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CITY COl.D :ISSIOH J,:IHU'l'ES Ob' ~L~l;'l'~,;B..m (3, 194.7
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The 0 i ty C 01.1.:rli ~:mion !Jlflt in specitJl session u t 10 0' clock, Sa iJtember 8, 19h-7
in tho Oity 11011 with the fOl.LDvJinc nembdx'D lJl'CJsent: J. O. Houze, J~ H. Crane,
E1l1d \'1. C. ',':ells. ..bsent: '}'. "" JOIUlflOll, H[jrl'Y D. :3~,l'r;elr;lnt. J,lDo'resent were
l:Jc1.ine; City Ht"Lorney lIt 1.. Du~)kin ulld Cilie1' D1' l'OJ ice ;r. J. .E:lliott.
l,iuyor Eouze OX.J)18illl~d tllu'L the ;'U1';;o:,o 01' the mecLillf: vms to consider the
al).)rovul 01' u eigllt inch :..Jtdli tury ::3rmer line all 30utn :Jtruct l'rOIIl GrGcn'vlood ...venue
to-l,':ushington J.vonuB,1'or tJ Liis~ElIl(}e Dil UjJ)l'O;dlllLl1,~~ly h-50 feet. City Clerk reod
l:.a uOl'Y 01' the llublished llotice, LInd :",lso tl llctition siGned by property owners,
re(lUest:Lng tlll" ;:jeW(Jl' line. 'l'l1ei:e bei.ng HO ono i"re~1ent Vill0 o1'l'cred Lny objections
to the 3e\'lC'H' lint! beillB put in, ,\ l'e::wlut.ioll \n~13 rct.d to LlutllJrize the construction
01' the ~eVHJr, l)ul'Suunt t,) the IJ.l'P'Jinious 01' Gcction 1~~3 of tllr.3 City Ul:u;,rter. It
was moved by 001111ilissL)lle1' 01'u,no, seconded by \.JOl:Udis..ioner ':Jells tind urwnimousely
ourried tl:wt tho l)otitioll be grLnted., bnd thut tIle resolution us reud be edoiJted.
I '
i ;'.
I. '
,'. ..
, .
f .'
,';.' ....;...,.
":.Hj~i{~,~, The G i ty Gorn:,;is :;ion 01' the C i t~' 01' 01eurvJater, FloI' iclu, ueerns it
l.:ldvisuble and to tl:w best interests or' soid City to LLke the f'ollo"ling iIJll)rovement
'within SElid Iaunicil)f~li ty, to. \'Ii t:
Install S" sunltfJ1.'Y sewer on South .::ltreet from
Greenwood ",venue ~L\st to "Ilu sl1inr;toll J.venuc, 1'01'
a distunac of ~~prox~'_utely 450 feet.
.I~:m '.,;U:L~IS, notice of intention tD d;] such \'/01';-: has been published us
re':,uired by luw, us oviacnced by attecnccl efi'lc.itJvit of l'ublicution;
HUD ~,'I~Jj~~1~..:,:.i, El .:.lublic l1;:;(ll'ing lws bCJen held this d8Y ~;ursuc..lnt to law,
et wniah heering no Jbj ections v~ere nen:r:d [Iud thd COHUllission having determined
thut such irnprovemen t sllould bo medu:
NOY; 'llH_~lLi:FO.U, In IT :UGULV,~:J by the City COlilliission of the Cit:>' of
Clearwater, Florida, in specibl session /.J ssembled and held, thet bbove-listed
improvement be, and the same is herelJy authorized Bnd directed to be ffiClde in
ClccordCll1ce with the )lons cmd specificotion[) submi tted, ~JUrsuant to the provisions
of' Section 123 01' th e Charter 01' suid Cit Y of' Clcorwc.ter, beine; Chupter 97l0, Laws
of' Florid8, Special Jlcts of 1923.
.i)l~SSI~D ..1\:.:0 J.D01,rl'.;E.J by the City Co lIIission of' the City of Clearwater,
Florida, this 3th dl:lY 0 l' 8elJtemuer, ..I1.D.. 19h7.
" ,.....'.
~,. ~
.<</It:- (Y,.r;
C~ ty l~uditor and Clerk
TO .t'.LL P~HSONS INTElLSJT:ID: Notice is heJ:'eby given that the Uity Commission
of the City of Clearwater, 1!'loriilCl, intends to L"u-~horize the f'ollowing irapxovements
in the City of Gleer\'Hjtcl':
Install 8" seni tElry sewer on South Street from Greenwood l:.venue ];rJst to
':Jeshingtol1 ~.venue, for 8 distunce of Cop pl'o:.iruately 450 f c;et.
Hll persons interested are directed to Sll\JW C8use ii' any there be, v~hy said
improvements should !lot be mc:de Bnd t:.) :i:ile any objactions thereto VJi th the City
Clerk on or before Saturday, September bth 1')1+7. }\. hearing will lJ() held by '~he
Commission on tlonday, September 8th, 1947" !:It 10:00 .i~.I\I. in the City Hull, to
hear Bny 0 bj ections t:) s c.lid iI:J.provements 5nd. to take 81J~Jl'O priste 8 ction under the
provisions 01' Section 123 01' the Chul'tux of tile City of' Cleerwater.
Ci ty ..nlldi tor (:.~ Clerk
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for (j
We, the undersigned
sewer line on South
J~venue .
pro party ovmer s ,
Streot for a distance
do hereby petition
of' bppro:ximately
the City of Clearwl2ter
400 ~eet east from
Mr. L.
L. Allen
Donial Vlillioms
Robert W. Dunn
Vivian E. O'Neal
E. C. Curl
George Hosemunn
Lot 1,6 Block G. Lukeview Hoights.
1348 Wushington, Lot 24, Bloak' G.
1352 Hl,shington, Lot 22, Block GO.
.Lot 20, Bloak G.
Lot 24, Bloak i~, Lukeview Heights
,Bloak 13, Lokeview Heir"hts, Lot 10,11, Tigus .nvenue.
There being no further- business to come before the board, the
City Auditor & Clerk
',\ .
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errl''"! Cor,:.LISSIOH 1\:IN1JT1~S OF S~PT.i!1:IBER 8, 1947
\" .
'1 The City COlmnission met in speciel session the evening of September 8, 1947
at 7:30, with the following mombers p~'esent; J".G. Houze, rr. A. Johnson, VI. C.
',/ells. .i-.bsont: J. H. Gl'ane, H. D. Sargeant. Also present, H. H. Bl:lskin, ecting
Oity J~ttorney, Boyd J~. Bennett, City 1,lunagor, J. J. Elliott, Chief of Police.
The meeting 'NOS called to order by Eeyor Houze, who expleined that the }lurpose
of the meeting wes to consider the 8pp~intIllent 01' Cl ]'iscal .i.gent to supervise end
hundle the details for the city o~ 8 proposed 0300,000 Revenue Oertiricute Issue
for the gus plunt expunsion.
, The City l.:unl:lger I'eported that he hEld I'ece! ved proposl:ds ~l1d pluns from the
following Bond Companies: Leedy, Vlheeler &. i.lleuwn 01' Orlando, l'i'lorida, John
Nuveen &. ComJ)Bny of' Chicc..go, B. J. Van Ingen &. Compl.lny, Henson-Duvidson Company
01' st. lJetersburg, Florida, J. H. DOl.'rence, Ben Krentzmen, representins :McDougel
&. Condon of Chicago. It ViUS brour:;ht out by the City !I-lfJIluger that H. J. Dorrence,
Ben Krentzmen, und Hanson-Duviunon 00ffi'pbny were not ready to !l1L11-ce a defini te
c::ommi ttment or offer. '].'ho C it y Lunuger retld e :x.erpts 1'rom the llI'oposols subrni tted
'oy the above nomed compunies 0 nd individuals, and recolrunended to the City
Comm.i~?sion that they uu tlloI'ize hiln to a JlPoint u Fi scnl ""Gent.
It VJas moved by CO.r.1!:lissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner VJells and
ulHJnimously c~lrried thot theei ty ManegeI' be authorized to contract with e
Fiscal i:.gent in order thet the ...cent might worle out details under the supervision
of the City I-.1a llU eel' , l)reliminery to th e 0 ffel'ing of th e l"Jro,9osed Hevenue Certifi-
cates to the highest bidder.
'l'here being no furthel' business to come before the board, the Pleeting 'WI:lS
. ,
~tor "
Olerk l-.
. .,'.
" ,
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cz�Y COT�a�saxozt x,:�]rv2'�s GF� ;��L�.�,�::�� g� 1947
The Cii;y Cot�rnission rnet in speci�tl session at 10 otclock, September $, lGt�7
in �the Ci�Ly F��11 tia:tth the #'o1lov�in� raernbers �resent: J'. 0, Houze, J; R, Crane,
c�nd ;'J. C, ,'Vells. s�bsen�; T. 1,� Johnson, Harry D, Sarge�nt, hlso ;'�res�n.t v�ere
r�etin� City t�t�Gorney �I. Fi. Easkin �and Ci�:iaf of Nolica J, �, Llliott,
�,ir�yor Iiouze �;xplained thai: the ourpc�se of the raeoting was •to consider the
apZ�roval of a ez�;ht inch Sanitary Se�,�ier line on South itreeti from Green.�000d �>venue
to :7�sl�in�i;on 1,venup, ��or a dis�qnce o� appro�,im�tely f�>0 i'eet, � City G1.erk read
�a co,�,�,r o�: the �ubl�islied n�tice t ancl also a petiti�n signed by nr�pert�r' �Vule:rs,
rec�uesting tYi� Sewer 1ine. �rhere beir�� no c�ne present v�tho olYered Uny objEc�ians
to th� Sewe,r line bein� pui: in, �� resoluti�r� v�ae rc�d ta auth�rize the construct�an
� oi' -�he Sewer, pursuant to the prs�Tisions of Section 1?_3 a? �he City Charter. It
v��as moved b� �omr,Lissa.orier Cr�e, secancled by Co�ncissioner �'�ells and unanirapusely
carried that the petition be gruntecl, and that the resolution as read be Gu��itEd.
lt�solutiorr �
"JH�it�.:;, T�.o City Coro:;iission of the C�t,y �f Cleax~,rtater, H1�ri$G, d,eems it
udvis�ble anci to th� besi; interests �i' s�a�d. City t� �k� the follo��aing im�royersent
within s�id municipali�l��, to, tivit:
?'n�tall ��' sanit�ry sewer o�. South �treet from
Gre�m�aood t.venue ��4st tn ;lashzngton 1>venue, z'or
a dist�ince of a_�proxi.iru�ely 1�50 feet.
r+ilD'�i�:-.:!;r.5, notice oi' intention to do sucn. t,vor;� nas oesn publisn�d as
re�;uired by lav��, as evidenced by attachect afr.idavit �f vublicatiion;
hi1D �`I�Ir;it�..;;, � aublie iiearin� has been held this �Uy �ursu4nt to law,
at wiiich heari�i� no objectians ��uere ii�ard and the C�mmissi�n having deter�ined
that such impr�veLic;nt su�uld be mada:
1:dUy� �i'fi�i.-t�'O.ty� , i3:,' IT :�, ,� �i�;,V,,,'D by t'rte C it y C ommis sio n of th e C it y �f
Glcar�v�ter, Florida, in specisl sessian usse�nbled and held, that above-listed
iu:proven�ent be, snd t�e same is hareby authori�ed and directed t� be m�de in
�cc�rdunc� ,vith the ��lans and s�ecificd�ions qr�l,�.; �;,�d, �ursuant to tl�e y.�r�visions
of Sectioii 123 0� the Chsrter of' s�id City �� Cl,ear�;<vat�r, being Chapter 9�10, Laws
of Florida, 3peciol .�cts of 1923.
r'�.SSuD ��:iD f_JQPT�D by thE City Co_niission o� the Cit� oz Claarwater,
Fl�rida, this �•th fley of SeStembar, ��.D. 1347,
�` �,�
�� �
� Le� al r�0't1CC
TO ��T�L 'r"ii��UPTS IP1TiitL�T �D: Notice i.s hereby given that the Gity Commission
of the City of Clear�r�t�r, Flori�a, intends to Uuchorize tha follo�ving i.rsprovements
in �he City �f �ler�r��aater;
Install $" s�nitary sevaer on South Street f`r�m Gre�n�y��d �>venue y+�ist to
:J�tshingtoil nvenue, for a dist�;nce of uppr�.:irnately 1a.50 i':;et,
t,ll persons int�.rested are dir�cted 'to sh��,v cause 5.f any there be, bvhy said
improv.:ments sk��uld not b� ri�,de and tu �ile sny obj�etious t�i�reto v�i�h the City
Clerlc on or b�fora Saturd�y, SopteraUer t�tl� 1;47, !� heaxing �vil1 pe held "oy the
Cora�i�i9sion on P�onday, Saptember 8th, 1y�.7., a� 10;00 �,T�', in th� �ity H�11, to
hc:�r any objec-�iaiis to said i�pr�venients and t� �alco ra�1�r�priate action uncler tiie
provisions ox' Soction 123 of the Charter �� tlie City of Clearwater.
Fitr�Ta� Ct�OLi,�:'
City s,udit�r �. Clerlt
�a�¢,� . � . � .
GTe, tha t;ndersigned kxonerty own�rs, d� herob� peti,i;ion tkie� Ci�Ly of Clec�rwU�ax
for a setaer line on South �street for a aistence o� approximetely 400 fea�L oast �"s�ou�
Greenwood xvenue.
I,:r. I,. L. Allen Lot 1,6 Blacii G. Lakevie�v Hei;htsu
Iv?at�ie D�nial t'�iZliams 134g 4'��shington, Lot 2�., B1oc�� G.
Robert ;"d. Dunn ,l' 352 �+!f+shing��n, Lot ?_?, Block G'.
FTar�vzll.biills .Lot 2U, Block G:
Vivian �. O1Nea1 Zot 2LF, Block i�, I,ukeview Heights .
E, C. Cur1 T31oc1c B, Lakevi�w Hei�hts, �,ot 1U,11, Tigus .�,�venue.
George Haser�ann
Thexe b�;ing no further business to come b�fore tha board, the rne��ting vras
adj ourned. • ,.�
y riagor mriissioner
� m i
�'T!✓�Z L
City �uditor &, Glerk
_ _ _ �. _. _. _. ..�._,,
. . . . � . . . . . . '...1
. . � .. � . . � . � � . . . A.
. . � � �, . � . . � � ,�
. . .,. � . . . . � (n Z.4 . � � �
� v1!-.c CiUZu:iI��IU�.'j �1'�J�.L'�nJ �ii t-�7.�u,i��ls'iA17it� 0�.� �.7ii:�rj � . .
� The City Coimn;;.ssion mei; in special session the evening of September 8, 1947
at '7:30, tNith �he �ollos,ving membexs �resent; J'.0. Houze, T, i�. J'ohnson, 1�1. G.
elel].s. rsb;�ent: J'. Et. Crane, H, D. S�rgeant, xlso present, H. N. 73askin, actin�
City �;ttorr�ey, Boyd h. Bennett, Ci�y LTbna�er, J', �, E�liott ; Chief of Yolice,
The meeti:ng v��t�s ca11ec1 tq order by I��ayor Houze, vaho explained that the �u:rpose
of the lneeting was to consider the appointment o� a Fiscal r,.ge�t to supervise and
h�ndle �Ghe de�ai,la 7or the City of a�rop�sed ;r300,U00 Ftevenue Certi�'icate Issue
a'oi the ��s p1�nt oxpansion.
The City Lianager re�ortad that he hacl received pr�p�sals and plr�ns fram the
fo.Llowing Bond Companies: Leed�, ;�fheeler c7c ��lle�an of Orlando, Flori3a, John
Nuvc:en 8: Company o�` Chic.��o, I�. J. Van In�en F�. Comp�ny, RQnson-Davidson Company
uf ut, i'o�ersbu�g, Florida, J. H. Dorrence, Ben Krentzmen, re�resenting McDougel
8c �ondon oF Chict��o. It was brou�,ht �ut by the City I��anager that Et, J, I�orrence,
Ben Iirentzsaen, and Ranson-DGviel:�on Company tivere not ready to rnake a de�inite
comri�ittment or offer. The Ci�y I,;r�na�er read eyerpi;s zrom �he pr�posGls sub�itted
by the abo4e narned companies and indiviluals, and rec�mmended �o the City
Cameiission that they authorize him t� a�point � Fiscal r"_gent.
It v��s moved �iy Coramissioner Jo1�.nson, sec;onded bp G�nraissioner ;7eZ1s and
unUnimously c�arried that the City Pvianager be auth�rized to contract �,Jith a
riscal �sgent in or�er that tne �.gen-t'rai.gi�t v�ork ou.t 'de�ails under the supervision
oi the City Tiailr��er, prelirainary to the oflierir� of the �raaosed itevenue Cer�ifi-
c�tes ta •the lugtiest bicldei .
There being no iurther busineas to cane beiore the boarcl, th4 r�ieeting tiias
, adjourn;:d.
. �
Ptilayor- mmissione
/= 1.--� ��Yl � //