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with the
November 27, 1948 ---_________
City C ommil.wioll me t in SjJe ciul session ut 12 0' clock noon, Nover~~,
follov/lug members llI'c-3sent:
J. O. Houze - 1.:LJyor-CoCluJliBul()Il(~r
J. H. Crtjlle - G or:lIJLis ::ioller
H. D. S~r~ount - CODwinuioner
G. L. Kennedy - CorlUIliss ioner
LelEind F. Drew -GOl:unlssioner
\, '
.l\bsout: liono.
..t\lso ,.r'esellt: Boyd Jl. Bennett, Uity Muneger, Goorge \1. Smith, City l~ttorney,
end J. J. ,~ll iott, CIlia l' 01' l'olic e.
]'iuj'OI' Houzo roud tIle spelJ iEi 1 cull notice which s tu ted thu t tile p urpoDo of the
meeting WuS to cOllsider the resignution of' l!'renl( Cooley us Uity llUditor t:Jnd vlerk.
I\'luyoI' Houze reud tIle resienuti ,m urn it w~.s moved by Jommissioner Crane, seconded
by CJOllU,lisl3 iO.wr Drew t1l1d urwnimou sly c m'I'ie<.1 tho t tlle resigubtion of Frank Cooley
be El c cepted "titll reGl'ets, e1' l'ect.i ve .:Jece!:1l bel' 1.
1),'110 City hltmuger pointed out i'rOJ!l tIle lute tluuit 01' the vit~'tih~~nJbre!it iJl(}1'eea8
01' tho Uit::'s business \'Iitllin tl1c lust fUVJ YOLlrs, llnd rG!uEll'}~od th:...t;th1.s in cOllsiderbtion
it VILlS l15f; rCCOllfWl1Ut..t;ion tlltlt the duties of Uity .huditor und Clerk be diviued into
two hduds, illwlely thut 01' City ~~uditor bnd Clerk, l:lnu 'l'l.'eusureJ.' und Collector und
i.SSistiJllt Jlel'k, uncl tlH:..t til'. H. G. \:iI160 be UPIJoiIltcu City J.uditor end Clerk, und
1I1r. li'rullk .l.beJ.'1ulthy be Cll)IJ ointed Treun urer ond Gallen tor 8nd J.ss.lstall t Clerk , effective
Dec 81:1ber 1.
It VJL.S f:lOV od by GOIll1llis~;ioller Sbr{~c!;1llt, secoacleu by GOillDlisE:.ioner Jru1l8 C:lnd
uilCJnimollsly curried tlwt l,;r. Vliu{;o Clnd 1.'.;.1'. .l,borrwtily ue c.lj)lJoiri.ted os recommended by
tIle City 1,~t1nllgel' UBi taut OlIUl1 be given uS of .JecElllber 1 a :;;25.00 inur'euse in salLlry;
fW'th'3r tliut the City LU!luger within JJ (Juys !JBlw b ~;LU'vey 01' the tVIO positions in
order thbt the salbriQs might be ujustecl cOIiJ.Illensurute to their duties Clud resllonsibilities.
.tlt the oug,;e~tion of' the City l.lblwger, 1\:1'. H. 1... Turnburke V/oS requested to rnl:lke
an budit CiS 01' Decer,lber l, the elld 01' the llres~nt City Olerl-::' s term, und that Mr.
Turnburke be ,pui<l extra f'or this vwrk.
It '1;\Ili S movod by -';on~i 3;;i;Jaf..~r Crc:me, s ec.;;)ndcd by OOI:J!lissionc::r Drew bncl untlnimousl'y
cCirJ.'iod tIlt. t tlHl next reCLl1ul' U o;.llli:s Lm meeti ng be ;)Qstpolled from I~;onduJ', Dee em bel' 6
to \ledne sduy, Docer,lber 8.
Their beillg 110 further business to CJf:le uefore the .Joc.l'd, the meeting
. . r< "..:;
.~ f""
By: 1!'l'unu es ..dclwrds
::;OC1'(:: tt, ry E. nd Chief 1!;x!:l!J1lhner
" ~'.. .
:"~'\: :.c ,...;:.,:~;,,~ ...~ .:,: :.. ~~\.;;.,\;.;........., '~.,. ,.,#"...c....\"'!:<.....,,'... ~'-.' ~'"_'''
., ." ,..,.....", ',", ". .,"
~ n ~ ,_ .._....<~OOf.....,..~ .."..:"".~.~,_..._........ .....,. ~ ....,'.
I 0 I)::;,
It IllJ~ boen 1:1:" gooel fortune to l~n,joy the fricnJ~hip 8Ild close co-operation
of oLtJh mmaiJor 01' this \'~OIlllilis~3ioll, Lad, tho Cit.y hlunugor for which I om very
I uloo Ula doo)ly Ll'utui'ul 1'01' tho privileGe tll<..t hUD been uff'ordcd me of
serving tilo uitL.oa8 D1' ,:leUl""Lter so lone.
i".~:;): ~.'.
, .f ',,,
l:',.~_~; ,';
'I ' ' ,",' '
.. ',..'
I" ,.,
, '.1. ..'
HOllOrl1ble Dourd 01' City COlllmissioners
I horob~/ tondor you IllY rosigllutL,)(l uS 0it,y ~.uditor oud C1Cl'k, effective !:.It
your good IJ18u~ur(j /lOVI, or, uy lJueomuer 1st.
\" .",
I: ,
.\ .
\ '
\ '
J". "
1'.:,:"'.~:' ,
\'.". .".\:.
{fl~Ilij :
~j4~?;;j( .
" '1
'l'hu fiI':.:;t Jl' t1lt~ your I expeut tJ be Llployed in the office of H. H. ;:Jterlt 19,
Jaunt:,' rrux "soeusol', lUect.
Yours resJ)ootful1y,
Flc.:rK OUOL..:.Y - sicned
Oi ty ..udi tor bnd Jlerk
Members 01' the city COl.lIrlissian
Cleur'iHJtcr, It'lol'id.u
Gen tler~1en:
There vlill lJe u .sl)~,;Dl.L 1\;.u:.fl'I1JG of the City CorurnLsion, :Jutu1'dey, 12:00 Hoon,
lJovember 27, 1<Jh8, City Hell.
1. r.chis meetiag is lJeinc held 1'01" thE. ljlU'i,o~)e 01' oonsidering tile resigIltltion
01' 1.11'. lo'rL.llj( 000ley u1id 1'illinr; the VuC:,flCY.
2. '1'0 eonsicier l101dine; the first lrlOetill[5 in lJece~ilber t\,O or three dbYS leter
in tne Hoath.
3. Consideration of un:,' other business t,,:,.t by ullLlnimous e0l1Ss11t might be
brQUBht Uj).
Yours very truly,
BOYD J. 13mmi~rl"r -signed
c; i ty IJo rlEl[; er
1;j,'. II. (j. '11 iuga
206 };1ellllsylvuniu
Cleurwuter, Flo1'idu
November 26, 1941
DeLII' 1ur. \lingo:
'1'his is t:.J udvis e you U..ut y;)U hbve s ue cess1'ul1~y !H:lssed the IJ1'Omoti onal
exuminClt ion 1'01' tl:.e llosi ti on 0 f Oi ty .i.udi tor und Clerk v'li th (;. ,dllul gl'5de 0 l' 90.18
Your nWile hos ueell pluced 011 the eligiLJle list for tll~;t ;Jo~;ition, und ;you VJill be
given due cOllsiclorutioll when un C:;l)polntIrlOl.t is I;k.de.
IIo-"JiIlG tl1ut we nwy r~Llve the opportunity of servillg you in tIle near future.
Yours very truly,
OIVIL 3.JHVIG j~ i30~.l(D
lion. City COlmllDSion
City of Gleal'vHJter
Cleerwbter, Florida
May I reque'st that the Commission consider my bPIJlictltLm for the position of City
Clerk. '
I tood the exemination 1'01' this position on Hovember 25th, 19l~.l, Illl:lking 8 gr8de
,o'f 90.18 and VHIS udvised b:; the Civil Servioe Secl'ctLiry th8t my nl.:;IUO hbd been
pleced 011 the list es bei ng eligi blo for the t p08i tion.
be greatly upprecibted.
Respeotfully ~ours,
H.G. Vlingo - signed
", , '\'
CI'llY GOr.a.lI33ION MIlru'l'ES
HOV JlI:.iJ..:;l{ 27, lY48
", ",'" ,',"
" ." . I '
. ":.,."
. \ ':..' ~ ,
, ' ,
Muyor Joe Houzo
Cleul'1;wtor, 1"18.
Dour Mr. IIOllZO,
Since h.r. Gooloy hus Llooil4ed t,J luuve the omploy of tho \)i ty, I 1JVDu1d like to
ask you to kindly COilsider IllY bjJ)J.icutioll 1'01' the position 01' G1ty J~uc1itor unct GIerk.
I 'would1ike to liut ~i01:l0 of t:ne ':"b'Jt~3, (l:wny 01' which you Llro persolwlly f81ullier
1;vith) wllicll I believe quu1i1'y me Wi to ubillty t~'J illJr1'orf:l llll 01' the duties 01' the
Clerk and to conl'oI'm to l.ll Uivil Jar'vIce rules tlwt u:JiJly.
I huve lived \Jithin tilS City 1imi ts or -';lE:Ul'\;,.tel' 1'01' 21d yours, lLtlvillg arrived
here in .I.uGuot Ilj;:4, S~OIl tdtel' leL:vinc soll~)ol in rl'en,\e8::;ed, 111~' Ill:..tive stL:te, I hbve
been u hon6 owner fm' b.ll.1;)st IH YUul':J; th is I 1'0'.:1 is eosentibl f'ol' l.J I3J'mi){,l tnetle l:1Ud
helpful Ull:Jer~3tuntiinG 01' tho J:l1,uJ' iJl'QblemB \'I~.icli [:J'O dully brougl1t t,) the City ':;lerk
by our peo)le--tho 1)1'0;)81' llLlulinC of vlhiell is bi[;;11y iU;)Ol'tbllt to tho UI:liuhlo relution-
31111) bet','1eon citi7..011S IBid the ~.dll~.nistn.ltioll.
I l1uve been e .j'J.oy:;,J 1Jy tho :.lity i'or tho j)tUlt S j'curs, '7 of VJllicll lluve been spent
in tlte)l61'Ic' u 0~'fic0, \lilOl'e I llUV(~ sel'ved UG ,.)t..Gllisl' i.:.dlU Disbur!Jill[; or ;'ico:['. '1'l1e lost
2~ :1(H.lrs I Le,Vl) Ut)Oll ill the tllX .0Ul.JI... rtLlcn t vil,i,cre ;'li.n~' or l,ly ::: utieu hLVC (l8en c;s direct
U 3B 1:3 t ,. :1.t to ~ .1' ,,: 0;) 1 :;Y rn- ;;,,1':1:L n{~ . 11'':' ~)U rty u ~l,-, e:::[H If:;\ t [; :;;, n; I r1bi nt olniat; tl',e LC'f~ul Fi Ie
und ll.:;nol'u.r: in :JUC]\ U HLrll)!' LU tJ I"(~n'.lel' "L,if:)Cf:-:'LlossilJlu :3erviGG to tile t;enerul
public (;n ','011 LS tv tJ~c ot:t;~r de.JL~rtF:eIlts.
I tllrl VCl';)' IJl'Jud of tl1:J fuct I h.<..ve l:1 jlOst 01' i'l'iends Ulilvrlg the Churches, :i3usinGss
llnd j:l'o1'Q~;~\i,Jn,-;1 Cl';,Jll.i.13 ~_, n:.i J.'vIi til.:ul 1~;:~dGl'G, L. f.l \j 8-,,1 b~; Vao pIG in ull 01' tilO other
\'Julks :Jf lil\:, but I 1 I..: V('; il(~V81' CllCL'GCHl in Lny "j;)litic:..,l <..ctlvit;'l1l01' do I I1E..Ve uny
OI.lbi ti JIl t:) thu t (;11..1.
I Ul.l h~~ yours old, llul'l'icu wtd Ll :..;o;)clll~1Jltil, ",[J ovic1unoocl oJ' the f,.ct thvt I
huvo L~1u:.i(;u. J d~;~'8 \JOl'!c ill tiuJ J.)U~~t 2 you!':]. If ~ OU S:J clc::,il'~;, I YJould creutly
upl.J.L'O () it; tel:111 oP: 101' t u.lli t~. t~) .i,fe:r'sLJIH,..lly C OJ.LO ;;01',)1",) the \,} omuiss 1:.J 11 t.:::> l' urth er diD ells S
this I:wttsr. If JTOU, 1.:1'. LL~10I' Lfle! tile otLo:.: CUllt10.LlQIl 01' tile; CO.lnr.:ls;j l.Oll, (J11 of
'\'1110IJl I c:Jl1sic.l.er LJ~r .L'riL:lul::;, S,)L(~ ;)f ';~l'y LJIlg ~jtL;,_luLlg, 3.'Ju](L so i'i"t t,O hOIlor hie
\'iitl:t tlh; l)l'OU:Jti()ll to ,:"a ty ':;101'1;: uHi ",uJitor, I c c...a ti~8uro you of r.:..y Lest eff'orts at
811 ti.ues 1:1 .;;) i31' 1'Ol'l.lLl1lUO of L.~' i.lut ic~.
ReG~ectfully y~urc,
l!'J.".Jtllc .. oorne.. th~! - siC Hed
" ..'.'
":..' ,,',
';.: "