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The City Commission met in special session the evening of Iti,ay 2bth?---j:30 P.M.
in the City Hall with the follouaing members present: J', 0, Houle, H, D, Sergeant,
VJ. C, VJe11s, Tc !?. Johnson, J. R, Crane, tibsent none.
CITY COttiII??ISSION N7NUT?, Z`1t?Y 26, 1947
The expense budget of ??443,004. and suggested capital outlay of $137,000. were
now taken up in detail and explained.
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City t4anager Bennett explained a water charge schedule which would raise water
rates overall about 25o and product approximately X30,000 in extra revenue, Very
little criticism was offered from the audience to the proposed raise in water rates and
the placing of a garbage collection tax. It seemed that those present approved these
methods of raising additional revenue.
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I~Ieyar Houle stated the purpose of the meeting to be a special hearing on the
budget for the year 1947-45, in order that the people may have a better knowledge
of the it?ns of incomo and expense and the financial responsibilities of their City
The ]mayor stated the revenues and expenses for the years 1941 to 1846 calling
particular attention to the feat that in none of these years had expenses exceeded
revenue -however tYlat the budget had been exceeded in some years.
The members of the audience were told to feel free to ask questions and make
comments on any item in tl?e budget.
The estimated revenue of $?3g4,570. was first considered and it's several items
explained. !?t the request of b4ayor Houle, City b`.anager Bennett discussed plans
to expand the Gas Plant facilities at an estimated cost of from ;300,000, to
X350.000., to be financed by revenue certificates at an itterest rate of from 3?
to 3z?o, such certificates retireable in 10 years. The expansion program as outlined
by 1+4r, Bennett called for increasing the gas production from lit million cubic Peat
to 4?/g million dubic feet, and the installation of from 10 to ll miles of gas line. it
was explained that the transferr of funds from the Gas andl?later Department to the
General Pund for operations would be X25,000. less Next year due to the requirements
for interest and retirements of the proposed revenue certificates issued for Gas
Plant expansion.
The budget figures as presented showed expenditures including suggested capital
outlay in excess of estimated revenue of a?95,734; in excess of ?5g,434? including
capital outlay.
Commissioner Johnson urged as
of the tax base by increasing tax
this wculd cause homestead proper'
would pay operational tax for the
increase in value would raise tiie
w13?75. This suggestion was very
one means of increasing revenue, the broadening
assessments 1000. h,r. Johnson explained that
ty to pay X11,000. more in taxes - a number of which
first time, It was also pointed out that this
tax on homesteads new assessed at X5000. or more,
favorably received by the audience,
Commissioner Crane lead the discussion on a proposed garbage tax of X125 Per
week for twice weekly collections; the charge per collection to be uniform, It was
estimated that the charge would bring in about X55,000.
I4irs. Lyons called attention of the Commission to continued dimness of street
lights in the Harbor Oaks section and she was told by the Commission that an
investigation would be r?tade to discover the cause of the trouble.
There being no further business to cone before the Board the meeting was
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The City Gommission met in special session the evening oi'Y�ay 26th at 7:30 P.M,
in tFae City Hall with the follav�ing rnembers present : J'. 0. Houze, H. D. Sargeant,
VJ, C, '1Tells, T�< A. 'J'ohnson, J, 1?, Cxane. �Sbsent none.
Mas*or Houze stated the purpose of �he meLting to be a special hearing on the
bu�get for �he year 1947-4E�, in order that the people may have a better knowledge
oi' the item.s of income and expense and the financial responsibilities of their City
The Mayor 3tated the revenues and expenses for the years 191�1 to 191�.6 calling
pArticular atten�ion to the fact that in none of thesa years had expenses exceeded
reven.ue - however tYiat the budget had been exceeded in some years.
Tlze me�nbera oi the audience were told to feel i'ree to ask questions and make
comments on any item in tl�e budget.
The -estimat,e� revenue of ��3g4,57o. v�a� iirst considered and it�s several items
explained. kt the requr:st of n2ayor Hauze, Gity Lianager Bennett discussed plans
to exp�nd the Gas Plant �acilitiea at an estimated cost oP from �300,000, to
�350.000., �o be financed by revenue certificates at an ii�terest rate o� from 3%
to 3z�, such certi�lcates reti�eable in 10 ye�rs, The expansion pro�ram as outlined
by It+�r. Bennett called for increasing the gas production from 131fi �nillion eubic feet
to !a.?/pmillion u�:ubic feet, and the installation of fxom 10 to 11 miles of gas line. 3t
was explained that the trans�err of funds from the Gas and�^Tater Department to the
General Fund for operations wota.ld be �25,000. less next year due to the reQuirements
for interest and retirements of the proposed revenue certificates issued for Gas
Plant expanaion,
The expense budget of �41�3,004, and suggested capital outlay of �137,000. v�ere
now taken up in detail and explained.
The bu�get Pigures as presented �iowed expenditures including suggested capital
outlay in excess oi' es�imated revanue of �95,73j+; in excess of �58,,1�34.. including
capital outlay.
Comraission�r J`ohnson t�ged as one means of incressing revenue, the broadening
of the tax base by increasi.n� tax assessments 100%. Mr. Johnson explained that
this vv�uld cause homestead property to pay �11,000, more in taxes - a numbex of which
wouZd psy operational tax f or the fi rst t ime. It was als� pointed qut that this
increase in value v�ould raise the tax on homesteads nc�r� assessed at �5000, or mar�s,
wl3•75. This suggestian vaas very favorably received by thi� auclience.
Comm.issioner Crane lead the discussian on a proposed garbage tax of �.25 ger
�r�eek for t�vice weekly collect�ans; the charge per collection to be uniform. It ;vaa
e�timated that the charge �vould bring in about �55,000.
City 11�Ian�ager Bennett explained a water eharge schedule which w�uld raiae water
rates overall a bout 25o and nroduct ap,nroximately �30,000 in extra revenue. Very
little criti_cism was offered from the audience to the proposed raise in water rates and
the pl�cing of a garbage collection tax. lt seeined ihat those present approved these
met�ods �f r aisir� additi onal revenue.
�irs. Zyons called at�ention of the Gommission to continued dimness of street
lights in the Harbor Oaks section and sk�e was told py the Comm:i:ssion that an
investioat;ion wou13 be made to di,scover the cause of the trouble.
There being no further �izsiness to ccme before the Board the meeting was
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2�ayo �ommissio er
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