09/08/1949?',' ?? ;.: ::? , . .. .,•i ® 1 ?s The City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, met in special '. _ __.._,____? session the evening of September $, 1949 at $:00 P,M. in the City Hall, with the following members present: ?;.?. , ?,,;w Harry D, Sargeant -Mayor-Commissioner ??'?'? Leland F. Drew -Commissioner E. B, Caster Jr. -Commissioner Herbert M. Brown -Commissioner Guy L. Kennedy -Commissioner Absent: none. t! 1• r Others present: Boyd A. Dennett Ben Krentzman George McClamma SPECIAL COMMISSION MF.>aTING September $, 1949 - City Manager - City Attorney - Chief of Police The meeting was called to order by Mayor Harry D. Sargeant, who explained the purpose of t}?e meeting was the consideration of the problem of Beach Erosion, and any other matters the Commission wish to discuss. At that time Mayor Sargeant asked for discussioq from the floor from any one interested in the Beach Lrosion Problem. Gus VJilder,Attorney, addressing the Commission urged immediate action on the matter of repairing the 3eawa1l, establishing groins in t}ie area between Palm Street and P:angrove Street Sam Davis, general manager of the Armston Company, said the Company would co-operate with the City in repairing the seawall but he did nct believe the damage was caused by faulty constriction. He said the beaches simply washed away leaving the wall to bear the frill load of the waves, C, F., ??Jare, attorney for the City Seawall Commission pointed out that no work can be done by the Commissian unless the people of Clearwater approve athree-quarter million dollar bond issue for an overall plan, and he did not believe they would approve these bonds. He said this leaves the Seawall Commission nothing with which to .vork. He suggested the City go ahead with any plan to save the beaches from complete destruction. Leo Butler, civil engineer, is working out groin designs to be furnished the City Manager the first of next week for him to present to the Army Engineers for their approval. This is for groins south of the Trailer Park on City owned property. They will be of creosote treated timber. Jesse Smith, chasTman of the Seawall Commission, told the board conditions on the beach have never been worse and that there was no semblance of a beach left. He believed groins should be built and then filled between with sand. The pity Manager read an article relative to Palm Beach stock piling sand which stated that stockpiling of sand had saved the ocean boulevard and many private hopes along the beach during the recent hurricane. Paul Ficht, beach resident, told the board Gulf Boulevard, on the Sotith end of the beach, was slowly washing away. . It was moved by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Caster and unanimously carried that Mayor Harry D. Sargeant and httorriey Gus Wilder be appointed to serve with the Committee named at the regular Commission Meeting of September 6, 1949. Mayor Sargeant announced that the Committee would meet at the City Hall at 10:30 A.M. Friday, ,September 9, 1949. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meetin? was adjourned. ?A-'II ?j µ C? ? y }? ..., Y'y ,?y' r a?? :g t . ? 4},?,} N ?, ATTF ?T: ? ?xr,'????d??1 } ?? . , r ,?,k' `F;'? zr" ? ;' ? t? ? y?'Y'ti I X .' ? ' rs ?4?? ???y? Y ? ? x ? . `? ` { ? Cit Auditor 6c clerk Y , « ?}y ??a1t??y.Ap??yart d?°` ?tn?J?S r?. ! i '(?? ?w ? ? ct r4 H i j t h > x,.h ????, ??r?? ' ? ?F.?9?:?1?i ?u.:??r*i t1? a .. ?, au f?,i ? ,? y?? ?! K, of t?' ? ???? ??ir 4 µe??w? ??'d ? J ? ! `?° ° ??; ??...?, { 4 .. ? ??:?HJ?fl.b. ?:,_.., ..r ,_ ,,? ,?,., .?...r j?,,; ,; r ?''' ;;: ?; ;'. ?,. ,, i /, S, ?'- d i?' t t ? r?i? ;„ ? ,;?Fi??,i1.i ,i ?? ?-- . r I - ■ SPECTAL COMMISSION MEETTNG . September $, 194.9 The City Cornmission of the City c�.f. Clearwater, Flor ida, met in special session �he evenin� of September $, lyl�9 at $;00 P.M, in �he City Hall, with the following members present: Harry D. Sargeanb - Mayor-Gommissioner I�eland F. Drew - Commissioner E. B. Casler Jr. - Commi�sioner HerUert I�I. Brown - Commissioner Guy I,. Kennedy - Commissioner Absent:• none. Others presant: Boyd I�. Eiennett - City Nanager Ben Krentzman - City Attorney George McClamma - Chief of Police The meeting was called to order by r�ayor H�rry D, Sargeant, who expla ined the purpose of thE meeting was the consideration of' the problem of $each Erosion, and any ��her matters the Cornmission wish to discuss. At that time Mayor Sargeant askzd for discussior� from the floor from any one interested in the Beach Erosion Problem, Gus V1ilder,Qttarney, adaressing the Co.�mission urged immediate action on the matter of repairing the :3eawa1l, establishing �roins in the area between Palm �treet and P�:�,ngroge ��reet� Sam Davis, general man ager of the P_rmston Company, said the Company would co-operate with the �ity in repairing the seawail but he did not believe the damage was caused by faulty construction. He said the beaches simplv washed away leaving the wall to bear the fu11 load o,f the waves, C, E, ti+lare, attorney for the Ci�y Seawal.l Commission poin�ed out that uo wo.rk can be done by �he Commission unless the people of Clearwater approve a thrE�-quarter million dollar bond issue for an overall plan, and he did • not believe they would approve these bonds, He said this lpaves the SeawaTl Commission nothing with whirh to work. Fie suggested the City go ahead tvith any plan to save the beaches from complete destrucCion. Leo Butler, civil engineer, is working out groin designs to be furnished the City 1�Sanager the first of next week for him to present to the Army Engineers for their apgroval. This is for groins south of the Trailer Park on City ownad proper ty. They will bQ of creosote treated timber. Jesse Smith, chaa'rman of the Seawall Commission, told the board conditions on the beach have never been worse and that there was no semblance of a beach left,, He believed groins should be built and then filled between with sand. The �ity r�anager read an article relative to Palm Beach stock piling sand which stated that stocicpiling of sand had saved the ocean boulevard and man} private hor�es along the bsach during the recent hurricane. Paul Ficht, beach resident, told the board Gulf Boulevard, on thz Sohth end of the beach, was slowly wash�ng ativay. It was moved by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Casler and unanimously carried that Mayor Harry D. Sargeant and attorney Gus Wilder be aPpointed to serve with the Committee named at the regular Gommission Meeting of September 6, 1949. N�ayor Sargeant announced that the Committee would meet at the City Ha11 at 10:30 A.M. Friday, September 9, 19t�9. Tnere being no further business to come before the Board, the meetin iras adjo urned, Mayo Commissione ATTE�T; ����:s� �����%%.i� tCity Auditor & �lerk � � � ,