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Oi ty Commis sion :Minutes
October 9, 1947
--...-._-----.~.- .
"'~. ~/I
The C1 ty Comrnission met in special session at tw 0 thirty 0' clock P. M. in
the City Hall, Ootober 9, 19l~7 with the following members present: J'. O. Houze,
J. R. Crane, H. D. Sargeant, U. G. Wells, T. A. Johnson. Others present: George
Smith, City Attorney, Boyd A. Bennett, City M6Dager, J. J. Elliott, Ohief of
The meeting WbS called to order by Mayor Houze, who explained that the pur-
pose or the meeting was to consider the passing or a new electrical ordinance una
to appoint a m~ber of the' Civil Service Board.
The City l~ttorneY' stated his o.pinion that Ordinanue No. 450 was inv~lld and
It was moved by Commissioner Crane, seconded by Commissioner Sargeant that
Ordinance No. 549 be passed on its first reading. The vote wes os follows: ayes,
Wells, ~ohnson, Crane, Houze and Sargeant.
It was moved by COlllmissioner ~ohnson, seconded by Commissioner Vlells that
Oxdinance No. 549 be passed on its second reading. The vote was as rollows: ayes,
Wells, Johnson, Crane, Houze, and Sargeant.
It w tiS Dloved by Commi ssioner Crane, tl6C onded by Conmis sioner Sargeant that
Ordinance No. 549 be passed on its third reading. The vote was as follows: ayes,
Wells, Johnson, Crane, Houze, and Sargeant.
It was Dloved by ConJr.llssioner Sargeant, seconded by Commissioner Crane that
John R. Burke be appointed to the Electrioal Contractors Examiners Board. It
was unanimously carried.
The resignation or H. E. Finoh, which is to be ef'fective immediately was
considered. It was moved by Commission er Crane, seconded by Commissioner V/ells
and carried that H. E. 1!'ino!l's resignation be accepted. The vote was as follows:
ayes, Crane, Houz e, Sargeant, Ylells, and J ohnso n. .
. It was moved by Commissioner Wells, seconded by Commi ssioner Crane that
Newton Barlow be appointed to the Civil Service Board to fill the voc~ncy that
wes caused by the resignation of H. E. Finch. Commissioner Sargeant suggested
that a veteran be appointed to the CivilSeI~ice Board but none of the Commissioners
knew whether Mr. Barlow was 01' was not a veteran as the question had not aome
up prior to this m.eeting. The vote was as f'ollO'Ws: ayes, Cran.e, Houze, Wells,
Johnson. Hot voting: Sergeant. .
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
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Section 1. That the tollowlng rules and
regulations bll ami tho slime herebY
adopted tor the Inlltallntlon. lIlalntennnee
and repairs ot electrical wIring, appara-
tus or equipment for light, heat or power
withIn the llmlts o[ the City of Clenr-
"vntQr, as they are now or rony hereaiter
be established.
Section::. A permit will be required to
do allY electrical construction at any
character. Install any electrical wiring.
apparatus or elj.ulpment, or make any ex-
tensions or changes to eXisting wiring
Systems. tor lights. heat or power. repair-
Ing ot damaged or brol(en lIxtures. ap-
Ilaratua or equipment and the ordinary
worl( necessary for tho proper main-
tenance of same. 'I'hese pel'mits shall be
Issued by the Chlet 1JlectrIcal Inspoctor.
No such pirmlts lolhall be Issued to any-
one except a Master Elictrlclan.
Section 3. I'ermlts shall be Issuod only
to 1\:laater Electrlcluns, UpO/l payment of
the I'equlred fce or fellS according to the
following schedule:
(A) SGIIEDULN 01<' "~llJl';SI
b'or minimum electrical permit _____$1.50
b'or outlets at which cUl'l'ent Is con-
trolled 01' confJumcd, 1 to 5 outlets_ .75
For elleh addltlonal outlet up to r,OO__ .1U
b'or each additional uutlet over 5UU.. .U5
},'or each current controlllng devllJe,
fixture>l, drop cord und I'eceptncle__ .05
For each meter Installcd oVllr one __ .25
}>'or ea.ch motor or generator not over
1 H. P. ____..______________________ .50
For Ilucn motor over 1 H. 1'. but /lot
over 3 H. 1'. ______________________ 1.00
For each motor over 3 H, 1'. but not
over 6 H. 1'. ______________________ 2.00
For each motol' ovel' 6 H, 1', but /lot
over 10 H. 1'. _____________________ 3.00
For ellch mutor over 10 H. I', but /lot
ovir 20 H. 1'. ____________________ 4.00
For each motor over 20 H. I'. _______ 5.00
Uange Outlet ______________________ .7:;
Heating and Cooking Appllunces over
I J(, W., not over 6 K. ,"Y. _______ .75
Heating and Cooking appllunceu over
5 K.W,. not over 10 K.W. ________ 1.00
Heating and Cooking al>pllancell over
10 K, W. __________________________ %.00
Electrical \Vaterheaters ____________ 1.00
X-ray Apparatus ___________________ 2.00
Dental Unlls _______________________ 2.00
011 Burner Heating Units ___________ 1.00
Attic Fans. each ___________________ 1.00
Electric Elevutor 1nstalllltlon, each__ 6.00
For each electric wolder (trllns[ormer
type) up to 60 Amp. Sec. _____..___ 1.00
For each electric welder (trllns!ormer
type) over 50 Amp. Scc, ___________ 2.00
For euch electric welder motor gen-
erator type. Bame II~ for motors __ _~__
Lighting and power transformers:
Up to 600 V primary. euch ________ 1.00
Over 600 V, prima ry. ellch ________ 2.00
Bell Transformers, ellch ____________ .25
Each electric !!Ign. 30 sockets or frac-
tion ______________________________ 2.00
For el~ctrlc sign. each additional 30
sockets __________________________ 1.00
Each electric flasher _______________ 1.00
Each time clocl( ___________________ .50
Each neon sign or tubing. first trans-
former ___________________________ 1.00
Each neon sign or tubing. ellch addl~
tlonal transformer _______________ .50
Each 8POt light ___________~_________ .11I
Juke organs, coin opel'/lted devlci!!.
etc., each ________________________ 1.00
Circuses. carnivals. etc. _____________ 6.00
Temporary permits [or building COh-
struetlon, minimum ______________ 1.00
Temporary use ot current on per-
mn.l\ent wIring- or, apparatus and
flxtures pending compl"tlon of
Installa.tlon. ench Inspection ______ 1.00
Each addltlonl\l Inspection more than
2 Inside City Limits ____________,__ 2.00
G'3nsral repairs _. __________________ 1.00
, ;'1"
',ORPINANCE NQ-.. 549:',.'
Each Inspection outside, City, Limits 4.09"
.plus mileage @ 7 ',2c per mUe.
hilT I
,It any person, firm or corporation, or
agent thereot or any person acting !Ol'
or on behalt ot either thereot, shull be
found to have done or IlI9talled uny elec-
trlcnl or fixture worlL for which a permit
Is required without first obtaIning a per-
mit thure(or, he shall be required to pay
a fce equal to thl'l'o (3) times the amount
of tee designated In Section (A) unless
he obtains the permit berore 12:00 o'clocl(
Noon 011 Ihe first dllY the OUlce ot the
Building lJepllrtment Is open to the pUblic
buslnesH utter the electrlclll worl( was
stal'ted, and provided. howover. that tlio
minimum penalty to be charged nnd paid
tor /lny Inspcctlon under thl' provision
ot this section shall be FIve ($5,00) Dol ~
lars, The payment ot the extra tee here-
In reqUired shall not prevent or be a
defense to any prosecution for the viola-
tion o[ any of the provIsions of thIs code.
'\U' lI'j!;~iIl .l"Ud, \iUANU.ll'llJ< AU-
W Ilenever Il shull be neceS/dary to maKO
Ull eXu'u Inlll,ccUoll Hill U<.IU Lo dIU 11.1>1>11-
canL s g'IVlIl6' au lUl:<JlTeUL auu,'ellU 01'
Wl'UUg !vcauun III OIHI1.IUU'Il' 1l vel'lUIL I'e-
lj.Ulreu oy LIlI/d ul'duuLuce, u. Wu 01 .I."!tLY
....eut>l (UVC) >l11UlI be lJlUU tor cOI'l'ecLlll~
tno UOU1'Il>l8 01' locatloll given 111 llucn
!,Iermlt, UI' U 1l.l\V VOI'mlL lI11n11 0" outi.l.lIlCU
...uu ull le.,s l'tllj. Ull'uU oy Ulls OrUlIIu.nctl
Iluall ba valu 101' uucll uuW VOI'mlt.
""cHuu ... ....11 electl'lcul CUI111tructlon,
anu aU maLerlal>l and aVl'l1anc.,s UUtlU 1n
connuctIon WILl1 tue IUlltulInliou, malll-
Lonance and opol'auon ot 'HeCtl'ICal av-
lJa1'atus 01' ellUI!,Iment tor Ilglltll, 1Ieat ur
!,loWer wlLlllll tll" llmns ot t;learwatol',
.."all COlllorIIll to sucb special rUles anu
l'ugulaLlolls all DIllY be embooled In tnls
01' oLller ol'dlDancea ot the l.:1ty ot ~Iear'
water, and to the rules, regUlations And
l'tlCOlllmenl.latlonll 0' the Na.tlond Hoal'O
ot l"ll'tl Underwrltors for the Installutlon
ot wiring allo uPlluratus tor ulectrlcal
lJUrJ>oSIl>l as they are uow establhdlou or
IUUY hurearter bu amended, and >luch rulos,
l'tlKulatlons llnu recommendations are
llereby aoopttltl ana approved as lIart ut
thIS ordlnanc". 'l'he (';hlet .l!:leclrIcal In-
lIpector Is hereby "IIIPowtlred to put InLo
e11eet. subject to thtl appl'oval or the
board ot b;xamtllers such reasOllnl>le
rules llnd regula.tlolls not In contHct w1t11
this oramanetl or the Natlonul Code as he
Ileum>> necessary tor the purposu of mOI'u
eltectlve COnLro! and construction ot elee'
trlcal appliances and wirIng.
Section II. On all conduit Jobs In the
City of Clearwater where conduits are
to be coaceaIed In earth, brIcl, or con-
crete. rigId conduit must bo ot 'J.n ap-
proved Malvanlzed type,
Section 6. All plumbing and other pIp-
Ing or tube worlt must be In place on
work to be concealed before the electri-
cal WirIng Is Inspected, and no such wir-
Ing shall bo consIdered afJ complete for
final Inspection until all such plumbing
or pipIng Is In plac,).
It shall be unlaw!ul to lath. seal or In
any manner conceal any electrical wlrin!:
or equIpment until same has been In-
spected and notic"s posted thut sllmo IS
When the electrIcal wOI'I( In any build-
Ing tor which a permit has beeu obtained
Is ready tor Inspoctlon, notice In writing
propnly filled In upon b111111(s furnished
at tho otrlce of the ChIet Wp.ctrlcnl 1'1-
llpector stating the location or the WOl'lt,
the name of the owner, and the nilmo ot
tho electrical conlructor doing the worl,
shall be turned In to the Chlof Electrical
Inspector's OUlce.
Atter the first v Islt to a job or a writ-
ten notice to Inspect same, It It Is neces-
sary to return to reinspect any work.
wliether from a detect or the work not
beIng ready, the Inspector wUl return
only on Rnother written notice, and shall
require an additional Inspection fee of
Two Dollars ($2.00) to be paid to the
CIty Clerk.
Atter the entire completion ot tIlO worle,
s. notice, the same as the foregoIng, shnll
be given the Inspector tor the tlnul In-
spection. and It he finds the work has
been satIstactorlly done he shull Issue II.
certificate of InsPt'lctton.
This certIflcato doe!! not rellove the
electrician ot hIs reHponslblllty tor any
defective work which may have escaped
tho notice of the Inspeotor.
'.~" : :-...... "'---, .--.. "'n. :.":".....~:........._""7-..Jn...':-
.....;.-.'..... .. " ..........":....'*"~.~....."_...
It shun bs unlawful' for any perRon.
firm 01' corporation furnishing electric
eunent for light, hoat or power to ,con-
IICct tho'! dlstrlbutlng !!ystem with any
III",tullntlon of wiring, apparatus or 'tlx-
tures In the City of Clearwater without
Ilrst hnvlng' received a copy of: certlftCllte
o[ final Inspection Issued by the electrical
fllSipector. ' , ' ,
Sect lOll '1. _DetlnltIons: For the pur-
poso o[ this Ordinance the following terllUl
al'e doflned as follows: "Master l!llectrI-
clans" Shlln mean any persun who, has
servud as a journeyman electrIcian ror
a period ot not leS8 than two (2) years
Ilnd who has the necessary qUa1lficatIona,
trainIng and technical knOWledge to cO,n~
truct, IIgure and lluJlervlse the Installa~lon
of electrical wiring and electrical dsvIces,
said qualifications to be determined by ~
Board of l!llectrlcal Examiners as herein-
after provided. ,
:Section H. Any person hereatter .ngag~
lug In or worKing at the business or elec-
trIcian In the L;lty of Cleurwater llS a
Master .h<lectrlclan shall Jlrst receive u
Certlttcllte or Competency In accordanctl
wJth tile provlslons at thIs Ordinance.
lOectlon II. .AllY penlon <Ie suing LO wOl'k
In tne bUSlne">I or U'a.Ull or tlleCLrlclan as
lILUllLer .l>.lectl'lclan In the CIty ot LallaI"
WULe,', /SnaU exocute aud Diu with tno
L.lty HUIlUllIg' lnspector an ap.llUcatlOil
ILnu shaU d01>oslt a.n examlnatlon tee or
I'lve t~Ii.OU) Uo1!al's. '.I.'l1e app11catl01l
IJlunk 8na11 contaIn Informatloa unuel'
lJaUI as to the name, quallllcatlon>l, nnun.
Clut autl busIness reterences. }llaco or
ouslnes.. ana rellldence at the appUcant
unl! a lIullllllary ot the action taken there.
on Dy the Board. .
l>ecl1un ..... 'Il). A Board ot .l!;xamlners
la Ilea-euy cr"u.Lell WiLlI Llle tlULI"1S auu
VUW""II 110l'ellla[(Or "nUlUeraLeu. '1'1111
bOul'U >llla'l eOUlll>lL of tnl'ee U, membtlr.
IV no uhall lie tile ~1ty buhall\lC 1nll.llUOLol',
tno (.;lty .l;;lectrlCul luspectoi' anti an Lllec-
U'ICII.I contrucLo,', wno u'laU bu a. resluent
or. tne L;ILY ot \Jlearwater, llllPolnteu oy
Lue L;lty L;ommlulllon to >lurve tor II. terlll
oL turee yeare Ilna Untll his ilucceBHor
bllall /Ju ull.llOllltea alia qUllufietl.' l'l'U.
v lUeu Ulat tile Lerm ot sala member ap~
vUlIIteu lU 1l/47 shull expIre on the tlrlll
.,,i,ulluny 111 .I.' ebrual'Y 1~,,0 anLl lhat eaeh
Il ucc"eulug' tel'lI1 snlolll eX}llru on tile nrst
.uuuuuy III !' eOrual'Y or Llle I"'opel' y.,ur.
',UIC ~lty Manllger ehal1 Ilu au Ell.: oitlclo
l11embur ot the .!joartl and he may aPIIOhlt
an uUdltlonal alllloclate lfiel1lber tor euch
u..:amlllutlO/l, WhIch llala a8soclate' 'shull
be a "UI'SOU qual1lled In the glectrlcal Delli
alld who shall acL In un lldvluury callacIty
to the BoaI'll.
Section 10 (b). The City CommiSSion
mny remove any member ot the .uoard
Lor cause. VUCanCleH llhall De nlled by
tile ~I ty ComnUllslon all specified llDove,
"ach apPolllLee for vacancy to serve tor
tile unexpIred term or the original
~ectlon 11. l!lach member of the Board
ahaH, botore entel'llll!:' l11>on tnti ulschal'1(e
ot hiS uutles of ottlce. mIl WIth the l.:lty
Manager un oath In wrIting, to properly
Ilertorm the duties of the once I1S ll. mem-
ber of suld Board and to uphold the ordi-
nance ot the City or Clearwater and tho
(.;onsl1tutloll and laws ot the Stall! el
1"Jorlda and tho Constltutloa and Ia.ws
ot the United States.
Section 1:': (0" 'l'he Board shall meet
at Jeast Quarterly and oCtener, at the
call ot the chairman or at tho dlroctlon
o[ the City Mllnal;er or the City Commls-
sfon. 'l'he three regUlar members shall
COIIl/l1tute a quorum.
Section 1~ (b). The Board shall an-
nually alect a chalrmau and a vlce-chalr-
mnn nnd the Building lnllpector shall
act as secretary-treUl/urer and he shall
keep 0. record of 11.11 proceeding!! of tho
Board and all records portalnlng to appli-
cations and examinations ot. prospective
Ilcenseel/. All books and records ot the
Boa.rd shall be prima facie evidence ot
the matters contaIned therein.
!>ecUun 12 (e). The Board shall bave
the power to make by-Ia\7s. rules and
regulatlons governing Its operatlonl pro-
viding Huch de. not contllct with C ty or
State laNs.
!>ectloD 13. Each application for e:laml-
nation shall be reviewed by the Board to
aetermlne the applicant'!! ellglblUty tor
examlntltlon within ten (10) day~ atter
recolpt of application, at which time tbe
Doard shall lIet the date, time and placo
ot exo.mlnatlon.
, "
" '
" ,
~ '
, I
; ,
SectlgD 14. Within thirty (30) days
alt~r nllng of hili application, llPpllca..~
llIU..H t.e .,,,allllnoa 011 '\.III l>ractlcal KIIOWI-
ella{e ot l:leQtrlclty, elt,etnc wlrlllK, elijc-
tru:'ul lllliLallktlQnd alia lLU other U14Lterll
l>roJierli <:uullected With the lluSlnl:BS or
trave ot electriCian. ::lalu exalluuatlon
allall 'be pu.rtly oral. pun,ly wrlnen anu
IIl4fUy practical tests unu tile passllI"
gralle IIhaU be aeventy-uve (16%) per
cellt, ,based one-third on the wrlttloHl test.
vne-thlrd on the orlll and one-third. 011
tlltl practical.
l!leeUon 1~ The Board shall grade tho
Iil>1'14callt as llrovlded llnd report samtl.
Loas-etller with any t1ndlngll and recolll-
lIIo:uuatlgnfl, to the ()lty ldanal!;er. Upon
IilltlBlactory completion of the examlnlL-
t10n tind UPIIl the approval by the City
.Illlu.n...",er ot the Board's report thereon,
tue l;lty Mllnll.gllr shall I.sue to the appll-
callt It. , Certlt1cate of Competency which
.hall remain In tull torce and effect 110
JOm!' as the reQuired license Is paid yearly
or until reVOKed or Iiuspended In the
manner provided In this Ordinance.
l!>eetloJl ifl. No license as Ml\ster Elec-
triCian ehall be leeued by the City ot
Clearwater until the applicant for the
1Ic"noe has produced tor examination Lo
the License Department ot the City ot
Clearwater his duly Isaued Certlfioate of
,sCCIJIID 17. The Board ot Exnmlners
shall havu the power to recommend to
the City Uanai'er that he revotte or sus-
pl::nd for a time not to exceed one (1)
year the Certificate ot Competency ot any
ldWlter Electrician who shall be guilty
ot anyone or more ot the following ncb
or omlsalonll. to wit:
(a) !<'raud or deelilit In obtalnlnlr IIcenBe
or certificate of competency.
(b) Nus-lis-ence. Incompetency or mis-
conduct In the practice ot contracting
within the meaning ot thl. Ordinance,
(c) Abandonment ot any contract with-
out let;'al excuse.
(d) Diversion ot propsrty or tunds re-
ceived under 9xpress agreement tor prOBe-
cutlon or completion or a specltlc con-
tract under U~8 Ordinance.
(e) Obtalnlntr money with Intention to
rraud or deceive cre41tors or owners.
(t) Praudulent depll.rture from or dls"
rei'ar4 or plans or speclficll.tlons In Ilny
material respect. without the consent of
the owner or his duly authorized repre.
, (s) The doing ot any wilful or fraudu-
lent act a8 a Master Electrlclo.n In con-
seQuence ot which another Is substantial.
11' , Injured,
(h) Wilful an4 4ellberate dlllregard
o.nd ~vlolatlon ot the Building Code of the
City or Clea.rwater, and/or of the State
ot Florida.
... .' ~
... 1.
..~ .' .
, "
(I) AUQW'IDI!; his nllme to be lpu>roper-
Iy used by IIDy per.on or party alrecUy
vI' Iuulrectly I::ltnor tor Lilli l>UrpOBe ot
oDtulnlnK ... 1->1l1'llllt 01' to uo au,)' WOI'"-
ulHler lUll Jlcon,.,.
..\IIY perllull ulreetly Intere.ted. the
0"11"1', the J>llihllllg 01' Elllctrlcal In.pec-
,u.' 01 Ill. IJlty of L:lelLrwutltr, tlle AI'chl-
LI:C' vi' ....n!,;'lllt:er 01 'LIlY buUUlnK or con-
'Lt'UClIOU lUll)' jlrelor cnarges all'alnst an
O''''CLI'.CIulL UILUOI' tnls Urd.mance,
.,uen cllllrlle.. DIUlit be llIaue III writing
auu "worn to by tile eomplalnlln~ a.nd sub-
uutt"L1 to tho .tlourd. 11 will then be the
ULlty ot the /Joara ...t the earliest POlllllble
u...LO IUla no\ later th...o tnlrty (,10) alloYs
Ullll'eutter to Investigate the chll.l'Ke aud
l\:oUl::r theu oeclBlOn without U'HUY. A
copy or the cl1arKell togetner wltn the
tlDIO and place or nellrlng IUlull be lelfally
."'l'VeQ ell tile ac<:ulled at least five (u)
U"'~B betortl the date rt:Ked for the l1ear~
1I1l!:, At tno hearll1g the UCCUB.,d shall
n....e the rlgh.t to alJpear pereonally and
boY councU und crolis~exull1lne IV ItlleSIlOS
u.,UIUBt l1im and to produce witnesses
UhU ..vidence In his defense.
:oecl1ol1 Ill. It shall bo unlawful for
uny l\lU8ter l!llectrlclan to eng...ge or work
aL the business or trade ot Master !!;Iec-
trlCIu.n In th.. City of Clearwater when
Bald l:ertlfica.te vt Competency has been
cancelled and It shall be unlawtul tor
uny ma.ster electrician to work In the
trude or business during such time when
hla Certlllcate ot Competency has been
bectlon 10, The provisions ot this Ordi-
nance shull not apply:
(II.) To an authorized representative or
the Unl ted States ot America, or the State
ot l"loridll.. County of .Plnellall or the City
or l:learwa.ter doing work or construction
In their otrlcial capo.clty.
(b) The employees ot .Public Utilities or
Corporations engo.ged In the mo.nutacture
or dletrlbutlon of electricity for the light-
lnll'. heat or power, when ....Id work Ie'
done In the couf.lle of their duties as
employees of Public Utllltleo and In con-
nection with the manufacture or distribu-
tion when work Is <lone with the Buper-
vialon or thB duly authorized otrleerll ot
Public Utility Companlell or Corpofatlonll.
11...,11011 20. This Ordlllance .hall not
be construed to prevent the owner of any
property trorn doing electrical work on
11.11 own property without Orst obta.lnlng
al/cenae as a Mallter Electrician; but IIny
work ao done by the owner 011 his own
property .hall be .ubJect to Inapectlon by
the Electrical Inspector nnd must be ap-
proved by him.
/lac/toan :11. Tille Ordinance shall not
be construed to o.pply to the Installation
ot any portable electrical appliance that
may be In.talled br plugging In to an
l'f. ;;.
.' , '. . .
, I
,....._...... ....,. .......__ _. ,,_....:....'.....1-.... ... .,.,..to'......,..-"~..,_. .
cleetrlcnl outlet already Installed In bulld-
.....cllon 2:/, Any person. or persons and
lHt: UIt:luuerB ot any IIrm. cO-jJ/J.I.tnorsl1lt.>.
corporation, aSlloclatlOl1 or otner or"anl-
:.atlon, 01' allY comblnaUolI tllurout, pre-
~entll1g or l,l.telnptlllIC '0 ule or Llde tl10
certl'ICu.ts 01 cUUlpclonc)' u1: anotner. or
IIcenllO or anUlll\;I' UI' '" IIU ~nall give tallle
UI' {orgeu oVlllcnce 01 a.., Klnll to tilt:
.uolo.l'd, or WIlO "llaU tulao:.i IInperllolllLU5
1..lotner. or w 110 allall UBO ull e~t.>lrCU, Il11S-
lJllnUea, or I'..voked license or Uerul1Cl4te
ot. UOlnpetency, or wllo shall violatll au,)'
one or more ot tllL\ provlslona ot any ilec~
tlon or thle Orolnance, shaU upon COIl-
vlctlon In the ll1unlclpll1 Court be punished
by a line not to exceed $2UU.00 or by Im-
llrllionment not exceealng sixty (60) dllYs
In the dlscretJon or Ihe C:ourL I, '
.b:ach IInd every day that a violation
of Ll1ls Oralnance continues sllall conltl- I '
tute a separate and distinct otrenfte. '
/;ectlon :/1I. .b.vcry ,Mll.ater Electrician
wlllbJng to engage in business a8 o.n I!, ..
electrical contr...ctor, Shllll, betore cngalr-
Ing In such bUBln08s. execute II bond, PIlY- I
able to the ~Ity of ~leo.rwater In the sum I
ot b'lve Hundred 1$500.00) Dollars. with a !
responsible surety company authorJzed to I' "
do buslncaB In the State of l!'lorlda as ,
surety oondltloned to protect said City
against all loss or damlLge occasioned by i
tho negligence ot the principal therein I
tailing to properlY execute and protect 1
all worlt done by him or his employees.
or under his <.llr~ctlon or supervision, and
trom all loss or dllmage occasioned by
or ariSing In IIny manner trom any Buch
work done by sL\ld Ilrlnc1pa18 or his em-
ployeea or under direction or supervision.
Said bond shull be ILpproved by the City
Manager of said City betore It becOlllell
etfectlve, 'and mllY be used by said City
In any Court ot conlpetent jurisdiction.
Section 24, All Ordinances and parts ot
Ordinances In conlllct herewith Ilre here-
by repellled.
Section :Iii. Should any section, sub,
section, sentence, cllluse or phrase ot this
Ordinance for nny reason be held to be
unconstltutlonal, such decision shall not
atrcct the validity or the remaining por-
tlons ot this Ordinance,
Sectton 20. This Ordinance shall be.
come el'tectlve immediatelY upon ~~ssag~
by the City Commlssl?n of the ty 0
Clearwater. I '0 t 9 1947
Passed on First Rend ng. c. t . 9 1947
PaBsed on Second Relldlng: Oc., .
Passed on Third Reading: Oct. 9. 1947.
J. 0, HOUZE,
Attest: MrnYor-comomIS~lone . ,
~~!>tor and Clerk, . '
TV'll!:< . ~ '- I
/' ~"
~." ,
i "'\: ..;, ~...:., - :~ :.; ... , . , ~. i
,,,.,,1' """"""]i> 'rl,.".,..J'';'''\'~''''''
~: '::'~~ ':.J;3~~~~':;;; \}~~'/i;,:~~:\~',:;';.r'\"~;;.;~~r~F l~~~~~~>'
-.;,..,".'0'.'\'" f,",'I'.,'....~Pi"'. "';\'1, ",
F:' ,
.11, .::'~
11- . : ~:." .::~; 'f ~
City Commission �iinutss
October 9, lqy.7
The City ComcLission 2net in special session at two thirty o' clock �. Ivt. in.
the City f:�ll, Ocl;ober 9, ti9tH7 'Nith the foll'owing members pz•esent: J'. 0. Houze,
J'. R. Crane, H. D. Sargeant, 4",i� C. V,lells, T. A. Johnson. Others present: George
Suiith, City �it�orney, Boyd b., Bennett, City Ivir,nager, J. J, :�lliott, Chief of
The meeting w�s cal7.ed to order by filiayor Houze, who e::plained that the gur-
` pose of the meeting vaas to consider tlYe passzng of a new dlectrical ordinan:ce and
to appoint a member of the'Civil Service Board. '
The City httorney stated his opinion that Ordinance �10. 1�50 `�vas invalid and
' It was movea by GommS.ssioner Crane, secoudecl by Comm.issioner Sargesnt that
Ordinance i3o. 5�.9 be passed on its f'irst read.ing. The vots v�as as follows: ayes,
y��Te].ls, Johnson, Crane, Houze ancl Sargeant.
It vuas moved by Commissioner J'chnson, seconded by Commissioner Wells that
Ordin.ance No. 51�.g be passed on its second reading. The vo�e was as follov�s� ayes,
V�ells, �ohnson, Cz•ane, Houze, and Sargeant.
It was movad by Commissioner Crane, seconded by Co�issioner Sargeant that
Ordinance TSo. 5l�.9 be passed on its third resding. The vote wrs as i'ollows: ayes,
;"Fel1s, J'ohnson, Grane, Houze, and Sargeant.
It was moved uy Commissioner Sargeant, secondad b y Commissioner Crane that
John R. Burke be appoint�d to the Electrical Contractors �xaminers Board. It
was unanimously carried.
The resi�;nation of H. E. Finch, which is to be efiecti�e immediately zvas
considered. It was no�ed by Gomn�ission er Crane, seconded by Commissioner Vtells
` and carried that H, E. Finch's resigiiation be accepted. The vote was as iollows:
ayes, Cr:�ne, Houze, Sar�eant, ��lells, and Johns�n.
It was moved by Commissianer ;9ells, seconded by Coumiissioner Crane thet
Newton Barlow be appointed to the Civil Service Board to f'ill �the vacancg that
was caused by the resi�nation of H, �. Finch. Commiss�oner Sargeant suggested
that a veteran be appointed to the Civil Service B�ard but non$ of the Commissioners
knew v�hether P��ir. Barlow was or was not a veteran as the question had not come
up prior tq this meeti.n.g. The vote v�as as follows: ayes, Crane, �ouze, Y�Te11s,
Johnson, Idot votiing: Sargeant. ".
There being no further business to come befo`re t�� Board, the meeting v�as
'ayor-Co ' sionex
� _
City Auditor 8c Cler
' .._.,.....� �--_.• .
, . ORDINA1vCE. NO;' 549 ' : ..• , ; . . :
AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN �ELEC- E �ch. fnapeotlbn outalde,Cliy„.Gimtta 4.00* It� ahull� be'unla�vful Ior '¢ny �vereov, .
'- TI2ICAL CONTRAC'POR'$ AND MAII- nlus mllea�e p?�hc Der mile. � flrm or corporntton Eurn[shfng electric � �
-., TDR. �L'�CTRICIAN'9 CODE; LEFIN- ��B) PENAiTY � F O R INSTALLIMG current Yor It�ht, heat or po�ver to �coq- � �
�, . ING, R�GULATING, AND GOVERNING � �LECTRI0.1L WORIi WITIiOUT h iLR- neet � the . Siatributing nyotem with aay � �
e1Li. �L�CTRICAL� li'OItK IN THF] �IITs. � � �lnstnllxtlon oE wiripg, aDF�arntve or flx-�
r � CITY �OF CL�ARWATI7R., PLOI{IDA: IP nny Peraon, fSrm or corporat[on, qr tures in �the C(tp of CleSrwat¢r witLouY
CREATING A. BOARD Ob` MA3TER agent Yhereof � or any peraon ncUng foc :tirst hayln� received a copy oi certtflcate �
LLECTRICAL 177iAMIN�RS REQUIR- or on behnit oE elther� thereoY, � ahall� be oC flnal Snepection iesued by the eleetrlcal �
ING� �X.1IviINATZON$ �AND LIC�N3ING Pound to have done or. inet¢lled nny elec- insPector. � � � �
OD' ALL PI]RSONS D�$IFiING TO Lrlcal or flxture worlc Yor whlch a permit Sectlou ^_Definitiona:� For the Dur- �' �
LNGAGE IN TH� BU$ID7�S5 AS MAS- lu� requlred wlthout }Iret obtaining� a poi- poae otthle�Ordlnance the following termp �
. TL7R �LTi,CTItICIAN OR ELECTRICAL mlt therePor, he ahsll be Fequ[red to pay. u��e deflned ae tollowe: 'Mauter r.lectrt-
, CONTIiACTOR; AND� D�SIGN?:TING h Pee equal �to three (3)� times the amount clans"� ahall mean any perxon who �nas �
. � THI7 �BOAl2D OP l7XAMiNER5 OP oP Pee deslgnated In Seetton (A) unlese� aerved us� u journeyman elecEriciari Sor
. �� �LECTRICIANS: OP� THE CIT� OF he obtatne the perm[t�tietore 13;OU� o'clocic a.Period oE not.leea. than two (2) yeara ' �
. ' CL�ARWATF7R, AND D�y'SNING THF7 Noon on the. flrat d¢y the OP?Ico oP the gnd who� has the neceseary nualiflcattona, �
� � DUTI�$ dND POW�RS QF $AID� Bufl�ling Department fa bpen to the publtc traia[ng and technicel Icnowledge to� cori-
BOARD. AND Or TIiE CI.Y � CHIDF busineae aYter thv electrlcal work was. truct, rigure and aupervlae� the� inatallatton
� 3e lon 1IC Th t the follotv�ing. rul�s �nnd. mintmum nd provl�led, howevep, tfiat the of electrlcal wtr[ng and electricat devlego ,
penalty :o be charged. and pald euld quallAczHone to be determ[ned ti a
� regulntiona b� nnd tire same liereby for any lnepeetion under the nroviaton Board. 02 ElectricaLExaminere��as h¢refa-
� ¢dopted Lor the fnetnllutton, mnintenance oP thfa aectton.abnll tio Flve ($6.06) Dol- aYter provided. �
and repatra oE electrical �viring, npparLL- � 1nre. The pnyment .of the extra �feq Here- 5ectton�8. .�ny person hereafter on a�
. tus or eflu�pment Yor ltght, heat oe�power in requlred'eh¢]3 aot prevent� or be a ingln or worxing-at the� buatneea oc e ec-� �
tivithtn. the� limits �oC �the Citl' of Gle¢r- defenae to nay Prosecution� ior the vtola- Lncian ta the U+ty oY Cleae�water ae � a
� � �vnter, na they are now �or may hereaYter tfon of apy.oE the proviaione oi thie code. ��eter �;lectrlelan. ahall qrst receivs �ia
j�' � .be est¢bllshed�. � luy H'ur;a yuac u1laNuaNa: au- pertiflcate oY ComDeTency Yn accordance �
Seutlon �. A Perm1Y �vill be required. to Dl���g• � �tiVi[h the piovtafons. oi tliis Ardinance. � �
�' do uny electrlcul conatruction �oP� uny . Wnanever It ahall.be necessary to mahe � '�
. � chnructer, inst¢ll nny electcicaT wSrSng,�. un extra inepeouun-tnp�uue co. che apLi�- �ectlusli. dny peraon aean•ing �o work
apPuratue or�enulPment, or maice any ex- �xot'u K3V1L6' nn jnwrroc[ uaureaa or �n cne. busineaa or traue ot etec�ncinn-xa �
tenei�ns ��or ehan�es to existing � wlring �i'un}y iueactun 1ix �ontatn�uy- u perzuic re- �adtec r:tecu3clan � in the Cicy ot ��ieur- �
ayetOmB, Lpr lights, heai oC poWeY, iepalT- 4u1S'eft uy [p�8 Uidlna.nCe, u� Yae oP r'Ltry Wa'Cer� Sllull execui0 xIId IIte Wlth �tRe
Ing� ot �dumaged or brolcen flxturea,, si�- �encu �uuc) aua.0 be Pald tor correcussb �LiLy Builaing lnnpector aa ayDiication �
�puratus or equipment anQ the ordinary tne ndai•eea or location given �a eucu ++aa ahall [lei�oaic an. esaminatiun fee ut
,�� Work necessary Por the proper main- Lermit, ol' a.?1n1V p2;m1i� FhLLll p2 ontainea ilve� �35.OU). Lollars. Fhe apDlicattoµ
tenuuce oP anme. These� �permita� shall be . uu xll rees re�lutt•eie uy ��[nis ilruinance Lle.nk sqalt contain informaUon unuer
Ssaued � tiy tha ChieE �lectrical Znspector, buull. de yalLL �YOL euCh neW pecmtL �xtn as m the name, qualiricationa, SSaun-
No such permlta shnll be leaued to any- rectwu a, ail electrlcal cunacivctlon, ��xl �ssnn buuineae . referencea,. piace ot
�one �e3cept �a ,l2aster �lectrician. unti ail macerinis and aUPllancea ue0a 1n UusIneda tina ie&idence o1 the �appllCaRt �
�� Secyon s. Petmita shall be tssued only �onneetion wicn tne inntuilacioa, maiss- nnu a uumme.ry oi che acc5on taken chere- �
to �Master Electrlciuna, upon payment. uY� tienence enLL. o�erx[ton oi eiecune2t ap- un. by the Board. �
�-� � the requlred fce or Leea nccording to the l+nrama or equ�pment for �.ligncs, neat ur �seciwu su �a�. A Iiound oF r,xaminera
follo�ving achedule: puwer wlthtn� we umiw �oY Ulearwster, 1s uereUy crex�ea wien che aunea nna
� (A) SCIiliDULC OF.F�CSs auxll Conioim� to euch� 9peCial tule9 ann 1'uWea•e hel•etnniiez enuulerateu. � '1'ne
Por minimum �electrical. permit �_____$1.60 1•egulatlons as may be emboated� in this noui�u eha11 coumac oY turee (3) anemUer�
:For outleta at �vhieh eurrent Se-eon- �+• other ordiaaneea ot the� Clry of�Clear- ��no syail be cne Clcy nuh¢Ing luayecc'or,
trolled or consumed, 1 to 5 outlota_ ,i6� ��ater, aad to the rules, regWations�nnd t°e Ci[y t�;lectncal luapecwz anu xss elec- �
recommendaciona oY che� National Boai•d aicaL eoncrxetor,. wtio yna11 be a resiaenE
� P`or esch addltional outlet �up Co. 500�-_ �.lU oY 1`ire Underwrltere� Yor the installation� oi� the ��Icy oY Cleurwater, upDointea oY
For each uddltlonal outlet over SUO_ .OS �Y wiriag ana� a �we�ut �commisa�oa m. aerve xor a[erui
� �li•or ¢ach eUrrent coutrolling devlce, Drssratus for eiectrlcat y
flaturea, drop corU xnd receptucle__ .O5 Lurposes :as they are ao�v ea[abliahed or u[ tnree yexra an¢ until h3s� euccenuor . �
- I'or eqch meter instnlled �over one __ ,25. �n�y hereaYter be ameaded, a.cd auch rules, anah ue -�uppointea ann �qunllflea. Yru• �
� 1 or eacn motor or generator not�over � �� i•e�;ulutiona ana�. recommendattona. are �luEd Lh8L LRe LCTSII� OY e�L1C IDEIDbei tlp-
ltereby adoptea ana approvetl as yart uP �b1uLed �h 1Y47 shall explre oa LhC�fli9t
� 1 H. P. __ �_____ _____ .60 Chie ordlnance. � The� Uh1nY Ellecir;cal In- �+�unay in s�ebruary laau xna CL4L each �
. Por ench motor over 1 T3 P but not �pector !s hereby empo�vered. to�. �Dut into �aacceeuIag term ahall ezpire. on tne Lrac �
over & H. Y. __-- � �- ------ 1.00 euect, subyect to [he approval oP tho L+unuay in seUruary os tue proper ynrir.
� _ b`or eucli motor �ovei 3 li. 1'. but noh 33ou3•n of � 1�:�amIaere such � reasonable� 'rue W[y hfunaget yHgli �bC su ex o�Llcio
over 5 H. 1. ______ � __ _____ 2.00 yulea anti regulnClons nok.in conYlict with Issember oL�Che so¢ra and ha inay appalnc
� . 1'or eucii� mtltoc over 5 H. P. but not thia orCinnnce or the Natioaal Code:as�he. un adarttonel associate �nember Por eueh �
� . over i0 li. Y. ___ ___� _�___ 3.Q0� �Aeeins. necessnry for tha purpose oY more. -`aniination, }vhich eu[a nasociace ahull �
� 1'or exch motm• ovei 10 H. Y. bue not eKeetive,-control and�conatructton oE elec- �be u person�qualiCed in�che aech•Ical rielu
�. ovor 20 H. P. __� � _ __ 4.00 trtcal spplinncea aad wiring. � and��vho shau accln aa nuvisury caDacity
For euch motor over 20�H. P.. __ 6.U0 gectlon �. On all conduit obs ia thfl to ffie Board. � �
Range' Uutlet _ ___ � __ .75� � Scetloa� iu (bj. Tha Citl' Commtsaiun
Fieattng und Cooking�Apptlancea over City oP Clearwater }vbere �conduita� are �may remove any member ot the BonrLL
1.2C.�V., not ocer 5 K.W. •7� cretee ri6-nidaeonduit muai be3e P�oBrncan- Ior eause. Vacanclee sha31 be nlled by
I; b IC.� a� ot overngOap�;� nces .over S oo gglvanized type. � p� tLe Ui[y Comwias�on as apecf3eti above,
proVed e8eh appolnLee YOr Vacuacy�to serVe Yor
� � I3euttng and Cool.ing appllances over Secitoa & All plumying and other pip- tue unexpired term ot tha origlaYl.
° - 10: IG.�V ________ E 00 . in� or Subo worh must be�� in place on nppointment �
�lectrlcul �\Yaterheatere �1 00 svorlc to be concealed :before tl�e electrl- � sectiou :i. E¢ch member� ot the Bo�ird. �
X-rny rlpparutus __________ ___ �2.00� cal �vlring fs inspecCed, and no auch wtr- shatl, betore enterin6 uyon thu mschurge
Deatn: UnIts -- -_ �� ___ __. 2.00 in� ahsli tie considered as comPlete fo; �oY his duties oP ofYice, 7lle. wath tne� City
�� AttlBcub'uns,�enchng Units ___ ___ 1.00 qr piping Ist;in placel all� auch plumbi¢g ��$nager an oath in wrltlng, to properly
. Electric �levator�Installation ench__��6.00 It ahall tie unlawYul to�Iath, seal or�in perYorm the duriea of the oace as�a mein-
i'or each eleMric �velder (tvunsformer any munner�coneeal any electrical wtrin � ber oP sald Board.and to�uphold the ordi-
g' naace oP the Cit oY Clearwater and the
� type) � up. to 60 lmP. Sec. _� � 1 00 or equlymeat� until � same has been in- Lanstitutio¢ und laws �oY the. S[ate �of
' For euch eleetrlc welder (h•anaPormer apected and noticee posted th¢t anme is �yorida and the Donstitutloa and laWa
. type)��over b0 �mp. Sea�___ __ 2.00 BPProVed. � of the� United Statee.
For euch electrtc welder motor gen �Yhen the� elec[rical tivorl: !n any bvild- Seetion 1z (n), � Tfie Board ahall meet
i�". erator type, .sume ne [or motora _._ 1ng Por jvhich.a permtt has been obtained at least qu¢rterly and� �oYtener, at the
Llghttng and power trnns[ormere � . fs ready for lnapectton, noUce ln wrtting call oY the chairman. or at �the dIrection
, UP to�600 V�prtmnry, ench _ 1 00� Lroparly fllted �in uDon blanlcs Purnlshed �.of tko City S[nnager or tha Ctty Commle-
Over G00 V. primary, ench. _ �.00 ub tho ofEice of the ChteP I71r.etrical In- slon. The three regular inembers ehall
i�. Bc21 Trnnaformers, enCl� _. _� �___ �.26 aPector etatlng the locatIon �oE the tvor:.-, conaiitute a quorum. �
Each electrle sign 30 socicets or Yrac We name oL Uie o�vner, aad� ffie nsma oP .Sec ou L"
tion _ � _ � �.2.00 �e electrlcal contractor doing �the tivorlc, tl .@7. The Board shall an-
j�, � � For electrlc sign� each ndditton¢1 30 ahall tie� turned ia to the ChleY ElectrIcxl �nunlly elect a chairmaa. and a vice-chalr �
soc]:ets __ _ � � 1.06 Inspector's OfYice. � �an and the Buildiag Inspector ahstl ��
. r� Each electrSc flasher � �__ 1.00 Atter the�flrst vieit to a job� or u}vrit-. act as.secretarx-treasurer aad he shall
� �neh tlme clocic � __ ___ .60 � ten aodce to inspect same, if tt�is neces- keep a, record of all proceedinge uP the� ��
u�i �nch neon aign.or tubing, flrat trana- eary to return to relaspect any work, Board and all recorda pertaining to applt-
F�� former __ ______ _____ __ __ 1.00 �vfiether from a defect or the�. work .not enUons and examtnationa of proapective� '
' EacU.ne�n.slgn �or tu6ing, each nddi- being ready, the� Inspector �vili �return ��cenaees. .� �ll� book3 and recorda ot the� �
� I ttonal trnnsformer � 60 only on another zvritten aoUce, and shall Bo¢rd sl�nll tie prima facie evldence ot. �
I,., �nch apot It6ht.___ �� � E6 renuire .nn. addltional inepectfon Pee. ot �e� m¢tters contnined thereln. �
1 i Suke or�nns cotn opornted devIces Two. Dollara ($2.00) to ba paid to Yhe Sectiun L^� (c). The Bourd efiall have �
etc., eacU __ � ___ , 100 Clty Clerk, the yower to �make by-lasva,� rultla aad
Clrcusen, carntvnts, ete ��_��� 6 00 After the entire completion of tha tvork, regulatioas �overnin� its� operatlon, pro-
� t Temporary permRs [or Uuildin� con`� � a�nottce, the same ns :the foregoing, shnll �viding auch do not �conflict with City �.or �
$��� � atruct[on, minimmn _________�1.00 be g7ven. the�Insnector�tor the �flnal in- State Ian*s. �
� Tempor¢ry uae� of qurl•ent an per- � apectlon, and ii he flnds the worlc has Scctton 13, �Each appltcatton for exnmi-�
.I � mnnent w:ring or nPPnrntus nnd� been saUeYnetorily done he ahall iasue a natton shatl be reetewed by 3he Bonrd. to� � �.
❑sttn•es Pendln6 completion ot certlHcate o[ lnapectiom Hetermine the npplicnnt's �ellgtbility for
inatullation,.ench inepectton. S 00 .This ceYUflcute dnes not relteve �the esaminat(on tviihin ten (10)� daya� after
-� �ach. udd[tlonnl inaPection .more tUnn olectrlcian � oP his reaponsitiiltty for anv receiUt oP uprlteation, at which Ume the
2�Inside C[ty LiYnita �____ ____ 2.00 defecth�e Svork which mny l�nve escaped Board. ahall aet the date, tlme� nnd placa� '
�j Gonecnl repuire __ _ . ___ 1,00 the notico 01 td¢ Inapactoa � . oE esamtaation,. � � � � �
. .�--; �
� 5eciton 34. �SVithin � thirfr (90) . days p) Allon!.1ng ,his pqm@ to be-13hDCopor-, eloctMcal outlet atrandy in9tnllad In buUd- �
aCsvr nling tiL hla xpplicatton,� ¢pPllesa[ ly uaed. tiy' ung �pereon or pnrtY� �airectly �nE,.
snn,�l be e�um�nea: on uis Dracttca� Knowi- r marecUy . eltner tor� cl�a yu:poso uY etlun. �^.. ' Any poraon, or pat'9one .und
� eaY'e qY elen[rulcy, elec5l��c 1v3rtng, elee- oqtaimn6' �u Bei•mit or to uo uuy, wot•!c� it b. �nemuara uY nny rihm, co-NurtnerxwB,
� � � sricuf,iuscultdcluny� ana urr. ovier inscters uutler hia�'Ucenee. '- � �sorpdruuon, uuqoclatitiii or O[noe ob8au19 �
LrpyeraY �����+acte�i �Y3c)i �l�e pusinGss �or �ny pereoti ufreetly in[orested, •the suc�on�_�ov suY eomh�nuctou G�eri3oY...L1'�-
, cruue .ut eiectrician. natu �ssu:n�;incfon ow�enr, tne t{uildiug. or 171ectricul lnepec- nen[eng� or uc[empttn6 tu. niti ur uno �;t�u
.8tiau. lie purUy ornl, �purtty wriiten� nnU wr oC the Ulty� oY Ulesrwncar, [no e\t•chl.- aer[Iricut�� ut uuitip�cuutry ot. unotuoP, ur
� yurcly�: practtcal testa una. � the� pasa�n`, au� ur ..nglueer ot uuy buUaing or con- floouae qC anqCu�r or ��n�u aua7l give� Yplae �
. grnae� ahall be �aeventy-iiqe (7¢%y p
er. scrutuoir nluy yreior cnar6es ng'ainet an or aqrgud� eYluenca �oc uu� lUnd SU. t1iU.
cen[,-bnsed one-third on.the �vri:ten.tect, eleucr�cmn uuCer tule Urdlnnuce,' - isourd,�or� wlm aliall Ynlsuiy imporapnuio
. nuch chnr•ee muac�be LILLUB lll vrlt(ng uuu[her or Wlw��ulinll uao w1 espueu.�bua-
une-Yhlyd on the oral aaa one-tl�lyd on 6 . \ . . .
uie prnetical� � nuu ewurn [o by lhe Complaln�nt antl uub- pan�ieu,� or �;evokoa�. llconao oc� Ueat�pCuce� .
Secnon 15. The� Board �ehall grade� the uiic[ed to tne t�oui•d. lt w141 tpen ba the oL Uompa[oncy, or who ahull vlolute auy
ayuuc¢u[ ay proJtded ¢nd reDori ��same, aucy oY chn lio¢ra �.ut ti�e earlleek posatble� one or� mo�•o oY tha �provlalvns ot.einY� soc-�
tub•ntiier wlth �any rindtnge mnd� reco:n-: uu�.e� una not• later tnun t�!:ty (yu) tlaYe ��on �oL � tpie Uralnunce, sl�ull upon co�i-
u�ruup�sicns, t¢�the� C:ity l�tuna6er.� Upon F+iereuYter to-.�fnveatlgat0 the qhurg¢ nnd .vlet[on in the blunlclpul Court �e Dunls6ed
� aµuaYnctory co�pletion� oY� the exn:nlna- 3•elluer 4helc aeclelon without araluy. .A by a ryna not�to oxceed $'tU0.0U or tiy�im- �
. tluu :unQ upin the approval t�y [he.Clty cuNY �oP� the. chui�gee to6etner �wltn�tlte prlyonment not exceedinb'.ytxty (80) days
�unssger oi .the .Hourd's rePart ihereon, ume ¢nd� place oY lieuring anull be te�ally in the :diecretlon ot �ttie t%ourt �
aei•ven �utt .the necueed� nt �eaet ftve 6� lincl� and. ever da tlipt n vlolatloa
we utry�Y+tanagcr ahall� iosue tlYthe appll- l) .. Y Y
� cunt�n�'CertSficute�of` Competency which uuys beYore the. tlnte Itxed tor tHa hear- oP 41ds Urulnanae continuoa ahall� constl- .
uhull remain.in. 2u11 forcc'an$���eRect so iug. nt �thH hearin� the� nccuaed ahnll� tute p aepnra[e and dleUne[�of[enr�o:
lon6".�s �tha reQu7red Iicenae�is paid yearly Ln�e Lle riglit to appenr peraonslly �and �ectlon Ys. Lvary Ivlar�[er �leetricinn
ur untll�. revoxed. or suapended��in tho �Y council �ssnd crose-esnmine'�vicnesses� tivlehing to� enBa�o in buainese• qe. ¢n
� manuer Provlded.in thls� Ordiaance�. ubutnsc hlm nnd to produce �Y1[neasea� electrlcai contrucior� ahall, before engag- .
'.sectloa�lU. No ltcense�se ri¢ster� Elec- nuu �evldence ln hiu�defenae. � 3ng ?a euch�.�bueineas, execute e tiond, Duy-
� trlc�un� sh¢ll be iesued tiy �the City of secatoa. 1ti. lt shall�'be unln}vful Eor ame to �the.�Gtty oE Uiearwuter in tho aum
Ulnsrwater � iintll the�. applicanE foa the uny l�1us[er� �lectrlclan to engage oi work ot F1��e�Hundred ($600.00)� Dollura, With: u
� licucae� hna produced Por exsminattoa to. a��the� buetnese or trude o1 hiuster Mlec- respuneltila�sureTy compaqy authorized to
tne.� Llcenee Depnrtment oP the �City of trlclnn �!n �the� City. of' �Clenrwater wHen .do businesa in tl�e State .oY �Floridu ae
Ulearwater his duly iseued CertlRcate oi suia CerHflc¢te oE Competency lins beea .auroty condttl4ned� to protect esld- Clty
� � Uompetency. � � � enneelled nnd it aliatl 6e unluwful fot ugainst. all loss. or damuge occsseioned by
.Sredon 1Z �The: Board.ol Esnminera u�ly -mneter nleetMclan�. to work ta: the the negllFence of the Princlpnl �thereln
� shall. have �the po�ver to recommend� to tiude or businese dur[Lg auclti. time tvhen, falling��.to Droperly esecuto. and protect
tl�e CICy 2[annCer�tiiaC.he revoka. or aue-� hfs �Certliicete uP Competency has been all work �done b1'��iL�� eg l�is employeee.
pend� for a Ume� not to esceed _one (1) suepended, �or under�hla dlrectlon or gupervielon, and
� year� the CettiHcate. of Competancy �of sny ��tton 18. The� provtsloae oE this Ord1- from all l�ss or� �lamage. accastoned� bY
�ivater Electrlclan �tivho� ahall be gutlty nunee ahall�mot epply: � - �or arlsing tn any m¢nner Yrom uny euch .
ot any one.or�more oP�ffie follo�v3ng ucts. la)�.To nn author5zed representntive�oP �vork doae Uy said Prfnclpals or hls��em-�
or omiealons,. to Zvit: � � the�� United States of�Arnertca, or�;he State ployees�or under di;ection�or supervlsion.
(xy� Fraud or deceit dn obtalninGf license . oP Florida, �County oP Ytaellue or� tlie City Said bond anall be uPproved by the. City �
� �r.certiflcate._oY competency. � oP�Olearwa2ar do1a� wo-k or coastructton �atiager�oE said Clty betore it becomea
� .(b) Negliveuce, �iacompetency or mis- �� �n the(r aPflclal c¢paeity. � eP[ecttve ¢nd may tie used by said Clty
conducf in �the pracUce. �02� conttactin� (b) Thie �employees �of Yubltc Uttittles or� ;n any �ourt oP competent jurisdietion.
ryithin the�meuning oP this��OrdInnnce. . Corporattuaa en�aged in the elanut¢eture Seerion '11. All�Ordinaneea and pdrts�oP ..
� ,�(c) Abandonment oi any contrack with- in d�hentiut�isn o[ electrle;ty tor the lt�ht- Oadinancea.in conRict herewith are here- �.
� uut legal.excuse. S. . t power,' wixon auid� �vork �ls by repealed. � �
,� (d) Dlvereioa oY�property or funds re- done ir tha courae ot the[r dutles as �.gectton��^5. Shuvld nny sectfon,� eub-
celyed undet esprese agreement�Poi Droae- Q�P1oyEes,�oP Pub1le�Utttltiee� and in coa- aectlon,�eentence, elavse or�phrase oE thie
butlom lor completion ot �a s�ecIfle con- :�ectiton with tho manufacWre �br dietribu�- Ordinance Yor any. reason� be held to- be
tract�under�th7s Ordlnance. -�tion when �work Is� dorlo�svlth the aupar- . unconatitiutional, such decislon al�all not.
� (e) Obtaining�money wlth inteation to� vtaiod at the duly-su'thorized oBicera oP atyect. the valldlty oE the remaining��Por- �.
� � fraud or decelve. creAltors or o�vnera, Publtc IItiltty� �Compandea or� Corporatlans�. tiona of. �this O.•�dinance.
(I):Praudulent� .depanture from. or dfa- �ectlon ^o. Thie (Ordtnance ehall' not gectlon "0,� Thie Ordinance sh¢ll be-�
re6ard of p]ana or speclflcatioas 1n �any �be conatrued� to previ,¢t the owner of any come �efCactive immedlately upon�paesage
�� � materlal respecY, wlthouC tha consent o! Droperty Lrom dotng• etectricat �woHc �on by the City �Commisaion oP the. Ctty oE�
� th�. nwner or hfa duly�nutharizod�repre- his owa.proDerty wlthou2 tlret obtatniug� Clearwater. �
_--- �� � aenEaUve�. a ltcenae as a Maet<r Electrieian; but any p8saed on Pirst P.euding:,OcG 9, 4947.
�.(g)�The doing of any��wlliu2 or fraudu- work.sa done by �the�owner on his own pnased on Secmtid�Reading; Oct. 9. 194Z.
� � lent� aet ae a �iaster Electrletan ia con- Property ahnil be.-sub,lect Yo inepectfon by passed on Third Readin�: Oct 9, 1047. �
aeauence ot which another is subsffiatial- the� Etee[rtral Iaspector and muet tie ap-
ly Sa�ured. � proved by hlm. � � S, O. HOUZ�,
� (h) Wl12u1 and deliberate dtsregard � Sectlon 21. Thls Ordinance ehall not .M r-Co mt er.
� Gnd violation �ot the Buildin� Code oL the bc :construed� to appiy���to Yhe irtetallatlon� Attest: �
Ctty. oi- CIearwater, and/or M� tbe 3tate �oP ��Y Portable electricai appllance �tfiat H. G. WINGO, •�
. of Flotida. . . . may be inatalled by yluggin� ln to an �ity Auditor und Cler -� '
. . � . . , . � � , � . . . � �. . .
. . - . . . . � � . .
� • ` 1•�1� . • .
,;�:. .;,.
' , ,.. �..
�� �. . Sectlpn 19. �'�Vlthfa �h3rtr (SO) � dnys �i�� nllewinQ �his �qrp0 to be��linyto➢er- electrtenl outlet already installed Sa build- �
ntte{' nhng oi hla nppLcutlon, nDPUeaui � IY uaed � by� uny � per�oa� or Na+'tp�� airectily �ng. �� � .
� � dnult pe exuihineLL on Me nrnetical xnowl- �+• luaiaectly eltner Yor [ue yurDUae uY „ecilon� 2.,. Any Deraon, or pereoas �nnd �
, e��e. qY. eleo[plclty, eiec[ric wtring, elbc- optainlrig e� pesinlc or [o µo auy work. uin menWera oY any Hrm, co-purtnerahip,
tra�ul aneuurdnqna nna aii onhar i�tactera� uuder h�a ticenae.� � curporut�on -aesomation oT osner . r� an1;
I DPoytiriy.coiulectCd wi[ti ttle puslaeas� or xny. pers4n ulreetly lntoresCed, ihe� zuc�on, �ex+ �any�com6tnuttoii., tnereuY,sDre-� �
Ll'LL4H of� elCetslcian. �R1u- exumit�a[ton oWlleC� Lhe bullding��01`EleCttlCLLl�1nBD8C- tlen[In�'. OI' at[einPilag to� a110 OT��une Ihe .
� uhutl'bu �Ductly orn1, pui•µy wrltien. and tui^.oC [he Vlcy ot Ulearwater,�.tue _9rchb� car[ipc¢te� uf uuutper.enuy of �notneC, ur
DµriiF Draotical tente unu The� Daeein6 �cc� ur a�.,ngiyeer ot uny building�cr con- llcenqe oC anutuer or wiw anall glve Yalae �
�, giape &haH be.� aeVenty-Cve (76�;)�. :per +�+'ucumt� �nny yreter �enargea aKumet an. uc Ytir6'eQ evinence ox .tiut Kin1 io the
upnt, p4sod tina-thtrd on the wrlcten taec, eaeccricmn uudel� chfe Otdlnance. � �� lsoartl,� or whu snaA YalaeW lmyereonwce � �
�. i une-chll•Q on the oral una� one-tHlrtl on.. oucn�cliqr�en muet�De innue:ftt wrlUug� u�wtner, or who enall uue nn exU�rey; sye- �
u�n pructlenL, � nuu eworn t0 Uy tne� GomPlatnnnt anti sub- UenUeU, or ievokeu. � ltcenee or Ueruricuce � .
�yuct�on t6�. Phe�. 8oard :ahqlt €rade tho nut[ed to �tu0 BourU: �lt will �then� be� the ot UOm �ecenc�� :oz.�.who :sha11 viola[ an
. upyuc:..S�t ne DroJided nnd reDort yeme, uucy oY-che lioara nt tlte eertieet poasible one or more oi the���proqtalona oY any eec
! Cogetuer witb any �flndinge� snd rec��n- uucn n:na no la[ar thu.n th4ty .(So) aays !oa of� fhle :Urulnunce �ahall' u on�� ou-
� � v��uaailone,. �to ttie� Ulty ffitinaGer. � Upon �1�ereuYter Io 9nveatl6�tp the�' charKe ��nud yletton in the Mun3cf al �Court beD unlahed '
4' . _.- - . _. .. P.. . D .
( nu��atactory eo�Rletion �oE'the���examina- �l�naer� their .ueC�aton'� wlthoUt aeluy.- A by a tlne not to�axceed $'LpU.00 or.byYm- .
�. tluii�unA up�n the upproval 6Y the Clty cupy oY� :he. chnrg:q �togetner witn the yrldoniaen} not exceetlinE slxtY��(60) daye �
h aLunu�pr oY-the� Board'e reDoet�thereon, time and P1&ce oC nf;'sing�shnll pe�te6R11J� m She-dlacretlon ol�the Ccuat '
� Ct�c l:![y MBnRgor ehall lasue. to the applt- ae�weC. on t4e accueed xt lea8t 9ve (6) E3ch ang every aay ths,t. a vlolatlon.
cutrC a� Certifleate� o[ �� Competency �which uays beYore the dute� rixed ior t6e hear- of Lhis Oruinance con:inuea. ahat7� eonstl-
aGnll tematn !n �iull� lorce and �eRect eo lAS. Ac 'Ih9. heartng. the u.ccused ahall �tute a 9oParate�and dletinet. oHeaee..
�I lonb ne.�tha-retjufied 1lcen9e fe pntd yearty n�xve the rlght to aypear pereonally��and � bection '2'3. � k:yery MaStei Elect ician
, ur unifi revoKad� or evepeaded��in� thn by�.couucll� pnQ croas-examtne wiU�esaes wiahln� to eng¢ga in Eus[neea ae. an
. munner providad In thle Ordlaance. � uguipet�him and .To protivice wlxneeaex electricat�contrxet�r, ahall,.�pefore en�ag-
. sectlon la. No �dlcenae ae'Maeter IJlec-� tiuu evldence In hta :petenae. � Sng In aueh buatneas, @xecute.n bond; Day-�
trleiun ahall be 9eeued �by the ��City of ��ec�lon 1H.. lt ehall. be upl{�}vtul y'er able 4o the Clt � nY Llearwater ia the :aum
I Llekrw¢ter � until the � uPppc¢nt tor the 4ny blueter :�lectriMan to en ng�. or work of F'ive Hundred 500.00) Dolluis, wtth a
. ��. �ticunse hue yraduced� f.or �exnminatlon to x� the buslneea�or trede oE�Mnater �lec= reapoaeibie�eurety$comPanY authorized to
t1Ye� Llcenee Department oP the City o1 trlmun � In 4he Ctty of Clearw¢ter when. do husinees in ttie State .OP Flarlda� ns��
. �UloarwaGer -hle� dul,� iseued Certlfluate�.ot . aultl Certtflcate oP Competency hns �beoa � aurety condttioned �to pxotect sa[d City
, UomDetancy. � � .cuncelled � and it aHeill � be � unlawfnl tor againat. all loes o.� �dnmµge. nccasioaed hy �
. � � 5cetlun 17. Tha Bonkd oE F7saminere nny, maeter electrieian to� work in the the aegLgence oP the prAncipal theretn
���. shali �have� the Dowor to. recommaad Yo �ti•ude or buet¢eae dur[ag eucfi ttme tvhen failing to properly esecute and protec[
the City Kanneer �tMaC he revoke.. or aus-� hle Gerttttcate oP��Cotnpetency has been :all work. done by him or hIs emPloye<.n,
�� pend: Yor u tlme not .to . exceed :one (1)� suepended. or under bie directlon or� suPervieton, anfl��.
yenr-the Certtflcate ot Competency of any Dectlon 1a. The� proviatoae� oL this Ord1- �irom all losa or- clamage occusioned � by
. .Muuter Electrtefan. who �ahall be �gullty nunce �ehall��not applyt � or �aristag in any manner from Rny such.
u`� of any one�Ur� more oP the tollo�ving nels la) To an�acthorized. repreaontative ot �york done hy aQid.PiinciHals or h[s e��
�, 03� omisalone, td tivlt: the��Unitod States of�Amezfcn, or the 6tate� ployees or under dlrection.or supervlsion. ..
(x).Nrnud or�deceit In obtalaing licenee� oP r1orlUa, (:ounty ot P1nelSus�or the-0lty Said�bnnd. ahall�be aPPi'.oved 2y-the�Clty
. or certtDcute of com➢etency.. oY Clearwater doing� work �or conetructton. 31anager oi satd �City beEi�re It becomea
� �;b). Negltgence,.�incomDeteacy or mfa- tn the(r�otYletal capactty. ��
etEective and mny �be uae�l. by sald �CItY .
con�luct ln the pracUce. ot contracting (b) The�. empaoyeea oP Publlc IItllitiee or� in any �ourt. of comPetent.juclsdSetlon.�
� g�lthta the meanln.Y, ot��thl¢ OTdinance,. Corporations engnged in the manuYacture. gectlou 24. �I1 Ordlnancea��an3 Partsrof
� '� {c) Abnndonment o1 aay coatrnM With- or dletrl6utloa oL electrtclty for ihe ltghY-� prdinancea in�ennfllct here}vith are here-
' ouflegnl excuse. fng,. heat ar. poweT;'�vhen aatd worlc� te yy Tepy83ed.
` {d) :Aiverelon oY pxoy�ertY �or tunda re- done in� �the course oP thelr �dutles �ae Sectlen .5. Should uny sectlon, sub-
celvod�under uxpreea agrcement Yor Droae- �empioyees of Pub1Ac Uttlttlee�and t¢ eqn-� aectfon, sentence, clause oT Phrase of�ihis �
butlon or complotton of� n. spec[pc con-� necrion with the.msnufacture or distrihu- Or3lnance Por nny� reason be held to� be
� , ttack uader thiu Qrdinance. tlon when work .le�done with the auper- �unconatttutloual,� such �declaion shall aot ��
� .{e), Obtainln� ,money wlth � inteatlon to vlaton of �Yhe duly authortzed �otticers �ot agect Yhe � valldtty of the. remaining por-
, � fr¢ud� or.�lecelve. creAltora.oi owuera, � Publfa IIdltty CompaNee�or Corporat5oas. � ons o1 this Ocdinance.
�� (f). Frnudulent:.departure Srom �or � dfa- $u:tlun 20. Thls� Ordinance ehall not ti �+Son 28. �Thie� Ordinance shall be-
. ' re�ard o1 plans or .apeclflcatlons. ln any be connlrued to prevent the owaer ot �any Scc �ective immediately� upoe pasea6e
.. mnterl¢] reapect,��without �:the coneent oi DroDerty Yrom dotng� electrlcat work on come e ,
lits �own Droperty �wtthout flr5t �obtalntng by the City Commisston. oY the City of
� ' the� tiwner or hie duly authorized � repre- Clearwater. �
� '� sentntice. � � � a.dicenae xs�a 2�fseter�Elxetrfcicn;�but:aay � passed on. First Re¢ding: Oct 9, 1947. ,
�(g)�The doing of nny wilful orfraudu- work ao�done.tiy Yhe owper on�hfa own Paeaed on Seeond Reading: Det 9. 1947.
.� �I lent. aet ae� a �i¢ster �lectric[an in. wn-� ProDerty ehall ba au3ject.Yo inepectlon�by . pasaed�on Third. Readin�: Oct 9,.19�7.
aepuence oP whleh anothe; la aubstnnttg7- Yhe Electrlcat�Iaspector and muet be ap- �
ly �fa�ured. � � Ui�oved by him. � �� � � � J, O�. "HOIIZF7, .
� II (h). Wllful and dellbernte dlereS�ard lleciloa ^L �� This Ordlnance eha1L not . hiayor-Comm�ssione .� �
and vlolatioa� gf 'the Bui181ng Cade. of the he conxtr.ued � Yo ap➢ly to Yhe Inetallatton Atteet• •� �
� City �of Cleartyster, and/or ot Uie �State: ot any portnble� electrleal appllance that x G. �.�rIr7G0, �i/� -�
.� oi Florlda. � � � �ma,L' be Saetalled by Dlugging tn to an Caty �tor and Cierk�
, . .. .I � . � .
1 �
�. . . � . . . . . . . _ . . , . .
k �
li. . . ' � . . . . . . �
�� � ... . .. . . . � . � � .
..r .. . . - . .
� . . . . . . I � . . . . .
� i . • . . . � . . . � � . . . . � .
• .,.. . � ...
� � :�^;it_..i�' ... ... _. . . : ... . . . . . � . . .
. r. . . _._ . .... __,. ...__ . . . .._.._ ...._ .._. . . . __ �
,,.,�+��. . ' . ' _ . . , bRI�I.NANCE _1Vt1t: 54y`` `. • . : . `: , ..": . . . . . ' �, � �
' d�Y ORDiNANCE ADOPTING AN ELECe E�cli inspeotfon ou�stde City.iimita�,4.80�� It shull Ue unl"a�vEul' Lor eny Dorson, �
� � TRIC�_iL �CO�TTRACTOR'S AND� .DLAS- Plqs mlleage �,7j¢c per;nlle. � flrin m�. cm•yoY•at[on Lurplshing electrla ' � �
� TER ELECTRIGSANB CODD; DDFIN- �� (B) PENA&TY - 5` O R Sii37�ALLING current for light, lieat or powor to� cori= �� � .
� . � �� SNG, REGULATING, AND GO�*DRNINC2 �ELEGTnI¢�i }VOItICiV1T7iDUT.1'Y�lt,- nect tho dlstrlbutln� systeltt wlth �nny
� � �� 1I.L .GLECTRICAI. NORii IN TEiE �ffiITi � �� � � Inatnllntton oP� tYlr�lnb'� upparutue or-fls- . .
�� ' CZTY OF CL17xftWATER, FLORIDA: . IP any peFeon, flrm Qr corporatlon, or tures in the Ctty ot CleartVAtor �without '� � �
� � � �� CFiEATING A BO �RD� OF DSASTER agent il�erao[ o; uny person ceting� foc Rrst l�nving recatvOd n copy of aerNRchte � ;
� � '.�LECTRZCAL� EtiAMINERS RE@UIR- or .on bClTnit oP either thereoP, , she�ll be oP Ilnnl lnspectlon. I9sued� uy the eltictricnl ( �
� � � � � � �I+IG�E.ti:1ni1NATIONS�AND LICENSING . Pound to Hnve done or� installed nny elec-� inspactor. � � .. � �' . . t .
� OP -.1LL P}]RSONS �� DESIRING TO tracul o; iistura worlc_for wltich a permit g�«���i q, _Doflnittous: ror tlie -pur- �
� . ENGe�CE� IN THE HUSINESS AS �LA9- Is�. reauirod. tivithout first obtaining a per- pose oP tUlu Ordlnnnca� the tollowing 'teCmq � ��
� . � �� �TER� ELECT-4.ZGZAN AR ELEC�RIC:1L mit thereYor,�he ahnll bo reauired to paY ure de8n�d us :Sotlo�vs: 'Muator ,�lectri-
� ��CONTRACTOR; AND llESIGNATING �4 fee equnl to threo.(3) times the nmount� efans" shnll mean uny paraon who..hhp �
. �TAE� BOARD OP E�ARIINERS OP oP Pee desigaatea ln SccYion (A) unless� served aa a Journoyman electrlclun Lor
� . , � ELECTRICIANS OF TFiE CSTY OF lie� obt¢tns the perm[f bePore I2:00 �'ctoelc r� perfod oY not. lesa thaa� two (2) yeura. � � �
� - CLP7ARWAT�R, AND D�FZNING. THE Noon on the flrst day the OYfice .ot the uiid �v])o h¢s the necesearF 9ua11Re4[lone, � �
� . -DUTIES. � AND� PO�VERS OF � SAID Building Department ls open to thfl Du611a trulning� and teclinlcal. knowledge to cqn-. C 3
. BOARD. AND. OF THE CITY QHIEF liusiness ¢Ater the� electrical work �vaa trnet,�llgure and superylso Yl�e Installnt[oq. � . �
� � � � � ELECTRIC�IL TNSPECTOli. started, nnd provtdad, }�o�vever.. t6at tlie- oP electrical tvlrin6� nnd oleetrlcal duvleqe� � � �
� Sacpon 1. ��Thut the following rules nnd miP1[num penalty to be qharged und pnld said quallfiaationa to ue detarmined by � i'f .. ,
� regulatfons b� nnd �the .� same hereby for� any Insp�etion: nn3er the provislon gourd: oP �lecti•icul� �xaminora ae horetnr ;�
ndopted Lor� the lnstnilation, muintenunca oP this section� shall be Five ($6.00) Dol- rif;er provtded. . � � ��
� � � � � and repalra o1 electrical tvlring, ¢pparu- 1ars. The pnyment oP the extra Yee here- yecitun 8. 1ny persoa herenftor angh�-
� � . � tus or eqvipment for� llght, he¢c or po�ver �n repuired ' ahnll not prevent� or � be a (ng in. or worxlny nt the buslnesa ot eiew ��- �
� � � within tlie limits bE the Clty oE Clenr- defensa to anp prosecution Yor tha violu- �.i�lan. 1n tlia City oP Clearwater us a
� � wateT, �. ss they.nre no�v or may hereafter �ion o1 nnl' P= the provfslona ot this code. �aster Llec[rlciau ahull , flret recaivo u- �'- � i��
� be establlshed. � �-1u) b•�r;� lrvit .uuaNuilv�;. ��,u- �ertiqcate oY Competency In accord¢ocy '
� � SecUon �. A permit�will be �equtred to D1tc�S. � with the pro�dsiona oL�thls �Ordlnance. •�� �I`i
Wnenever it shnll be necessary to 3naka �,
. do �uny electrical constructlon oP nny � eecttun U. s�ny peraon aeeuing to work� �
ChaTIIcter, ln9tII11 ally e1CCLriCLL1.. }yiiln$', Kn� 8Yu't1,1n8yeCClun ��[Tip uutl to [Il� �U�l�)lt- jn Ln0- bu9tIIebtl OI' �tl'dua� oY elec�l`1c1LLti� utl� t �
�� Sppfll'ACllS Ot a4uipment, OT make.. any ex- ' 98nc s }�'3Y1L6 �}llCJT1CCt uaurena . or �ne[er L10C[I'1C�iiR �B Lk18 Clty OY� l:1rLL1'�� �� �
tCR9lOR9 OC CI16D$'29 t0 Eti15C1D6" {VI3'Illp' �V.a•UU({ IVC8C1U8 3II OUt9.IllIL(�,it jlCl'lllli�l'd- �
� � � syatems, for lights, heat or po�ver, repa[r- 4uireu uy tu�s y1•d.neuice, u Yee ot 1`lY[y ��ucea•, snull executa� und �rile with tn6
� inf; of damnged or 6roh-en Hstures, np- �ents (uuc�,enu11 be paid Yor..correcung ���ty Builain� lnspector an nppimut�u�t .�
� � paintUs or� equipment and the. ordinary tne adaress or locntiou given in �aucu 4°u.enuii ao�,os;c �.0 esammatlun Yee ot �
worl: �necessary� Yor the proper main- Lermit, ur u.nnw ll,ermic�ahull ue outu�neu l�ve (y6.0u) Lollara. ��he 8ppI1CRL1U�l
� �fenance of same. These permlts shall be �Lu �uit teea reuulrea �by tpis US•aiaance �'tunK snult concaln 1nPormatton unaer
Sssued��by the ChieY Electbical Inspector. nqull Ae pnid Tor auch�.ne�v�permiG�, �uth as to the nntRe, quatiricauone,'flnun- .
� No auch petrmtts shall be issued � to uny-. iecuuu a.. 1.11 e;ectrm:d cous[ruction, c�ut . antl 6uptneae reteeencea, -3�taca oY .
� one except a.�Laster Eleetricinn. . �ewn sII ma[erluin aad. ai�pliauces usen ln Uusineae ana.reaidence� 04 the appltc¢nt
..Section s. ��Permits.shall tie iasued� only uonneccton. wi[n tne� iu�catiation, mniu- �+na a awnxnitry ot�cqe action�taken;ttiore-
� � to ➢inster Electriclans,. upon .Pa1'ment oY ienunce aad o�arxcioa oY electricui ap-. on py^ the Board. � ���
� � the requlred 2ee or fees accordins to the �.Baracua or equapmeat for lighc: neat ur �«i�uu iu �u�.� A Boxrd�oY lixniutuera .
� � following achedulet �kower wtihin tna u!nua uY Llear�vat4r, �a uereuy crea�ed �wicri the � uucien uuu
- ,1} SC3[�DiILE Oir FEES: snu11 conYorm to anch apecial rules anu Nuv�ere .heremuicer �nt�mnrn�eu. �•'Phn
( . siouru aha11 cuuaiat of cnree Gi) inembera `
� � For minlmum electrleal permib _____$1.50 regulatlona ua may be� etnboaied. in �tnir+ �yno s4¢u Uo cue �tty tsullning Inayec[nr,
� For outlets at �Vhich current ls con- or othar ordmaaces.of the Clty af Cle¢r- tne Cicy�i;lectricul l�iapeccor unti un eiec-
�� trolled or consumed, 1 to 5 outleta_� '6 >�ater, und to the rules, regulntions and Lrlcal contruccor, wno enall tie ;
� Far each addittonal outlet up fo b00__ ,lo Tecommenuauona �oY the Nntlonal Bourd . 4 reylaent�
For� each ndd:ttonal outlet over �500_ .05 aY .n'ire Undcr�vrttera� Yor the inatall¢tion bY� tue Giiy oY ClcurWa[er, �uDpolated� Dy � '
� For each �cutrent conLrollSag device, � oY wiriag anct ¢pparatua Yor electricat ui° �ity.Uommisuron to'serve Yor u�terul�
� � Hstures, drop c6rd and�tecep[ucle� .0"0 �i°rposea as�xhey are now esxablished or� uY Uiree yeare .ana unul��hfe .bucceapor ����
For�each meter Instnlled over one __ �.25 1Dxy hereaYtet ba ninended, and such ru3ee, ana11 Le uppointed a.nu quuifleU. • Yl•u- {
� h'or��eacn mo[or�br generutor not over 1•e�ulatIons and xecommendetloas ara viuetl that cne term aY aula�member ap+ �.
liereby adopteti ana� upproved-as B�.Tt uP N�ii�teti in 1Y47 atiall expire on cne flre{ � �
. � � 1 H. P. ---- ---- •50 thia ordinanee. The��Uh1eY•Llectrical�In- uonuuy iu i��ebruar7� laotl anu thnt ¢acli �
. For each motor over 1 H.P but not 'npector de hereby e�apowered to put into aucteeuine tertn shall explre;.on tne Lrac
� � � over 3 H Y. --� - � ------ 1,00 euect, subject [o the apptovnl oY the tiuuuy m 1 eUruu:•y oY cne prupnr yen'r.. . ��.,,
For each motor ovei� 3 H. Y but not �� lsoard of. �xaminere�� sucll'. re¢sonable 'Pne uity Munager nh�cAl Ue an �x o�2iciu
ove; 5$ Y. ___ _ 2.00 rules . ld regularione not in.conYllet lvtth .���ember.of the lioarti ¢nd he may appolnt � �
. . For each motor ove3� a H-1 but noc thie orCinance or the Nationnl Uode as he un udtiiElonal aeaoctate memper for�euch �,�_� �
over 10 2I.. P. __ � �.3.00 deemg.neceseury Yor the purpoae oP�more ���mmnhon, Which eui¢ qaaUdute `ahqll �
� � For aach motor over 10 I3. 1 5ut not eKective con[rol and cossetructfob oP elec- Ue u pereon quali8ed 1n che- electricul Hela
. . . ovor 20 I3. F. - �. �.9.00 trlecl appttnneea and� wlring, and who shall acc in an uyvleury euLactty .{� �
For each motor os er 20 H P _ 6.00� - co the Saartl. �� j
. Aaage� Outlet _ __ _ :: ,7� Sectlon �.� On all conduit jobs in the Sectlon so (b). The City CommlaeWn i f
Henttag and Cooking AppllanePs ovec �Ciry of Clearwater tivhere conduits nre may remove uny member oY the lioard �_� �
. � 1 Yi.1V., aot ove 5 Ii:I�V _,7b �to be concealed ia earth, baick or con- xor. cauae. Vucuncles ahall be xllled by �
, � Henting and Cooklne�appliancea over crete, rigid conduit must �be oP an ap- the Uit Commleslon ¢a a eclfied ubovo,. �
�proved galvanlzed type. � y � p �
� . � o P:1V not�over 10 KW �� 1.00 aach aUPomcee Yor vucnncy to� aerve Por �
� Heuting and Cooking. appllances over � SeMlon 6. hll plumbiag aad other pip- Ctie. unex�ued �term oY. the origlanl ��
� 10 Ii.P _� � 5.00 jag or Iube worlc muet be in Dlace�� un uppolntmen� f��
� � Electrlca.l `Vaterlieaters. � � � � 1.00 �vorl. to� be concealed tieYore the electrl- � � � 'I � �
� cal wlrin �ec�lon 11.� Each memUer af the Board '
� � � � � X-ray �pparatua � � 2.00 � Is inapected, and no. aueh wir- ehall, UeYore� enterin6 uPon Uiu maeri¢rbe �� �' �
�� 0[InBuraeriHenting Anits � �-� 1.00 ing ahull be � conaidered as complete Yor oY his. autlea oP oYClce, tlle �vith the ylcy ��1��
osal inspectton until all euch plumbin� �annger �an oath in ivriting, to proporly �� �
� . � Attle Fans,�each __ _�_ ___ __ 1.00� P1Ping is in place.� pertorm�the�dutlea oP the olYce�sa u mein-
. .� ' Electric El¢vator Installat[oa, oach__ 6.00 anyt m nlnereconce¢1tQnto lath, aenl. or in bet oE a¢Id Board nnd to uphold.the ortll-�
� For each electrlrwelder (transformea ar..e .� 3 electrical wlring nnnce oY tho City oY Clearwuter and the. ��
type) vp� to .50 dmp. Sec. 1.00 4ulDment unt11 same has been in- Lonatitution und lawa oP the 3tate oP i� �
For eaeh electrtc rvelder (transformer� epected and .noticea posted that eamr. 1s yqorlda and �tl�e ConaHtutton and� 1aWa i}�
type) over �59 AmP. Sec. __ �___ 2.00 approvzd. oE the Untted �JtaLes. � �
� � I'or each electric welder motor �en- When the. electricnl worlc In any bUtld- Secdon lz u ,�
eratar type, eame as Lor mo ce ____ ing for w�fch a peimit bas been �obtained ¢t ]eaet uurterl ��¢ndBoYt ner,glatmtha
� Lighting and Power transPormera � fa ready Yoa inapection, noUce fn writing c¢ll of�the chalrmnn or nt the directibn i���
� Up to 600 V primary, each _ 1.00. Properly Riled in uvon blanks furnlahed oE�tke Clty M¢nager or the City Commis- � ����
� . . Over 600 V. prlmary, ench � ____ 2.00 at the office oE the ChIeP I71r.etrtenl In- alon. Tha three segulnr membei•s ahall �
� � � � Bell Transformera, eacli __ � ___ � .2"o aPector .atating� the ]ocattoa oY the �voric,. �conetitute a 4uorum. ���'��
� � Each electrle a�gn 30 sociceta or Prac the� name oi the o�vner, and tlie n¢me oY
� tion � - � 2.00 tho� electrleal .contractor doiag� the �worlc, 5ectlon L" (b). The� Bonrd ahull an-� i��. � � �
� � For 'electrlc sign, each additionai 30� ehall be 4urned �in to the Ch1eP Electrical nualiy elecC u chairm¢n nnd a�vice-chalr-
� socketa �__ _ � 1.00 =asBector's OfPlce, man end the Bullding Inspector sh¢ll ;�. �
Ench electrfc f]aeher � �� 1.00 �Afteb the flret�viett to a joti� or a wrlt- act as aeeretary-trensurer� and. he ehall I . �
� . �ach tlme clock �� .b0 ten notice to ias➢ect aume, iP 1t 1s necee- Iceep a zecord oP mll proceedinga of the �
� Each neon sign or tubing flret trana eary ko return � to reinapect �¢ny work, Board nnd all recorda p¢rtaining to aPPI!- .
� iormer __ _____ � --___ � 1.00 wfiether from a� deYect or the work not cations und examiaatioas. oL pr,�aDective � �
� �tionul�transformerbing-each-addl- .50 only�on an 1�'�� rnw lttpeaotlee��alnd ahali benmutt ra�contan datheretn.evldencetot ����.
� � � �ach�apot]ight __ 36 requlre an �addltl_nal fnapectfon fee �of. �� �
� � . Julce or6'nne, coin opera.ted devices � Two Dollare� ($2.00) to ba paid to tbe `3ecttun �Y2 (c). The Bo¢rd ehnll havo �" �� •
� etc., each _ __ � 1.00 Cfty Clerk. the. power to make by-lawe, rulee� and � 1�. � �
� Circuaes; carnivnls� ete � � .6.00 After. the.entlre completion of the warlc, regul¢tlona governing ite operatlon, pi�o- �
. � Temporary ➢ermiks for bu7ldin� cun a notice, the same as�tho f�regoing, ehnll viding euch do not tDnfllct wtth City or
� � � structton, m(nlmum ___ �________ 1.00 be given� £he Inepector Yor the flnnl fn- State Inwa . �q ', � �
Tempor¢ry usa oP� current .on per- spr.etlon, and if he flnda � tha wbrlc hae Sectim ]3. �nch npDllcatfon for� exnml- � �
�.manent w[rtn� or, �nnnaratus ¢nd been satiafactorily done he ehnll� ieaue ¢ natlon�ahnll be reviewed by the Bo¢rd to 1^ �
� fixtures I�ending completion of certiflcate oP InapecUon �� Hetormine. the nppllennYa� ellglbillty Por �
. � � � 3netsllatton, ciich inepectton __ 1.00 Thls cerkiflcate does noti relieve the exuminntlon with;n �ten (16) dnya .aftcr �
� . Each nddttlonnl Inspection more than electrlclan oY hls reaponeibillty for nny recolpt oP ¢ppllc¢tlon,. nt whlch t(me.the ��I..�
�� 2 inside Clty Limlta ___ _____ 2.90 dePactive }vork� whtch mny.bavo escaped ��nrd.. ahull aet the dute, ttme and pince �
� � � General. rogaira� _ .- ____��_______ Y,00 tha notice ot th¢ Iaepecto:, � � .�ot examinatlon, � � . � �-�}
. . . . .. . . . . . . .`1-
. � . . . . . ...i .
.-(i . � � . . . . . . .
.. . . .. � .. ,. � ....,,.,�,,.
. � . � �. . � . � . � , � � '-`,. 9�
. � . . . . . .. t.!