02/22/1949 . "1 ".'. .~: ..~... .' ; ,; \ . ;....~; :'.. ::. :',' . .' '. . ". ' , . . ; h' ~ ..1 .: ,1i;~;"?;.i, .':,:.\ .,;{. '.,i .,i ., ., -1} .. ~". , " , J \ " ; . .~, , . ~~ , '1 'j 1 I I I I I I I j I ,11 CITY Cm~~ISSION WiliETING Febru~ry 22, 1949 " ,,', ". e'; "c.;;);" "';';1?';:';'itP,~;, J ~ t" ,..':::/'tr.l nt~"V'~)'.:"~,;Vi)',,'/'?~" '. , .. .:- , " . ,.. .. . .... ~ I' .\,: ;:".:,:;' ,:',~:' '.' ; The city Commission of the City of Cleurwuter met in SlH~(J1R.L ,;'It=osion the even- ing of Febl'uury 22, 19J..9 ut 7:)0 P.lI'i. in the City Hull y..ith the fOllowing members present: H~rry D. Surgeul~ E. B. Cunler, Jr. lIer bert .IIi. Bro....n J..eluna F. Drew Guy L. Kf'!nnedy r,~&y or COnlini ssion ~r COITUllissi oner - Conunissi oner r,OIlUl:iH si on er Cornmission~r : . Absent: None Also prl'!sent: Boyd l\.. Be tme tt - City r::' nar;er q~or{~~ ~id~l""mrr:fl - Chi.t"f of Police Ben Krentzmen city t.ttorney Aft er th e me eti ng hr:..cl bee n cd. led to 01' d ~ r by the May or-Commissi oner, the minutes of the reGulf:r mectin~ on Februery 7th (:nd the t)p~cia1 meeting of ]i'ebruary 15th v.ere reG.d tind l1f'proved, subject to eorL'cutlon :'.s to date of openinejLpq,..ki"J LeI-, Commissioner Drew moved thtlt J. 'V. 13:J.rnes lJe utJPointed tiS a member of ,the Cont1'8ctor'~ Exumirling H001'd. 'l'he motion v.as seconded by COffilllitH:lioner CosIer and carxied unanimuusly. CurrUldusioner Drevl movec tcwt John K. Batstone und E. C. M~rquardt be appointed to the loning Bo~rd. COb~issiuner Bro~n seconded the .motion and it carried by t.ile unaniL::;,,,lus vote 01' the COIlililission. CO,Ullllissi on er Brown mo ved tha t Don Co cll.ran be o.ppoin ted to membership in the P~unlbers Exumining BOard. The motion v, cd'> secvnd ed by Commissioner Dre~ and carried unanimously. The City Munager reported thut the Druid Heights Plut submitted by the Black Realt y Compa.r.y aid not agree with the I)lats of the subdi visions located to the East; that Druid Road as sh~n on the older plats ~hS uctually 10 feet north of the fraction- al section line. Mr. Black und Mr. Koch of the Black Realty ComI~ny agreed to provide an addit ional 10 foot etisement on the South side 01' their Subdivision to compensate for this error. Commissioner Casler suggeoted that the City Commission 8dopt a definit.e program to be folloVled in the f'utUl'e, relative to tte approval of plats; that the Commissi on aetermine now H program for future developI.1ents so that the limited funds available could he used to the best I.lct\THntae;e. By consent final action at: acceptanc e of the nruid Height s PIl:1 t was deferr~<l to a SP~ ciE.I meeting of the Com- mission to be held Tuesday, tIFl.rch 1st at 7:30 P.M. , Letters from D. G. Haley representing, L. S. :tudel', owner 01' the Davey-McMullen Building €inn Dr. A. S. Kitchen, tenant in the buildin~, '1.ere reHd to the Com.mission in which letters the writers protested a~8inst the use of the ]FOperty gS a bus stop. By consent, the IT,-<1tter ViPS referred to the 'TrEl1'~'ic Committee fer investif:ation and recommendation. . The city Clerk reported thf.t the City had no o!1position in biading on La Jolla pe rk property and .he d e C"U ir ed the pl.'O pe rty for th e a mount of the minimum bid. The City Attorney presented a Hesolution to vc;cate the plat of CauseVvL.j1 Busi- ness District ss recorded in plat book 20, puge 7 of the Public Rec9ras of Pinellas County, Florida. Commiss ioner Dr ev. moved tha t the r e so lut io n be adopted. Commission- er Brown seconded the mution hnd it carried unanimously. The consideration of utile of gas for space .hetlting only, was deferred by consent to the Special meetin6 Wurch 1st. Ey consent ,the consideration 01' the report by CO.lDI:1ittee 011 the v.ater ~ter mat- ter, vms deferred to the next meeting 01' the GOIllIDLiuion. The Chief 01' Polic e repor ted tha t the Chamber of Comme~'ce recom.mended that speed limit on ctiuseway bridges be increased from 15 to 20 miles per hour. By consent the matter was deferred in order to give the Traffic Con~ittee un opportunity to study the proposed change. The Chief of Police suggested that the Corr~ission consider the enactment of an ordinance prohibiting shrUbbery from being plented within 25 feet of Bny street intersection. The City Attorney said he did not believe such an ordinance would be legal but it would be possible to legaJ.ly emct an ordinance controllng the height of shrubbery in order to e~imina te a traffic ha zord. Commissioner Drew moved tha t the matter be referred to the City Attorney for .his attention and report. Com- missioner Brown seconded the moti on and it carried unanimously. A letter written by Mr. E. L. Eu~tis su~gests that the City take some action to abate the excess moises in the vicinity of the Fort Harrison Hotel and the Gray Moss Inn. Commissioner Drew moved thRt the letter be incorporated into the minutes fOl' fut ure consid er,'1tion find thqt receipt of Mr. ji;ust is' letter be ,achnO\'fledged. The motion was seconded by Commissloner Casler and carried unnnimously. A Ie tter from Fred C. Homuth, V,f s read to the Commission in \\hich Ie tter Mr. Homuth complained of the flood co ndition adjecent to his pro perty on Clearwater Be~ch after every rain. He suggests that the City establiEh & catch basin at each . end of the block with approximately 70 ft. of pipe running through the, sea wall in- to the Gulf. Commissioner CosIer moved that, the cost and practicability be investi- gated by City Manager. The motion was s~conded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously. ..__.~.-~-- -, "'l~,,'i "'{:';;:."~} . ,,', "r , .. ~ . " \ :.:. '] :1 1 ;'~ 1 ,\ ~ ,\~." , ,"t ,.,.; . .' f , j l I 'i I ,i '~ .. ,1 , i 'I . , ':) .-.i " .i I " ,1 ,j :1 "1 '! '.\ }\ ~: , 'I " :..; j 1 I '. n ',1 .1 J t 1 l J l :j 1 " ,', ) , , .~ :< :1 ~ ;) ~;l CITY COMMISSION MEETING FebruAry 22, 1949 ,,', "-''''"~~$:;Ji~~~'o,~;:~ , ":;"""""'" ;:,':''',l " .~\ .'..:":) ~,": \ " , ;~~, :111'; The city Manager reported that Mr. Jack Eckert of the Kiwanis Club had re- quested that the city cancel the current and de1inqu~nt taxes a~einst Lots 42 and 43, Block a, second Addition to Belmont, in the amount of $48.87 as the pronerty WI)S to be used fol' ch'1 r' i t[; bl e pur pos es . Commissioner Kennedy moved thr't the KiY\anis Club be notified that the Clty will contri bute the amoun't of taxes v.hen the property is qualified for exemption. Tbe motion Wf:lS seconded by COIDIltissioner CEisler ~nd c11rried by the umlnimous vote of the cOlnmission. "'... Ci ty MaIlager Bennett presented to the cOIllIllission l;.l !'equest of William Wightman, t!wt the city rebate the licelwe of u Cil'CUS, sponsored by the ADler ieun Legi on, to be he 1<.1 on MUl'ch 15th. COI1lllii~H3i one!' Drew moved the t the City Clerk check pI' evious action in such cuses und follow the mUlle procedure, with IJov.er to act. COlIlmistli oner ,Ken nedy seconaed the !!lot ion nnd it c err Ie d unCinimously. By consent the proposed gas main extension for use 01' gus nt 152h Rosewood street was deferred for further study. The consideration of the Director of Aeronautics 01' Pinellas county request that the City ManCieer be authorized to attend the heuring on March 21st in Washing- ton and aid in the County's effort to get regulur stops of the Eastern and Delta Airline at the Pinellas Airport, wuu deferred to the meeting of the Commission on March 1st by the consent 01' the commission. Commissioner Casler moved that the Cit~1 Attorne~' be instl'ucted to prepare a resolution addressed to our Hepresentative in Congress ur~ing ther., to use every effort to get the ~esterly Coast Inter-Coastal Waterway Rpproprietion in the Rivers and Harbors Bill to come before Con€:ress at An early dElte. Commissioner Drew seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Commifisioner C~"sler r:ovec1 thet the commission authorize the purchase of a car for the Engineering Dep3rtn'ent from fund budP.'etl'!d for thst purpose, in accordance with the bj,d of Kennedy &. strickland to furnish e new Ford 6 cylinder 2 door sedan, and r-,llowing for trade-in on a 19l~2 Plymouth Sedan 8t a net cost to the City of $1001.90. The motion was seconded by Comminsioner Brown and carried, all menlbel's of the com- mission voting "njre" exc~pt Commissioner Kennedy who did not vote. \ I 1 I' I ~ {- ,,' : ' .0,,)\ I I Conur.issioner Drew moved tha t the C1 ty Man;:ger be authorized to purcha se a 1949 4 door "Chevrolet Sedan for use of t~e Police Departffient and enter MS an additional appropri5tioll to the budget in Clccordanc e Vii th '-, bid by LU1.'ry Dimmit t Inc, to furnish a 1949 4 door Chevrolet Sedan for a net expenditure of $573.50 plus the City's 1948 Ford 2 door sedWl l)olice cruiser. The Illation VvEiS tieconded by COIllmissioner Dl'ov;n and cal'riedj voting "aye", Commissiuners 8~rgecmt, Bl'()V;n and Dl'eV'/; voting "no", C01lllTlissioner Casl!::l'. Not voting, Commissioner Kennedy. Commissioner Dre'v'l moved thEt the City 11illlClger be authorized to purchase 12 parking me tel'S EI.IlU charge to Capital budGet. COD'wJissi one r Casler ~econcled the motiorl and:, it carried unanimously. city Manager Bennett presented a resolution requll'ing the ovmers of certain lots to clean their lots of grass, we(~ds and underbrush. Commissioner Drew moved tllat tbe reso lution be adopted. Commi~sioIle r Brown seconded the mot ion and it carried unan i- mously. Commissioner Drew moved that 2000 ft. of 2 inch water main and 2000 ft. of l~ inch gas .ma.in extension, a't an estimated cost of $1050.00 each! to supply the negro apart- ment buildings at the corner of Greenwood il.venue and Palmetto street be appro ved. Com- missioner Casler seconded the mot ion and it curried by all unanimous vote. The construction of 550 ft. of 2'1 water [IIain on Dartmouth at un estimated cost of $400.00 on motion by Commissioner Drew and seconded by CommissIoner Brown was approved. Commissioner Cfisle r renorted that Ivlr. Gr isby wo uld be in Clear\\ater Se. tur day, Feb- ruary 26th to check: tbe civil serviee law end recomrr;~nd chun~es to be made, Commissio~er Drew moved that the resolution ch3ngine street names be illnended, so thpt Palmer 8tre~t which wns eh8n~'~d to Cross strl'!et by the resolution be changed back to Palmer street. COlllIdssioner Cesl~r second~d the motion and it carried unanimously. Th~ commission nO'..~ olljourned, end sitting as Trustees of the Pension Fund, on a mot'i on by CO!i:ll:i::.;sioner Drew, seconded by CO!llIllissioner Bl.'O\~ n, o.ppro ved the folloVling employees to meIrbersh ips in the Pension Fund: Leon Sims, laborer in l'ublic service Department, Lester Hall, 18.borer in j,'ublic Service DepartILlent, Randolph Powell, colored ltioorer in .c\i.blic Service Department, Mi~s Marj' Dre'w, Secretary in Public Service DepuL'tment) :.Jam T. Haun, pi,pe-fi t ter 's helper E'_ t City Gus Plant and Mrs. .Patty smitij tele.phone ope.l'utar and billiue; clerk. The foregoing vvere allpl'olled by the unanimous vote of the COIDlllission. The various pl:lpel'S, lett~rsJ !'e~olutiuns unCi etc., mentioned in these m.inutes are set out below tine are hereby made a purt thereof. '. . . ~:~""",~~~,,',c"~\'~"""~'':'''_..;....':' ....'.~':"'..4'<,......,....r" ro" ............"':"... ..",....\..~'l.~~."-.. .'...,j'M_..'.".... "".'~''''.f\,,... ....''-.., __ __ 'l"'h.~_. __ _ . '..., . i:; . , , _""h'>,e,,"\",;l~. ~iiJ~"~~~~S'~' ..,. ..~..:, ...";,'.......,:i..~.,~:;"e'+~~:~'!~~"';.k~~i!::, ..~' ',':";' -.>' ,,""': .'\ ':,;Pt ' .;: ... .:" ......~ CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 22, 1949 :'., February 15, 1949 Honorable City Commissioners Cle~rw~ter, Florida Gentl emen: AS Trustees 01' the city 01' Clebr\H..ttel' ECilI>loyees l)ension )i'und, you are hereby n()tified thut Leau ~ilJl~, elu!>loyed us a laborer in the PUblic Serv ice Depa.rtmen t, hu S b~eIl duly eXUluined by a local !)h~'sicifin nncl designe, ted by him llS U "first 01&/:H3" .risk. The above emplo~'t.!e began h1s servioe '\tiith the city on August 9, 1948. He is under 45 yeurs of o~e find meets the quul lfi oations of our Classified Service, cornpeti tive tests tor ordinory laborers not bei ng required. It is here by recommended by the Advi8or~' ~ommittee that he be uccepted into membership. V~ry truly yours, ADVISORY COMl/,ITTEE of the City E:i!ployees Pen sion :Fund Ch0rles P. Moloney ChArles P. Moloney, Chairman Fr.9. nk Ii.. ber na thy Frank Abernathy Paul Kane Paul. Ktine by I3e.tty Rice Young secretary * * Febru~ry 15, 1949 Honorable City Commis8ioners Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: As Trustees of the City of Clearwater Employees Pension Fund, you are hereby notified that Lester Hall, em- oloyed as B laborer in the Public Service Department, hus been Quly examined by a local physician and desif,nated by him as a "first class" risk. The e bO'le employee beean his service ~ i th. th e C1 ty on August 12, 1948. He is under 45 yeors of ege and meets the qua1ificetions of our Classified Service, competitive tests for ordinary 10 borers not being required. It is hereby recommended by the 1\.dvisory CODllIlittee that he be ficcepted into membeL'sIlip. Very truly yours, ADVISOHY COlvi1,;ITfi>EE of the city Bmployees Pension Fund Charles P. Moloney Charles P. Moloney, Chairman Frank Abernathy }I'rank l'l.bernat.hy Paul Kane l'aul Kane '; " ':' .;\' '!..... ~ .-~i...) " .l;..L.:;.~l ).........'\ .~.:,.~" ", ,.....-. .',..; ~""~.;'....:..;..., . ",'- .. .:", .~" '.;;" CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 22, 1949 February 15, 1949 Honorable city Commissioners CleArwater, Florida Gentl emen : As Trustees of the city of Cleerwater Employees pens ion Fund, you EIre hereb~,' notified thl'lt Rudolph Powell, colored laborer in the Public Service Department, hus been duly examined by a local physi~ian bnd designated by him as a first cl!;ss risk. The above employee begun his service with the City on AUgust 4, 1948, and is under 45 y.elU'S of u?,e. He also meets the qualifications of our Cl~ssified Ser~ioe, competitive tests for ordinary laborel's not being requil'ed. It is hereby reoom- mended by the Advisory Committee that he be accepted into member- ship. , ' ., · i }I, r " ~. ~ .' Very truly'yours, ADVISORY COMMITr[,EB of the City Employees Pension Fund I Charles P. Moloney Charles P. Moloney Frank Abernathy IPrank Abernathy Paul Kane Paul Kane By: Betty R. Young Secretary * * February 15, 1949 Honorable City Commi~sioners Cle~rwater, Florida Gentlemen: J1.5 Trustees of the City 01' ClearVvater employees Pension Fund, you are hereby notifi~d thHt Miss Mary Drew, employed as secretary in the Public Service Department, has been duly ex- amined by a local physician and designated by him as a "first class" risk. The above employee began her service with the City on August 17, 1948. She is under 45 years of age and meets the qualifications of our Classified Service. It is hereby recommended by the Advisory Committee that she be accepted into membership. Very truly yours, ADVISORY CO~~IT~EE of the City Employees Pension Fund Charles P. Moloney Charles P. Moloney, Chairman 1!'r6.nk Abernathy Frank Abernathy Paul Kane Paul Kane By: Betty R. Young secretary . '. . ,'.: '. :~ , ' , -"'~\'~~;~j!I!~;::,~m!L,"~,~,:,'::_'_H . ',1.; ....,,, .",] ~,,'".' """""""''''';''-''''''''''''''''~'''~'''' ..,,:2;.~;g'~i;:'i"';~~~~''''''!~~ , """'~~,~:<':~*::,>(:i ADVISORY COMWITTEE of the City Employees Pension Fund "I,,", " ' .. ...h./jc'':".':p': \....,.,_ .H.....; :., "_:",~':_'."i"':''':':~:>':':';;''.:;.;, CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 22, 1949 February 10, 1949 Honorable City Commissioners Cleurwater, Florida Gentlemen: As Trustees of the City of Clearwater Employees Pension Fund, you are hereby notified that Sam T. Haun, em- ployed as a pipe-fitter's helper at the City Gas PIWlt, has been duly examined by u local physician and des1.gn,ated by him as a "first class" risk. The above employee began his service with the Ci ty on Au~ust 2, 1948. He is unCI er 45 years of a(~e and meets the qualifications of our Classified Service, com- petitive tests far laborers not being required. It is hereby recommended by the Advisory Committee that he be accepted into membership. Very truly yours, .r;, '; ! \ I" , " ! ," ,'; ':,' ,," '. .~' r ",-j ,..';;' tX;:~f';$:*~ . " \, .~',;;i\,~?\'r,~:;;," ~fq! . .....; ~~t ~ ' f.(ff Charles P. Moloney Charles ~. Moloney, Chairman ]'rank Abernathy Frank Abernathy Paul Kane Paul Kane By: Betty Rice Young Secretary * * February 10, 1949 Honorable City Commissioners Clearwater, Florida Gentl emen : As Trustees of the City of Clearwater Employees Pension Fund, you are hereby notified that Mrs. Patty Smith, employed at the City Hall first as telephone operator and then as billing clerk, has been duly examined by a local physician and designated by him as. a "first class" risk. The above ~lployee began her service with the City on July 17, 1948. She is under 45 years of age and meets the qualirications of our Classified service. It is bereby recom- mended by the Advisory Committee that she be accepted into mem- bership. Very truly YOUI'S, l~DVISORY COMMITTEE of the City Employees Pension Fund .....,,.;.~ Charles P. Moloney Charles P. Moloney, Chairman Frank Abernathy Frank Abernathy Paul Kane Paul Kane : ,BY: . , "Betty Rice Young , ,secretary . -:.\ ," if... ". . ...-........~.. '''':,'~' ; ...lJ' ..~~. : ,,, ...';:i.r. ,. ." >: .. CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 22, 1949 February 14, 1948 To the Commissioners of the city of Clear~ater Gentlemen: ..... . ...~ ~~ We have been oomin6 to Clearwater for seven years, and have en- jo~'ed its many advantages. I hope it is not unr::racious, however. to say that its advantages are considerably compromised by several dls- advf1n tap;es. Most of YOW' wi nter "cllstomer's" are elderly, and rnuny of them ill. The sunli~ht helps them all, but any benefit is de- pendent on condit.i.:>ns of rer.sonable p~,,~ce find lluiet. The most thick- ly settlt'!n port ion of the City, Fo.ct llu:'rison l\Venue, the Hotel and the Gray MOfiS Inn, houses hundreds of peo ple. This section is al so the noisiest. The horns of the uutomobiles blast our ears with an impact like a phys i c~ 1 as sau It. The can non like condi ti on between the hotels accentu'- tes the blasts. The nervous systems of elderly people are unprotected by tl1l:J vigor of body that younp:er .people have, End sleep at night or any rest in the Gfternoon is im~oss1.ble, and the pity of it is all this noise is unnecessary for two reasons, First, the drive_'s of cars do not need to sound their horns if they proceed slOWly through this section and are willing to slow up in- stead of pl'essiIJg 011 with f.;1 "honk" to "get out 01' my WClJ'". Secondly from my knowledge of traffic conditions and rul(.; s th is Hulse-nc e can be dealt with effectively. The incessant ringing of locomoti ve bells El t night. is recognized as a necessary evil, but that one is "plenty". , I.,' . . ( . > ".. . )~ , .' !~ .r. ',' :', :~ .'...1 . , .' !' '. ~.,' . " \ ' , ",,' t~ , '.';'l , .,~ .,.,;' . > , .! I :;.'. ....:.1.. '.". .' , 1 :' ...\ ,'! The villole month befo.re Christmas of Christmas Carols and music; inside the stores, outside on the sidewalk qff the top 01' a building, over the bells (out of tune), an.d over the radio definitely defests the effort to nltlke the whole period commercially profitable. People are gping to stay home and shall tit home until after Chl'istwas. Regu- lation wOllld be profitE:!.ble to the city. A nllll1ber of my fri~nds have said they "Would never endure it again. ' The people who are bringing betv>een $225,000.00 E:!.nd ~~300,OOO .00 a year to ClearviE:!. ter (in this ~ction alone) would I think be glad to know that sOIlle relief can be (~i ven them before sic;ning up to return for 20 weeks for next season. Since!'ely your s, Edward Lyman Eustis * * February 18, 1949 The City Conunission, Cl~erw~ter, Florida Gentlemen: I ~ish to protest the designation of a bus zone in front of my office located bt 12 South Fort Harrison Avenue especially for the nuisance and unsE:l.nitary conditions existing therefrom. People a~aiting bus transportation do frequently block the side- walk in front of my office making it difficult for my patient's to gain ~nt~wnce therein, sit on my ~indow-ledge and lean up against the building thus defacing !:ind soiling its appearance, leave trtish around the entrance, attempt to use my private office as a bus v,n.iting room, ask to use my private telephone und toilet or use the lund in the rear of my office as a pUblic toilet and constantly interrupt my office practice with queries concerning bus 8chedules and so on. I fully realize that you gentlemen have a serious problem in traffic handling and ~ish that I could be in the position to suggest satisfactory remedies. It does seem as though the streets should be maintained for traffic and all l)ri vate bus inesses serving the public should maintain their own establishments and vmiting rooms on private pro perty as I do. Thanking you for your attention, Very truly yours, Dr. A. S. Kitchen * * f..'.;..,' ~i~{(~~~i#J~~";i! ,; -"~ '" . oj . .' ....' ';'.' , " i . I" ; \ "'j. . I, ,> :- . !. f . '.',. . -.' ,,' . "."';':,.;" . ,,; . ',' ;.t.'.\;:} '.)...; ,\ , . .',i .< .: .;; i ''i . ~~~.;..f I:: ; (. .'~ ,. 1'" ".'.) . .... . ,.......,j,....' ...... CITY: COMMISSION ~lliETING February 22, 1949 February 1:J.,1949 Mr. Boyd Bennett, Manager city of Clear~ater Clear~titer, Florida Dear M.r. Serlne t t : I beg to advise th~t I repxesent Mr. Lucius S. Ruder, owner o~ the Duvey-McMullen Building, Clearwater, Florida. Mr. Ruder has dixeoted me to ~rite you regardiI~ the action of the city of Clear~ater in designating the street opposite the front entrance o~ the Davey-McMullen Building for tf~inp, on and discharging bus passengers. He complained to you about this ~ction recently, but received lit tle or no consideNition from you. Ever since Mr. Ruder purchaseu this building, he hus taken ereat pride in ~eepinp': it painted and in such good conditlon that it would reflect credit on both him as owner and on the city of Clearwater, but its use as a bus terminal will not only completely destroy all such effort, but will :'1 Iso ~re9.tly damage him and his tenants. . ' P8sseneers congregate in the building entrnnce; they lean a~ainst and soil the white walls; they are writing on the walls wi th bl unt instruments; they ere persistently d emendine of the ?,round floor tenants use of their toilets, and otherwise annoying them in their heretofore ~uiet oocupancy of the premises. These tenants are bitterly complbining of tliis disturbing situation, and unless soon remedied, !.ilr. Rud er fears loss of the se tenants. Mr. Ruder and I discussed the subject with Mr. Brannon Casler, one of the City Comn:iGsioners, on Nednesdaj' of this week, and he ~ully concurred ~ith us in our vie~s. . .~:~: . .' ".:\'" :,::~:...:J ~~'J.~<~,~~~;)~~,~~~.~;';~~i~$~~t;~~~i;i~'~~: ., . 'f .,.. I thexefore respectfu~ly xequest that this subject be consider- ed at the next meeting of the Con~issione~s, and that tile Commissioners take iILUIledia te action to COl're ct and l'emove t..t.ds nuisance from the front entn.l!lce 01' this buildin g. I further xeque st that the space in front of the en trance to this building be set off' l'ox the discharge ot' freight and other necessary use of the tenant 5 01' the building, and for no other use. You are further advised that continued use of the front en- trance of this building as a bus tentinal will Breatly damage Mr. Ruder, and that he will hold the City of Cleurwater liable in all damages he may sustain. Your s very truly D. G. Haley * * Februe ry 9, 1949 The Boaxd of City Commissioners Clearwater, Florida Gent lemen: Enclosed herewith are t~o photographs, taken February 5, 1949 showing Gulf Boulevard bet~een Baymont und Mangrove Streets on Clear~~ter Beaoh. The flood condition prevailing here after tiny sizeuble rain is progressively getting ~orse with w~tex enter~lg through ventilation vents under the buildings. Residents and tourists living in this area are frequently unable to leave thei r hous es fox pe r iods from 24 to 48 hour s at a stretch unless they go barefoot or use kneehigh rubber boots. Elderly find sickly p~rsons are just marooned. It is the consensus of o~inion of the residents of this area that a catchbasin on each end of the block with approximately 70' of pipe running through the seawall into the Gulf will remedy this deploreble condition of a resort city street. Soliciting your earnest attention in this matter, I am, Very truly yours, Fred C. Homuth Gulfoourt Apts. 490 Gulf Blvd. Clearwater, Fla. , ,. J.....'. . ", ' ," ,. 'I I'" I.', ' , . .' ,', ;,..::; ... ,3.w .~~...:~:! ..:....!.,~~'..'..,.I_~'''.~ .;" CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 22, 1949 February 17, 1949 "'" , )~ , " ,) ) Mr. Boy~_ A. Bennett, city Manager city of Clearwater Clearwater, Florida Dear Mr. Bermett.: May I take the liberty to suggest tluit the City 01' Cleurwater send you to Washington to appeur at the Heuring of the Florida Trunk Line service Case, C.A.E. <.locket 2215 et al, on the date of March 1st 1949 unless postponement. The applications in whioh the County is interested (st. Peters- burg-Clear~uter, et al) ore our Docket 3084, Delta's )105, and Eastern's 3089 and 2578. I am enclosing an outline so that you will be familiar in detail of the severol proposals. It is with real pride that I take the liberty to call upon your good services at this time. I suggest that you contact a hotel in Washington in order to have convenient hotel facilities. With every good ~ish, ".l Sincerely, James E. Mooney Dir ec tor of the BU1' eau * * February 17, 1949 Mr. Boyd A. Bennett, City Manager City of Clearwater Clear\\ater,' :B'lorida Dear Mr. Bennett: Reference is made to my letter of the 17th addressed to you suggesting that the Clear~ater Chwnber of Commerce send you to Washington to appear as a witness at the HeBring of the Florida Trunk Line Service Case, on the date of March 1st 1949. The date set as March 1st has been changed to March 21st, 1949 and Ullless further l)Ostponement'.is made, this appears to be the date set for the Hearing. May I suggest that you send me a brief biographicul sketch of your e:xperienee pointing toviard your ability as a witness in such a proaeeding. Your help is greatly ~ppreciated and vvlth best 'Wishes, Sincerely, J"ames E. Mooney Director of the Bureau '" '" (Draft of Resolution) :aESOLUTION 'NH1!:RE.t\S: it bas been determined by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, :b'lorida, that the l)roperty described below should be cleaned of ~eeds, grass and/or underbrush, and that after ten (lU) dBYS notice cmd 1'Clilw'e ot the OViner thereof to do so, the city should clean su.ch property und ~harge the costs the:.:>eof against the respecti ve property. NOVl THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the C1 ty Commission of the city of Clearwater, Florida, that the following described property, situate in said City shall be cleaned of weeds, grass ',:,', " , :..' q~' .; . - . " '. "..' :..~ '. ':.: ::,'." 't..3 , ..',. i I r r: r ~. I; ...-;. ,I !.;~. .:. ;. .-::{'};."" 'f' ~ f. . ,I" ~, ." I > .1 '1l.tir:;~...~) ,,C.. >>,~", .",",...>:;8i:,..,...ci4;;'''"'~4f+.~1~;;ii':<~ ~,;~ 7 ,'\. t; ".~~. j~' it' .:....... .. l~. ,;.:-....... >,." "" ..._, ,.. _".,'__ __ . , -.' . .':.....,....~.~....:".~.~..,_....,.... CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 22, 1949 and/or und.erbrush \',ithin ten (10) days after notice in writing to the ovme rs the reof to do so and thHt upon fai lU1'e to comply with suid notice, the City shGll perform such cleuning and char~~e the costs thereof 8/Sainst the respectlve properties in accordance with Section 128 of the Charter of the city of Clear- wAter, ~s 8mended. O\\ner: Property: Pr1.SSED J>.ND .h.DOPTED by the City Commission of the city at Clearwuter, Flol'idu, this 22nd duy of Februb.ry, d..D. 1949. ~AA~(~~~ ' ~ "yar-comm s~ 0 r ATTEST: ~' City AUdi~ Clerk * * LIST TO COl\il,;I;-)SION - LOT CLE.\N-UP - JPEDml!J~Y 17, 1949 01j~ne r Pro perty Lot 6, Elk. B, Fuirvit:vl Sub. Thomas H. Hu ck ney 1803 Douglas Ave. city Abert be~ Barry 401 Corbett St. city Lot ~8 & w. 40 ft. of 27 Blk. B., Crest Luke Park * * RESOLUTION VmEHE.l~S the City of Clearwater, Florida, a municipal cor- poration, owns the fee simple title to certain hereinafter described property within said City, and 1lliEREAS the equitable interest in a small portion of 5~id pro pe rty is olNned by The Lion's Club of Clearwater, and ~'VHEREAS there appears amon~ the public recor ds of Pinellas County, Florida, in plat book 20 at paee 7, thereof, a map or plat of Causeway Business District which w~s filed in the year 1926 by the then owners of the proper ty covered by said map or plat, and WHEREAS all of the property covered by suid LllUP or plat is owned by the City of Clearwater, and '. .', .' l .; . . ,~. '.' .~,. ~ . ......: ': ~>' '. r ::'.'ii,1 ': ,',,,, ' . ['i\;}~iii;'0( I... ':.:.""i-:.'{i.::.';~(; . : .< ';'.;:'. .;.;,' ...i..:,:':\hi;'~'~ . ~:: ?:r~},.::::/,<:. f" :, :~:>"'::"':::,':' (, . - '.' )".: ':',.:.: "." i ,..',., , l... f ;: ,:;::::{".: , _ ::. .__ ~ L '. ~ ",'.'" :.. ....",- . . "J". ._ ;::.: . :"_, .,' :,,':,,~ , '." :~,:' ':/"~.:~.'~'.~('1" .1::7'f~E; h . :::',:-'(;'):':;' i . .'j, CITY C01~lISSION MEBTING February 22, 1949 WIlliHlliI.S E::luid property owned by said city is on said map or plt:.l.t described by Lot und Block numbers, tinct on said map or plat certain streets and boulevards are designated, und certain restrio- I"":". !. ~ ) '.~,,{.,~/ tions and dedications are contained, Bnd ~lHER1t~!I.S said street8 and boulevards hl:l.ve never been actually established or used by the genel'al public, und said restrictions have never been flpplied ac;ainst or relied upon by the o\^.ners of said pro- perty or the ~eneral public, and ~VHERE1\S it i.s necesssry Bnd d~sireEible to the future use of th~ SE.id property by both th~ city of Clearw~ter and the Lion'S Club of Clearwater that said mep or plat be vacated, and 'mlliREAR it is to the best interest of said City of Clearwuter and the citizens the::.;.'eof that ~aid plat be v~cated, NOW THnm~EOH~ BE I1' H.E;SOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSIuN OF THE , l CITY OF CL.h;Al{y'JiiT1!:R, FLORIDA, ill session duly und legally provided, Th~t the map or plat of Ctiuse~ay Business District, as the same is l'eCOl'ded among the public records of Pinel1Els Countj', Florida in plat book 20 at page 7 thereof be, and the same is hereby vacated, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished the Board of County Commissioners of pinellas county, Florida, along with such other information and documents as it may require in order that said vacation of said plat may be complete and final in accordance with the levs of the state of Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ?2nd day of February, A.D., 1949 ATTEST: r~~ ~r ~..d Clerk The re being no fur the r busine ss to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned. . , , .. ,Of � ■ � CTTY COA�VITSSIUN Ml�ETING February 2?., T949 The City Co�mission oP the City aP Clearv�ater m�t in spccial session the even- in� oi February 22, 191�9 �t 7;30 P.M. i.n thc City Hall with thc Pollowing members present : Harry D. Sargeant - Mayor Commissioner E. B. Casler, J'r. - Commission�r Hcrbert R4. Brown - Commissioner Lcland ,£.:Drew - Commissioner � Guy L. I:ennedy - Commiasion�r �bsent; None Also present: Boyd A. B�nnett - City Mrnager rPorc�e I�icL7.emma - ChieP of Police Ben Krentzman - City �ti-,orney I�rtor the meeting had been c�l led to order b� the Mayor-Commisaioner, the miuiites oY thc regular meeting on �ebruary 7th and the �pecial meeting af February 15th were read and approved, subject to cor'rection �;s to date of op�ninuO,�Pa�%i�y Lo� ! Commissioner Drew moved that T. T,�. Barnes be appointed as a m.�mber of thc Coni;rac�or's Examining Board. The motion was secondecl by Comraissiatter Casler and carried unani.mously, Commissianer Dre�� moved that John K. Batstone and E. C. M�rquardt be appointed. to thc Loning Board. Commissi�ner Brown secor.ded the motion �nd it carried by the unanitnuus vote of the Cor,uaission. Commissioner Brown moved that �on Coehran be apZ�ointed to �embership in the P1u.mbers Examinin� Board. The motion was seconded by Comcnissioner Drev� and carricd unanin�o us l y . The City Manager reported that thc Druid Hcights Plat submitted by the Black Realt y Compar.y did not agrce with the plats oP the subdivisi�ns locatcd to the �ast; that Druid Road as shaian on the older plats r•�as actually 10 feet north oP the �raction- al section liue. Mr, Bla�ck and Mr. Koch o� the Black Realtp Company agreed to provida an additional 10 f oot easement on thz South side o� their Subdivis�on to comgensatc fc�s this error. Commissioner Gasler suggested that the City Commis�ion adopt a deiinite program to be follow�d in the �utu.re, relative to tY:e approval of plats; that the Commisszon determinc now a program for future deveiop�ents s� that the limited Yunds availa'�le could be used to the best adV��ntage. By consent �in,al action of acceptance of the Druid Aeigk�ts Plat was deferr�d to a Sp�cisl meeting o� the Com- mission to bc held Tuesda;�, Ii�Tarch lst at �:30 P.M. , Letters from D. G. Halcy representin� Z. S. t�uder, owner of the DavPy-hicbiullen Building �nd Dr. A. S. Kitchen, tenant in the builrling, vverc read to thc Commission in which lett-rs the writers protcstad a;�ainst the use of the laroperty as a bus stop. By consent, the m�:tter vaas referred to the �TraP�ic Committee for investigatian and recommenclation. ' The City Clerk rep orted th�t the City had no opposition in bidding on La J'olla Park property and hAd accuired the property �or the amount oY the minimum bid. The City ��torney presettted a Resolution to vscats the plat o� Caus�w�5� Busi- ness Aistrict as r�ecorded in plat book 20, page 7 of �he public s?�cords oY Pinellas County, Florida. Comm:issioner Drew moved that thc r eso lution be adonted. Commission- er Brolvn seconded the mation and it carried unanimc;uslg. T�e considzration of salt of gas for sp�ce h�sting only, was dePerred by cansent to the Special meeting Pl�rch lst. By consent,the consideration oP the report bq Comnitvee on the wat�er �ter mat- ter, vaas deierred to the next meeting of the Commission. The Chief of Police reported that the Ctla.mber of' Comm�rce recommended that speed _limit on c�uscway brid ges be increased from 15 to 20 miles p�r hour, By cons�nt the mr�tter was deferr�d in �rder to givc the TraSfic Committe� an opportunity to study i;he proposed changc. The Chief of Police suggested that the Comnission consider the enact.ment of an ordinance prohibiti n� shr.ubbery Yrom being planted within 25 ieet of �?n.y strect interseotion. Tb.e City Attorney said he did not believc such an ordinance would be le�;al but it would be possible to legally r�.a�' an ordinance cantroling the hei�ht of shrubbery in order to eliminatc a traf�ic hazard. Commissioncr Drew moved that the matter be rcferred to thc City Attorney for his attention and �eport, Com- missioner Brown. secand-d the motion and it carried unanimously. A letter writte;n bq Mr. E. L. Eustis su�ests that the City take some acti�on to abate the exeess moises in the vicinity of the Fort Harrison Hotel and the Gr�y Moss Inn. Commissioner Drew moved that �he lett�r bc incorporated into the minutes for future consideration and that reccipt of Mr. �ust�:s' letter be ,aci¢nowled�ed, The motion rvas seconded by Commiss�.oner Casler and carried unanimously, A letter from Fred C. Homuth, �tirs read to the Com�ission in �vhich lctter N;r. HomutJfn conplained of tht flood conciition �djacent to his property on Clearwater Bc-:ch aftar every rain. He suggests that the Citv establish a catch ba:sin at ea.ch end of the block with approxim�tcly �0 ft, oP pipe runnin� through thc,sea wall in- to the Gulf. Commissioner ��sler moved that.the cost and practic�bility b� investi- gated by City IvIana ger. The motion was sGconded by Gommissianer Brown and carried una,nimously. .� � �� �.„ _ r. . ,_ _ _ ., .,,�""' _ _ _ _ , _ _ . _ _ _ _ .. _ � , y, �-`�°. ,.., . ,� �� ��� � , k' - + . , � � � � ` � ;�� . � �, _ ; ,. ;, ; a - , .... , - ' , . _ � ,...� ,. : � � � 3a CI'IY' COMMISuTON M�ETIPIG• cz�Y con�r�zrszonr n���:�rc : � ' Ferrumxy 22, 194� I'cbruary 22, 1�49 'I'he Gity Man�ger xepor.ted that Mr. J'�ok Eekent of the Kiwttnis Cluh had re- Fehruary 15, 1949 quested that the City cancel thc cuxre�,t and dclinquent taxes s�Ainst Lots 4.2 ' and 1+3, Block G,,;.Second Addit'ion to Bcluiont, itt the amount of �4.�,87 as tYie �ionorable City Comn,ission�rs property was to b� used for charite,ble purposes. Commissione.r Kennedy mov�d C1et�rwater, I'lorida thr:t the Kiwanis Clnb be notified -that the Citq will contribute the amount oY' • ^ taxc� when tlsc psoperty is qualifie.3 for exr.m�tion, The motion w�s seconded G�ntlemen; � by Cammissioner Casler �ind carried by the unanimnus vote of the comuiission. ° �' City Manager Bennett presented to the commission a request o� William �is Trustces oY the City oP Clezrv;ater Emplo,yc�s � Wightman, th&t the city rebatc thc licetise of � circus, sponsor.ed by �he Pensi�n �'und, you are hereby n��tiPied -tLat I,eon ��xns, eruploy�d American Legion, to be helcl on ivTarch 15th. Coniu�issioner Drew movcd that the �s a laborer in the tublic Service Departmcnt, has been cluly examined by a local physician and desi nate& b liim as a���irst � City CTerk check nrevious action in such cases attd follow the sanle procedure, class" risk. g y with power to act. Commissionr_r Kennedy seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The above employee be�an his scr✓ice with the City Y P P � �as �t 152�. Ros'��tiood on August 9, 191��, He is under 1�5 years o� age and meets th� B consent the ro osed as main extension for use of qualifications oP our ClassiYied Servica, com,�eti�ivE tes�ts Yor �treet was dcferred ior further study. ' ' ordinary laboxers not being requi.red. It is hercby recommenc3ed The consideration o� thc Direetor of Aeronau�ics oS Pincllas County request by the Advisory C�mmittee •that ric be accepted into membership, that the City Manager be authorized to attend tha h�r�ring on ivi�rch 21st in Washing- y y yo��� • ton and aid in thc County's e�fort to get regulax stops oi the �aste,�•� and Delta Ver trul Airline at the Pinella.s Airport9 was deferred tio thc meet�.ig of the Commission on ADVISORY CON1b.ITTEE of the Cit E.�^ lo ecs I�arch lst by thc co�seut of the commission. Pension Fund 9 p � Commi�sioner Casler moved that the Cit� Attorne5= b� instructed to prepore a resolution addressed to our Representativa in Congress urging thcn to usa cvery e�fort to get the �P�?Ps1`erly Goast Intar-Coastal k"latcrway approp�iation in the Rivers Charles P, I�oloney and Aarbors Bill to cone bafore Congress at an early date, Commissionor Drev� Charles , Mo oney, C airman scconded thc motion and it carricd unani.mously. � Com�nissioner Ct�sler �:ioveca; ihat the commission authorize thc purchase oP a car ' for 'the Engineering Depart�ent from funcl budgeted �ar that purpose, in acc�rdance with Frank �bernath � the bid of Kennedy �c Strickland to Purnisn a new Ford 6 cylinder 2 door sedan, and F'rank A ernai y �llowing for tradc-in cn a 19�.2 Plymouth Sedan at a net cost ta thc City of �1001,90. The motion wa� second�d by Commissioncr Srown and car�ied, a1T members of tixe com- � mission voting �'aye�� except Commissioncr Kennedy who did not vote. ' Paul K�ne Com�missioner Drew moved that the City Pdareger be authorized to purchas� a 1949 au Kane 4 door'Chevrolet $edan for usa o� t�ie poliee Department and enter as an additional appropi;i�tion to the bud�et in accordance with a bid by T,arry Dimmitt Inc, to furnish a 1949 � door Chevrolet Sedan �or a net expenditurc of �573.50 plus the City's 191F8 Ford 2 door sedan Police cruis�r. Thc motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown anri by Betty Ric� Young carricd; votin� ��ay���, Commissioners Sargeant, Bromn and Drew; voting ��not�, Gommissicncr Secr�tary Casler. Not voting, Commissioner Kenn�dy: Conmissioncr Drew moved that the City Manager bc: authorized to purchasc 12 parking * * meters and ch�rge to Capitgl budget. Commissioner Cas?er seconded the moti�n and�it c�rried una�imously" Git �llana er Benuett Februa:�y 15, 1949 y g prescnted a resolution requiring the ovmers of certain lots to cicae th�ir lots of �r�ss, weeds and underbrush. Commissianer Drew moved that the • resolution be adopted. Gommis:sioner Bxow� seconded the motion and it carried unani- Honorable City Commissioners mously. Clearwater, �'lorida �ommissiotter Drew moved that 2000 ft. o� 2 inch wste� main and 20�0 ft. of 12 inch Gentleman: �as main extension, at an estimatcd cost oY �1050.00 each, to suppl� the negro apart- rnent buildings at the coxner o� Greenwood livenue and Palmetto Street be approved. Com- As Trustces of th� City of Glearwater Employees missioner Casler scconded the motion and it carri�d by an unanimous vote. Pension Fund, you are hereby noti�ied that Lester Hall, em- }� ploye� as a lxzborer in thc Public Service Department has been The eonstruction af �50 it, oY 2�Nater r�ai.n on Dartmouth at a� est�mated cost oi duly examined by a local physician and �3asignated by�hin as a y�y.00.00 on motion by Cammission�r nrew and scconded by Gommissioner Brown was approved. "�irst clt�s.s" risk. � Commissioner Casl�rrencxted that Mr. Grisby would be in Clearwater Saturday, Feb- The above employee be�an his s�rvica z+;ith the Cit�� ru�ry 26th to chcck thc civil service la�v and r�commend ch�nges to be ma.d�. on Au,ust 12, 194g. He is under 45 years of a�e and m�ets thc qualifications oP our Classified S�rvice, competitive tests for Commissioner Dre�v moved that the resolution ch3ngin� street names be amended, so ordinary laborers not beino required. It is hexeb recommen�ed that Palmcr Stre�,t which was changed to Cross Str�et by the resoltztion be ch�nged back by the t�dvisory Committez that he b� :�cceptcr� intoymembersiiip. tc Palmer Stxeet, Commissioner C2sler seconded the motion -and it ca�ried unanimously. The commission ncxv adjourned, �nd sitting as Trustees nf the Pension Pund, on a Very truly yours, mot'ion by Cor,�issioner Drew, second.ed bq Commissioner Brown, anproved the fo�lowing _^ emPloyees to mer�berships in the pension Fund: T,eon Sims, laborer in Publlc Servicc i�DJIHOitY CON:SuITTEE of the Gity Depfirtmeni;y I,ester Ha11, labox�r in i'ublic Servica Department, Ftandolph Powell, Employees Pension �und colored lanorer in 2ublic Service Department, Niiss Mary Dr;ew, Secretary in public ' Service Department, Sam T. Haun, ,pip�-fitter's nelper at City Gas Plant and Mrs. ' " patty �;mitt} telephone op�rr�tor and billirrg clerk. Thc foregoin� were approvrd by the unanimous vote of the commission. Charles P. 14ioloney . Thc vaxious papers, letters, resoluti�ns r�nd etc., mentioned it1 these minutes are Char e9 �. Mo oney, C airman , set out b�law �na are hereby made a,��art �hereof , , i _ Yau1 Kanc _ � , k'au Kane - � _ , , bY Beti;y �t. Xoung Sccretmry ;; � , _l .. .. � _ , _ _ _ ...,._ �,�...�._:�....,-- _ _ _ � � k ��. � � : ; � �'�.r. , � ; r` ��.�.,,. . _ _ _ _. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ �� ` � � . _ ,� Y "1�". . CITY COIvIhiTSSION MEETING Eebruary 22, 1949 rebru�.rY ?-5, 1944 Honorable C'ity Gammissioncrs Cl��;rwater, Florida Gentlemen: As Trustecs �f the City of' �learwatcr Er�ployees } Pans ion �'und, you arc hcret�y notified that Rud�lph Pov�ell,, colored laborex in the rublic Service D�partment, h�s bcen duly exa�ined by a local physician and dcsignated by hitn as a f:irsti class risk. � The above employee began his service with the City on �ugust 4, 19�.8, a.�d is under y:5 yEars c� n�e. He also mects '�he qualifications of. �ur Classified Service, competitive tests � for ordinary laborers not being required. It is h�reUy recom- mcnded by the �idvisr�ry Committee that he Ue accepted. in�o inember- ship. , Vcry truly•yours, iiDVISORY CONIl�SIT',PEE of the City rmployees Pension Fund Char.l�s P. Moloney �harles P. B�I�lo ey Frank Aberna�th��� Fran�s �� � nat�iy - Paul Kane au Kane By: Betty R. Young Secretasy * � February 15, 1949 Hono�able City Commissi�ners Clearwater, Florida _ Gentl�mcn: xs Trustees of tha City oP Clearwater employee� Pension Fund, you arc hereby notiY��d t.hr�t A4iss Ma.ry Drew, employed as S�cr•etary in thC Public Servicc Department, has been cluly ex- a.mined by a local physician and designated bv him as a��first class�+ • risk . Thc above emplogee began her service with the City oA Au�ust 1�, 191�8. Shc is under 4.5' ycars oP age �nd mcets the qualiYications oP oux C1�ssiYied Ssrvice. It �s hereby ret�ommendcd by the 1�dvisory Committee that she be accepted into membership, - Very truly yours, ADVI80RY COMIVfITTEE oY the City Emplo�ees Pcnsion Fund , ' Charles F. 114olone,y Cher es P. ititio oney, Chairman �, , � �r�nk: Aberna�h Franit Abexnat y � , Paul Kane _ Yau Kane 1 By; , I Betty R. Young Secrctar,y ' � , y ;, . r, :� 1�.�._ � � ���� � - � �' �, a �' � f , � .,`.4 ' . _ . . . . � � � . : . � . . . .. �. . � . . . . . . � . . ''�s . . . ..... . . � .. . . � � . . . . � . � , . . � . . . ., .. . .... . . .. .. , ._ . _.._,. . ___.. .._..... _ .... __ .. . _.. . . �, , _ _ _ _ , _ . ... � , -,_-.,� ; . ���� � ,. �' 'i� , �� � �. CITY COMI�ISSION MEETING � FebruarJ 22, 1y49 ; . i � FebrUEtry lU, 19k9 � Honorable City Commission�rs �lcarwater, Florida Gc nt3. emen ; As Trustecs o� the City oY Clearwater Employees Pension Fund, you a'rc hereby notiPi�d ��at Sam T. Haun, em- ployed as a pipe-Yitt�r's helpc,r, at -th� City Gas Plr�nt, has � been duly examinad by a local physician and de.signated by' him as a«Pi,xst classt� risk. The above employee began his servzce with the City on Au�ust 2, 191�8. He is unc7.er Li.S years of agr. and meets the qualiPications o�' our Cla�sificd Service, com- petitive tests Po� laborers not bein� required. It is hereby recommended :,y the �.dvisory Com�ittce that he be accepttd into membership. Uery truly youre, kDVISORY COIVS.RITTEE oP the C�ty Employ..es Pension Fund Charles P. Moloney Charles �'. T�io oney, Chairman Frank Aberna�th — Frank p bernat ,�— Pat�l Kane Paul Karie By; - Pctty Ricc Young Secretary * � Fcbruary 10, 1949 Honorable Ci�y Commissioners Clearwater, Florida Ge;Zt1 emen : �ls Trustees of the° City oY Clearwatcr Fmployees Pension �'und, you are hereby notiPied that Mre, tatty Smith, employed at the Gity Hall Pirst as telephone operator an� then as billing alerk, has been duly eaamined by a loeal physician and designated by him as. a��first class�' risk. The above empl�yee began her scrvice v�ith the City on July 17, 194g. She is under 1�.5 years of aae and meets the qualifications of our Classified Service, It is hereby recom- mended by ihe Advisory Conmittee that she be aecepted into mem- bership. V�ry truly your�s, t�.DVISORY COA�l�iITTEE oP the City Employees Pensian Fund Cha.rles P`. Molonc Charles P. I�fo oney, C airman Frank Abcrnath3� Frank Abernathv ii Paul Kane i , Pau Kanc i I By' t �etty Rice Young Secretary � ;., . . S � - � � � � . . ' ^ , ..L. " . � . . .__ . _ _ _ . �.�_ . .�� - ' � .. . . . . , . . . � . . � � .. . �. � . . .. � . � . _ _ � . . . . . . . � r � � �. � �"'� CITY COMMISSTON MEETING ' February 22, 1949 - I� ebru�tx�y 14 � 194� � To th� Commissioners of the Gity of Clearwater Gentlemen : � iNe have been co�ing to Glearwater �or �even years, and have en- ,� jo�cd its many advantages. I hope it is not tingracious, hoWever, to ' say t�at its advantagas are considerably e:om;promiseci by several dis- advr�ntages. Most of your winter '�customei�s" are eldcrly, and many . � oP them ill. The sunlight helps them all, but any l�r.nefzt is de- pendent on conditians op re�sonable �cece �nd quiet. The most thick- � ly settled portion of the City, Fort Ha.�si�on �.venue, the Hotel and the �rrap n4oss Inn, honses hundreds of people, This section is also the noisicst. Tha horns of the automobiles bl�st our ears with an � im�act like a physical assault. Thc cannon lilte condition betwecn the hotels accenturtes the blasts. T.he nervous sysi:�ms of clderly people are unpxoteeted by the vigor of body that younger people have, and s1e�p at ni�;ht or any rest in �he ef-�ernoon is imnossible, and thc pity oY it is all this noise is unnecess.ary for �wo reasons, First, the drive_s of cars do not necd to sound the�.r horn� i.f they proceed slowly through this section and ar� will;.�� �a slow up in- stead of pressing on with a��honk�t to "�et out of my wa3�". Secondly from my knowledge of traPiic conditions and rul�s this nuisancc can be dealt with e��ectively. ' The incessant rinbing o� locc�motive bells at night; is recognizad �s a necessary evil, but thr�t one is "glent3���. 2he tirho`le month b�Yore Christmas o� Christmas C�rols and n�usic; � inside the stores, outside on the side�alk o,ii the top o�' e building, over the bells (out of tune), and over the radio dePinitcly dcfe3ts the e�f�rt to r.�ake the whole period com�erciallj� pro�itaUle. People are going to stay home and shop at home �zn�til after Christmas. Regu- lation would be proYitable to the City. .�� numUer of my fric:nds have said they wauld never endure it again. � i The people who are bringing between �225,000.00 and �306,,000.00 a year to Clear�;ater (in �his �ction alone) would 7 think be �;1ad to know that some relie� can bs given them befare signing up to return for 20 weeks i'or next sGason, � Sincerely yours, Edward Lyman Eustis �� � � � � * February 18, 191�q The City �ommission, Cleesw�.ter, Florzda � Gentlemenc , I wish t o protest the desi�nation of a bus zone in �ront oY my ofiice located at 12 South Fort Harrison livenue esp�cially for t he nuisance t�nd unsanitary conditions existing thcre�rom, People awaiting bus transportation do frec�uently block thc side- v:ra7.k in Pront oi my oPiice making it diPfi.cult �or my patient's to gain entranc e therein, si� on m� v�indow-ledge and lean up against thr. building th us dePacing and soiling its appearance, le�ve tr�sh around the �etrance, attempt ta use my private office r�s a bus waiting room, a �sk to use my pxivate t�lephone and toilet or use the l�nd in the rear oP my oPYice as a public toilet and constantly interrupt my ofPicc practicA with querzes concerning bus schedules and so an. I Pully realize that you gentlemen have a serioue l�roblem in traPPic handli.ng and wish that I could be in thc position to suggest f satis�aetory -remeaies, It does seem as though the str�ets should j be maintained io.r trai'fic and all private businessea servi_ng the public ' shouid maintain trieir own establishments and �raiting rooms an private � � .property as I do . Thank�ng you Por your attention, � � , Very trulv yours, ' �r. A. S. Kitch�ru ' r - , � � ., F . . . . . . . . . . r =k � , Q � � � � �. . . � . . . . b �. 7 r �_ '� i � � . . . . . .. . . � . . . . � . � � ,. fl�a . , _ . . . , . .. . . . . . . . � ,. �ra . . . � . � .. � . . ... . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ..� . � � . . .... �!:`. � . � � � � . � .. . - � �, 1 d" �f • CTT�'COMMISSION MEPTING I�ehruary 22, �-949 r'ebruarY 7-�-,1949 Mr, Boyd Bennett, Manager C.i.ty oP Clearwater Clearw�tter, Florida Dear Mr. $ennett; � I beg to advisc that I rcpresent Mr. Lucius S. Ruder, owncr of ttie Davey-McIvIullen }3uil�Iing, Glearwater, Flo-rida. Mr. Ruder has dirccted me to write you regarding thc action of the City of Clearwater in deaignating the street opposite the Yront entrance o:P the pavcy-NfcIvTullen Building P�r taking on and discharging bus passcngcrs. He com.plained to you about this �cti�n reeently, but r�ceived little ox no conaideration �rom you. Ever sincc Mr. Ruder purcha�ed this building, he has taken �reat pride in l�eepin� it �ainted and in such good condition that it would re3lect credit on both hi.m as o�vner and on the �ity oY Cl�arwater, but its use as a bus terminal will not only comple-'taly destroy all such ef�ort, but will also greatly damage hin and his tenants. Passengers congregate in the buildin� entrance; thcy lean � a�ainst and soil th� white wa11s; they arc writing on th� walls with bl.unt instruments; the� are persistentlq demanding of the �round Ploor f;en�nts use oP thcir toilets, and c,therwise annoyin� thcm in their heretoforc quiet occupancy of the premises. Thcse t�nants are bitterly compl:aining of tliis disturbing situ�tic_n, and ur_less soon remedied, lfr. Ruder Pears loss oi th�se tenan�.s, Mr. Ruder and.I discussed thc subject with Mr, Brannon Gasler. onc oF the Ci�y Com[nissioners, on Wednesda�� oY thi� week, and he � Pully concurred vvith us in our vie�vs. I therePore re,spect��.�ly request that this subjcct be consider- ed �t the next m�eting oP the Gomraissioners, and that the Commission�rs take inmediate action to corr�ct and remove th is nuisance Pro� the Pront entrance of this building.' I iurther requcst tha_t the space in Prottt o�' the entrance to this building bc sct off for the discharge oP freigY�.t and other necessary use o� the tenants �� thc building, and �or. no other use. xau are �urther advised that continued use of the �ront en- trance oP this building as a bus terminal will greatly damage Mr. Rud�r, and that he will hold the City oY Cleartivater liablc in all �lamages he mas sustain. Your s very truly D. G. r'ialey � � - Febxuar9 9, 1949 The Boaxd of City Com�issioners Cle�rwater, Florida Gentlemen: • Enclosed hcrewith axe tvyo photog�aphs, taken Febrnary 5, 1949 showin.g Gulf Boulevard hetween Baymont and N.angrova Streets on Clearwete� Beach. The Plood condition pxevailin� hese aftcr any size�tinle rain is progr,essi�rely getting v�orse with v�atcr enteripg through ventilation _ �vents under the buildings, Residents and tourists living in this arca ara �requcntly uuable to leave th�ir hpuscs for periads �rom 21� to 1�8 hours at t� streteh . unless thay go barefoot or use kneehigh rubber boots. Elderly ar�d sickly persons are just marooncd. it is the consor_sus of opinion of the residents o� this area tha� a catchba3in on each end of the block with approximately 70' oY pipe running through the seawall ?nto thc Gulf will remedy t�is daPlorable condition oP a resoxt city stseet. Solicitin� your earnes� attention in �his mattcr, I am, : � Very truly yours, £red C. Homuth uulf co ur t Apts . 490 Ga1P Blvd. Clearw�ter, FIa. � � �n � ��"'" ._ . � . . _ , _ _ _ _ . . � _ _ _ _ , � �� . "� .. . • � �� � . . � K q !, � r . . .... � .� ..,--� � • � ,: . r � '� r ���; ' � � CITY COMMIS�ION MELTING �` �' �'' � , Februaxy 22v 1949 , CIT'L' CONQvIISSION MEETING ;r � I'cbrua ry 22 � 1949 ' , i'ebruarY 17� 1945 ' -' �nd/or underbrush U;ithin ten (10) days sYtcr notice in writing ' Mr.. Boyd,�. Bennctt, City Manager to the owners �hercoP to do so and that upon Yailuxe to comply City oY Clearw�ter Clcarwater, Florida with said noticc; thc City shall pexi'orm such cleanin� and Dear NIr. BennetL: � - char�;e the costs thereoP against the respective oroperties in 4 -� � ' , r���" DQay I trzlc'e the libert� to suggest �hat the City o�' Cle�rwater ' accordance with �ection 128 of the Charter of the Ci� oP Clear- ' send you �o Zf�ashington to appear at the Hearing �f the Florida y ' Trunk Zine Service Case, C.A.B. clocket 2215 ei; al, on the date , ' . ' of Narch lst 1.949 unless postponement. • � water, Fs wmended. The applications in which the County is interested (St, yeters- Own�r: Property; burg-Glearwater, et al) arc our pocket j08l�, nelta's ' 3105, and Eastern�s 3089 and 257g. .' ' ' I am enclo�ing an outline so tha� you will be �amiliar in detail oY the several proposals. ' It is with reel pride that I take the lxberty i,o call upon your good services at this time. I suggest that you contact a hotel P�USED xND hDU�TED by the City Conunis�i�n oi the City at in Vlashin�ton in order to hava eonv enient hotel �aciliti es . , � Clcarwater, Florida, this 22nd day af Fehruary, a.D. 1949. With ever3• good wish, ' Sincerely, �ames Eo Mooncy yor-Commissio r Di.r�ctor oz thc Bureau . * * �'ebruary 17s 1949 ATTEST: Mr. Boyd k. Bennett, City Manager 0����� ' Ci�y oY �learwater - • Clear�ater,' r'lorida C�.ty Auditor nd C�r c Dear Mr, Bennett: . � � Reference is made to my letter of the 17th addressEd to you suggesting that th� Clearweter Chambex of Cornmerce send you �o P7ashington to appcar as a�r;itn�ss at the .Hearing oP thc Florida LIST TO CO���:ISSION -�QT CL��N-UP - FE�iZU�`�RY 17, 1949 Trunk i�ine Service Case, on the date oY h4arch lst 1949• . The date set as IVaich lst has been changad to March 21st, 19L�9 Ovwnex � and unlcss Purther postponament�:is made, thia appears to be the , Pro�erty i' date set for the Hearing. � thomas H. $�ickney Lot 6, Blk. B, 1803 Douglas Aue, Fairvi�v� Sub, Ma3' I suggest that you send me a brief biographical sketch of City your experi�nce poittting tor��rd your abilit�� as a witness in such a proceeding • Abert i�er�n Barry I,at 2S Fs V�. 40 ft. of Your h�lp is gr�atly appreciated and with best wishes, C0� Corbett St. 2� Blk. B., Cr�st Lake Sinccrely, . Y Park Jamc s E . I�ooney * �` Pirector oP the Aures;l * � RESOLUTION •� '�THE12E�iS t�e City �f Clearwater, Florida, a municipal cor- � (DraYt oi' Ftesolution) ' poration, owns the fee simpl� titl� to c�rtain hereinafter described RESOI�UTION , . . . , property within said City, and � • ;�R:���S: it b.as been deter�-ninzd by t�'�e City �ammission of th� City of Clearwater, Floricla, that the property described PIHEREAS 'thc equitable int'erest in a small portion of sa,id below should b� clean.ed of we�ds, gx�ass and/ar unacrbrush, ancl prolrr�y is a�n�n�d by The I,ion�s Club of Glearwater, and that �Yter ten (lU) days notice and failur� �P th� o�vn�-� thereof ''.'HERF�.� there appears amon� th- public recasds of Pinsllas to do so, thc City should clean such proper�� and chax�e the Cnunty, Florida, in plat; book 20 at pa�e 7, thereo�', a mag or plat costs thereof agains� the reqpec�ive properir,y. of G�useway Business D:.3trict which was file� i.n the year 1926 by th� - Y10Y1 THERE�'O�E BE IT �ESOLVED by the City Gommission then owners of t;he prop�rty covered by said nap or plat, and oP the Ci�y of Glearv�ater, I+�orida, thst the Pollawin� iiescribscl 4VHLR�ri� �11 of the �roperty covered by said rs�p or plat ; • is awxi�d by thG Citu of Cl�arwat�r, t�nd property, situate iri said City �ha11 bc clean�d o� weccls, �rass , , ,1 , . i ,,, _ j t �� : - �.. � , , , ��, K . - --',. :... . .. .: _ _ _ _ . �. -_� ` ; �,�. ._ .. _ _ _ �� , �. €l^ 4 , � _ �: �,.�� � � �T7'Y Ct72i�Iv12sSI0N It��TiNc� i :, FebruarY 22, 19�+9 , , � WHER�iS said pr.roperty owned by said C�ty is on said map j �- or plr�t d�seribed b9 Lo� and Bloek numbers, and" on said map or plat certain streets anc3 boulevards arc 3esignated, and ecr�ain xcatr�.c- tions and dedicatior_s arc contained, and R N7h'ERE�S said strcets and boulevards have never b�en actually established or used by the �e�era.t public, �nd saici restiictions havc never been aPplied a�ainst or relied u�on bv the owners oi said pro- � perty or the gcneral public, and � "JFIEREAS it is necess�ry ,and desireeble to the �uttire usc � of the s�id pz�operty by both the City of' Cle�rwater and the Lion *s t `j � Club of Glearvrater that said mep or pla� be_ vacnted, ,,,,� E • WF�R.EAS it is to the best interest of said C:ity oP C?earwa�er �( }I and �he citizens th��eoY �hat said ,�lat bc v�tcated, ! i NOW `i�3��FORE i3E IT HESOZVED BY THE CITY GO�:IIVIISSIUN OF THE � CITY UF CL��Ru1KTER, FZORIDA., in session duly and legally provided, � � That the map or plat Qf Causcway Business Dastrict, as th:e same is secarded among the public records o3 Pinellas CountS� , Florida j ; in plat book 20 at page 7 thereof be, and the same is hereby vacated, � 3 and: � # BE IT FIIR'S'HER �ESOLVED that a certified copg of this � resolntion he �urnished the Board of County Gommissieneis of Pincllas � County, Florida, along with sueh other ipPormation and doeuments as � it may require in order that said vaeation oY said plat may bc complete � and Yinal in accordance wit.h the la��s oP the State of Florida. � � -� � PASSFD AND aDOPT�D this 22nd day of I'ebruary, A�D., 194-9 ! " � u • � + Mayor-Co �issioner � �TTEST: � � City Auditor .d Clerk � Thcre being no �urther business to come before the Board the me�mting was ° adjourned. i�� '"�._� � t' r ' ' � � _ k. '��� , �. i i �� `� ° \