06/16/1948 iJJ/1.~0ifl:;i~~....,;::~L,;~".:.:~"~-":~~.~~w~~",,,~":;.c;L.,. "'"~""P"='."""''''''.'' '" " t. i.. ~ CITY OO~aSSION MINUTES June 16, 1948 ------- . . ~...._._- 16, 1948 Crane, Guy Boyd A. The City Oommission met in special session at 12 o'clook noon. June in the City Hall with the following m~be~s present: J. O. Houze, J. R. L. Kennedy, Harry D. Sargeant. Absent: Le~and F. Drew. Also ~resent: Bennett, City Manager, J. J. Elliott, Chief of llolioe. The meeting was oalled to order by Mayor Houze, who explained that the purpose or the meeting was to review the results of the ~oning E~ection held on June l~, 1948. The Oity Clerk read a report signed by the Election Of~icials showing the vote to be as follows: Total number of ballots cast - 208 Total number of ballots mutl~ated - 0 For the approvel of Ordinunce No. 5'5 140 Against Ordinanoe No. 555 66 The report of the Election Officials is set out in full below. It was moved by Oommissioner Orane, seoonded by Commissioner Kennedy and unanimqus1y carried that the report of the Elect~on Official~ be eppr9~ed. There being no further business to E.ld,j ourned. A~~ ~ kuditor and i, ":. .' , ;',,' 't........ ....1'...\, ,~". .;; t~ <,':' i~~;::JL,,~,,",,""W~",'~'""-" .. ._..,_.....~:c_c._."'.:,~~"...,.,.""'.,;;.o;"""=""_.."..:,~;.;'".....,~0k,,~ji!ii;i,'~~~;... STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLi~S CITY OJ!' OLE.AR\'l.ATER We the undersigned Clerk and Inspeotors of the special Uity Zoning Eleotion held on June 15, 1948, polling place at the Clearwater Fire Station on North Garden Avenue, do hereby oertify thtlt we have conduoted said election aocording to law and upon oounting the b~llots find the reslllt of said eleotion to be as follows: Tota1 number of ballots oast ~08 o /t.{O b8 Total number of Ballots mutilated For the approval of Ordinance No. 555 Against Ordinance No. 555 Given under our hands at Clearwater, Florida, this l~th day of June, A.D. 1948. t/1 nspector ~~ 'O~ nspector (f?~z;:4 Inspector Sworn to and subscribed before me at Clearwater, Florida this 15th day or J"une , .. . A. D. 1948. .-1. .l~ . ;. ',,> ~..s:.",,:> '. -_....\;,I4,;:tf~.,,~~~~.~;:~......:..:..'r::...; ",;~,~",,,.,;,...._<';~~,,:~,,,,,~~;~~~d:::'~~~~f?~~' .1' l; '.... " . ". ~~~~jJ ~~1t~\~!:..;.;~~:..._{:, " _~'~~:'W~#~\' :-<t.: ,'t/:~;":~'.t:~. ,~. ~,::~,d7 ';;~t';~:i;:X ':' ,'>:' :.':,'\'. ,', ~, ~iiti~l~~~l~:tf.~~i~.:;Ji.i:;.t~~~:":!;;.:;::~~\'ri;".~~i;.~~,..1..I~.. ~~""".' . ~..'^{ J, ,:~; .. .'" ','",::-:.. S'l'A'1'R OF ll'LOltDlA OOUN'lY or pnUCLLJ~ CITY OF CLEAB\7A TEB ;'\'~\'i'~ ,(;,.~". .;~;t~J ; {~;~{~ ~~ . w. the undersigned 01erk and Inspeotora ot the spooiel Oity Zoning Bleotlon held on June 15. 1948, pol11ne plaoe at the Oleerwater Fire Station on North Gorden Avenue. do hereby oert1ty thut we have oonduoted sald eleotion aooording to lew and upon oountlJ16 the ballots f11ld the result ot' sold election ta be ss 1"0110190: Total nwnber ot ballots OBst ~08 o / '10 68 Total nwnber ot Bcllots mutilated For the approvo1 or Ordinanoe No~ 555 Against Ordinanoe No~ 555 Given under our hands at Clearwuter. Florida. thls 15th day or J~e. A.D. 1948. Inspeotor Sworn to and s~b8orlb8d bet'ore ne a~ Olearwater, F10rlda thls 15th day ot "June 'or. A. D. 1948. ,....'. ..... '" : "'1;":""';.1:': '~,Pf'j' STATE OF FLORIDA ...,' "",..'.:,.j:;';:" ii~{~~~;:::/: ' OOUNTY OF l1INELLAS OITY O~' CLEARV/ATEH We, the undersigned, Clerk and Inspectors for the Oity Zoning Eleotion to be held on June 15, 1948, polling place at the Olearwater Fire Station on North Garden Avenue, do hereby solemly swear that we will well and f~ithfully Inspector Sworn to and subscribed before me at Clearwuter, Florida this l~th day of June, 1948. and Olerk