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Special Commission Meeting
Deoember 14, 1948
The Oity Commission of the Uity of Uleorwater met in speoial session in
the City Hall at 5:JO P.}~. with the following members present:
J. O. Houze - Meyol'-Oommiss1.:mer
Leland F. Drew-Oommissioner
Guy L. Kennedy-Uommissioner
J~bscnt: Harry lJ. Sergeant, J. H. Crune.
Also present were: Boyd A. Bennett, Oity Manager, George W. Smith, Uity Attorne,y,
and J. J. Elliott, Uhief of ~o~ioe.
The meeting ~os oalled to order by ,Mayor Houze, who explained th~t the
purpose of the meeting was to eata bl.lsh the prooedure for the regular Municipal
Eleotion, Deoember 21, 1948, and in oonsideration of Ordinanoe No. 567.
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Ordinanoe No. 567 was read in rull by the Oity Attorney, after which it
was moved by Commissioner Dre~, seconded by Commissioner Kenned and Qa~ried
that the Ordin&no~be passed on its second reading. ~:
The Mati on was 0 arried unanimously'
There being no furtner business to oorne before the Board, the meeting was
adj ourned.
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* * *
Specia~ Meeting Deoember 15, 1948
The Oity Uommission or the City or Clea~~ater met in special session in
the City Hall at 1~:30 A.~. with the foll~Jing members present:
J. O. Houze - Mayor-GOnIDlissioner
J. R. Urane - UOL1missloner
H. D. Sargeant-uoDll1isnioner
Absent: Leland~. Drew, Guy 1. Kennedy.
Also present were Boyd A. Bennett, city Manager, George VI. S~ith,'Gity Attorney,
and a. J. Elliott, uhief or ~olice.
The meeting wao called to order by Mayor Houze, who explained that the
purpose of the meeting was to est8blish the prooedure for the regular Munioipal
Eleotion December 21, 1948, and for the third reading of Ordinanoe No. 567.
Ordinance No. 567 was read in full by the uity Attorneys after which it
was moved by Uommissi oner Grane, seconded by Commissioner tiarge~nt and oarried
that the Ordinanoe be passed on its third reading.
. The mo:tion was carried unanimously
There being no further business to oome betore the Board, the meeting was
adj ourned.
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