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?. r? ?- ??: .,?. ?, A?,.?-??- CITY OF CL'EARVJATIIt `;' '??'' :;ti:,? .:,. GITY COMMISSION biINUTI+?, JULY 10, 1947 , ? ? ?, O Attorney VJ, Ii. Wolfe urged the Commission to approve the assignment inasmuch as the prospective lessee was willigg to pay X150. per mon,?h rent, e X50. increase carer the present rental and as further reason that the present lessee was being forced to give up his business because of illness. The City rvianager reported that he hed investigated hlr. B. P, Nuae and that he had found that his reputation in Anderson, Indiana, his previous home, was very good in deed. The City Iviana ger recommended that the assignment be approved at a new rental of ?P200. per month. This offer was not satisfactory to the prospective lessee who offered to pay a monthly rental of ??150. Maydrk?Houze at this time suggested a possible compromise in the amount of rental. At this time Commissioner Sergeant moved that the offer of X150. be accepted but his motion was lost for want of a second. Conunissioner Johnson moved that the Commission offer to assign the lease at a monthly rental of X200. pex month, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Crane; the motion was lost, the vote being as follows: for the motion, Johnson and Crane, against the motion Houze, not vo tip , Sergeant. It was moved by Commissioner Crane seconded by Commissioner Johnson and carried that the meeting be adjourned. The City Manager et this time called immediately a special meeting of the City Commission to consider the applic eti on of Steve Kape tae f or a bar and liquor license, a special po3?1 being taken of the Commission at this time, each Commissioner agrdaa to the special meeting being called. It was moved by Commissioner Crane seconded by Commissioner Johnson and unanimously carried that the City Clerk be authorized to issue a bar and package store liquor license to Steve Itepetas operating under the trade name of Crystal Bar and Package Store and located a t the N.V?. corner of fIaven Street end S. Garden Avenue. Ih was moved by Commissioner Crane seconded by Commissioner Sergeant and unanimously carried that the meeting be adjourned and that the Commission reconvene and reopen the special called meeting to consider again the assignment of the Park Inn lease. ?,t this time an offer of °175. rental per month was received provided the City Commission approved the assignment. It tivas moved by Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commissioner Sergeant and unanimously carried that an ?a assignment o1' the lease covering the nark Inn Property from Vance Barden to Perk Inn Incorporated be approved for a monthly rental of X175• ?? ' ?'?'? beginning August 1st, 1y47. There being no further business to come before the Baard the Meeting was adjourned. _ ss The City Commission met in speaial session the evening of July 10th '' in the City Hall at 7:30 1'.ai, with the following menbers present: J. 0. House, J. R. Crane, T. ?. Johnson, H. D, Sar?eant, absent: W, C, YJells. Also present • were City Manager, Boyd ti, Dennett, City t?ttorn©y, Geo, W. Smith and Chid' of Polia©, J. J. L+'1liott. +° i After calling the meeting to order, h;ayor Ifouze explained that the purpose of the meeting was to oonsider a request far the transfer of the Park Inn lease from Vance Barden to Park Inn Incorporated represented before the Doard by blr. D. Y, Nuce. { 'a?;'?"',, (i??z`( 7 .'S,? 4''r•? . i ?p E r? ?= , t.. ,'?:: :::. ?.. ti :;. . ?t r ?? :?,;,. w ?; a 3 ti s ?ri?` ?,,, .:;? ?,? ? : ?. i?j.r{??;?p?p^ '`? , I, .?; u << ;. . ;:, ? , ,:;., ?, it. ,: :?; ; ;.? i j,. ?: .Y. JIrry?p tt+'+?.F '?n,?' ; ? ?'?. ? . J -- - _._.a.rL `v * cTz� aF c�RvrAT� CITY CU2:IMCSSTQN 2A_INiJTES, J'ULY 10, 19�+7 � 7� The City Cpmmissir>n met in spscial sesaion the eve�.ing oi J'uly lOth in the Clvy gA1.I r�t 7:30 P.M, with the following maabers present: J. 0. House, �'. R. Crane, 'S. A. J'ohnson, H. D, Sargeant, absent: W. C, 4�e11s. Also pxesent were �ity Manager, Boyd k. Bennett, City Esttorney, Geo. V1. �ith and Ch�ni' of Police, �. J, Elliott. After calling the meeting to order, NIayor Houze explained that the purpose of the meeting was to consider a request far the trdnsYer of the Park Inn lease Prom Vance Barden to Park Inn Incor�orated represented before the Board by I�Tr. B, P, Nuce. ��i�orney W. H. Wolie urged the Co�ission to approve the assignment inasmuch as the prospective I.essae was willirg to pay �150. per ;mon�� rer�t, �a �50. increase over the presenu rental and as further rEason that the preaent lessee was beint; forced to give up his business because o� illness, The City Manager reported that he had investigated Mr. B, P, Nuce arYi that he had f'ound that his reputation in knderson, Indiana, his previous home, wes very gooa in deed. The Citiy Ivianager recommended. that the assignrnent be approved at a new rental of �200, per month. This ofier was not satisfactory to the prospective lessee who offered to pay a monthly rental of �150. Mayor:�fiouze at this time sugge�ted a Possible compromise in the amount of rental. At this time Commissioner Sargeant moved that tYie offer oi �150, be accepted but his motion was los t far want of a second. Commissiou�r J'oh:lson moved that the Couffnission offer to assign the lease at a monthl,y rental oi ,�`200. per month, ,r�ich motion was seconded by Gommissioner C.rane; the znotion was lost, the vote beir�; as follows: for tha motion, Johnson and Crane, against the moti on Houze, not vo ti�g , Sargeant. It was moved hy Conmissic�ner Cran� seconded by Co�issioner J`ohnson and carried that•the meeting be adjourned. The City Nanager at this time called immediately a specia? meetin� �f the City Commission to consider the application of Steve Kapetas for a har a.nd li.quor license, a spscial po�1 being taken of tne Commission at this time, each Commissioner agraed to the special meeting being called. Tt was moved by Commissioner Grane seconded by �ommissioner Johnson and unanimausly carried �hat the City Clerk be authorized to issue a bar and packago store linuor licenae to Steve Kapetas operating under the trade name of Crystal Bar and Package Store and lacated at the N.;"1. corner ai' Haven Street and S. Gax�den kvenue . Ib.tvas moved by Commissioner Crane seconded by Commissioner Sargeant and unanimously ca.rried that tBws meeting b e adjourned and that the Commission recon�ene and reopen the special called meetin� to considei again the assi�nment ef the Paxi� Inn lease. At thi.s tzme an offer of �17�. rental per mon#,�h tivas received Brovided the City Comtuission approved the assignment. It svas moved by Commiesioner J`ohnson seconded by Commissioner Sargeant and unanimously carried tl�at an :. assignment o* the lease covering the Yark Inn Property from Uance Barden to Park Inn 2ncorporated be approve� for a monthly rental of �175. :�- "''�'1 beginning August lst, 1947• There being no further buainess to comQ before the Board the m�eting �r�as adjourned. . � 1lfa;�or,�C mmissione 1���� / City Auditor and C1e � 0 . . � _.._ . .. � � � �.. � s . t � �� :,�, �� . - ___, � 575 � i CITY OF CLEARSYA2'�R CITY COMMISSZON MINUTES, JULY 21.� 194? The City Commission met in regular sessipn �,t 10;00 a.m., July 21st� 1947, in the Citq Hall vrith the following raembers present; J. 0. Houza, J. R. Crane� T. A. Johnson� H. D. Sargeant. Absent: W. C. Wells. al.so present iYe:e: Cit;� E�fanager, Boyd A. Bennebt, City Attorney,, George N7. Smith and Chief o£ Police, J, Je E113ott. The meeting was called to order and #he minutes oY the tvro previous meeti.ngs were read and approved. Commissioner Johnaon, as Chairman of the Iand Appraisal Co�mn.ittee, reported that the west half of lots 7-S� Block 9, of Pinecrest Subclivision had been sold to R. C, Adkins and Edith E',. Adkins of 802 Eldridge Street at tne appraisal price of �200. City Attorney Smith read Garbage and Trash Ordinance �539 in �'ull on its third reading. It was moved by Commisaioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner CsanE and unani- mously carried that Ordinapce �j39 be adopted. A Petition was read by the City Clerk fron Ear1 W, Co�ey asking that the City pave Haryard Stseet running £zvm S. Lake Avenue to Keystone Drive, a distance of 1�00 feet. This Petii��n is set out in full,below. It was moved by Gommissicner Crane� seconded by Coaanission.er Johnson and carried that the Cit� Attorney be directed to take proper pre- liminary legal steps leading up to the paving of Harvard Street under Section 123 of the City Char�er. A letter was read to the Board f'rom Charles P. Day, Chairman of the City Zoning Board, stating that the City Zoning Board at its regular meeting on July 8th, recoimnended that all land and lots on both sides of Edgewater Drive north of 'Stevenson-s Creek to the Dunedin City line and east to the k.G L. Railroad tracks be'zoned irom R-2 to R-1 ex�lucU.ng� however, from such zoning change, property occupied by the Green Beacon and, property i� mediately south of the Green Beacon recently purchased by Lewis Homer, and propert-� occupied by the Sunset Point Hotel. Pdr. Day�s letter is set out in _full below, It was moved by Cormnissioner Sargearrt, seponded by Go�.issioner Grane and carried that the City Attorney be directed to have the necessary 1ega1 noticea published calli.ng for a special hearing on the suggested change. The City Attorney now read Ordinance �5LF1. in full on its third reading. Thie Ordinance changes the zoning on Navajo Park Subdivision, Hillcrest Subdivision, Hillcre�t #2, Hillcrest Addit�on� Glernvood 5ubdivision and Oak Hil1 Subdivision from R-2 district�to R l district. This Ordinance is set out in full belorr, It was mooed by Commi.s3ioner Johnson, seconded b� Co�nissioner Crane and unan�ously carried that Ordinance #5ttil be adopted. ' On the recommendation o£ the City �tanager, it was moved by Commissioi:er Sargeant, seconded by Cormnissioner Johnson and unanimously carried that the salaxy of Fire Chief Treol� be ra;�.sed from �2'75 to�300 per month beg� nni n� July 1s�, 191y7, After hearing from the City Attorney of the various changes made in the 8tate Liq_uor Iaws by the last State I.egislature, the Commission directed Adr. Smith to draw an Ordinanaa amending,our present Liquor Ordinance so as to make the City law more i.n conform- ity with the State laws. City t,Manager Bennett reported that he had investigated the present City laws governing building permit fees and was of the opinion that our present charges wers probably unauthori.zed ar.d also too small� The City Manager. called attention to the £ees as set out in tha Southern Standard Building Code �vhich is the cod� now being used by the Citp with the exception of that part setting up the amount of the permit feesa It v:as maved by Commission- ar Crane, seconded by Commissioner Johnson and carried that the City Manager have prepared an Oxdinance incorporating the same permit iees as set out and allow�d in the S�uihern Building ` Ccde, A letter was read ta the Board £rom William Watson C1ark, Chairman of the Civil Service Board� stafiing that Boyd A, BPnnett was successful in passing both sections of a� ex- amination recerstly given him for City Manager. On the motion of Commissioner Johnson, sec- onded by Comunissioner Crane, the Commission directed that the letter from Mr„ Clark be set out in full in the ma.nutea. r -• It tvas moved by Cnmmissioner Crane, seconded by Comuu.ssioner Johnson and unanimous- ly carried that the City Manager be directed to have prepared an Ordinance setting forth what he considered proper charges to ba made for water taps, � ' A letter was read from .A. V, Tiancock, City 3�anager of Safety Harho�� g3ving n�tice that thE City o� Safety Harbor had imposed a sales tax on eYectrici`,y, metered and bottled gas and telephone service� said tax to be applicable to a11 billa rendered on and after August 1, 19J�'%. I�t was moved hy Cotmnissioner John;son, seconded by Cormnissioner Crane and carried that the City hianager ba directAd to ascertain the probable cost of collecting and remitting this tax o£ our gas sales in Safety Harbor and whether or not it would be legal to charge the City of Sa:fety Herbor for this expense, The City Manage.r also was asked to explore -: in full our ga� franchise rights both in,Sa£�by Harbor and Dunedin. ' , Commissioner Sargeant stated that'he had made some investigation concerning the rapidly increasing u�e of liquiu gas, and that in his opicLion, large expenditures to rebuild the preserrt gas plant woal� be unwise without a thorough invest�igation of tFie possible uae of liquid gas, whieh would requi�e different types of machinery other than that now in use. Commissioner Sargeant stated that the cost of an;,� gas main lines to other trnvns should be borne by those towns; further that he was not in favor of pledging the income of the tivater departmant to provide for gas plant and gas distribution system axpansion. After the reading of Ordinance No. ;� in fu11, it wa3 moved by Ccmmissioner Craney seconded by Commiss3.oner Johnson and carrier� that the Ordinance b� passed on its first reading. � _ _, _ _ � ,��,.,�,. , _ _ _ �` � , � , � s � ,. „ 57b By una,nimous consent oS '�he Cammission tha Ordinanca was resd the second time by title anly. It was mqvei Sy Gommissioner �ohnson, seconded by Cotmnisszoner Crane:and unanimously carriad that �Ehe Ordinanca ba passed on the second reading. Upon the recommendation of Cit_y Mansiger Bennett it was moved by Commissioner • Crane,,seconded by �ommissioner Johnsoai and carried that an exponditure of ��38�000 �or the purchase 6f tW6 —� tN0 hu�dred horse power boilers £or the gas plant anri an expsndi- ture oi' �1�,000 for the repair of the present incinerator be appro•red, On the motior. o� Gommissiuner Johnson, seconded by Gommissioner Crane, the Ceirn- mission deferred approval of the follorting request for gas and water main extension; (1) y� S�� water main on N. Highland from new �vell ��23 to Vlalnut Street, (2) 8�' ;vaLer main ex- � t�nsion south from I�rew Street on Hig�land �o D�•uirl Ruad� west from Nighland on Dru3.d approximate].� 300 feet of $�� pipe. East �rom High].and on Druid Raad approximately 1300 feet, east of Skyviev�. 8'� mairn on Sk�rie�r between Gulf to Bay Boulevard and Aruid Road. V7 (3) 240 feet of 2�� tivater raain extension on N. Nashington from Pairmont and 21�0 ,feet of 1��� gas mai.n on YJashington from Fairmont, and the City 1�ianager was directed to make a stuc�y of gas and water extension costs to the end that the property owners be required to pay a proportionate part of the extensior. costs. The City btanager was requested io make a recommendation concerning this matter to the City Commissiono �t vras moved b� Commissioner John�oii, seconded by Commissioner Sargeant and carried that the City Manager be authorizsd to gur;,hase at a price not in excess oi �2,500, a l� ton £lat bottom dump truck to be used by the Gas and Water Department, also that the City ivianager be authorized to purohase at a price not exceeding �p1,100 a Gas and V7ater service truck� the present G.�,C. truck to be traded in, ' City Attorney Sni.th read a Resolution concerning the keeping by the City Manager of an Agenda fpr„the City Cotmnission meeting�. This Resolution is set oub in full `��low„ It yvas moved by Conunissioner Crane, seconded by Commissioner Johnson and carried that the Resolution be ad�pted. The Commiss�on notis sitting as Trustees of the City of C1ea�vater Employees Pensiom �nd approued for membership in the Pension Plan the following perso�s:. J. L. I.and, �dwin Blanton, Charles Be11., Joseph Smith, Arthur F4 Chancey and O�car Padget�. This actian of aoproval was upon the motion of Counni.ssioner Johnson, seconded by Commis- sioner Sargeanu. Letters eert�.fy;ng the above named eni.ployees by'the Advisory Committee � are set out in full belotic, There being no iurther business to come before ths Board, the meeting tivas adjourned. + l. G� Ci Auditor and Clerk 0 �'/ �y r Cou�issioner �, uze� � _ � _. .... ...,� ._ -�.,.d„ >, , `t �� ! . , _ .. ' � ; . __. _. .....: _ , .� %� � CIZ'X' 0�' GLEAR,L�IATER CITY C�OA�;�'i�SIO�J D�IIIJUT.�S, �7'(TL'X' 21, i94•7 iI i . . . . . � ���:.. `1 July 16� 1947 1 Gr�9 Department j Clearwater, Florida. ,'-- � i�tter�tion City 1l2anager 13enx�stt: i ,f Gen�lemen � r The City of Safety Harbar has just a�opted an ordinance i�, osi a tax on sales oP electr.icity, r�ete�°ed and bottled gas, and telephonegservicedin �he Cityo � � Tha ordinance provided that this �Lax shall be applicable to all bills rendered far these vaxious services on and ai�ter �-:ugust lst, 1g1�7. ' ' � Tho sch3dule of gradua�ion of' this tax ia a� follovas: �0 0- on the first �p25.00 or fractian thereo�; I 5ib on tre next �y50.00 ox fraction thereof; ljo on the balance of<,.all cf�rges ovRr �'75,00; Yayz�ent oi' these taxes to the City of Sa�'ety Harbo•r sh.all be made on or befor� the 15th day oi' each calendar month for all such taxes levied and collected furing the preceding cal�nder month. � full copy of the ordinance vaill be sent to you as soon as capies can be typed for mail.ing, but this prelirainary notice ,is bein� s.ent in order ahat you ma� make suitabl� arrangements for the incluaion of the tax in ,your billings beginning on and a�ter �u�iast ist, 1947. Yours v�ery trul.p, CI`i'X Ok' St;FLI`�' HI�RBOR A. V, Hancoc�, City I+�anager. � _ _. _ _ �� � r, , ;, ,:::: � _ '.�..;`�,. �Y�' . CITY OI' C7�Ef�;RV+FkTLR CTTY COMNTSSSION NiINt7'1'ES, JULY 21, 1947 ORDINl�NCE N0. 5 9 AN 08DI�T�I�Tf3� 9I�Il[�TDING f3E3�IN�NOE I�IO, ti:b9, BETNG TH� CITX' GkR$AGE kND TREaSH ORDINANCE, Bi' PROVIDTI�TG FOR !i MONTf�Y GkRBkGE CO�LD.;- TIO1V C��ARGE, ,THE. MHN�TER_ OF C, OI,LECTTIJG. StiNtL+' AY�TD P�NA7ITIES F0�? Tf� VIOLATION QF 1'EiE ARD��TCE. �E I`i` ORTDd�INEB B7Y '1'Fi.i CITY COD�iISSI��,.T OF TH� CITY OF CLEr`1F24`IAT�� E�'LORIDA; Sec�Gion l. That, frdinance I3o, t�69, bein� tize Garbage and Trash Ordin�nc� oi the City o� C1,earwater, be�and the same is hereby amended as �ollows: _ (a} That for each home and/or business in the Gity of` Clearwater, the head ar person in char�e thereof sha11 pay to the City a monthly garbage co1].ection charge of �],.00, Nnth an allowance of not more than two garbage recept�cles �er family or basiness. {b) Tliat �or each multipl.e dwellir.g unit accomodatirg four (t�) or more famila:es, the �wner of the premi;,,es serve.d shsll be responsible �to the City for a monthly garbage collection charge of �'aur (�;4.00) Aollars for the �'irst eight (g) garb�ge receptacles and fifty (50¢) cents per morxth for'each such recentacle ir_ excess of eight (S). (c) That i'or esch business unit where call�ctions are made six (bj times each week, t�s owner or person in char�e shall pay to the Gi%,y of Clearwater a monthly garbage collection charge of Four (�L�,00) Dollars, (d) That the montb.ly rates provided for in, {a) ,(b) and (c ) sha11 ' be doublsd each respec�ive charge for services or collections m�de outside �Ghe C ity limit s . . . (e) That the manthly cl�arg3s provided for in Subsections A(a), (b), z�c) and (d) shall be billed on. the mon�ly statements issued by the City �'or gas and%ar water servic Es at tne s ame time as such othsr charges, provided that such garbage collection cY�.arge shsll be itemized sepsrately nn such statement. (f) � Tl�a� said garbage col�.eetion char�e herein pravidecl for sha].l be paid within ten (10) days aiter date of maili:ng statement, as stamped thereon, or such collection services shall he discan�inuad until all such charges aha'll be paid in full. �ection_2, ihat �ny perspr�, f�.rm or corparation violatit� anv of the provisions �f this Ordinance shall be �unished in the same maruier as provided in Section /� of Oxdinance L..6� aforesaid. S�ction 3, mhat a11 Ordinances and parts of Ordinances�y4in conflict "� herewith are hereby repealed, s�, �.?� �' '+ � , �� Section /�, That this Ordinance sha11 became effective immediately ` n upon pass�ge, � PhSSED �-iND 1�DOP`�.ID by the City Cosmission of �h{e City of Clearw��Ger, Flori da . i'xSSED on � ir st Reading `� ul,y �, 19�.�. P�SSED on Second Reading Jul,y 7, 1947 i'l�S�ED QN Tiiird Readi� July 21, 1947 � � I�Ia �*o l�� ouunis s i -- �TTL+'ST: �^ City 1�uditor �nd Cler � suly i6, �947 Commissioners of the City �f �learw�t�r, Cle�rwater, F1a. G�ent l et?ien : Z hereb5r petition the City to prave wha� now remains unpaved of Harvard Stree�, ru_nning from Sou�th Zake i�v�enue to Keystone Drive, a dis�anae of I�dO feet. The weat end of Harvard Street, for 200 feet, was d'G-u- ' � � ■ �� � p�aved two years ago. T have contacted t,Ys��;various property owners on the paxt of lshe s�rea�G wnere this wor�z should bE �one, and they have alZ agreed' to ��y their share of the assessment. @le would like to have this pavir� started � s soon a s possible , � Yours very truly, Earl �V. Govey. ORDI1VhNCE 1�T0 5�.1 I�N ORDINANCE i'�NTENDING THE CTTY �ONING ORDI'NANC� BY CHAAIGING NAVATO i'�RK SUBDIVISION, HILT�,'REST StJBDTVZST0I3, IiILI,CRFST ADDITIOl�i, HSLLCFt�'ST ��2 SUBDIVISIOI�T, GLENIVO�?D BUBDIVrSION AND 011K �LLLS StTBIlIVISION FROhS n'IUy'IZk'I�L' D�M1TELI,Il� (R-2) DISTRICTS TO RESIDt'�UdE (R-1) I�TSTRICTS. TF IT ORD�NED BY THE CITY CO�SSION' OF THE CITY CF �LEAR�VfiTER, FLORIDA: Section 1, That the following doscribec� subciivisiox�s situ�te in the Ci�ty of Clearwater, F`lorida, to wits Nf�VAJO PHRK SUBDIVISION T 33ILI�REST S[iBDIVTSION HI�,LCR:r ST �DI?I'i'ION ' HILI,CREST #2 SITBDSVISION GI,II�TtiW OD SUBDIVISI O1V Olah HIT�LS SUBDIVISION he, and each ai them is hereby changed from. a I�?ultiple Dwslling (R-27 Districts to a Resi�ence (R-1) District, and eac� in its changed classification shall be subject �ta all the regulations and res�rictions of the Ci�y Zoning Ordinance ancl the City Zoning T�iap as amended. Section 2o This Ordinance shal,l becose effective ims�diately upon passaged. �xSSED �1ND ADOPTID by theCity Comuiission of ��e City of Clsarwater, �'lorida: PkSSED on First Reading Ju1.y `7, 194% :�bSSID on Second Reading �'ut�7, 19L�7 F.Fi;3�ED on Third Reading July 21, ].947 - �� �yo�3.Co i ner - �7TTEST: . �� � � . �uly lo, iy�+! Honorable Ga.ty Commissi�ners Clearw�tgr, Florida, Dear Sirs: , It is the pleasure of this Board to advise you that Prr. Bennett was successaul in passing both sections; (1) �sdministxaticn, (2) General Tnformation, of the ex�snination for Cit,y Manager whic,h he took in this of�ice in July 15, 194'7. If,e also wish to coiamend Nx. Bennett ior the spi�it of friendly coopera�ion which he shov:�ed in taking the above examin�atian given i� c�mpliance with Civ�il Service rules and regulatic�ns. `, ;,,' "� �,n �,''ery truly,, your s , :' � ,' � , � CIV�Z �,ERVICE BOxRD i�'T.47atson Cl�rk Chairman � e �� ' ,5'�� CTTY OF CI�AIfiuJATER CTTY COMMTSSTON MTNUTES, JUL'Y 21, 1�1�7 RESOI+UTL-0N V1HER�AL it h�s become necessarp ta expedi��; meetings oi the City Commission azid to pro�ids �or �roper deliberation, an all matters to be considered and aeted upon by th� Couun.ission: NOV4 TFi;�tEE'ORE B� IT R�SOLV,ED by �he City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Floricla in re�ular session assembled, that the City IVT�nager shal]� keep anc";�gsnda fox Commission mEstinga and taat, except by unanimous consent of the Commission, no matter sha11 be passed ar voted upon by the Cottun:i,ssion unl�ss same sl�al]. have been placed on said Agencla by the City Iiianager, the Ci�y Clerk, �he members of the Com�ssion, or a single member 'thereo�, oz� the psrson or personl sponsoring the same on or before 10:00 A.Ivi, o:f the �'riday next preceding the f�ieati� of the qommission on any Monday designated for regular meeting, Yxovided h�wever thattYiis rule sha7.l not apply to speciai matters specifically mentioned in ca11.s of special meetings of the Commission nor shalllit conflict viith �,ny provision of the Gity Charter ar other lsyy af the State of 'Floxida. :E'xSS�D �TID hDOI:TEU by the City Commission o�' tl?e City of �learwster �'larid�, tllis 21s� day of J'u1,y, �.D. 1947. ' biayor- ' ssi� ��TTi+:ST • � ity nud it ox a nd C le rk suly 7, 194�7 Hono�.able City Corntaissioners Cleai�t+aater, rla. Gentle�en: xs Trustees oi" the �it3� �� Glearwater :�nbloyees1 i�ension I'und, Jou are hereb;� notiiied tliat �dwin Blsnt�n, with the rublic Buildin�s Der�r��ent, �as been duly ex�:mined by �, local physicial a.nd is uualified to beco�e a ramber �� the �.'ensian �'1un. P;;r, I3lsnton is alsa ely�ible as to Uge, length ��' sErvice v�i'th ths Citg, etc, It is hereby recommended by t�e ndvisory Couunittee that he be accepted int� r.�embershi�. Very truly yours, hDNSORY CG�f�'�.ITT�L of the . C�ty r�-`m. ployees' �'easion k'undZ Joe i-tape I,ee ':ci::ullen �rank �bernathy Jae �Z�pe, ChaSrman Lee i cil�ullen Frcnk :yber�thy -------------�------------------------- June 30, 1947 H��.oz•c�b1e City Comnt�ssioners Cle arcapter. , Flori3a . Gentle�enc xs Trus�ees o� the City of ClearvaGter }5mployeas' Pension Fund, you axe hereby notified that ��liai^les Bel1, er�playeed at the City Gas k1G�t, has been c�uly exemined b5* a loc�l physician �,nd is �;uGli.z ied t� become a r�ember af tiie ��ension Plan. 1�1r. Bell is also a eligible as t� a�e, ien�th of serviae vaith the Ci�y, etc. It is l�.exeby reca�uaendecl by the xdvisory Conunittee t�at he be acceated into memhershi�. Very truly yours, �dvisory Gommittes oi �he City �mployees' 1'ension T'und. ' �'oe F2npe Zee L'ic�ullen Frank ��berr�, t� Joe �ape, Cliairman T,ee T�cI12u11en Frank nbernr�thy � ,.,r� '��. �� �,.. . . . . � � , ` '�� suly �5� 1947 �anorsbl,e city Corruni�sioners �]<earw�ater, �loricla. Gentlemen; r1s Txustees oi' the City bf Clearwater '+l;rn,playeesT 1'ension: T'u.�d, you axe hereby nota.:fi,�d �Glzat �'oseph �mi'th, Electric9.an with t,he lrire Departmen� , ha s been duly exarniuecl Uy ra 1ooa1 �hysio3,s�n and is qualii'ied to become a member of �the :Nension I'lani, P,Ir. Sm:ith is &lso elegible as to agey 7.en�th oi service w,ith the Cit�, etc, I� is hexeby recammended hy the xd��sory Commi�tee that he be accep�ed into mgnbErslia�a. Very truly yours, ' , �DiV50�2Y COSr�TITTEE of the � City �mplo,yees� �ensinn Fund. Lee �tc1U.u11en Cl�ss , I', 1�i�lon,y Frc�nk �l»rnethy Lee Iv�cll`�ullen, Clit�irinan C. 1'. I�Salony' T'rank ,�';�er`n��thy July lo, i94�7 -P'ionorable cit3T Commiss� oners C�.earwater, F`l�rida . ' Geutlenien : �is Trustees of �;he City of C1eez�•aater �nployees' Yension Fund, you a�e hexeby n�tii'ied thai; xrt�.:s F. Chancey of the �ublic Service I?epart�nt, has been duly examined by a local ph;�sieian and is �;�ualified to becobe a member af the Pensi�n Plan. �,5x. �hancey is also eligible as to age, length .of serv�i�:,e with the �ity, etc. It is hereby reconmended by ��.e xdvisory Committee �that'�re be�;�c�eptPd into mem`bex'ship. Very trtzly 4yo�r'�, ` Y " „ ,: - ��DVISURYx COIu,T;LLTT:�E of the City Employees' �'ensiou Fund. �oe Rape, I,se_ I�'ic�.:ullen _ Frank r.bernr�tlzv Joe 12age, Chairman I,ee 1�;eT,.ullen Frank .�bern��t;hy July 21, 194-7 H�noi•able �ity Commissi�ners, CleSrvaater, Fla . Gentlemen: 1is Trustees of the Ci.ty of Clearwater t�aployees' Pension Tun_d, you ere hereby na-�ified that 4sear t'adgettJ Gas Y� 4later Service De�artmen.t has been duly examineci ' by a local physician and is qualiiied to become a member of the Yension i�lan. R;r. yadgett is also eligible, subject to the ap�roval o� the Board of Trustees, as t5 age, �ength of service with t_he City, etc. It is �erEby rec�rnmencled: by the �ldvis�ry Ca7gmittee that he be acceptzd into membershi�. V'ery truly yours, :i�.I)�SORY CO�;�IITTE� of the City Employe�s' Pension Fund. ��,�€_d�: 3C�1_�,en _ C:ha s. �N. tv o1 �_ „_ Frank !�b .�rna�v ____, Lees�fcT�ull:e�} Ghairman C.�'. TLTolaney �'ran.k kbernatl�y Ju],� 19, 1947 Fionorable Cit� Commissioners, Glearwater, �'la. Gentlemen: �?s Tru.stees of the City of Clearwater Emt�loyees' Z'ension "r'und, yau are hereby nr�iified ihat �. L. T�and, eraployed at �Lhe Ci�y Gas plant, has been duly e;camined b;y a l.oc&1 ��ysician and is qua?ified to become a meruber of the Pension .e1�an. iP,r. Zand is a1sD ele�ible as to age, lenth of service wi�th the City, etc . I'� is herehy recommendecl by the advisory Coc;unittae t;LLet he be accepted into mem;bership. Very truly �ours, 1�?]VISORY COL�QITTE� of the Citj* r,mplo� ees' Yensian Fund. Lee �JictvIullen Chas. 1'. �riolane.y _ �'rank hbernathy - Lee nlcri�ullen, hairman C..�, T,Tolonay �'ranY hber�h�thy �_ .,. ��; .,:� _ � ■