11/05/1946 ""'~'. I ~:I; . ~': . f .;\ ~~... . ~. \', . '~~;. c ',~' 'ro" .......~~~k-T.. " . I '. . ; .r~'..... .:.c..~;..-: :t~ t\~"'.'~:'::~~~.,~.~..... . :I~~"{':;;'~'J";"'; :' ?;'.': '::'~,.. ~ .', \".t'! i" MINUTES OF CITY COh~llSSION Special Meeting ~ovember 5, 1946 ~':~";':::': "".:. " '.~ . ,', .,<,:.:. ~~ The city Commission met in Special session at 12:00 noon November 5, 1946 in the City Hall with the following members ~4ay"or Geo. R. Seavy, T.A. Johnson, VI. C. Yvells, J. R. Crane, Smith; Absent - none. present: Jesse G. Mayor Seavy explained that the purpose of the meetinL:.- was the appointment of a ;tfl!f'l'l':JLP.l'Y city 1ianageJ.' to hold office until the next Conunission comes to office. It Vias moved by I\~r. Smith, seconded by I~:r. Grane and unanimously carri. ed tlw teach C.omrniesioner waive the necessity of any letBl notice of this meeting. It W(i S moved by- }'~r. Gran e, se conded by Mr. Johnson and unanimously carried tl1at C. Fred Taylor be appointed City Manager in addition to his present duties 8S Office Manager of the Gas and Water Department. It ~ns moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by 1~. Crane and carried that the salary of the City Manaber be increaseu to ~300.00 per month, while he is City Manager. It was moved by Mr. Gxane, seconded by ~r. ~ells and carried that the kayor be authorized to deslbnate each Commissioner as Advisor to the City lv:anaber wi tl, reference to the Oller&. tion of speciric departments and functions of the Gity Eavin~ no further business to come bbfore the board, the meetinb was adjou~ned. Mayor c~istf~ AT':L'EST: " ~ Auditor and Clerk ,~::.> .' :~lf. ',;..'"