M~or-Oommi..ion.r: Harry D. Sar~eant
Oommit.10n.r: Herbert M. >>rown
Leland F. Drev
E. >>. Ca.l.r, Jr.
G~ L. Kenn.o.7
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FebFUarT 4, 1949
T.mI 01ty Oommit.ion of the C1t7 of Clgarwa~.r, Florlda mot in Sp.oial ....ion
at 12 o'clock JlOOD. on F.bruarr 4th, 1949, in the Cit7 Hall with the f'ollow1~ mlll..r. pre-
.Abl.nt z lion.
JlIO pre.ent: City MaAager >>oyd A. >>ennett
Chi,f ot Polic. George T. McClamma
City Attorn.y Ben Kr.ntzman
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TA, m..tin4; wat call.d to order by M~or Coai.ld.onor Sargeant, who .tated that
the purpo.e of the me.tine waa to con.ider the amount of attorn~y. te.. to b. paid to G.orge
W. Smith and O. K. aeaT" alii special attorney. for the Oi ty in d.r.ndiDj; the Pel1im.mar
Telephon 0 Oomp~ 8\1.1 t.
It was mov.d by Oommissioner Dr'w, ..cond.d by Oomm1.sioner K.nnedy that the Oit7
p~ at this time to q.orge W. Smith and O. K. R.avel, a. ~ecial attorney. for the Oity ia
d.rending the Peninsular Tol.phon8 Company sui t, the sum of $106.S0 as expenus and $2500.00
a. partial paym.nt on a $5000.00 r.. to cover serTiceo to date. This amount to include the
hearing in the Sta.t. Supreme Oourt on February S, 1949. The add1 tional $2500.00 is to be paid
lmm_d1et.ly after the hearing in Supreme Court. In tho event the Cit7 is ~cce..ful, furth.r
neeotlat1onB are to be made aa to add1 Uonal f.es, ir any. The motion carried unan1mou.17.
OOmmi8SioD..r Oa.ler stated that h. wa. Toting tI~." for the purpose or nna1J;1:1nc
the policy of the preYlaua commission.
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Oity Auditor ana Ol~'
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F.bruary 4� 194g _
+ • Tho Oity Gommiaaion of thq City of Cloarvra.t�r, Elorida mot in Specia�, s�oeiott
a.t 12 0�elock noon on F�brunry 4t� � 1�F�, in th� City Ha11 rtith the following meu'��ra �re—
� s�nt:
Mayor-Gommiasionor: Hnrry D. Sosgoant
� Commisaioner: Horbbrt M. Browa •
, Leland F. Draw
E. B. Czaler� Jr.
G�y L. Kcnaody
Abecnta Non� .
d7.so pr�aaat: Giiy Manager �oyd A. Bennatt
` ChieP of Polic• Gsorge T. MeClaffima
City Attorney Ban P.rontzmaai
Thm meeting was c�llod to ordox by Mayor Commiesionor 9arg�c�nt, who etated that
the purpose of tho m��tittg w�,� to cottridor th• amount of attornay$ Fees to bo paid to Gqorge
W. S7nith and 0. K: Rearee ue spocia2 attorneys for tha City ia d�fsnding ihe Peniasula.r
T�l�phone Compax� suit.
It wxe mov�d by Gommiesionor Dr�w� seeonded by CQmmissioner %enn�dy that th� City
. pay at this time to Georg• W. Smith �nd 0. K. Rsavas, as speciaZ attorncys £or th� C3ty ia
d,of�nding the Peninsuler Telephon¢ Company suit� tha eum of $106.80 as expeases aad $250d.fl4
aa partial paymant on a$50U0„00 fae to covor aervicss t� datc� This a;nount to incZuda the
h@aring in th� Stato Supr�me Court on Eebrua.ry 8� z949, Th� additional $2500.00 is to ba paid
immediatoly aft¢r the heariao in Stia.pramr Court. In thc evant the Gity is su.ce�saful. furthsr
nmgotiat3�ae ars to be made as to additiQna,l fees, if aay. The moti,s czrried.ut�animausl�.
Gommissioaer Cas�.�r etat9d that ha wae voting ��aye�� Eor the'purpose o£ anstai.siing
� the po'.'�3cy of the previaus eosmiesion,
'Mayor-Commiss' ner
e�� d
City Auditor and Clerk