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Jf:lnUllry 11, 1949
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The City COIillJliHSioll of the Oi ty of Cleurwuter met in s peci81 session [1 t 7: 30
I).M. in the City Hull with the following members prenent:
Harry D. S~Beant
Herbert ~L/Brown
E. B. Cosler, Jr.
Leland F. Drew
Guy L. Kennedy
Absent: None.
- Commissioner
- llommis!:.lioner
- llonuniss ioner
.idso present: Boyd J~. Bennett, City I\lunugnr, Ben KrGnt7..nwn, City l\ttorney, end
George McClumnl~l, 0hief 01' 1'o11ce.
The meeting was called to order by Muyor Sorgeunt, ufter which Mr. Wendell
Sprugins reviewed his ogreemeat with the City dated i.pril 30, 19h8, regarding
finuncing and developing city owned pro11srty 011 Clearwater Be~ch. Commissioner
Drew pointed Oll.t thut if hotels bnd apartments were included in the project, the
aity would eventually fiud itself in cornpetition with private enterprises. Mr.
Darwin Frbnk eX,pressed himsell' us fClvoring the constructi 011 of 6 beach pier at
the eurliest possible dute. fur. Herbert L~ngrord, bnd s. ~. Duy spoke briefly
in favor of the beach development. It wus moved b~r Commissioner Drew, seconded
by Commissioner Kennedy and unanimously carried thut the agreement with Mr.
Spragins, dated J.pril 30, 1948 be extended ninety days froIJ. this dute.
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It wus moved by COI/lmis~jioller Brown, seconded by C01T1'1lissioner Drew and
unanimously carried thGt Uonuld Strong be appointed us AssociClte City Judge.
1~ letter vws read by the City Clerk, in which Sl.'irgeant ,C;arnest 'i'hoffias withdrew
his application for appointment us Chief of .1'olice. The Oi ty Clerk submit ted the
list or epplicunts for the posi tion 01' 0hie1' of }'olice as j)repbretl by the Civil
Service Board Secretary. '1."110 8 pplicants were 1 is ted: Otll)tain George 1icClamna, and
Sarge!:lnt Earnes t Tho!llus. It VlbS mov ed by Commissioner Drew, seconded by Commiss ioner
Kennedy Bnd unanimously cClrried th6t Cuptuin McClarnma be 8ppointed Chief of Police
for a probatiolltlry period of six months as required by the Civil Service Regulations,
at a salary of 0300.00 per month, retroactive to the time of his appointment as
TemlJorary Ohief.
The City Clerk reported the sale of Lots 1 - 24 inclusive, Block 29, and Lots
1 - 23 inclusive, Block 32, Mugnolia ~~rk to James F and Elsie ~. ~agurno, for $8100.
It was raoved by Commis~Jioner Kennedy, seconded by COIluniss ioner Brown and carried that
the sole of the pl~operty be tJ ~)proved. Voting aye: Muyor-Commissioner Sargeant, and
Commissioners Brown, Drew und Kennedy. Not Voting: Commissioner Casler. 11ayor-
COI!1missioner Sargeant expressed his opinion t.l1CJ t the Oi ty would have benefited more
if the property had been sold to the .i,tluntic Coast Line, as the ruilrood would have
filled and improved it.
'lllle Mf:lyor-Conunissioner read a Resolution of respect to the late Churles G. Crowley,
rormer City employee who hud been b\"JElrded the 1I1E1riners Idedal in recognition of his
sacrificing his life in the MerchElnt 11urine Service during the vmr. It was moved by
Commissioner Casler, seconded by Conuniss.ioner Kennedy and unanimOUSly carried thst the
Hesolution be adopted.
City Manager Bennett submitted the following bids on contract for painting the
Municipal huditorium:
VI. lL Truluok ~l, 681.00
J. J. Simmons 1,7Y5.00
H. H. Frei~t 2,440.50
It was moved by Commissioner Drew, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and.
unanimously carried thBt the bids be referred to the City l\ltlntlger for' investigation
regurding the licenses of the bidders in the past yeorli.
City Man~Jger Benlett presented a list of bids submitted for supplying 500 feet
of size 2~" fire hose. The two low bids of ~860 eoch vlere s ubrn.i tted by the Industrial
Supply Company, Bnd Hovey Brothers. It was moved by Commissioner Drew, seconded by
Commissi oner Kennedy and unanimOUSly carried thot the ~~860 bid of' Hovey Brothers be
approved. ~
./ "~cq.,...
By unanimous consent, the bid of' the Shermqn Uoncrete Pipe Company of Jl:;iQkoon.:ille,
Florida for SUPl)lying 670 lineal feet of 48" double reint.'or ced concrete pipe at $9.45
per foot, was ~pproved.
It was moved by Commissioner KelUledy, seconded by Commissioner Casler and unanimously
carried tlllit the request of' the North Shore i~ssociBtion f'or an amendment to the Zoning
Ovdin~nce be held over for future action in connection with other proposed zoning changes.
It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seoonded by Commissioner Drew and unanimously
carried that th~ request of Earl W. Covey for the city to contribute $500 for plaoing
shell on streets in the Crest Lake Seotion, be referred to the City Manager for study
as to the total cost.
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The City Manager presented two petitions from the residents or the Pine
Brook Subdi vis ion; one petition re quest ing tho t the instull~ tion of' the wooden
poles be completed tiS early us possible, the other petition requesting that the
installution of wooden poles be stop:>ed and. metel standards installed. It 'Was
moved by Commissioner Drew, seconded by Commissioner Ctlsler and unanimously
curried that the motion be referred bock to tile Pine Brook residents for a
coordination of their plans.
Mr. M. B. Thayer culled the attention of trle Commission to the traffio hazard
at the intersoction of l~ast Cleveland Street and Gulf to Buy Boulevard ,and suggested
the installation of a blinker light fit th is intersection. It 'Was moved by Commissioner
Drew, seconded by CoriUnissioner Ot.ls~er and unanimously carried thet th suggested
changes in truffic regulations be referred to the Chief or ~olice for study und his
recor:ullenda tions.
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The Mayor-Cor!lmissioner epi10inted COIi1missioners Drew and Brown 6 s a Lic unse
Committee to work with the Chief of' Polic e.
b :
It was moved by Conunissioner Drew, second ed by Comnissioner Brown and unanimo usly
carried thtlt the City Murw gel" s recommendation :rot' the construction of a 12" Storm
Sewer on Drew Street at an estiIlJEJ ted cos t of ~;;)OOO be llP proved.
By unanimous cons ent, the Conuniss ion tip )roved the granting of 8 permit for J.
Hussell Hoberts to erect (j filli..Jg station on the Northwest corner of Greenwood .nvenue
and Woodlawn Street.
It 'was moved by Comrnissj,oner Drew, seconded by Commissioner Casler and unanimously
carr'ied that the applictltion f'or Cl permi t till erect a Drive-Inn on the northwest corner
of South l!"ort Harrison i.Venue and Jl:lsmine Way, be referred to the Ci ty Attorney for
research and investigution, the ll1E1tter to De disIJOsed of !:}t the regular meeting of
,the Commission on JunuLry ~7th.
It was moved by COf.1!!l,issioner Kennedy, seconded by CommLisioner Drew !:lnd unanimously
carried too t 111'. 1J.1urn burice be allowed the $100.00 per month for his Vlork on the Oi ty 's
audit, for the bahmce of this fiscal yeer, and thet a study be made on the additional
specifications r(~commended by :Mr. Turnburke.
The City Mbnager suggested that the salsl'y of the City j~uditor and Clerk be $300.00
monthly, und the solDry of the City 1'reBsUl'er and Collector be ~27.5.00J e1'i'ect.ive as of
Janu8ry 1, 1949. It wus moved by Commissioner Casler, seconded by Commissioner Drew
and unanimously curried thu t t,l:1e Oi ty Marui ger' u sugr:estion be uJ}P roved.
Mr. Horace Hill, leaseholder on the Bowling Alley on City property on Cleveland
Stroet, requested the privilege or extending his lease to February 1953. It was moved
by Commissioaer Ken.nedy, seconded by CO!JDlissioner Drew and unanimously carried that
the requested extension be granted, at no increase in rental.
City Manager Bennett ~sked that the Cmnmission consider the transfer of Francis
Middleton, Superintendent of the Gus ~lant to the City H!:}ll, for the convenience of
the public. By unanimous consent) tllS m;. tter was deferred to the next regular meeting
of the Oormnission.
The City Mana~er read a Hesolution requesting certain property owners to clean
their lots of weeds and underbrush. It was moved by Commissioner Casler, seconded by
Commissioner Brown and unenimously carried that the Hesolution be adopted.
It was moved by Corrunissiorrer Drew, seconded by COL~issimler Brown and unanimously
c8~ried that D. J. Bowman's upplication for a taxi license be deferred for cction by
the License Conmittee.
The Bot;rd, ecting as Trustees of the Pension It'und, !:lpproved the admission of the
foll~~ing persons to membership in the Pension Plan: Joseph Beck, Mrs. Joyce Barron,
Mrs. Edith S. Narum, and Besil Newsome.
The following papers, letters, resolutions, etc., mentioned in the above minutes,
are hereby set out below and mude a pElrt herewith.
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~anuary 11, 1949
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Vlhel'eus it has come to the attention of the city oommission of the CITY OF
OLE.i~H\l.iIT llli that the GoverWllent of tlle United Stotes has tlwarded posthumously to
the f'amily of the lute CHidtLES G CHOWLl1Y, a veteran or many yoars service to the
oi ty and prior to his enlistment in the U S 1luri time Service maintenanoe teohnician
for the city police deportment radio equipment and
Vlhereus the bestowCll of the 111\HnLmS M,;Dh1 to the next of kim.of the said
OlL.HLJS 0 CRQWL;~ wes u beloted honor for the supreme sacrifice made by Mister
Crowley in defense of his oountry and
Vlhe:rel.ls the government of the CITY O.\!' CL~11i\':!,ji'llBH feels that in the saorifioe
mbde by the It:.lte CIL.HLES G C1W\':L& and the pOGthwnous honor that has come to him
there is reflected on the ci ty service the spirit that enabled this nation to
omerge triumphant from the g reo test of all wal'S ond
, .~
Whereas, the crTY COMMISSIon IS i.Vlore tho t during his service to this
municipality, the lute ClliiHLES G UhO':ILJW ex.hibited the same devotion to duty that
he gtlve his country os the radio operator of an ill-ftlted ship ensaged in
SUl)plying our anned forces with the vitol mteriols of war
Section 1. That this commission arise in si lent tribute to the late
CfL1H1.b:S GlWH1lEY in h.onor to his memory and his supreme sacrifice to the cause of
freedom ~or all the peoDles of the earth.
Seotion 2. 'llhtlt this oommission extend to the relatives of the late
OlLIRLES G <Jl;.OV11EY the syn1llathies of the b ourd as well BS our pride in the belated
honor that has come to tllis gallunt sone of C:learwuter, to whom. there can be no
higher ucuolade then these words HE G,aV.8 HIS LIFE THi,/l' OTKlliS t.:IGHT LIVE.
.Adopted by the CI'lry COMMI3~ION of the CI'llY Oli' CLBll!{'::,Il.'lIER rr'lIIS 11th Di.Y OF
J"JI.NU,hHY ~949. Spread upon the minutes uud un original to be sent to the faIJlil~'~
of the late CIL1HLES G CHO'./Li!.Y as a momen to of this oc08si ""
.,"", ,
VlHER:EAS: it has been determined by the City Commission of the City of
ClearwHtex, :Clorida, the t the property desoribed below should be oleaned of weeds,
grass end/or underbrush, and that after ten (10) days notice 8nd fbilure of the
O\vner the:reof to do so, the City should clean such property and charge the cos ts
thereof ag/;:1inst the respective property.
now THllli&FORE BE IT kBSOLVED by the City Commission or the City of
Cleanveter, Florida, that the following described property, situate in said City,
shall be cleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) days after
notice ill wri tiug to the owners thereof Ido so and tha t upon :Cbilure to com;)ly
with said notice, the Oi ty shall perform such oleuning and eha rge the costs ag8inst
the respective properties in accordbnce with Section 128 of' the Charter of the
City of Clea~vbter, as emended.
l'ro pe rty
Ml.'s. 11. Owens
531 Oak ,.live.
Lot 10, Blk. a
Crest Lake Perk
s. 50' of Lots 13, 14,
Blk. D., Plaza Park
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PilSSED ii.lID i.D01:lJ:'2D by the City Commission of the City of Gleerwbter)
Florid~, this 11th day of J~nuury) b.D. 1949
Mr. Boyd .h. Bennet t, Ui t~, l\lUlllJger
City o~ Gle8rwoter
Clearwuter) l,'lorid 8
Deur Mr. Benllett:
You Ili.ve requested ne to d sseri be in d etc..il the a udi t features wh ich in my
opinion should be lldded to the present audit specifications which hElve been in
effect since J"tonUllry 1, 1939, reference huving been ffiEJUe to tIle desirElbili ty of
an extension of the budit specifications in my letter to you of November 23) 1948.
lIS I stuted in my letter referred to above, the gre...t incl'sl:.lse in the growth
of the City since the present uudit specificutions were l;dopted is also refleuted
in the volume of finuncial transactions and the growth of the general accounting
system ot: the City) and it is my opinio11 that the audit specifications should be
extended to cover tile following points in order to provide C1udi ting standards which
in my opinion would fit the present Bnd future level of 1'iIlClncial activities and
transactions of the Oity of CleElrwLter. These points Bre:
Review proo~ of balance of all subsidiory ledgers us compiled by City
personneL every third month.
Heconcile GtiS kppliance perpetual inventory record with inventory control
account monthly.
Reconcile all delinquent tax ro~ls annually.
Heview proof' of balance of Vlater and Gus consumers accounts receivable
subsidil;lry ledgers as compilod b:>' City personnel, OIl busis of one-tvlelt:th of such
sUbsidil;lry accounts per month.
l!:xaraine ruinate book of GOIi1!ilissionsrs' meeting monthly and trace actions
of the Bourd reflected therein and E11'fecting the books of account or financial
transactions of the Oi ty to the eppropriEl te entries in the books of account.
It is also my opinion thtlt one feature of the existing oudit specifications
can be modified b:>' a slllull reduction in the arno unt 0 f a udi t v~ork required without
detrimental e~fect upon the Cluditing standurd. .ht present the audit specit:ications
provide for the y)x8minCition 8 nd verifio:..;tioll of all journal entries. ht the time
the specifications ~ere compiled, journal entries were compElratively few in number
and also involved substantial amounts. At the present time there is a great volume
of journal entries, IDeny of which involve comparatively minor transElctions and adjust-
ments. I recoramend thbt the audit specU'ications be changed to provide that all
journal entries '-I~ill be eXElmined and verified except those involving $1,000.00 or
less, the letter to be t est-checked upon a ten percent basis.
If all o~ the foregoing recommendations are adopted in the audit specificEltions,
I agree to perform the a cJd itional audit services CIS the result thereof for an additional
sum of' :tj50.00 per month) although I may point out that it is highly probably thl:lt the
additional time re~uired by these additional specit:ications would amount to more than
that f'igure.
Yours very truly,
H. M. 'l'urnbul'ke - signed
Memorandum to the Moyor and Oi ty lIoneger) Cle arvla ter) .1!'lorida,
We, the undersigned residents of Pinebrook Subdivision in Clearwater desire that
. the work of erecting the present type of wooden electric light poles be stopped
and the so culled Whit e 'v/f.lY metEil stondurds be used in this bree. It is understood
that suf'ficient numbers of Vlhi te Wr:.y poles are available from the improvements
made on North Fort Har~'ison .M.v. The wooden poles are not desired.
Signed by 17 property owners.
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J enU6ry 11, 1949
Wo, the wndersigned vesidents o~ PINE BROOK SUBDIVISION in Clearwater, Florida,
hereby request that the City of ClearwCJter Droceed with the preseIlt lighting system
at the earliest possible moment.
~, .'
Signed by 19 property owners
" ,il.
. .':'
Request of J. l{ussell Hoberts
At the regular meeting of the ZoninB Board on December 28, 1948) the Eoard ruled in
favor of granting the request o~ J. Hussell Roberts to erect a filling stction on
the N.W. corner of Greenwood J~ve. E1nd Woodlawn St.
~ .
l i' "
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Attached herewith is u luyout plan.
, .'~
, .~~
Mr. 01i:ver H. Jlnderson, Sec' y
City ~oniJlg Board
Clear\'lJuter, ]'18.
Dear Sir:
I om presenting a request to build and operate a filling station bt the
NV{ corner of Greenwood f-.Ve. and Vloodla\''Jn St. (Metes Elnd Bounds 22-29-15, Search
Yours very tl~ly,
J. Russell Roberts - signed
To: 2he Commissioners of the City of Clearv/llter
City Hall
Clear~~ter) Florida
I am, along with some others) vert much interested in getting some
paving dOlle in the Crest Lake Sec:tion on the following streets:-
Dartmouth - from Luke Drive to Duncan Ave.
K~ystone Drive - from Hervard to Exeter
Lake Drive - from Hurvbrd to Exeter
along the east shore of the lake) which is City owned property,
approximately 700 feet.
Ou.r request is that the City come in with us on the expense o~ this 700 feet
to trle extent of ~?500 .00 - we will !:lssume the r est of the expense. The streets
are to be 20 ~eet wide, top surfaced with shell and rolled with b 6 ft. shoulder,
tapered off to a shallow ditch.
Yours very truly,
EElrl W. Covey - signed
Honorable City Commissioners
City Hall
Clearwater, Florida
Sgt. Thomas has directed me to withdraw his application for the
position of Ohief of ~olice of the Cle8rw~ter ~olice Department, said epplication
having been submitted yesterday, Jan~ry 10th.
He requests me to state that he has tl:lken this action beoause he "backs
Captain McClamraa 100 per cent for the Chief's job"; he feels that Oaptain McClamna
ht:lS the greater ability and !Jlore experience for this position and has worked and
served under Captain McC16InIDa as his superior officer har.moniously for a number
of years.
Sgt. Thomas trusts that his motives and action in this matter will be
unde2'stood and that the honorable Commissioners will not doubt his sincerety in
w;~hdr~wingln favor of CElptuin McClarmls.
Very truly yours,
Betty Rice Young
"d. ~... ",'
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Honorable Oity Commissioners
City Hell
Clea~veterJ Florida
In compliance with your request of Dece~ber 31st to submit 6 list of
qu~lified applioants for position of Chief of rolice, please note thbt I. am sub-
mi tting herewi th t~o bpplicu tions; (1) George '11. McClamnm, OfJptain, and (2)
Ernest L. Thomas, Sorgoent of the Clearwuter Police Department.
The above appliootions ~ere duly sworn to by the applicants, as per
your request end both upplictlnts lleet basic requirements or qualifioetions as
set forth on page 18 of t he Civil: Sorvice H.ules 5 under the heelling ttJ\pplioants".
Seotion 1. All applicunts must be oitizens of the United Stutes, residents or
the Stl:.lte of: Florida t:'or et least two years prior to application and osresident
ofCleal"'Wutdr for at least 60 duys prior to application for eppointmellt.
Section 2. Age not more thun 43 years.
'llhese were tho only Elpplicatiolls reoei ved for this position.
Very truly yours,
Betty Rice Young, Secretury
Civil Service Board
,,' ,: ,: ~
There being no further business to come before the Board, the
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J'anu�rry 11, 1�49
The City Commi53ion cf the City of Clear�vater met in sPeci�.7_ session st '7:30
3?.b'I, in the City Fir�ll with the Sollow�ng members presents
Harry D. 5::�2geant - Mayqr-Commissioner
HerUert ]$'(�Brov�n .- Commissioner
E. B. Casler, J`r. - Cornraissianer
Leland F, llreva - CbmmiSsioner
Guy L. Kennedy - Conmissioner
.�,bsent: None,
'hlso presents Boyd �4. Bennett, City I�4anager, Ben Krentzmen, City httorney, and
, George NicClamma, Chief of i'olica.
The meeting Vaas callecl to order by Mayor Sargeant, �fter whieh i�4r. Gler_dell
5pragins revie�ved his agreement �=�ith the �ity dated npril 30, 191�8, regardir�
fin�ncing and deveJ_aj�ing city ovaned pro�erty �n Clearvaater Beach. Gommissionar
Drew pninted out +hat if hotels and apartments were included in �he praject, the
City would eventually find itself in competition *,vith private enterprises. Mr.
Darwin Frank expreased himself as favoring the c�nstruction of a beach pier at
tre e�rliest possib.le date. 1�Yr. Herbert I,angiord, �nd S. P. Day apoke briefly
in favor of the beaGh develoi�ment. It was rloved by Commi�sianer Drew, secanded
by Commissioner Kennedy and unani.mously carried th�t the agreement with P:ir.
Spra�ins, dated xpril 30, 194g be ex�ended ninety days i'roTa this date.
It v�as moved by Commis�io�ier i3rorvn, seconded by Comniissioner l7reva and
unanimously carried thst i7onald Str�ng be appointed as i:ssociate Cit� Judge.
h le�ter was read by the �ity CZerk, in wllich �Sargeant Earnest 1'homas wi�hdre��
his aPplication for anpoi.ntmeiit es Chief of Police. The City Clerk �ubmitted the
Tist of rapz�licUnts f�r the positi�n nf Chief �f Yolice as prepare'€i by the Civil
Szrvice Bosrd Secrztery, �1'v�o applicants were listed: Ca�tain George �'icCla�ma, an3
Sargeant _!,arnest Th�n.�as. It was moved by Con:unissianer Drera, secondad by Qo�missi�ner
Kennedy and unnnim�usly carriPd tha� Geptain a4cClamcna be �pp�=nted Chief of Police
P'or a probationary peri�d of six manths as required by the Civil 5ervice Regulatians,
at a sslary of �300.00 per month, retroaetive to the t�me of his appointment as
Teruparary Chief .
The City Clerk report�d the sale of Lots 1- 2y: inclusive, Bl�ck 29, and Lots
1- 23 inclu�ive, Block 32, I�fagnolia YUrk to James F and Elsie ri i�agurno, for N8100.
It was L1�ved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded bg C�r�is�ioner Brov�n and carried that
the sale af the property be apprqved. Yoting aye: ��Isyor-Gommissioner Sargea�t, an�
Cam.missioners Brovan, Drew and Fisnnedy. Not Voting: Commissioner Cas'ler, n_ayor-
Commissi�ner Sargeant ex��ressed 'nis o�inion thbt the Gity would have benefited m�re
if �the �roperty had been sold +o the tstlan�Gic Caast I�i�e, as the raiiroad v�ould havP
filled and improved it.
The Itiay�r-Commissi�ner read a Resolntion of respeet to the late Charles G, Crowley,
f'�r�er City er��loyee who hdd reen s�varded the Iiiariners I+Iedal in recognitian of his
sacrificing his life in the Ivlerchant Iviarine Service during tha war. It was moved bg
Commissioner Caslex�, secon�ied by L'ommissioner Keruiedy and unanimously carried thet the
He�oluti�n be adopted.
City Manager Bennett submitted the following bids on contract fo'r paiuting the
bZunicipal huditoriuci:
V1, R. Truluck $�1,E�1.00 '
J. J. Sinunons 1,795.00
H. H, Freidt 2,�,40.5�
It was moved Uy Couunzssioner Dre�v, seconded by Cor�mis�ioner Kennedy and
unanimously carr.ied tl�t the bids be rePerred to tlie City nianager for� investigation
reg�r�ing the licenses of the bidders in the past years.
City b7an��er T3eriiett presented e list of bids submitted for supplying 500 feet
oi size 2-.',�" fire hase. The tivo lar� bids of h860 e9ch vtere subnitted by the yndustria3
Supply Com�any, and Hovey Brothers. It was moved by Comaissioner Drew, seconded by
Cam,-nissioiier Kennedy and unan.imously carried that the y�,860 bid of H�vey Brothers be
approved. �
By unanimous consent, the bid of the Shex:m�n �oncrete Pipe Company of '�����" '�-,
Florida i'or supi�lying 670 lineal feet af �.8" double rein��rced concrete pipe at �5.t�5
�er foot, was a��proved.
It was movecl by Commissioner Ke�nedy, second�ed by Commissioner Cssl�r ond unanimously
cnrried �hr�t tlie rec�uest of the iSorth 8hore f�ssociation for an amendment to the Z�ning
Oi?din�+nce be held over for f uture action in connectian with other proposed zoning changes.
Tt w�as moved by Co�missioner Kennedy, seconded by �ommissi.oner Dreva anct unanimously
carried ttrat the reguest of Earl W, Cove� �or the Gity tc� contribute �500 for plscing
shell on :�treets in the Crest Lake Saction, be re�err�ed to •�he City Manager for study
as to the total cost.
The City n2anager presented trvo peti�ions froni the residents of the Yine
Brook SuUdivision; �ne petition•requesting that the in.stallation of the wooden
� poles be completed as early as possible, the other petition renuesi:in� the t the
instellation of wooden poles be stop�ed and metal s�ands.rds installed. It was
` iuoved by Coramissianer Drew, sec�nded by Commissioner Casler and unanimausly
carrie� that the motion be r�ferred bqek ta the I'ine Brook rssi;<ents for a
coordinaGion of their plans.
RIr. 14T'. B. Thayer cailed the attention cf the Commission to the traffic hazard
at the intersection of �ast Glaveland Street and Gulf to Bay Boulevard,and suggested
the installatian �f a blinker light at this intersection. Tt w�s moved by Commiasioner
Dren, seconded by Conmiissioner Casler and unanirnously carried that the su$gested
changes in trafzic regulations be referred to the Chief o� Yolice for study �;nd his
re c octnend a ti ons .
The D4ayor-Gonmissioner appointed Commissioners Drew and Brovrn as a Zice:nse
Comriittee to v�ork with the Chief of Folice.
It w-as moved by Commissi�ner Drew, seconded by Coffinissioner Brow�x �nd unanimousl.y
carried that the City I�TanagerTs recommendation for the construci;ion of a 12" Storm
Sewer on Drew Street at an estimsted cost of 4r3000 be spproved.
By unan.imous consent, the Cocimission ap1�roved the granting of a permit for J.
Russell �oberts to erect a filliag stati�n on the Northwest corner of Greenwo�d hvenue
and �=t�ocllawn Street.
It was moved by Commissioner llrew, seconded by Commissionex G�sler and unanimously
car�ied that tne applic�tion f�r a permit t�h erect a Drive-Inn on the northwest cornar
of South Fort H�rrisan hvenue and Jasmine Way, be referred to the City kttorney for
research and investigation, the matter to be disposed of at the regular meeting of
the Conmission on Janu�rg 17th,
It was moved b� Conaissioner gennedy, seconde� by Conmi�sioner Drew and unanimously
carried that Mr. Turnbizrke be allotned the �1QO.OQ per mon�th for his work on the City's
audit, for the balance of this £iscal year, ��d thst a study be made on the addition4l
' specilicationa recommended by PJir. Turnburke.
The City NIan�ger suggested that the salary �f the City �uditor and Clerk be �y300.00
m�nthly, and the sal�ry of the City Treas�.u�er and Gollector be i`�2'75,00, zfiective as �f
�'anuary ]., 1949. It was maved by Conmissioner Casler, seconded by C�nunissioner I�rew
and unanimously carried that the City bianab�r'� sug�es`tion be sppro�red.
' Mr. Hor�ce Hill, leasehclder on the Bowling �llley on City� property on Cleveland
Straet, requested the privilege of extending his lease to February 1953. It was moved
by Conmissio.ier Kennedy, seconded by Corlmissioner Drew and unani.mously carried that
the rec�uested extension be granted, at no incxease in xental.
City ��tanager Bennett asked that the Conmission consider th� transfer of Francis
&iidaleton, Superintendent of the Gas I'lant to the City Eiall, ior tha convenience o�
the Uublic. By unanimoua consent, the mstter was deferred to the next regular meeting
of the Cofamissi�n.
The City bZanager read a Resolution requesting certain property owner� to clean
their lots oi weads snd underbrush. It was m oved by Commissioner C`asler, seconded by
Commissioner BroU1n and unanimously carried tnat the Kesolution be adopted.
It �,�as moved by Commissionex Drevr, seconded by Commissioner ]3rown and unanimously
carried that D. J. Bowman�s �pplication far a texi license be deierred for �ction by
the Zicense C��nitteE.
The Bo�rd, actin� as Trustees af the Yension Fund, �pproved the admission of �he
�ollov�ing pera�ns to membership in the Pension Plan: Toseph Beek, Nrs. Joyca Barron,
Mrs. �dith S, Narum, and Brasi'l Newsome.
The following papers, letters, resolutions, etc., nenti-a,ned in the above minutes,
are hereby set out below and mUde a par t herewith,
J'anuary 11, 1a4.9
L'Jhexeas it has came to the attention o%' the city commission of the CITY OF
CLP�f2T„tiT`+ that the Government of the United States has awarded pos�thiunously to
the family of the late CEi�,FtLES G CRO�`aLEY, a veteran oP many years service �o the
city and prior to his enlistment in the U S Iviaritime Service maintenance technician
for the city police ,clepartment radio equipment and .
Ydhereas ths be�towal oY the I4i�RIIQy�I?.S PJI�DtiL to the next of kin<�o� the said
GH��I�� G CR.Op�I,L"'Y was a belated honor for the supreme sacr9.fice made by b4ister
Crorvley in defense of his country and
VJherees the govsrnment of the CITY QI' CL�t�Ft!�l�TIIt feels that in the sacrifice
made by the late CH�,RLES G C1t0j')L�'Y and the posthumous honor that has come to him
there is reflected on the city servica the spirit that enabled this nation to
emerge triump,hant fr,om the greatest of all wars and
�"Jhereas, the GITY COA�+�SSldii IS ���dar•e that during �is service to this
municipality, the la�e CH1iRZLS G Ck0?"TI�EY exhibited the same devotion to duty that
he gave his country as the radio operator of an ill-fated ship engaged in
supplying our a�ned for-ce3 rvith the vital naterials of war
Secti�n l. That this commission arise in si le nt tribute to the late
CiI�,itLES CH04`ILi'Y in honor to his memory snd his supreme sacrifice to the c�use of
freedo,m for all the peaples of t�e ear�h.
Section 2. ^lhat this commission extend to the relatives of the late
CIiY,RLrS G G.�i0�7L�Y the sympsth�es of the board as well as ocr pride in the belated
honor that has cone to this gallant sone of Clear*r�ater, to whon there can be no
higher ac�olade then these words HE G��V'L HIS LIFE �ihT 0'I'H� S��GHT LIVE.
hdopted by the CITY CO�SMISSION of the CITY OF CI�riR';;hT�,R 1HIS llth DhY OF
Jf,TdII��fiY 191�9. Spread upon the minu�es and a� origi.nal to be sent to the �amily-
of the late CIi�HL�S G CFtOGJL�,'Y as a momanto of this uccasi n. -- �
v� �✓
blayor-Co 'ssioner .
kll ��T•
* * *
R� S O L U T I O N
GIHi�R�iS: it has been determined by the City* G�mmis:zion of the �ity o�
Cle�rtiv��er, fZorida, that the property described below should be cleaned af weeds,
grass and/or underbrusl�, r�n:�l that after ten (10) days notice and fr�ilure of the
o�vner thereof to do so, the City should clean such property and charge the costs
thereof agc�inst the respective property,
NOI,V tH',�t�'OR� �L IT RL+'SOLUED by the City Commission of the City of
Cleai�vater, Tloiid�, tliat the f ollowing described property, sit uste in said Gity,
shall be cleaned of wec:ds, �rass and�or underbrush :��ithixL ten (1�) dsys after
notice in writing to the odvners tl�ereoi'/do so and that u�on fr�ilure to comaly
�vit� said notie�, the City shsll perform such cleening and charge the costs a��:inst
the respective praperti:es in c�ccord�nce with Section 12.g of the Charter of the
City of Clear�v�ter, as �mended.
Owner Pro ��e r t�
T�irs. I��i. Ovaens Zot 10, Blk. h �
5�1 Or�k ,�ve. Crest Laite l�ark
J. Gorclon Dicics S. 50' o� I�ots 13, 1Lr.,
�ire St+�tion , Blk. D,, Plaza Yark
t; ity
PxSSED �:ND f,DU�'yD by the City Commissi.on �i` the Cit,g of 171earw��er,
Floxida, this 1]_th day of J'�nuary, H.D, 19�+5
Ait�yor- tnoiissioner
Qity kudlt� and Clerk
* �
hgr. Boyd h. Beunett, Cit� I�Sanager
City of Glearwater
Clasrwater, I'loricla
Dear Dfir, Benne�t:
You have re�uested me to describe in detiGil the audit features which in m,q
opinion should be added ta t�e presen� audit s�cifications which have been in
effect since J'�snuar5 l, 1939, rezerence havir� been made to the desirability of
an extensian of the �udit specifications in. my letter to 3rou of P:ovember 23, 19�.8,
hs I stU�;ec in rny letter referred to afi�ove, the gre4t incre�Se in the growth
oi the City since the present audit sPecifications were adopted is slso reflected
in the volume of Pinancial transacti�ns and the growth o� the general accounting
system of the Gity, and zt is my ��;inion that the audit specificetions should be
extended to c�ver the iollowing Poi:�ts in order to provic?e auditing standards whi�h
in my opinion v�ould fit the present end Future level oi financial activities and
transsctions of the City of Clear�vGter. Thesz points are:
Review prooi' of balance �f sll subsidiary Tedgers as comPiled by City
personnel_every third month,
Reconcile Gas:�ppliance perpetuf�_: :nventory record with inventory control
account manthly.
Reconcile all delinquent tax ro�ls annually. -�
Review proaf of balance of Vdater a nd Gas consumere accounts receivable
subsidiary ledgers as compiled by City personnel, on basis of one-tv�elfth of such
subsidiary accoun�s per m�nth,
�xamine rainute boak of Commissioners' meeting monthly and trace acti�ns
of the I3oard re�lected therein and �,f fecting the books of account or financial
transacti�ns of the City to the appropriate entries in the books of account.
It is �lso my opinion th�t one feature of the existing audit specificati�ns
can be rsodified b3* a sma11 recZuction in the amount of audit work required without
detrimental ei�ect upon the auditing standard. ��t present the audit speci�'ications
provide for the �xamination and verii'icution of all journal entries, kt the time
the specifications v�ere conpiled, journal entries were com�,aratively few in number
and alsa inv�lved substani:ial amounts, ht the present time there is a great v�lume
�f journal entries, many oi V�hich involve comparatively minor trsnsactions and adjust-
ments. I reconmend �hat the audit specif ications be changed to provide that a11
jaurnal en�rios will be examined and verified excegt those involving .�1,�00..;� or
less, the latter to be test-checked upon a ten percert basis. ,
If all oi' the f oregoing reco�mendations are adopted in the audit specii'ications,
I agree to peri'orm.the aa�iitional audit ser�ices as the result thereof for an additional
sum of �5Q.00 per month, s:!,though I may poi�t out that it is highly probably that the
additional time required by these additi�nal speci£icatioaas would amount t'� more than
t}�at figure. , .
Yours 'very t ruly,
H. M, Tarnburke - signed
� *
Iriemoranduin �o th� Mayor and City I�Ianager, Clearviai;er, �lorida,
Vde, the undersigned residents of Pinebrook Subdivisi�n in Clearv�ater desire that
the work of erecting the present type oP w�oden electric li�ht poles be Stopped
and the sa called V�lhi�Le 4Jay metG1 stanclards be used in this area, It is und�r�tood
that sufficient numoers o� Vlhite 4'?ay poles are available from the improvemen-�s
mac�e on North Fort Ha'rrison r,v. The wooden p�les are not desired.
Signed by 17 property owners.
Januarg 11, 1949
VJe, the uxide�signecl �esidents oP PIIdL DHUOK SUBDIVISION in Cle�rvae�er, Florida,
hereby request that the City of Clearv�ater proceed with the presen� lighting system
nt the earliest possible moment.
Signed by 19 property ov�ners
�: �
?�equ�st of J. Hussell Roberts
t�t the regular meeting of the Loning Board an December 2$, 19l�g, the Boerd ruled in
favor of granting the requeat of J'. Russell Roberta to erect a filling stGtion on
the N.V;i. corner of Greenv�ood hve, and Woodla�vn St.
kttached herewith is a l�;;out plan.
* *
Mr. Oliver H, t,:nclerson, Sec'y
�it,v uoning Bora rd
Clearv��ter, I'la .
Dear Sir:
I am presenting a request to �uild and operate a iilling stati�n �.t the
NVfi corner of Green�ao�d hve. and Vioodlawn St. �P�Ietes and Bounds 22-29-1�, Search
Yours ver� truly,
J. Russell Roberts - sign:ed
i �` �
i To: lhe Cornrnissi�ners of the Citg of Clearyaater
� Gity E-I�11
Clearwater, Florida
I am, al�n� tivith s�me othars, very much interested in getting sorrse
pr�ving doiie in the Crest 'Lake Sec;tion on the following streets:-
. Dartm�uth - fr�m '�ake Drive to Dunean iive.
Yaystone Drive - zrom Har�ard to Exeter
I,ake Drive - from Harv�rd t� i�eter
slong the east shore of the 1ake, which is Cit� owned praperty,
approximately 700 feet.
Our re�ues� is that the City come in with us an the expense oz this 700 feet
to the extent of ��500.00 - we will assume the r est of the �xpense. The streets
are to be 20 feet wide, top surfaced with shell ana x�liea w�_th a 6 ft. snoulder,
t��ered ofi to a shall��v ditch.
Yours very truly, `
Earl 1^I. c�vey - signed
* �
Honorable Gity Commissioners
City H�11
Clet�r�ater, 1'lorida
Sgt. TlZomas has dir.ected me to rvithdraw his application for the
position of Ghiaf of 1'olice of the Clear�+�:tar Yol�ce Department, said opplication
h�ving baen submitted yesterday, J'anuury lOth.
He requests me to st�te that hc has taken tnis aeti�n because he `�backs
Capt�in bIcClemcaa lU0 per cent for the Chie�'s job"; he feels that Captain i�IcClsmma
has the grer�ter ability and taore experience far this position and has worked and
served under Qaptsin McCl�nui�� as his superior officer harmoni�us.ly for a number
of years.
Sgt. Thomas trusts that his motives and action in this matter iNi11 be
understood and that the honarable Commissioners will not doubt his sincerety in
withdravaing i.n ff�vor of Capt�in 1�IcCleirina.
Very truly y�urs,
Betty Rice Y�uiig - signed
� '
Honorable City Commissioners
City Hall ,
C1ear4��ater, Florida `
Gentlemen: ,
, In compliance with your request of Decerabar 31st to submit a list of ` �
9u�lified applicants fo-r position �f Chief of Yolice, pletase note that I am sub-
mitting herevaith two applica�ions; (1) George T. Il�icQlamma, Captain, and (�) --
Ernest L. Thomas-, Sargeant of the Clearv�l�ter 1'olice Department.
The above applications �vere duly s�vorn to b;,r the applicants, a� per
your request and both applicants i..�eet basic requi,rs�ents or qu�ll.ifications as
set iorth �n page 1� of the Civi� Service Rules, under the heading "Hpplicants".
Section l. �11 applicr�nts must be citizens of the United States, residents �f
the 8tata o�' Florida far at least tti+�o years prior to application a�d asresident
of Clearwater for at least b0 days prior to a�plication for appointment:
Section 2. kge not more than 4.3 years.
These were the �nly spplications received for this posi�tion., •
° Very truly youxs,
Betty Rice Young, Secret�:ry �'
Civil Service Boal.d
There being no f urther business to came before the l�osxd, the meeting was
Ma5*or- issionexr
isTTEST • '
, 1
City nudit an Clerk !