10/17/1947 . ' . . . "', . ',.,:", '. > ;.... ......, ~,.._ ....;~.J.I-'_,,:.:,: ,". _;,\;;::_;,:~~::;',;,:"':,\'.;I:.,~.~. ~'_.......:.._....., <.:.:_.... .._:....~. _,' ,~ '_-" .......;.....b;~.....\:.. ". : ~ ~ 'i !,::.f\i,:/~;;; t(:, c' ~}!K~\f3!!'\'" 111'~~;jit;, I f,:;,:,>:':'~::,;:~:?t'~' , .-----..---- ......'." '" ,'.;'- ...- ....~. ,;.., ,-, '" ..._.,1 ~ . .,.,.....;,..,;'~'^.n..:. "..>'. 'p~;.:... Ci ty Commission Meeting October 17, 1947 n ~\"";"J-:// The City Commission met in speci~l session 8t eleven thirty o'olook A.M. in the City Hall, Ootober 1'/, 1947 ~ith the following memoers present: J. O. Houze, J. R. Orane, H. D. Sergeant, W. C. Wells, T. A. Johnson. Others present: George Smith, City i~ttol'ney, Boyd A. Bennett, Oity Manager, J. J. Elliott, Chief of ~olice. " I -i J~tter oalling the meeting to ordor, Mayor Houze explained that the purpose 01' the meeting was to oonsider the application 01' Chris 1~ Sarris to operate the Florida Kentucky Liquor Store, to oonsider the hesignation ot H.. L. Hodgers and to appoint a man to sucoeed Mr. ROdgers 011 the Oivil Servioe Board. ,; Oommissioner Orane, ChBirmE1n 0 f the l:nvestigat10n Oommi ttee, reported that they investigated Mro Surris's re~er~nces and all reports wel'e ravorab1e. City Attorney Smith reoommended that the license bo granted. Commissioner ~ohnson moved that on account ml the reputation of the Florida Kentucky Liquor Store as operated by fonner owners, renewa~ of the license be rejeoted. It was seconded by Oo~ssioner Wells. The City Attorney stated his opinion that this was an epplioat~on ror a new license rather than a renewal, that the motion was out or order and he suggested that the motion be withdrawn or r~Jorded. Con~issioner Johnson declined to withdraw his motion. Oonunissioner J"ohnson then made the motion that the application 01' the Florida Kentucky Liquor Store be rejeoted due to its past reoord~ The motion was seoonded by Commissioner Vlells. Aye: Wells, Johnson,. No: Houze. Not voting: Sargeant, Crane. Commissioner Houze requested that Commissioner Crane take the ohair t~porarily. It~as moved by COmnUssioner Sargeant, seoonded by Oommissioner Houze that the l1cep.se be granted. Ayes: Houze, Sargeant, Crane. No: ~ ' ~ x" , p-x-: //'7:: Wells, Johnson. ,....; ~,." ",:t"., "'/ .. ./.... I (,...z( 'i'I(;;t..:('.I,.!;-<V:' 7 1('(:y, (,{..CCy Upon Oommissioner Houze a~suming the ohair, Ci letter was /~ad 1'om R/'L. Rodgers, tendering his resignation as b melnber of the Zoning Board. It was Moved by Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Sargeant that the resignation be accepted. 1>11 Commissioners voted l~ye. > ....t , " 4 It was moved by CommissiJOer Sargeant, and Commissioner Wells seoonded the Lllotion that V1111~am E. Crown, Jr., be apointed as a m.ember of the Zoning Board to succeed Mr. ROdgers. All Oommissioners voted unanimously in favor of the ap pointmen.t. There being no :rurther business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ATT.liST: ?till ' A City Auditor ~ , " ' ;,. , ;i... W~~id;,;~i!;,::;?!,;~,',' , },,/,\..t\'" ,( (, . .." ,".r"", " :f~~!~~?~l}~:~:~:'f5~~{f~i :.);l{{~I~i~~,:.~: . ....', "'1. ..- -~","""._- ,'...' ...,,~..-....., -/ y: V././ t' <("c,t_ � .' � u . City Commission Meeting October 17, 1947 The City Co�nission meti in specidl session at eleven thirty o''clock x.M, in the City Hall, October 17, lyL�7 tvit:h the tollowing memeers present: J'. 0. Houze, J. R, Crane, H. D, Sargeant, V�. C, V�e11s7 T. t;, Johnson. Others presentr George Smith, City kttorney9 Boy�, k. Bennett, City Msnager, J. J'.. E'lliott, Chief o� Yolice, K' ,.. ��iYter calling the meeting to order, Mayor Houze explained that the ,�ur�ose oi thc: meeting was to consider the application oP Chris k S�rris to o�erate tke Floxida Kentucky Liquor Store, to considzr the �esignation of R. L. Itodgers and to appoint a man to "succeed Mr. Rodgers on t2ze Civil Service }3oard. Gommissioner Crane, Ghairman o� �he Investigation Committee, reported that they investigated Nr. Serris�s re�'erances and ell reports were favorable. City kttorney Smith recommended that the license be grznted. Commissioner J'ohnson moved tha� on account of the reputa�ion of the Florida Kentucky Liquor Store as opera�ed by foxi,y.er ovaners, renewal oP the license be rejected. It voas seconded by Commissi�ner Wells. The City kttorney steted his opinion tl� t this was an applica�ion Yor � neva license ra�her than a renewal, thet the mation was out oi order and he suggested �hat the motion be withdrawn or rsworded. Co�issioner Johazson declined to withdraw his motiott. Commissioner J'ohnson tihen made the motion thaL 1;he anplication of the Florida F£entucky Liquor St�re be r ejected due io its past record. The �otiion was seconde� by Comtnissioner f,°�ells. xye; Vdells, Johnson,, No: douze. Not votin�: Sargeant, Crane, � Commissioner Houze raauested that Commissa.oner Crane take the chair ��mporarily, It was moved by Commissianer Sargeant, secondc�d by Commissioner { Houze that the license be grante� liyes: Houze, Sargeant, Crane. Ato: V1e11s, �ohnso :�.,,��. �,�.r ' , n. ,,s-, � r�`'�..F, / . � _..•-�-� , x_�.�.4; .�; i'y�fi���r: �;� ���' ��!�, -L �.�,` Upon Commissioner Fi�uze assuming the chair, a letter tivas read i'�om R; I,. Rodgers, tenderirig his resignation �s s member a�`the Zoning Board. It was 1Vtoved by Comraissioner Johnson, seconded by Conm.issioner Sargean� that the resignation be accepted, yll Dommissioners vote@ �ye. It wss moved by CoLnmissi�ner Sargeant, and Comnissioner Vlells seconded the tnotion �hat Pdilliam E. Crown, Jr., be apointed as a member of the Zoning Board to succeed Mr. Rodgers. xll Commissi�ners voted unanimously in favor of the appointment. There being no further business ta come before the Loard, the seeting was adjourned. � MeYo issio ATT3�T: � / ������� l City Auditor & Cle � "'r.,,* � W� �