06/23/1947 . i~~~i,~\r"i:,;(~;~),:"..: . t~){.:\:{~~~t!;lI""~;'i.lfJ/:'" r~ '~. l' '()h:>f";:('i;,\;;",'i --,; ..' > . !~{'~"1(...>.'f'\';,......,;'(.i-'~... '"\'" -,. ,~~t~:~{"f~t}~t~~~~~:.:.:, .}:,", :" . .' ,... '-.."""'~ U.....;:,... ""''':'' "L '", '.i".~. . ~ -", " ~., " . ,: ;:"".>.~_.,(.,,/.,:.;..:,..' : ". .'..........;......,...,..".... 5"/ CITY OF CLEARWATER CITY COMlvIISSION MINUTES, JUNE 23, 194.7 n The City Commission met in speciel session It 10:00 o'~look A.M., Jllne 23, 194.7 in the Oity Hull with the fOllowing menbers present: J. O. Houze, H. D. Sa~geant, T. A. Johnson, W. C. V/eUs, J. R. Crane. Absent: none. Also present were Oity l,ttorne~" Geo. W. Smith Elnd Chief of Police J. J. Elliott. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Houze who explained that the ~urpose of the meeting was to consider a Resolution adopting a budget for the City or Clearw~ter for the fisoal year ending ~une 30, 1948 - this Resolution being passed by the City Commission oh June 16, 1947; also to consider the offer of the Gas Maohinery OompmlY concerni~g the purclmse by the City of oertain gas machinery Q The first matter oonsidered wes a Resolution adopting the budget, and it was moved by Commissioner Johnson seconded by Cormnissioner Wells that the Resolution be ~pproved. The City Commission invited any of those pre~ent to disouss or ask any ~uestion concerning any item in the budget ~esolution. Mr. Arthur Lee stated that he n uesti oned the riM t of the Oi ty to lease City pro perty and that he was of the opinion that ell City property that was not being used ~9r park purposes or for other uses of a oommon public benefit should be sold. Mr. Welter R. Havener, President, and other members of the Cleanvater Merohants Assooiation were present and urged the Commission to 'include in the budget at least a six months rat eradioation program. The merchants present told the Oommission that the Merchants Association would cooperate to the fullest e!X.tent in making the program a suemss. It was moved by Commissioner Crane seconded by Commissioner Sargeant and unanimously carried that the budget resolution be amended to show an appropriation of ~lOOO. for rat eradication duri~~ the first six months of the fiscal year beginning July 1st. It was mrnred by Commdssioner dohnson seconded by Commissioner Wells and oarried unanimously that the budget resolution as amended be approved. City 1\1anager stated tha t after thorough investigation he recommended the purohase of gas maohinery in the amount of" ~.;88 ,170. from the Gas Maohinery Company of Cleveland Ohio as covered by their recent bid. The City Manager stated that this offer set nine months for the completion of the job. It was moved by Commissioner Sargeant seconded by Commissioner Crane and unanimously carried that the offer of the Gas Machinery Company as reoarumended by the City Manager be aooepted. " I 1 t t I f , ~'. . ' -:. ",', r .' "',. '" ,"- " '," J . (':::.: t . . ~< ,'::'< X\:.'~~.:~::::' . [i,fji~ii~!i\[ . j ..,.,.,.r,~" ifi'..." ' 'lilir~!I'.:; ~, : '. ' ';'1 I. \, ~~~, . ::.:,,'..: : ":',~<t'~ ,', f' I . I . I ! ' . i L ; . ;. ..s;: . " ,'.":. -' ~or There being no further business to cane before the board the meeting was a4jaurned. /.? I ~:#i';:' ~~,........... ..-.__...-_~."':"I~ ,,- ;~...- 1, ,\, < . . . ~ i, . . J ~ '''... _ ~. ~ . --.;;;;. . .~". . .l, ~.~ ;., ...".'., ' . ., \ ,., . . , ~ _ ., -,_...., '~l'l. .., ._N. ....d.. ,-".; ,".'. l..'... .. .,' : .,,"," ~ _' ....'~. .. . ..........,~ .. ~ ' . ......~,~~i;:::~~""lt~?~.~i . .' ..... "':j~~~iWl, , ,., ".- . ",,}~{ '. . , ::~ '".'~, ;t.~t~l~l: . '.. '.\"'" "I ;.~{~~ri~it, . ;,:.j'!,{:;I~t; OITY OF CLEARWATER CITY COMMISSION MINUr 1!S, cTUNE 23, 1947 June 16, 1947 Honor~ble Mayor and Commissioners, Oity of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida. .~ [" .:,;. ! , I;. 1/ '~~IO'" Gentlemen: l~ttached hereto is the estimo ted revenue sand expendi tur es :for the fiscal your 1947-48, ending June 30, 1948, for your final consideration. You are familiar with the conditions of the City during the past year, the increase in population of the City requiring added servioes, and the inorease of cost of operations and. capital expenditures. Several meetings having been held, and wide pUblicity th.rough newspapers hl::lving been' given the details leading up to the conclusion arrived at as shown on the attached recapitulation and detailed exhibits, it therefore does not seem necessary here to go further into details or exp&anations. The esti.n:ated revenues from the garbage and trash collections service oharges is, of course, a ne\'J source of operating revenue. The estL,.ated increase in water revenue is necessary to cover inoreased. op- erating and capital expenditure costs, as well as added inooIlle to the City to help oarry the general increase in the City operatirg expenses. The doubling of the assessed value of all real eatate property and assessing one-half the millage used last year seems to have met with opoular public approval. Some changes have been ~de in the accounting of expenditures in that more details will be shown to cover the cost of operation of eaoh City Department, which information, it is believed, will be helpful to all ooncerned. Oapital expenditures shown have been cut to the minwmum, we believe, necessary for good government orsration. Respectfully s ubmi tted, Boyd A. Bennett, City Manager. "," ;" . S � � . V. � y� : . .... .. ;' _ , .__ -�-�„ � �� � 1 S�� CITY 0�' CLI;AI3WI�TER cz� con�sszoz� r�rruTFs, surrE z3, 1947 The City Commission met in special session ct 10:00 o'clack t.M., June 23, 191�,7 in the City Hall with tiie follc�vaing members pre3entt J'. 0. Houze, H. D. Sa��ea�t, T. �. John3an, Vr. C. Wells, J`. R. Qrane. Absent; none. .�lso present were City .��ttorney Geo� W. Smith and Chie:f of Police �', J. �lliott� The meeting v��as called to order by iJlayor Houze who egplained that the purpose of the meeting was to consider a Iiesoluti�n acloptin�; a bu€�get for the City of Clearwater for the fisca]. year ens3:i,ng June 30, 1948 - this Resolu�ion bein� passed b3r the City Commission oh �7une 16, 1947; also to consider t�.e ofi'er of the Gas Macha.nery Gompany concern::ng the purchase by tihe City of cert�in gas machinery. The first rnatter con�idered was a Resoluti�n adopting the budget, and it was moz�ed by Commissione.r J'ohnson seconded by Cormnissianer S°Tella that the Resolution be approved. The Czty Commission invited any of those present to diseuss or ask any c;uestion concerning any item in the budget r;esolution. �r. �rthur Lee stated that k�a ctuestioned the �i�.t of the CiLq �to lease City property end tkiat he was of the opinion that all Ci'ty property that was not being used �or park purposes or for other uses of a eor�mon public benefit sh�uld be sold. 1'aTr. Z^lalter R, Ha�enEr, Pr�sident, and o�her members of the Cleaznvater �lerchants Association were present and urged the Commission to'include in the budget at least a sia months rat eradication program. The merchants presen.t told thp Commission that the Merchants �ssociation would cooperate to the fullest estent in makix� � the program a suc�ss. Zt was moved by Commissioner Crane seconded by Comnissioner Sargeant aad unanimously carried that the budget resolu�ion be amended to show an appropriation of .�1000. for rat eradication durin; the first six manths of the fi.se.al year beginning J`uly lst, It v�as moved by Commissioner �ohnson sec�nded by Cornmissioner .Nells and carried unanimously that the budget resalution as amended be aPproved. Citg I�2anager stated that after thorough investigation he recommended the purchase of gas machinery in the amount oP �kg$,170, from the Gas L�achinery Company of Cl,eveland Ohio as covered by their recent bid. The City �ianager stated �hat this offer set nine months for the com.pletion of the job: it was moved by Coramissioner Sargeant sec�nded by Commi.ssioner Crane and unanimously carrieci that the offer of the uas Machinery Company as rec munended by the Citp ]4anager be acce�ted. There being no further business to c�ne before the board the meeting was ad j:nurned, i �.4ayor-Co�f' ssi oner ✓ � m 0 ;`' r _ _ _ , _ _ .. w....__._.,.�. ���., °� , ��� ez7�� oz� c�4��r�m� � CT� Co��,�sszoN ��vvrs�, stn� 23, '�:947 �'une 16 , 1947 , � Honorable 1�ayor and Commissioners, City of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida. Gentlemen,; ��ttached hexeto is the es�imated re�renues and expenditures for the fiscal year 1947-4�, ending June 30, 191�8, for your i'inal consideration. You r�re f amiliar with the c on.oa.ti ons of the City during the p ast �rear, the inerease in popul�tion of the City requiring add.ed services and the incrense of cost oi o��erations and capital erpenditures. � Se�srel meetinga having been he1d, and wide publicity through newspaper,s having been given the details leading up tio the conclusion arrived at �a shovan on the attached recepitulation and detailed eshibits, it therefore does no�G seeei neaessary here to go fcrther into details or e�p3�anations, The estiffated reQenues fram the garbage and trash colleetions service charges is, of course, a new �ouree of operating revenue. The esti._at�d increase in v�ater revenu� is necessary to cover increased op- erating and capita.l expenditure cos�s, as well as added ineome to the City �co help carrg the general increase in the City operatirg expenses. ' The doubling of the assessed value oi' all reaZ estate proberty and assessing one-half the millage used last year seems to have met with opoular public appro�al. Some changes Yiave been zn�de in the aecounting of e�penditures in that more details will be shov��n t,� cover the cost of operation of ef,ch City Department, which information, it is �elieved, will be hel�ful to all concerned. Capitral expenditures shown have been cut to the minumum, we believe, necessary for good goverar�nt o;�ration. Respectfully s ubmitted, Boyd �s. }3ennett, Ciyy I�anager.