 24th, and 25th. Co�unissioner Cas'ler mored that the permission be �ranted subjeet to the written approval of the Loca1 Chapter of the V. F. W. and the City �lIanc��er�s approval of the location. The �ot;ion v�as seconded by Comm:Lssioner Dre�v and aarried unar_imously, There being no further business �� come bePore the �oard, the meeting was adjourned. tayor- `o� • 9sioner � ATTEST: C�y-- u itor and ler3� � � ` ! CITY COn�1�1ISSI0N IvtEE'PIi1G Decembsr 9, 1949 12 noan December 7, 1949 C3tg of Clearwater Inter-Off3ce CouIInunicat;ion; To Nir. Sennatt From Anderson, Sec�y. Zoning Board Subject: Item �]l - REQUEST OF RE-ZONTNG EDGEVJATER �RTV� SECTIOIv` �t 'che §pecial meeting of the Zoning Boarc� held TuesdAy even�,ng, yacember 6, I949, the Board 'voted in favor of the following recomriendation: «No chan�e tae made i� the present zoning.�t The above recoimnendation is in answer to your memo oi' DeceraUer l, 1949. Attached herew3.th is a cn�oy of a request signed by Ii. H. Baskin and Ralph Richards Att+ys. for the Edgewater vrive Association and T,ewis FIomer. December 5, 1948 The Honorable City Co�niasion, The Zonii?g Board, City of Clear�watsr, Florida Re;Request for ��ning Changea Gentlemen: You will recall that at the ltaearing held pursusnt to public notice before the City Commission on November 30, 1949, our �equest to rezone the Pollowing propert�r, �o wits A11 land lying along both sides of Ed�ewater �rive, ex�ending from the rear property line of all lots facing SQi�th on Sunset Po3nt Road North to the Dunedin line and East to the At- lantic Coast Line Railroad� was referred baek to the Zoning Board, in the light of an objection made by Mr. L��vis Homer and his attorneyD a2r. Ralph Richard�, for �zr�her screening and report back to the CorJmission in time £or its meeting on December 9, 1949. Since said time, Goorge W. Sniith and I have been employed to represent the Edgewater Drive Associat3.on, and we believe that v�e have worl.ed ou� a proper solution to our problem v�hieh will be to the best interests of the public and all property owners concerned. V:�ill you therafore please consider £or iavorable action the fallovving zoning cY�an�es as a modification of our original petition heard Ttovember 30; 1. Amend Section III of the Zoning Ordinance of the Cit�q of Cleartivater, to establish an addit�onaT Use District, to be designated °'R-1A�, or Qnq othar agre�able designation, for ��Any use permittec? in a R-1 District, arxl in addition, Hotels and Apartments, express- ly excluding tourist couxts, motor courts, motels, a nd trailer parks, upon Special Per mit iasued by the City Co�mnisaion, a£ter due nQtice and public hearing.�� 2. Amend the Zonin� Iviap to change a11 of above described property from R-2:, its present designation, to this nec� Use District, "R-lA°°or hocraver otheivrise designatec�. I�r. Richards is jo�.ning ua 3n this p�tit3on as this solution is satisfactory to him and his eliant. ResPectilzlly submitted, 3igned6 H. A. Basl�in APPROVED: Signeds Ra1ph R3.chards Inter-0ffice Cornmunication Decomber 7, 1�349 To Rire Bennett cc City Attornay From Anderson, Secry - Zoning Board Sub�ect: Item �2 - REZOTtE CERTAIZ? LOTS IN FiARi30R UAIiS SUB. A� the apecial meeting of the Zoning Board held Tuesclay evenin�, Dacember 6, T949, the 3oard voted in favor of the �ollowing racorrnnendation; °Ido ehange be made in �he present zon�ng.t� � Gity Com�nission IJ(eeting Decombar 9, 1949 Election Roturn STATE' OF FT,ORTI)A COUI'iTY OF PIZdLL"7�AS CITX OF CLEARYIATER We the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors of the C;,ty Gen�ral Election held on Tuesday, D�cember 20, 1949, polling placo at the Clearv�ater Fire Station on North Garden Avenue do horeby certi�y that vJe have conducte4 said election according to law and upon counting the ballots find the resuli� of said election to be as follows: Total number oi' ballots cast Total number of ballotg mutilated ordinanca # for votes� a�ainst vote°� For Commissioner to serve i'or a term oi` two yeaxs. received votes received notea received votes received votes: received vote� Given under our hands at Clearwater, Florida, this 20th c�a;� oi Dece�!ber, A.D. 1949. C�� INSPiCTOR INSPECTOR INSp�CTOR IPISPECTOR INSPEGTOR INSPECTOR INSPEGTOR IPTSPEGTOR IIISYECTOR Sc�rarn to and suUscribed bafore me at Clearv+ater, Florida this 20th day of December, A. D. 1949, Gi}y Auditor �nd Clexk 351 � CITX C011ShIISSIOTT I�tEETINC: Decom�er 9, 1949 A GENDA �. PuUlic Hearing of the Sewer on Clearwater Street. --- 2. Considera�ion of OrdinAnce amending tl�.e presont Zoning,T�aw. 3. Consideratian of preparations for I�Iunic3.pal Election on Decomber 2U, 19�#9. ---- ------ ------------,--------------�-- ----------- RESOLUTION ' WIiEREAS tbe Cit� Commission, by motion c?.uly passed on the 21.st day of November A. D., 1�J49, deemad it advisal�le, necessary and to tYie best interest of the City of Clearwater, Florida to do certain work and malie certain im- . provements, as hereinafter describsd, �vithin said C3ty, and VVIiEREAS' proper snd legal notice of i�s in�entions to do suc� work has been published, a copy of said notice along with the publisherts affidav3t as to its date of �ublication being hereta attached and bg reforence riade a part hereof, and yVHERFA,5 the public hears.ng therein dascribed has th3.s date been held, and no objection to said impr�vements have been offered or made, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Cit� CorrmYission of thA Cit,y of Clear- �atzr, Florida,, in session duly and ragularly provided; 1. That na objection �o said improvements having been made, and i�G being deemed advis&ble, necessarg and to the best interest of the said C3ty that the foll�wing work and in�.prove�ents be done xithin said Gityz Install an eight-inch saiiitary sewer with four manholee and appurtienances on East Clearwater Street fron the v+est edge of bIandalay Avenue east to Bay �splanade, �or a distance �f approximately 950 f'eat. 2� Th�t tre proper officiels and asnployees shAlT forthvrith proc�ed vaith said improvements under applicable provisions of the City Charte.re 3. That v�h�n said ir:provements shall have been cornpleted, the cost thereof shall be assessed against the property abutting said street and avenue. PASSED �ATD ADOPTED -Ehis 9th day of December, A. D., 1949. Signeds Guy L. Kenned,q Acting nIay�r-Cor.miissione� Attest: Si�ned: A. G. VJin�o City'Auditor and Clerk � SEV,IER I,I3JE - CLEAR4�IATER ST. Estimated cost �p4,��0.U0 Estimated length 915.00 i't. Total assessable frontage 1500.08 feet Fronta�e Estin:atod Assessntent City of Cle�rvvater 827.54 �” .N s 482.62 Dolores Shear 153.75 461.25 G. Warren Wheeler 51.25 153.75 Esselst3rn Investment Company 175„00 525.00 E. L, Roux, Est. 292�54 87"/.62 �p 4, 500.24 Cost per'assessaYzle foo� . �3a0U NOTEs Legal costsy etc. not ineZuded n �