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..i. ?? ? ? ??•?W?LAJLa2.I;l5.w, u. ? ? C 1 ? ? ?' '1 ? ' Ji , C ? i? 11 y? ?? l,?r?vrf 'n ?: ?. 1 , iF? r ,,r.-. ??(? I?, ?,;??: ' ' ._ , J r.. i! `L'he rieetin?; was called to order by I>.cti r?; .•.uyor-C oran?is,?rioner Crane, who explained the ??«pose of the r18Ltirlg to be the consideretiatt of an ordinance ex.l?ressin?; the intent of the City Cofani:?sion, as to the pUS:?age and oner?.tian o1' ordinances 11os, 559 and SbO, levyif? respectively a ten prsce:tlr general excise tax on certain utility services, end a five percent special ez:cise tax on the saute utility :services; alas the consideration oP any pertinent faeasures incident to the defense of a suit brought in the Circuit Court of 1'incllas County l?'lorida by ttte t'enir?sular '1'elephor? c:ompcny att?ckinE; the vuliclity and operation of ordinances nos. X59 and 560, City Kttea'ney atnith Qxi?lained that the two main contentions made by the Tele_thone Campiny in the suit wore that tr© l+.t;islature 1r<?d set a ceiling of ten ?ferceut on the excise tort, rand thtlt the passage oi' the five percent ordinance no. 560, bei:t6 of a later date than ordinance no. 55y, ropealed this ordint:nce, W111Ch enacted a ten percent tax. The City t`ittarney also explained that the suit would vrit.?out doubt be a.:peeled to the supreme Court by the ?i'elephone Company if they sufi'ered rtn tadverse ruling in t:te lover court; further that fire suit was v?ithout direct ,precedent, and would involve a greet amount of time and legal research, for beyond that wuich might be reasonably expected of a City t?ttorney in the ordinary exeroise of his office, The City attorney recommended that Judge 0, K, heaves of Tamps be employed ras I.s:,ociate Counsel to help hifn in the defense of the suit. Tlt.e Coatmission by unanirnous consent agreed to pay the City nttorney a reasonable fee for his services and upon the motion of Cofnmi:.sioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Sargeri?t, the Coffuaission unanimously eatp?rfered the City ?.ttarney to eruploy such associate attorney or attorneys as he thought best to as:.ist hire in the defense of the suit. City attorney Cnrith read in full Ordinance No , yb2 , the title of vat.ich is as follows: OttDII`1ES1C,; N0. 562 ?tN ORDIIJttNCL iu'tl'ttL?SIidG Till; IiJ<I';fdT Ul' T1iL CIT'1 C01iu.iTSSIUf3 OF TII)J CITY 0)±' CL,?,it?'It+TI!;k, 1'LUuIDi? t?;i TU THE' 1'uS?.it?Gi?? ;?idiJ ON%iir?TI?id OF OkDI1Jt1PdQi+IS I1US. 559 =AND 56U, II!?'II?IG UItDIN?:PdCES Li:'V'??IFJG KJ!,SP?dCTIV?Y It ?i'LI? PErICLIJT Gi?ld'ilt?,L 1:tCISi; T.:Y: Ofd L'?IdTt,I'.?I UTILITY Sc1tVTCI?S ??.i•1D ? 1'IVL 1'?$Cit±IdT Oi?LCIE.L i+' CIi? TDX 0 ?1 THi? 5:+; "1+? U'1'TLIT7C ;iEF,VI'? EIS; CUIIL'Il?I?1T:dG hLL t?CTS DO;dL :+1'?D kTGH?'S <1i?ID LL,I3ILITILS tii-iI5I1'1G U'>7)ER SuID UfillINl:NCi?S; 1tK.?1tiCTING ;? G?L'II%1tr,L L:?CISI; Ti;,;i OiJ rUitClu:S:S UF' Gt?S, ti"h?T?It, L+'LLC`IItICITY ??IdD 1'1;LLi'HOi?1? SrsiiVICE, 1'i?;OVIllIId.^x l+'OR TFI COLl,i';CTIUIJ OTC' S11CIi Tnj:, ?„IJ i'1t:;SCi?Ii?IidG 1';~.I'L,LT'I'? ` FOI{ VIOLtiTTU;dS, TU 1;?i'Ll?C URDIIt.I?ICE PIU. 55y IId THE ?'V?? ;`1' Ti4.T TIiL CUUi{7.' SfiUULD HOLD Sr,a;iL Ti1tTaLID. After hearing the ordinc+nce read it vans moved by Cofmissioner Drew and seconded by '?`,;;;':??? Comnisaio?er Keilaedy that Ordinance No. 562 be nat>sed on its first reading. The vote on ??''? the motion was as follows: Eyes; Crane, Drew, Kennedy, Sargeu_tt. Idayes: Done. ,, „ :;, , ,;? ti'Jhoreupon acting Pdayor-Commissioner Crane declared the Ordinance duly Massed on its first ?_`???: ?:? reading On the motion of Conuzissioner llrew, seconded by Cof?rnissioner Kentzedy, the meeting was adjourned. •,,. ?, 1 ng Mayor-Comm ssioner ATTEST: ?y r?ud tar and ler: -1 f ?J f CITY CUIr,??fISSTON II;INUT1?? Tuly 26, lyl,8 The City Corlmission r?et in special se:;'sion ut 6:30 P.1c1. July 26, 191+6, in the City ,w?. Hall with the f'ollowinC mr;ntbers ??reoorlt: J. I?, Crane, i?atinfr 14uyor Cofnrtissioner, Harry D, Sarge?fnt, Cor.irnis;7ioncr, G, L, haftrto.:y, Cot:tinisyioner, Leland r. Dz'ev,, Commissioner. Absent; J. U, Iiouze, l,+ayor-C oru.u.s.rioner, ??lso present: George V1, ?Atith, City attorney, J, J, i;lliott, Chief of 1'o.liae.,tsoyd ?,, )jennett, City b,anager. ^,??} •,,,.? ?• ;;; .: ", tt? 1 4'.4 i, 1„ ? ?-? " '? : r ? : r' MR' ttrt. J?. ? ? . ??371 y 1 ??4Yh+ ??i,"p?F tz?'? "1 y?? :il't ? k I v,: ? '?S • 3 ?i3 1 t M ? 1 t? x i$1 ? ? .. t' r ?+i, ?r ? :':{:, i;f: i •1s 5''' ?? ??? ?a?;..'. it ?4+ ??? i?'?'l'r.? '11., i.? 7( ?? tY:' ??, aG ?rf w ra??Y r ?1t f y:,. eA9 ? ? 3.,..? . r t,< 5 {?yr 1 } ., f+'?,7 i. ! f. ?? ,? ,a? ,? a J ?; ' ,?{ ?x „ '?:,1;??srf?,M. is l .-, .? ,;., . ,lr < ,, - l,;r JS 1 ?„.?1 , + „? ? , ., ', r 1 v? ?a? ?. :r? rti.`1 r.c ,?:, ?r?,N? .,1 ._....m?,.?e.; . f :i ?k,. `ti ?; :; i 1 ? y;