11/01/1947 , '. ",', .. :.': '~':""'.: ~~; ~~~\::-r,'1 -' \ .,'. .:..... "". -':'.:., .....;':.J.H_ 'V';"''''::'_~d~_ :.t.:.:.:':'::,;... '_~;""'" .; .t~',~..: ~:~~~::'X~:"l.'t;Vr;~ :'d~'~'~i;~';.~~~~i'l;..<U;'~'..:~.L:.~:.<:. .., ...~_.~~~.:~;..~~0~~~~~;;:,':"\., ~'.,' .- \~~ ," . .;. OITY COMMISSION MIlIDTES Novwnber 1, 1947 ~ ~.. ".~' .} "'U_:;;':1',r The City Commdssion met in ~P8Q18~ session tne evening of November 1, 1947 in the City Hall at 7:30 P. M. with the following members present: Oommissioners J. O. Houze, T. A. Johnson, W. C. Wells, H. D. Sergeant. Absent: Commissioner J. R. Crane. Others present: Ohief of ~olice, J. J. Elliott, and Superintendent of Gas De~artment, Fr.ances Middleton. Mayor Houze explained that the purpose of the rneetiag was to disouss with the Safety Harbor City offioials, the Gas Franohise, elso what steps the City of Clearwator oould talee to improve the gas su.pply to Safety Harbor. The following offioials of Safety' Hurbor were present: Meyor Meiser, Commissioners Kinoaid, Mc Keon, Welker and Oity Manager Samuelson. It wfls brollght out in the dis oussion that there 'EU!" at present 135 gas oustomers in Sefety Harbor who paid during 1946 e total of $6424, or e profit to the City' ot Clearwater of' :W470 without however taking into oonsideration depreoiation or o~rrying charges; taking into oonsiderati~n these items would show no profit at all. Superintendent Middleton stated that for en expense of approximately $1000 u oompression type pump could be purohase~ end installed on the Safety Harbor gas line, whioh would increase the omnpressi~n from 10 to 50 pounds and whioh would be satisfaotory. ~t the reqllest of the Commissioners, the offioials of Safety Harbor indicated that they would be willing to assume the collection of the Safety Harbor gas bills at tne City Hall, at a possible saving to the Oity of Olearwater of $300 a year; the CitY' of Clearwater to mail the bills out and calaulate and show on the bills the amount of the ten per oent utility tax. It was moved by Commissioner Wells, seconded by Commissioner Johnson and unanimously carried that the Oity of Olearwater install a compression type pwmp on the Safety Harbor gas line which would increase the gas pressure from 10 to approximately 50 pounds, provided ho~ever that the Oity of Safety Harbor agree to oollect the gas bills in that erea at no cost to the Oity of Clearwater. The offioials of Safety Harbor promised to take action on this proposal of the City at its regular Commission meeting, Nov~ber 4th. There being no further business to oome before the board, the meeting was adjourned. ~. y Auditor &. CIerI: ... ~ ,. ,:~'..;' . l't- -""" ..-:--.... ......- '-, I" ' [ f ' , i. " l ,'. ' :,: .:. , ' , ~', - a CI'I�Y COP,rIIaiISSION ➢2CI1[TTES Ido4ember 1, 191�:j The City Commission mei, in flp�aiai session the svening of Naveinber 1, 19t�7 in the Citp Hal1 at '7:30 P. �:3, with the Pollovaing me�bers present: Commissioners J. 0. Houzo, To A, Johnson, W. C. 'f�ells, H, D. Sergeant. Absent: Cot�ruissianer �'. R. Crane, Others present; Ch',ef oP Yolice, J. J. Elliott, and �uperintendent of Gas Departnien�, Frances IVIiddleton. Tltayor Houze ex�lained that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss with the Safety Hr�rbor City oPiicials, the Gas Franchiae, also whet steps the City oi Clearwater could taY�e to iinprove the gas supnly to Safety Herbor. The following ofSicials o� Safety Harb�r were,present. 1�iayor Nelser, Commissioners Kir�caid, Ivic Keon, V�lelker and City Manager Sanualsott. It wqs brought out in the discussi�n that there�a�s at present 135 gas customers in Safety Harbor who paid during 1946 a total o� �p642t�, or a pra�it to the Gity of Clearwater o� �p470 vaithout however taki�.g into considerati�n depreciatian or cerrying charges; takin� into considerati�n these items would shovr no profit at all. Sunerintendent Middleton stated that for an expense of ap proximately �1000 a compression type pump could be purchased ancl �ns�alied on. the SaYety Harbor gas line, which would increase the com�ressi.an from 10 �0 50 pounds and: which v�ould be satisfactory. �t the request of the CommissionErs, the ofPicials of Safety Harb�r indicated that they would be willing to assum.e the ec�llection of the �sYety HarbAr gas bills at the City Hall, at a possible saving to t he City of Glearwater oi �300 a?��r; the City of Glear�Nater t� r�.� il the bills out and calnulai;e and show on �ae bills the amount of the ten per �ent utility tax, It was moved by Comr.tissi9ner 1Vells, ,seconded by Commissianer Johnson enci unanimouslp carried that the City of Cleaiwatar install a compression type �tunp on the Sai'ety Harbor gas line which would i:ncrease the gas pressure from 10 to approximately 50 potLnds, provided however thet the City oi' Safety Harbor agr�e to collect the gas bills in that area at no cost to the City oi' Cler�rwater. The o�ficials of Ss�ety Harbor promised ta ta�e action on this proposal of the City at its regular Commission meetin.g, November l�th. There being no further business to come before �he board, the r�^eeting was adjourned. � , � Maq�-+Commiss� n . � . U'�"� . 7 � y t�uditor & Cles�� � � �L�