08/16/1949 . , "':~ , ' ') . :-, ~ CITY COMMISSION 1ffiETING August 16, 1949 The City Commission, of the City of Clearwater, met in Special Session on Tuesday, August 16, 1949 at 12:00 Noon, at the City Ha11 with the following members present: Harry D. Sargeant - 1wyor-Commlssioner Herbert M. Brown - Commissioner Leland Ii'. Drew - CODmllssioner Absent: E. B. Casler, Jr. - Con~lssionor Guy L. Kennedy - Commissioner The Mayor called the meeting to order and explaIned tha t the meeting had been oalled for the purpose of considerinr, the reading and final passage of Ordinance #578. The Ordinance, having been read in full b~' CIty Attorney Krentzman; Conmissioner Brown moved that the OrdinanoE> be passed on the third and final reading. The motion was seoonded by Commissioner Drew and carried. Mayor-Com- missioner Sargeant, and Commissioners Brown and Drew voted ItAyen. No negative votes were polled. Absent and not voting - Comm1ssion- ers Casler and Kennedy. The various papers, letters, etc., set out below are hereby made a part or these minutes. i t I'., ! -j' I", , ~ ',~. ; ,.' " :.' ..;' . " ,'". . - f., ',.' .;' .': ~\:t. ':>,>".';', )'. August 16, 1949 Mayor-Commissioner Harry D. Sargeant Commissioners: Lela nd }1'. Drew Herbert M. Brown E. B. Casler, Jr. G. L. Kennedy Gentlemen: At the regular meeting of the Commission on August 15, a Reso~ut1on was presented and passed, authorizing a special meeting of the Com- mission ~t 12:00 Noon, August 16, .cor the purpose of considering Plumbing Ordinance, establishing a Plunlbing Board. Yours very truly, Signed: Boyd A. Bennett Boyd A. Bennett City Manager ORDINANCE NO. 578 AN ORDINANCE DEFINING, REGULATING AND GOVERNING MASTER PLUMBERS AND JOURNEYMEN PLlll\1BERS WITHlli THE CITY Oli' CLBARWATER, :F"LORIDA, AND PROVIDING ~'OR CERTIFICAT:i:i:S AND LICmrSES TO BE ISSUED TO SUCH PERSONS: PROVIDING l<-xlH THE EXA11INATION OF SUCH PERSONS AND THE PROCEDlTHE AND REQUIREMENTS THEREIi'OR, INCLUDING THE F'EI<.:S TO BE PAID BY APPLI- CANTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPOINT A CITY HEALTH OFIi'ICER WHO SHALL ALSO BE KNOWN AS THE CHAIRMAN Oli' THE CITY BOARD Oli' HEALTH; CREATING A BOARD OF PLUIdB1NG EXAlrGNERS FOR CONDUCTING SAID EXA1.1INATION, AND PHESCRIBING THE DUTIES AND POWERS OF SAID BOARD; PROVIDInG It'OR THE EMPLOYMENT OF A PLmmING INSPECTOR AND ASS iSTANT PLUMBING Il{SPEC- TOR; PROVIDING THEIR Q,UALIPIOATIONS1 DUTIES A1ID POWERS; PROVIDiNG PE}~LTIES FOR nom VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND REPEAI..:LNG SECTIons TWO TO TWELVE (2-12) INCLUDlVE OF. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A PLUMBING CODE, PASSED JULY 156 1935, AS AMENDED BY OR- DINANCE #502. AND ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDI- NANCES IN CON);l'LICT HERE\"iITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSIon OF THE CITY OF C~RWATER, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS (a) The word "person" shall mean and include any indiv1.dual per- $";':"\'~"" r"~. ~~ . ~ 1"" ,., ~ son, firm, co-partnership, oorporation, assooiation or any comb1na~ ;"1,', '. . "'~'" ,'. ,',.' '. ,: . .... "..~.. : ". - . ' , . . .. .~, -,' - :..- '~.... 4,' '. --....... ,- _.....d. - .~ .,,' ~ , ' , '~}.' ,:,;, .,' ,,:. ,;,'] ". ;:. R'. '..~_~,'~ 'TR_ ......:.", ...;:'~:".:".'1":. ',:~...~:l:.' " l ",'. CITY COMMISSI01I MEETING August 16~ 1949 , : :r..,:,.,\."" .v (,,'3.'. thereat' . (b) Master plumber A Master Plumber is a person who a Bsumas responsibility for and direction of other persons in the installation of plumbing and who shall hold a master plumber's certificate front the Board of Plumb- ing Examiners of the City of Clearwater, Florida, if he desires to be- come a master plumber in said City after this Ordinance beoomes etfec- tive. ( c ) J'ourneyma n Plumber. A Journeyman Plumber is a person who perrorms the manual worlt of installing plumbing under the direction of a master plumber, and whoever, after this ordinance becomes effective, desires to become a journeyr~n plumber must hold a journeyman plumber's certificate fram the Board of' Pl~~bing Examiners of the City of Clearv/ater, Florida. SECTION 2. Every person desiring to engage in or work at the business of pJ.umbing, either as a master plumber or as a journeyman plumber in the city of Clearwater, Florida, shall, before so doing, obtain a certificate of competency as hereinafter provided, and a City occupational license, where the same is provided for the respective occupations. No such occupational license shall be issued until said certificate has been issued. Every person desiring any such certifi- cate and license shall first make written application therefol' to the Board of' Plumbing Examiners, hereinafter provided, through the plumb- ing inspector on the form which may be obtained from the office of the plumbing inspector of said City. Every applicant for a master plunhers certir.icate shall pay $20.00, and every applicant for a journeyman plumb- ers certificate shall pay $10.00, as a fee to the City to def'ray the cost of the exarnination which he shall take before the said Board of' Examiners. SECTION 3. The City Manager shall employ and appoint a plumb.. ing inspector and such assistant plwabing inspectors as are necessary. Said inspector and assistant inspectors shall be practical plumbers of at least ten (10) years' experience; who shall hold or have held a ~s- ter Plumbers certifiea te or license within the ten years innlledia tely prior to appointment. SECTION 4. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to appoint a City Health Officer, who srmll also be known as the Chair.. man of the Clty Board of Health. The City Health Officer may be a per- son holding some other office or position with the City of Clearwater, and shall be qualified by experience to perfor.m his duties. The said City Health Officer shall assist the County Health Officer in entoro1ng the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health, the County Heel th Board and the Ci.ty of Clearwa tel", and shall serve in the capaol ty of Char1man of the City Board of Health where the same 1s required by virtue of state law. Said City Health Offioer shall be pa1d by the Oity ,~uQ}:l..sums as may be fixed by the City Manager thereot. lJ'l: . )~ ,.. j ,,'"..r~ '. " ~(;;~ ~;~,~~j,::-~~t~if>: , I',.,," v.;.r"''/f'''''.''''.r,.. . (~';~;~~~~t;;i::;~< . :1~j(iii,{"t!:i1' . " "" '.' ' '. :'.' ~ ~ . I' r ! " , \ i , I " : 1 ' r'" , . , .' .. ~ llt!"ij::~~~iit~1: ",< \. :~".'I.;~{ ~,:. .';,-:\ ...~.~ ,..,' ''-':''''4'''J''~'~ lli~~~~::;\ ", ~';~~;:;.'l,J;i ;:~ci<J;';;;;:;i~~~~L{i;;~~~;:~X~iJ;~j,i:~~~,;;j;~~~~~~;A;jiri:; :;, '.' [-)\;::;:..:~:;';;'. ~I.~ "",' '~.~.."I. ,.t....f. I':""~'\ ,. . ,: in:;'";';;!,', '. . ," , ":1iJ1tV...:J'~}~:~~.~..~~ '::';~:";:.t~;~!~'.J\.d:'i','~";'~-:~';"~:f ..:.'. ~,.~. ~ ':'..:' .~,;: .'":{;:.l:'. ;.!~':' ~;';: ~... ....~\..:..:.l..;.:.~~:~;. 1 I " ".' :~1 I 1iI~:;r'{'l';~!:~'~;;~~'!'1l1~~~':.}",:'! ~ flIilIl_ E:;.~').-;;~:,m~/\~i"~7.~;(~.p:.flArf'J\ :,.,....",.".~ ," -" ~,: "",\:):;!,,~'~'?;;t:\~'w~:~:~~if~~~~.',::,::\..~~;~ ..' . .-.. -" .. ..-.. ,':>;.~~:;' _:I,~, ::.: ;~',,~.~.. ~,.:., ; <..:,., '.' .' _ '.,."..,.,~. ".r....;: . CITY co~mISSION MEETING August 16~ 1949 SECTION 5. There is hereby created a Board of Plumbing ExBmi- ners which shall have three (3) members" as follows: Chairman of the City Board of Health, a Mantex' Pl.umber, and a Journeyman Plumber. All members shall be appointed by the City Manager, and their first term shall expire January 1, 19450, or as soon thereafter as their Buccess- ors are appointed, and qualified; thereafter members of said Board shall be appointed annually on or before the first day of each year for a term of one (1) ~ear, or until their successors are appointed and qualified. The mentbers of said Board shall be paid by the Oity suoh stuns as may be fixed by the Ci ty Manager thereof. SECTION 6. The plumbinf> inspector sl~ll preside at all meetings of sa id Board of Plumbing Exa.miners, and shall have the deciding voice and vote 1n all matters connected with the examination of applicants and granting of certi.ficates whenever the remaining Dlembers of said boai'd are unable to agree. The plumbing lr1Spectol' shall :make a com- plete report of the plumbing department of the City, consisting o~ the examininp, board of plumbers, the plumbing inspector and his assis- tants, to the City Board of Health on December 31st of each year. SEOTION 7. Two (2) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for tl~ transaction or uus~ness. Said Boa~ of Plumbing Exam- iners shall have the power to rlla.ke su.ch by-laws, rules and regulations governing it, as it IllSY deem necessar~r" providing the same do not oon- fliet wi th the laws of' the Oity of' Clearwa ter and the sta te of Florida. SECTION 8. The plumbing inspector shall keep a record of a11 proceedings of the Board of' Pltunbing Examiners, together with the ne- cessary applica ti()n of' applicants and certif'ica. tea, showing all perti- nent information. Upon receipt of' an application for examination said Board of Plumbing Examiners shall cause sueh applicants to ba notified in writing of the date and place where the examination will be ~ld. Each applicant shall be examined b;r said Board of Examiners by ora1., written and practical tests as to his knowledge of plumbing, house drainage and plumbing ventilation. The passing grade of an~ examination is 75%, which shall be graded as follows: one-third (1/3) written~ one- third (1/3) oral and one-third (1/3) practical. Every person passing the examina. tion shall be i saued either a rna ster plumber's certificate or a journeyman plumber's certifiea te, depending upon the examina tion applied for and pa ased. The fee for a certif'1ca te for a master plumber shall be Five Dollars (~?5.00) and for a jotu'neYDlsn plumber shall be Two Dollars ($2.00). Any person taking an examination and failing may not make application for re-examinat~on until the expiration of six (6) months. Any person examined and having been advised tha t ,he has failed on the examination may appeal from the Board of Examiners to ~e City Comnission. provided~ however, such appeal shall be taken to the City Comn:saion within fifteen (15) days after having been notified of suoh fa 11ure. All oertif1.cates issued under the provisions of this '. J .I' '. ~ :'. - ',' I,. Al."l" ';" '.' 0' '. ," ... ,.j',...., T - - .Lll . __.__ u ..., ,~f""'_ (~', ,--, "'~lf ! ' \ ,., . , 'I . , " I i I I", _',' :,1. - ". ,,'. . f,0.j~~rl~\;, ; l':""~'" t:"r.~.\~ /," l" .1 > ~':~',<~ .. J;';it;:f~;.{~'~~;: . . '::' ',' ~i..',.' "'~'\";j~' j '1~111\< j'(', ~ '), . ~\ ; " , ", .... '..', , .( < ...;.;{,""t\~~~~~l\\ji~"""~~";:'"li'"'''C'''''''' .. e':~i ' i~r .~ . , I "f, I '1\ ~ ~ .: ". ~ "'li?' ;:""~~i , "1' . , . , , I ,( '. ~ I . ( amination hereinabove referred to. , ' , , ,. .' ", . ", . : . ~ , '. . ,..: .' '... ' ": ...~ ;.:....: ., . . ......-.... . "....;.. ". ......CI:..~O!M ISS ION M~T :'.,.,...,. "~",-,'j'C',,'j~~':~~'~~~~,,IJi&l~ti ;::::::: ::~~ ::::::c:: t:yS:~~;;~c~;: s~;;~::o:;r r::::w y::: cor- ;:I~&~Y~\~l ti~icate within thirty (30) days from the date of its expiration without further examination by paying the annual City occupational license as required, and a certi~icate renewal fee of One Dollar ($1.00). All moneys shall be paid into the Treasury of the City. SECTION 9. All master plumbers and journe~aen plumbers who are now engaged as such in the City 01' Clearwater, and are legally qualified and licensed so to do sha 11 not be required to take the ex- :." .,,; l,:~",(;?i:}?\ ;;,.,':. \ ".:::;;:,:.... ! \ .' . ' ! " , SECTION 10. Any person who is now or hereafter qualfied and licensed as a :me ster plumber or journeyman plumber, who shall viola te any of the provisions o~ this Ordinance, or who shall be guilty of the following acts or emm1ssionsl to-wit: (a) fraud or deceit in obtaining certi~icate or license, (b) negligence, incompetence or miscollduc t in the per- formance of his work on contract, (c) abandonment of any COl'ltract or work without legal excuse, (d) Any material departure from or disregard o~ pllunbing plans and specifications without the consent of the owner and the plumbing inspector, (e ) f'a ilure to s top work when ordered by the plllInbing inspector so to dOl " " ,. -,j" i~\)t~i1~t~1> · illlf< : :~~~ ;.f~:, " shall be subject to having his certi~icatn revoked or suspended by the City :!I1anager upon the recoIllmendation of the Board of Plumbing EXaminers. Prior to any such revocation or suspension the certificate hoJ.der shall first be given at 1 east five (5) de:ys' notice in writing. specifically setting ~orth the charges to be preferred, and a hearing shall be held by the Board of Pl.urnbing Examiners at the time and place to be set forth in such notice. SECTIOU 11. The City Managel' is hereby authorized and directed to enforce a 11 of the provisions of' this ord'inance through the plumb- ing department. SECTION 12. Any person or persons who shall violate any o~ the provisions of this O~lnance, who shall attempt to use the license of another, or who shall give false or forged evidenoe to the Board of EK.allliners j,n obtainlng or maintaining the certificate or license, shall upon conviction be punished by a fine not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) or by imprisornnent not exceeding sixty (60) days, or both. in the diAcretion of' the Municipal Court. SECTION 13. Sections two through twelve (2-12) inclusive, or an ordinance adopting a plumbing code, passed July 15, 1935, as amended by Ordinance #502, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 14. If ~or any reason any section, paragraph or part of this ordinance shall be declared invalid or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect any other section, pa~agraph or part of this ordinance. ',,' I:; ,', , . ---~ , ..... I. ,"', ,1'. '~I"''' ~ ~ .. " ' ", ' .. . ., ,..,"':....., . '. ;:~ . .",;.:':,'" -i'.,,' .' ..." " "'~"~;;'~~:pji~;~~~i;~~,~~i~lj~&i~~fr~~i~~~~Jtfu:gl~~~~~:f*~1i!H~j~~'~~.~~4,,'j:>." >':';"'~~'H .\. CITY COIDIISS ION MEETING: August 16, 1949 ' SECTION 15. This ordinance shall became effect1ve upon 1ts passage am publication according to law. PASSED on ~1rst read, August 15, 1949. PASSED on second reading August 15, 1949. '/," PASSED on third read1ng, as amended and adopted, August 16, 1949. ATTEST: Clerk There being no further business to come before the board~ the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: ..', � � � ■ 1 ��� CITX COMMISSTON P+IEETTNG August 16� 1949 The City Commis�ion, of the City of Clearvrater, met in Special Sassion on Tuesday, August 16, 1949 at 12:00 Noon, at the City Aail with the following members present: Hmrry D� Sar�eant - Ivl�yor-Commissioner Herbert NI. Brown - Commi•mioner Leland F. �Jrew � Conanissioner Absent: E. B. Casler, Jr. - Commissionar Guy L. Kennedy - Commigsioner Tho �4ayor called the meeti.ng to order and explained trat the meeting had been called for the purpose of considerin�; the reading and final passage o£ Ordinance #578. The Ordirance, having been reac� in full b�r City Attarney Kren�zman; Cmm�issioner Biown moved that tkie Ordi.nance be na�sea on the third and �'inal reading. The motion wa3 seconcieci by Coimnissioner Drew and carried. �Zayor-Com- missianer Sargeant, and Corrnnissioners Srown and Drecr �;o�ed "Aye��. No negative votes were pollod. A3�ssnt snd not voi;ing - Commission- ers Caslsr and Kennedy. �he various p�pe�s, ,letters, etc., set out belov� are hereby made a part of theae minutese August 16� 1949 Ma�or-Coirnnissioner Harr9 D. Sar�eant Co�iss�oners: Leland F. Dre�v ' Herbert hS, Brown E. B. Casler, Jr. ' C7. I„ Kennedy Gentlemen: 4t the ragular meeting of the Commission on August 15} a Resolutaion was presented and passed� suthorizing a speci�l meeting o£ the Co�- mission e�t 12:00 Noon, Au�ust 16, for the purposa of considaring Plumbin� Ordinance, esta�lishirig a Plunibing Board.. . Yours very trul�, Signed: Boyd A. �ennett Boyd' A . 3ennett City Ivianager ORDINP.NCE N0. 578 AN ORD7:NA2a'.'.E DEFIN1.TdG, REGUL.'�T:CPTCr AND CTI�V�NING IrIASTER PLUI�IBERS AND JOt7RP1E'Yfr� 1 PLUI4iBERS 1VITAl�1i THE CITY Ab' CL�.�RWATER, FLORIDA, AND PROVIDIrTG FOR CERTIFICATES ANli LICEIISES mp BE I55UED TO SUCH PERSONSs PROVIDING FOH THE EXAi1INATION OF SUCH PERSOl`iS t�1VD �IE PROCEDURE AhID REQITIR�Ili�TTS `i'IIEREFOR, INCI�ZTDTNG THE FEr;5 TO BE PAID BY APPLI- CAT7TS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY rIANAG�R TO APPO�T A CITY HEAT,TH OFPICER V'dIiO SH1�I�L ALSO BE KNOPJN AS � CHAIRt�1A1V OF THE CITY BOARD OF IFiEEALTH; CREATING A BOARD -0F PLUIeIB'iNCT Ei�AnY�,NERS FOR C�riDiTCTING SAID FXA.T.TIIdATION', AND PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES AND POVJERS 0�� SAID BOARD; PROVIDITdG FUR THE EI,�PLOI'D;EP1T OF A PLU11iBING INSP�CTOR AND ASS:iSfiANT PZUI�iBI27G IIJSPEC- TOR; PROVIDING TI3EIR QtiALIF'ICATl'OATS, DUTIES AND POl'VEF2S; PROVTD1NG PEATAi�IES FOR � VIdLAm20N OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND REPEAI�.iNCr SECmIpIJS TV10 T0 T4VET.JE (2-12) INCLUDIVE OF AiV ORDINANCE ADOPTING A PLUhIBING C�D�, PASSrD NLY 15� 1935� A8 An4ENDED BY OR- DINti2�CE �502, ANI7 ALL ORDII�iAPICES ANv PARTS OF ORDI- NANCES IN GONFLTDT i�RE1dITH. BE IT O�iDA�IdE7 BY THE CITY COP+1Iv1�SSI0T1 OP mAE CITY OF CL�AR4l�ATER, FLORIDA: SECT.�ON 1. DEFINITTONS (a) The word "person" shall mean and include any ir,d3vidual per- � son, firm, co-pari;nership, corporation, asaociation or anq co�bina- t.��,- � � � � cz�.* aohu�Tssrort n�.��zz�G °� l� 3 Au�us'c 1G, 1949 thereof. (b) �Iaster Plumber A h'fasfrer Plumber ia a person vrho assumes respons3tiilitg for and direction of other persons in the installation of plumbing and who sllall hold a mastar plumber� s certiiicate front the I3oard of P1umb- in�; Examiners o�' the City of Clearwater, Florida, if he des3res to be- c�me a master plumber in said City after thia Ord3.nance beaomes effec- tiva, (c) Journeyman Plumber� A Journeyman PTumber is a person who performs the manua.l work of installing p7.umb3.ng under the direction of a masbe.r plumber, and whoever, after this ordin�nce becomes effective, desixes to recome a journeyman plumber must hold a journeyman plumber�s cextificate #'rom the Board of Plumbing Examiners of the City of Cleax^raater, Florida. SECTIOId 2. Every person des3ring to engage 3.n or r�orlt at the business of pluv.bing, �ithar as a master plLunber or as a journeyman plumber in the City of Clear�vater, Florida, shall, bef�re so doing, obtain a certi:iicat� of compatency es hereinafter provided, and a City occupational license, where tha same is provided for the respect3ve occupations. No such occupational license shall be issued until sa3d certificate h�s oeen issuede Every person desiring any such certifi- �ate and license sY�a11 first malte v�ritten application therefor to the Board of Plumbing Examiners, lierainafter provided,, through the plumb- ing inspector on the f orm �hich may be obtainad from the office of the plumbing inspector of said City. Everg appl3.cant f or a mastor plumbers certificate shall pay �20.G0, and-every anplica-:zt for a,journeyman plumb- ars certificatz sY�all pay �p10,00, as a fee to the City to defray the cost oi the exzmination which 2ie shall take before ttie said Board of F�aminers. SECTIOid 3. The City Iv1a:�ager s1�a1I em�loy and appoint a plumb- ing inspec�or ancl such assistant pluzlbing inspectors As are necessary. Said inspector and as�istani: inspectors shalZ be practical �lumbers of a't least ten (10) �ears' experience; who shall hold or ha ve hald a Mas- ter Plumbors certificate or licAnse within the ten years 3mn:ediatel.g • prior to appoin-�ment, SECTION 4. The City PSanager is herebv authnrized and directed to appoint a City Health Officer, who shall also t�e knov�n as the Chair- man o£ tkie City Board o� Health. Tha City Health Officer may be a per- son holding some other off.ice or position with the City of. Clearv�aters and shall be qualified b�q experience io perform his duties. The said City I3ealth OfFicer sha11 assist the County Health O.fficer in enforcing the rules and re�ulations of the State Board of fjealth, the County Health B�ard and the Gity oi' Clearvraters and ahall serve in the capacity o£ Charir.ian of the City Board of Iiealth vrhere the same is required by virtue of State lav�. Said Gity Health Off3.cer sha7.1 be pafid b� the City suc sums as may be Pixed by the Citq Pdana�,er thereot'. CITY �ONIZ4I:ISSION Iv1EE�IIIG � �S �` August 16, 1949 SrCTTON 5. There is heraby created a Bo�rd o� Plumbin� Exami- ners which shall have three (3) members, as fc1lo��s: Oha�rma:� of the City Bmard of iiealth, � Master Plunlber, and a Journeyrnan P11;..nber. All members shall be appointed by the City b'tar.ager, and the3r i'irst tE�n shall expire January l, 19450, or as soon �hereafter as their succeas- ors are appointed, and qualified; thereafter members o£ said Boarc� shall be appointed annually on or before the first day of each year for a term of one (1) yeara or until their succassors are appointed and qualified. The members of said Board shall be paid by the City such sums as may be fixed by tho City Manager thereof. SECTIOII 6, The plumbing inspector shall preside at a11 meetings o£ said Board of Plumbing Examiners, and shall have the deciding voice and vote in all matters connected with the examination of applicantie and granting of certi£icates whenever ths remaining members of said board. are unable to agree. The plumbing inspeator shall make a come plete report of the plumbing de�artment of the City, consisting of the examining board o� plumbers, tha plumbing inspector and his assis- tants, i:o the City Board of Health on December 31st of each gear. SECTIOPI 7o Two (2) members o£ the Board slaall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Said Board of Plumbin� Exam- iners shall have t11e potiver to rnake such by-lacrs, rules and regulations governing it, as it may deem necessary, providing the same clo not con- i'lict with the laws o�' the City oi Clea��ater and the State of Florida. SECTIQN 8. Z'he plumbing inspector shall kee� a record o£ all proceedings of the Board oi 1'lumbing Examiners, together v�ith the ne- �essary application of applicants and eertificates, showing all perti- nent information. Upon re�eipt of an application for exa�ination said Board of Plumbing E:caminers shall cause such appli�:ants to be noti£ied in writir_g oi the date and place where the examination will be held. Each apblicant shall be examined bg saiel Boa r3 of Examiners by ora1, written and pra�tical tests as to his knowledge of plumbin�;, houae drainage ancl plumbing ventilation. The passing grade o#' any examination is 75�, whieh shall be �raaea ag follovrs: o�e-third (1/3) written, one- third (1,�3) oral and one-third (1�3) practical. Every person passing the examination shall be issiaed either a mastex plumber's certificate or a journeyman pltunber's certi�'3.cate, depending upon the e�eamination applied for and passed. �i�e fee for a certiiicate for a master plumber shall be Five nollars ($p5e00} and for a journe3nnan plumber sha11 be Two Dollars (�2,00). Ang person taking an examination and iaiZing may not make application ior re-sxamination until the expiration of six (6) mcntiis. Any parson examined and havin� been advised that he has faiTed on the examination may �p�eal from the Boarcl of Fxaminers to the C3ty Cor,miission, provided, however, auch appeal shall be talten to the City Corrmi"ssion within fifteen (15) days �i'ter han3ng been no�i�'ied of such failure. All certificates issued under the prnvisions of this 0 � � :, CITY COAIMISSI01`t NIEETTNG August 16, 1949 Ordinance shall expire an �he 30th day of Septe�riber of eaeh year follow3n� thoir issua�ce. Any cartificate holdar may re-new his cer- tificate within thirty (30) dAys from �the date of its expirat3on without flzrther examination Uy paying tlie annual City occupational license as required, ancl a certificate renewal fee of One Dollar (�1.00). All moneys sha11 be paid into the Treasury of t11e Cityo SECTI�N 9, AlI ma�ter plumbers and journeymen plumbers who are now engaged as such in the City of C18arwater, and are legally quali#'ied and licensed so to do shall not t�e requireci to tal�e the ex- am�na-tion hereinabove referred to. SECTION 10. Any person �vho is now or hereafter quelfied and licensed as a master pluniber or journeyman pltunber„ who sl�a'1'I vialate any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or tivho sha 11 be gu3lty of the follovring acts or �mmissions, to-�rit: (a) £raud or deceit in obtaining certi£icate or license, (b) negligence, incompetence or misconduct in the per- formance of his vrorii on contrAct, (c) abandonment of any contract or v�ork without legal excuse, (d) An� �teriaZ departure from or disregard of plumbing plans and specifications without the consent of the owner and the plumbin� inapector, (e ) failure to stop work when orderad by the plumbing inspector so to do, s7�a11 be subjsct to havin� his certificata revoked ar suspended by the C3ty Lianager upon the recomniendation ox' the Board of Plumb3ng Examiners. Prior to any such revncation or suspension the certificate holder shall first be given at 1 east five (5) days� notice in �rrriting, spec3fica1ly setting forth the charges to be praierred, and s hearing shall be h�ld by the Board of Plumbing E:�aminers at the time and place to be set f orth in such no�ice. SECiIOPJ 11. The Cztg I��anager is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all o�' the provisions of this ordinance through the plumb- ing department. SECTI02� 12o Any person or persons who shal.l violate any of the provisions oP this Ordinance, who shall attempt to usA the license of another, or who sl?all give false or f orged evidenae to the Boasd of �xaminers 5.n obtaini_ng or maintaining the certificate or license, shrall upon conviction be punis�ed b� a fine not exceeding Trro Hundred Doliars (�200.00) or by impriaonment not exceeding sixtg (60) days, or both, in the di9cretion of the Munieipal Court. SECTI�rT l3. Sections two through twelve (2-12) inclLtstve, of an ordinance r�dopting a plumbing code, passed July 15, 1935s as amended by Urdinance ,�502, and all ordinances or par�s of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealad. SECTI02d 14. If for any reason any section, para�raph or part of this ordinance shaJ.l be declarad invalia or uncon5titution�l, the same shall not affect any other sect3.on, paragraph or p�rt of this ordinance. � C2TY COMt�iI85IOPT 3vI�ETING ,,� b9� Augu�t 16, 1949 SECTION 15, Th3s orc�inanee shall bocomo effective im�ediately upon its passa�e and publication accordin� to law. PASSED on Pirst read, August 15, 1949. PASS�D on second reading August 15, 1949. PASSED o� third xeeding, as amended and adopted, August 1B, Z949. / � .t .f .-P yo -Conmiiss. o r ATTEST: J � C:ity Audit an� �lerk There being no further business to come baiore the board, the meeting wae adjourned. /' .� .( � � Iriayo -Coffnnissioner � ATTEST: A G i y Audito and Clerk ■