02/15/1949 , " ;~"~i .," . :;:;; " "t' Also present: Boyd A. Bennett Geor ge McClamma Ben Krent zman city Manager Chie f of Po lie e City Atto l'ney ) '. "., .' I,:'~-;: ':',' '; CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 15, 1949 , " . ' , , ., ,,'.. , ..:c. ..... ;'"i"""~""~i;;;:"C""'~""'~r~,,~~(~nh J"b "''''''''''1,-" !.:l' , ,', The City COlillLlission of the city of Clelll'~t1te.r met in special session the afternoon of February 15, 1949 at 12:00 n0011 in the city Hall 'With the follow- ing members present: ',.:,", ':;'.':' '. ." ::r;; Harry D. Sargeant - E. B. Casler, Jr. Herbert M. Brown Leland }I'. Drew Guy L. Kenn edy May or Conunissi oner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ConuniJsi oner ,," , Absent: None ,':,"" '" ," t' '. '" " :',1- " I Mayor Commissioner Sar~eant called the meet1n~ to order and explained that the purpose of th~ meetinR WRS to consider tbe sale of Lots 2-7 inclusive, Block A, A.vondale Subdivision and ~rantin(r, of an Ol)tion to purchn se the remaining un- sold lots in Block A, ^vondrlle f~ubdivision. Willinm H. Valentine appea.red before the Commission offerinr: to PUt'chase Lot[; 2-7 inclusive for the sum of $1,.750.00 and rerJue :.oted that the Cit~' f!.i ve him Hn option good for 120 days to purchase the rern8inin~ unsold lots, (Lots 1-8 to 16 inclusive ~nd Lots 19 and 20, Block A) at the seme rf:,te. He stated that to get FHA approval he Viould make five sixty foot lots out of epch six lots purchased flnd \.....ould be~in construction of 5 houses immediately; that he had commitments un 10 houses at this tim~ and expectt:d more. Commissioner Casler moved that the offer of ~lt750.00 1'or Lots 2-7 inclusive be accepted ana that the requested option be upproved conditional upon improvements to be made Viith in a l'easona ole tillie. COIillllis si oner Drev~ second ed the mot iOIl and it carried unanimously. CorllItiL,sioner Kennedy stated that he regretted thli t this area ~as not l:i vui la ble for expansion of negro settlement, due tu previous sales to v.h it e pe .rsons . Cornr.uissioIlt:r Casle r told the coraruissiuIl tl'lb t the city Civil bervice La". was badly in need 01' l'evisioIl and tha t the pr esent laV'l 'proposed to pl'Dvide a "de nova" hearing but did not set up p~'ocedur e for such a hearing. He als 0 ;3aid the. t under the present law any City lmlployee could be sumIlIoned be1'o.re a public hearing on the reque st of any ci tizen wi thout the approval of the Civil Service Board. He suggested that the City employ Mack Higsby to check the Civil Service Law and make recommendations regarding needed changes. He estimated the cost of ouch a survey at approximately $150.00. By consent, Mr. Casler's sug~es1;ioIl was approved. Commissioner Brown reported that the Municipal Park ing Lot Committee recan- mend ed tha t the parking lot be thrown open for the use of the publ io without charge, e f1'ecti ve March 15th and tha t the att.endant be retained unti 1 th'Bt date to provide service for those persons \\ho 'Were renting space on a monthly basis. The Committee also .recommended that the Police Depa.rtment have the lot IMid off with yellow lines to defin~ parkiIlf; spaces. Commissioner Drew moved that the report be accepted. Commissioner B.rown second ed the motion and it carried unanimously. ',i , " ":~ . ~l " . .. ~ , ~." ,. ,', , ' , >....r/:, " " 'I . " " ~. . ..' ",,';'" ,,':"; '\". ~~':>,l. i"\,'-: :,'": "" \ . : I .' The Mayor advised that Donald strong expected to leave the City and suggested th'" t Ralph Carson be appointed 8.S I\ssocia.te Jud~e. On a motion b~Y Commissioner Drew, second ed by Commissi oner Bro...~n, Mr. Co .rso n wes appo inted as A.ssoc iate Judge by the un9nimous vote of the Commigion. There being no further business to come bE:fore the Board, tbe meetIng was adjourned. ~~p Mayo.r-Co ss oner A'ITEST XII!l ' city AuditOr ~ li~f,tt;~\7ft;'.i..}:..' ~i,; � B � � �� CITY COTvIMISSIt7N I��TING February 15, 1949 The City Cor�ission oP the City or Clearw�ter met in specir�l session the afternoon of I+'cbruary 15, 191�.9 Rt 12;U0 noo.n �n the City Hall with the �ollow- ing memUers pxesent: Haxry D. Sar�cant - Nlayor Coinmissioner ' E. B„ Caslcr, J'r, - Commissioner Herb4rt PJt. Brown - Commassioner Leland I+. Drew - Comnissioner Guy Z, KennecZy - Cosunissiuner Absent; None Also present; Boyd A. Bennett - City Manager Geor ge iti�cClt3cnma - Chie P of Polic e Bsn Krentzman - City A�torncy Mayor �ommi�sioner Sarp;eant called the r�eeting ta ordcr and explained i�hat trie purpose oP the maeting was to consider �the sale oP Lots 2-7 inclusive, Elock A, Avondale Subdivisi on and �;rantint; of an o�tion to purcha s� the remaining u.n- sold lots in Block A, Avondale �;ubdivision. �;Yilliam H. Valentine appeared beY�re tha Commissi,on offerin� to purchase Lots 2-7 inclusive Por the sum o� �1,750000 ttnd rea,ues�ed that tlie City gi,ve him an option good for 120 da�s to purchase the remainin� unsold lots, (Lots 1-8 to 16 inclusive and Lots 19 and 20, Bloek �) at the same r�te. He stated that to get PHA approval he wotzld'make fiVe six�y Yoot lots out of each six lots purchased and TNould begin cottstruction oP 5 houses immediately; that he had c�mmitments on 1O houses at this time and exp�ctrd aore. Commissioner Casler moved that the of�er oP �1,750.00 for Lots 2-7 inclusi�e be accept ed and that the requested option be approveu conditiona�. upon improvements to be made within a ieasonaole time. Cor�missioner Dr�w s'econded the motion and it carried unanirnously. Conuuissioner Kennedy stated that he regretted that this are� was not av�ii]able .for expansion oP negro settle�en*, , due to previous sales to whii.e persons. Comniissianer Casler told the commission tihat the Gity Civil �ervice Law was badly in need of revision and that the present 7r,w proposed to provi�e a��de nova�� hearing but did not set up procedure Por suc:n a hearing,. Iie also said that unde� ' the present law any City employee could 'oe sulnmoned bePor e a�ublic hearing on the request oY any citizen �yi�ho�t the approval oY the Civil Service Bpard. He suggested tha� thc City employ hiack Rigsby to check ths Civil Service La�� and m.k e ' recommendations regarding needed chang �s. Fr estimated the cost of such a survey at approximately �150.U0, By cons ent, Mr. Casler's sug�estion was a�proved. Commissioner Bro�vn reported that the Municipal Parking Lot Committee rzcan- �ended that the parking lot be trirov�n open for the use o� the putilic �;itho=�t charge, effeetive IViarch 15th and that the attendant be retained until ti�at date to provide service i'or those persons ti4ho �ere renting space on s monthly basis, The Com,-nittee also ree�mmended that the rolice l�epartnent have the lot laid oYf with yellow lines to deYine parkin� spaces. Commissioner Dr�w mo;r�d that tht report be acceFted. Commissioner Br�wn seconded the raotion and it carried unanimously. The May or advised that Donal@ Stro ng expeeted to 'leave the City anfl suggested th�t Ralph Carson be appoi�ted as Associat e Jud�e. On a motio� b� Comsissioner L�xew, seconded by Commissi�ner Br.orvn, L+ir. Carson was appointea as kssociate Judge by the un3nimous vote of the Cosnmi�on, ' Thert being no further husiness to come bePore the Board, the meet_ng �cas adjourned. ll4ayor-Co issioner xTTEST G,I�%G�� ' City Aud tor and erk �