11/14/1949 ':.' . .~ . ~ ,. } t ...~ , '.~.l.' '. ". .. ... ......~~. --" -'-"'--;---~"._'~'._C"'k'.;'c'~'!'i:;"!W'iJ;;, ..> i,.... 7 ~ ..' ';.,.... I......;: r '.', f 1\ i, I f. ;. r i . t o' f I > \ \ ".,.e. d" ...."...J. '.: ..:.1.... ..'_ . .'.h ",.... ...,.."''-....~__~__.,.,...... ..' _.. ...____,....,~__,....-.......__._..__ .....".:.. ,.. CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 14, 1949 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in Speoial Session at City Hall Monday, November 14~ 1949 at 7:30 P. M. with the following members present: Harry D. Sargeant Herbert M. Brown E. B. Casler Jr. Le 18 nd F'. Drew Guy L. Kennedy Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Conunissioner Absent: None Also present were: Boyd A. Bennett George T. McClamma Ben Krentzman ..,...,.(';.....~."\"'"4~v"'.,>r.-..--Sl'_,.r~.. Ci ty 1I1anager Chie.f of Police - City Attorney The Meeting having been called to order the minutes of the regular meeting November 7th were approved. A public hearing having been held and no objections heard, the City Attorney submitted 8 resolution which would zone as business property Lot 5 less East 236 feet, Block A, John R. Davey Subdivision, owned by A. D. Hartsell. On a DIotion by Commissioner Casler, seconded by Commissioner Brown end unanblous1y carried, the resolution was adopted. A letter from George W. Smith, attorney for Horace Roberts, stated that Mr. Roberts wished to wi thdraw his request for a permit to operate a trailer park on Tract "A", Re Sub of Block D, Suburb Beautiful, but still desires that the property be included in a referendum for a change from R..2 to Business Zoning. Mr. M. B. Thayer, Mrs. J. D. Williams, Mrs. Anna ~meller, expressed themselves 8S being opposed to any increase of property zoned as rtBusinessrt. at this location. Conunissioner Kennedy moved tha t Mr. Roberts' request be set up a s one of the i terns to be discussed a t a publiC hearing preliminary to the enactment of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. The motion was secondad by Commissioner Casler and carried. Conmlissioner Casler, Drew end Kennedy voted "Aye". Commissioner Brown voted uNo.'t City Attorney Krentzrnan submitted an Ordinance which would Amend Ordinance #580 the License Ordinance by setting a license for Hand Laundries at $10.00 (ten dollars). By consent, decision on the Ordinance was deferred for further investigation. The City Attorney submitted Ordinance #583, an Ordinance alllending section 28 of Ordinance #538, as amended, regulating the sale of Alcoholic Beverages. Commissioner Drew moved that the Ordinance be passed on the first reading, Commissioner Casler seconded the motion and it carried. Commissioners Sargeant, Drown, Casler, Drew and Kennedy voted "Aye". Voting "No" none. On a motion by Conuniasioner Drew, seconded by Commissioner Casler and carried, the Ordinance was passed on the second reading by title only. Voting "Aye", Commissioners Sargeant, Brown, Casler, Drew and Kennedy. Voting "No" none. On a motion by Commissioner Drew, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried, Ordinance #583 was .passed on the third reading. COI:1Jl1iasioners Sargeant, Brown, Casler, Drew and Kennedy voted "Ayett.. There were no negative: votes and the Mayor Commissioner declared the Ordinance adopted. The City Manager submitted a request by Dr. R. H. Center and J. A. Perry that Lots 1, 2 & 3, Greenwood Hills Subdivision and Lot 20, Rogers Subdivision, be zoned for business purposes, together with the recommendation by the Zoning Boa~ that th& request b~ denied. Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Mapes, Ed Towson, Henry de Hedouville and Phillip Schamehorn spoke in opposition to rezoning this area. Commissioner Drew moved that the recommendation of the Zoning Board be accepted and the petition denied. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanirl1ous1y. Commissioner Drew moved that the request of Horace Roberts for the re-zoning of Tract A, Re Sub of Block D, Suburb Beautiful be referred to ~le Zoning Board for its study and recommenda tion.. The motion wa s seconded by Conmlissioner Brown and carried. Commissioner Kennedy moved that all the items on Zoning changes to be considered be referred to the Zoning Board before passage of an Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Casler and carried. . The City Manager and Chie.f of Police, having made a survey relative to parking on the East side of Garden Avenue between Cleveland and Park Streets, recommended the establishment of four 12-minute parking meters, with 25 foot No Parking spaces between meters, which would allow ror a freight unloading zone o.fample size, in addition to the four parking meterapaces. Commissioner Brown moved that the recommendations be carried out as soon as possible. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Drew and carried unanimously. City Manager Bennett reported that the Jlmior Chamber of Commerce had drawn $2~OOO.OO from its budget of $3,000.00 for the fiscal year, which amount was $1,250.00 in excess of its usual average for the same period, and that approximately $1,000.00 of the fund remained unexpended. He said that painting and other work necessary to put the building in good condition would cost approximately $700.00. On a motion by Commissioner Drew, seconded by Commissioner Casler and unanimously carried, the City Manager was authorized to expend $700.00 for repairs on the building for.mer1y occupied by the Junior Chamber of Commerce Beach Club. The City Manager reported that he had investigated the garbage collections from some of the larger stores and he had found 9 establishments having 1 truck load of gar- bage for removal per day, six days a week, and 18 places having i truok load per day, I"... " .... _ __,~/It...__ ..< . .. . . ... ~ \or ,t.Y =l . ,<I( ... . . l~ . <('. ...-.....~. , '..' :,.co:.......' ... ',I . ':. I'. CITY CO~1ISSION MEETING November 14. 1949 ......~........l" ,.~.~::.;" six days per week. He recommended that the City charge those places with 1 Truck, load $12.00 per month and those with i Truck load $6.00, the other garbage collection charges to renain unchanged. Commissioner Casler moved that the City Attorne~ be instructed to prepare an Ordinance for discussion. Mr. W. C. Te~ple, addressing the Commission, suggested that the City nake a c~rge of $1.00 for each family unit. Commissioner Drew suggested that the City Manager make a ~port on amount of taxe~ paid by those rirms which require the removal or one-half to one Truck Load of garbage daily. Mayor Sargeant appointed Commissioners Drew, Brown and Gasler aa a Committee to study the garbage situation and report later with their reoommendationR. . " : . , I: . -~ , " On a, motion by Commissioner Drew~ unan1JJlouBly carried.. November 30th was proposed changes in Zoning Ordinance. time be allowed for discussion of each seoonded by COmMissioner Casler and set a s the date for a Public Hear-ing Commissioner Casler suggested tha t a item. on the l1mi ted , I : I City Manager read a letter f'rom Mr. W. W. Blackbu2'n in which Mr. Blackburn submitted a proposal for financing a storm Sewer for drainage at Myrtle Avenue and Cleveland Street. Commissioner Kennedy moved that the City Attorney and City Manager be instructed to write Mr. Blackburn, acknowledge receipt of his letter, outline what the City can do relative tc his proposal for rinanclng the Stol~ Sewer. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Casler and carried unanllmously. .'~ , ' The City Manager submitted detailed plans for installation of a Yacht Basin on the South Side of the Causeway, West of the West Causeway Bridge, stating that it was pnoposed to charge $100.00 per month for each 100 feet of waterfront, which should produce $15,000.00 per year. and be amortized 1n f'ifteen years. The plans submitted provide for 175 boat slips. Commissioner Casler moved that the matter be called to the attention of the Planning Board and they be asked regarding their overall ideas on nmking improvements on the beach. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Drew and carried. .. ....: ,.., ,,'; i~{1;<<glfl ' , .~) " '.' .' On a motion by Conmissioner Kennedy.. seconded by Commissioner Casler and unanimously ca rried, the request of Shinde le and McGowan for allotment of parking space on the street for a sight-Beeing automobile ~a deferred to the next regular meeting of the Commission. in the interUn the operators of the si~t-seeing tours to file a request f'or a per.mit...The City Manager and Mayor to invest~gate how the business is operated in other towna and the matter publicized. The City Manager submitted a request by William F. and Edna H. Minor that lots 3 and 4 of A. H. Duncans SubdiVision, of West one-half' or the N.E~i or s.w.i of Section 22. Township 29, South Range 15 E, now unzoned be zoned for Business use; the petitioners wishing to use the property for a Used A.uto Parts business. The Zoni.ng Board's recommendation was that the request be granted, provided a written agremnent was made by :Mr. &: Mrs. Minor to comply with the tenns set 1'orth in the request. The City Attorney called the attention of the petitioners to the fact that zoning the property as Business would prevent them fro~ engaging in an Auto Parts business, ~hi1B if the property was unzonedp thBt type of business would be per.missable~ if a per.mit was granted by the Commission. On a motion by Go~issioner Casler, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and cBrried, the City Attorney was to draw an agreement between the City end Mr. & Mrs. Minor providing for a 25 foot setback on the property. The Clerk read a letter from the Sun Coast Furniture Company signed by Bryan Youngblood and H. H. Phillips requesting that they be granted perDlis sion to purchase, a license to operate a new and used furniture business at 504 Iiorth Fort Harrison Ave. Commissioner Casler moved that the City Clerk and Cllier of Police contact the references given and report. The motion was seconded by Ca.n~issioner Drew and carried unanimously. The Clerk read a letter fronl Joe R. Stewart requesting tha t the City sell him 160' or 150' frontage on the railroad in the manufacturing dist~ict, directly East of and adjoining his warehouse property. Mr. Stewart requested that he be allowed three years in which to erect a bui~dlng on the property and stated he woUld deed tbe property back to the City on a refund of the purcbase price if no building has been erected at the end of the three year period. Con~issioner Casler ~oved that the Commission approve the sale of 100 feet to Mr. Stewart, provided he would agree to erect a building of masonry construction to occup~ one-l~lf the square footage of the lot within three years and would agree to deed the property back to the City at the end of' the three year period if no building had been erected in that time.. forfeiting the $1.000.00 down payment. The motion was seconded by Con1lTllssioner Drew and carried. Henry A letter from RObert Lockett requested that the City sell him the East ae feet of the West 660 Feet of' the llorth 155 Feet of the South 205 Feet of Tract liD", Country Club Replst for $500.00. Mr. Lockett agrees to construct a permanent building op the property within one year. Commissioner Gasler moved ttmt the Commission authorize the sale ot the property to 11r.Lockett provided he agrees to erect a building of masonry construction of not less than half the total square feet of the area within one year. The motion was seconded by Cammissioner Brown and carr-ied. The City Manager presented drawings and specifications for Fire Station #3 submitted by J. A. Altschuler. Architect, the building to coat an estnnated ~l4,605. On a motion by Commissioner Casler.. seconded by COm!1issioner Kennedy and carried, the plans were accepted. 1<4~ 14'_~ ...v: The City Manager submitted a resolution whioh would require five persons to c10aD their lota ot weeds, grass and underbrush. On 8 motion by Commissioner Drew, seoonded by CommiBsioner Casler and unanimously oarried, the resolution was adopted. The City Manager recomnlended the installation of 250 feet of 2 inoh water main on Poinsettia Avenue at an estimated cost of $135.00. On 8 motion by Commissioner Drew, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried, the reoommendation was approved, ()lo,lJI11issioner Kennedy suggested that the C1ty sell the 30 fee'll; reserved by the City f~.' the purpose of extending Prospect street north of Cleveland Street, to Isura Street, to !Cennedy and Striokland on the same basis as the original sale to them of the prope~ty '<now known as Kennedy & Striokland Sub. No aotion was taken _ t this time. '" i {/:~.i!:i:r~~1,;x<!:;~;,{?::;;':1':<:'''"')''i':'' .' I .... ;(~<);' :l:L~~~~ifi~~;;~~iJ~~:l;;;'\;~i~.'~,"-;~,;,,,;,;,:,,:,~;,, . ..:.. :,., ....." ll,!' '; '0';;.. . ~.~' 0./\<' ..' ' 'J'c"""'l":,,i\. ,i...:,.. , '., "'j \"""":~..,,. 1<1 r'f'':\~:::~(;?:'~/t~i~ij' ~: CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 14. 1949 .' .'. d. ,... ..' :. ':';':(,;?tx .1;,:; ," ~'..~ ;~~' ". Thera being no further business to come ad .lourned. before the Board, the meeting was ~I\ ~A~ L aYor_~ner - i~ , . . ~~ .:,:. .:, " '_1 ,...., ATTEST: AGENDA. ~. Reading and approving of the minutes or the regular meeting of Novenmer 7. 2. Public Hearing on Mr. A. D. Hartsell's request to change the zoning law on the east half of his property abutting on Pierce Street f'rom R-2: to business. Hora ce 3. The consideration of the request of Mr.^Roberts to enlarge tho business zone area of his property on Gulf to Bay. 4. Considera-tlon of amendnlent to the License Ordinance re: hand laundry. 5. Consideration of amendment to liquor ordinance. 6. Report of City Manager and Chief of Police on parl~ing on the east side of Garden Avenue between Cleveland Street and Park Ave. 7. Report of the City Manager on the amount of money drawn by the Jaycee Club against its appropriation for the fiscal year. B. Report of the City lJlanager on the maintenance Vlorl: necesoary to the City Building, recently occupied by the Jaycee Club on the Beach. 9. Report of City Manager relative to increasing the charge f'or garbage and trash collection to premises requiring one truck load and one-half truok load per da y ~ six days a week, whicl1. ma tter wa s referred to the Manager at . , .. tlie' .Co:mml ssion Me eting June 13, 1949. lO.Consideration or various requests for changes in the zoning laws requiring a referendum and the drawing of an ordinance~ deciding the details of' each of the changes. 11.Consideration or a letter from ~r. w. w. B~ackburn relative to storm sewer on Prospect and Pierce, in which he states that he can raise the funds to cover the cost of Revenue Certificates which would be necessary to issue against the property owners for the cost of the sewer, providing the City's assets to rorec~ose~ if the liens are not paid, are transf'erred to the puroha sar of the certifica tes. 12.Report of City Manager on detail plans for a Yacht Basin with Slips on the south side of the Causeway, West of the West Causeway Bridge. 13.Requesta or Shindele and McGowan for parking space on the City streets for a Sight-Seeing Automobile or Bus. ..... r 14.~eapp11catlonof Sun Coast Furniture Co. for a City Lioense for a Used FurniturE! store at 504 No. Fort Harrison Ave. ,15.Consideration of the applioation of Mr. Joe R. Stewart to purohase 100 ft. of . City o1'llled land on :Maple St. '. .~. . : , ,~ . . i' l~ . - "---. RESOLUTION . . , . ~ ., '....'C.. ~ ".' ...:G: ~';,\: '1..;':".' . <;;"'" ..'.... ,...." ...:~:.~.;~,..:;c:::.:,:s.R~j;~dli;i~t~:;if!1}~.iJ~kiiL~01~~l,'~~~*Y ..',:. . , ';'h'"~~~(}~i~~;:i1~~~;;~'~"'"~~;~:'~';"';Ji'c', ... ;...,... . . . .... ,...." "."" .,.' \;...... ...', "' ;. \~, -. c'<... ~ .~..~_ . .0"'';'''' ~ ...:;':. _' .' .. CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 14, 1949 16. Consideration of the application of Henry LQckett to fUrnish 50 teet of land in the Country Club Replst on which to erect a warehouse. 17. Report of the Zonine Board on the request of Dr. R. H. Center and Mr. J. A. Porry to re-zone lots 1. 2. 3, and 6. in Greenwood Subdivision and Lot 20 in Rogers: Subdivision - from R-2 to business. 18. Report of the Zoning Bonrd on the Z'equest of WIn. };4'. and Edna II. ~linor for the Zonln~ of Lots 3 and 4 in A. H. Dunoan Subdivision now un-~oned - to be zoned ror bus:f.nes8. ). ( >~',:.'~;:i}.~...~.:~<.:::~< . .'~:', :~~.~;';-~,;~:>:' ,". ";';f".>;::/.~t. :. k,' ., ,):..i; .;\ ': ~ ~ i .' ;",~, .:. , . i'.' :~i.'.tD{{;(:.; . .:, ~, '. 19. Presentation by City Manager of a plan by Architect Jack Altschuler for a Fire Sta tlon. 20. Resolution requesting property owners to clean lots of weeds and gress. '", , ... -' :. :.: ~; , f, .' .'" . \ '.1 .' . ~REAS a public hearing has been held this day, after due notice and pu~suant to the zoning ordlnarlce of the City of Clearwater. Florida on the petition of A. D. Hartsell to have zoned as B-Business District property now zoned as R-a Residential Distric~ hereinafter described, AND WHEREAS no objections have been ~de to such re-zoning, and it appearing to the Commisslon after due considerat:1.on of the petition and facts presented that said petition should be granted because o~ the practical difficulties and un- necessary hardships in the way of carrying out the present zoning regulations re- quired by the Zoning Act and map, which relief is in harmonjr with the general purpose and intene of the City Zoning Ordinance; NOW THERE~ORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Co~ission of the City ot Clearwater, Florida that the City Zoning Ordinance and map be changed and corrected to indicate the following described property as being zoned as B-Business District; Lot five (5) less the East two hundred thirty- six (236) feet in Block "A" of John R. Davey Subdivision, according to map or plat thereof recorded in plat book 1, page 87 of the public records of Pinellas County, Florida. IT IS PURTHER RESOLVED the t the C1 ty Building Inspector is hereby authorize<I1i to IrJake such changes as are necessary upon the official zoning map of the City to indicate the action taken herein. PASSED AND ,ADOPTED this 14th day of November~ A. D., 1949. Signed: Harry D. Sargeant Mayor-Commissioner Attest: Si~ned: H. G. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk (Drart of ReSOlution) RESOLUTION WHEREAS: it has been dete~ined by the City Co~ission of tIle City of Clearwater, Florida.., tha t the property described below should be cleaned of weeds'" grass and/or underbrush, and that arter ten (10) days notice and railure of the owner thereof to do 80.., the City should clean such property and charge the costs thereof against the respective property. NOW THEREfi'ORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida. that the following described property, situate in said City, shall be cleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) days after notice in writing to the owners thereof to do so and that upon failure to comply with said notioe~ the City shall perform such cleaning and charge the costs thereof against the respective properties in accordance with Section 128 of the Charter or the City of Clearwater, as amended. Owner: Property: PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of The City of Clearwater, Florida, thIs 14th day ot November. A. D. 1949. 'ill Signed: Harry D. Sargeant Mayor-Commissioner Attest: ...'...., ~ .... . r"', .. .... _..~..... ..... .~. ...,. ~,. '.' ,.... ,~., CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 14, 19~9 '')1, LOTS TO COMMISSION ( to clean) NOVEMBER 1"', 1949 OWne r: Froperty..! Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Elk 2 Knol1wood Subd. Sarafem Derveoh 30 Id1ew1ld st. City. Homer Realty City Lots 7, 8 Blk 23 Manda1ay Subd. Lot 8, Blk 23 Mandalay Subd. Margaret M. Johnson 5801 S. W. 58th st. Coral Gables, li'la. Dr. Center Cleveland St. City Lots 10, 11, Blk 23 Ma nda la y Subd. w. Paul Harris 909 Jeffords st. City. Lot 18, Blk E Breeze Hill Subd. Sun Coast FUrniture Co. 504 N. Ft. Harrison A. ve. Clearwater, Florld~ November 8, 1949 To Clearwater City Commission City Hall Clearwater, Fla. Mr. Mayor and City Commissioners: We, Bryan Youngblood and H. H. Phillips, owners of the Sun Coast furniture Co, wish to apply for a city license to operate this store. We intend to buy and sell used furniture 8S well as new. We ask your permission to purchase the license and operate ~is store in the city of Clearwater. For personal references we give the following: F. L. Hendrix, phone 31178 H. E. Langford, Beach Service Station, phone 3-2494 G. C. Eldridge, phone 33-4644 Signed: Signed: Very sincerely, Bryan Youngblood H. H. Phillips Novelnber 10, 1949 The Honorable City Commission, The Zoning Board, City of Clearwater, Florida. Gentlemen: Re: Application for Trs11er Park Permit by Horace Roberts,Sr. On instruction from our client, Mr. Roberts,we respectfully petition that the application made by Mr. Roberts for a permit to operate a trailer park on Tract wA~ in Block D of Suburb Beautiful be withdrawn. Mr. Roberts still desires that his other request for subject property to be included in the referendum for a change from R-2 to Business for the full depth of the property shall stand. This latter application was ~de under date of November3 and is, I understand, to be handled at the same time and 1n the S8me ~anner as numerous other applications now pending for changes to be voted upon at the December election. Thanking you for your consideration of these matters, r 8111 'f Signed: Respectfully yours, George W. Smith '.... . ,.: ..' " .. ': ~. ., .: .. ,.'. :-', '..1. "':~.:,;I7t"r:: " ',', ,,,' ~'}"':i'<.~~:~~~t~;;<~i~;;21i~,i;~~,~:;'~~"\;,,,",,~.;~,":"";;.Uk:;'::':~'~'" "'",,,'; . . ~ "j' .' ,,.,. .~.:;> ..;""~""".;: """~"'''~'''';~;:~~~':~> ~:J0!~~ffi$Bi;:~~~:. ..C , . . .; . :. ~.~;:..;.:~t,.":;I,.-.,: 'jj.:t';l!~,');,,:,:,::;,'~'.;'l~~ir.:;'.,.,.'~~.: --'(O':.h"~ ~,,_~,. .',: :)r:Y\'.~it?!;ff.~)&J, ,. , , ~ 1.." ~:,..,)(;.,-" ., ... ........ ,. .'.'.,../}jfi! ., .' '.\\~. CITY COMMISSION MEl!."'TI11G November 14, 1949 November 9, 1949 ,,' '.::""'0..<:1,..,... "\"" """..,.i,.,..' .' ',; " City of Clearwater Inter-Of1'ice Communication To Mr. Bennett From Oliver H. Anderson. Seo'y. Zoning Board ~~UEST OF' DR. R. H. CENTER AND J. A. PERRY Subjeot: :,;1" ....:;> .' . '~;..".' l',' At the regular meetin~ of the Zoning Board held ~tesday evening, November 8, 1949~ the Board denied the request of Dr. R. H. Center and J. A. Perry to re-zone Lots 1. 2t 3 and 6, Greenwood Hills Subdivision ond Lot 20, Roger$ Subdivision from (R-21 to (Business). The Board heaX'd parties on both sides, for and against said re-zoning and feel that the above property is within a few blocks of an area now zoned for Business. 2.Business property at this point on Greenwood Ave. would cause a traffic hazard until said Greenwood Ave. is widened. 3.0bjectiona by adjoining property owners and residents. Attached herewith are copies of requests together with s:1.gned petitions by adjoining property owners and residents for and against this otwnge. October 10. 1949 .; .'.: . Greenwood, Greenwood Hill Subdivision and to business. Harry S. Rosander Ruth T. Rosander We are in favor of' havinr-; lots on S. Rogers Subdivision re-zoned from R-2 A.ugust 27, 1949 Center Clinic Mr. O. H. A.nderson Secretary of Clearwater Zone Board City Hall Clearvlster, Florida Dear Sir: I would like to petition the zone board for a rezoning of lots 1, 2, 3, 6. of Greenwood Hills subdivision fram R-2 to business. The lots diTdct1y across the street from these are unzoned. The new 200 housing unit project is being bui1t in this section. My reason for requesting this is that I feel there Sh01lld be some Bnla 11 store a in thi s area to serve this project. At one time there was a filling station on the above mentioned lot 6. There ia now a filling station on this same side of the street some 6 to 8 b~ocks south. Hoping that you can see ~it to rezone the above nlentioned 10ts, I am Very truly yours, R. H. Center.M.D. Signed: TO THE ZO:NING BOARD, CITY OF CLEARWATER: The undersigned residents and property holders in and near Rogers and Greenwood Hills subdivision do hereb~ agree that Lots 1, 2, 3, e Greenwood Hills and Lot 20 Rogers Subdivisions be zoned "'Bu (business), from R.2 (Multiple Dwelling Distriot). No in- toxicating liQ~or to be sold on said lots. Signed by 49 property holders. VIe the undersigned are a 11 property owners or residents of the t certa,in subdivisbns (Magnolia Park Sub., Mount Orange Sub.. Roger Sub., & Magnolia Heights) We wish 'co file with the Zoning Board our objec tlons to the erection of a Grocery store, Barber Shop or any other business establishmentD Our objection to the proposed construction are sumarized in the following paragraph. This area in wh1c~ we live 1s pri~rily a residential seotion. We feel that Should any business be cons~~cted in our neighborhood, we will be left open for other non- conforming uses. ~hich will decrease the attractiveness of the property. as well as the valuation 8S res:1dent1al property. We earnestly recommend that 1.1r. Perry's application for a business permit not be given favorable consideration. Signed by 85 property ownere or res1dents. I,>' I~ ~ ':; . . :. . t. '. : .;_..:.:~ ~~.',: .! ,::..::~,.',:,;~: ;,., ,:....-1.....- ~ ...'"_, '" ..:; .... .. . ':: ::-.; ..<..:.', ':"~:: .:~;;::~. .~.'.:.;,. ; ... ::. .:: . ~ . . .' ,. . ~~...._~~ ':'~.~':.L,\..,:~._::.:::.t:,'~': .~~.~;.~~;;~:~::~~.:~~~~._ ~':~;:~;~:'~~'I,:~:\'~f.~~~~~/i~t~:~~Li'r!:~:j(~.{,~~.~ f" .... (. , .' ,. : ^'~:';':'~:'J;~1;:r~f~R;'~,;:;1,::j~,. ~~. ,." ".'~ t,.~~"c"-,,., -.' I,' . t . .:<':::, I. .' ~ ' \' I:., { . ' :., ~ : ' r I ! . ! , l .,~. ,.....:: ," i CITY COLrnISSION ME~T1NG November 14, 1949 City of Clearwater Inter-Office Communication November 9. 1949 To Mr. Bennett From Ollver H. Anderson, Seo'y Zoning Board Subject: R1J,~UEST 01~ WILLilll F. AND EDNA H. MINOR (CLEA.HWAr.J.'ER L10TORS, INC.) At the regular meoting of' the Zoning Boord held Tuesday evenlng~ November 8,. 1949, the Board ruled in favor of granting the request of William F. and Edna H. Minor to zone Lots 3 and 4 or A. H. Dunoan Subdivision (now unzoned) to Business. It ls the Boa rds understa ndlng tha t this property will be used as a "Used Auto Parts" business and plons are to ereot a trsme building on the rront part of the lot faoing South Greenwood Ave., which will consist of shelves and all parts will be narked Bnd kept systematically, the balance of the S. Greenwood frontage will oon- sist of an entrance and a board rence which will be kept painted and in an attraotive condition so that from the street no junk will oome into view. It will be necessary however to pork used automobiles on the baok of the property while they are belng tor.n down to be shelved and until a full load accumulates, the un-used parts will remain in one sIIIall pl1e. < " .:',":!..;..;: '. I .~, TheBoard suggests that providing this request is granted that a written agreement be made by Mr. & Mrs. Minor with the oity to car~ out the proposed plans. Attached herewith is Mr. & Mrs. Minor's request together with a plat of the property. OLEARWATER MOTORS, INC. 1115 Oleveland Street Olearwater, Florida liovember 8, 1949 Oity of Clearwater, Zon ing Boa rd ~ Oity Hall. Clearwater, Fla. Gentlemen: We wish to bring a request before you for consideration to zone lots 3 and ~ of A. H. DUNCAN'S SUBDIVISIOn OF THE WEST HALF (wi) Or' THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF (1mi-> OF THE SOUTHWEST qUARTER (Swt) OF SECT ION 22, TownSHIP 29 SOUTH I RANGE 15 EAST, according to map thereof reco~ing to map thereof recorded in Plat Book 5, P.age 26~ Public Records of Pinel1as County~ Florida. (Also shown on may recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 44, Public Recorda of' Pine11as County, Florida.) for business. We wish to use this property for a "Used Auto Parts.t business. When we state Used Auto Parts that is not to be confused with a junk yard. Our plans are to erect Q frame building on the front part of the lot facing South Greenw.ood Ave.J which will consist of shelves. and all parts will be marked and kept systematically, the balance of the S. Greenwood rrontage will consist of sn entrance and a board rence which wl11 be kept pa inted and in a n a ttrac ti ve oondi tion so that from the street no junk will come into view. It will be neoessary however to park used automobiles on the back of the property whl1e they are being torn down to be shelved and until a full load accumulates, the unused parts will remain in one small pile. We feel that the business which we have in mind would be an asset to the present community. This being generally known 8S a colored sub-division there is nothing but empty lots immediately surrounding thi5 property and the nearest dwellings are all colored, being Dluch less attractive than this proposed business.. We wpUld like to stress that this property is out of the fire zone and the property just across the street on tlle west side or South Greenwood Ave. is zoned for business. Please find attached sketoh of above property. and Si~ned: Yours respectfUlly, William F. Minor Edna 11. Minor November 7, 1949 City of Clearwater. Florida Gentlemen: I bereby offer the sum or $500.00 in cash f'or the following described property" which I understand is now owned by the City of Clearwater: East 50 feet o~ West 660 feet of North 150 feet of South 205 feet of Tract D, Country Club Re~lat~ Section 10, Township 29 South, Bange 15 East (Pinellas Count y ~ Fl orida ) It launderstood that in the event this offer is acoepted the City wlll supply me ~' ". . . I ~ ,~ -~....--. ,"" ~"lo._ " , : .,.~ \\ CITY CO~~1ISSION MEETING November 14, 1949 with an abstract of title or appropriate title insurance policy showing title in the Clt~ of Clearwater free and clear of nll encumbrances. I hereb~ agree that in the event this offer is accepted I will within one year frOllt tIle date of such acceptance construct a permanent bUilding on said property. whioh building is to be used by me as 8 warehouse in connection with my business as a general oontractor. Signed: Verr truly yours, Henry Lockett stewart Bonded Warehouse 1124 Maple Street Clearwater, Florida November 7, 1949 The ~~yor and Board of City Commissioners, City of Clearwater, Clearwater, Fla. Gentlemen: I would like to buy from the City 100 feet of the land ~ronting that dis- tance on Maple street and Seaboard R. R. aiding 9.djoining my warehouse at 1124 Maple Street and running back to the north a depth of 155 feet. The price to be $10.00 per front foot as per the agreement between the City and the Seaboard Railroad on all that land facing this section of Maple Street and Seaboard siding. The abova property is described as the North 155' of the South 205' of the East 100' of the West 610' of Tract D, New Country Club addition. It 10 my understanding that there is only 150 feet of this land fronting on Maple Street and Seaboard siding stj.ll owned by the 01 ty. If' it 1s your wish to sell the remaining 150' frontage which adjoins my warehouse on the East sod there- by hBve all the land along this Seaboard siding privately owned, I w11l be glad to buy the 150 feet instead of 100 feet as 1t is my sincere belief that I will eventually need same especially if Clearwater continues to grow and ~ business grows with 1t which I will surely try to do. Probably all of you gentlemen know of the warehouse I built on the 100 foot frontage I bought from the City a l~ttle over two years ago. I have been open for business hardly a year and'my warehouse is practically full now. My storage 'Ware- house business has brown beyond my fondest expectations in this short time and it is with the thought of expanding when necessary that I desire to buy the land ad- joining me. I would, however, like to have more time within which to build a building on the newly acquired land than the usual one year jll.st ~n case conditions got bad and additional warehouse space was not needed~ I would l1ke a three year per~od if you can see your way clear to grant same. At the end of a three year period if I have not built a building on tllis land I will re-deed 1t to the City on refund of' original purchase price if the City desires me to do so at that tioe. Payment for this land will be I:18de in :full on date of closing the sa le. T~nking you in advance for your favottable consideration, I am Yours respectfUlly~ Signed: Joe R. stewart October 22, 1949 Mr. Boyd Bennett City Manager Clearwater, Florida Her Storm Sewer projact Dear Mr. Bennett: I have now been Info~ed that the City of Clea~vater would be exceeding its legal authority in issuing certificate's against the abutting property. It has been declared by the commission, since there are no funds with wh1ch to do this needed drainage ~ediately east of Myrtle Avenue on Cleveland Street, that the issuing of certificatds were necessary. Your city attorney and your- self have said that the certificate's could be foreclosed if not paid at the end of ten years. I am confident the necessary fUnds can be raised if the City of Clearwater will baok the certifioate's issued i~ not paid. Also since the City has an .' ' (. ~ ' . " , :. .~', ~, .' . ~~.. -......., ,',1~ ' . ._~~, N__. tlt. !.~ \:';~~::;:::'<;~'..~..~~.t.:.~.. ::. ..'~:'. ~ . . ~I{\."r".\w":';:~G~~i::\i~1k~ij;'i.L~0li;i\2~i:ik~Jiii~i~*,Lf:;2!~::;t;;~;";;';~Ai,i"B{,t~; ,. ,. CITY COMM~8SION MEETING November 14, 1949 ,>, ,. organization w}llch can collect for the oertificate's when convenient ror property holders to pay. It also has the organization that can oal1 for bid~ and inspect the work. It you will give me aSBurance in some rorm that the oity 1s ~ll1lng to prooeed in this manner I wIll endeavor to make the funds available for the project. Sincerely, Signed: w. W. Blackburn ;;i ,r: . ....,. ," '':''"1',{'1 \ib:J, I' ,'.' , . ." . ~rr iff!;," '.' 1\ . rt~~~~t!;\f \""'''''':''i';''l'''''' " 1:'t'i~)iit~J', t. ".",."' r'.,il:":..1.' "':. ! ' ,", ~'>:,;:::::):. Ii i I BE IT ORDAIlJElJ BY 'l'Hl.!: CITY GOl\lj,il3S1.0I'1 01" ']'1:1:: Ull'Y 0,11' GI..Bld{\lhlJ.'::i:H, l<'LOnIDA: CITY COMMISSION l\JEETIHG November 14, 1949 OlIDINANOE no. 583 -.---- AN OHDINANCE AJ\1ElillIlJU SEC1'IOH 28 OIi' OIWIlIAIWl:; #538, AS Al,lElWED, TJl]~ AI..COHOIJIC BEVERAGE ORlHHANCB, BY 1>HEfJCIDI31IIG ry~HE 1,'lHES, PLACES AnD COlilJITIOHS UlIDER WHICH Sl)EC HillBL> A.lJCOllOl,lC BBVBHA.GES fAY DE SOLD WITHIH THE crrry Ln:l'l'S, HE1)Eb.Ll1lG AL.L PhH']'1:) 01" ORDINAIWE3 IN CON1"I;ICT Tl~EH8\'/..lr.rlI, AllLJ })HOVllJijiU rl'In; BYb'EG'l'IVE DATE: '01" 'l'HlS 0IiliiHAHCE. SECTION 1. 'l'lwt Soct:i.on 28 or Ordinance 11538, as alllen(tec1, beinf, the Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance, is llereb~r aZrJended II S 1'ollows: "SectIon 28. A. That thepe are hereby established hours c1n.ring which all estalJlislll,:E:llta in Clearwatfr, ,l<'loriclu, in Vlhich alcoho1ic ueverae;es 01' any alcoholic content are sold, oartel'ed, ex- changed or dispensed are required to remain closed, as here- inafter set forth. B. That 1'01' the purposes of this Act the J:'ollowinc; definitions of teM'lS are adoptec1: Establislunents dealing_ in ~)cohollc ueve:rages. The term "Establishments dealing in alcollOlic bovcr8f~es" shall mean any busIness or eotablislll:1ent licensed by the State of' Flol'ida :fO!' the sale of alcoholIc beverages of an:" alcoholic content or any area or part of' any buildln~ or Gtr~cture in which alcoholic boverages of' any alcoholic content are stored, kept for sale, offered for sule, sold, servod or dispensed under license by the State of }'lol'icla or any other 1>a rt of' sa id building or structure, or any other building 01' structure that ha s Ilny entrance, door or other pa ssagev/a y tl1a t could in an's manner be used or utilized as a nwans of access, ingresa or egress into the area in which a lcoholic beverages 01' a n~r alcoholic content are kept, offered for sala, sold or dispensed, or which is in any other manner capable of access, ingress at any tir~le to the area in which alcoholic bevera geB of any alcoholic content are kept, orrered for Dale, sold, served or dis pensed. Provided, however, that said te!'r.l \vhen applied to hotels, clubs, 01' golf clubs, as def'ined in this section, and gl"ocery stores licensed to sell alcoholic beverages for ofr-premisea consu.mption, sha 11 mean tha t area or pa rt of sa id hote 1, clubs or golf clubs and grocery stores in ~lich suid bevera~es are kept, sold, served or dispensed when the sald area is capable of beinf, closed or in sor.le other I:Janner set apart and forbidden to access. Clubs. The terr.l "clul)s" shall nle!:ln any ~roup of' persons' associated tOf,ether as a duly chartered or incorporated club, includinp; social clubs incorporated by order of the circuit judge after their charters have been found to be for objects authorized by 111 wand approved by sa id cireni t .1ndge as organized for lawful purposes and where sa id club has not been oreanized for the purpose of evading license taxes~ or for the purpose of' evading regulations and restrictions placed upon the sale of alcoholic beverae;es 01" an-y alcoholic content, and such bona fide clubs at the tine 01"' their application I'oI' a license to sell alcoholic beverages shall have oeen in continuous active existence and opera tlon for a period of not less' than two years in Clearwater, l,'lorida. Golf Club. The tenn "golf' clubll shull lllean any club orp;anized and exist~!l~~ for the purpose of providinp, a club house for its golf playing members or patrons, v/here said golf club is Incated upon the same premises with a playable golf course. It is the purpose and intention of this definition to restrict the term ltgolf club'" to such clubs oona fide devoted to the nlolnbe rs of sa id club a nc1 pe. t rons, us lng a gol f course directly connected therewith. Election Days. Any ds'Y on which a primary or general state election is held, and any day on which a prilnar~r or general municipal election is held within the City of Clearwater. Restaurant. A "restaurant'" shall Jllean an establishMent havIng necessary equipment to cook and prepare lilea ls and the t does prepare a nd serve fUll course l11eals. ",. .. "1.\ .' ' '. .', . . t\, ":..., ~ .:..... ;' I ",' j '~:~~:~;r:~t;~~~~;i~~L~""~~L,':,~:;","~_" ...... . "., ,';;~~:.n.:"'.,.:.:ln'\;' / ....,:, :.~l",~:', . ..,. " " '" OITY OOMJIlISSION MEETING 'November 14, 1949 ". :- :.; : ,'., I " ',': ~ '. ,. . ," ~rdinance .J/.583 - continued c. Prohibited hon.rs are hereby established and the term -ItProhibited hours" shall mean the periods of tj,xne herein set forth: Weekdays. between one A_ N. and nine A. M. Sundaya, excopt New Yenr' s Days and Christ:rnas DaYB~ all times of the day, except a 3 is provided in Sub- section ItE" of this Section. Christmas Day ~ any time ofter tVIO A. M. New Year's Day, betwoen 2 A. M. and 9 A. M., except when New Year's Day falls on Sunday, and then prohibited hours shall be any time after two 1\.. M. Election days, from one A. ~1. utltl1 the polls are closed. D. It shall be unlawi'ul :for any person or vendor to soll, "C)'ffer for sale, serve OT' dispense alcoholic bovoraf~es of.' any alcoholic contont in any establishment in the City dealing. in alcoholic beverages during the prohibited hours as defined in this Section. It shall be unlawful for any vendor to suff'er, pormit or allow a rry eata blislunent deli ling in a lcoholic beverages to be and remain open for the transaction or an~ business of any kind wb.a tsoever a t any tinle dllr~ng the prohil.dted hours, except as provided iT) Sub-sec tion "E't of tIlls Section. It shall be unlavlful for any vendor to suffer, pel'T:lit or allow an y person to enter 01' to snff'er, per:nit or allow any pel'son to be and renJain in a.ny esta blislunent dea ling in alcoholic beverages ~t any th18 during the prohibited hours, except a s provided in Sub-soct 1011 ItE" of this Section. It shall be unlawful for any person to enter or to be or rema in in any establisl:il~lent dealing in a lcoholic beverages at any tinle dur1.ng said prohibited hours, except as pro- vided in Sub-socti on "Ett of' this Section. E. Restaurants, as defined herein, which also sell or dispense alcoholic beverages, TIlay renain open i'or the sale and serving of food on Sunday, provided that no restaurant shall serve or sell alcoholic beverages on Sunday ex.cept betvleen one P. 1.1. and 11 P. ~l., and pro- vided, furtber" that no alcoholic beverages shall be Bold, served or dispensed to persons standing or seated at bars or counters or to anyone e~cept persons seated at dining tables or booths, which tables and booths sJ:1all be within the building of the place or business, and provided fUr- ther that no 8.1coho11c beverages shall be sold, served or dispensed except by the drinl: for consumpti on upon the premises. ~Nothing contained in this Section shall be const~led to prevent a vendor of a ny eats blislunent dea 1inf; in alcoholic beveragAs f'rolr! entering, belng or remaining in said establlslwlent durjng prohibited hours when said vendor is ae tually engap;ed in duties otl1er than the sa Ie or serving of alcoholic beverages in said establishment; nor shall this Section be construed to prevont i'ireman or law-enforcement officer from entering, bein~ or remaining In said esta blislu:1ent in the performance o:f his duties'. tt SECTI01l 2. All Ordinances. or pa rts of Orc! inan ces in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall beco"me effective imraediately upon passage. Attest: S,1gned Passed on first :reading lIovember l4~ 1949 Passed on second. readinl~ NoveralbeJ:' 14, 1949 Pa ssed on third reading lfoverr:.ber 14,. 1949 Passed and adopted by the C1 ty Cormnission o:f th.e Cit7T of Clearwater,. B'lorida. Signed: Harl'Y 1>. Sargean t Mayor-Commissioner H. Go W111g0 U1tyAudltorandClerk , " J~___. ;: „ . _ . _,� , CITY COPRb1ISSI0N MEETING ., � November 14, 1949 � 7 The Cit� Cornmission of the City of Clearvrater met in Special Sasaion at Ci�y Hall Monday, November 14, 1949 at 7:30 P. M, with the following m�mbers preaent: Harry �. Sargeant - Mayor-Coimnissioner Herbert M. Brown - Couffnissioner E. B. Casler Jr. - Couuaissioner Leland F. Urew - Gommissioner Guy L. Y•ennedy - Commis3ioner Absex�t: None , Also preeent were: Boyd A. Bennstt - City Manager George T. T�9cClaxnma - ChieP of Police l3en Krentzman - Citg l�ttorney TYie 1�Ieeting Y,�ving been called to order tha minutes of bhe regular meeting November `?th were approved. A public hearing Yiavi?�g been held at�d no ob jectiona hEarcl, the Cit� Attorney subxnitted a resolution v�hich would zone a� business propertg Lot 5 less Eas� 23F Ye�t, Block k, John R. Davey Subdivision, owned by A. D. Hartaell. On a motion by Co�nissianer Gasler, seconc3ed by Commissioner Brown an� unanimousl;* carried, the resolutien was adopt�d. A letter from George W. Smith, attorney for iIorace Robert�, stated that NIr. R�berts wishec� to withdrav� his request £or a pesmit to operate a trailer park on Tract �'A", Re Sub oi' Block D, Suburb Eeautlfixl, but sti11 desires that the property be includ�d in a rePerendum for a changa from R-2 to Buainess Zoning. Mr. t�f, B� Thayer, Nrs. J. D, ffi'illiarns, Mrs. Anna lttueller, expressed themselves as being opposed to any increase of property zaned ss "Brzsiness���at this location. Commissioner Kennedy moved that Nr. Roberts� request be set up as one o£ tkie items to be discusaed at a public heaxin� preliminarg to the enactment of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Cor,�issioner Cssler and carried. Cor.miissioner Casier, Drev� and Kennedy voted �lAye°. Cormnissioner Brown voted t�lvo.�� Ci�y Attorney Kren�zman submitted an Orctinance which would Amend Ordinance �580, the License Qrdinsnca by satting a license for Aand Laundries at �10.00 (ten dollara). By consent, decicsion on the Ox�dinanca was deferred for further investigation. The Citg httorneg aubmitted Ordinance �583, an Ordinance amending section ?8 of Ordinance �535, as anended, regulatin� the sale of Alcoholic Beverages. Corr�nissioner Drev� movad that the Ordinance be pas�ed oa� the first readingj Commissianer Casler ' secondecl the motion and it caxried. Co�mmissioners Sargeant, I3rown, Casler, Drew and i�ennedy voted "Age" Voting °Pto" none. On a motion b�r Conmiissioner Drew, seconded by �omm3ssioner Casler and carried, the Ordinance was passed on the second reading by title only. Voting '�Ay6't, Corranissioners Sargeant, Brown, Casler, Drew and Kennady. Voting "No" none. On a�otion by Corrunissioner Ure�+r, seconded by Co�nissioner Ftennedg and carried, Ordinance #583 v�as passed on the third reading, Co�nissioners Sargeant, 13rown, Casler, T�rew and Iiennedy voted "Age��. There �rer� no negative:votes and the Ma�yor Commissioner declared the Or.dinance adopted. _ The City Manager submitted a re�uest by Dr. R. H. Center ancl J. A. Perry that T�ots 1, 2&�,: Greenw�od Hills Subdivision and Lot 20, Rogers Subdivision, be zonea for business purposes, together with the reco�enda�ion bq the Soning Boarci that the request be deniede Mr. & Nfrs. P.. A. MapEs, Ed Towson , Fenr�,� de Hedouville and Phillip �chameho:rn spoke in opposition to rezoning this area. Cormnissioner Drew moved that the recovmiendation of the c^,onir_g Board be accepted and the petition denied. The motion was seoonded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unaninously. Commissioner Drew moved that the req•:,est of Horace Roberts Yor the re-zoning oi' . Tract A, Re Sub of Block D, F,uburb Beautitul be referred to tha Zoning Board for its study and recammendation. T:ne motion was seconded by Cos�iissioner BroYrn and carried. Commissioner Kennedy moved that all the itams on Zoning changes to be considered be . referred to the Zoning Board beiore passage of an Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance. The motion vtas seconded by Comznissioner Casler and carried. ' The City Dqanager and Chief of Police, having made a survey relat�.ve to parking on the Eest side of Garden A-venue beb�een Cleveland and Park Streets, reco�onde�. the s�tablishnent of four 12-minute parking meters�, with 25 foot PJo Parking spaces between meters, which would a11ow for a frei�ht un]��ading zone of ample size, in addi�ion to the four parking meter spaces. Cormnissioner Brov+n moved that the recommendations be csrried out as soon as pussible. The motion was seconded by - Connnissioner Drew and carried unan3snoual�r. City Managar Bennett reported that the Junior Chaznber o£ Counnerce had drawn �2�OOO.pO £rom its budget of �$3,000.00 for the fiaGal 9ear, whieh a�ount was �1,250.Oa in excess of its usual average for the same period, and that approxivately �p1,Q00.00 of the fund remained unexpended. Sie said that painting and othe� rrork necessar� to pat the builaing in good condition would cost approximatelg �j700.00. On a motion by C�mmissioner Drew, seconded by Commiseioner Casler and unanimousl? carried, tkie Cits Nanager �r�as auth�rized to expend �700.00 for repairs on the building formarly occupied by the Junior Chfzmber of Commerce Beach Club. The Citg h2anager reportec� that he had investigatecl the �arbage collection� from some of the larger stores and he had found 9 establishments riaving T truck load of g�r- bage for removal per day, six days a week, and 18 places having a truck load per day, � � CITY COMhITSSTOhT hiEETTNG 3Z`� Novomber 14, 1945 six days per week< He r�oo�er,aea tr�t the Cit� charga those plaoes with 1 Truck load �12.00 per month and those -�ith a Truck load �6.00, the other garbage collectian eharges to remain unchan�ed. Commissioner Casler moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance for discussion. Mr, W. C. Temple, addrossing the Co�ission, suggested that the Cf�y make a charge o£ �1.Q0 for each family uni�. Coirunissioner Dre�� suggested that the Cit� Nianagor make a rAport on amoixnt of tsxes? paid by those firms which require the removal oP one-haZf to one Truek I,oad of garbage daily. hias*or Sargean� appoinbed Connniss3oners Drew, Brown and Caslor as a Committeo to study the gari�age situation and report latefi with their recoumiendations. -0n �; motian by Commissioner Drew, seconded by ComLnissioner Casler and unanimously carr�ed, November 3Gth was set as the date for a Public fiearing on the proposed changes irr Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Casler auggested that a limi�ed time be allowed for discussion of each item. City Manager read a letter grom h4r. W. W. Blackburn in which Mr. Blackburn su�mitted a proposal for .fi:uncing a Storm Sewer for drainago at n�5rtle Avenue and Clevelend Street. Commissiox�9r Kenriady movsd that the City Attrorne9 and City Manager be instx�cted to writa Ivir. Blackburn, acknowledge receipt of his letter, outline what the Gity can do relative to his proposal for financing the Storm Sewer. The motion was seconded by Gommissioner Casler and carried unan3mously. The City I�anager submitte�l detailed plans �'or installation of a Yacht Basin on the South Side of the Causeway, Y�est of tha 4Vest Causeway Briclge, stating that it wss ps�oposed to charge �100.On �er month for each 100 feet of waterfront which should produce $p15,000.00 per year• and be amortized in fifteen yearse The plans submitted provide for 175 boat slips. Couunissi�.�er Casler moved that the matter be called to the attention of the Planning Board and they be asked regarding their overall ideas on making improvements on the beach. The motion was seconded 'hy Commissioner Drew and carried. On a motion bg Commissioner Kenneciy, seconded by Comrnissioner Casler and unanimously carried, the request of Shirdele and iicGowsn £or allotment oP parking space on the street for a sight-seeing automobile was deferred to the next regular meeting o£ the Cqmmissia7, in the i��tv�im the operators of the sight-seeing tours to file a request for a permit...The City 11�anager and Mayor to investigate how the business is operated in other towns and the matter publicized. The Ci.ty Manager subr�,itted a request by VJilliam F, and Ec1n� N. IvIinor that Zots� ' 3 and 4 of A. H. Duncans Subdivision, of West one-half of the 2d.E;.4 ox' S.W.� of Section 22t Township 29, South Range 15 E, now unzoned be zorred for IIusinesg use; the pet3tioners vrishin� to use the property� £or a Used Auto Parts busine�s. T12e Zoning Board�s recommendation was that �ne request be granted,provided a written agreement was mad.e by Mr� & bIrs. l4iinor to comply with the terms set for�h in the roquest. The City Attarney called the atten�ion of Lhe petitioners to the fact that zoning the �aroperty as Bus�ness would prevent them from engaging in an Auto Parts business, �zhile i�'the property �vas unzoned, that t�pe og business would be permissable, if a permit was granted by the Couaaissiona On a motion by Commissioner Caslerp seconded by Cnnnnissioner Kennedy and carried, the Git� Attorne� was to draw an agreement betwsen the City and b4r. & PZrs. �17in�r providing for a 25 i'oot sett�ack on the property. The C1erk read a letter fron the Sun Coast Furniture Compan;,z signed by Brp�,n Young�lood and H. H. Phillips requesting that they be granted permission io purchasa a license to operate a new and used furniture business at 504 2dorth F�rt Harrison Ave, Commissioner Casler moved that the Ci�y Clerk and Chief of Police cantact the references given and report. The motion was seconded by Comrmissioner Drew and carried unanimously. Tha Clerk read a letter £rom Joe R, 5tewart request3ng tY�at the City sell him 100� • or 150+ frontage on the railroad in the manufacturing district, direetly East of and adjoining hie vuarehouse propert�r. Mre Stewart requested that lze be allowed threb years in �vhich to ereet a building or_ the proper�y And stated he woQld deed the property b,ack to the City on a refund oY the purchase price if no building has been erected at the end of the three year periodo Commissi_oner Casler moved that the Counnission approua the sale of 100 feet to Mr. S�ewart, provided he would agree to ereat a building of masonry construction to occupy one-2� lf' the aquare £ootaga of the lot within thrae years and would agree to deed the property back to the City at the end of tha three year period if no building had been erected in that tizne, forfeiting thc� �61,000.00 down paymsnt. Tha �otion was seconded by Co�unissioner Drew and carriod. A letter from xeI�e�e� I,ockett requested that the City sel]. him the East 50 feet of the West b"60 Feet o£ the rlorth 155 Feet of the South 205 Feet of Tract �'D��, Country Club Replat �or �500,00. hire Lockett agrees to cor.struct a pQrmanent building o�? the Froperty within one year. Gounnissioner Casler moved that the Con-unission authorize the sale of the propert5 to 2�Ir.•Lockett provided he agrees to eract a building of masonry constx�zction of not less than half the total square £est of the area within one year. The motion v�as seconded by Crnnmi�sioner Brovrn and carried. The City hianager presented drawtin�s �nd specifications Por Fire Station #3 submitted by J. A. Altschuler, Architect, the building to coat ari estimated �14,605. On a motion by Cou¢nissior.er Casler9 aecondsd by Cozivaissioner Kennedy and carried, the plans were accept'ed. m GIT'Y COirQuiISSI4N R4EETIN(z 3 � / November 14, 1949 The City Tianager submitted a resolution which would require Pive persuns ta clean their lots oP weecis; grass and underbrush. On a motion by Commi3sioner Drevr, seconded by Commissicner Casler and unanimously carried, the resolution Kas adopted. The City Manager recommended the instellat3on of 250 �eet of 2'inch water main on Poinaettia Avenue at an estiraated cost oP �135.00, On a�otion by Comnissioner Drew, seconclea by Commissioner Brown and carried, the.reca�endation a�as approved. Corrm�issioner Kennedy suggested that the Ci�y sell the �0 Pe�� �eserve¢'C. by the City for the purpose of extending Prospect Street north of Cleveland Street, to Laura Street, to Kennedy and Strickland on the same basi3 as the ori�inal sale to them of the property 'tnow known as Kennedy & Strickland Sub. N'o action ��es taken �t this time. TherA being no further business to come bef�re the Bbard, the meeting was acljourned. Mayor- o issianer ATTEST: , Citq Au3itor & Cler3` AGENDA 1. Reading and approvin� of the minutes ef the regular r,ieeting of I�ioveinher 7. 2. Public Hearin� on ItiIr. A.: D. Hartsell�s request to change the zor.zng la�v on the east half of his pr��perty abutting pn Pierce Street £ra� R-� to business. I3ora c e 3. The consideration of the reguest of Lir nRoberts to eniarge tha business zone area of his pr�pert� on Gulf to Bay. 4. Consideration of amendment to the License Ordinance re: hand laundry. 5. Consideration o£ amendr.ient to liquor ordinance. 6. Roport of Citq h�iana�er and Chief of Police on parl:in� on tha east side of Garden Avenue beLween Cleveland Street and Park Ave, 7. Report of the City N_anagex on the amount of money drawn by the ,Taycee Club against its appropriation for the fiscal year. 8. Report of the City hlanager on the �aintenance wory necessary to the City Building, recently occupied by the Jaycee Club on the Beach. 9. Report of City hianager relative to increasing the charge for garbage and trash collection to premises requirin� one truck load and one half truck load per da�, six days a rreek, which :natter was referred to the hianager at tfie Commission HSeeting June 13, 1949. lO.Considoration of var3ous requests for changes in the zoning lativs requiring a referendi:m and the ds�wing of'an ordinanca, deciding the details of each of the changes. 11.Consideration of a le�ter fro� P+ir. W. V�T. Blackburn relative to storm sewe� on Prospect and Pierae, in which he states that he can raise the funds to cover the cost of Revenue Certii'icates which vcould be necessary to issue a�ainst the p roperty owners for the cost of the sewer, providing ths Ctty�s; assets to foreclose, if the liens are not paid, are transferred to the purchasex'of'the certificates. 12.Report of C3ty A�Iana�;er on datail plans for a Yacht Basin vrith Slips �n the south side of the Causeway, PJest of the West Gausewey Rridge. 13.Requasts of Shindele and Ii4cGowan for parking space on the City streets for a Sight-Seeing Automobilo or Bus. 14.The application of Sun Coa�st Furniture Co, for a City License for a Used Furniture Store a�t 504 No. Fort Harrison A ve. 15.Cona3deration of the appl3.cation of n�Ir. Joe R. Ste�vart to purchase 100 ft, of Cit,q o�med land on �iaple St. � CITY COniniI5SI0N MEETING � rTovember 14, 1949 � � 16. �onsid�ration of the application of Henry I,ockot� to �rnish 50 feet of lsnd in the Country Club Replat on which to erect a warehousa. 17. Repart of trhe Zoning Board on the request of Dr. R. H, Cen�er and b�Ir. J. A. Perry to re-zone lots 1, 2s 3, and 6, in Greenvtood Subdivisi.on attd Lot 2.0 in Rogera� Subdivision - from R-2 to business. 18. Report of �he Zoning Board on the request of �Nm. F. and Edna H. hlinor' for tha Zonin� of I�ots 3 and 4 in A. H. Duncan Subdivision now un»zoned e to bo zoned for business. 19. Presentation b� City 2rlanager of a plan bg Ardhiteot �Tsck Altschuler for e Fire Station. 20. Resolution requesting property owners to clean lots of vreeds and �rass. RESOLUTION WHEREAS a public hearing has been held this dag, after due notice and pu�suant to the zoning ordinance of the City of Clea�+rratar, Florida on the pstition of A. D. Hartsell to have zoned as B-liusiness District properts now zoned as R-�: Residentia 1 District hereinafter d�scribed, AND WHEREAS no objactions have been made to such ra-zoning, and it appearing to the Corrunission after due consideration o� the petition and facts presentec3 thrat said petition should be granted because qf the practica]. di£ficulties and un- necessary hardships in ths wa y of carrying out the present zoning regulations re- quired by the Zoning Act and map, which relief is in harmon5* with the general purpose and intene of the Gity Zoning Ordinance; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Gity Corrmission of the City o£ Clearwater, Florida that �he City Zoning Ordinance and map be changed and corrected to indica�a the follawing described property as being zoned as B-Bustness District; Lot five (5) less the East tr�o hundred thirty- six (236j feet in B1o�k ��A�' o�' John R. Davey Subdivision, according to map or plat thereof reccrded in p18$ book 1, pa�e 87 of the public records; o� Pinellas County, Florida, IT IS FURTHER RE50LVED that the City Building Inspector is hereby authoriz6d' to make such changes as are nacessary upor_ the o£ficial zoning map o£ the �ity to indicate the ection taken h:erein. PASSED AR1D •ADOPTED this 14th day of Noveznber, A. D., 1949. Signed: Aarr.y D. �ar�eant h�ayor-Corrm�issioner Attest: Si�ned: H. G. YVin�o City Auditor a�d Clerk (Draft of Resolution :3ES OLUT I ON WHEREAS: it has been detexmined by the City Comnission oi the Cit� of Clearwater, Florida, that the propert9 described below shouTd be cleaned of v�eeds•,, grass and/or underbrush, and that aiter ten {10) day3 notice and failure of the owner thereof to do so, the Dity shr�u.ld clean such pro�artg and charge the costs thereof against the respective property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commis�ion of the City of Clearv�ater, Florida, that the iollowinh dascrioed propert�, situate in said City, shall be clsaned of weeds, graes;and�or underbrush within ten (10) dag� aFter notice in writing to the ov�ners thereof to do ac and that upon failure to comply with said notice, the City shall perform such clsaning and �harge the cos�s� thereof against the respective propertiea in accordance with Section l28 of the ChQrter of the City of Clearv�ates, as amended. ' Owner• Yropert�T• PASSED AATD ADOPTED by the City Commission o� The Gity of Clearvra�er, F7.orida, this 14th day of PTovember, A. D> i�49. a Si�ned: Harry D. Sar�ean� Ma for-Corrnnis sioner � Attests Si�ned: H. G. '411in�o Z�3.ty Auditor and Clerk Ovmer: Sarafem Dervech 30 Idlewild St. City . Honer Realty C ity Margaret M. Johnson. 5801 S. 'N. 58th St. CoraT Gables, Pla. Dre Center Cleveland St. ctty W. Paul Harris 9�9 Jef£orda St. City. C;CTY COh4h'1ISS20N ETEETING November T4, 19�9 ZUTS TO COn1t�iISSIUN ( to cler�n) riOVII�IBER 7;9;, 1949 Propert� Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Blk 2. Knollvrood Subd, Lots 7, 8, Blli 2.3 Manda7.ay Subd. Lot $, Blk 23 Mandalay Subd. Lota 10, 11, Blk 2<f Ma nda la y Subd . Lot 18, Blk E Bree�e Hi11 Subd. Sun Coast Furniture vo. 504 N. Ft. H�rrison Ave. Glear���ter, Florida+ November S, I949 To Clearvdater Cit� Commission City Hall Clearv�ater, Fls. Mr. &Iayor and City Coxnmissioners: tiNe, Bryan Youngb3ood and H. H. Phillit�s, owners of the Sun Co�st Furniture Coi wish to applq for s city licenso to operate this s�ore. VJe intend to buy and sell used i'urniture as we7.1 an nevr, PJe ask your per-mission to purchase the license and operate this atore in the city of Clearwater. For personal refexences we give the fol:iowing: F. L. Hendrix, phone 31178 H. E. Langford, Beach 5ervice S�o.tion, phone 3-2494 G. C. Eldridge, phone 33-4644 Very sincerely, Signeds Bryan Youngblood Signed; H. H. PhiJ.lips TTovember 1Q, 1949 The Honorable City Corrmiission, The Zoning Bo�rd, City of Clear�+ater, Florida. Gantlemen: Re: Application �or Trailor Park Parmit by Iiorace Roberts,5r. An instruction iro� our client, 1•ir. RobErts,we respeetfully petition th�at the application made by h7r. Roberts for a permit to operate a trailer park on Tract "A1e� in B3ock D of Subttrb Beautiful be 3vithdrawn. n�ir. Roberts sti�.l desires that his other request foz subject groperty to be included in the referendum for e change frori R-2 to Business for the full deni;h of the property aha11 stand. This latter appl3catian was made under date of November3 and 3s, I understand, to be handled at the sar,ie time anc� in the same manner as numerous other applications now pending for chan$es to be voted upon at the December elAction. Thanking you for gour consideration o�' these matters, T am Respectfully �rours, Signeds George W. S�ith � ; �� � � , CITIr COA'fI+4ISSI0N IvI�;��TTNG November 14, 1�J49 Idovemt�er 9, T949 City of Clearwater In•ter-Office Coxmnunication To Mr. Be�nnett From Oliver H. Anderson, Sec�y. Zonin� Boarcl , Subject: REQUEST OF DR. R. H. CENTER ANv J. A. PEE?RX At the regular meetin� of the Zoning Board held '1'�iesday evening, November 8, - 19499 the Board denied the request of Dr. R, H. Center end J. A. Perry to re-zone Lots 1, 2, 3 and 6, Greemvood Hills Subdivision ana Lot a.o, Rogers�Subdivision from (R-2) to (Business). The Board heflrd parties on both sides, for and a�ainst said re--zoning and feel that the above property is wi�thin a few blocka of an area norv zoned for Buainess. 2.Business property at this po3nt on Greenwood Ave. would cause a traffic hazard until said GreenNood Ave. is widened� 3.Objections by adjoining property owners and resi�ents. Attached herewith a re copies of requests togetk.er with signacl getitions by adjoining propert� ovrners and residents for and aga'inst this chan�e. Octobar 10, 1949 Wa are in favcr of having lots on S. Greenwood, Greenwood Hi11 Subdivisic;n and Rog�rs Subdisi§ion re-zoned �rom R-2 to business. Harry S. Rosander Ruth T. Rosander ��� Au�ust 2'7, 1949 Center Clinic nir. 0. H, Anderson Secretary of Clearwater Zone Board City Hall Clearvaat�.r, Florida Dear Sir: I v�ould like to petition the zone board for a rezonin� of lots l, 2, 3, 6, of Greenv�oed Hi11s subdivision from R-2 to business. � The lots ciirectly across the street fros7 these are unzoneda The new 200 houaing unit proj6ct is being built in this seeation. DYy reason for requesting this is that I feel there should be so�ie small stores in this area to serve this projecto at one t3.me there v�as a filling station on tha above mentioned lot 6. There is now a Eilling station on this same side of the street some 6 to 8 blocks south. Hopin� that you can sea fit to rezone the above mention�d lots, I am Very trttly ;�tours, Signeds R. H. Ger��er,M.D. TO THE ZONINU BOARD, CITY OF CLEARV�ATER: The undersigned residents an�i property holders in and near Rogers and Greenwood Hi11s subdivision do hereby agree that Lots l, 2, 3, 6 Greenv�ood Hills and Lot 20 Rogers� Subdivisions be zoned ��B�� (business), from R--�; (biultiple Dwelling District). No in- toxicating liquor to be sold on said lots. Si�ned by 49 property holdars. . 'Na the undersigned are all property owners or residents o£ that certa,in subdivisbns (ittagnolia Park Sub., I�4ount Arangs Sub,, Roger Sub., & Magnolia Heights) We wish to £ile with the Zoning Boasd our ob3ections to the ereation of a Grocery Store, Barber SYxop or any other business establishment. Our objection to the proposed construction are sumarized in the following paragraph. This area in which we live is primarily a residenLial section. iJe f'eel thst should any busines5 be constructed in our nalghborhood, we will be le�t open for other non- conforming uses, which will decrease the attractivei.a;ss o� tho propert�, as well as the valuation as xesidential propertq. iYe earnestly recor.nmend that hir, Perry�a �pplication Por a business permit not be given favorAble �.ona3deration. Signed by 85 property ovaners or residenta. � ■ CZTY COMIoiISSTON h4EET1NU November 14 1949 , ��� City of Clearwater Inter-�ffice Communicstion November 9, 1949 To Mr. Bennett From Oliver Ii. Anclerson, Sec�y Zoning Board Sub ject r REQUEST OI+' WILL:LAh1 F. AND EDNA H. MINOR { C�LEARVJATER DfOTORS,, INC. ) �4t the regular meeting of the Zoning Bce rd held Tuesday avaning, November 8,, T9�9, �he Boar�d ruled in favor of granting the request of William F. and Edna H. Minor to zone Lots 3 an�l 4 of Ao H. Duncan Subdivision (novn unzonedj to Business. It is the Boards understa nding that this property P�ill be used as a"IIsed Auto Parts�� business and plans are to erect a�rame building nn the front part oP the lot facing Soutih Greenwood Ave., which �vi11 con�ist of shelv9a and all parts wi1Z bQ marked anci kept sys�ematically, the balance of ths S'. Greenwood Prontage wi17: c�n- sist of an antrance and a board ience �hich will be kept painted a�nd in an attra^.tive condition so that from the straet no junk wi�.l come into viev�r, It will be necesab:rg howeVar to park used automobiles on the beck oi' the property while they are bein� torn down to be shelved and until a full losd accumul�tes, the uneused parts �vil7_ rerr�ein in one small pile. TheBoerd suggeste that providing this request is grAnted that a��ritten agreement be mada by Mr. & Mrs. hiinor with the city to carry out the propo3ed plans. Attached here�aith is n1r. & Nirs. Minor�s reques� together with a plat of the property. CLEARY�ATEH h10TOR5, IATC. 11Y5 Cleveland Street Clearwater, Florida November 8, 1949 City of Clearw�ater, Zoning Board, C3ty Hall, Olearwater, F'la . Gentlemen: We wish to bring a request before you for cons3deration to zone lot� 3 and 4 of A. H. DUNCAN'S SUBDTUISIOP7 OF THE NTEST AALF ( Q) OF TAE NORTHEAST QUARTEFi OF (NEg) OF THE SOtTTHYYEST QUARTER ( SWg) OF SECTION 22, T0�1'�iSHTP �9 SOtimg� �NGE 15 EAST, according to map thereof reco�ding to map thereof recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 2�, Public Recorda of Pinellas County, F'ior•ida . (Also s2iawn on may recorded in Plat Book 2, Pa�e 44, Public Recorda of Pinellas County, b'lorida.) £�r businesse SYe v�ish to use this proport�y for a�tUsed Auto Parts�1i business. V1k:a� we state Used Au�o Parts that ia not to be conf`used with a junk yard. Our plan.i are to erect e i'rane buildirag on the front part o� the lot facing S'outh Green�oad Ave., which will consist o£ shelves and ell garts will be marked and kept systematically, the balanna of the S. Greenwood fronta,ge will consist of an entrar.ce and a board fence which will be kept paintec': and in an attractive condition so that Pro� the str�et no �unk wi11 com� into view. It wi11 be necessary ho�vever to pa:r� uasd automobiles on the baok oP the property while they are be�ing torn down to bs shslved and until a fu11 load accuinulates� the unueed parts will ren�ain in one small pile. We feel that the business which we have in mind vrould be an asset to tre present co�nun3ty. This being gene�al7.y lmown as a colored sub-division there is nothing but ampty lois immediately surroundir�g thi� property and tha nearest dwellings are all colored, being much less attractive than this pro�osed bus3ness,. We w�iid like to stres3 ti�at this property is out oi the fira zone �nd the propert� just across the street on the west side of South Gresnwood Ave. is zoned for business. Please find attached sketch of above property. Yours respact.fully, Signed: William F. nSinor and " Edna H. P±Iinor November 7, 19h9 Gi�y of Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: I hereby offer bhe sum of ��500.00 in cash £or the follow3ng described property,, which I understand is now owned by the City of Clearrvater: East 50 �eet of Plest 66Q feet of North 150 feat of'South 205 feet o£ Tract D, Country Club Replat, Section 10, Township 29 Sou�h, Range 15 East ('Pinellas County, Florida) It is understood that in the event this offer is accepted the City will 9upply me � � � CITY COn'IIr1ISSI�rt htEETTNG November 14� 1949 with an abs�ract of title or appx�opriate title insurance pol3c:y showing ti�1e in the City of Glearvrater free �nd cla�r of all encumbrancss. I iiereby agree that in the event this offer is accepted I vrill within one yeax from tXie date oP such aaceptence construcua permanent building on sa3d property, which building is to be used bg me as a warehouse in connaction with my businesg as a �ener$1 contrac:�or., Very truly yotrrs� Signed: Henry Lockett �tewart Bonded Warehouse 1124 Maple Street Clearwater, Florida Tdovember 7, 1949 The Iviayor and Board of City Commissioners, City of Clearwater, Clearwater, Flas Gdntlemen: I would like to bug from the City 1'00 feet of tho land front3ng that dis- tanee on Map1e Street and Seaboard R. R. siding adjoining my �arehouse at 1124 ldaple Street and running bacl�. to the north a depth of 155 feet. The price to be �10,.00 per front foot as per the agreement between the City and 'che Seaboard Railroad on ell that land £acing this sect�on of hiaple Streat and Seaboard siding. The abov� propertg is described as the r7orth 155� of the South 205� of the East 100t of the West 610� of Tra�ct D, Ne�ti Gountry Club addition. It is ng understending that there is only 150 fe�t of this land fronting on Maple Street and Seaboard siding stilZ ov�ned by thb City, Ii' it is your wish to sell the remaining T50� frontage vuhich adjoins my warehouss on the Esst and there- by have all the land along this Seaboard siding privatelg owned, I will be glad to buy the 150,feet instead of 100 peet as it'is mq sincere belief that I wi11 evantually need same aspecially if Clearwater continuas to grov� and my business: gro�us with it which I will surely try to do. Probably all oP gou gentlemen know o£ the warehouse I built on the 100 foot frontage Z bought from the City a little over two yeArs ago. I have been open for business hardly a year and my warehouse is practically full now. My storage ware- house business has brown beyon� my Pondest expec�ations in this short time and it is with the thought of expanding when necessary that I desire to bu� the land ad- joining me. I would, however, like to have more time within which to build a building on the newly acquired land than the usual ons year just in case conditions got bad an� additional Narehouse apace Mas nr�t needed. I would Zike a three year period if you can see your �aay,clear to grz?nt same. At the end of a three year period iP I have not built a build3ng on this land I will re-aaea it to the City on refund of original purchase price iP the City desires me to do so at that time. Payment for this land w311 be rilade in full on date oi closing the;sale. Thanking you �.n advance Por your favosable consideration, I am Yo�rs respectl:ia.11y, Signe�: Joe R. Stewart October 22, 1949 Mrr Boyd Bennett City M�nager Claarv��atar, Florida Re: Storm Sewer project Dear ivir. Bennett. I l�ave now been informed that the City o� Clearv+ater vrould be exceeding its legal alzthority in iasuing cert;:ificate's agsinat ths abutting propertyo It has been declared by the coimnission, aince there are no f`unds with wh�.ch to do this needed drainage immedtatel� east of Ivlyrtle Fivenue on 'Cleveland Streat, that the issuing of certificate'q were necessary. Your cit� attor.ney and gour- self have said that the certificate's could be foreclosed if not paid at the end of ten yea rs. I sm confident the necessary f�znds can be raised if the City of Clearwater �rill back the certificate�s issued if not paid. �lso since the City hAs an ■ 3 � H�' ■ � CITY COMMISSSON Iv1EETII�iG ,,� 35' Piovember 14 1949 a or�anization which can collact for the certli'icatets when eonvenient for propPrty holders to pay. It also has the organization that can call for bids and lnspect the work. If you will give me assurance �n some form that the city is willing to proceed in this manner T wi11 endeavor to make the Punds avails�ble Por the project. Sin,^,erely, Signede W. Y!. BlacYburn ■ � � � � � CITX' �OA'I�,�SS�T�Pt �IEE�TI�TG � � � November Z�, 1�J49 OIiLINANC� PJO. 58� ` AAT ORDTTdAivCE A111EI1vI21G SE�TT�I1 �$ OF� Qf�llTiSAP;C� �538, AS Ar�I�NllEU, TH� AT,COHOLIC BEVERA:GE ORUZNANCE, 13Y PR�SGRIi3T21G THE FI?v.�5, FIACE� ATJv CO2JDITIGAT5 td21UI;R VVHICH SPECTr'I�U AT�COFTUL7C BLVET�IGES P:.AY �E SOLD VJITHTTd TFIE CTTY T�TP:ITTS, REP3�ALIrdG AL'L 2'lsRTS �k' ORDIr1�;ZdCES II3 GONr'T,ICT TFIER�YJIT�i, A"tdl? PROV1L:CiJG TH� �r'r'�GTTVE DAT'r: •QF THT� QRI)sNAT10E. BE ZT ORDAI�iI'EU fi;' Ti3� C3T�.� COl��`:IiSSI01`� Q1+' TII3s C:i'1X UH' CT,�FsRti�f�T��;R, b'L��il`UA. SECmTON 1. That Sectio� 28 of Ordin�nce �,�538, as antended,, bein� tkio Al.caholic Beverags qrdinance, is herebtj amended as �ollolts: 'rSect:ion 2$. A, That tYiere are hereby estaUlisY�ed hours duri.ng whicl� all establisi�u:lents in Clear�vAtFr, Florida, in which alcoholic t�everages oi ang alcoholic canterit are so1d, bartered, ex_- chan�ed or dispensed az�e requ�.red t� rer;iain closed, as here- inaftar set i`ort?z. S. That for �he purpns�s of �n3s Aet the iollo�vin� definitions ef tas�.ns are adopteds Es�ta�blishments dealing in aZcohol3c bevara�es. Tha term ��Establishments dealing in alcoholic beverages�� snall mean any businesa or astablishr.cenb licensed by the Sta�e of �loric:a �or tlle sale of alcoholic beverages of any aleoholic content or any area or part af ang buildin� ��r atructure in which al.coholie bevera�es of any a1coY?olic content are st�red, kept for sale,, offared f�r sale, sald, served or dispensad under license by the State of rloricla or any� other part oi said builaing or strructure, or any ouher buildiz�� or stritcture that has any entrance, door or other passageway ttzc,t could in an� �anner be used or utilized as a meang of access, 3n�resss or egrass: into the area in which alcoholic beverages of any alcoholic contsn� are kept, offered for sale, s�ld or d�a�ensed, or which is 3n anq other manner capable of acceas, ingress at any tir.ie to the area in which &lcoholic beverag�s oi' any alcoholic content are kept, offered for sale, solcl, served oi cliepensed. Provicied, inovrever, that eaid terra tifhen applisd to hotels� elubs, or golf clubs, as definad in thia secti�n, and grocery stores licensad to sell alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumpt�on, s':nall mean that area or part of said hotel, clubs or golf c1uUs and grocer� storas in which sa3d beverages are kept, so1d, servad or dispensed when the said area is capaUl� of being closed or in some other ��anner set apart an� forbi�den to access. Clubs. T�.e term °clubs`t shall mean any group of persons• assoc3ated toge�her as a dul.y chartered or incorporated club, includinp; sacial clubs Yncorporated by order of bY:s circuit judge after their charters have been found to be for objecta autharized Uy I.aw and approved by said circuit �udge as organized for lawful purposes and �rahere said club has not been organtized for the purpase of evading license taxes, or for the purpose of evading re�;ulations and restrictions placed upon the sale af alcoholic beverages of any alcoholic content, and such nona fide clubs at the tirie of �their applicstion for a license to sell elcoholic beverages ai�all have bsen in continuous ac-tive existence and operation for a pe�iod of not les� than two years in Clearv�ater, �'lorida. Gols Club. Trie term "golf c1uU" shall mean any club organized and exist�ng for the purpose of providinf, a club houae for its golf playing members or p2;trons, vrh�re said golf club is lncated upan the sanie premises v�ith a playabZa goif course, It is the purpose and intention of this deiinit�on to restrict the term `r"golf club«' to such clubs bone� ficie devoted. to the members of aaid club atid �,atrons: using a goli course directly connected therewith. Elect-�on Da,qe: Any da� on which a primar�r ar general state el.eetion is held, and any day on which a�rimary' or general municipal election is held within the Cit.y of Clearwater. Res,taurant. A'�restaurant�'' shall mean an establishrment hav3.ng necessary equi�ment ta cook and prepare neals ancl th�tt does prepare a nd serve fu�.l courae mea1�. _ � ■ ����� CTTY CQP�II�'IISSION hiEETII7G Nover.iber 14, 1949 Ord3nance ��58u - continuea C. Prohibited houra are hereby establ.ishad and the term ��Proh3bitecl h�ura�� 9ha11 mean the periods of time here3n aet fortYa,: Weekdays, 'bettivson one A. r��. and �ine A„ i2o Sundaqa, e:�cep� Veva Xear� s �ays and Christrnas Days, al1 tinrea of the daq, except as ia provided in Sub- section ��E�� of this Section. Christmas Uay, any time after tv�� A. nt. Vew Year�s lia�g, betweeii � A�. M. and 9 ti. h7., e:tcept when New Year�s 7Jag falls on Sunday, and then prohibitad hours shall be any t3me after two A, bI. Election cleys, from one A. Ai. until �the polls are closed, v. Tt sY�all be unlav�ful for an� person or vendor �o se11, afFer for sale, serve or dispense alcoholic beveragea of atiy alaoholic content in an�,� establishment in the City dsaling in alcohalic bevarages during the prohibi�e�l hours as c3ef.3�ed in this Section. It shall be unlawful for any vendor to suffer, �er�it or allov� arr,� establiehment dealing in alcoholic bevera�es to be and remain open £or the transaction o£ any business of �n� kind wnatsoavar at any time during the prohibi�eci houry, except as provicled 3n Sub-section 1hE° of tt�i� Section. It shall be unlswful for any vendor to suffer, perrnit or allov� an y person to enter or to suffer, permit or a11ow �n� person {:o be and rer�ain in any establishmen� dealing in alcohol.ic bevera�es at any tir:ie during tha prolzibited hourg, except E15 provided in �ub.-ssction ��Ei� o= this Section. :Lt ahall be unlawful for any person to enter or to be or rernain in any establishment dealing �n alcoholic beverages at anj� tirse cluring �aid pr�hibited hours, except as pro- vided i� Sub-section t��" of thia Section. E. Restauran�Es, as dei'ined herein, �vhieh also sell or dispense alcoholic bevera�es, na9 re�ain open ior t�ie saTe and serving of food on Sunday, provided that no restaurant sYza11 serve or sell alco�ialie beverages on Sunday except bet��een one P, P,L �nd 11 P. bi,, and pro- vided, furt3�er, tillat no alcoholic beverages sha1T ba sold, servad or dispensad to persons standin� or seated at bars or caunters or to anyone e:cept per5ona seated At dining table� or booths, which tables and booths si1a11 be withYn the building o£ the place of business, and provided fur-- ther that no a lcoholic beverages shall be sold, served ar da.spenazd except by the drink for consumntion u�on t�e prer.mises o F. Nothing contained in this Section shall be construed to prevent a cendor of any establishment dealin� 3n alcoholia beverages sror:�entering, xaein� or rema�nin� in :said esbablishrtient during prohibited hours �rhen said vendor is actually engaged in duties ottre� than �he sale or servin� of alcoholic bevexages in said astablishment; nor s�zall this :i�ction be construed to prevent fireman or 1aw-enforcement afficer from enteriX�g, bein� or remaining in said establishr.len�t in the performancg of his auties.° SECTTON 2:. All Ordinan ces or parts of 9rdinances in conflict herewith a re Yzereby repea led . SECTION 3'. Thia Ord�.n�nce sha11 become effective irrmiediatelq upon passage. Paased on iirst reading Idovember 14, 1949 Passed on second readin� Nover,iber 14, 1349 Passed on third reading riovember 14, 1�49 1'assed and adopted by the City Commission of ti�e C�ttT o�' Clear�vater, Flor�da. Signed: Harry U. Sargeant It1a yor- C orrani s s ioner A�test:• Si�;ned H. G, �Vin�o C3t9 Auctitor and �lerl� _ �