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CITY OJ!~ CL..Gi.H\'JJ.rIi1H
UOl.J,J:0JION hiINU'l'J~0
NOVGl:1UC.l' ~~, lSl4;
,,')... ....;/
'1,'110 GitJ" c.;ol.Jll1im;ion llet in n;)(j(;lt,l :"';0:"';81011 the evellillC 01' .Novouber 22, 191~8
LIt 7:)0 l'.L~. in tilo CitJ lit: 11 , \Iltll tllO .f'Jll:.J\lil:.~ :~~I;,,(n'~3 ill'd:':Ollt:
J. O. liou~o - L.t.;YOl'-Coumi:..;si:.>llDl'
J. l(. 'Jrl..:lW - JOl,U .i:J~.; Lmcl'
H. D. Jurcnullt - 0()!a.l.l:l;,:Ji..J:l,,Jr
Lolllnu. F. Ul'(j\, - 0 ()Lll.lis:J 10 Ill:!'
G. L. l(lH1ll0dy - 0ou".i88ioflUl'
t .
J. bSGllt: lIo no.
JO,lso ~)l'O:jOilt \;\'31.'0 lJo;yJ... .uOll:16tt, Jity h..L.m.ger, l}eorge '... Slllith, ,Jity .l:.ttorney,
UJlc1 J. J. ,~LLiott,Jhi(.:l' 01' J.oli0(;.
..,~. '
l.:tl:,'or Ibu::.:o reuu. the !lotic ~l 01' tlw slJoc.:1ul lih.letiuG, vdlieh sttlted tht<t the purpose
\'JUU to cJrwic.ter the i30twh ~~l'o:Jion J.'l'olJlulll.
, .
" /::',:~: <:\.>:.~: '
J~ttor!l(''Y .dlilJ ips bud otl1erD fol' tIle Juycens Ul'g~c.l. t;:lGt ilaLleditl te :::;tops should be
tU~::Oll 'L~) st(1) t.ilO Juily \llJSL.l.ll[:; 8\.uY 01' tilU Juycue l.)CH:.lCll 1'l'Ol1tuee - the b08ch llEl1't being
pl'eotiut.Jlly bll "luSllOd U\/bY ;U\"v.
"I".'. " .
:.. I
' " I
. .
. .: ;
1\:1'. Je~jsc J. :Jmith, ,';!wi.l'utln, t..nd 0. .i!:. ~ILll'O, ,.ttol'ney for the .r:3etich ~!'osion .i3otird
l"oviEmou the v.ork of' 'the 130u I'd, d'ur..ing tho 1t.wt tlu'ee YOurs, to\'lul'd bJh'iving lit the best
possible :..iolutioll 01' tiLl3 BeLJelt _.~rooi:.Hl J. I'Jblur.l. f.!.l1ey st~ ted tl1bt it v:us the conclusion
01' tile J.3om'd thLit U cOliliJilllltion t~rOill uni setl-\,Llll ~)l'oj out woulcl be the best solution;
Groins to be S.ik.ced LIt u d1stuLlue oi"' 19O .1.'oet.
Chui:rJJ.U!l Crt.ne, ~l1Uil'HU!l;;1" the .Betwh ,~l'o:Jbll .;Ol.llllittee, s,..tell tlle-.t lill unxiety
c:JllcornillC tile ol'osi:Hl O.i.J.:.Josi te tll'::; J'uycec builJill{~ \'j:"S untiroly justi1'i~d, !;.;lld that the
c.Juc1it.ion rILl:; BlnioUfJ, Lad tl1Llt it \ LfJ 'Ul(~ ..JJ.llnlJll 01' "Ltw JO;.i1littp.e thtlt the investigr,tion
~~hould c~llltiuue until thE; finbl solLl.ti:.>n 01' tlL8 .)l'OlJL.:Ll is 1.1TiveJ' Lt~
COl:IUis sLuur Konnedy mov eu. t:l~ t the l'el)ort of vOliIl, LS~3ioflGl' Crt;ne be l;J(;?epted and
thLlt the GOl::iLii,tee GOiltLlUc their viork ill tile l.nvesti[;ution una study ai' b l)1'ope;r- s::>lution.
G ,J!'lIilissiolle~' lJre\'i s0conued. tllU l:ioti on una the SblJe v. uS our .l'ieu ullEmunousl y.
. ::~. :~jr .
i~ letter \'Jt..s l'Uud 1'1'Olil tIlC :LiollS 01Ll.lJ, .sett.i:l€; i'Ol'tll tt it3;lltut:::''ve lJ~ull \Ihel'eby the
Liollu Jlub \Ioulll deed tlw l)J.:'o';.Jel't~' :')11 tl"8 sou.th siue of t;J.e Wwter l'l'Ont l.ltlI'lc to t.he -Jity,
Bud thut tiw Jity in exch~nge VJould 18use t:.> the Li0as ~luiJ 1'01' u l.Jei'iod 01' ;>0 years with
Ol)ti()fl.01' renov/--l u tl'LCt of luud. 95 x 10$ fCE:;t on the nOl'tll side 01' the \'Iut~r 'fl'~nt
purl~, ~Gid lllot of ground l~'illg 175 feet west 01' Osceolu tlIlCt 10 l'et::t ,soutll oi' th.e nO.L,th
line 01' tbe City .l..)u:dc l)rOllGI'ty.
On the Doti on 01.' C 01lli.1isD ioner 01'0\'1, the telltu ti vo lll':.>..Josul 'fJUS .l'eferl'ed to the
City l~ttorllGY, v;ith u re(;uest tilL.t lle 0::<'.1)101'0 tl1elel~c.il uS.l.)ects 01' tile cuse - the Oity
l~ttO~'llU;y' to ro./ort his findings ut its .next r'er.:ul/...r meetLlg.
1~ t the request of Doc tor C; en tel', the Ui ty (JOll1Lilission unUnil:JOuuly oxtell ded the
Buildi ne .:!cl'l:.li t I'ceea tly is sued to the Lions lH ub .'01' u period oi' thirty duys.
It Vias moved. by 0olD.missi oner Url:1ne, secowled. by COl!llUissiQI1E1r Drew and unanimously
C ~rried tllU t the 0i ty i,lt:llltlgcr !:Hld Olle r' elH'es entuti ve oi' the .i.leuch ili'osion 13ot.rd b c
Llutl10rized to attend U llleetiilg of' tile ':;outhel'n St,6tes C;OE.;stEd. ~l'osioll Control .J1sGociation
to be held in 1)011:1 .Jeuch, 11'10l'idCl, becinnir:g Decembel' U, ut tL.e City's eX.iJense.
It \/ClS L:loved by UOlamissi()ller CrullC, seconded by UOJ.llluissL.Jil.tT Sorge8!lt and ulllin.tl!10usly
c;ur1'ied t.i:wt lJollu111 l.i. 3trolle; be C:li)pointed City JUdge to hear t;le Cl:1~C of hex lltJrtin.
1'11e1'o oei.ilg no l' urtiwr bus iness to corne uefore the Doerd, ti te meeting vias adj ourn ed.
/ .. .;_.'
I /" ~~
. . ( . l.--:tr:l<J7
11l:.lYOr-Ool1lI1liSSiollr<."._. 0
. . '
lio11S Club COIIDlunity BUilding.
TI10 builcjil1~ comwittee 01' the Lions 01ub 1ms !..laked .me to set forth ttleir
undel'st~mding of ttlO tont.utive urrullcem611ts disCllssocl \vitb S~l:le uf your members,
conCOl'llill{~ Oil CJ~Gh\;.Jll.(~e 01' ,j.;1J.'Jpel'ti...;D VJittl rOL~urd to tho J,iOllS (Jol;wlunity Building.
"q'.' .
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Hon. City- C01l1mi~sion,
Cleorwuter, Y~oridu.
'Th.e LiollS 01ub mms Lot '? Gild un ulllllliolbered lot ill Ml;.urd 1.:il1s Stib,wllich
lot's Llro neurly SU.l'l'ouJlc1e;] b:; ei ty 11<...rl( [l rOllOI' ty. 'j,l!.l,ey IttlVO u bullUl flg IJOrllli t for
locuting tlleLr lJu.llJj,lll~ Oll suiLl lots.
Our und<ll'Gtunding is tj~t.t ill excb.un[;c for u ,load to theua iota, tlie dit~7 vlill
leuse to UD t. tl'uct r~ugl11y doso:dbcd uS ~ t~f..ot 95 ::x loG fect, 1:-,:iug 1/5 ft. vlest
of' Osceola ...va., o III I 10 reet oouth 01' tile north line 01' the city llL;rk pro ,erty, (Iud
trclllsfer Ollr bu,illliai~ lhJrait to suld lXution. f}.'he loaso t:1 run for 50 ye8rs, with
olltion ai' l'ellGwbl i'or I.l like ter~l, l..t .)1.00 jJer yeur, ond ttl\:Jt the property, being
8 civic buildillg would not be suu,iect to tuxes. 'l'he city would lU.lve the p:tivilege
of' tulcing ovel' tho bui1dillB in the event the Lions Glub should. defl:.ult on the l)5yment
o~ its mortgl.lge obligotions.
It ocours to lne thClt the best t1~roneement wo uld be to use the same pl'scedul!:'e as
was tuken with the JuyGee Beach Club; thLt is, deed the prope~ ty to the Lions Club
untl.1 the buildin& is fimmcccl f,lud erected, VJhereUl)On the Lions Club would d~ed the
pro j)erty bu ok t 0 the ai t:,' find tElke 8 le use. r.I.1his vlould avoid technic el di~ric ul ties
in the nHltter of finunci.lg.
We unllerstund th~lt the city Li lso VJ tlnts to ofric iEilly vucate t be plat of
Ceu~eVlClY Busill6S ~J 1)is tr let, t.nd dedic ute the prOlJCrty for llo rk lJw' ./.,loses.
Yours very t~uly,
~.~. Satterfield - signed.
~ '
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