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Special Oommission Meeting
Deoemb~ 16, &9~8
The 01 ty Commission of the city of C~earweter; b'lorida met in speoial session
4ltc12vo.'\clook noon, at the Oity Hall with the f"ollowing members p,res.ent:
.," ,; ,i"~~',,'''' ,1,;-..\:'.
J. o. HOllze - Moyor-Conu:ni ssicller
J. R. Crane - Commissioner
Leland F. Drew - Uommissioner
Guy 1. Kennedy - Oommissioner
Absent: Harry D. Sorgoant.
Also present were Boyd fie Bennett, 0ity Manager, George W. Smith, Oity Attorney,
and ~. J. Elliott, Uhier of Police.
, The meeting 'Was oalled to order by ME:1yor Houze. 'Who explained that the purpose
of the meeting to restore the names of any perso ns who htld been erroneousJ:y , Omit'~ed
frbm the list or q~alified voters.
It was moved by Commissioner Or~ne, seconded by Cpmmissioner D~ewand unanimously
oarried that the list as presented by the Count,r Supervisor of Registration be approved
as no one was present to request correotion.
There being no fllrther business to come bef~e the ~oard,
was adjourned.
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Seotion 1. USE OF VOTING Ml~OHINES AUTHORIZED. The use of voting maohines
~or the oonduot of elections in the Oity of Ulearwater, Florido, is hereby
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Section 2. DEFINITIONS. The ~ollowing words and terms when.used in this
ordinance huve the meaning ascribed to them in this section~ exoept when the
context clearly indicates a different meaning.
(1) The 'Word "ballot" (exoept when reference is made to irregular
billots) means that portion of the cardboard or pilper or other material within
the,ballot frames oontaining the nume of the candidate or Q stitement of &
proposed charter IImendment, or other question or proposition with ,the word "yes"
for voting for Bny question 0 r pro posi tion, (;Ind the word "yes" far voting for
any question or proposition, and the word "no" for voting agiinst any question.
(2) The word "questionl1 sh.6ill mean any charter aIIlendnlent, proposition
or other quostion submitted to the voters at any election.
0) The terra.'foffioial bullot" shull mean the printed strips at card-
bOQrd oontaining the names of the candidates nominated and a stetement of the
questions submitted.
(4) The tenn, ,irregular ballot" shall mean a vote cast, by or on 8
special device, for a person whose nwne does not appear on the ballots.
(5) The term "voting machine custodian" shall mean the person who
shall have charge of preparing and arranging the voting maohine for elections.
(6) The term "proteotive counter" shall Ire en Iii separbte oounter
built into the voting maohine which cannot be reset, which records the total nwnber
of movements of the operating lever.
(7) 1J.1he term "board of eleot ions" Shilll Ire an the olerk and 1.11'3 pec tOl'S
appointea to co iduct an election.
Seotion 3. REq,UIREMENTS OF VOTING 11hOHINES. .l\ny voting machines may be
adopted, rented, purchased or used which sha 11 be so construoted as tCJ fulfill
the requirements of the law of the State of .Itlorida governing voting maohines.
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Section 4. PRI~ING OFFICIAL BALLOTS. All ballots shall be p~inted on paper
or clear white materiil, of such form and size as will fill the ballot frames 01'
the maahine, in plain color type as large as the space will resonably permit.
'J.'he caption of the various ballots on said ma chines sha 11 be so placed on said
maohines is to indioate to the voter ~hat push knob, key, lever or other device
is to be used or operated in order to vote for the oandidate or candidates of his
Seotion 5. SAMPLE BALLOTS. The officer or of'1'icers mose duty it may be umer
this ordln&noe to 'provide and furnish offioial ballots for any polling plice where
~;~~;}&i;i~~'.;j\;,;.vot; ill!! 1Il8oh.lne is ~o be uesd. shall also provide two sampJ.e baJ.lo~s or instruo~iol1
:r;;.}'~\!~:.;,,',,,;:\,~;~;::,:.J:balJ.otBt.wh1oh sample or ins'truotlon ballots shall be arranged in the form.: ot .
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l:'i;:';;>!,\~::~:~~~;:~.;,,::',~~dl'.8r8Dish~wing::suob.por.t1on of tl:e tront 01' the VGt1ng .maohine sslt wil.1 app~ar .,
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rilt'ter the of1"io18 1 ballots a re arranged thereon or t herein for voting on eleotion.
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Suoh sumple b~llots shall be open to the inspeotion of all voters on eleotion
: I
~rhare shl:lll be furnished to the eleotion offioi"l, et eaoh polling
pleoe, a suffioient number of semple bullots (a facsimile of the fuoe of the
, I
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maohine) of e reduced size, so th~t one may be given to eaoh voter desiring
the same.
. \
Beotion 6. NUMBER OF OFFICD~L BALLOTS TO BE FUHNISHED. Two sets of offioial
. . i
ballots shall be provided for each voting ~chine at each polling plaoe for use in
and upon the voting michine, one set thereof Shbll be inserted or plaoed in or
upon the voting maohine a nd the other shall be retained in the custody and
possession of the board of elections, unless it shall become necessary during the
instructed at least seven days before the election and shall be considered as
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course of the eleotion to make use of the same upon or in the voting machine.
Seotion 7. DUTY OF OLERK. The Oity Ulerk shall have the voting machines
and all necessary furniture and appliances at the proper polling place Dr plsces
before the time fixed for opening of the polls, the oounters set at zero (000),
and otherwise in good and proper order for use at such el~ctions; and for the
purpose of placing ballots in the b~llot fr&mes of the machine, putting it in
order, testing, and adjusting and delivering the maohine. ~he 0lerk may employ
one or more competent persons to be known ~s cutodian or oustodians of voting
machines; who shCill be fu11y competent, thoroughly instructed, and. s\~orn to perform
their duties honestly and faithfully, and for such purpose shall be appointed end
officers or elections. Before preparing a voting maohine for Bny election, WTitten
notice shall be ~iled to eaoh candidate whose naoe will appear on the vallot,
stating the time and place vJhere the mElchines will be prepared, at whioh time eaoh
oandidate shall be afforded an opportunity to see thot the maohines are in proper
oondition for use in the election. Vfuen a machine has been so examined, it shall
be sealed with 8 numbered seal. The custodian shal10certify to the numbers of the
machines, that all of the counters are set at zero (000), &nd as to the number
registered on the protective counter, if one is provided, and on the seal. JItter
the preparation of the machines, the Olerk or someone duly authorized, other thtin
the person who has prepared them for election, shall inspeot each machine and report
in writing to the Uity Uommission concerning the facts QS to whether or not allot'
the registering oounters are set at zero (000), the machine is arrangep in all
respects in good order far the election and looked, and bS to the number registered
on the proteotive counter, and on the seal. When a voting machine has been properly
prepared for election, it shall be looked against voting and seeled; and the Keys
thereof' shall be delivered to the 0ity Uommission, together with" written report
\ ",;" ,v ,
, made by the custodbm, stating that it is in every way properly prepared 1'or the
:' eleo'tion.. After the voting machine shall be transferred to the polling pl& oe,
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zi}L:i,-/;-_>.,<~~,-;':q'.',~~t..~hall.b,e:~he duty of the Oity Manager to provide ample proteotion
;{(,';;::,::::'i';S'::,;':};'x:,';,:'". " ;m.ole,s~a'tionor 1nj~1 to the machine. The lantern or eleotrio light
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"B:~~k~?m;l'~~{:t;;D\\~\W:;,;i;,}:~~~~))l'ei>ar~~:t~:'good order tor useb eforetbe opening 01' tile polla.
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Seotion 8. I~BTIIDCTION OF ELECTION OFFICERS. Not mare than 21 days prior
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to date of eleotion, the custodi~n or oustodians of the ~ohines shull instruct
the eleotion officers who are to serve in in election in the use of the w8chine,
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and in their duties in connection therewith; and he shall give to eaoh eleotion
officer who bEl s reoeii:ed sooh instruction and isf'ully qualified to properly
oonduot the election with the machine, a certi1'icate to thllt e:ffect. ~'or the
purpose of giving suoh instruction the custodi~n antill c~ll suoh meeting or
: M
meetings is shall be neoessQr~r. Suoh oustodian shall vlithin rive da:'s, file.
report with the 01ty Clerk stating that he has instructed the eleotion ofrloers.
giving the names of such officers, and the time iind plioe vJhera suoh instruotion
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was given. The eleotion of ricers of each eleotion district inwhioh a voting
muohine is to be used shall 6ttend_ sllch ~eeting, or IJ:' etings, liS shall be oulled
far the purpose of reoeiving such instruotion concerning their duties 8S shall be
neoessary for the proper condllct of the eleotion with the maohine.
Section 9. OFFICIA+ BALLOTS. Offioi~l ballots of the form ond desoription
set torth in this ordlnan,';e for use upon voting machines shall be prepured and
furnished by direction of the City Commission.
Section 10. :'IUMBER OF VOTEHS FOR EACH 11J..CHINE. There shall be not less
, -I
than one voting maohine for each six hundred registered voters or fraotion thereot,
qualified to vote at any design~ted polling plaoe.
Section 11. VOTING :MACHINE OUT 0:&' ORDER. In case any voting machine used lilt
any polling plaice shull, d uri ng the time the pol1.s are open, become injured so as
to render it inoperative in whole or in part, it shall be the duty of the eleotion
board, if possible, to substitute a perfect maohine for the inj ured m~ohlne, and lit
the close of the polls, the recOl'ds of both maohines sholl be tijken, und the votes
shown on their counters shall be added together in ascertaining and determining
the results or the election; but if no other- m6chine can be prepared for use at
such election, and the one injllred oannot be ~epL.ired in time for use lilt suoh
eleotion, unofficial ballots made as nearly b;; possible in the form of: the offioilll
ballot may be used, received by the elec~ion offioers and placed by them in reoep-
tacle in such case to be provided by the ale otion officers, and counted with the
votes registered on the voting maohines; and the result -shElll be declared 'the
same as though there had been no accident to the voting 11:2 ohine; the ballots
thus voted shull be preserved and returned as heroin directed with a oertlfioute
or statement setting forth how and ~hy the same were voted.
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Seotion 12. OPENING OF POLLS. The eleotion a.ffioers of e~oh polling plaoe
shall attend at the polling plaoe three-quarters of an hour before tne time set
for opening of the polls, at each eleotion, aud sholl prooeed to arrange within
the guard rail the furniture, stationery and vating mBohine for the conduct ot
the eleotion. The boards or eleotion shull than IInd there hElve the voting
maohine, ballots, and stationery required to be dolivered to them for suoh eleotion.
,It ,'n~t pJ:"eviously done. they shull insert in their proper >>llloee on the voting lIlilohine,
thO,ballot;s containing the names ot 01't10es to be 1'111ed tAt suoh eleotion, and the
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;11,.~~~ ot~;Cl,Il11~ida~eB nomina ted the retor . 'l'he key 8 to the vot ing D on loe shell be
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delivered to the election officers lit least three-quarters of an hour before the
time set ~ar opening the polls, in a sealed envelope on which shall be written
or printed the nUlllber and 100 lltion of the voting mElohine, the number 01" the seal
and the number registered on the protective counter or device, 2S reported by the
oustodian. Be~ore openi.~ the envelope, all election offioers present shall
examine the number on the seal on the machine, also the number registered on the
proteotive oounter, ind shall see if they are the same as the number written
on the envelope; am. il" they are not the same, the IIEohine must not be opened until
the oustodian or other authorized person shall have been notified and shall have
presented himsel~ at the polling plaoe for the purpose 01" re-examining suoh m~ohine
and shall certify that it is properly arranged. If the numbers on the seal end
protective counter ~re found to agree with the numbers on the envelope, the election
officers shall prooeed to open the doors concealing the counters, and each officer
shall oarefully examine every counter and see th~t it registers zero (000), and the
same shall be subjeot to the inspecti~n of official watchers. The machine shall
remain 10cked against voting until the polls are formally opened, and shall not be
operated except by voters in voting. If any counter is found not to register zero
(000), the board of election shall immediately notify the custodibn, who shall. if
praotioa bIe, Ii oj ust the co unt ers at zero (000), but is it shtlll be impracti cable
for the outodian to 6rrive in time to so adjust such counters before the time set
for opening the polls, the eleotion officers Shilll immedilil tely mtlke a written
st.tement of the designating letter and number of suoh counter, together with the
number registered thereon, and shall sisn and post same upon the wall of the 0
po1ling room, 'Where it shall remai n throughout electi on day, and in filling out
the statement 01" oanvass, they sha 11 subtraot such number from the number then
registered thereon.
Section 13. IRREGULAR BALLOTS. . Ballots voted far any person whose name
not ~ppeBr on them~ohine as a qu~lified oandidate far offioe. ~re herein referred
to as irregular ballots. Suoh irregular ballot shill be deposited, written or
affixed in or upon the reoeptaole or devioe provided on the machine for that purpose.
l~n irregullilr ballot must be oast in its appropriate place on the machine, or it shall
be void and not counted.
oection 14. LOCATION OF VOTING ~~CHINES. bt all eleotions where voting me chines
mBy'be used, the arrbngement of the polling room shall be the s~~e as is now provided
for by law; the exterior of the voting maohine and every part of the polling room sh&ll
( ,
be in plain vie~ of the eleotion offioers; the voting maohine shall be plaoed at least
three feet from every wall or pertitionof the polling room and at letist four feet
fran any t~ble ~here any ot the eleotion officers m~ be eng~ged or seated. The
voting machine shall be so placed that the ballots on the face of the maohine oan
be plti1n1y seen by the eleotion ol"ficers when not in use by voters. 'J.'he eleotion
offioers'shall not themselves be, or p!rmit any other person to be in any position
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'ftj~lf~3}l\:'>~:::,',... 'ornelilrliny position that will permit one to see or asoertain how. voter votes, or
~~l~~~;f~\t-"};~r!,~~~~$' 'li~JCj~itd~The election of ticer attending the mbchine shall bSllec t the tm
h~J(i!.;.t~i~7"P"'::~':;':J?\;,::h:A:ot:>~t.'h:e'~o.hln'e\':;llfter, eachvoter ha.s oasthis vote, to sea thil t the b61110te on tbo
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faoe of the ma chine are in their proper p160es snd thf.lt the machine hiS not been
injured. During elections the door or other oovering at the oounter oompartment
0' the muchine shull not be unlocked or open, or the oounters exposed except for
good and sUfricient reasons, a statement of which sl~ll be Dade and signed by the
eleotion orficers lind shall be sent with the returns. No person shall be permitted
in or ubout the polling room exoept as now provided b~ ordinence in eleotions where
ballots snd ballot boxes are used.
, f
~ ~ '
Section 15. TIME JJ:.LOV1BD 1>. VCYl'EH. Where l:I vat er presents himself for the
purpose of voting, the eleotion offioer shull asoertain whether his ntime 1s upon
the register of voters, ind if his nane appears thereon bnd no oh6llenge be inter-
posed, or if interposed, be not sustained, one of the eleotion officers to be
stationed at the entrance through the outer gu~rd rail sh~ll announce the n~me of
the voter and permit l1imto pess through the entrbnce opening in the outer"guard
rail to the booth of the voting maohine -ror the purpose of cBsti-ng his vote; no
voter shall remain in the voting machine booth longer than five minutes, unless
for good and sllft'>icient reason l1e be grEtnted Ii longer period of time by the
election offioers in chl:lrge, land having cast his vote the voter shall at once
emerge therefrom and leuve the polling room by the exit opening in the outer gu&rd
r~il; if he shall refuse to leave after the lapse of five minutes he shsll be
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removed by the eleotion officers; the eleotion offioers shall ascertbin the n~me
und address of each voter in the manner now provided by ordinance, before he enters
the voting mbohine booth for the purpose of voting; no voter after having entered
and emerged from the voting IIl& chine booth shall be permitted to re-enter the same
on any pretext whatever; only one voter at &l ti:,e shilll be permitted to )8SS the
outer gWird rail to vote.
Seotion lb. Il'ISTRUCTING VOTERS 01'I ":'::LECTION DAY. For the instruction of voters
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on any election dtlys there shall, so felr as .prt:.ct1cbble, be provided for eaoh polling
place a moo.el machine. Such model, if' f'urnished, shall, dw'ing the election. be
looated in some'convenlent plbce where the voters must pass to reach the machine, and
esol1 voter shall, before entering the maohine booth, be instructed regarding its
operation E:ind such ins truotion illustrated on th e model, and the voter given opportunity
to personally operate the model. 'rl1e vat er' s atte,ltion shall also be called to th e
diagrbm of the ract of the machine so thbt the voter oan become familibr with the
locL.tion of the questions and the llbmes of the offioes end candidates. In case any
voter, a~ter entering the voting machine booth, shull ask for further instructions
ooncerning the manner of votin.g, two election o:r.'ficers shall give such instructi ons
to him, bllt no Qfficer or person aSSisting a voter sh~ll in any manner request, suggest
or seek to..persuade or induoe IilDy such voter to vote for or .against any partioular
candidate, or for or against a~ particular amendment, question or proposition. After
giving them instruotions ind before such voter shall have registered his vote, the
offioers or persons assisting him sba11 retire and such voter sl1all then register
in secret 8S l1e may Qesire.
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Seotion 17.
The provisions of the
ordintinces or the City relating to the assistance to be given to blind or
. .', .....' '."
physically disabled voters shall apply also ~here voting machines are used, and
the word "booth," when used in such seotions, shall be interpreted to inolude
the voting maohine inolosure or ourtain.
i '
polls of the eleotion are olosed, the inspectors of eleotion thereat shall
1mmedia tely' look IiInd seal the voting machine agl:iinst voting. The inspectors than shall
sign e oertificate stating that the machine has been looked against voting and
sealed; the number of voters as shown on the public counters; the number on the
seal; the number registered on the protective counter, if one is provided; and that
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the voting muchine is closed and locked. The inspectors then shall open the oounting
compartments, in the presence or the watchers and all other persons who may be lawfully
within the polling place, giving full view of a 11 the counter numbers. The clerk of
\ !
the bOb~d of elections shall then read and announce in distinot tones the designating
number and letter on eaoh counter for etich oandidate's name, the result as shown
by the counter numbers, and shall then read the votes recorded for each office on the
irregular ballots. He sh~ll also in the same manner read and announce the vote on
each charter amendment, p~oposition or other question. The vote as registered shall
be entered on the tabulation, by t'lJO ins pectors, but not including the clerk, in the
same order on the space whioh has the same designating n\.l.Ulbel.~ and letter, after which
the :f'igures shall be verified by being cililled off in tlle same .trlBnner fD0IIl the oounters
of the machine by an inspector. The tabulation shall then be filled out, which shall
show the total number of votes oust for each office, the number of votes cast :f'or
eaoh candidate, as shown on his counter, and the number of votes for persons not
nominated, and the statement shall be signed by each inspector. The counter canpartment
of the vat ing machine shall rems in apen until the official returns and all other
reports have been fully completed and verified by the board of elections. Any C8n-
didate or duly acoredited watoher who may (lesire to be present shall be admitted to
the polling plaoe from the closing of th e p oIls until count and t abuliltion are complete.
The proolam~tion of the result of the votes3oast shall be deliberately announced in
a distinct voice by the olerk of the board of elections who shull read the name of
each cnadidlite, with the designating number and letter of his counter, and the vote
registered on suoh oounter; also the vote cast far and against each question submitted.
D~ing each proclemation umple opportuni~ shall be given to any person lawfully
present to compare the re;.~ults so announced with the counter diBls of the machine,
an?- any neoessary correcti ons shall the n and there be made by the board, after
whiCh the doors of the voting machine sha 11 be closed and locked. Before adj ourning
the boa rd shall, with the seal provided the refor, so se 01 the operating lever of the
maohine that the voting and oounting mechanism will be prevented from operation.
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The same prooedure sholl be followed ~or each machine where more than one meohine
is used in any polling plaoe. Irregular ballots, enclosed in properly sealed
paCkages and properly endorsed, shall be filed with the original statement of
returns. The inspeotor filing the returns shall deliver to the said board or
officer from whioh or whom they were reoeived, the keys of the voting machine,
enclosed in B sealed envelope having endorsed thereon s certificate of the
in~peotors stating the number of the maohine or mbchines, and the election distriot
where it hus been l1sed, the number on th e seal a nd the number on ,the pro tective
oounter, if nny. As e8ch vote is read snd announced, it shall be recorded on two
statements by two 0 ther members of the boa rd 01' eleotions, and when oompleted shall
be oompared wi th th.e numbers on the counters of the maohine. If found to be
correct, the result shall be announced by the Olerk and the tabulation of vates, B~ter
being duly oertified end sworn to, shall be delivered forthvli th to the 1iayor-
Section 19. RI!."TLJHNS. In esch election where voting maohines are used, certi-
fioates of the result snaIl be printed to conform with the type 01' voting machine us ed,
on 8 form &.lp proved by the <.)1 ty Commiss ion. The designating number and letter on the
oounter for eaoh o~ldidate shall be printed next to the cnadidate's name on the
oertificates of the resolt. The ~orm of such o4rtificates shall also provide for the
entry ot the total number of votes for eaoh 0 andidate end upon eaoh' question. Two
such oertificates shall be made in euch such polling plaoe. One of said certificates
shall be transmitted to the Mayor-Commissioner and the other to the City Clerk.
Section 20. INSPECTION OF ~,iJ.CHINES BY OJ~tNASSI~m BOARD. Whenever before the
election returns are oanvassed by the canvassing board any elector, believing that
the electi on returns are erroneous or fraudulent, shall have a right to file 8 pro-
test against the canvass of stroh returns with the canvassing board specifying in
suoh protest the pOl.Ling pIa C6 or pla ces in which he believes such returns are
erroneOQS or fraudulent. Before oanvassing such returns the canvassing board shall
examine the oounters on the voting maohines in such polling place or places and find
whether the returns correctly show the vote oast en suoh maohine or machines. If
there be discrepanoies between the returns and the oounters of such maohines, the
counters of suohmaohines shall be presumptively oorreot, and the vote as shewn
by said counters shall be canvassed wherever there is disorepanoy between the
returns and the vote shown by said 00 unters; provi ded, however t that the rights 01'
8~1 parties in interest to appeal to the oourts for protection eg& mst error or
frsud are not hereby annul1ed.
eleotion offioers shall, as soon as the oount if oompleted and fully asoertained,
as by this ordinance required, look hhe counter oompartment o~ suoh machine, and
it shall so remain for a period o~ not less than ten d8ys~,unless another eleotio~
is to b'e held within three weeks, in whioh event suoh maohine shall remain locked
tor iii period o~ f'ive days t exoept in either event 1 t may therefore be opened by
the canvassing bOirdJ as provided by law, or may be opened by order at 8 court
dompotent jurlsdlotiom. Whenever irregular ballots o~ whatever desoription
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have been voted, the election off"leers shall return all suoh ballots in a prope~ly
seoured paokage endorsed "irregular ballots" and 1'0 turn end file such paokage with
, "
. I
" I
, !
the originalstatement of the result of the eleotion made by them. ~aid paokage
shall be preserved for six months next suoceeding such eleotion, and it shall not
be opened or its contents examined during that time except by a judge of a aourt
lawfully empowered to direct the same to be opened and examined. At the end of said,
si. months, said package shall be opened and suid b~llots disposed of.
: .
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Seotion 22. DISPOSITION OF Kh~S. The keys of the machine shall be enolosod in
an envelope to be supplied by the custodian on wh~oh shall be written the number of
the maohine ilnd the distriot and ward where it has been used, which envelope shall
be seourely sealed and endorsed by the eleotion offioers, and shall be returned to
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the officer from whom the keys ~ere received. The number on the seal and the number
registered on the protective oounter sholl be written on the envelope oontaining
the keys. All keys for voting machines shall be kept securely locked by the
officials having them in charge. It is unlawful for any unauthorized person to h~ve
in his possession any key or keys of any voting machine and all eleotion officers
or persons entrusted with such keys for eleotion purposes, or in the preparation of
the maohine therefor, shall not retian than longer than necessary to use them for su~
legal purpose. All muohines shall be boxed and stored as soonefter the close of the
eleotion as possible, and the machines and the boxes for the maohines shall at all
times be stored in a suitable plaoe. It shall be unlawful for Bny unauthorized
person to have possession of any voting maohine or keys thereof.
(1) Every eleotor desiring to participate in any election, shall, upon presenting
himself at the polling plaoe on election day and before being admitted to the voting
maohine to oast his vote, be required to identify himself to the olerk and inspeotors
of such election as a duly registered end qualified eleotor at such eleotion by
signing or affixing his signature, in ink or indelible pencil, to an identifioation
blank or slip, which shall be SUbstantially the form hereinafter provided.
. (2) It shall oe the duty or the clerk or inspeotor in whose presenoe the signature
identifioation slip ~s signed to oompare suoh signature with the signature of the elector
upon the registration books, and i~ satisfied that suoh signature is the same as that
appearing on the registration books, he then shbll sign such slip in the plece provided
thereon, after such comparison, and the signing shall oonstitute an oath or affirmation
of the fact stated by such clerk or inspeotor above his .signature.
(3) The Oity Clerk shall furnish a box, ar can, tor eoan voting maohine in eaoh
voting place;: eaoh box, or oan, shall be provided with & look so that it may be
seourely looked; and each said box, or can, shall have a slot therein large enough
to reoeive the identifiotttion slips herein provided for. . Before opening the polls,
'i.v::>, .'.;';.,
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df':.":'.'iL,,,~>ir.i"1',:;.:,;;(;,\:,,sam~, endplaoe e seal 80rOBB the lid and body of said bc:>x. or oan, leuv1ng .the slot,.
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o>>en, so th~t the box, or can, cannot be again opened without breaking or removing
Baid seal; end said clerk and inspeotors sholl sign their naFies upon said seal.
Printed foms 01" seals shall be furnished with eEloh box., or oan, whioh shall oontain
8 statement over the plboe tor the pignature of the clerk and inspeotors that said
box, or cen, was opened as herein provided, anptied, looked Qnd sealed while empty
ba~ore the polls were opened; ~nd the signing of said oertirioate by the olerk sod
inspeotors shull oonstitute their oertifioate to the feots therein stated.
(4) No olerk or inspeotor shall admit to the voting maohine any person unless
suoh peraon presents to such olerk or inspector an identifioation slip duly signed
by suoh person and by ~ clerk or inspeotor oertifying to a oomparison or the
signature on the slip with that on the registretion books.
(5) Before any elector enters a voting machine he shall deliver the identifi-
cation Slip, signed by suoh elector, am oertified to by the clerk or in.apeotor,
as hereinarter provided, to the olerk or the inspector operating the machine on
which such e leotor expects to vote Iii nd sa id clerk or inspe otor sholl also sign such
slip as herein provided ror, in the for.m hereinafter provided, and such signature
shall constitute an oath, or affirmation, as to the matters end raots set forth
in the printed mfitter above his signature, and thereupon said clerk or inspeotor
so receiving and signing said identifioation slip sahlI deposit the same through
the slot in the locked and sealed box, or can, hereinatter provided for.
(6) The identification slip, when signed by any person as an elector and by
the clerk or inspeotor oomparing his signature and by the clerk or inspector
admitting him to the voting maohine and deposited in the box, or oan, herein provid.ed
tor, shEtll be prima facie evidence that the person -whose name appears therein as an
eleotor was admitted to thevoting machine end that he then and there voted.
(7) It shall be the duty of the clerk and inspector to deposit all unused
signature identifioation blanks in the box, or oan, herein provided for immediately
on the closing of the polls, 2nd then seal the slot or said box, or can,' with a
seal signed by a1l the eleoti on off icia ls in the t voting preoinct and it shall be
the duty of the clerk forthwith to deliver the looked and sealed boxes, or cans,
containing the official identificati on slips to the Clerk 01: the Commission.
(8) The identification slip herein referred to sholl be in the following f'orm:
,< "
Held in Clea~vater, Pinellas County, Florida, on the day or A.D.
19_. I affix my signature hereto in the place and at the time of voting for the
purpose of identifying myself es e duly'registered and qualified elector in this
(Signature of elector)
.... . "
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I her~by oertify that the foregoing signature was signed in my presenoe
during voting hours and by me oompared with that on the registration books
Bnd approved for voting in t~is eleotion.
(Signature of olerk or inspeotor)
,.: .~' . . .', '
, I
, 1
I hereby oertify that I admitted the person who signed this identifioation
Slip to the voting mao,hinej that said elector was persollally known to me, or
told me that he signed it; and that the number of the voting maohine is
, i
~SigIWture of official operating nwohine)
(9) It shull be the duty of the oity oommission to oause to be prepared Bnd
sent to euoh polling plaoe for use in every eleotion the same number of signature
identification sl ips as there are l; ualified eleotors for suoh polling plQce. In
preparing and printing said identifioation slips the same shall be numbered
oonseoutively beginning with number (1) and oontinuing to such number as there may
be identifioation slips printed for each election. In preparing said identification
slips for use at any such eleotion the appropriate information to designate the date
ahd ~~nd of eleotion shall be printed in at the appropriate blank spaces appearing
in the form presoribed above.
(10) hny certi~ioate signed by any person"or persons, as 8 olerk or inspeotor
of any election certi~ying to the result of said election in or for any precinct
shall be admissable in evidenoe in the trial of any cause, either civil or cr~inel,
in any court in the State of Florida, l:lnd when so adnlitted shall oonstitute prilll11
.... ;
faoie evidence that it was signed by the person, or persons, whose names are
signed hereto and oonclusive proof that any person who signed said certificate as
clerk or an inspeotor of election was duly appointed and qu~lified to aot throughout
said election as suoh clerk or inspeotor of eleotion andin the oapacity indioated
upon said certificate, unless the contrary is disclosed thereby.
(1.1) It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to deliv-er the required
. number of identifioation s1.ips, numbered in oonsecutive numerical order, to eeoh
vot~ng place, and to preserve for one year 8 record in his office showing the
number of identification slips which he delivered to eaoh voting place designating
the number and add~ess ot ebch voting plaoe and the number on the identifioation
slips so delivered.
(1.2) The identifioation slips and all other election material of pera-
phernalia required to be del ivered to each vottng pIa oe shull be delivered by
enclosing and locking the some in the voting machine, or machines, delivered
to that preoinct; along with such slips QDd other material there shall be enclosed
an itemized list thereof with a reoeipt thereon in the form: "I hereby oertify
, :' I
that I have ohecked tu~ items listed hereon and acknowledge receipt thereof,"
whioh reoeipt shal~ be signed by the clerk or t~ voting preoinot and deposited
by him in the can, or box, herein provided for the deposit of idont1riQ~tion s1.ips.
(13) The polling 1.ists heretofore required by ordinanoe are hereby dispensed
with, the ,pre,paration an~ use of identifiootion slips as herein required being in
:Lieu. the re or.
',' ,;.
.., (14) :r:tshal~ be unlawful far any person, other then the printer while
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and thei~ agents engaged by them in ,delivering the stlDle to the Oity Clerk and his
agents employed by hinl in pla oing the seme in the vet ing l:1BOhine' for delivery to
the voting plaoes; the olerks E.lnd inspeotors and quali1'ied electors while aotually
inside the polling plaoes of eleotion during the election, to have in his
possession any signature identificotion slip or other slip containing the same, or
, ,
, ,.
sUbstantially the same wording us the sign~ture identifioation slip herein provided
for; snd it shell be unlawful 1'or any porson cr offioial to deliver any offioial
", , ' I
' ,
Signature identifioation sl ip, o-r other sl ip oen ttii ning the silme, or substantially
the Beme wording us the signature identlrioation Slip herein provtded for, to any
person otherthan us herein provided.
(1) Whenever sny olerk or inspeotor of eleotion, upon a fair and just oomparison
of the, signuture hereinafter mentioned, sh~ll doubt that the handwriting of the
signature arfixed to ~ signature identifioation slip by any elector at the tim.e 01'
presenting himself at the polls to vote is the same as that of the signature of the
named elector arrixed in the registration book at the time of registration, it
shall thereupon beoonie the duty 01' such clerk or inspector of election to rorthwith
deliver to the person so presenting himsel~ to vote a form 01' affidavit, Which
shall be in substantially the follm~ing form:
I do solemnly swe~r lor afrirm) that my name is
; that
years old;. that I
;' the t
; the t I am
my oooupation is that of
was barn in the state of
j Gounty of
I personally made applicati on for registration and at such time signed my. name
in the registration book, and at said time i resided on
in the 0ity of Ole arY/ster , (Jountyof Pinellas, State of II'lDflidraj that I am a
quallried elector of the city aforesijid and have not voted in this election.
(Signa ture of elector).
Sworn to and subscri ved before me'this
day of -
1~ .
Clerk or .Inspector of mlection
(2) Such person shall then be permitted to fill out, in his own handwriting,
the b~ank spaces of such form, and after having filled in the blanks to make an
a1'fidavit to the facts stated in such filled-in form, such affidavit to be sworn
to and subsoribed before one 01' the inspectors or clerk of election. Authority
is hereby conferred upon any of the inspectors or clerks 01' eleotion to administer
the foregoing oath. Whenever such af1'idavlt shall be made and filed by such
person with the clerk or inspeotor of election, such person sh~ll then be admittea
to the voting maohine to oast his vote, .but if suoh person :rails or refuses to
make out and file suoh affidavit as aforesaid, then suoh person snall not be
perml'~~~:~' to vote.
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(l) The provisions of the foregoing section shull not be applicable in
'j' ':,
.. !
those OC,ises where the elector is unable to vlrite, or is inoapacit~ted for
writing, in those oases where the eleotor beoause of blindness, inbbilitY' to
reed, or physioal inoopooity, is unable to operate the voting m~ch1ne, 'but in
such cuses the olerk or one of the inspectors shall pla oe suoh person under
oath & nd orally eXbmine him acoording to the form previa ed belovl, which form
the olerk or inspector shall fill out in his own handwriting and certify
to in the sp~oe provided therefor. ~uoh form shall be in lieu of the identifi-
oa.tton sl ips und the elector shall present the same to the olerk or inspeotor
, ' .
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.' .
operating the voting maohine, ~ich clerk or inspector shall also oertify and
sign the same aocording to the form provided therefor, und deposit the same
in the container for identification slips. This form shall be as follows;
I.~, .:,.,
...,',. .
! ,'," '\, I
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, ' ..,' ~""
~or.m to be followed bY' clerk or inspector when elector cennot write, or
requires assistance in voting, and to be placed in the oontainer with identifi-
oation slips.
I hereby certify th8t an applioant to vote stated that he could not write,
ehereupon I propounded the following questions to the applioant:
1. Hold up your ~ight hand. Do you solemnly swear that the answers you give
to these questions are true, so help you God1
, ." ,
.;' " ,'. ,.'
".'t"" '",
:,';~f\~~,~ie:' \
,J' tt.;:....,~..
2. What is your name?
3. Your age? .
4. Your address?
5. Your oooupation?
6. Why are you' unable to write?
Your sex?
Did you previously present yourself and have your name
on the 01 ty registration bo oks in time for this election'?
8. Are you a duly qualified voter in this City?
ent ered
9. Are you physically ~ble to oast your vote? (If' answer is "no,"
then ask: (a) Do you now request assistanoe in voting? (b)
Why do you need such assistance? ---
I hereby oertify that this form filled out signed bY' an eleotion offioial of this
preoinct was handed to me by the applioant who was person<.lly known to me or "Who told
me thut his name and a "dress was that shown on the form; and tl1bt .L admi$tied the
applioant to vo~ing m~ohine No.
lSignature of official operating machine)
When assistance is glveu, eleotion offioial must sign below:
(Note: It is unlawful to assist, or be in the voting maohine, while the
curtain thereoX is 010se4, with any elector unless such elector is blind, unable
to read, or so physio~lly incapaoi tated as to be unable to operate the maohine
and requests suoh assistance.
I oertify that I assisted this eleotor in voting at his request.
(Signature of al~rk or inspector
assisting elector to vote)
(2) It shall be unlawful for any pe.rsoll to be in the voting maohine with.
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eleotor while the ourtain of such lUbchine is closed, exoept 1n cuses where suoh
elector is blind, linltble to read, or is so physicully incl:lpaoitated as to be
unable to operlite tho voting moohine. In suo h oases only th e ele otor mt:ly upon
request be assisted in voting by the olerk or one of the inspeotors a's the eleotor
may seleot. The officiel giving the usnistanoe shall first be required to sign the
oertificate lust provided above.
(3) It shall be the duty of the city oommission to furnish a suffioient number
of these farms to the 0ity Clerk who shwll deliver a suffioient number thereof to
efJoh voting precinct ,along with end 111 the same manner as other eleotion para-
All signature identifioation slips shall be curef'ully preserved by the Clerk and
inspec tors of electi on, but in those ins ttlnces where an (lffidavi t shall have also
been made by a person signing a signature identificatio slip, then the signature
identifioation slips and affidavits bearing the signatures of the same persons
shall be placed together in a separate envelope to be kept septlrate and distinot
from the remaining signature identification Slips, but all such signature
identification slips and affiduvits preserved as aforesaid sahll be returned to the
City Glerkwhose duty it shall be to carefully presarve same for the period of at
least one year, subject, h~/ever, to inspection by any elector of the City and to
deliver the same to the city corrumission upon denand, after taking a written
reoeipt therefor.
Section 27. DELIVERY OF REGISTl:U1TION BOOKS. It shElll be the dut:\' of the Gity
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Clerk to deliver the orLginal registration books containing the signature of the
electors to the olerk and inspeotors of the various polling places for all eleotions.
Seot~bn 28. VOTING ~~CHIllliS, CUSTODIAN. The City Clark shall be custodian
of voting machines. Such custodian shall have authority to. appoint such assistants
or deputies a s in his opinion sha 11 be necessary to pro perly and ellicently prepare
and supervise maohines prior to and during elections.
Section 29. SEALING CURT.nINS. Curtains on all voting maohines shall be securely
sealed or fastened before being used in any election so that the clearance lever
oannot be operated without opening or closing curtuins. l~nd no voting machine, while
in use ,for the purpose of voting, shall be hidden or concealed in any voting place
or in any manner, so as to hide or obscure the same f'rom publio view.
Section 30. The members of the board of elections shall receive such compen-
sution for their services 8S may be provided by the City Commission.
Section 31. APPLICi~TION OF OTHER ELECTION ORDINJ~NOES. All ordinances and parts
of: ordinances now in foroe rela ting to elections shall apply to elec~ions under this
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ordinanoe so far as the same may be app1icable thereto and not in conflict therewith.
Seotion 32. PENALTI~. Any person violating any of the terms or provisions of
this ordinanoe shall, upon oonviotion thereof, be fined not to exoeed $500.00 or
~prisoned not to exceed 60 dews.
)3.~his ordinance shall be effeotive immediately upon its passage.
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