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of City Commission
1946 - Speoial Meeting
December 12,
The City Commission met in special sess10n at 12:00
Deoember 12, 1946 at the City Hall with the following members
Mayor-Commissioner Geo. R. Seavy, T. A. Johnson, w. C. Wells,
Crane. Absent - Jesse G. Smith.
J. R.
The City Clerk presented
qualified voters of the
held Deoember 11, 1946.
had p~esonted petitions containing a~rfiolent
entitle them to have their names placed on the
to the Commiss1on the list of
City of Clea~wate~ ror the Eleotion to be
Also the olerk repo~ted that all oand1dates
numbe~ of names to
01'flc1al ballot.
It was moved by Mr. Johnson, seoonded by Mr. Crane, and
oarried that the certified list of vote~s be approved.
It was moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. WellS,
following names be plaoed on the
to be held December 17, 1946:
oarried that the
for the election
offioial ballot
For Mayor-Commissioner
J. R. Brumby, Jr.
J. O. Houze
For Commissioner
J. R. Crane
Charles P. Day
Lloyd M. Phillips
Harry D. Sargeant
There being no further bus1ness to come before the Board the
meeting was adjourned.
Mayor- o_ssloner
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Minutes of City 'Commission
December 129 1546 - Special Meeting
The City Co�rmiission mat in special session at 12:00 Noon,
December 12, 7.946 at the Ci+, I3aIl with the follo�rring members presat:
Mayor-Commissioner Geo. R. Seavy, T. A. Johnson, W, C. Wells, J. R.
Crane. Absen•t - Jasse G, Smith.
The City Clerk presented to the Corrnnission the list of
qualified voters of th� City of Clearwater for the Elsetion to be
held Decembex 17, 194�e Alsa the clerk reported that all candidates
had presented petitions containing a szfficient number of names to
entitle them to have their namesaplaced on tha official ballot.
It was movecl by Mr. Johnson, secondod by R2r. Crar_e, an:d
carried that the certified list of voters be a:pprovsd.
It was moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded 1�y Mr. [�lells, and
carried that the follovring names be placed on the official ballot
f'or the oleation to he held December 17y 1946t
For Mayor-Commissioner
J. R. Brumby, Jr.
J. 0. Houze
For Commission9r
J. Ft. Crane
Charles P, Day
Lloyd M. Phill3ps
Harry D. Sargean.t
ThAre being no further business to come bafore the Board the
meeting was adjourned.
Mayor- onnni.ss �ner "