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December 5, 1949 12 noon
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The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in Special Seaslon at
City Hall, Monday, December 5th, at 12:00 noon for the purpose or appointing
an Aotinr; Mayor to serve durinp. the absence of Mayor Sargeant, with the
following members present:
E. B. Casler Jr.
Le la nd 1". Drew.
Guy L. Kennedy
Harry D. Sargeant
Herbert M. Brown
-CorrDlIis sioner
~ i
Also Present Were:
F. C. Middleton
Ben Krentzman
George T. NcClamma
-Acting City Manager
-City Attorney
-Chief of' Police
COlllXnlssioner Drew nO!:l1nated COl!1l'Tl1ss1oner Casler to act as aha irn:an.
There being no further nomination he was declared Chairman of the meeting.
Commissioner Drew noved that Commissioner Kennedy be nominated as Acting
Mayor during the illness of Mayor-Commissioner Sargeant. There being no fur-
ther nominations" Conunissioner Kennedy was unanimously elected to serve as
Aoting Mayor.
By unanimous consent the Con~iss1on agreed to meet Thursday, December 15th
at 7:30 P. M. In lieu of the regular meeting scheduled for this date (Dec. 5th)
at which meeting the Connnission will review the list o:f qualified voters, and
restore any nar,10S which may have been omittod through error, approve the petitions
of candidates and to dispose of any other matter requiring the attenti'on of the
By consent, the Commission was scheduled to neet Saturday Decomber lOth,
at 9:00 A. M. for the purpose of passing the Zoning Amendment on its third
COInrnissj.oner Drew moved that the following persons be approved as election
orficials for the Municipal Blectlon to be held Tuesday, December 20th:
1~inland Fire Station
Sumner R. Lowe
Mrs Mollie Shearer
J. R. Thomas
1,;1'8 Marion Rousseau
Mrs Marie Thompson
Mrs Sa lIfe Guz:ma n
Mrs J. A. Rope
Airs Bert Brad'y
Beach Fire Station
Dallas R. Sherwood
Mrs R. L. Sweger
Mra Callie W. Burton
Mrs J. D. Parrock
The Inotion was seconded by COllmlissioner Casler and carried unanin.ously.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
adjourned. ·
. .
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December 5, 7.949 12 noon
The City Cornmis�ion of the City of Glearwater rriet in Special Sossion at
Cit� Hall, Monday, December 5th, at 12:00 noon Por the purpose of appointing
an Actin�; D2ayor to servfl dur�.n�; the absence oP Itiiayor Sargeant, vtith t2ia
�ollow�.n� membera p�esent:
E, �,. Cas7.er Jr. -Cor.�nniss�.oner
Leland k�. Drew -Corrm3ssioner
Guy L. Kennedy -Con�nissioner
Har,ry D. Sargeant -Alsyor-Go�nnissioner
Herbert IvI. Brown ..Co*amissioner
Alao Present 4Jere:
F. C. 14idc1leton -Aating �it5* htanager
Ben Krentzman -City Attorney
Geor�e T. i�IcClamma -Chief of Folice
Co�missioner Drew nominated Cdrnnissionor Casler to act as Chair�sn.
There being no i�arther nomination he tva.s declared Chairrnan o£ �he meetin�.
Commissioner Drew Moved that Commissionex Kennedg be nomineted as Acting
Ma�or durin� the illness of IE4ayor-Co�unissioner 5ergeant. There being no fur-
� ther nominations, Corrmlissioner Kenned,y v�as vnariimousl3� electad to serve aa
Acting bTayor.
Eiy una nimous consent the Congnission agraed to mee� Thursda,q, December 15th
at 7;30 P, IV1. in lieu of the regular meeting scheduled i'or this data (Dec. 5th)
at wb3eh meetin� the Cormnission will review the list of qu�lified voters, ard
resto� any names whicr may have bsan omitted through error, approve the petitions
of candidst�s and to aispose of any other matter requirin� the �ttention of the
By cohsent, the Cozrunission was scheduled to rzeet Saturday Decer.�ber lOth,
at 9:00 A. ?v7. for the purpose of passing the Zoning Amendraent on 9.ts third
Conmissioner Drew moved that the £ollowing per�sons be approved as ele�tion
officials for the hiunicipal EJ_eetion to be heid Tuesday, tiecember 2Uth.
bia inland r ire Sta tion
Sumner R. �owe -Clerk
Iiirs hIollie Sheaxer _Inspector
J, R. Zhomas 1e
P�irs P,4arion "Rousseau ��
n4rs T�iarie Thompson ��
Rirs Sallie Guzmm�n �'
M�s J. A o H�ne u
hfrs Bert Brady �r
Beach F'ire Station
Dallas R. Shervrood -t;lerk
N;rs R. T,. Swfager -Tnspector
Mrs �allie 1J. Burton °
hirs „: �, Parrock "
The motion was seconded by Cor,miissioner Casler and carried unaniu.ously.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
adjourned. �
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G y Auditor a C1erk