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September 14, 1949
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The 6ity Conunission of the City of' Clearwater, Florida met in special session
September 14, 1949 at 11:30 A.M. at the City Hall with the rol10w~g members present:
.ll~' ...... . .1. .
Harry D. Sareeant
Herbert ~1. Br'o't/n
E. B. Cash:l', Jr.
Leland F. DrAw
Guy L. Kennedy
Cornmis:~ ion er
Cornrnis;3 ion Dr
Comrnis:; ioner
Absent: none.
Others pres~nt: Boyd A. Bennett, City Manager
Ben Krentaman I City Attorney
George McClamma, Chief of' Police.
The mcetin~ was called to oruer by Mayor Harry D. Sargeant, stating that the
purpose of the meeting was the consideration of a report from the Committee appointed
a t the re.e;u1ar meeting September 6, dealing \"/ith the problem of repa:h::ing and replacing
seawalls and the installation of e.;roins in the Mangrove, Palm Street area, and also to
consider any other business which the Commission might desire. .
The City Attorney at this time read the following report:
The orieina1 wall for the 50 ft. width street @ ~~lL...OO per foot or 700.00. On a
life basis of 20-years (4 years service) $140.00 depreciation to be allowed on t~e
$700.00, leaving ~560.00 to be assumed by the Armston Company as guaranteed according
to their guaranty contract.
The replacement of the wall with,a 16 ft. slab in accordance with the Beach
Erosion Board's specifications at the present price of ~35.00 per ft., asked by
Armston Go., equals $1750.00. Less the guarantee of ~560.oo allowed by Armston
Company, leaves a balance of ~1190.00 for the City to pay.
The City Has requested recess steps in the new sea wall at added cost of ~350.00,
making the total cost to the City to pay - ~1540.00, plus 5% to cover the engineering
cost of the design, inspection and supervision of the reconstruction.
The Arrnston Company is to take down the present old wall and break it up so that
this can be used for rip-rap by the City, and is to be loaded on City trucks at the
site of the present wall. Armston Conlpany is to also complete the fill after the
new wall is built up to the bottom of the wall cap.
The property O\'mers requesting groins 65' long built out into the Gulf to be of
creosoted timber designed by ~nginecr, Mr. Butler. The Armston Company agrees to
build these groins at $20.00 per lineal ft. of eroin or ~1300.00 per groin. The
nw~er of groins will be $ or 9. Engineering fee to cover the design, specifications,
inspection and supervision of the work of 5~~ to be paid to the Engineer, 1\1r. ,
Butler. The total cost of the installation of these groins by tlle ;~rmston Company
is to be divided between all of the property owners i'rom the north end of Dr. Guthrie's
lot to the .:Jouth end of Palm Jtreet. 'l'he City's share of this is 90 ft. a test imated
cost of ~16.o0 per ft., plus 5% for engineering wO\lld cost the City $1512.00. '
On the motion of Commissioner Casler, seconded by Commissioner Brown, the report
of the Committee was accepted, and the appro!1riation of the above noted approved for
expenditure. The City, ...ttorney was then instructed to prepare a contract to be executed
by all parties interested, namely; property owners adjacpnt to the constnuction of
the e;roins I ArInston Company I and the Cit y of Clearwater.
On the motion by Commissioner Casler and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the
City Manager was instructed to prepare an estimate of the cost of repairing the 150 ft.
concrete pavement on the south end of Clearwater Beach Island.,' ::The tnbbion was:unani-
mously carried.
Commissioner Brown suggested that the Commission should make further study of the
possibility of a Bond Issue in order that the seawall Commission would have money to
build seawalls or any other improv~ment to the beach toJassure protection to our beaches. .
Mayor Jare;eant then read the following Proclamation relative to 5~~ Uti'lity Tax nefund:
VffiEUEAS The City of Clearwater has available for refund to its gas and water
consumers as well as refunds held by the Florida Power Corporation total of $24,220 and
WHEREAS the City 6ommission has agreed by formal resolution to impo}Jnd these
refunds to either a city pier on Clearwater Beach or a swimming pool for negroes and
WHEREAS the Chamber of Co~nerce has launched a campaign through which these
consumers by post card ballot, can designate which of the two projects they desire
to support by their refunds and
~'ffiEREAS I reeard this campaign as offering the people of Clearwater their best
opportunity of building both a pier ahd a pool without additional taxation.
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Special Commission Minutes
September 14, 1949
THEREFORE, I, Harry D. Sargeant, Mayor of Clearwater do hereby proclaim the
full endorsement of the City government to the campaign and urge all citizens to
give it their full support.
Harry D. Sareeant
fin the motion of Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the
proclamation' was unanimously approved.
.::1 <.,
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
~ ity Auditor &. Cler
September 14, l�i�g
The 6ity Commission of the City of Clearwater, I�'l�ri�ia met in special session
September 1LE, 19�.9 at 11:30 A.M, at the City Hall with the follotiving members present:
Harry D, Sargeant - Nlayor-Commissioner
Herbert M. Bro•rm - Commissioner
E. B, Gasler, Jr. - Gommissioner
Lelarid F, Drew - Commissioner
Guy L, Keni�edy - Commissioner
Elbsent; none.
OGhers presents Boyd k. Bennett, City Mana�er
Ben Krentaman , City Attorney �
George McClamma; ChiEf of Police.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Harry D. Sargeant, stating that the
purposs� of the meeting was the consideration o£ a report from t�e Committee appointed
at the regular meeting September 6, dealing with the problem af rP�as�ing an3 replacing
seawalls and the installation of groins in thE Mangrove, Palm Street area, and also to
consider any otner business which the Cosmission might desire. '
The City A�torney at this time read the following report:
The ori�inal wall ior the 50 ft, width street `�11�.00 per foot or �OO.00. On a
life basis of 20-year� (�. years service) �11�0.00 depreciation to be allowed on the
$�700,D0, leav�ing �560,00 to be �ssumbd by the Armston Company as guaranteed according
to their guaranty contract.
The replacement of the wall �aith a 16 ft, sla b in accordance with the Beach
�rosion Boardts specifications at the present price of �p35,00 per f.t,, asked by
Armston Co., equals �1750.Q0. Less the guarantee of �+560.00 allowed by Armston
�ompany, leaves a balance of :�1190.00 for the City to pay.
The City Has requested recess steps in the new sea wall at added cost of N350.00,
making the totaY cost to the City to pay -�p1�40.00, plus 5� ta cover the en�ineering
nost of the design, inspection and supervision of the reconstruction,
The yrmston Company is to take down the present old wall and break it up so that
this can be used for riP-rap by the Oity, and is to be loaded on City trucks at the
site of the present tvall. Armston Com��any is to also comglste the fill after the
new waZ� is built up to tkie bottom of the wall cap,
The propert3� OZYI!$X'8 requestin� groins 65 t long built out ir�to the Gulf to be of
creosoted timber designed by �ngineer, Mr, Butler. Ths �rmston �ompany agrees to
build these groins at �20,00 par lineal ft, of groin or �1300.00 per grain, The
nurnber of groins will be $ or 9. Engineering fee to cover the design, specifications,
inspection and supervision of the work of 5r'o to be paid �o the �ngineer, b'Ir.
Butler. The total cost oi the installation of these �roins by Lrie Armston Gomp�ny
is tca be divided between all oi the property owr�ers from the nor�h end of Dr. Guthrzets
lot to tk�e :�outh end of Pal.m �treet. TI�e City � s share of this is 90 ft. at estimated
cost of .�16,00 per ft., plus 5a for anginsering would cost the City �1512.00.
On the motion of Commissioner Casler, seconded by Commissioner Brown, the report
of the Gommittee tivas accepted, and the apprapriation of the above noted approved for
expenditure, The City..+ttorney was then ins�ructed to prepare a contract to be executed
by �11 parties interested, namely; property o�mers adjacent to the constr�uction of •
the �roins, Arznston Company, and the City of Clear�rater.
On the motion by Commissioner Casler and seconded by �omr,:issioner Kennedy, the
i%ity Man�ger was instructed to prepare an estimate of the cost of regazring the 7.50 f't.
concrete pavement on tYre south end of Clearwater Beach Island. -The inbLion was'unani-
mousl� car�ied.
Commissioner Brown suggested that the Commission should make further study c,i the
possibility of a Eond Issue in order �hat the Seawall Commission tivoulci have monev to
build seawalls or �ny other improvement to the beach to'assure protection to our beaches.
Nayor �ar�eant then read the following Prociamation relatiJe to 5; Uti`lity Tax Refund:
WHERFAS The City of �learwater has available for refund to its gas and water
consume.rs as well as refunds held by the Florida Power Corporation to�al of �2L�t220 and
�4HEREAS the �ity 6omnission h�s agreed by formal resoTution to impound these
reiunds to either a city pier on �learwater Beach or a swimming pool for negroes and
WIiEccEAS the Chamber of t�ommerce has i aunched a th
_ camnaign rough tvhich these
consumers U;,, pasti card ballot, can designate which of the t�vo projects they desi.re 1'
to support by ttieir refunds and
,1HEREAS � xe�ard this campaign as affering tYae �eople o.f Clear�vater their best _
opportunity of bui'�ding both a�ier ahd a pool without additional taxation.
�pecial Commission Mintttes
September 11�, 19�r9
THEREFQRE, I, Harry D. Sargeant, Mayor o.f Clear�vater do hereby proclaim the
full endorsement of the City government to tkie campaign and ur�;e all citizens to
giv� it their tull support.
Harry D. �ar�eant - signE�d
� the motion of Commissi�ner 13ro�vn, seconded by Gommissioner Kennedy, the
groi:lamation, was ananimou�ly a:pprovecl.
There being no further business to corne before �he Board, the meeting was
Mayor-C missioner
�:Git,y Auditor & C1erk
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