05/23/1949,? ` .. ?'
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The City Commission of the City of Clearwater aiet in special session the
evening of tfay 23rd 1949 at '7:30 I'.h1. in the City Hall with the following mem-
bers present:
Harry A. Sargeant -Mayor Commissioner
E, B, Caster, Jr. -Commissioner
Herbert M. brown -Commissioner
Leland F, nrew - Comnassioner
Guy L. f;ennedy - Comrn:issioner
Absent -None
I?lso present ; Boyd A. Bennett- City D1ana r;er
George ???'cClamr?a - Chicf of Police
Den }Trent zrr:an -City ?ttorn ey ;
The meeting, having been called to order b" the Mayor, Mr. Carl D, Brorefn,
President find Mr. E. P, iv:aci'e.rl?nd, .attorney for the Peninsular Telephone Com-
pany, anpeered before tree Commission for tree purpose of discussing the method
to be employed by the C,;n,;eny in refunding; the five per cent utility tax to its
subscribers. lair. Brorei;? discussed briefly the Coni1?any's reason for contesting
the Sjo increase in utility taxes and iwpoundinF, the tax in art escrow account.
He tolu the ?omroissian his Cocnlxiny would cooperate with the City and would wel-
come guy sug?;estioi>5 relative to the n?ar:tier in wt?feri a refund to subscribers
should be handled. Commissioner Drew suggested that the Conunission consider the
refunding oi' ea:ounts collected by the Gas ur.d ?Yater Department and the Flbrida
Power Corporation, Commissioner Brown suggested that the Telephone Company be
requested to bold in aueyance for 15 days the issuing of refund checks until the
City Commission could aetermine what v,us to be done about taxes collected on other
utilities. .
Mr, Andrea Horton, iresident, h;r. Lloyd L'hillips aria a uelegation from the
Junior Chamber of Commerce appeared before ttre Commission petitioning for an in-
crease of ?1,UOU.JO in their budget appropriation,
City Attorney I?rentzman reporting on bus trip to Tallahassee in connection
with the bill amending the Civil Service Law and a bill at.rthorizing the City to
levy excise taxes, stated that he had found it necessary to incorporate a referen-
dum clause in the excise tax bill and that he believed the Legislature would pass
both bills,
nor, A. N, Smith, 306 Spring Court, demanded that ttre city repair the driveway
shown on the plat of N. E. ?;ighell Subdivision as a "private drive??, stating that
the driveway had been deeded to the City by 1?. E. P?lighell and his wife, according
to a quit claim deed recorded in need Book 2l>.0 on pare 3g5.. Commissioner Drew moved
that the matter be turned over to the City Manager and the City Engineer. Com-
missioner Caller seconded tl?e motion and it carried unanimously.
The various papers, letters etc, set out below are hereby made a part of these
Mayor-Commissioner Harry D. Sargeant
E. B. Ccxsler, Jr .
G, i. };ennedy
Leland F. Drew
Herbert M. Brown
May 20, 1949
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A Special Meeting of the Commission will be held at the City
Hall Monday night, 1V3ay 23, 1949 at 7:30 I',M. Por the purpose
of hearing from the officers of the Peninsular Telephone Com-
pany relative to the refund of the ?? Utility Tax, collected,
and retained by the Telephone Company.
Yours very truly,
Boyd It. Bennett
Boyd ?t, Bennett
City Manager
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hday 23, 1949 ????? ??
To; The ?;ayor and City Commissioners ????`??kT',' ?
Municipal Building t?+?',?;??
Clearwater, Florida '}„x?1, ,
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Re: Section g? of the City Charter-Levy oP ',,.
TAx for Publicity Purpose. ?,??.??,,;
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Gentleu:en; ?' ?
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In the course of business at our last meeting, it was ?>?
pointed out that Section 8'] of the City Charter provides that ? ?, ;;:;
'the City Commission shall levy annuelly a tax of not less than , ,
one-tenth of one per cent on ell taxable property within the l "
city limits, for publicity purposes", after discussion and on
motion duly made and carried, it was resolved, ????
Th??t Section R7 of the City Charter be complied ??ith as ?,;,;?',:,
presently enacted with respect to the assessment, levying, col- ?;??{?"'z,,,
lecti on, end earmarking of the ape-tenth of one per cent against ?<a`????
taxable property for publicity purposes as provided therein, and ? ??????_<`
the URme be appropriated solely for the purposes for which collected. ???:? ??
h R. ,?( ,
It was further ?voved and carried that a copy of the above ??????? ,.
resolution be sent to the pity Commissioners of Clearwater, Florida. n'?`???,???'
??k, , ?
Respectfully submitted ??v?is..
Clearti?ater 1'ederaci?n of Civic Clubs ?'""' 1?;{
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By: F. C. Lucas ??'
r'. C. Lucas, Pres ent ? _? „';r'"
By; Gordon 7lallis ? ?? '?? °??"?'
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Gor on .?ka is , Secretary ?' ? ?`
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There being lio Further business to come before the board, the meeting was
Mayor- ss oner
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M�y 23, �449
The City Conunission �i the City o�' C� earwater met in special, ses�ion the
evening of biAy 23rc1 191+�3 at 7;30 P.M, a.n the City iiall vtiith the Polloµ�ing mem-
bexs present:
fiarry D, Sarget3nt - biayor Commissioner
E. B. Casier, Jr. - Commissioner
Herbert AZ. Brown - Conunissi on2r
Leland F. Drew - Commissioner
Guy Z. I�ennedy - Comma:ssion.er
Absent - None
Also present : Boyd A. Bennett- Cit y 2�Rananer
Georae 7':�cCla�cra- Chief o.i Police
Ben Krent zm en - City E�.ttorney ;
The meeting heving been c�lled to order b�� the M�yor, ,i1r. Carl D. BrQrein,
�resident �nd h1r. H, P, rt?acF�irland, �ttorr_ey i'or the Penir.suler Telephone Co�-
pany, �npeared before the Commission for the purpose o_f discussir� the method
to be employPd by the C,;m?n.ny in refunding the five per cent utility tax to i.ts
subscxibes�s. IuIr. grareir. di'scussed oriefly tne Com}rny's season for contesting
the 5� incre;�se in u�ili:ty taxes t�nd irnpou�din; the tax in an escrow account,
He told the �omrnigsiori his Com�ny would cooperate with the City and would wel-
come any s�g;estions relative to th� manner in wP�ich a refund to subscribers
shauld be handled. Commissioner Drew suggested that the Commission cor_sider the
reYunding of a�eounts collected by the Gas ar�d 'vYa�er Depart�nent and the F1'orida
t�awer Cor�orr�tion. Comraissioner Brown sug�;esteci that the Telephone Comp�ny he
requested to hold in abeyance Por 15 a�iys the issuing oP reYand check�ti until the
Gity Comraission could determine what v,as to be done about taxes collected on ot�er �
I�ir. Andre�, Hortor_s iresident, blr. Lloyd �hillips ann a delegation frc�m the
Junior Chamber of Commerce a�perared beYore the Commissiott peti}ioning for an in-
crease of �1,U00,�0 in their bu@�et appropriation. ,
City �ttorney Firentzman reporting on bus trip to Tallahassee in connection
with the bill amending the Civil Service Zaw and a bi11 authorizing t�e Citp to
levy excise taxes, stated thet he hac7 �ound it necessary to incorporate a referen-
dum clause in the excise tax bill and that he believed the Legislature would ,�ss
both bills.
bir, A. N. Smith, 306 Spring Cour�, demanded that thE city repair the driveway
shown on the plat of �T. �. It'.ighell Subdivision as a npriv�te drive", stating that
the driveway hfl d been deeded to the Cit� by 2d. E. I�ighell and 'nis wif e� according
to a quit claim deed recorded in need Book 21�0 on pa�e j8�.. GommissionEr IIrew moved
that the matter be turned over va the Ci�y Manager and the Qitv Engineer. Com-
missio�er Casler seconded fi.iee motion �nd it carried unanimously,
The various paper's, letters etc, set out below are hereby n�ade a part oP these
Nisg 20, 1949
1layor-Commissioner $arr3� D. Sargeaiit
F. B. Casler, Jr.
G. L. Ker_nedy
Leland F. Drev�
Herbert NT. Brown
Gent lemen:
A Sgecial MEsting oP the Commission will be held at the Cit9
Ha11 Monday ni�ht, N�ay 23, 1949 at �;30 P,M, for the purpose
of hearing �rom �he oSPicers of the Peninsular Telephc�ne Com-
pany relative to ths refund of t,b:e 5 o Utility Tax, collected,
and retained by the Telephane Gompany.
Yours very tsuly,,
( signed ) �oyd ��, Bennett
Hoyd �� Bennett
City Mana�er
* * *.
f � �
a�� co�=sszoN �Tz�G
nnay z , if9
m�y 23, 1949
To: The i�ayor and CitS= Commissioners
Niunicipal Builning
Clearwater, Florida
Re: Bection 8'] of the City Chax�er-Levy of
Tax Por I'ublicitv Purpose,
In the course of business at our last meetit�g, it was
pointed out that Section 87 of the City CharGer pro�*ides thst
"the City Commission shall levy annuallq a tax of not less th,an
one-tenth of one per cent on all taxabls property v.ithin the
ci�cy limits, for publicity purposes". r.fter discussion and on
motion du13� made and carr�ed, ?t was resolved�
Th�t Section: 87 of the CitS� Charter be complied with as
presertltr enected wit� res�ect to the assesstaent, levying, co1-
lection„ &nd earmarking oY the ane-tenth of one per cent against
t�x�ble propertv for p[�blicity purposes as provided therein, ancl
the same be apnropriated solely for the purposes Por which collected.
It was furthEr mov�d and carried that a copy oi` the above
resolution oe sent to t�e City Cotnmissioners of Clearwater, Florida.
Respeetfully submitted
Clearo�ater Federati�n of Civic Clubs
By: F, �. Lucas
F. C'. I,ucas, Pres dent
By : Gor dan 'JJallis
Gordo:� �dallis , Becretarq
* � �
There being no Y�:rther business to come be�ore the board, the meeting ��as
Mayor-C . saYoner
C ty nudx ,or lerk
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