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Apr i1 21, 1949
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The City Commission of the city of Cle8r~ater met in special session the
evening of April 21st 1949 at 7:30 P.M. in the city Hall with the following
membel's present:
- Mayor commissioner
- Commissioner
Harry D. Sargeant
E. B. Casler, Jr.
Herbert M. Brown
Leland F. Dre~
Guy L. Kenn~dy
Absent - None
Also present:
" ,
Boyd A. Bennett - City Mana~er
Georp,e McClamma Chief of Police
Ben Krentzman City Attorney
The meeting ~as cAlled to order ana the minutes of the regular meeting of
April 18th Viere read and approved.
The City Clerk read a letter from ClearViater Board of Realtors in ~nlch letter
the Board requ es ts tlla t the Commission advert! se a Public Hearing to be h.eld to
determine whether or not rent aontrols should be lifted in Clearwater. The Board
offered to pay for the publication of such a notice. On a motion by Commissioner
Drew which ~as seconded by Commissioner Casler and unanimouely carried, the matter
was deferred.
A Resolution by the Clearwater Merchants Association was presented to the
Commission. In the resolution the Merchants Association disapproves the le~ing
of a Municipal Sales Tax but approves a state wide Sales Tax, provided part of
the proceeds 1s allocated for the use of municipalities and so called nuisance
taxes eliminated.
Commissioner Drew moved that the Merchant's Association's letter be filed
for record and the Association informed that the clt~'s advertisement of inten-
tion had been placed in the peper as a protective measure and did not necessari-
ly mean that such an act would be adopted and to request that the Association
writ e to their Legislators and to Senator :::. A. Shands, expressing their feelings
relative to a state ~lde Sales Tax. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and
it oar r i ed unan ilnous ly .
Having investigated the condition of the sidewalk of Mrs. Estelle Bakers
property, Lot 14, Block 12, Mandalay, City Manager Bennett stated that the side-
walk had been badly dwmaged and that the City would make repairs as soon as
practicable. Mr. Bennett state~ that all City Truck drivers bad had strict or~ers
not to drive across sidewalks and all the present drivers denied violating the
order, but that the sidewalk had prObably been broken some years ago by former
Reporting on the reque at of the Clear'Water Beach Association tha t the Ci ty
eliminate the old Mandalay Hotel stracture, the City Attorney stated that sinoe
the property was privately ~Jned the City could not establish the structure as
a nuisanc e un1.ess it could shalt such action to be in the interest of publi c wel-
fare or public health, that such action vould probably be opposed by the owner
of tbet;roperty and tne City would be involved in expensive litigation. Com-
mission Kennedy moved tnat receipt of Clearwater Beach Assooiatiomlettel' be
acknowledged and the Association advised that the matter is being dIscussed
wi~h the owner; that a letter be written to Mr. Skinner o~ner of the property
inviting his co~nt relative to the matt~ at his early convenience. Com-
~issioner Drew seconded the motion and it carried unanimOUSly. Commissioner
Drew instructed the Clerk to report as to the assessed value of the property
Hearing of the City Manager's report on the renting of rooms in districts
zoned as Rl, was deferred, by consent.untll the Harbor Oaks Association could
be hep.rd from.
Commissioner Drew moved that the Clearwater Transit Company's request for
permission to erect a shelter at the Bus stop located at Mandalay Road and
Cause~~ Boulevard be granted. Commissioner Bro~n seconded the motion and it
carried by the unanimous vote of the Commission.
On a motion by Co~ssioner Drew, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unani-
mously oarried, the request to lease land East of Park Inn for a Drive Inn l'es-
taurant, was denied.
The City Attorney xeported that Attorney Ralph RichardsE~~d been corres-
pondingYfith H. Lane CoachmaJl~ Executor of the E. H. Coachman1~e'fatlve to Ise-
ouring 15 feet of property on West side of Osceola for ~idening that st~eet.
On a motion b3 Commissioner Drew ~hich was seconded by commissioner Casler\and
unanimously carried, the matter was referred to the City Manager and City Attorney
\'iho were to contact Mr. Richards and Mr. stlg relative to the matter.
Consideration of the IIa tter of !.1r. Cove~1's spending $1153.14 fox imp,l'oving
Lake Avenue between Harvard street and Dartmoutn street was deferred, as neither
Mr. Rich.ar d or Mr. Covey was pr es en t..
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Apr 11 21, 1949
Commissioner CosIer moved that Ordinance #571 relating to dogs and
cats running at large be I!3.ssed on the second readinp; by title only.
Commissioner Bro~n seconded the motion and it carried. Voting "aye"
Mayor-Commissioner Sargeant and Commissioners Brawn, Casler, Drew and
Kennedy t voti ng "no" nore.
Commissioner Casler moved that Ordinance #570 regulating Sale of
Comic Books be passed on the third and fin&l reading. Commissioner
Bro\'ln seconded the motion and it carl'ied. Voting "aye" Mayor-Commissioner
Sargeant and Commissioners Brown, Casler J Drew and Kennedy, voting "no"
none .
;~~ ......
aotion on the application of Edward Folk for a second hand store was
deferred by consent, until his references can be checked.
A sketch dividing the Manufactuxing District into lots ~as presented
to the Commisaion. Curtis Clayton repr esen ting the Carpentem Union, asked
the Commission to consider selling a lot 50 x 130, next to the Armory, to
the Carpenters Union. The Appraisal Committee valued the lot at $400.00.
Rels tl ve to sale of' property to General Ready Mix Concrete Co., the City
Clerk ~as instructed to write to the General Ready-Mix Concrete Co., and
to Smith-Sweger Co~uotion Company and inquire as to their proposed trade
at lots in the Manufacturing District and report as early as possible.
Action on the proposed dividing of the manufacturing dIstrict into lots was
deferred for further consIderation, by oonsent.
City Manager Bennett recommended that the city have a pitometer survey
~de of the City water system at an estimated cost of $4,000.00 stating his
belief that such a survey wo uld pay for it self wi thin the fir st year. Com-
missioner Casler moved that the City Manager's recommendation be approved,
Commissioner K(;nned~' seconded the motion ani it carried unanimously.
City Attorney Krentzman having investigated the parking lot about which
Mrs. Arzella l'!ells had complained, stated that the property belonged to the
Florida Power Corporf:tion and it was his unierstaming that the lot had been
turned over to the Boy Scouts to operate as 8 psrking lot. He suggested that
the Power Company be contacted for a possible solution. By consent the City
Manager was instructed to contact the interested parties. Commissioner Drew
suggested the possibility of the City acquiring the lot for additional parking
s p~ c e.
. ,I
Discussi on of the proposed change in the location of the bUB stop at the
Davey-McMullen Building was deferred, by consent.
City Manager Bennett reported he had advised all utilities to cease levy-
ing the 57~ utility tax after noon .t\.pril 9th, on advice of the city Attorney.
By \.Ulan !mous consent J the re,lJo.1:'t of /Plumber' s Examining Board was referred
to the city Attorney for investigation and report.
. i
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On a mot! on by Commissioner BroVvn, seconded by Commissioner Casler and
unanimously carried the Commission authorized the issuing of a license to
Leroy Outing to operate a taxi cab.
Chief of Police McClamma was instructed to inform the DeLuxe Cab Company
th.a t they could retain thei r old s~ce f or t~o cabs at the Cornex of Garden
Aven ue and Cleveland st., on a moti on made by Commissioner Drew, s eccn ded by
Commissioner Casler, which carried unanimously.
A letter fxom A. Friedlander stating his opposition to a Sales Tax, was
read to the Commission. Commissioner Brown moved that Mr. Friedlander's letter
be 8cknowled~ed and he be informed that his letter would be given due considera-
tion if a Sales Tax comes up for consideration by the Commission. Commissioner
Drew seoo nded the motion and it carri ed by the unanimous vote of the Commission.
A letter from Daniel's Bros. addressed to the Commission complained that
some firms were su p':Ilying and erecting signs for Clearwater Merchants without
he ving paid license or permit fees. The matter WAS, by consent, referred to
the C it y Attorn ey l' or investigation.
The City Manager presented an offer from Clovis C. Lutz to buy the alley
north of his property, Lot 1, Blk 1, Jones Sub of Nlcholsons Sub, for the sum
of $500.00. The City Attorney stated th~t no street or alley iSI.~;tually owned
by the City, tha t the City could vacate an alley but the land ~"WJ' to the owner
of the property on each side equally. By ronsent, the Clerk was instructed to
inform Mr. Lutz to that effect.
city Manager recommended th installation of electric gates on the Causeway
Bridge at an estimated cost of $3,000.00. On a motion by Commissioner Kennedy,
seconded by Commissioner Casler and unanimously carried, the matter was deferred.
for further consideration. .
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The City Manager recommended the 1bllowing Gas and Water maln extensions:
400' of l~" gas main on Calumet St.,-estimated coat $160.00,150' of 2ft gas main
on Fairmont St.-estimated oost $110.00, 50' of 2" gas main, Phoenix Ave.,-estlma-
ted cost $30.00, 200' 1" gas main on S. Myrtle Ave.,-estimated oost $50.00 and
350' of 2" water main extension on Pinewood at an estimated cost of $300.00.
Commissioner Drew moved that the proposed extensions be approved, Commissioner
Kenne dy seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
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Apr 11 21, 1949
By oonsent, the proposed sidewalk on the West side of Greenwood Avenue
North at Drew street was referred to the City Manager.tor estimate of probable
oos t and a report.
The City Manager presented a resolution which would require 18 property
owne rs to clean theIr lots of grass weeds and underbrush. Commissioner Casl er "
moved that the resolution be approved. Commissioner Drew seconded the motion
and it carried unan imously.
Commissioner Drew moved that Trustees of Boy scouts having a lease on the
Fish Plant buildir:g be requested to make a report on their tentati ve plans as
to future us e of the pro perty. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and it
oarried'by the unanimous vote of the Commission. On a motion by Commissioner
Casler, seconded by Commissioner Drew, and unanimously carried, the Clerk was
instructed to write a letter to the Chief and members of the Fire Department
commending theIll for the efficiency shov,n in handling the fire at the sea Scout
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Having adjourned as the City Commission and ucting us Trustees of the Pen-
sion Fund, the avplication of C. G. Lovell, Parks Departm~nt, for membership
into the Pension Plan was denied on a motion by Commissioner Brown and seconded
by Commissioner Drew which curried un~lmously ~t~. The followIng were ap-
proved for m~bership into the Pension Fund atter ~ving been reoommended by
the Advisory Couwlitteep John E. Cox, Patrolman-Police Department, Miss Sylvia
Prosuer, Clexk-Recreation Department, Billy Ferg~son, Patrolman-Police Depart-
ment, Billy Blackburn, Laborer-Parks Department and Kenneth Parks, Laborer-
Parks Departnent.
The various papers, letters. resolutions and etc., mentioned in these min-
utes are set out below and are hereby made a part thereof.
,,' .'
April 8, 1949
Mayor-Commissioner Harry D. Sargeant
Leland F. Drew
Herbert M. Brown
Guy L. Kennedy
E. B. Casler
There will be a Special Meeting of the Commission at 7:30 P.M,
April 8, 1949, in the City Hall for the purpose of considering
amendments to the Civil service Law.
Yours very truly,
(signed )
Leland F. Drew
Leland F. Dre~
Guy L. Kennedy
Guy L. Kennedy
( si gne d )
Herbert M. Brown
Herbert M. Brown
( signed)
E. B. Casler
E. B. Casler
Apr il 19, 1949
Mayor-Commissioner Sargeant
G. L. Kennedy
Leland F. Drew
Herbert M. Brown
E. B. Casler, Jr.
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April 2l, 1949
A speoial Meeting of the Commission will be held Thursdas evening April
21, 1949 at the city Hall at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of conducting the
fo llowing busine ss:
Reading and approving of the minutes of the reg~1ar meeting of April
18, 1949.
DiB cus s ion from the pub 1 io .
Report from the City Manager on the complaint of Mrs. Estelle Baker
regarding the City garbage truck breaking the sidewalk in front ot
her property on Mandalay Subdivision.
4. Report of City Attorney on the request of Clearwater Beach Associa-
tion to remove the old hotel foundation on Mandalay Avenue on the
5. Report of City Mcnager on the letter received from Mrs. Rosina J.
HOYle rela ti ve to someone telling her she could not take roomers
in her hous e on 418 Jr:1smine Way.
6. Consideration of the request of the Clearwater Transit Company
to erect a shelter at the corner of Mandalay Avenue and the Causeway.
7. Report of Commissioners Dre~ and Casler relative to the leasing of
property on the Causeway East of the Park Inn tor a Drive-In estab-
li snment .
8. Considerl::ltion of acquiring property for the widening of North Osceola
bet~een the library and Jones street, with particular reference to the
Coachman and stig property.
9. Consideration of the matter called to the attention of the Commission
by ~ttoloney Helph Hichards regarding Mr. Covey spending $1153.14 for
improving Lake Avenue between Harvard St. and Dartmouth st.
10. Consideration of the Dog Ordinanc e on its second reading.
11. Consideration of the Comic Book Ordinance on its third reading.
12. Report on the license Committee on the application of Edward Faulk
for a second-hand store.
13. Presentation of a sketch showing the dividing of the industrial proper-
ty omed b~' the City, into lots.
14. Consideration of a ~itometer survey of the water system.
15. Report of the City Attorney on mat.ters called to the Commission's
attention by Mrs. Arzella ',!'ells with regard to North Garden Avenue.
16. Discussion with all p8rties interested in the bus stop at South
Ft. Hal'rison at the Davey-McMullen Building.
17. Report of the City M~nager on the City Attorney's advice to discontinue
the levying of the 5% tax on utility bills.
18. Consideration of the l;lumbing Examining Board's report presented to the
Commission at its meeting April 4th.
19. Heport of the ~icense Committee on the applicution of Leroy Outing for
a taxi licellS e.
20. Report or the Traffic Committee on the DeLuxe Company's stands.
21. Presentation of a letter from Mr. Friedlander ~elative to a sales tax.
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22. Presentation of a letter tram Daniel Brothers relative to courtesy signs.
23. Consideration of an offer fr.."1!l Mr. Lutz to pay $500.00 for an all ey
North of his property on North Osceola, the alley being 10 ft. wide
and extend! ng trom Nor th Osceola to the Bay.
24. Consideration of the erection of electric gate on the Causeway Draw
Bridge, at an estimated cost of $3,000.
Consideration of the following gas mains:
400 J ft. Ii gas mai n on Cal umet st.
150 ft. 2" gas pipe on Fairmont st.
50 ft. 2" gas pipe on Phoenix st.
200 ft. 1" gas pipe on Myrtle Avenue
Consideration of the following water main extension:
350 ft. of 2" water main on })inewood
Estimated Cost
lIbo . 00
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26. Consideration of sidewalk on the West aide of Greenwood Avenue North
of Drew street.
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Apr 11 21, 194.9
Resolution requesting property owners to clean their lots of weeds
end grass.
April 11, 194.9
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City Commission
City of Clearwater,
Clearwater, ]'la.
I ::
.' .
Your attention is invited to a condition very detrimental to our
interests and to 8 lesser degree to the rest of the people of the
City of Clearwater.
This is in the matter of the so called "courtesy sign". The
courtesy sign is one which is loaned by the advertiser to the
local merchant, and ereoted in or on the merchant's building.
In most cases th is erection work is done by a le gi tima te sign
company under full protection of our sign code with proper per-
mits, licenses etc. paid to the city. We hold no brief against
this policy, and in many cases execute this work for the adver-
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In several cases, ho~ever, this ~ork is done by the advertiser
who dOt;s not operate as a legitimate sign com;iSny, pays no sIgn
licenses, ignores our sign code and pays no permit fees.
The most flagrant violator of the city's hospitality in the matter
of courtesy signs is the Coca Cola Company (Coca Cola Bottling
Company of St. Petersbuxg) wbich has secured acoxes of valuable
locations in Clear~ater ~ithout the payme~t of a license or the
protection of our citizens by permits or inspections. This is in-
direct and unfalr competition with your citizenship, who directly
or indirectly pay the cost of these licenses and fees.
One of the outstanding legitimate users of courtesy signs is
Southern Dairies whose signs are erected here under the code
by licensed sign IDen ~hose ~ork is protected by permits and
inspe ctions .
Daniels Bros. sign Co. is deeply grateful to the people of Clear-
water for your contribution to the present degree of our success.
We are natives of Pinellas County, and except for some of the war
years have spent our lives in the pursuit of our careers here.
We are trying to make our contribution to the economic welfare of
this community by the efficient service rendered our fellow citizens
as well 8S the expenditure of thousands of dollars annually in
local ]a bor and materials for the manufacture of s1 gns and store
fronts for erection else~here. This company end its employees
operate eight trucks and six passenger cars in Clearwater daily.
We heve t~o full time salesmen serving our out of to~n territory
as ~ell. We pay rent on five pieces of business property in Clear-
water. We feel that Clearwater should be proud of us and protect
us and themselves aBainst the unfair practices of "foreign" cor-
porfti ons .
We feel that milk for OUI' babies is more Viorthy of a t'free ride"
than e beverage, bowever refreshing that beverage may be. we
reel that Coca Cola and others should pay the same license and
inspection fees~Southern Dairies pays for the privilege of hanging
their signs. We feel that if there is to be any partiality ShO\ill
by the government of the City of Clear~..ater it should be sho,,;n to
an organization creating and expending ....ealth in Clearwater rather
than to one ~hich creates nothing, and is constantly draining our
substance in driblets.
Now friends, on the basis of these facts we beg you to take such
immediate action as '\'/111. require the licensing of any organization
erecting signs in ClearwateJ; pr painting wall bulletins wi thin
our City. And that you will t~~e such immLdlate action,as to re-
quire either the IByment of permits and the inspection fees on all
signs here to for e ereoted Vtithout this protection for our people, or
the immediate removal of' such signs from their present locations.
It 1s only fair to tell you that ~e are required to pay both the
licenses and inspection fees required of the local sign oompanies
for our operations in St. Petersburg.
April 21, 1949
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Apr1~ 2l.. 1949
A glanoe out of the East ~indoVJs of your meeting place will reveal
a six letter sign on which we paid 8 $10.00 permit. Under present
procedure an unlicensed outside advertiser could lease this sign
with no lioense and no inspection fee.
Thanking you for considerati on of this matter, and hoping you 'Will
provide us adequate relief from the unfair competition we face in
courtesy sip;ns, we are,
Yours very' tr uly
Daniels Bros. Sign Co.
(signed) Johnie G. Danieb
Johnie G. DanleJs
April 21. 1949
Honol'able Harry D. Sargean t, Mayor
and BOBXd of City Commissionexs.
Clear~ater. Florida
Gen tlemen:
.: >~ '
At a recent meeting of the Clearwater Board of
Realtors. I ~as instructed to ask the Clearwater City Com-
mission to give the necessary notice as quickly as possible
for a public hearing for the purpose of determining whether
or not tnexe exists a shortage of xenta1 housIng in Clearwater
~ich ~ould require continuance of rent control here.
The Board will be glad to pay for publication of
a legal notice in the Clear~ater Sun in the above matter it
the commission so desires.
Respe ctfully
(signed) W. S. Shannon
W. S. Shannon, President
Honorable Harry D. Sargeant, Mayor
City Hall
Clearwater, Fla.
Dea.1' Mayor Sa.1'e;eant:
At the regular meeting of the Clearviater
Merchant s t AS so c1ati on, on April 19, 1949, the fo llowing
reaoluti on was adopted unanimously.
WHEREJ~: It is apparent that the State and Municlp~l govern-
ments in Florida must have additional revenue, and
~EEREAS: Press~'e is brought for the enactment of legislation
to permit municipalities to levy local municipal transactions
or sales taxes, and
WHEREAS: the members of this Association believe that the
levying of such local taxes ~ould be detrimen~ to the business
interests of this City,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Clearwater Merchant's ASSOC-
iation does not favor a local city transactions or sales tax
but the Association will not oppose the adoption of a State
Sales Tax, provided that the state administration shall first
effect all possible economy in the operation of the State gov-
ernment, and provided further than an adequate portion of the
proceeds of any such state sales tax shall be allocated to the
cities of the state and that so-called nuIsance taxes be eliminated.
(signed) Darwin S. Frank
{signedl A. Hancock
A.oting see.
...._. .A','" "'-(l.~:"'"(:~'''
Apr il 21, 1949
April 9, 1949
To the Attention of
Mayor sargeant and City Commissioners
C1earYie.ter, Fla.
Dear Sirs:
It has come to my notice atter reading 8 newspaper artiole,
regardIng your intention of putting through a sales tax.
You will find that most of the retail merohants, as well as
myself will protest very strongly against such a tax.
There isn't one of tho commissioners, including yourself, that
is now or perhnps ever has been in the retail business, so how in
heavens name can Bnyone of you ~entlemen kno~ the problems that fall
to the lot of a retail merchant. Speaking for the small store keeper
like myself, who Is just barely keeping his bead above water, isn't
it a fact that we are taxed just about enou~h? City Lioense Tax,
City Personal Property TAX, County Tax, state License, garbage tax,
sewer tax, parking meter tax, end a dozen other direct o? indirect
Why doesn't Mr. Blanton, who suggested this tax, stick to his
real estate business. He has made his pile on real estate commissions,
so 'Why suggesttroub1e for those of us who are me.rely existing"?
The Chamber of Commerce is over-Joyed about the large number
of tourists this season in Clearnuter. In 1946, 1947 & 48, a smaller
number of tourists spent more money than this large crowd this year.
There has always been a cry that Clearwater9s residents go
Shopping to Tampa and st. Petersburg. Do you blame then, when they
can buy some things cheaper elsewhere? No~ ~hat is going to happen
when a sales tax is added on? Why the retail buying public will fly
a'Way from Cle arwa ter faster than ever to do their sh opping and this
does not apply only to the poorer class.
About seven months of the year we are just pulling through.
while the other five months we work like the devil to lBY our bills
and expenses.
Your own slogan Mayor (quote) "Watch Clearwater grow" (unquote)
If it grew despite bad management in the past and despite other ob-
stacles, I for one would suggest that this present ele cted adminis-
trAtion use @Pod common sense and not stint the growth of Clearwater.
Respectfully yours,
A. Fri edlander
PS The writer would ask the Mayor to kindly have this letter
pIeced before each commissioner. Thank you.
April 1;, 1949
Honorable City Commissioners
Clearwater, Florida
Gentl emen:
As Trustees of the City of Clearwater Employees
Pension Fund, you are hereby notified that John E. Cox, Grade
B. Patrolman in the City Police Department, has been duly ex-
amined by a local physician and designated by him as a "first
cla ss" risk.
The above employee began hIs service with the
City on October 22, 1948. He is' under 45 years of age and
meets the requirements of our Classified ~ervice. It is hereby
recommended by the Advisory Committee that he be accepted into
Very truly yours,
Advisory Committee of the City
Employees Pens ion ~'und
Ches. P. 'Moloney
Frank Abernethy
Paul Kane
I :
" ,!
, '.
, '
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April 21, 1949
Maroh 18, 1949
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Honorable city COlIlJllissioners
Clearwater, Florida
Gent 1 aula il :
As Trustees of the City of Clear~ater Employees
Penoion Fund, you axe hereby notified that Miss sylvia Prosser,
clerk in the city Recreation De.I8rtment, bas been duly examined
by 8 looal physician and designated by him as 8 "first olass"
r 1sk .
The above er.lployee began her servio e with the city
on Ootober 1, 1948. She is under 45 years of age and meets the
requirements of our Classified Service. It is hereby recommended
by the Advisory Committee that she be acoepted into membership.
Very truly you.rs, ,
Advisory committee of the
Ci ty ElIlploye es :Jens ion ,1f"und
Charles P. Molone3
Charles P. M01oney, Chairman
Frank A.bernathy
Frank A.bernathy
Paul Kane
Paul Kane
Maroh 18, 1949
Honorable City Commissioners
Clearwater, Florida
Gentl emen :
As Trustees of the City of Clear~ater Employees
Pension Fund, you are hereby notified tb.at Kennett! P8.rks, laborer
in tne City Parks Department, has been duly examined by a local
physician and designated by him as a "first Classn risk.
The above employee began his service with the City
on October 26, 1948. He is under 45 years or age and meets with
the requirements of our Classified Servioe, competitive tests for
laborers not being required. It is hereby reoommended by the
Advisory Committee that he be accepted into m~bership.
Very truly yours,
Advisory Committee of the
City Employees Pension Fund
Charles P. Moloney
Cherie s P. Moloney,ChairIlEn
Frank Abernathy
Frank Abernathy
( sig ne d)
Paul Kane
pau 1 lea oe
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April 21, 1949
March 18. 1949
Honorable city Commissioners
Clearwater, Fla.
Gent lemen:
As Trustees of the city of Ole~rwater Employees
PellS ion Fund, you are hereby notif ied the t Billy Blaokburn,
employed as a laborer in the City Parks Department, has been
duly examined by a local physioian end designated by him es
8 "first class" risk.
, ,.
T""':. ..:"..,,0:,_,.,
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-i[;;F~j:,~~C{;~':;'C';' ,
The a bove employee began his service 'IV i th the 01 ty
on Uctober 4, 1948. He is under 45 years of age and meets the
requirements of our Classified service, competitive tests tor
laborers not being required. It is hereby recommended by the
Advisory Committee that he be aocepted into membersbip.
Very truly yours,
Advisory Cowuittee ot the
City Employees Pension Fund
( s ig ne d )
Charles P. Moloney
Charfes ~. Moloney, Chairman
Frank llo.berna thy
Fr~mk Abernathy.
( signed)
Paul Kane
Paul Kane
April 13, 1949
Honorable City Comminsioners
Clearwater, Florida
As Trustees of the city of Clearwater Employees
Pension Fund, you are hereby notified that Billy Ferguson,
Grade B Patrolman in the City police Department, has been duly
examined by a local physician and designated by him as a "first
class" risk.
The above employee began his service with the city
on October 25, 1948. He is under 45 years of age and meets the
requ1remen~ of our C1~ssltied Service. It is hereby recommended
by the Advisory Committee that he be accepted into membership.
Very truly yours,
Advisory Committee of the
City Employees Pension Fund.
Charles P. Moloney
Charles P. Moloney, Chairman
Frank Abernathy
Frank Aberna thy
Paul Kane
Paul Kane
March 18, 1949
Honorable city Commissioners
Clearwater, Florida
','. ",;,.
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April 21, 1.~49
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Cl {~lt~t
AS Tr~stees at the City of Clearwater Emplo3ees ~ension
Fund, yo~ are hereby notified tnat c. G. Lovell, employed as a
1aborer in the City Parks Department, has been duly examined by
B. looal p)lYQi9.1,a.fi ~nd designa ted by him as an "average" x1sk, see
attached exwninationform. '
The above employee began his service with the Uity on
November 2, 1948. He is under 45 years of age and meets the re-
quiremonts of our Classified Service, competitive tests for labor-
ers not being required. He applies herewith for membershIp to
the Pension Plan.
Very truly yours,
Advisory Committee of tae
City Employees Pension Fund
, .::\{H:~~'}~1~;Y
I .. J ~ ""~~"" /,'
,,\r':: .;:;~~,,/;,:)y;,'~'~
" ,.,.' ;i;',\~;'~ff;;; ,
..!,'1 H. ..t'lj'~llitl:'" .
" . ';{';i'\\~
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{signedl Charles P. Moloney
Charles P. Moloney, President
(~igned) Frank Abernathy
Frank h.bernathy
(signed) Paul Kane
l?aul Kane
April 1, 1949
Honorable Board of City Commissioners
I respeotfu~ly request that I be given per-
mission to operate a taxi cab in the City of Clear"nter
~hlch is a cab formerly operated by Charles Harmon who
bas surrendered his pennit and is no longer in taxi
business in Clearwater.
Roy outi~
Leroy Out ng
WHEREAS; it has been determined by the Cfts Commission
of the City of Clearwater, Florida, that the property descrIbed
belovl should be cleaned or ~eeds, grass and/or underbrush, and
that after' ten (10) days notice and failure of the owner thereot
to do so, the City should olean such property and charge the
oosta thereof against the respective property.
NOVr 'mEREEURE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission
of the city of Clearwater, Florida, that the following described
property, sit~ate in said city, shall be cleaned or ~eeds, grass
and/or underbrush within ten (10) days after notioe in ~ritlng
to the owners thereof to do so and that upon failure to comply
~ith said notice, the City shall perform such cleaning and
charge the costs tllereof against the respective properties in
.; .~ ',' .
, ( ,
:~. , . .
" ,.,
Apr 11 21, 194.9
,', -.
.~ "';-':' '
.... ",,-,~ ':.'<'7"''''.'' '.... ~-~.~. .._~.~
:,,"";", ,~.!..;.. . :.~ .;,..., ,. : .., .' '., :.: ~ , ,:-!' _, ;"~,:,"..,, '. "., '. '. ...,. . . 0
aoco.rdano e "Wi th Section 128 01' the Charter of the city ot Clear-
wate.r, as amended.
- ... .. Ovdl er: . pro..E,ert1 :
Jack Moss
N. Ft. Harrison Lots 1, 2, Blk A
City La Jolla Sub
Roy Wekeling Lots 55, 56, 57
424 Jaomine Way
city Lloyd White Skinner
Charles S. LCMry Lot 61.
211 Gulfvicw Blvd.
City Lloyd l!1hi te Skinner
Anthony Caltlgirone . Lot 62
P.O. Box 5045
Tampa 5, Fla. Lloyd White Skinner
Lucy M. Simmons
82 Ad alia Way Lot 73,
D~vis IslRnd, Twmpe,Fla. Lloyd "'hlte Skinner
LaQra K. Stoddard
312 Co~'onado Dr. Lots 1, 2~ Blk A.
City Columb 1a 2, Sub
t '.' '... r.... Jf:,
r ", 1..
. [",.;;i~?;J~~ii,..
t\,..,~ ~'.V'l';.t:'.#""f'i""J\"";.'JI
. :~l~\~;i~ .,':i~;:~;:.:
, "
Clear~ater Beach Properties
Inc. c/o Lucius Huuer
Ruder Bldg., Clw.
Anthony Ca1tigirone
200l~ lOth .l1.ve.
Tampa, :Fla.
W. D. Owens
Owens Construction Co.
Herbert LeRoy Rice
30 Rockefeller Plaoe
new Yo.rk, N.Y.
H. C. Cogburn
Pennsylvania Ave.
Michael C. Rynkse1
227 Douglas Ave.
Waukegan. Illinois
Pierre H. Meyer Est.
l32 N. Osceola Ave.
Lots 3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12
Blk h, Columbia #2
Lot 14, Blk A.
Columbia #2
Lot 1, Blk B
Columbia Sub.
Lot 3, Blk B
Columbia sub.
Lot 2, S 65' of W. 105'
Blk B, Columbia Sub.
Lot 2, N 65' of W. 105' Blk B
Co lumbia SU b.
Lot 2, E.115' & N.5' of s 70' of W.
105', Elk B, Columbia
Lena B. Pierce
N. Ft. Harrison Ave.
Lots 15,16,17, Blk B
Crest Lake Park
Dr. RaYlliond Center
Cleveland st.
Aldo ChBlIlbers
Rt. 14, Box 646
Indianapolis, Ind.
Franklin Rightmire
17 Church st.
patterson, N.J.
Lots 19, 20, 21, Blk B
Crest La.ke Park
Lot 7, 8, Blk D.
Highland Groves
Lot 2, Blk 23,
Norlr.an Beecher
432 Druid Road
Lot 43, ~ W.22' of Lot 41 & E.3' of
Lot 45, Harbor Oaks
, . '
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,.' .
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, '
VmRE.t~S,The Commission has found as a fact that there is a
great increase in tne number and v~riety of illustrated orime
books, magazines, and otherpublications being offered for sale
in tals City, which books, magazines, and other publications
deal in substantial part with orimes of force, violence and blood-
shed. and that many of such books or magazines are designed in
form so as t~ res~mble closely those devoted in substance to mat-
ters of humor and adventure and pUblished primarily for sale to
children, and are otten placed fOl' sale side by side ~ith such
humorous and 8dvent~re magazines; and
t., ,
;,' !
1 "
t "
\' ".'
1. '
~ .
t .
t ,.
. ~, .
WHEREAS. It appears that children below the a~e of eighteen
years of susceptible and Lmpressionable oharacter, are often
stimulated by collections of piotures and stories of criminal
acts, and do in fact often commit such crimes partly because in-
cited to do so by such publications; and
VrnEREAS, The possibility of harm by restricting free utter-
ance through harmless pUblications is too remote and too neg-
ligible ~ consequence of dealing ~ith the evil of the pUblications
herein described, ~hen in the hands of children;
r'l ,....., '. ..
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!~"''"'' ., ',.
~ ~,~f... ..t.,( {' ,
i~}ti!;", .
Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation is guilty of
a misdemeanor ~ho sells, gives a~ay or in any ~ay furnishes to
any ~rson under the age of eif~teen years any book, magazine,
or other pUblication in ~hich there is prominently featured an
account of crime, und whicb depicts, by the use of dra~ings or
photographs, the commission or attempted con~ission of the crUnes
of arson, assault Vtith a deadly weapon, burglary, homicide, kid-
napping, m~yhem, murder, rape, robbery, theft, or manslaughter.
Section 2. This ordinance ~lall not apply to those accounts
of crime which are part of the general dissemination of news,
nor to such drawings and photographs used to illustrate such ac-
Section J. The~ohibitions of this ordinance do not apply to
any action either positively permitted or prohibited by constitu-
~ional prOVision or by general law.
Section 4. If any provision of this ordinance, or the appli-
cation thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the
remainder of the ordinance, and the appli catio n of such provision
to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.
Section 5. Every violation of this ordinance is a misde-
meanor punishable by imprisonment in the city jail for not more
than three months or by a fine of not more than two hundred dol-
lars, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Section 6. This Ordin~nce shall take effect immediately
upon p~ssa~e by the City Commission of the City of Clea~water,
Florid a.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the
City of Clearwater, Florida;
Passed on First Reading April 4. 1949
Passed on Second Reading April 18, 1949
Passed on Third Reading April 21, 1949
( signed)
Harry D. sargeant
(signed) H. G. Wingo
'CI1iy . Audttor and Clerk
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AprIl 21, 1949
Tber8 being no further business to come before the Board, the meet-
ing was adjourned.
. �:
Apr , �
The City Commission oY �he City oP Glearwater met in special session the
evening oP April 21s� 1949 a'� ?:3a PeM. in the Cit;� Aall with the Yollowing
members pr�sent;
Harry D. Sargeant - Mayor Commissioner
E. B. Casler, Jr. - Commissioner
Herbert M. Brown - Commission.er
Leland F, Drew - Cammissioner
Guy L. Kennedy - Commissioner
Absent - None
Also present; Boyd A. Bennett - City ManB�er
George I�icClamma - ChieY bP Police
Ben Krsntzman - City Attarney
The meeting was called to order and. the minutes of the regular meeting oP
Apri 1 18th v�ere r ead and apgr oo ed.
The City Clerk read a letter Prom Glearwater Board oP Realtors in which letter
the Board requesta �Ghat the Commission a�.vertise a h'ubl�c Hearing to be held to
determine whether or not rent controls should be lif ted in Clearwr�ter. The Board
oPfered to pay Por the publication oP such a notice, On a motion bq Commissioner
Drew which was seconded by Commissioner Casler and unanimously carried, the mstter
was defcrred.
A Resolution by the C1�arvrater Merchants Associgtion was presented to the
Com.mission. In the resolution the N:erchants Asso�ietion disapproves the le3rying
oY a Municipal Sales Tax but approves a State wiae Sales Taa, provided parrt oP
the proceeds is allocated Yor t�e use of nunicipaliti�s and so called nuisanc�
taxss eliminated>
Commissioner Drew moved that the Merchant's Associationts letter be.Piled
for record and the Association inPormed that the Citg��s advertisesen� of inten-
tion had been placed in the �a per as a protective measur� ana aia not necessari-
ly mean that such an act w� u1d be adopted �nd t� request th�.t the Association
writ e to their Lzgislator 3 and to Senator �d. A. Shands, expressing their feelings
relative to a State wide Sales Tax, Commissioner Brown seconded the mo�ion and
it carried unanuaously.
Having investigated the condition of the sidewalk o� Mrs. Estelle Bakers
property, Zot 11�, Bloak 12, 2viand�.lay, City Manager Bennett stat�d that the siae-
v�alk had been badly clamaged and tklat the City would make sepairs as soon as
practicable. Idr, $ennett stated ttist all City Truck drivers had hac� strict ordErs
not to drive across sidewalks and all t,hs present drivers deniad violating the
order, but that the sidewalk hed probably been broken sone years ago by Yormer
Rep�rting on the request oi the Clear�riater Beach Association that the City
eliminate the old Riandalay Hotel structure, the City 4ttorney stated tha� since
the praperty was privately av�ned the City could not establish the structure as
a nuisence unless it could shor� such action to be in the interest of public wel-
Pase o� public health, that such aetion tn� uId probably be opposed by the awnea
oP the��property and the Git y wo uld be involved in expensive litigation. Com-
mission Kennedy moved that reeeipt of Clearwater Beach AssociatiorS letter be
acknovrle d�ed and the Associ�tion adaised that the matter is bein g discussed
with the owner; that a letter be written to Mr. Skinner owner of �the property
invitin� his comment relative to the matter at his early convenience. Com-
mi$��oner Drew seconded ths motio.n and it carried unanimously. Cou�issioner
Drew instructed. the Clerk to re�ort as to the assessed value of the property
Heari ng nf the Gity Manager's report on the renting of rooms in distriGts
zoned as R1, was deferred, by consent,unti 1 the Harbor Oaks Assaciation'co uId
�e he�rd Yrom.
Commissioner Drew moved that the Clearl��ater Transit Company's reques� for
permission to erect a shelter at the Bus stop located at biandalay '��ad and
Causew�y Boulevard be �rant ed. Commisss.oner Brov�n seconded the motion and it
carried by the unanimous vot e of the Commission,
On a motion by Commissi oner Drew,seconded by Commisszoner Bro��n and unani-
mously carried, the reque st to lease land East of 1'ark Inn for a Drive Inn res-
taurent, was denied.
The Citv �ttorney report�d that Attorne3* Ra1ph Richards had been corres-
ponding with H. Lane Coachman; 'Executor of the E. H. CoachmaFh�'��tative to se-
curing 15 feet of property on Vdest side of Osceola fox widening tha� street,
On a motion by Gommissi�ner Brew which �vas seconded by Commissioner Casl er and
unani[nously carried, the matter was rePerred to the City hianager and C3ty Attorney
wh.o were, to co ntact Mr. Richards and b7r, Stig relative to the mat�er,
Consi deratian of the m tter of Mr. Covey�s spending �1153.14 for improving
Lake Avenue betwecn Harvard Street and Dartmouth Strset was deYerred, as neither
Mr. Richsrd or Mr. Covey 'wae present�.
_ ,
__ _ �.:.. . _- _.. �
cz�c con�zsszoN ���rt� ! I I
APr � 949
Commissioner CPsler moved that Ordinance �571 reZatinq �o dogs and
cats running at large be psssed on the second reading by tible on1y.
Commissioner Brown seconderi the motion and it carriea, Voting «aye��
Ma1�or-Commissioner Sargeant and Comm�.ssioneas Brown, Casler, Drew and
uennedy, voting "no" not�e,
Comnissinner Casler moved that Ordinance �fS�Q regulating Sale of
Comic Books be passed on the third and final reading. Commissiolze�
Brown seconded the motion and it carried. Voti.ng �+nye�� Mayor-Commissioner
Sargeant and Commissioners Brown, Casler, Drew snd Kennedy, voting "no"
none .
xetion on the application of Edward �'olk for a second hand s�ore was
deYerred by consent, ur.til his reYerences can be checked.
A sketch dividing the h7anufact�ring ni�trict into 1o�s was presented
to the Corimission. Cartis Clayton representing the Carpente.ts Union, asked
the 'Gommissi@n �o cor,isider selling a lo� 50 x 130, next to the Armory, to
the Carpenters Union. The Appraisal Committee valued the lot at �400.U0.
Relativ? to sale of property to General Ready Mix Concrete Co. , the City
CTerk was instructed to writ e to the General Re�dy-Mix Concrete �o. , and
to Smith-Swe�er �or�s�strnction Company and inquire as to th�;ir proposed trade
oP lots in the Manufacturing District and repart as early as possible.
Action on the praposed dividing of the manuf�eturing' distric� into lots was
dePerred for furt�aer consideration, by' consent.
City �aneger Bennett recoa�mended that the Citq have a pitometer survey
made of the City water system at an estiaated cost of ;�1�,000.00 stating his
belief that such a surveq v�ould pay Por itselP within t.he first year. Com-
missioner Gasler moved that the City Manager�s recommendation be approved�
Commissioner I�ienneds seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
City Attorney Krentzman having investigated the parking lot about which
Mrs. Arzella ?':'e11s had cosplain�d, stated tha�; the property belonged to the
Florida Power Corgoretion and it was his urxlerstatziing that tr�e lot had been
turned ov er to the Boy Sco ut s t;� ope rate as a� rk�n� lot . He suggested tha t
the Power Company be contaeted fr�r a possi�le soluLion. By consent the City
�anager was instructed to contact th� interested pe.rties. Cs�mmissioner Drew
suggested the possibility oP the City acquiring the lot for additional pasking
Discussion of the proposed change in the location of th� bua stop at the
Davey -P6cMullen Building was dePerred, by consent .
City Manager Bennett reported he hed advised xll utilities to cease levy-
ing the S�o utility tax after noon �pril 9th, on advice of the Citv xttorney.
By unenimous co�sent, the report of/Plumber's rxamining Board was referred
to the City kttorney for investigation and report.
On a motion hy Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissior�er Casler and
unanimouslq carried the C�nmissian authbri�ed the ,issu3ng of a license Lo
Leroy Outing to operate a taxi cab.
�hief of Police PJIcClamma was instructed to inform the DeLuxe Cab Company
'Ghat they could retain their old space Por two cabs at the Corner oP Garden
Avenue and Clevelanti St., on a motion made by Commissioner Drew, seconded by
Commissioner Casler, which carried unanimou3ly.
A letter from A. Friedlander stating his opposition to a Sales Tax, was
read tc the Commission. Commissioner Brov�n moved that Mr. Friedlander's letter
be ecknowled�ed and he be iniormed t,�at his letter would be given due considera-
tion iP a Sa1es Taa comes up �'or consideration by the Commission, Commissioner
Drew s�conc3ed the motion and it carried by the unanimou,g vote of the Comm�ssion.
A letter Prom Daniel`s Bros, addressed to ths Commission comnlairied that
so�e firms were su�plying and erecting signs for Clearwater Merchents without
heving paid license or permit Pees. The matter was, by consent, rePerred to
the Cit� A�torney Yor investigation.
The City Mansger presented an oPPer Yrom Clovis G. Lutz to buy the alley
north oP his property, Lot l, Blk 1, J�nes Sub of Nicholsons Sub_, Por the sum
o� �500.0�. The Gity xttorney stated thst no street or alley is �ctuelly owJned
by the Cityythat tne City could vacate an alley but the land �se��� to the owner
of the property on each side equslly. By consent, the Clerk was instructed to
ittPorm Mr. Lutz to that eYiect.
City h4anager recommended th installation oY electric gates or. the Causeway
Bridge at an estimated cost o� �3,000.00. On a mo�ion by Commissioner Kc�nedy,
seconded by Commissioner Casler �nd ur�animously carried, the matter was deYerred
Por further consid�ration. •
The City Menager recommended the Pollo�aing Gas and Vlater main exi-,er:�ions;
1�00� oF 1�" g�s main on Calumet St.,-estimated cost �160.00, ].,50' of 2tt gas main
on Fairmont St.-estimated cost �110.00, 50* pf 2" gas main, Phoenix Ave.,-estima-
ted cost �30.00, 200t lT� gas main on S. Myrtle Ave.,-�stimated cost �50.00 atad
350� of 2" water �in extension on Pinewood a�t an esti�ted cost oY �3JQ.00.
Commissioner Drew moved that the proposed extensions be appxoved, Commissioner
Kennedy seconded the mot�on and it carried unanimausly.
kPI' 1 � 9 9
By consent, the pr���ti�ed sidewalk on the Plest gid� of Greenwood Arenne
North oY Drew Street was reperred to the City :danager.Yor estimate oP probable
cost and a report.
The Gity Manager pre3ented a resolution which would raquire 18 property
owners to eleen their lots of grass weeds and underbrush, C��missioner Casler '
moved that the resolution be approved. Commissioner Drevu seconded the motion
and it carriEd unanimously.
Commissioner Drew moved that �'rustees oY Boy Scouts having a lease on the
I'ish Plent buildin�r, be requested to make � report on their teht�tive plans as
to Puture use of the property. Commissioner Brown second�d the ciotion and it
carried' by the unanimous vqte oY the Commission. On a mot ion by Commissioner
CaslPr, sec�nded by Com�naissioner Drew, and unanimously c�irried, the Clerk was
instructed to write a letter to the Chief and members oP tbe �ire Department
commending them Por the eYficiency shov,n in hr�n�lin� the iire at the Sea Scout
Having r�djourned as the City Commission and acting as Trustees oP the Pen-
sion Fund, the application oP C. G. Lovell, Parks Department, for membership
into the Pension Plan ryas denied on a mation by Commissioner Brown and seconded
by Commissioner Drew which carried unr�nimously ve-#r�. The f ollowing were ap-
proved for membership into the �ension Fund aPter liaving been recommended by
tlie kdvisorq Committee, John E, Cog, �atrolman-Police Department, Miss S�lvia
Pros�er, Clerk-�ecreation Department, Billy Ferguson, Patrolraan-Poli�e Depart-
ment, Billy Blackburn, Labo�er-Par.�ss D�partinent and Kenneth Parks, Laborer-
Parks Depar�ment. .
The vari ous papers, letters, r esolutions and etc ., ment ioned in the se min-
utes are set out below r�nd are hereby made a part thereoP.
April 8, 1949
Mayor-Commissioner Harry D. Sargeant
Leland F. Drew
Herbert IUI. Brown
Guy L. Kennedy
E. B, Casler
There will be a Special Nleeting oP the Commission at 'j:30 P.M,
April g, 1g.�9, in the City Hall Yar the purpose of considering
ame�dments to the Civil Service L�iw.
Yoars very truly,
(signed) Lele.nd F. Drew
ie an F. Drew
. R
Csigned) Guy L. Kennedy
Guy L. Kenne y
(signed) Herbert M. Brown
Her ert Id. Brown
{signed) E. B. Casler
. B, Cas er
�k * :k
APril 19, 1949
Mayor-Commissioner Sargeant
G, L. Kennedy
Leland F. Drevr
Herbert N. Brown
E. B. Casler= J'r,
r� �
t�pr , y.
A SPecial Meeting of the Commiseion rvill be held Thursday evening April
21, 1949 at the City Hsll at 7.g0 P.�d. for the purpose oi condueting the
folloWing business:
l. Reading and approving of the minutss oP th� reg��lar meeting of April
18, 1949.
2, Dis cus sion from the public .
3. Report Prom the City Manager on the complaint of a�irs, Estelle Baker
regarding the City garbage �ruck breaking the sldewalk in front of
her property on Mandalay Subdivision,
4. Report of City Attorney on the request o� Clearv�ater Beach Associ�-
tion to remove the old hotel Youndation on Mandalay Avenue on the
bea� �
5. Report oP City tvIana�er on the letter receivad irom Nirs. Rosina J,
Howe relative to someone telli� her she Gould nat take roomers
in her hous e on 418 Jflsmine VPaq .
6. Consideratioa oP the request o� the Clearwater Transit Comnany
to erect a shelter at the corner of Mandaley Avenue and the Causeway,
7. Report of Commissioners Drew and Casler relative to the leasing oP
property on the ;,auseway East of the Park Inn for a Drive-In estab-
lishment .
8. Gonsideration of acquiring groperty ior the widening of North Osceola
between the library and Jones Streets with ,p�rticular re�erence to the
Coachman and Stig property.
9. Gonsideration o� the matter called ta the attention oP the Commission
by �;ttorney Ftalph Ftichards regarding Brr. Covey spending �1153.11� Yor
improving Lake f�venue between Harv�rd St. Find Dartmouth St.
l0, Consideration of the Dog Ordinanca on its second reading.
11. Consideration oY the Comic Book Ordinance on i�s third reading,
12. Report on the licenss Comma ttee on tne application of Edward Faulk
Por a second-hand star e.
13. Presentation of a sketch stsowing the dividing of the i.ndnstriel proper-
ty oinned b� the City, inio lots.
11�. Consid:eration oP a Pitometer survey of the water system.
15. Rep�rt of the Cit q Attorne� on matters ealled to the Comm.ission's
attent ion by ,b�rs. Arzella :+,Tells with regard t6 North Garden Avenue.
lb. Discussion with all partie,s interested in the bus stop at South
Ft. Harrison at the D�vey -N�cMullen Buildin�.
17, Report oY the City Mara ger on the Qity Attorney�s advice to discontinue
the levying of the 5 o tax on uti lity bills .
18. Consi��ration bf the �lumbing Examining Bcard's report presented to the
Commission at its meeting April 4th,
19. Rep ort oP the License C�mmittee on the applic�tion oP Leroy Outing Por
a t axi licens e.
20. Report oP the TraPYic Committee on the DeLuxe Company's stands.
21. Presentation oY a l,etter Prom Nir, Friedlander relative to e sales tax.
22. Presentaiion of a letter fram Daniel Brothers relative to courtesy signs.
23. Consideration oY an ofPer Pr�m Mr. I,utz to p�y �5UU.00 for an all ey
Ivorth o� his property on North Osceola, the alley being 10 Pt, widc
and extendi ng Yrom Nax'th Osceo,la to the Bay.
24. Consideration oY the er�ction oP eleetric gate on the Causeway Dravl
Bridge, at an estimated cost oP �3,000.
25. Consideration of the Pollowing gas mains: Estimated Cost
Ia.00,Pt. l� �as maiu on Calumet St. p,p —
15� �t. 2" gas pipe on Fairmont St. 110.00
50 Pt. 2" �as pipe on Phoe nix St. 30.00
200 Pt. 1" gas pipe on Myrtle kvenue 50.Q0
Consideration oP the Pollowing water main extension:
350 Pt, o� 2" water main on �'inewood 300.00
�Pr 1 � 1949
26. Consideration oP sidewalk on the tNest side of Greenwood Avenue Zdorth
oP Drew Street.
27. Resolution requestittg property owuers to clean their lots oP weeds
and grass.
* * *
kpril 11, 1949
City Commission
City oP Clearwater,
Clearwater , Fla,
Your attention is invited to a condition very detrimental to our
ii2t��:ests and to a lesser degree to the rest oY the people of the
Cit�'of Clearwater.
This is in the matter oP the so cailed "courtesy sign", The
courtesy sign is one which is loaned by the advertiser to the
local merchant, and ereated in or on the merchant's building.
In most cases :+�is ersction work is done hy a legitimate sign
company under full �rotection oP our sign code with ,proper per-
mits, licenses eta, paid to the city. ,Je hold no brief aga?nst
this policy, and in many cases eaecute this work Por the adver-
In several cases, houez�er, this work is clone by the advartiser
who does not anerate as a legitimate sign company, paqs no sign
licenses, ignores our sign code and pays n� permit Pe�s,
The most Plagrant violator oP the City+s hospitality in the matter
oP cour tesy signs is the Coca Cola Campany {Coca Cola Bottling
. Compan,� of St. Fetsrsburg) whieh has secured scoxes of valuable
lacations in Clearw�ter without the �yme�t af a license or bhe
pratection oP our citizer.s by perm its or inspections. This is in-
direa'i, an�3 unfair competition with your citizenship, �vho directly
or indirectly pay the cost oY these liceuses and Pees,
One of the outstanding legitimate users o� courtesy signs is
Southern Dairies whose signs are erected here under the code
by licensed sign nen �shose ti•�ork is protected by pesmits and
inspe ctions . '
Daniels Bros . Sign. Co, is deeply grateful to the peoDle of Clear-
water for your contribution to the present degree of ou�� success.
We are natives oP Binellas County, and except �or some oP the war
y�ears have spent our lives in the pursuit oP' our careers here.
We are trying to mabe our contrib4tion tn the economic welfare oP
this commuttity by the ePficient service rendered our Yellow citizens
as �ell as the expenditur e oP thousands of do llars annually in
local labor and material.s for the manuPacture o� signs and store
fronts for erection elsewhere. This com�aany and its employees
operate ei�ht trucks and six nassenger cars in Clearwater dailq.
We ha ve two fu�l time salesme� serving our out oP town terr�tory
as well, We pay rent on five pieces of business praperty in Clear-
water. We f eel that Cleerwater should be proud of us and protect
us and themselves against the un�air practices of TMforei�n" cor-
We i'eel that milk for our babies as more worth� of a"Yree ride"
than a beverage, however refreshing t�at beverage maq bs. iNe
Yeel that Coca �ola e�d others should pay the sane license and
inspection Yees.Souinern Dair ies pays ior the privilege oP hanging
their signs . We f�ael that if there is to be any partiaZitS� shotiYn
by the government ��i the City o� Clearwater it stiould be shov:n to
an orgagization cresting and expetiding wealth in Clearwater rather
'r,han to one which creates nothing, and is constantly draining our
substanc e in driblets,
Now frien�s, on the basis oP these facts tie beg S�ou to take such
immediat e action as will reqaire the licensing o� any organization
esecting signs in Glearwate.� Qr painting wa11 bulletins .uithin
oux City. And tha� you will t�ke such immEd3ate actio:n,as to re-
quirs either the peyment of perniits and the inspection l�es on alI
signe hesetoYore ereeted dYithout this grotection for our peaple, or
the immediate removal of such signs from their prssent locati�ns,
It is on"ly Paix to �ell yuu that ite are required to pa3 both the
licens e� and insp ection f ees required of the local sign companies
for our operati ons in 8t. Petersburg.
Apr , 9 9
A glance out of the East windows of your meeting place will reveel
a six letter sign on which we paid a�10.00 permit. Undex present
procedure an unl.icensad outside advertiser aould lease this sign
with no lic ens e and no ir�sp ection f ee .
Thanking you for consideration of f.his matter, and hoping yuu will
provide us adequate relief from t�e unTair com�:etition we face in
courtesy signs , we are,
Yours very` truly
Daniels Bros, Sign Co.
(signedj Johni� Ge Daniels
J'ohnie G. Daniels
* * *
Apri1 21, 1q49
Honorable Harry D. 8argeant, Mayor
and Board of City Commissioners,
Clearwater, Florida
Gentlemen: �
At a recent meeting o:f the Clearw4ter Board oY
Reeltors� I was instructed to ask the Clearwater City Com-
missi on to give the necessary aotice as quickly ss possible
Por a public hearing �or the purpose oP determining whether
or not there exists a shortage of rental housing in Clearwater
which would require continuance of 2ent control here.
The Boar.d will be glad to pay for publication oi
a legal notice in the Clearwater Sun in the abovs matter it
the Commission so desires.
Aespe etfally
(signed) W. S. Shannon
ti9. S. Shannon, President
* * �
Apri1 21, 191�9
Honorable HarrF D. Sargeant, May�r
City ITiall
Clearwater, Flao
Dear Mayor Sargeant;
At the regular meeting of the Clearwater
Merc.heni,s' Associatio.n, on April 19, 191�9, the following
resolution was adopted unanimouslyo
Vi�REHSt It is apparent that the State and b�funicipal govern�
ments in Florida must have addit�onal revenue, and
?hH��,AS: Pressure is broug�t' Por the enactment of legislation
to permit municipalitiEs to levy local munici:pal transaetions
or sales taxes, snd
WHERE6iS: the members oP this Assoc3ation believe that the
levying oP such locaT taxes v�ould be detrimental to the business
interests of this City,
THEREFORE BE 2T RFSOL�ED; That the Clearwater Nierchant's Xssoc-
iation does not f avor a local city transactians or sales tax
but the Association will not oppose the adoption of a State
Sale s Tax, prnvided that the s �at8 adminisi;ration shall f irst
efYect all possible economy in the operation oY the State gov-
ernment,.and provided Yurther than an adequate portion oY the
procPeds oP ang such state sales tax shall be allocated to �he
eities oP t.�e state and that so-called nuisan�e taxes be elimineted.
csigned) Darwin S. Fran'.: President
(signed� k. Hancock lLcting Sec.
Y Y "a'�.
APr 21, 949
kpril 9� 1949
To the Attention of
Mayor ,ar�eant and City Cobmissioners
Clearwater, I�'la .
Dear Sirs•
It has come to mq notice a�ter reading a newspaper article,
regarding yot�r intention o� putting through a sales tax.
You will Pind that most oY the retail mer:;�ants, as �nell as
myself will proteat very strongly against �uch a ta$.
There isn't on.e oP the c�mmissioness, including yourselP, t�at
is now or p�rhaps eve� �aR been in the retail business, so how in
heavena name can anyone of you gentlemen know the problems that isll
to the lot oY a retail merchant. Speaking �or the sr�mll store keeper
like myselY, who is just barelq keeping his head above water, isn�t
it a Pact that we are taxed just about enaugh? City License Tax,
City Personal Property Tax, County Tax, State License, garbage tax,.
sawer tax, parking meter tay, �nd �, dozen other direct or indirect
Why doEsn't �r. Blanton, who suggssted this tax, stick to his
real estate business. He has made his pile on real estate commissions,
so vrhy suggesttrouble for those oP us who are merely existing?
The Chambe. oP Commerce is over-joyed about the large number
oP tourists this season i.n Clearuvater. In 191�6, 1947 & 4�, a smaller
number of to urists spent more money tt�an this large crowd this year.
There has alvrays been a cry that ClearwaterTs residents go
shopping to Ttimpa and St. Petersburg, Do 9ou blame th�, when they
can buy some things cheaper elsewhere? Nov� �yhat is gcing to happen
when a sale s tax is added on? �P7hy the retail buying public will Ply
awqy �rom Clearwater faster than ever to do their shopging and this
does not apply only to the poorer class.
About seven months of the year we ar� just pulling through.
while the oth er Pive months we wurk Iike the devil to pay o� bili's
and expenses.
Yous own slogan bfayor (quote) "Watch Clearwater grnw" (unquote)
Ii it grew despite bad management in the past and despite other ob-
staeles, I Yor one would suggest that this present ele eted adminis-
trr�tion use good common 5ense and not stint the growth of Clearwater.
Respect�ullp yaurs,
(signed) A. Friedlander
PS The writ er would ask the Mayor to kindly h�ve this letter
. pleced befor e each commissioner. Thenk you.
� * *
Apr il 13 , 7-949
13onorable City Commissioners
Clearwater, Florida
Gentl emen:
��s Trustees of the City oY Glearwater Employees
Pension Fund, you are hereby notified that John E. Cox, Grade
B. Patrolman in the City Yolice Department, has been duly ex-
amined by a local physician and designa�ed by him as a'�Pirst
cla ss" si.sk .
The above employee begaa his service v�ith tihe
City on October 22, 194g, He is'urider 45 years of age and
meets the requirements oP our ClassiPied Service. It is hereby
recommended by the Advisory Committee that he be accepted into
Very tr uly yours,
Advisorq Committee of the City
Employees Pension Fund
(signed) Chas. P. Moloney
(signed) Frank Abernathy
(signedj Faul Kane
. , � . . � � . . . . �
Y .,
Apr , 9
March 1�, 1949
Honorable City Comniissioners
Clearwater, Florida
As Trustees o� the City of Clearwater Employees
�ension Fund, you are hereby noti�ied that Miss Sylvia Prosser,
clerk in the City Recreation Department, i�as been duly examined
by a local physician and designated by him as a"first class"
The above er�ployee began her service with the City
on October 1, 1948. She is under !�5 years of age and meets the
requirements of our Classified Service, It is hereby recommended
by the Adeisory Committee thst she be aceepted into membership.
Very trul:y yours, r
Advisory Committee af t�e
City �mployees ?ension 1+'und
(si�ned) Charles �. Molone
C ar, es P. Mo oney, C a rm�n
(signed) Frank 9bern�tl�y
• Fran A ernat y
Paul Kane
Pau ane
:k * *
March 18, 1949
Honarable City Commissioners
Clearwater, Florida
Gentlemen: '
As Trustees oi the City of Clearwater Employees
Pension Fund, you are hereby notiPied that KE� neth Parks, laborer
in the City Parks DepartLnent, has been dul9 examined by a local
physician and desiglm ted by him as a"first Class�' risk.
The above employee began his service with the Ci.ty
on October 26, 191�8. He is under tt5 years oP age and meet� with
tl�e requirements oP our ClassiPied Service, competitive tests for
laborers not being required. It is hereby secommended by the
Advisory Committee tast hE be �ecepted into membership.
Very truly youss,
Advisory Committee of the.
City Emnloyees Pension Fund
(siDned) Charles P. Molone
C ar as Pe Mo oney,Chazrman
(signed) Frank Aber�athy
ran A err_at y
(sig ned) Pau1 Kane '
paul Kane
* * *
APr �- , 9 9
M�rch 18, 1949
Honorable City Commissioners
Clearwatex, Fla.
Gent lem en ;
As Trustiees of' the City oY Cle�rwater Employees
Pension Fund, you are heleby notified that BiTI� Blackburn,
employed as a laborer in the City Farks Department, has been
duly examined by a local physician and designated by him �s
o '"Yirst class" risk.
The above employee �e�an his service with the City
on Uctober y., 191�8. He is undsr k5 years of age and meets the
requirements of our ClassiYied Service, competiti�e tests Por
laborexs not being reyuired, It is hereby recommended by the
Advisory Committee that he be accepted in�o membership.
Very truly yours,
Advisory Gommittee oP the
Cit;� Employees Pension Fund
(signed) Charles �. a4olo�n�e�y_�
C�arles�T Moloney�, C a'�irman
(signad) Frank kbernathy
Frenk kbernat x
( si gne d j '°aul Kane
Pau Kane
* * *
April 13, 1949
Honorable City Coma!issioners
Clearwater, Florida
As Trustees of the City oP Cleaxv+ater Employees
Pension Fund, you are hereby notif ied that Billy Ferouson,
Grade B Patrolmsn in the City Police Depaxtment, �.as been duly
examined by a local physician and qesignated by him as a nfirst
class" risk.
The above employee began his service with the City
on October 2�, 191�8. He is unaer 45 years oP ags and meets the
requir�ents of our GlassiPied Szrvice. It is hereby recommended
by the �dvisory Comraittee that he be accepted into membership.
Very truly yours,
Advisory Committee of the
City Emplovees Pension �'und�
(signedj Charles P, i�dolone
C ar es P. Mo oney, C airman
(si�ned) Frank Abexnath
Fran A errat y
(signed) Paul Kane
Pau Kane
* * '�
2�Sarch 18, 1944
Honarable Ciiy Comn,issioners
Glearwai;er, Florida
Gentlemen :
. . . . ' 4.�.:��1.
' f h
Apr 2 , 94
As Trustees of the Cit3� of Clearwater Employees Pension
Fund, you are hereby not3Yied that C. G. Lovell, employed as a
laborer in the City Pr�rks Dep�rtment, has been duly examined by
a.'�ocal physician and designated by him as an ��averagett risk, see
attaahed examination Porm.
The above employee began his service with the �it3� on
November 2, 1948. He is under 45 years oi' age and meets the re-
c�uirements of our'Classified �ervice, competitive tests �or lsbor-
ers not being reqaired, He applies herewith for membership to
the �ensi on PTan .
gery truly yours,
Advisory Committee of the
City Employees Pension Fund
(signed� Charles P. n+;oloney'
ar es , io oney, res dent-
(signed) Frank libern�thy
Frr�nk �bernat y
(signed? Paul Kane
Pau Iiane
* � *
April 1, 1949
Honorahle Board oP City Commissioners
I respe ctYully r eque st tha t I be given per-
mission to operate a taxi cab in the City of Clear�dater
which is a cab i'ormerly operated by Charles Harmon who
has surrendered his permit and is no longer in taxi
business in Clearwater.
(signed) Roy Outing
I,eroy Outing
* * *
V�'HEREAS; it has been determined by the City Commission
oP the Cit� oP Clearwater, F'lorida; that the property described
below should be cleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbxush, and
that aPter ten (lU) days notice and Yailure o� the ow ner thereoP
to do so, the City should clean sueh property and charge the
costs thereof against the respective property.
NOVd THEREFC)RE BE IT RESOLY��'D by the City Commission
of the c;ity of Clearwa��;er, Florida, that the Pollowing �de�cribed
property, situate in sairi City, shall be cleaned oi weeds, �rass
�.nd/or underbrush within ten (10) days after notice in writing
to the ov�ners thereoP to do so and that upon failure to comply
with said notice, the City shall perPorm such cleaning and
chrirge the costg thereoP agains t t he respective properties in
F�pril 21, 1949
s�ecordance with Section 128 oS the Charter oP the City oP Clear-
water, as emendsd.
Q+un er • Pr o�ertg :
Jack Mosy
N. Ft. Harrison Lots 1, 2, Blk A
Gity I�t� Jolla Sub
Roy N7ekel ing
1�24 Jasmine Way Zots 55, 56, 57
City Lloyd VJhite Skitaner
Charles S. Lowry
211 GulYview Blvd. Lot 61,
City Lloyd �^Ihite Skinner
Anthong Calti�irone
P.o. Box 5045 Lot 62
Tampa 5, Fla. Lloyd j"Jhite Skinner
Lucs M. Simmons
82 Adal i� Nlay Lot 73 ,
D�vis Tsland, Tampe,,Fla. Lloqd '"hite Skinner
Laura K. Stoddard
312 Coronado Dr. Lots 1, 2 Blk A.
City Columbia �2, Sub
Clearv�ater Beach Properties
Inc, c/o Lucius �ucler Lots 3,4,�,b,7,10,11,12
Ruder 31dg., Glw. Blk x, Columbia r�2
,Anthony Caltigirone
2001� lOth f,ve. Lot 14, B� A.
Tanpa, �'la. Qolumbia �2
VJ. D . Ow.ens
Owens Construction Co, iot 1, Blk B
City Columbia Sub.
Herbert LeRey Rice
30 RockePeller Plt3ce Lot 3, Blk B •
tdew York, N.Y. Columbia Sub.
H. C_ Co�burn -
Pennsylvania live. Lot 2, S 65' oP ''7. 105'
City Blk B, Columbia Sub.
�ichael C. Rynksel
227 Douglas Ave, Zot 2, N b5' o� TlJ. 1Q5' Blk B
Ylaukegan, Illinois Columbia Sab.
Pierre H. Meqer Est.
132 I3. OsceoL Ave. Lot 2, E.115' & N.5' of S 70' oP �td.
Cit� 105', Blk B, Columbia
Zena B. Piexce
T�, Ft, Har�ison Ave. Lots 15,16,17, Blk B
City Crest Zake Park
Dr. ka;/mona Center
Cleveland St. Lots 19, 20, 21, Blk B
City Crest Lake Park
�ldo Chambers
Rt. 1k, Box bk6 Lot 7,' 8, Blk D.
Indi�,-iapolis , zna . xigni�aa Grov es
Franklin Rightmire
l% Church St. Lot 2, Blk 23,
Patterson, N.-J. hiandalay
Nortcan Beecher
43z nruia xoaa Lot 4.3, 8� V�7.22' or z,ot 4i & E.31 0�
City Lot 45, Harbor oaks
* x� *
Ni$EREriS,The Comazission �.as found as a�act tha� there is a
great inTc'rease in the number and variety o� illustrated crime
books, me.gazines, ar.d o�herpublications being offered for sale
in ihis Gity, whieh books, magazines, and other publications
deal in sabstantial part with crimes of �'orce, violence and biood-
shed, and thst many of such books or magazines are designed in
iorm so as t� resemble closely those devoted in substance to rnQt-
ters of humor and adventure and published primarily Yor sale to
children, and are oYten placed Por sale side by side with such
humosous end adventure magazines; and
41(gEREAS, It aPpears that children below the age of eighteen
years oP susceptible and impressionable character, are often
stimulated by colleetions of pictures and stories of criminal
acts, and do in Paci oPten commit such crimes p�rtly bec$ust� in-
ci.terl to do so bv such publioations; and
V'lfl�REAS', The posaibilitq of harm by restxictirig �ree utter-
ance t ro ugh harmless publications is too remote and too neg-
ligible Q consequence of dealing with the evil of the publications
her�ein described, when in the hands oP ehildren;
5ection 1. Evary person, Pirm or corporation is guilty of
a misdemeanor who se11s, :gives av;ay or in any way furnishes to
any person under the age oY ei�hteen years any boo�, rnagazine,
or other publication iri which there is prominer.tly featuxed an
accouet of criae, and wh ich depicts, by the use of drawings or
photagraphs, the eommission or attempted cammission of the cri:mes
of arson, assault with a deadly v�eapan, burglary, homicide, kid-
napping, nayhem, raurder, rape, rohbery, theft, or manslaughtero
Section 2. mhi� ordinance shall not apply to those accounts
of crime which are paxt oP 'Ghe general dissemination oY news,
nor to such drawings and photographs used to illustiate such ac-
Section 3• The gohibitions bY t.�is ordinance do not apply to
any actio,n either positively permitte3 or prohibited by constitu-
. tional provision or by genexal lgw.
Sec�ion 4. If any Provision of this orciinence, or the apnli-
catian thereoY to any persori or circumstance is held invalid, the
remainder oP the ordinance, tznd the applieation of snch provision
to ather persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.
Section 5. Everq violation oP this ordinance is a misde-
meanor nunishable by imprisonment in the city jail for not more
than three months or by a Pine of not more than two hundred doY-
lars, or by both such fine and im�risonment.
Se�tion 6. This Ordinance shall take eY�ect immediately
uoon pa�sage by the City Commission of the Ci�y of Cle ax wr�ter,
Florid a.
PASSED AND AI)OPTLD by the Citg Commission of the
City oP Clearwater, Florida;
Passed on First Reading Lipril 4, 1949
Passed on Second Reading_ April 18, 1949
Passed on Thirfl Reading April 21, 1q49
jsignei!) Harr D. SBrgeant
]�ayor-Comm ssioner
Ssi�ned ) H. G. VJingo
Cit- AuZc it or and Clerk
t "�� I
, _
1 � "t•a
Apr 2 , 9
Ther� befng no �ur�her business xo come bePore the Board, the meet-
ing was adjourned.
Ci tj� Alid 'kOr 8c 10TC
ayor-Co iss oner