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Oity of 01earwater
Speoial Oommission Minutes
Deoember 13, 1948
ClearwQter, Florida met in speoial
1n the City Hall at 7:30 P.M.
The Oity Oommdss1on of the Oity ot
session the evening of Ueoanber 13, 19~8
with the fOllowing members present:
J. O. Houze - Mayor-Oommissioner
Leland F. Drew-Commissioner
Guy L. Kennedy - Uommdssioner
Harry D. Sarge&nt-Commissioner
Absent: J. R. Orane
Also present were~ Boyd A. Bennett, City Manager, George W. Smith, Oity Attorney,
and Captain.', George MoOlamma, representing the Polioe Department.
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Il.'he meeting was oalled to order b~' Mayor Houze, who explained the purposes of
the meeting were: 1. to establish the prooedure for holding the regular Munioipal
Eleotion, Deoember 21, 1948., 2. the oona1d era ti on of the Oi ty Manager's report
and reoommendation regarding the open storm sewer ditoh through the property on
whioh the J!inerson Housing l'rojeot is to be looated., also the surfaoing of Palm
Bluff Street adjucent~the projeot at an approximate cost of ~2200.
The City Attorney now read Ordinance No. 567 in 1'ull. It was moved by
OWDnissioner Drew, seoonded by Commissioner Sargeant and unanimously oarried that
the Ordin2noe be passed on its first reading.
The Oity Manager made a report on the Emerson Building Project, and reoommended
that the Oity buy suffioient ~8 inoh tile for closing the open dra~nage ditoh at
a oost of approximHtely $6500, to be paid from the Gas and Water Fuhds, sinoe this
ditoh is used by the Gas Pl~nt in disposing of its wast~ mwterials. 'The installation
of the pipe to be handled by the developer. The City M8n~ger also reo9mmended that
the Oity surfaoe a twenty foot wide strip of Palm Bluff Street, 8S requested by Mr.
Emerson. It was moved by Commissioner Sargeant, seconded by 'Commissioner Kennedy
and unanimously oarried that"the recommendations of the Oi ty Man~ger be approved.
It was moved by uommissloner Drew, seconded by Oommissioner Kennedy Bnd
unanDnously oarried thBt the following persons be Eleotion Offioials for the
Municipal ~lection on Deoember 21, 1948.
Olearwater Fire Department on Garden J1.venue:
Robert L. Dixon, Clerk
Mrs. T. C. Wilson, Inspector
1~s. Sallie Guzman, Inspector
Mrs. Mollie SheQrer, Inspector
Mrs. JBlmS Hope, Inspector
Mrs. W. L. Comstook, Inspector
Mrs. Bert Brqdy, Inspeotor
J. R. Thomus, Inspector
Beaoh Fire Station
Henxy R. Hearsey, Olerk
Dallas R. Sherwood, Inspector
Mrs. H. L. Sweger, Inspeotor'
Mrs. Eddie Burton, I~peotor
Ordinanoe No. 567 ti set out below, and is herewith mode & part of these minutes.
There being no further business to come
before the Bo.rd, the ~eeting was
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