10/10/1946 ',:' . ;;>~i,;. ,.... .~:.~";.".;,;'~.... r?:S(,lg~:L.. .. . . , '~'.:::':;~)::<:: \.~.:. . ", .' . .,::\': ~ ;,<,' l~.: . '. . .: ,; ".: ~ ' , . '....: ,'''.~; .' ;~.;~,}'.~:>:\:~ , . :-', '~ . . .. . -'.~. > >.... .~~ .'> ~. . .. ...... ....~~_I'!.~.. '-".' ,"'....,... ,- , , .~....... -', -.~" -~-..." ,.,..-,,'~ ...., * ...-..."....~, ...._,...._." .._. ......~ ~.~,... .) -~... -. ~.u~ ,J "'4';' ..:..:.. '. U ..' >. ... ~,_,...,~, _,,:,:,_,:;'~'.:.;~...'.: ,;_:.:.0'1,: ,~".:., ""~":'..;..".'.' -'" MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION Special Session - October 10, 1946 'I ' ' :, ~ .' :- , ' , t 'r , , '~Ja1l<.a;.'a.'~1~~~~.~.J~"W~l:"~ The City Commission met in special session the eveninp of Uotober 16, 1946 at'7:30 in the City Hall with the fol1ow1np members present: Geor~e R. Seavy. ~ayor-Commls9ioner, Timothy Johnson, J. R. Crane, W. C. Wells, Jesse G. Smith; Absent - none. 'The meetln~ was duly called to order by Mayor Seavy and the minutes of the two previbus meetln~s were read and approved. City Attorney Smlth now read a resolutIon concerninp the boundaries of the parkin~ meter zones. Attornoy Satterfield spoke a~ainst this resolution and ur~ed the Commission to remove the parkin~ meters 1n the park1nr spaces used by taxis. It was moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Wells and unanimously carried that the resolution be adopted whtch resolution is set out below. () . ) '-.-- .i1 , ,j Mayor Seavy stated that as requested by the Commission, he had invest1pated the purported offer of Mr. Mcnurno to purchase from the City the Avondale and Fairmont Lots and erect houses all to 'be sold to veterans; and that Mr. McGurno althou~h interested in such a project would not desire to purchase the lots himself. Ben Krentzman,:as a special representative of the Vetter-ans Housinp: Co~ttee, outlined the committee's ideas concernln~ the Avondale and Fairmont property as follows: 1. 'That a non-prof1 t organization comprised of veterans be organized to take title to these lots at a price of around $50.00 per lot. 2. That said orp-anizBtion would assume the responsIbility of placinp these lots in the hands of veterans who needed and would build homes thereon; further, that the veterans would be assisted tn securin~ loans and , priorit1es. . ;~ '. i ,I. ,) .; , ',~ '1 1 :l 3. That a reverter clause should be placed in the deed by the City mak1np. secure their use as intended. 4. Mr. Krentzman indicated that suitable houses could be built for around $6500.00 , :I , Mr. Johnson moved that the commission express itself in favor of the plan as outlined by Mr. Krentzman, and that the lots be sold for a price of $50.00, provided, however, that the purchaser agree to ahare the expenses of puttin~ the streets and sewers in proper condition. The other Commissioners expressed themselves heartily in favor of this committment. Mr. Wightman, Post Commander of the American Legion, and a mumber of leglonalres were present and asked permission ~or a carnival to operate 'on property at the northeast corner of Cleveland st. and Myttle Avenue, owned by Kennedy and Strickland. After thorouph dlscusslonit was moved by Mr. Smith seconded by Mr. Grane and unanimously carried that the request be denied. " " ;; " " ' :~ Mr. 'Wightman expressed the thanks of the Mnerican LeFion for the City's help in secuI'lnp: an armory for Clearwater and stated that the unit would probably be act1vated in the very near future. Mr. Wiphtman expressed satisfaction at the proposed site for the armory at Prospect and Court St. It was exp~ained that this site contained 3 and a fraction acre3 after allowing 'for proposed wIdenin~ of Court Street. The Commission informed Roy Mains that the application of a negro veteran for a taxi license would have to be passed over until the rextmeet1ng. The City Commission had before it two petitions askin~ that the trailer camp at S. Ft. Harrison and Williams Road not be abolished at this time, due to the housln~ shorta~e. The Commssion indicated that due to such housing shorta~e it mip,ht be wfll to continue this trailer camp for the present time and turned over to the,Clty Mana~er and the Bui1dln~ Inspector the question of ascertaln1n~ if sanitary regulations were comp]ed with at the camp. Mr. Hendrix read to the Commission a letter from John Nuveen & Co. statinp that the City was most ~ortunate in accomplishin~ the refundin~ at the time they did. This letter is set out below. .. .: ,,' '1,., '~ . y _ _~~_u~ ~__ .- I"~ . .~.,. " , , . . . .;;~-"-T,;:;'Y'l;j.~". . . 1\:;0::,;/>;;<),. .;.,!'!;'{tJ:r~1:f{ . I . . ;" ".' ", 'I I' , I I t l ,: ~ ,", I". .. fil!~(~;li!lti~, ' t~~;;~f: </:-)/.-.'/))::: I.. ',.! .. , ~.. .~.. Il; i . , " . ': ~':'" ,$77 MINUTES OP CITY COMMISSION Special session ~ OctOber 10, 1946 <I City Mana~er Hendrix read an Ordinance to be known as Ordinance No. 52'7 "An Ordinance nrantin~ to Florida Power Corporation, Its Legal Representatives, Suceessors and Assipns, the Rip.ht, and 'Privile~e of. and Franchise for Construction, Maintaininp. and' Operatinp: an'!ElectrIc Power Plant' and Distribution System in the Ci ty of Clearwater, County of Pine lIas and State of Florida ". It was moved by Timothy Johnson, seconded by J~ R. Crane and carried unanimously that Ordinance No. 527 be passed on its ~irBt readin~. The Ordinanoe was now read the second and third times, and after each readIn~ it was moved by Timothy JOhnson, s!conded by W. C. Wells and unanimously carried that the Ordinance be adopted. Ordinance No. 52? is set out infull below, and hereby made a part of the se minutes. ' ~. c? ~ Mayor C0mm1ss1one' , () , . '" , ; I ! . City Attorney Geor~e Smith read to the Board the followin~ Resolution: RESOLVED, That the Board of Commissioners of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in Special Session assembled, does hereby adopt, ratify and approve certain apreement to be executed between the City of Clearwater and the Florida Power Corporation for the purChase of electric ener~y from saId CorporatIon by said City of Clearwater, and the proper o~ficers of the' City be, and they are hereby, authorized, directed and instructed to execute said a~reement in substan~ally the form as presented to the Board of Commissioners at this meetInp'. ...'.,'......'..:1 "... l. ;....,.. .; , " .; ,...' J ,': I ~ , '" <, , " : I ' ' '<i It was moved by Mr. Jesse n. Smith. seconded by J. R. Crane and unanimously carried that the Resolution as read be adopted. Mr. Hendrix read a letter under date of October 10, 1946, add~essed to the Mayor and City Commission which said letter set out the obli~atlon o~ the Florida Power Corporation to remove certain overhead distribution lines in the City of Clearwater. This letter is set below. At the recommendation of Mr. Hendrix, it was moved by Mr. Smith seconded by Mr. Johnson and carried that the Clearwater Transit, Inc. be permtted to tryout a new experimental bus route starting at the southeast corner of ~leKeland ~. and S. Ft. Harrison, procedinp eaat to Myrtle, l'f6l:tb to Drow S~., east and south on Greenwood' Avenue to Wyatt st., west on Wyatt St. to Ft. Harrison Avenue, tnence to the point of the 1)erlnninp:. The City Commission had before it a letter from Alfred P. Marshall written on behalf of Clearwater Broadcastln~ Co. affitin~ for a lease'of the south wlnp. of the Auditorium for a Broadcasting studio. This letter was ordered filed for future reference. Mr. Smith, City Attorney, now read Ordinance 528~ concerning the incorporatin~ of Pine Brook Subdivision. It was moved by Mr. Wells~ seconded by Mr. Johnson, and carried that Ordinance No. 528 be passed 'on Lts rlrst readln~. Ordinance #528 was now read the second and third times and after each readln~ it was moved by Mr. Well~, seconded by Mr. Johnson and carried that Ordinance No. 528 be adopted. This OrdLnance is set out below. A petition si~ned by owners of property adjacent and close to the west end of Ro~ers Street was read concernin~ the pruninp, of trees and ~eneral beautification of the west end of Rogers st. It was referred to the City Mana~er. There beinp no further business to come before the Board, the meetln~ was adjourned. , \ : ATTEST: \~~t\: .. ',: ' '. ~' , , ',.. " ',I ':', ::.: . :ow -..--., . . . ; -.' '.;,....., ," ;-, ~.;.,^".,. -, ;.,.., :"~.",. " . ,I; ';:' .~:i.;ii;i~;~~,.. .~.i,".'; j; ~C, ". ;:;(';::" ;";~i~'~:~:j;;~i:~::{j;~~:K~(;~;:,~:"~;: ',.... if' $" 73 f" ".,.,,-.)" '. . ..... ..~t~ti~R;!~(~~(, 1"'\".""; ;; r ."ie/it ! ,;"""J 1 "",,;; . ","!:"'; : '. :1 't ~ :1 ' " l~, . .:' :-: \'{;I ),.., <~~:,,:;\;'<j1~~S(> . .....".,. ': ':(!;]}?/1'f.f~t!~XiX:~;,' . : . "1 ," ,.-.,J,."..f~'~~' ~ . ,>{;~:.;j~f~J:(;;r;~t?!>\", . %Y~:i~~'~\, We, the undersip:ned owners or property adjacent to and close to the West end or Ro~ers street in the City of Clearwater, hereby petition the Honorable Board or City Commissioners or Clea~ater, to make every reasonable erfort to beautify the West end of Ro~ers Street whe~e it joins the Bay. We request that the trees be pruned surficientlyhigh to make a vista at the end of the stre~t and that the underbrush be cleared away and. if possible, that steps be ins~led. . .h.....I,.~..ot<...,~...........:"":"o;....!"' ..,...*~..;_...;'".._~.....~ '"... .;.';'/' "'..:......-..:........ _~,~..".'.:'._.;~4.;.!o'.._~.i.' ~'J,....:.._:..;.,~..~..{,.. ,- ....,.,'~:.. .~.,; .~ J.~..~,.. ';". ',,,~ ~'. .... .....,.. " ,y. MINUTES OF CITY COID1ISSION October 10,. 1946 COP Y , RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS,: by Ordinance No. 414, passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, on Septem-. ber 23, 1936, the City Cormmssion of said City.is empowered ana . directed to d~sipnate certain parkin~ meter zones in which the City Manaper is empowered to install parkin~ meters. o '. . ......~. I . . "'\ ",:,:1 ':': i .'. ":>,.': .,.\1 . '.. .' ,">.':':\ , "'!" .:i . ,':'j'.1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COmnS3: ON OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, in repular session assembled, that all the streets and/or parts of streets located within'the City of Clearwater in the ar~a bounded on the North by Drew Street, on the South by Court street, on the West by Osceola Avenue a~d on the East by Myrtle Avenue be, and the same are hereby, desi~nated as parkinp. meter zones wi thin the tel'ms and provi si ons of afore- said Ordinance No. 414. ~ . .! I IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that all of the acts and doings of the City Manaper and any and all other officers of the City of Clearwater, Florida, heretofore accomplished in compliance or,in- tended compliance with the aforesaid Ordinance No. 414, be and the same are hereby ratiried, confirmed and approved. . . " . ," '. " ~ ,.'.' ' . PASSED AND ADOPTED of Clearwater, Florida, this by the City Commtssion of the City 10th day or October, A.D. 1946. ~ I? f" - :-.:..-;/ Oeor~e R. s~~y Mayor-Comrr.dssioner -- ~ ATTE . ;rank Coo ey City Auditor and Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clearwater, Florida 9-28-46 To the honorable city officials of Clearwater We the undersip,ned kindly request the city officials not to force us to move rrom o~ present location. Reasons - We are all employed in Clearwater and bJ forcing us from this location you are askin~ us to leave our town, particularly the,families with children as this is the only court that Will take 'more than orie child to a trailer and' it would work a hardship 6n these children 'to leave school here and start in another town. slp.ned by approximately 13 people. .. * . .~...... .... .... . ........ ....... Clearwater, Florida 9-28-46 To the honorable city officials of Clearwater We the undersigned are nei~hbors and approve of this petition. sirned by approximately 15 people. . . . .............................. . '. .... .... siFned by approximately 24 people. : I Y,'. ..'.. ~. . . . QI _:_. .~.. . . . ..11 . ~. . . ..' .. , , . ,'>~; ''": \', .... , .l ~ '., ~'.l . _' ".' ','!. :.'~' ~ .... " . . ,"E:?1(~MIt;,,~1,iit;,;..':" " r ~ , . ~:,:.:;> -.: # - \. . . . , # ',' ~". ',. . ~'.. . -'., ' . ~ . ' .~~~~'!r____ . ' #. :!~. .. . ~..~ ..,...,. ~ , ." <,;', i,~"~*:";"",-"'_''':' .,_.... ...,' '..:;'::. ~':~71 ". ,:<. .... . . ,., " ~;~""""""':r;,~~w1f'~, ',I .. .~ l' ',", (' ,;;?,~g} . [ '", ',',' ..' ,. . . - - ~.:... .....: ,'. r,' . ,. ,: !' ' I , (J MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION October 10; 1946 COP Y -- October 9, 1946 '.. ,:. , " Mr. F~ L. Hendrix, r.ity ~ana~er City or Clearwater, Florida Dear ~r. Hendrix: l ! I When we ne~otiated the contraot to refund the Clearwater bonds last Sprin~, we were convinced that July 1st would be a most favorable date on whioh to acoomplish the rerundin~, but we d1dn't realize, of course, how quiokly interest rates were p:oing to ch ange . The experiences of the last sixty days have demonstrated how fortunate the City Commission's decision was to acoept our refundlnp, proposal when they did. The 2i% bonds have recently traded at 98~ and the 2.40% bonds in the 96 and 97 ran~e, and the market has not yet stabilized. Luokily for us, the bonds were all distributed before the market ~ot too bad. ,.' . . ',' I Sincerely yours, JOHN NUVEEN & CO. By C. T. McCreedy OTM/msc ...... ..... ........ ...... ..... CLEARWATER TRANSIT, INC. Clearwater, Florida October 7, 1946 Mr. F. L. Hendrix Oi ty Manaf1.er Clearwater, Florida Dear Mr. Hendrix: Enclosed herewith please find a sketch for a new, experM imental bus route we desire to operate. We think this route will result in ~reatly improved service and propose to operate it daily. leavin~ Daniel's corner, at the intersection of Fort Harrison and C~evelandp at 8:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 ar.me, 12:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m., and 9:30 p.m. In connection with experimental routes, the franchise states as follows: ....".,; ;' " ~. . ~ . . ' "'Transit' may, upon its own initiative, from time to time, provide "safe "artd'reasonable experimental routes over which it may operate its bus transportation service for a period of time n'ot toexceed niaety (90) days. up- on ten (10) days written notice ~iven the 'City,' such notice to specify the route to be operated, the time of the commencement and termbation o~ such experimental servioe. '''Ir, from the experience of any such experimental operation, it is shown that the operation over any such route or routes serves the public oonvenience and nec- essity of the Citizens of the 'City' in the area affec- ted, and that the 'coritlriued'operatiori over "surin route or routes will afford a reasonable return to 'Transit', therefore, the operation of." such route or routes shall be considered as established routes and subject to ab~ artdonment, mOdification, or alteration only as provided her'ein 1n respect to established routes. " . We believe there is a definite need for this service and this letter will serve as notice that we wish to operate 'tit. However, we would "like very much to inaugurate this serM vice as soon as possible and therefore request that in lieu of ten days written notioe, you contact the Honorable City Commlsmoners by telephone and if they approve, write us a letter to the effect that we may immediately atartthis service. Ninety days after the receipt of your letter~ we will subm1t a report as to whether'or'ridt"the'operatiori'aff6rds a reasonable return to this oompany. If the new operation holds up, we will then c~nslder it as s pe~anent route and subject to abandonment, modification, or a1teratlon as provided by the franchise for established routes. Very truly yours, . . . ...... ,,--,..., """";;;1, ":: :,:1 'f " '".'-, .'.::. "', 1 ~ . ,,, , ~ , ' In;' .~" ;::::::~,:,:}::::', 1 t '. I'; , " ~ . , , I \ I, I.'. . t L >.' ..' . ~ ... ~ ".." ~.,~ .~. ..'.'.n"'\~ .... ,'" '.' ...;;.ii~;; .... J7Ji~~:~r - "'~'>.-':"- -I 'I " ij }.UNUTES OF CITY CO""'MISSION October 10, 1946 COP Y October 10, 1946 f~.I ( : ) ""....J') . The Mayor and City Commission Clearwater Florida Gent lemen: In connection with the nep,otiations carried on between the officials of Florida Power Corporation and the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, which neF,otiat1ons have culminated 1n a new fran- chise ~ranted by the city of Clearwater to the Company, we have here- tofore a~reed with the Commis~on as to certain construction and re- moval of d1stribution lines in the City of Clearwater. This letter 1s to confirm our a~reement. ':- '",. Florida Power Corporation a~rees and will undertake to remove all of the distribution lines of the Company now existinr on North Fort Harrison Avenue from the downtown distr1ct to the City Limits of Duned1n. All of the facilit1es will be removed to other streets. There w1l1 be one or two places where wires will have to cross North Fort Harr1son to supply circuits on the West side. As soon as materials are available for these distribution chan~es w61will immediately proceed with the work which Will require approximately one year from its commen~ement. We also a~ree to provide White Way li~htin~ rrom the end of the present Whit Way circuit on North Fort Harrison Avenue to the C1ty Limits of Dunedin. At present, the street lights are a series circuit on side arm brackets. The City desires to have a new type of liphting rather than a continuation of the present standard desimn. We are to determine from manufacturers the proper type of li~htin~ to use to satisfy the City's requirements. When this is done and when the mater- 1als are available, we will complete the installation of these li~hts, which is estimated to take approxim~tely one year to comple~e the work. Florida Power Corporati or:1"19" to 'ret~in ti tIe to the above section of White Way li~ht1ng. We will maintain this section but the power supply will be taken from the present series White Way li!~hting cable. Florida Power Corporation also a~rees to remove the present primary feed~r rrom over the buildings in the alley between North Fort Harrison Avenue and Osceola Avenue' to elim1nate certain construction hazards. We will provide a new termbal for the Beach feeder which is now located on Osceola Avenue. This change will eliminate power lines going alon~ the property acqu1red ~or Cits Park purposes. It is estimated by us that the removal of the d1stribution lines on ~orth Fort Harrison Avenue, and additional construction, will cost us approximately ;~3f,OOO. No estimate is P.'iven as to the removal of the feeder line over the bui1din~s adjacent to Osceola Avenue. . It i~ my understand1np that the above is in accord with the arrangements arruved at 1n the various meetin~s with the City Commission and the survey .af .the' 'pr'ope'rty, at which tinie . the' Mayor and City Manager of Clearwater met with representatives of this Company Cordially yours, , .oJ .1 >) FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION A. W. Higgins, Presi dent .......; ............. ..... ... .............. ..~~.i;~'~:, '''1''",1 . \;:';~;;~?::, . . ORDINANCE NO. 528 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE!-) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NEt) OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH RANGE 15 EAST TO THE CITY OF CLEARWATER~ FLORIDA, AND EKTENDING THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS AND JURISDI CTION OF SAID MUNICIPALITY TO INCLUDE SAID ANNEXED LABDS. WHERF.AS, by Ordinance No. 523 passed and adopted' by the City Commission~ City of Clearwater, Florida, on Au~st 19, 1946, said City Commission deolared its intention to annex that certain unincorporated tract of land hereinafter described, lyinr contl~uous to, and with the sane County, to wit: Pinel1as County, as said City in the manner provided by law; . . ',," : ".:.:.......:.:'.: .",: ....-. ~~- " ""'. l~ .-........ I. I 1 . . I j I r . I I I i l . ....\., t." ", " .:.> I. "..' . . .' ;-:' ~~. .(,;, ":" :':- ',. ....,. ,." ". .,...,'. !,' .'. ...... r r ., " ....... '., ~ ' "l. - . '[f~:;;':':;\:""""" ..... ....' " " . "',' "",.~"''''o.,\o'''''~I"",'''''''\'~''t''''h'.''' ...... . , , . . '.' . . , ~'81 '.~ '.' :t,'<'.,: .'. ~. , . '. "'. J',.,";,,:, ,..:'.'.'_ . ....;.,_. V,"':;''''' ":';',\~ ;-";~~/:!': MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION October 10, 1946 ORDINANCE 528 continued '. ,;' AND WHEREAS sald Ordinance was thereupon published in the manner provided by law, once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in a newspaper published 1n the City of Clearwater, Florida, to wit: in the CLBARWATER SUN on Au~st 20,1946, Aupust 27, 1946, September 3, 1946 and September 10,1946; AND WHEREAS no objection to such annexation has been filed nor notioe served as required by law: i . ., . ~ ;! i ," ., '~ I . ~ .~ , ~ ~ j 1 3 j 1 NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OLEARWATER, FLORIDA: 1. That the followin~ described tract of land situate in Pinellas County, Florida, to wit: The Southeast Quarter (SEt) of the Northeast Quarter (NE!) of Section 10, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, according to maps thereof recorded in Plat Book23, pap-es 64 and 71, PUblic Records Pinellas County, Florida, be, and the same Is hereby annexed to the ~ity of Clearwater, Florida. 2. That the territorial limits and boundary lines of the City of Olearwater, Florida, be, and they are hereby, extended so as to embrace all of said lands and said City shall include and have jurisdiction over all of said lands. 3~ That the City of Clearwater, Florida, does hereby accept all pub&lo property. lots, franChises, easements, streets, way and parks located and dedicated, laid out, platted or conveyed to the publiC in all of said lands. 4. That all ordinances, resolutions, reRUlations and powers of the Cit~ of Clearwater, Florida, heretofore and herearter enacted and/or exercised by sR1d city, shall apply to, be in full force and effect and be exercised in and to all of said annexed territory. ' 5. That all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed. 6. That this Ordinalce shall be effective immediately upon its passa~e and adoption b1 the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, FlorIda. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in regular session assembled: Passed on First Reading Passed on Second Reading Passed on Third Readln~ October 10, 1946 October 10, 1946 October 10, 1946 ttI>.a ~ Ma yor-Commls a one ,t," ' . .;1... ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 7, 1946 To the Honorable city Commissioners Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: As attorney for Clearwater Broadcasting Company, Inc., the recipient of a permit from the Federal Communications Commission to establish-a 1000 Watt daytime broadcastlh~ 's'ta"ti'oh in' Clearwater',' "t' desire to bring you to date on the progress which tht s company has made toward the actual establishment of this stati on. Last week Mr. Houston Cox Jr., President of the corporation, was here endeavorinF. to locate a site upon which to place his broadcasting tower and radio transmitter room and a dwellinp. house or apartment for himsel~ and his family. Mr. COK was successful in securin~ a site for his broadcastin~ tower and radio transmitter room outside the built-up po~tion of the City of Clearwater. He has not yet been successful in locating a home, however, he does have several ~ood prospe~t8. . " ..,~~ -- J'.tt :.. '. -...~..- ,. ,,'~". '~':'",,"~-;:/...-"'...~i~:',. r) Ii,' 1:'" l ;'t,' r' ~. ~ f f t J r, ! I , ~ 1 I I I " ." , "':'Y<. , , .. 'r. (9<t~ ..;.~ .'~, .. .,. ( ....,~. '. ....'.':.. '::'- \;, " " " ... -':. .:. . ~ " , ~.. ,'. :.,...",. ,_A' ~. -""":.~'4'.i;LL~ _. MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION Ootober 10, 1946 oontinued . .~ 1 ,~~ilI1'iftlli o We are aware of the fact that the City Commission has granted an option to lease a portion of the Munioipal Auditorium for a broadoasting station, whioh option we understand expires t,he first part of next ~Q~ember. We desire to now request a similar lease from the City at the same rental for use only as a broadoastinp, studio and without any right to ereot a radio broadcasting tower or radio transmitter room on City property.. , :;, I ~:.~: ~ . :,'.~:~.::'i(:;:',' t. \ ',(. >,.: ,....:;: t ....,;,. , .,>' We have left with the City Manager a copy of the en~ineer&ng report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission showin~ the coverage of a 1000 Watt station and the population served, which we think mi~ht be of interest to any City Commissioner who wishes to eKamine same. We are ready to enter into a lease ap.reement with the City and pay the first month's rent at any time, and we request that no extension of present lease option or of ",rantin~ of new lease option or lease agree- ment be entered into with anyone without first plvln~ us an opportunity to be heard. (: ( r r. .' . ~: j j . i :. ~., :\;':. ' Thanking you very muoh for this favor, I am Respeotfu1ly yours, I. i' i ,1, ! '. ':.';,,'; " ' ,I';.'''', : . ~ ,',. , Alfred P. Marshall ................ ............................... ,.. ." l ",'; . . . t. . 'rr"":"-"~--'" ,_..... . ". .', ;;:".' " , .'. :'r . .. .."~t. , 1 :1 ~ '" " . '1 :1 ,l J 'I 1 t ! I 1 { I 1 , :if., -~ ..... :/# CITY' OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA ORDINANCE NO. 527 AN ORDINANCE GRANTiNG TO FLOHIDA .POWER CORPffiATION, ITS LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES, SUCCESSOR~ ANL ASSIGNS, . THE RIGRT, AND PRIVILEGE OF, AND FRANCHISE F'OR CONSTRUCTING, MAINTAINING AND O~ERATING AN ELECTRIC POWER PLANT A. ND LISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IN TIlE CITY OF CLEARWATER, COllWl'Y OF ~INELLA::;, ANI.; STATE OIi' l"LORl. DA. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'rHE CITY COMMISSION OF' 'llHE CITY 01<" CLEARWA'l'ER, PINELLAS COt NTY, PLO RIDA. : Section 1. That the said ~ity of Clearwater does hereby give and grant un- to.Florida Power ~or})oratlon, a corporation organized and existlng uroer the laws of the-State of ~lorlda, and to its legal representatives, successors and assigns, the right end~rivile~e of a franchise for constructing~ maintaining and operating for a period of twenty (20) years,. in the said City of vlearwater, an electric power plant, substation and distribution system, or other lightin~ system for the pnrpose of lighting by electricity the streets or public squares of said City, and the dwellings, houses and places of bus.j ness of its inhabitants, and for the purpose further of generating and distributing and/or transmitting electric current ror the purpose of light, power and heat, or any other purpose for which ,electricity may be us.ed. (\ \ \........~- .~' J I, Section ,2. That the said grantee shall have for a period of twenty (20) years,the privilege, franchise, power, right and authcrity to lay, erect and mainta1r. in and upon the squHres, streets, avenues, a lleys, wharves" viaducts, bridges, and/o:r other public thoroughfares and parts of said ~ity, as they now exist or may here- after be constructed, opened, laid out or extended within the present limits of said City, or within such territory as may hereafter be added to it, all necessary poles, or other supports, conductors or appliances for the poles or other means of conve1ance to be used in transml tting electric current for the purpose of lighting, heat 'or power, or for such other purposes as electrici~ may be used, and for this purpose the authori- ty and ri~ht is hereby granted to make all.necessary excavations in said squares, streets~ avenues, alleys or otl':.3r thoroughfares and IB rts of said Gity; and the grantee shall have the ri~ht, power\and authority to fasten and to stretch and my along the line of said poles or other meas of conveyance, all the wires or other mediums ,necessary for transmitting and conveying the electric current to be used 1n said business, together with all tne right and privileges necessary or convenient for the full use or enjoyment thereof; includin~ the right to trim, cut and keep clear all trees and limbs along said lines that may in any way endanger the proper operation of the same; and shall have the right, privilege and authority to construct, erect and maintain in saldCity a power house, substation or central plant or plants, with all the engines, boile:rs, dynamos, machines and devices, and ~ppliances that may 'be required for generating electricity, and f'or carrying on the business a- foresaid; provided that in acco~plishlng the purpose aforesaid the streets of said City shall not be unreasonably obstructed, and that such work shall be .done and carried on 1n conf'ormity with such reasonable rules and regula.tions with reference thereto as may be adopted by the City ~ommisslon of said Gity for the protection of the public; and provided, further, tm t the said vrantee shall assume all liability for danage or persors 1 injury caused by its negligence in doing such work. Section 5. No portion of the streets or public places shall be d~sturbed, nor poles located thereon. or excavations made therein, or other disturbances what- ever'in or upon any street, avenue, public place, or public alley, wi thout first applyin~ to the City llianagar and submitting a plan or detail of the proposed change and receiVing the approval of' the City Juanager for such work and the opening of the street or public place theref'o:r. The grantee shall take precautions to secure persons and property from damage by reason of work whatever done under this grant, or tne' permits aforesaid, and shall J..ikewi se observe all the reqlliren en ts of the ordinances of' the ~ity, now or hereafter passed, governing such work or the distur- bances cr op~ningof the streets. ij Section~. Any and all provisions contalned in the ordipances of the City, now existin~ or hereafter p~ssed, providing for police regulation of such construc- tion and maintenance ~s the grantee proposes to construct and maintain, shall be and is mreby made a part of this franchise and the grantee accepts same subject thereto. @)""" '. ~;',~:;::r ~,~. .... ".~.. . . ~". {,::' . Section 5. Any portion of thp. streets and plblic places which the grantee disturbs or exca\~tes in any of its construction shall be kept in repair by the grantee, and this .iiabil1ty shall continue during the life or existance of the particular pavements disturbed or broken. When such p~vements are relaid by author-- ity or the City, this liability shall cease. Section 6. The City of Clearwater shall have the rir.ht at any tine to require' the grantee, its successors or assigns, to take down and remove all or any:.part (jf' i,ts poles, wires, and overhead construction, and place tlle said wi res unde'rground under such reasonable conditions as the City may require under a general ord~nance :applicab.ie to similar companies. ., r. . , Section 7. The City reserves the right to string wires upon any poles erected and used by the p,rantee, said wires to be used for any municipal purpose except street li~hting. There shall be no charge by the grantee for the use of '. ~.-.- ." .. . ,:.,. .... ...~..... , : ~'. i ~.' >< , . .', . ':.:'" : , .: ' , i [ . [ 1.~"" f . I ' l ' I , ! i I I I ! i ! I I 1 I I I t t ! f I' I I: ~ ": I I, r ( t: t ~. " t 1 v I' t ~: '. f k lie < i r t t II 1, [ ~ (~ . ' l . ! I til' ~. r ~ , ", \. ,\ , L' . , .,. " , , .. . ' .( H. ." .i. -~.,. , ~:::-...."...~..../:. , ,.f77:( ", ';,'::l;:':":..',~' {',..' ':.~...,(.~: " :::;. " ',';.: i I i ; l 1 , 1 1 ; I ( 1 .1 1 I f . 0 I 1 '., . ", :!.- ., ',;' ,"\" . '. ".< ' .~ ""';'\: :,,-:, ..::;<.~l,': i :-, ~::,< '~:.: "':' :-,:"; :.-: '.' . ., ", "it':L .. 3S,s- , I f \ i' { , 0l~, . .'.: ,.>', > ..2- Florida Power Franchise Ordinance # 52? <':ontinued. .. : 'n"'I.' I ..:. i " j said poles by the City. ~hen stringing wires upon the grantee's poles, the Git,y agrees to conform to standard electrical practices. Section 8. The grantee agrees that the materials to be used in the oonstructions and maintenance of the system and the service to be rendered thereby shall be In every respect equal to the average of cities and towns in this vicinity where electricity is used; and agrees that in providing service under the pro- visions of this fnanchise it will conform to standard electrical practices and will gi ve to the vi ty of "'lea rwa te r am! it sinha bi tants the same fa vora bl.e C'onsidera tIon ext,ended to any other ci ty or town in le'rida of sin;ilar size served by tlJe grantee under like conditions. ~ ) Section 9. '1'hat the said grantee aliall have the right and privilege to en18rge such power plant as it may constl~ct, increase the number of poles~ convey- ances, tor appliances, extend its wires~ Ilnes or conveyances, and to generally de- velopl)'or'\'Change its services OP methods to meet the growth andprogress of' Sl!:l'd' City and to conform to the sc1entific and mechanicul advancement and discovery of the age,':snd that sllch work shall be GDne and carried on in conforrdty w1.th such rea- ~onable rules Bnd regula t:ions wi th re 1'erence thereto, as may be lldopted by the \"i ty lIonunission of this said munlcipolity. Section 10. As a f'urther consideratjon of this rranch:1B e, said City or C~earYlBter agrees not to engap;e in the business of' distributing and sel11ng eloc- tricit~T during the life of this franchise or any extension thereof' in competition w1tn the grantee, its legal representatives, successor~ and assigns. Provided that th~ City of ~learw8ter resorves the right to generate llnd distribute eLectricity for its own,munlcipal pu~poses. - ::>ection 11. It 11:1 convenanted and tlgreed by and between the City of Clearwater and Florida Power ~orporation, its legal representatives~ successors and assigns, that the municipality reserves the ripht at the expiration of five C5) years after the effective date of this ordinance, and at the expiration of each and every five-ye~r period therearter, and at and after the expiration of this franchise, to purchase all of the property and property ri~hts of the corporation, inc~uding the distribution system, lines, conduits and otre r conveyances for distrituting said electric current, or property used under or' in connection with the franchise, which shall be :located within the corpora te limits of tbe Uit\..(. The property shall include all contracts for service f'a1rly and reasonably made in good faith by the corporation. The City of Clearwater further reserves the ri~ht to purchase such property and:pro'perty rights, and Bucll extensions thereof, or such part of such !lrOperty as tl1e City may desire to purchase, and tle grantee desires to 5e.ll, outside the corporate limits or the City~ There are, however, excepted from t~is reservation other power plants erected outside the corporate limits, and high tension transmission 1.ines owned by the corporation and connected with its general system of transmission and distribution, and used for the pvrpose of serving communities other than the grantor herein. In the event that the municipality exercises its right to purchase the said properties as herein prcvdded~ the price to be paid shall be fixed upon a valua- t~on of the property, which valuation shdl be determined by arbitration, as may be prOVided by la~, or shall be rixed at a valuation and in the m~nner as may be de- tezm.irfed by the statutory authority now or herearter granted to muticipalities for the-lpurchase of municipal. electric or' gas p.lBnts. In fixing the value of the P"'operty and pro~rty rights to be purchased by the City, this franchise Shall not under any circumstances be considered as having any value whatsoever. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to take away, restrict, impair or abrogate any of the rights as granted by the general statutes of the State of .lorida to municipalities to purchase such~roperties at a v~u~tion and in the manner as may be provided by such statutes, and the City of Vleenater does reserve unto itsel.f all 5 ch rights now or hereafter granted to it by charter~ general statutes, legislative acts or otherwise; it being the sense and intention that the City of ~lean{oc er may avail itse~f of any such alternatives in establishing a price for the purchase of said pro~rties. , ' \ \, ,\ I i i, " I r' I: ! -" '" 'Wi thin ninety (9U) days arter the expir&ttion of' the 3rd, 8th, 13th and/or l.Bth years of the teml o~ this franchise, the City of Clearwater, by resolution adoptea by the liity Gomnlission~ shall have the rignt to demand and receive from the grantee a statement showing the vdue of all the grantee's property and proper.ty rip:hts in the l-ity of CJ.earwater. Said statEment shall be furnished to the City by th'e 'grantee within one year froD! and after the making of such r.equest by the City, and shall be prepared in such a manner as to show the various items and assets the t go to make up the valuation of\ the grantee"s property and property rights in Clearwater as shown by said statement. In the event that the City exercises its option to purchase at any period during the life of' the franchise~ it shall notify the grantee of its intention BO to do by written notice at least six months prior to the expiration of said period or period's of' 'Years. 'Ihe grantee a~rees that in the event the ~ity exercises the said optfon:as herein provided, the City shall. lB ve a period not to exceed two years from the date of said wrltten notice to complete .its negotiatjons and purcl1ase of the sad.d property in accordance here~ith. ~rovided, however, that the said l.imitation of two t:c~n.': "';:.\'1 o . ....' ~A~~'tJ~t.;.1.!W;r~ :~.. ,":" :""'>\':''''~:"<e','~'':'~~'~';~\~::''~ ,;~~~;:'~'~~~.-:-::-:':":~:';..'':-:.-:.r'r':;~~ij r::\~".~~:~:';:;' ;";~.;>..1"',-:;-..: 1}I','r,;n>:,~~;.'t':"" j~1.1p'i'..r";~.,,,;..t-l".'''''''' ":. ";'-'..' !.: .-1 ;',: . .'", <, ..:...~-~~~..... '." il'-,;.:.I ~ . ,'.......... " Section 14. As a further consideration for the granting of this franchise, the said grantee shall, during the term of this franchise, pay to the lIity of Clearwater as a burden imposed by this ordinance, and as one of the expressed con- ditions and considerations for the franchise, ri~hts and prjvileges granted and conferred by this ordi~ance, 4% of the gross receipts from the sale of electric energy tn the City of ~learwater. The said grantee shall be required to keep proper books of aC'COl:nt showing monthly gross receipts from the sale of el.ectric energy within the corporate l.in:its of tI.le City of Cl.earwater, and shall make a statement in writing showing S11Ch receipts for each semi.annual period ending June 30th and December 31st of each and every year, and based on such statements shall make payment to the City Tax CoJlector the amount due. Section 15. As a further consideration for the granting of this fran- chise, the F'lor:1da J:'ower Corporation agrees to furnish electricity to the City of Clearwater for all municipal purposes at a base rate not to exceed one and one- quarter (It) cents per kilowatt hour, said base rate to be subject to existing fuel oil adjustment:.provisions in the Company's service contract with the lIity. Section 16. The grantee shal.l~ within ninety days after the end of its fiscal year, when requested by resolution of the vity Commission, file with the City a complete financial report of its operl::ltions in the l-ity of Clearwater for ~he pre'ceding fiscal year as shown by the books and records of the grantee, and such other information as the City Conmission may from time to time ~equire.~. It shall be the duty of the grantee to fUrnish such supplementary or special infor- mation concerning its operations in Clearwater as the (jity Commission may from time to time demand. If at any time the grantee fails to furnish the City with any re- port or information so requested by the Ci ty, then any audi tor or accountant regu- ~arly employed by the City shall have rull access to all the books, records, and papers of the grantee for the purpose of obtaining therefrom the information so requested by the City, with the privilege of taking copies of the books and records of the grantee or any pare thereof. The provisions of this section Shall not apply to the operati'ons of the F'lorida .Power Corporation in other communities not p~oper- l'ysuburban to the (;i ty of \J learwa ter, except insofar a s an examina t10n of the grantee t s books and records pertaining to other communities may be necessary in order to secure the requested information pertaining to the operations o.f the p;rantee in the City of Cle_ana tel'. Section 17. This franchise shall not be leased, assigned, or otherwise a'liena ted except wi th the express consent of the City Connnission. Section 18. In the event tl:a t the grantee herein or its legal representa- ~ives, successors or assigns shall violate any of the terms, provisions, or condi- tions of tr,is g'rant or franchise, and shall continue to violate such terms, pro- visions or conditions ,for' a period of th:1rty (30) day'S after notice in writing given by the City Commission to desist from such violation, then the (jity Commission may declare a forfeiture of said grant or franchise, in the manner prescribed by the statutes of the State of b~orida. .' "-3- .3Bt:. :~', I :~.~f~\)IY; . , ,,~E{~:}'}.'(:\;,~:' "~',:ri" ':'; " ' , Florida ~ower Franchise Ordinance #527 Continued. years shall not apply if litigation for the purchase of the said properties is then pending. In the event of purchase, all ri~ht of the grante~ under this franchise shall termina te, and the grantee sha 11 have no furtller right to render service except upon consent and permit of the City. , Nothing in this section shall prevent the lIity from acquirin~ the said property and property rights sf the corporation within the corporate limits of the City by condemna tion proceedinp;s or by any other' lawful manner; and all such methods of acquisition shall be alternative to the power' of pur-chse reserved in the grant or rene~al thereof as herein provided. Section l~. That upon the anne~ation of any territory to the ~ity, the portion of such utility that may be located within the annexed territory, or upon the public streets, alleys, or public spa ces thereof sha 11 thereafter be Bubject to all the terms of tt~ franchise as fully as though by express extension of such franchise or grant, except as hereinbefore provided. Section 13. 1he grantee shall have the right to make reasonable rules and reguJa tJons for the use of' electric energy sold and djstributed by the grantee to private parties and for municipal purposes, and the rates to be charged to the public shall at all times be under the supervision, direction and control of the City ~ommjss'on. rrovided that the rates charged to the public shall be sufficient to insure a rea sonable return on the inve stnlen t of the corpora tion used or useful in rendering service under this franchise. ~uch rates and regulations shall in no manner conflict or interfere with rulings or regulations of the State Railroad Commission, or of any other State governing board or commission having jurisdiction in the premjses by virtue of any general state l.aw. Upon the effective date of this franchise, the rates to be charged shall not exceed those set forth in schedules atta'ched hereto and made a part, of thi's franch:1s e. '. \' ";" . ',' ",,',!. ~ 'H) ",,' ,@'?"J- ;, ')" . .' ~ \' , :-,',;':, -"f' If any action shall be instituted or prosecuted directly or indirectly by the ~rant~e or its legal representatives, successors or assigns of this grant or franchise, 01' by its stockholders or creditors, to set aside or have declared void any of the terms 01' this grant or franchise, the whole of such grant or fran- chise may thereupon be declared forfei teda nC. annulled a.t the option Qf the (,;i ty Commission, in the manner as a.bQve, pr,ovlded. * If, the City Commission shall prescribe the form for such reports, then the same shall be made in the form from tJme to time prescribed. . ". . . , ' . III- '::"'~":'1l<.t..... _". " ~c.'V}l';'~..7'lti't . .'i.."" ~~ ,--""~'- ~ .. .. -':~'::. .'r';0m t ":::.+;:d' , ~?;';'ftt;',~~ II~ ,.:: r',:" .. .;:: I I ' '.. " , I , I I i I I I I I ;.-,; . "'\\ ,,\ I" . l' i' f, ~ " t~.. . -' ~assed on third read1ng Oct. 10, 1946 . g ,C? ~-,~;) ~isson;;-" -r ":.~:)\ "',. -':. f~'5~"':-' "',,":., '. ".~ r - "i:~,/.t,. ,'\I"?:~i,::\~)i;:>, . .. ../' , ," ,,'~ > . 387 Florida ~ower Franchise Ordinance #527 Continued. -4- . l'IT71. . . .... \', :,~.~~.:~.i;'.'Y:~~,~~ '~J:::, :::\.', ~"~~;L(:;?" ,:;',,'.:',.';'.,;. . :.::; '.~: :>'~;'. . :'\ ;, Sectlon 19. This grant is made on the further and express condit1on::~ thst the grantee wlll, within thirty ,(30} days from the effective date of this ordinance, file with the vity Clerk of the City of Clearwater a written acceptance of this grant, which acceptance will acknowledge that the grantee is and shall be subject to the several sections or this ordinance and shall aiso be subject to all pre,sent 'and future ordinances 01' the City of Clearwa ter relating to the construction, equipment, maintenance and operation or wires, conduits, cables, poles and similar con~ltructions, and also to those ordinance s rela t ing to the di strlbuti on and 8al~ of electric current for the purpose of power, lir:ht, and heat. On failure of the gr,antee to file written a,cceptance within the time stated, then a)l rieht, authority, and permissions granted under this ordinance shall cease and become of no beneCit. Section 20. This ordinance shall become effective upon the same being l~gally passed and adopted by the City Commission of' the City or "'learwater, and up- on the acceptance of this franchise by the grantee as hereinabove provided. Section 21. All ordinances and parts of ordinances 'in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. ~assed on first reading Oct. 10. 1946 ~:.. : , ('" \" r.. I \ I ! . ~assed on second reading Oct. 10, 1946 . ! ! I, .. ".:\,' ". ,. ~. , 11#######/1### ,;: :", i :. ~-. ~ . A G R E E MEN T . , , THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this luth day of October, 19406 by and between the CITY OF C.LEARWATER, a municipal corporation withtn the State of' Florida, 'mreinafter called tre "il.iunicipality," and FLORI1.Jf~ .POWEH COH1"ORATION, a corporation olganized and existing under the ~ws of the ~tate of Florida6 herein- after, called the "Company"; WITNE~~~TH: The in consideration of the sum of One Lollar ($l.UO; ~ ld by each 'of the parties hereto to the other, the receipt of whlch is hereby aC.Know- l~dged; and in further consideration of the mutua~ covenants and agreements herein -'c'ontalned to be perrormed by the parties hereto, it 1s mutually covenanted and agreedj , ~ I. Tha t the Company binds i tsel.f , its ..1B gal. representa t1 ves, Sllccessor's and assigns, to furnish and to sell to the I~luniclpaiity, and the Municipality hereby binds itse~r to buy or Florida ~ower Cor oration, its ~gal representatives, successors a~dassigns, all of the electric energy required by the Municipality, except ror -resa'le. and as hereinaf'ter provided, for the operation of its water pwnplng plants, gas works, sewage disposal pumping stations, causeway drawbridge, for the street .lighting systems (overhead and ornamental post) and ror lighting service to ail mi'scellaneous si tua tions now connected, and for similar si tUB t10ns that hereaf'ter may be added, and not to generate suoh energy itself, except as hereinafter pro- vided f'or the supply of emergency service, or purchase it elsewhere, except ss and when the Company is unab~e to furnish it or refuses without 16gal excuse to do so. , l II. In'consideration of the above agreement, the Munlcipa11ty~ dwrlng the en- tire per od of' this agreement, binds itself to pay to the Compl ny monthly f'or a.ll ~le~tric energy used and consumed at the f'0110wlng rates, to-wit: RATE ~ER MONTH: 1.25ft per KWH Fuel A~justment; Energy Charge Sh 11 be increased or decreased $.00015 :(15/100 of a mill) per KWH for each f'ive cents (5~} above $1005 or below $.9U per barrel, respectively, in tre pub- lished price or Bunker Qen fuel oil, f.o.b. storage tanks at ~ort Tampa, Florida @;. .."'" .,V ".', ~ ; f}.~:.(:':"~: ~ ;.. : Where .services can be consolidated, the Municipa11 ty wi 11 provide s1lch consolidations to eliml.nate separate metering. . '~f~ 1\:'~.' 'f"i . . .':~;55~~r0~f':~\:'(';}?~~f.s7?7C0~~~:~':'''~''''~''~~-''w~,,,,~""""""" '..<i".' ,,^' .:mJ' ,', .,',....{~,...J. ,." " . f' ,. . ,'.: ......... ~ J ,j 1 .'" ~""...~..............._..~.~..,.;,., '",:"','."l...~h_",'''''''",,,,,, ".....,....................".... -5- .PI 88 Agreement-Flor-ida 1"ower Corp oration Continued . III. It is agreed that the electric energy supplied under this agreement shall be delivered as follows: To Water ~umping ~lunts and Gos Works (Served fro~ 2300-volt mBster-metered . circuit): n Service supplied at 230U volts and delivered at junction pole located on Maple 8treet~ one span west of Alden Avenue~ and measured by 23UO-volt meter- ing equipment installed on pole located adjacent to gas plant engine roam. .--.... To Water !'umping .t'J.ants (Not served 'from master-metered circuit), Sewage Dis- posal k1umpin~ Stations and Causeway DrawlJridge: Service delivered at each location and measured at priaary voltage at Company's option. The Municipality sh~ll furnish and maintain the necessary step- down transformers and provide meter connection at each location. Street Lightin~ Systems (except Clearwater Beach) At bus bar of Company's substation. Service delivered and measured a t a pprox ima te ly 4, OUU vol t s , thre e phs se . , Clearwater Beach (~treet Lighting) At Island end of causeway. imately 2300 volts, single phase. lY~iscellaneous Situations (per' schedule attach3d) ~ervice delivered and measured at approx- Service delivered and mftered at each ~ocations, single pm se, 115 or 115/230 volts. The Company will furnish an(i install the necessary meters adjacent to each location, the registration of which meteres shall constitute the basis of computation of bills for energy consumption. IV. ',; Bills for electric energy shall be rendered montl1ly by the (;ompany and shall be d~e and payable within ten days from date rendered; and it is further stipulated that tme Company shall have the right to discontinue tbe delivery of electric energy to the rounicipa~ity under this agreement in the event the Municipality to the Company, as herein prOVided, or in the event the Municipality otherwise vio~ates this ap;reement, provided the Company sheil give the Municipa~ity at least sixty days' written notice of its intent:on to discontinue delivery of electric energy and the reason therefor, and the ~un- iclpality shall have such period in which to pay the sum d1llle or make good such viola tion. v. Inamnuch as the Municipality has installed a boiler in connection with its incinerator plant for the disposal 6f rubbish and garbage, and has installed a steam driven generating unit for the utilization of s'lch steam as DB y be produced by the said in inerator boiler, it 1s hereby understood and agreed that the .Munici- pality bhall ~ va the right and privilege of connecting its wires from its generator, through sui table protec't1 ve eqtlllipment to be a pproved by the Company and with synchronizing equipment, all to be furnished by the Muni~ipality, with the in- coming electric service supplied by the Company to the gas plant and water pumping stations for the purpose of permitting the Municipality to operate its generator in parallel with the Company's system and to utilize to the fullest extent such energy as may be generated from the steam supplied by the lndinerator boiler, The Muni- ciplaityagrees that it will operate its generator at proper excitation and that it will not use steam from the boilers of the gas plant for the operation of said steam engine unless the CODpany, for any cause, is unable to supp~y the require- ments of the Municipality. The C~mpany has installed disconnecting switches at or near its meter through which service, is supplied to the N1unlclpality for. water pumping and ga s plant usage so the t tllese swi tc.hes Invy be op~nea in thG f:V811t of the Compeny i oS uno ble to s u~)ply enE:I'e:.:.Y to the ~\lun i cipb.li ty for v;a tel' pumping;' stl:ltians froIil it~; S<:.Cbl-:-l driven bCnel'L.tor; it beinG Imde.!.Ttood and ',t:.:.reed, however, thbt \'I!1en such interruptiDn :Jf service htl.S been corl't:cted, tlle Cornpuny shall have the rig,ht to l'ec::mnect i t.5 servJce t:J the circu its sUi,JplyinL the v.c. tel' plilll1Jillb s st1:i ti:Jns and t.,c..;s plt=;.n t, and the Muni cipuli ty wi 11 in:'lleLlit.. tely re 8U.Llle tuk.int.. service fro!n the Company. I :,:' ',. ':. " VI (bV~~: ,,-~.;~ '" . .', "~. .1-1 . '::;':~ir' It is furthel' at-reed and covenan te<i t.hb. t the Company 81':'511 not. be 11a01e for d&ffi&Le or injury to pbrsons or property ~risint.., ocuurrinb or resQltln~ in the receivinb, use or applicbtioll of electric enert;'y or 01Jel'bti:m 01' 1ilacr...illery. 0:" equipm~-,nt on the Municipality's side of the points of delivery (exuept as herein~fter provided . in the.misconduct or nee-libence on the port of the Comp&ny in the operetion tine maintent.nce of overhead street liLhtinL syster:'l), snd the Municipali ty sbell not be lioble for damale or injury to persons of property !:l1'islne" occurrine" or resultin~ in'the constructioIl, Iaaintenance and ope;,a ti on of the Company's lines end equipment on the Company's side of the points ot',eelivel'Y; e.nd the Company and the Municlpe.lity shall hold and serve 6hCh other horluless b.buinst such loss or QalIll::lt,.e sustailleu on their respective sides of the poihts of deliveryo , ; I.' " :.' ~ ", ';"" ';":.', . ., -"s....~,..- __ - ' I~ - ......... ,:' :~LI 'I?':" ,'", >:':d:'C. i;.:,.:.:., .:::....;.,...:<:..'..: '. """ ":,":" , g..' , . '. f ' i i : l' t i /. I ,,\' . "\.. .\ , . d ,. .,~;~,~. 'ffi]..::~",~;<,'~~i~i~,;:;;~~~..."" ,;;.::,,:"... , , ,,,J ..,1 . .' .J <;] 7 !;f~Ji~S;;~i~C. ~~m:~~OmrW~hioe ~.,:. . .... ". . ; )~...: . j 1 , I I !i t j ~ -6- VII It i3 fur-trier covento.nted ond ut:..reed th8t tLe !lunicl;)L1ity tit any rt:lI::.SJUL. bie time, upon n:Jtlcf.' to the GO~jlHJny, ::1H~ll h~;"t:l t,i'1e riLl L in tile precellce of' em offioer, &t;,ent or des it:,m;,ted em "loyee 01' tha tJol:lpt:.ny t:J re', d 1 nd check thtJ COHl.l)bny' S DIeters e.nd! or meterine:, eqLd )[:1' nt, dlOUl"d it so desi're', fonu sL:Juld ~r~el'e he I;ny dislie.-reeItlent flS to the cor:r'ectness of re.dinra.and/orLceuracy of the sDi~ meters or m~terinL cq~lrmLent, the p~rties hereto shE-l1 .iDlntly test e:..ud neters, but it is hereby,' lreed that tte EL.ifl l1let8. s eria/or lIlcterir.l:., equi pm~n t she 11 b. uu ns ide red Vii thin tte tFH'~ (,l~ t DVC'I't:(.e f: cc ur/, cy ;)rovid ed 0[.11 brati::m 1 s Vi j thin tv/o ~)el'~eIlt (2~'~) of ano\~r:::.oy. fr,8uld tJ:e l'letp.!'r' be beyonu the ::!aid rent.e of a~curacy, tin ar1.1 ustm'Elnt st:~lll be bEl~: eel ~)!l theuvl~l'e Le 01' U:e three rn:mthe' GOnE Ul'lpti on ir:w:ed 1u te ly pri:Jr to the period in l:e[jti:,m, ut no ~td.;tu;tli!e1)t i"hL1J e:xter:c1 over t. iJerioc": of n,ore than three :':ollths. ",' , . J .',.:;:.:_", A"' '. ,.. ,",I . ,",: 1. ,~ ) VIII It i~ fur-tiler c:)\lem:ntvtJ Lnu elL 1" ':d t.hnt tl::,~",::ilicli :.s_ho 00::1)8.11;{ ~WIlS tile ::Jvt:ll'hecd E\t't'oet. liLhtint rystcl,l and e1lll1u!Ilt, f.nd \'J111 :)\\11 tbJ ornuncllt,l :.>Jst. ~;t.l'(~l:t liL!ltlnL sYf:tem l-_J.(~ Wlt.i.p fl:Tlt. ~nr:V_U.t;d I.,. He G:)', r:~r, tLe .~':te [':.iI' enerl.? Ii~~l'(>ln stii-:.ullited gl:c.l11nclut1e tLu j,S.:l:Ccr:,-;:;':~e I" L:.l.' '~:.-,!,' J~:r, '.:1. L;,:', ;;)~~t, ~:rl;: U:<I(HlS6, ~f tle .)\,(rhec:.G ftl'eet lit).t.illt., ~J;'S~,ljL t,ll': l;:J'..'~),:, :,t. : u: ~':;~>1 ',;l'n~1 t"::tr:l ')D;. ~ ~:'t:rC'et liLiil'ir..L sy~:tern I:lnu e-;utpl::ent in;:t:-.llcci l,'Y tLt; (::J ,:.:::r, 'c,I'(; 1'(;,)1' ":;:.t)f,t :)1' l:c:::tJ i;ull!S in .i.ts S'-l~tj ~;,,'st~lI.S; [.nl) it is l'Ul'ti'(;)l' \:!:(!(~;':.:L:)~)d b!:U ::crf.,~'d t,;. t. 1.;\:;[, ';,l'itU::11 l"j(.ll(~::.t DJ' L:.;.Ij :'.li!11cipali'LY t!lt: COlj:pC:1ny ..Jill r:11:l1n'tLln tLe OI'[".'..::'.<,,::tlJl )):-_.t~, ~.'~I'_:;l, LtLht~_nl 8,':8t:::,S ;j\'''~ec; ii,\, tbe :.ildJL::iiJb1ity !tOW e:XiDtini:, :;1' SUcll Ctc:(dt~,J11S ::8 LC1'~~,.;,':._r !,~...r !JC .Lnl;':.!.}l,~'-,-; J,~~ loLl;; :,:t,L':'ci(Ji.:.lit.y, 8n tlJe besis of" cunt ~'lll1G t.erl :J.l'c:t::nt (.iv,v). It is flu'tL.tll' -.: L.-1',: c.} t,:ic,l; 'Ll:e i:it...r;iei.L):..:.i..it;; l'e:'t::l'V:::f; LJ..c ..i.:1L-LL '(,0 ::>iJ8C..:..l':; tLl:- c;t.lLGle pm,ell"" or ltl.i<)B to he uf'".td ~,:;._i ~;j to l'l~i...ul'.Lt'; L::l, l,,)U,:3 ~)l.' l,Ul'U.lllL< ;)1' 8~id st.l.'c,Jt. ilc.-htint::.. ~ .y s t dnt S . .u It 1 s l'Ul'tL.er e....VE::Lul.:.1..<::u L..Gn ~,-,.L'ebU -':1,'<_, i.. l.l-',-,r.:. ...'c.:;i...s..Jw.IJle ...J Li 0e :'~i'J._ t.1J,\;:; :::u.....lciiJL.li ty in viri t.!.1-(." t.he CJ1!ll1::.:.ny ....il.2- 'L.:.'L.n:;o.f'cI' t..IlY L"~I~l) lli::':"c.L.l..J.c.i,l:';'ll iI. LLt:: JVt:.'.i.;.t;;l;U :.:t.l't-...;et lii....lltinb ~y.ste:;. nuv; oxiBt.in(;.. 81' !:2 l.:.t.::l't.;:<.l.tt:l' ;:t:y "lj <':'_nl~l~, &nu .i.rj~;l.,~ll tl.:.E:; ~:/.;.:...'c; in t.ny J'L1...E:r' l_,ec.tl:.;n in the e^i:2:tiIl~ syn,(:r;:, :Jr'~viu.Gd, LO'.;~';er, t..l.:.~:t 1:..11\:; ;,:uJ1i(;~~:.li'L:r ..ill \.it.l..in t,Lil'ty 61..Ys after' the co:':',)L.n~;. :)'"' ;~::e tl'~r,f-;r;l' :.:.nu ;('E::i=-,~'t::ll:;t,i:.Jr. Ji' ::':u1.li ':"i'~!::):.;1." ll.;,ps, .r'6iL',;,bul'Se tlie CJ:10hnj~ f':.>x the L..Gt,t,;,bl C~)st, iLclilir:t. trC'I:.~l.'Cl' <:.:U I'fd'-,:'V,l.i.l.1..i:.Jn ..;1' lJoles, CrOSSlil.'nlS, vvlros fIJd fixtures. 'j,'lle C8r,p:.iny .furtLeI' 1'-.t:...1'ees tl'..Lt, Up..Hl "d'Ltten l.::Jtice ;'l'::JIIl tilE: :.:u.!':i(;i~lity, it ,,'ill instE.l1 Gdcllti .)tlul lb.np or lr-.:.r~)8 t;:.> the c:~istint.: ov::;r';'8~'" ::;tl";~t liLhti.nL system, pr8viCled t11Lt such ndditi:-nc.l l::.:"[lf: ~l".sll not be o)luc~cl [I;o1'e tJ.:'n r':)llr Lund:;"t.-d (400) feet ap(lrt, ~~nd fnrtller ol'ovided th~'t, th; C:J ')!iEY '.'.'Li.,'~. Ii:)t ::e l'~.~ 'uiru'l t;) ~l'.::ke f'.cCl:"Lti~li.S to the s,~ic overhead stree'L 1iLLtiIJL ~:Yf~1...e;;: ',',itili.n six r"j:,t..11S rr~r tLe expireti,:J!.:. Jt~t,e ;)1' t~n:c ;)!i.tl'ce.t period. ~L It is fl,.L'tl:el' l. Ll'eeu tL~t tLe CO:.:pr.:.ny '.,ill use ::..11 l'e::S;)I1::.L,le t.:l:ll'e LliiU l...llle.~r.c.;e to pr;)vide" tLe j,1ulli.cip~li t:-.. \.;i 1..1: c:Il ulllntel'.cu:)tGd ~IlUP1:,' of' electric enorlY \',Ileit it is l'8qui'::"E:ld by tbe r,!unicip~lit;r, but it \';il1 ~. ot be I'::;i)(..mslblt: for l!:tel'l'l;POd se.!.'vlee V.illch ll:&Y oc<.:ur .from tlew tJ t.iLi.e 0;; ur:COUl1t J1' u:::::...:"'L.e t::> '-,LV ~):n'ti::lr: or its r..uel:ine1'Y 01' 'equip..blit, o.r:d if' r:e::,'vJ.ce :01'1::;11 be c1cfecti'!c or' be }.~t"2ru;'!t~L1 :.H' '[..,~l b''! l'u:son .)r' CIG1..S Dr CO,-, or by the ects of pe:<'ron,~' Dr ci rllW:l::tLnr.es :),:~'1' ....L~J.~t ':,}:e !~::J:.~L 11" k ~ !JJ (;:';lltr~l, or' by IJ.ny e;J:i8l"L,encic:s in, which tLe C~"l;HJ.n~/ n~o.y ~)t;:, c:):,;Jel18c1 t:, oct to !:l!:'!::,"cnt lr:,~ta'ie:" to life, person Jr '~)l'opertY' exept upon \Illlf'ul dc.f'slllt 0[' ti:e ';o'.p~:r.r, t.~IC C:>:::;:bny ::'1:2:.11 :1:.:lt tle lie-ble for 6ny 1:)['8 :)1' p,ame.f,e re S\...1 tinL tlt 81',;1'1'OP1, ut in the event tl:o r.:u :.l;Jly of' t~Lc,I'L;1 :.'ho 11 ue in tEH'I'upted, the CDmpony vdll exel'ci:::e all 1'e&581:',[';1(-;; oili~(;)ni..:e :,:) }"J:'.ove tL_ U<iL:se of illtel'rul)tion fr:JfJl VJp}-;p:1ve:r source r.nd l:.:1 re5U:...e tLe IlorLlt~l fn~!")Dly :Jf one.I'i.....\; l; ~ S:J:Jil 6.S )JOSe'll ble. :a . It is fl.rtLer COV0rit:litec.:. !:.o1,G Lt.,r,;ed tliu t the :;01..~)bny :libll e.~J:: Wi..e /.;411 llc:.bili -cy fox d-a~e.€,e ;)r l:-'el:s:..>!.~.l ilJJ~ry C/:.:,US8Cl by its lleE:.,11Lenee in c:,n~:..'L.J.'Lu.:ti:.J., O.!?\:,;.L'l:.lti;.;n Slid illb.irlter:'l::.w..:e of s~,i6 OV81'rl8UU stl'eot llLl..t..~nl.. systelLl, lillt t~r!0 (;;j~'1Jo.ny sholl !lot ue lh..lJle to Ul.:( inrit.uital1t of tLe 1.:urli~ipCility or to c...ny ],)2I.'S0I1, fl.r!:! 01' CO..i.'IJ,Ji'l:-Li~n, l';;:c uny.....:ltoim, uS!lLb.nd, loss: or d.r,!w':f..;e 01' vI!lb.ts:Jever jj,uture ~:J:' CIH..rLet'-,r sue to 01' .....l.lsill& ou.t ;;f bUy.... t:ilU.L'E:: or interru,9tiorL of liLlltln~ service Le:ceun.der'; tlwt r:..othiIlL in tlJ.~ (;bl'ccfi..t:nt exp~'E;8:::;ed or ilUpl-1ed 1.8 intendea. or shb.l1 ue COlLstl'UE:lCj to confer ul)~.m or t:..ive any ir~h(;..lJltc..nt 01' citizen of tl:e :::.nictlJulil-:.' or to any :'e1', on, fir;~: or' c:Jr~)ol'L..tion 'otL,er thbn the pb.~ties he...eto, any' ri~r.t I remody or claim Ul"luer' ,:)1' by r'ec: son of tnis LcI'ee!::ent or any covenant I c~ndl tion of stipulati on 11e:reof; !::I no tht: t Elll r);)\' ellen ts, Eti pUhl1:,L;ns, promi ~ es and eLl' eements in t'r:is ag,xeement contl:,ined for or on beho.lf of the Go::;;xmy 8h,-,11 ll:::; for the ben;, 1'1 t of' the ptirties he:heto. I'::' 1,1 ;'_"h'" ~ i\:';~~~f:~; r"'~" ;'.',,'l\:; , J:II It is fllrtter BCreect thht if by any lswful &uthol'ity, Federal, Stbte or ~~nicipal, there ehel1 be im7JOs;-:d upon t'lle COlllpc.;ny any KVlH tener8ti~n, Stiles tax or Lross revenue tax, in E.ddi ti on to t!:oses no\" in ej"ec t, Viti cll she.ll lnc: r'c 'IPe the Company I s CDS t of Sel'Vinb the },lunicipcli ty under tide. e.t:...ree::'Lent, tl: s::.10 tax shall be ar]ued to the re.te stipulated in Paraf::,raph II hereunder. In the event the. t tIle Company l'f.;quires said t8.X so ~mposed to be paid l)~.r its other Cll ::-toliler's sel'ved in t,ilE:: C1 ty :,):: Cleary,/:.: tel', tr!en tLe Munic~pe11 ty- aLrees to 8SSUPle ar.d pay the soid t~:x '111-:1. eb shall ue uoG ed to the rE<te stipulated, excGpt wllere Oity is excluded fr:Jffi the o~e~etion of ~ny such t&x. In the event the Compe.ny does not rr.ql}.ire the t.GX sa jxpo~ed to :10 paid b~{ i t~ other cup.tomers served in the City of Clear~ot'r,acd the Munici~nlity is un~illinl to accept such inc.sase in rt,;.,te oaused by suoh tax ilJ.posed, then the ~,~uni oi pfdi ty w..ay l'eseind this contract end the po.mpllny shall Live the Munleipc.-.llty not 1ef"s th,,~n six months' in vvritine::, before uiscontinulng :.:he supply of eleotric ener~y. to the ~unicip811ty. ~"::1P ..'...,.. ....... ',' .~~~.~: .;;;-;' '""l"1\!~_- ~'''''I_._...... '.... , ;, .,.....-..,.. ...,.. 1. 1.:o.in Street LitLtinL 2. (";e. usev,a.y ":hi te \ :e.y. J. C8use~ay ?ridL~ Li~hts. '-1,. P.~:rlinole Street 'Pier. 5. Traffic Sl~nal Sunset Point ~rive. 6. Traffic ~:;it.nal 7)1'e\',' ;'treet Lno ~~orth Ft. 'B81'l'i son Avenue. 7. 'Pl'C:ff'ic "iLnel - Dl'e'ti StJ>et 8.~d c~,,::'(fen {.V(~IlUe. 8. rpreffic cic'l1'11 ~"""llf.r.l"v !'l'l'''~ I'lc.,..""-eI'1'"')e'..c11 _ .- \,. .. 41,..4. .. ....... --." .. I 1:;:;, ,# .. , ,_ \' . _ _1 ...' '" . 9. T: af'fic SiLnul ooc.li:.t\"l1 t' !:U : out}: t. ECi:.::::'isOH ..vCJ;l.ue. 10.' r:;:'H1'fic Sii:Jl(jl - uruid Road t;,nd Soutl Ft. Eh:'J.'is~n ;,venue. ll. Traffic SiLf1Cl.l 'ruI'ner ~H.I'_:et. :.nd S::mtL yt. H8.l'l'i=:Jl\ ;~v(:nue. 12. Tl'Gffi\.l Eiit.n<:11 :-I~.ven (~'tl'eet l:iIlll SoutI }'t. RaI':i:15on ;\Ver1ue. I). r;'::"bffic SiGnal E1dl'io<.. e ':t.!'~et . ~JcJ Nortli ~-t. ;'tJ..d'isOl ..:\vcnuo. 14. \';hite ~','ay h.t c .~i..L.!(.H. Depot. 15. Flood Lit;..htins- Sro:Jkl~rn :;. i.e1d . 16. Club Houso - ".::cooklyn "'iE'ld. 17. Flood tiLhtinL - nreen Field. 18 Club Eouse - nreen ?ield. 19. Flood LiLhtlnL - \~OlDI'~t: Ball ::'ar}~ 20. 'Sl1ufflebo'.rd Court Ove:'br':Jok' ,,2~.Shuffleboa~d Court - City P~rk ^'~" "'", . ,":", , " 22. ~~:hul'i'lebo" I'd Court - SEwiino.le Str'eet. ':'(.:'~i(;i:~':f:'::\U<-,;'~":.~:;>';': 2J,~ PUl:>lic.., T.i bro.ry . (;:';'~iidi"',,,:;,;:,,~,':24.:,:FireS "a tioll ar~d. Jail! ..,,, ;:,.::.;;I':\I:;';,~<,:,~('2~~ )!ors.l:i,Ll~,;.'C 1 ubho useq'-Cl,ty Park. ~~~,i~~;~1{~~~'t;1.~~~;~i4';;"6,:;;;,M,"!;c1'.,'Y, ',. .. .' r:-\ (! ! '. .' ".~. ~..',. ':":. : . ", :':,..; '.: \~\:.:;:.::,;.. ::"1. ....;.. ." . '.'" . . :';:~}~~.,: ,..-. ".'. ~'. ... _ .1" ,.. . .......... ......,;"'.:-;,...i: '".'. ......,.. '." ~.;. ,'." , ~'i;,c,."c~i~;;)~!~~~il~}i;,~;. -7- ~lo;[J:lQ.ti pgw~r F l'l;;l.nchi~e Or6iriancc H ;27, Continu~d. XIII. . . - It is furth~r coveranted ~nd eLreed that ttis ~~reewent shell become effect'\. ve on the 1st de y :)1' Cctober, 1946, and shall ; ,e in full foroe ElTlO effect fOl' fi period of five (5) yeers thereeftel', and shall continue autor.latlc€;.lly tt.erot:....rtcr for liKe period s, and be in full force f.:Ild e1'1'to ct until onp of tIle. pc.:rties notl.l'i,e.s tf.e otier, in ':;ritinL, of its intention to termin~te t11is ae.ree~ men'L, '..Lich nO'.,~,flcl:ition ;.~r.u.l1 be t.-iven not 1e[,~' thEw six (6) month.s prior to the. dllte of termiI11.J t.l:)!1 u1' ~ll~r e:)t~t.l'::".(Jt ~lel'i:)d. , . ~.' + t ' ,C,:;, ,:""" :, . .' -, , " '" i: ' n~ ViI'r::c::.;:~ ':.'~r !{l~OF, t.he I;ITY c:.' Cj~l;h~::"/.':'E:!, k,:J ~~USt::U its' nc,me to be hereunto subsor1. ':.Jed l;y tLe Ci ty lic..I.Eil,l':1I' uf sulci :;i ty, eont':.r."ecl by the j',:uyor 01' f."flid City nn l E.ttcRte.d by tile r~it.; Clerk :)n the ch:7,Y L,nu :rt~l~r first <.:bove vJrittenj 1:.1Irl t e '!'j'~.JIHJ/. rO'::':H C ':n)O.:j:.';:1II:.'!,--~ !:~'s cr.:US:;.: ttl~J "l.rr.tjt;;nt to Ls executed. b:,r its Vice l'reSi(1cnt end 1 t.:J C:)':"):..l~'!:;, t(~ 8::<11 t::> b' hel'eto B1'.t'lxes /:lnd E...ttested b:,-' lts ;~;~f1.st',r;t . o~retr'ry, he d[l~r'--l1(; yer:l' f~,. st ~;bove v"l'itten. ~ I. ( :~:XJ:Inrr ".t~'f j'10 ,::R~:'NIGE L0' :l:rrU;S , ' "...,., . '\{",';1 :'J'.;.: ' . ;.';i.~~::::;./;;:~X: ,. Schedule of ;.:~.\111 bn~j .:is':cLlb-,t<)\~S ;";)V/01' Sltl.l.c..tL:>Ils, i"etel'i.:'Q ~ep!;,,;:8.t81y ~:ld (1UflIleut::;d !::.;~: of Oct.ob~l' l, 1:;'46. '1'118 j',\'\H IJOHt;\.Llptloll s11ull be con- solid:..:.ttJd hlll1 'ui11e(1 ut tLe l'ute. 1. i.uin POI/t;i: ...ete!' 1'01' C:"si:Jli...;,ri.t &1,(J '.;;t;.t02j.' r)LlLlPLt;. :Jtc,t.ions St:.J.'V8U 1'1'~lli ,ii;..~'\.,€:l'- ;..et.ereci 1)Oh l' U ~rcui t. 2. V:~.rtl;r-Plu:j.lJ-<.;ull' -l,;'; 3:...y lLl-.lev _,2d t.:ild Elt,.iJ.l!Lld .h.vt:r;Ut;. 3. 'ih~l~el' Pu.;;,p- ..;ol'tL Side C:ul1' to ~,,-;uy~j~l.l(:v,-:I'd, ;'.:...5t ;)1' S.r:yview. 4.. V:ate.::' PW.lp- ,Te:::'l'ords ~:~treet t;nd ?l.'OSpcct i..ver.:.ue. , ..~. . i' 5. ','loteI' 1JtlJnp_ !lbdison AVenL:.e t::..nd La};cvie'., Drive. 6. Se\H1t:e TJisp;):'8l PUr1.!J- ~,'oo::'lewr. 2.n::j CrOf~G Lane. 7. Sev;8te Dispor.::;l :) u;:~ p- PinellI, ~ [: ~: II "lm~ t '~trpe s. ~,~ Se\,8l,p. D18pos,~l Pll.:tlp- Osceolu rt :.;ich:)1~:8n. ~,' . 9.'..Sew('ILe Di spos2.l 1)\.U,lp- :.:8 r :?l:u 1 i u lid f~a;t . 10. Se,,;eLe )ispoR~'jl ;'W'!P- L::..ntcna j,venue 11. Se~,\ c-~ L e Di sr>oP c~l PWllP- ~::e.n'l Ella ~r /, " :~ n U G 12. SeWute 'Jisposul 'Pump- '[~rllC-::' eE' ;urlauel 1:3. Sevi!iLe DispOSE,l '?Uf'lp- 1:l3.r::[.b11 .-3'ty.;-:(~t 14. GL.S BO:,1Sl:.el' ~')ll::~p- H31'b:JI'h:ll ',.tr,,:::;t ~t. ~:=.rety E~l'bOl' 15. Cau:.ie\;HY :...I.t~',\ bl'icl. e. .:..l..'iiIBI':i' "3" :..rC:ET~:I\G S~~~'.\i[l';E 1.,.1.,. :L'I,.:I~S. Sohed ule of St.l'eut Lie,ll tlue.- (0vcl'!.i.e;.;.u t.. :lU 0rll<..~;.t;:;1!'Li;l1 p;)::; t) ,11(1 .,;1 ::3t.:ell.tdlt;OUS Liclninc.. 5i 'CL..S tiOl!S, we t.el'eJ :,i::ln:l't.:'ti::ly, l;;jIlI.(..utecl b I:i :::>i' Goto oer 1, 1946 (Chc:.mboJ.' of COI'Ji,:cl:ce 6.i>.t.:t.:j,Jted). '.i.'l1e UiH U::hlSUl'lljtiu!l ~L,-i.l 0,._ oon5::>liu<.;. tea bna. 0111eu b t tile .co;:' te. ,etel' 1'01' Ov~<d..eud /o.lld OrLc..i:18ntc.:.l P:>st :r....it,htine.:, Sy stems. , ' ".;.".;; 'I ,}...~~.:;-- 'I' ~ " '.. ' . ') ,,~,':...~-;i',:.....~;~;..~'''''>'' '.' ,H ~.', '_':,.,,~. :"~""'.~,';"" ....V;:;..~;.~.~'.;..... .:. '..,. ~~._.:.:,;'i;.i;.'",,~:",:':':': -:.:u-;.::::r;:~~::.. 8 :.," ::;.1;'" Fl~:d,;JU l'.)'trtH' O:r ei i nt..l. \j I;; 60n illiul:'Jcl :":::cr.or.lo.e ""7 1/ #;... ,.. . ~,j. , " ,.. ,~,~ ."., " " I:. ...; ~ ~ '. :~,i~'~t {~~t~\\~ t.. fo "./''''../1....~\I.?trl~~' t' ~.V,\W :,)'<':'i.<'n:"~~ , . ~W~1i~~ ' 26. 27. 28. 29. JO. 31. 3~"~ 33. 34. 35. tlunioipul l:Iuni c i pol rIuniolpa1 ui ty PUI'l'. Ci ty Pa:.c'k city Auui toriwn ,.utii'LaI'iwll .Lxi t Lil:..hts'.' ',i't:::rmi s C;Jurts. CO.w.uulll ty ,.OU:;;6. V.F.V:. 13u~luiu.t:;.. PerL New B;i\''ilint:,; G:JUl't. Fl~od Li~h~s BeL30nt. Fll'E:i St.::tloJl ivIo.n:ibluy i4oulu\':,l'd. Colored }')lb.~Vi:..rol1nd :-':bliison Avonue. city Hull. For Addition~l Locat1ons: The K':;H conBun,rJtlaii '01' OctoLer 1, 194~, ~lll 81 tULI tl ons si!llili{~:r 'e cor.silidt:. ted Llna to t11G b lJove, oonnected uillcd tit the l'bte. subsequer!t to t,',. . .. I..........rl<.?tl.t..t i., ...~';~~~f~ ..:r::. '~.. 5; ,I l ':",l.. .. J.',l.. " ., \N'"t ,..' :...',"> ", "j" " ., . . � � �� � m , MTN'UTES OF CITY COMPdISS20N Special Sesslon - OctobEr 10, 1946 � The City Commieslon met in special sesaion the evenin� of �ctober 10, 1946 �.t"7s30 in the City Hall with the £ullowin� mambers present': Geor�ze R. aeav;q; Mayor-Commissioner, Timoth,y Jolanson, J. R. Crane, W. C. �Nells, Jesse G. Smith; Abaent - none. The meetin� was duly called to ord9r by Mayor 8eavy and the minutes of the two previous mectin�s were read and approved:� City Attorney Smith now read a resolution.concerning �he boundaries of the parkin� meter zones. Attorney Satterfield spoke a�ainst this resolution and ur�ed the Commission to remove the parkin� meters in the pa'rkin� spaces used by taxis. It-was moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by M�. V�fells �nd unanimously carried that the resolution be adopted which "resolution is set oub b el ow. Mayor Seavy state�i that as requested b y the Cnmmission, he had invasti �ated thP pur�orted offer of Mr. McCTurno to purchase from the City the Ayondale and Fairmont Lots and erect houses all to 'be sold tb veterans; and that hTr. MeGurno althouPh interested in such a project would not desire to �urcl�zase the lots himself. Ben Krentzman,;as a special representative oi the Ve�erans Aousing Committee, ou+..lined the committee�s ideas c�ncernin� the AvondaZe.and Fairmont property as follows: 1. T.hat a non-pro£it organization comprised of veterans be or�anized to take title to these lots at a�rice of araund �50.00 per lot. 2. That said or�anization would assume the responsibility of placin� these lots in tY�e hands o£ veterans �sho needed and �ould build homes thereon; further, that the veterans would be assisted in securing loans and prior.ities. ' 3. �'hat a reverter clause should be placsd in the deed by the Ci'ty makin� secure their uss as intended. 4.' Mr. Krentzman indicated that suitable houses could be buj.lt for arou:�d �6500.00 ' Mr. Johnson maved tha�� the commission ex.press itself in favor oi the plan as outlined by Mr. Krentzman, and that the lots be sold for a prics of �50.00, prov3:ded, however, that the purchaser agree to 3hare the expensss of puttin� the streets and sewers in proper condition. The other Commissioners zxpressed themselves heartily in favor of this committment. Mr. Wi�htmara, Post Gommander of the American Legion, ar_d e mumber of le�iona3res were present and asked permission fo"r a carnival to operata on property at thQ northeast corner of Cleveland Bt. and 2.iy�tle Avenue, owned by Kennedy and Strickland. After thorou�h discussion3,t was moned by Nr. Smith seconded hy Mr. �rane and un�nimouslg carried that"the request be denied. Mr. Wightman expressed the thanks of the American Le�ion for the Ci tg�s help in securing an armery for Clearwater and stated that the unit would probably be activated in the very near future. Mr. 'Nightsan s�:pressed satisfaction at the proposed site for th� armory at Prospect and_Gourt St. I� was exp�ained that this site contained 3 and a fraction acres after allowing •for proposed wideninR of Gourt Street. The Commission informed Roy Mains that the application of a negro veteran for a taxi license would have ta be passed over un�il the next meeting. The City Coimniasion had before it two petitions askin� that the trai ler camp ac S. �'t. Harrison and Williams Road 'not be abolished at this time, due to �ne housin� shorta�e. The Comntssion indicated that due to such housing shorta�e it mi�ht be will to continue th3.s trailer camp for the prosent time and turned over to the-City Mana�er and the Buildin� Inspector the question of ascertainin� if sanitary re�ulations were complIed with at the camp. 12r. Hendrix read to the Commisaion a letter from John Nuveen & Co. statin�? that the Ci+y was �ost fortunate in accorr�plishin� the re£unding at the time they did. This letter is set out below. � � �77 � MINUT£S OF CITY CON?MZJSION Special session - Octdber 10, 1946 City Manager Hend�ix read an Ordinance to be l�own as Ordinance Nc. 527 "An Ordinance Gfianting to Florida Power Corporation, 2�s Legal Representatives, Suc;idssbrs and Assi�ns, the Ri�ht, and � Privile�e o£, and Franchise for Construction, Maini;ainin�* and ' Operatin� an�Electric Power Plant'and Distribution Systein in the City of Clearwater, County o£ Pinellas and State of Florida '�. It was moved ty Timothy Johnson, seconded by J�.R. Crane and carried unanimously that Ordinance No. 527 be passed on its firat readin�. The Ordinancs was n�w read the second and third times, and after each readin� it was moved bg Timothy Tohnson, s�conaed by 1V. C. YJells and unanimously carried that �Yia Ordir�anoe be adopted. -0rdinance No. 527 is set out in Pul1 below, and hereby made a part of thesa minutes. City Attorne� Georga Smith read to the Board the following t�es�lution; RESOLVED, That the Board of Commissioners of �he City of Clearwater, Florida, in Sgecial Session assembled, does hereby, adopt, ratify and epprove certain a�re�ment to bo executed between the City of Clearwater and fihe Flvrida Power Corporation for the pui:chase o£ electric energy from said Corporation by said City of �learwater, and the prope.r officers of the'City be, and they are hereby, authorized, direcced and instructed to execute said agreement in substantially tha form as presented to the Board of Commissioners at thfis meetin�. it was move;i by h4r. Jesse G. S'�nith, seconded by J, R. Crane and unanimously carried that t:le Resolution as read be adar.'ted. Mr. Aendrix read a latter under date of October 10, 1946, ' addressed to the Mayor and City Gommission which said letter set out the � obli�ation of the Florida Pov�er C�r>poration to remove certain oyerhead E distribution lines in the City of Glearcvater� This letter is set below. ; At the recommendation of hir. Hen�irix, it was moaed by 1VIr. Smith � secondec� by Mr. Johnson and carried that the Clearwater Transit, Inc. � be permiited to try out a ne w experimental bue route starting at the j southeast corner of . �leaaland S� and. S. Ft. Harrison, proceding ea-s-�---�o ! -, ., east and south on Greenwood'Avenue to Wyatt St., vrest on Wyatit St. to Ft. Harrison Avenue, thence to the point of :tha beQinning. � The Ci�y Comsission had before it.a le�tar from Alfred P, Marshall written on behalf of Clearwater Broaticasting Co. askin� for a lease of the south win� of the Auditorium £or a Broadcastin� stu3io. Thi,s le tter � was ordered fiied for future reference. i Mr. 5mith, City Attorney, now read Ordinance 528; concernin� � the incorporating of Pine Brflok Subdivision. It was moved by Mr. Wells, §econded b�* Mr. Johnson, and carried that Ordinance No, 528 be passed on its first readin�. Ordinance �528 was now read the seaond and third times an� after each readinp� it was moved by Mr. Plells, seconded by Mr. Johnson and•carried that Ordinance No. 528 be adopted. Thi.s Ordinance is set out belovr. A petition signed by owners of property adjacent and close to th� wemt end of Ro�ers Street was read eoncernin� the prunin� of trees arid �eneral beautificat3on of the aest end o£ Ro�ere Ste It was referred to the City PJlaneger. ' There bein�,ne further business to come before the Board9 the meeting was ad�ourned. �' � � .� „ • _� Mayor Commissione � ATTEST• • - - C 0 P Y . MINUTES Ur^ CITY COMMZSSION October 10,, 1�J46 " RESOLUTION N0. WHEREAS.: by Ordinance No. 414, passed and adogted by the City Commission of the City o£ Clearwater, Florida, on Septem- ber 23, 1936, the L'ity Commission of said C�tg.is empowered ancl ' directed to d8sienate certa3.n parkin� meter zones in'which the � City Mana�er is empowered to install parkin� meters. NOW� TfiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMNIIS � ON OF THE CITY OF CLEAR4VA�'ER, FLORIDA, in re�ular se�sion assembled, that �11 the streets and/or parts �f,streets located within the City of Clearwater in the area bounded on the Ilorth by Drew Street, on the South by C�urt Street, on the West by Osceola Avenue and on ' the East by Myrtle Avenue be, and the same are herabg, designated as parkin�? meter zones within the terms and provisi ons of afora- said Ordinance No. 414. IT IS F[TRTHER RESOLTIE;D that all of the acts and doings of the City Mariaper and any and all other of£icers of .the Citg of Clearwater, �lorid�, hereto£ore accomplisiied in compliance or in- tended compliance with the aforesaid Ordinance No. 414, be and the same are hereby ratified,.confirmed and appro�ed. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of C1ear.water, Florida, this 10th day of October, A.D. 1946. %'6C.-L'FJ �l i�.,a=e�etJ� CTeorge R. S�av // ' Mayor-Commissioner ATTE Frank Coo e C ty Auditor an Clerk Glearwater, Florida ° � ' 9-28-46 To the honorable citg officials of Clearwater NTe the under9i�ned k�ndly request the city of£icials not to force us 1;o move fr"om oLm pr�sent'Iocation. Reasons - VJe a.re a11 employed in Glearwater and b� forcing us from this location 3*ou ara asking us to leave our town, particulai�ly t'he,families with children ss this is the only court th a� wi 11 take"mor'e than orie ehild to a trailer and� it would work a hardship on'these children`to leave school " here and sta�t in another town. si�ned by approximataly 13 people. .W: , . ...... ... Clearwater, Florida � . 9-28-46 � To the honorable citg officials of Cler�rwater We the undersigned are neighbors and a�prove of this petition. si.ened by approximately 1.5 people. " .. •.. -. ..... ... We, the undersi�ned owners of property adjadent to a:�d close to the Nlest end of R'o�zers Street in the City ,of Clearwater, . hereby petition the Fonorable Board of.City Gommissioners of Clearwater, to make every reasonable effort ta beautify the 4Vsst end of Ro�*ers Street whe,re it joins the Bag. We request that the trees t�e pruned suf£icientlg high to make a vista at tho end of the street and that the underbrusYi be cleared away and, i£ possible, that steps �� ins�lled. si�ned by appro�ciraatelg 24 peopl�. s. . .,. ...... . � �7� u � MINUTES OF CTTY COMII�IISSiON Octobsr 10; 194$ C 0 P Y October 9, 1948 Mr. F: L. Hendrix, City.�anager c;ity of Clearwater, F'lori da . ` Dear R�r. Hendrix: ` w�hen we negotiated the contract to reflznd the Clearwater bonds last Spr:Ln�, wa were convinced that uLYly lst Would be a most favorable date on rvhich to accomplish t}�e refunciing, but we ' didn�t realize,'oi' course, how quickly interest rates, were �oing to chan�'e. The experiences of the last sixty days have demonstrated how �ortuna�e the Cit,y Comtnission+s decisic;n was to �ccept our refundin� proposal when they did. ThFe 22o bonds have recently tradrad at 982 and the 2.40� bonds ir� the 96 and 9'7 ranp�e, and the market hss not yet stabilized. Lucv3ly f or us, the bonds wers all distributed before the market �ot too bad. ' Sincerely yours, JOHN NUVEEN �°,c C0. By C. T. IeicCreedy CTM�mac � GLEARWATER TRANSIT, INC. GlBarwater, Florida October 7, 1946 NIr. F. Lo Hendrix City Mana�er ' Clearwater, Elorida Dean Mr. Hendrix; Enclosed herewith pleasE find a skatck� for a new, exper- imental bus route +r�e desire to o�,erate. �a'Ve think this route wi1Z result in greatYy improved service and propose to operate it daily, leaving Danielos cornsr, at the intersection of Fort Harrison and Cleveland, at 8:30 �.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 ar::m., 1.2:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m., 4;30 p.m., 6:30 p.m., and 9:30 �.m. Tn connecti�n with experimental routes, the £ranchlse states as follows: "'Transit� may, upon its own initiative, from time to t�me, provide"saPe`arid"reasoriable experimerital routes over which it may operate its bus transportation service for a period of time noti toexoeed niaety (90) days, up- on ten {10) days written notice �iven the �City,� such notice to specify the route to be operated, the time of the commencement and ter�iation oP such experimental service. '"If, from the Qxpzrience of any such experimental operation, it is shown that tY,e operation over an,y such route or routes serves the public oonvenienca and nec- essity of tha Citizens of the +City� in the area affec- ted, and that tYre'dontinued`operatiori over'such route or routes will ai'ford a reRsonable return to 'Transit�, therefore, the operation of such route or routes shall be considered as established routes and subject to ab= andonment, modif ication, or alteration only as provided her�ein in respect to established routes. ° . We believe there is a definite riead for this service and this Tetter will serve as notice that we wish i�o operate "fit. Aowever, we would'like verg mudh to inaugurate this ser- vice as soon as possible and therefore request tha� in lieu of ten days written notice, you cor�.tact the Honorable Ci�y Counnis� oners by telephone and i£ thsy approve, write us a lettar to the effect that we may iirnnediately start this service. PJinety days after the receipt o£ your letter, we �vill submit a report as to whether""or"rio�'the�operation'affords a reasonable return to this company, If the new uperation holds up, we will then ebn3ider it as a permanent route and subject to abandonment, modification, or alteration as provided by ths franchiss for established routes. Ver� truly yours, C. R. 4Vicl�nan, ManaQer m C 0 P Y tdINUTES OT' �ITY COT�T?ISSIQI�T October lOs 1946 Oct�ber 10, 1946 The Mayor and City Coxunissi on �learwater Florida • Gentlemen: In connection with the negotiations carried on between the officials of Florida Power Corporation and the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, which negotiations have c�zlminated in a new fran- chise ,�ranted by the City of Clearwater to the Company, we have here- tofore a�reed v�ith the Commissi on as to certain construction and re- moval of distr3bution lines in the City of Clearwater. mhis letter is to confirm our a�reement. Florida Power C�rporatio� agrees and will underta�e to remove all of the distribution lines ot' the Company new existing on North Fort Aarrison Avenue from the downtown district to the City Li�its oi Dunedin. 411 0£ the facilities w�i 11 be removed to other s�reets. There v+ill be ona or two places where wires wi11 have to cross North Fort Harrison to supply circuits on the West side, As soon as materials are available for these distribution chanFes wg�will immediately proceed `with t�e work which w�ll require approximately one year from it§ commencement. 1Ne also a�ree to provide 1(�hi te Way liehtin� from the end of the preaent 1"Ihit �Nay circuit on North Fort Narrison Avenue to the City Limits of Dunedin. At present, the street li¢ht§ Rre a series circuit on side arm brackets. The City desires to have a neN type o£ liPhting rather than a continuation of the present standard desirm. ?A1e are to determine from manufaaturers the prope'r type of li�hti�g to use to satisfy the City+s requirements. When this is done and when tha mater- ia].s are available, we will c rnnplete the installation of tnese lights, which is estimated to take approxima�el� one year to complete the work. Flcrida Power Corporation�is to-retain titTe ta the above sec�tion of iNhite VJay li�htin�. We will mainta.in this section but the porves� supply will be taken from the present series White Way li�hting cable. Fiorida Po�ver Corporation also a�rees to remcve the present primary feeder.from ooer the buildin�s in the a11ey bet�een North F'ort Harrison l�venue and Qsceola Avenue' to-eliminate certa�n ecnstruction hazards. �We will provide a new termhal for the Beach feeder which is now locatAd on Osceola Avznue. This chan�e wi11 eliminate power lines �oin� alon� the property acquired :for Cit3 Park purposs�. It'is estimated by us that the removal of the distribution lines on North Fort Harrison Avenue� and additional construction will Cost us approximatelg �36,000. No estimate is �iven as to the removal �f the feeder line over the buildin�s adjacent to Osceola �lvenue. It i� my understandin� that the above is in accord vaith the arrangements arruved at in the various meetin�s vuith the City Commission and the survey `of �He 'pro'pe'rty, at ivhi'ch ti'rrie tiie Mayor and City M3nager of Clear,vater met wi th representatives of this Company Cordially �ours,, FLORIDP_ PCIVER CORPORATION A. W. Hig�ins, , ' Preaident GRDINANCE'N0. 528 AN ORDINt1NCE ANNEXING THE SOUTHEAST QUARTEi� ( SEq ) OF I'IiE` NORTHEAST QLTARTER (NE4) OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH RANGE 15 EAST TO THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, AI�iD EXTEIdDING THF TERRITORIAL LIMITS AND JURISDICTION OF SAID MUNICIPALT TY TO INCLUDE SAID AIVNEXED LAI�DS. " WHEREA3, by Ordinance No. 523 passed and adopted'by the City Commission, City of Clearwater, Florida, on August 19, 1946, said Gitg Commission declared its.�.ntention to annex that cert:ain unincorporated tract of land hereinafter described, lyin� conti�zuous to, and with �he same Coux�ty, to wit: Pinellas County, as s�id �ity in the manner provided by law; :r i� ; r � ,�8� � MINIIT�3 OF CITY COMMISSION October 10, 1946 ORDINANCE 528 cont3nued ANI� WHEREAS sgid Ordi�sanCe was tllereupon published in �he manner provided by law, once a wesk for faur {4) consecutive weeks in a netvspaper put�lished in the G'ity af Clearwater, Floxida, ta wit: in the GII,�,.4R'NATER SUN on AuE?ust 20, 1946, August 27, 1946, September 3, 1946 and Septem�er 10, 1946; AND WHEREAS no objection to such ann.exation has beer� filed nor notice served as required by� latv: NOId THEREFORE BE IT ORDAZNED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWI�;TER, FLORIDA: 1. That the followin� described tract of land s3tuate in Pinellas Count�, Flo�ida, to �vit; The Southe�st Quar�er (SE�) of the Northeast Quarter (NE�) of Section l0, Township 29 Suuth, Ran�e 15 East, ac�ording to maps thereof recorded in PlaR; Book23➢ pages 64 and 71, Public Records Pinellas County, Florida, be, and the same is hereby anne x�d to the rity of Clearwater, Florida. 2'. That the territorial 13mits and boundary lines of the City of Clearwater, Florida, be, and they are hereby, extended so as to embrace all of said lands and s�3:d City shal 1 include and have jur3sdiction ov�r all of said land's, 3. That the City of Clea'rwa�er, Flori da, does herebg accspt ail pub.�ic property, �ots, franchises, easements, streets, way and parks located and dedicated, laid out, plattad or conneyed to the public in all of said lands. 4. That all ordinances, resolutions, re�;ulstions and powers of the City of Clearuvater, Florida, heretofore and ':iereafter enacted and�or exercised by said City, shall apply to, be in full force anci effect and be exercised in and to all of said aruiexed territory. 5. 3'hat all Ordinances or parts i:hereof in conflict with this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed. ' 6. That this Qrdinazce shall be effective immediate'ly upon its �assa�e ar.d adopt3on �y the City Cou¢niss 1on of the CiLy of Clearwater, Fldrida. P!1SSED AND 4DOPTED b� the City Commiesion of the Qity of C3earwater� Florida, 3.n regular session assembled: ' Passed on First Reading Octobor 10, 1946 Passed on Second Reading cto er 10 194 Passed on Third Reac]in� ctober 10, 1946 � .� � Ma�or-Commis one . • . � • • . . . • � � . c �. • � •.• • � a • . . . u�.;toben 7, 1946 To Lhe HonorabTe City Commissi .n���s Clsarwater, Florida Gentlemen: As attorney for Clearwater Broadcastin� G,�,:.�pany, Inc., the recipient of a permit from the Fedex�al Coa�nunicstians Commissi.on to establish •a 1000 Wabt daytime broadcasting' 's'ta`tian' 3n' Ciearwater',� I` desire to brin� �ou to date on the progress which this company has made tn ward the actual establishment of this stati on. Last week Mr. Houston Cox Jr., President oF the corporation, was here endeavori��t to locate a site upon which to place his broadcastin� tower and radio transmitter room and a dwellin� house or apartment for h3mself and his familg. Mr. Co�c was successful in securing a site for his br�oadcasting tower and radio transmitter room outside the built-up pb�ti�n of tke Gity of Clear�sater. He has not yet been successful in locating a home, however, he does have several �ood prospects. e � ' � �s . � � MINIITES OF CITY COPRMTS�ION October 10� 1946 continued We are aware of the fact that the Citg Co�nission has granted an option to lea�e a portion al the Municipal Audi,torium for a broadcasting station, which option we understand expirea the first part of next l�o,vember. We desire to now request a similar lease from the City at the same rental for use 'only as a broadcastin� studio and without ang ri�ht to erect a radio broadcasting tower or radio transmitter room on City property. We have left with the City Manager a co�y of the en�ineer#ng report submitted to the Federal Communicatians Commission showing the coverage of a 1000 Watt statio:n and the population served, whi.ch vre think might be oi interest to any Cit� Commi�sioner vrho wishes to e�amine same. We are readg to enter into a lease agreement with the City and pey the first manth�s rent at any time, and we request that no extension of present lease option or of �rantin�? oi' new lease option or lease agree- ment be entered into with any one vrithout fiz�st �ivin� us an opportunity to be heard. Thanking you very much for this £avar, I am Respectfully yours, Alfr�ed P. Marshall . . • ! • •. . . • • • � � � � .� � � � � � J � � � e. . • � � .• . • � � �. � � � �� • . . ■ � �83, � � ,� - 0 . - ■ 3 8� - CITY OF' CLEARVJA7.'�,R, FLORIDA � ORDINANCE N0. 527 AN ORDITIANCE GRANTiNG TO FLORIDFi �OWER CORP�"tATIOrI, ITS LEGaL REYRESENTATIVGS, StbCCESSORS ANL' ASSIGNS, . TIiE RTGHT, AND PRIVILEGE OF, AND FRANCHISE EOR ,��� CONSTRUCTING, MAINTAINING AND OYERATING AN ELECTRIC _, POYJER PLANT ANll �ISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IN TFI� CITY OF GL'EAR4�ATER, COtiNTY OF YINELLAS, AN� STATE OF FLOHIDA. BE IT ORDAINED BX THE GITi' COMIVIISSION �F THE CITY OF CLEAAVJATER, PINELLAS COUNT`I, FLORIDA: . Section 1. That the said �ity of CYearwater does hereb,y give ard grr�nt un- to.-F1:or:ida Powe:r �orporation, a corporetion organized and existing under the laws of the-Stete of �''losida,;and to; its legal representatives; successors and asaigns,,the ri�h� and �privile�e oi' a franchise i'or constructing maintaining and operating for a period of twenty (20} gears, in the said City of �lear�vater, an electric gowsr plan�, substation and distribution eystem, or other lighting syste� for the purpose o£ l;ighting by electricity the �treeta or public squares oi' said City, and the dwellings, housee and places oP business of its inhabitants, and for the purpose further of generating and distributing and/or transmitting electric current for the purpos,e of li�ht, power and heat, or any other purpoae for which electricity may ba us,ed ., Section,2. That the said grantee shall have for a period of twenty (2G) years,�the priv:ilege, franckiise, power, right and auth m ity to la y, erect and main'tain in and upon the sauares, streets, avenues, a lleys, wharves,, viaducts, br3dges, and/er other pu'blic thoroughfares and parts of said �ity, as they norz exist or nay here- after be constructed, opened, laid out or e;ctended within the present limits of s�id �ity, o;r within such territory as may hereafter be added, to it, all necessary pole's, or othe,r supports, conductors or appliances for the polea or other means of conveyance to be u3ed in transmitting elsctric current for the purpose of lighLing, heat �or power, or i'o'r.such other purposes as electxicity may be used, and for this purpose the authori- ty and �right is hereby granted to make a1i_necessary excavations in 92�C� squares„ streets;, avenu:es, alleys or otY� r thoroughfares and �a rts of said City; and the gra�tPe shall have the right, power and authorit� to fasten and to stre�ch and ]a y along the line of said poles or other�mess uf conveyance, a11 the wires or other mediums ,nec'e'ssary for transmitting and conveying the elactric current to be used in said business, together with all the right and privileges necessary or convenient for the fu11 us.e or enjo�nent the�eof; including the right to trim, cut nnd keep cZear all trees a3nd limbs along said lines that may in any way endanger the,pr�per operati�n of the sam�; and shall have the righ.t, privilege ar�d authority to construct, erect and maintain in saidGity a power house, aubstation or central plant or pla nts, with.all the engines, boilers,.dynamos, machines and devicesy and appliances that; may �e'required for gen.eratin� electricity, and for carrying on the business a- foresaid; provided �hat in acaomplishing the purpose aforesaid the streets o£ sa3d City shall not be unreasonably obstructed, and Lhat such v�ork shall ba,done and carried on in conformity with such reasonable rules and regulations witk reference th�reto as may be adcpted by the City Gommission of said city for the protection of the- public; and provided, further, tla t the said erantee shall ass�e all liebility for _damage or persora � injury caused by its negligence in doing such w ork., Section 3. No portion of the str��ts or public places shall be distu.rbed, ncr poles lacated thereon, or excava�ions made therein, or other distur�anees what- ever in or up�n any s:treet, avenue, public place, or public alleg, without first applging to tYie City 1"anages and submitting a plan or detail af the proposed change and receivin� the approval of �he City 1ilanager for such work and the opening o� the stree�t. or pizblic plc�ce therefore The grantee shall take precautions to secure pers`on`s and property from dama�e by rea son of work whatever dane under this grant, or tiie permi_ts aforesaid, and shall likewi se obss�ve all Lhe req_iziren ents af the ordinances of the �ity, now or hereafter passed, governin� �uch }vork or the distur- bancas`cr opening o£ the streets. Sectton '.4. Any and all provisions contalned in the ordinances of the City, now exist3.n� or•. hareafter passed, provid3n� for police regulatiott �of such c,onstruc- tion and maintenance,as the grantee proposes to eonstruct an d maintain, sha11 be and is Y� reby made a part of this franchise and the grantee accepts same subject thereto.- Secti-on 5. Any portion of the streets and pibl:ic places which the grantee disturbs or excavates in eng of its construction shal 1 t�e kept in repair bg the grantee, and th:is 11ab'ility shall continue during the li�'e or existance of tY?e particular pavements disturbed or broken. Whan such p�vements are relaid b� author-- ity of the Gity, this liability shall cease. Section S. The C3ty af Clearwater shall ha ve the ri�ht at any t3me to requ3re the grentee, its succeasors or assi�ns, to take down and remove all ar any pax•t of its poles, wires, and overhead construction, and place the sa3d wz res und'e'�rgro�and under such roasonable co:nditions as the City may require under a general ordY•nance applicable to eimilar companies. Section 7. The �ity reser�es the right to string wires upon any poles erected and used 'oy tha �rantee, said wires to be used for any mu�iicipal purpose oxcept streat li�hting. 2'here shall be no charge by the grantee for the use �f n 1 �'lorida Po�ver Franchise Ordinanoe #' 527 �ontinued. said poles by the City. tiVhen stringing wires uporl the granteets polas, the �ity agrees to con�orm to standard electrical practices. Section 8. �`he grantee agr•ees that tha materisls to be used in �he constructions and'maintenance of the system and the service to be rendered thereby sha11 be ixa every respect e.qual to the avera�e of cities and towns �n this vicinity where elactricity •ls used; and agrees that in providin� sarvice under the pro- v3sions of this frr�nchise it wfll conform to standard electri�cal prac�ices and wi'll give to tha �ity of `learwater and its inhabitants the same favoraUle consideraf:ian extQxtde;d to any other cit9 or tov+n in rlorida of sinilar size served by tho grantee under like conditions. . _ Section 9. Tha.t the said �rantee shall have the r3g7it and privilege to enlarge such powzr plant aa it may construct, inarease tha nuraber of poles, convey- anees„or appliances, extend its wires, lines or conveyances, and to generally de- velop'�or�changs its services .o� methods to r,ieet the growth andpro�rass of sa��d�'�ity and to co�form to the scientific and mechanical adbandemen� and discoeerg o#' the age,�-ariii t2aat such wark sha11 be done and carried on in conformity with such rea;- sonable rules and regulations with referenee theretc, as may Ue �dopted by the �ity �ommiss'inn of this �aid municipality. � Seation lU'. As a fiarther consideration of�this franchise, said C3ty of Clsarv�ater agrees not to en�age in the business of distributing and s,1, l.ing elec- tricity diirbng the life o2 this franchise or any extension thereof in competition vrith the grartee, its legal repr.asentatives, succ:essors and assigns. Yrovided that the City of �learwater reserves the right to ganerate and distribute alec.tricity for its. own piuzZicipal: �p�rposes.. ` 5ection 11. It is convenanted ard ag.reed by and between the City of Clea-nvrater and FTorida Power Uarporation, its lEgat representatives, successors and assigns, tha� the municipa].ity res�rves the rigYxt at the exp�'r�tion of five (5) yea,rs after the effeetive date �f this ord3nance, and at the expsration of eaah and every five-�ear period thercafter, and,at and after the expiration of this franchise, to purchase all of the propert� and property rights of the corpor�ztion, includir g tha distril���ion s�stem, lines, conduits and ot're r conveyances for distributing sai� elactric current, or proper•ty used under or in connection with ths iY�anchise, a�hich shall be located with3n ths corporate limits of the CitH. The property shal�. inclade all cortracts for service f�i�lg and reaso�ablg mad� ir_ good faith by the corporation. `rhe �ity of �learwater•further reserves the si�ht to purchase such prop�rty and•,pno'pertg righ�ts', ane such extensions thereof, or such part of such nroperty as �he Ci:ty may desire to purchase, and tiE grantee desires to s�'l1, outside the corporat.e limits of the City, There are, howeve.r, excepted fr�m this ras'ervation other` pcwer plan-ts ereeted outside the corporat.e limits,,and high tension transmissi.on lines owned by �he corporation�and aonnectad with its ganeral. systeni of trans[nission anc� di�tr�ibution, and used for the pvrpose ,of serv3ng communities other than �the grantor herein. - In the evcr_t th�t the mwaicipality exercises its right t4 purchase the said properties as here3.n prov�ded, the price to be paid shall be fixed upon a valua- tion af the propert�, which valuation shdl be determined by arbitration, as may be provided by 1a�, or shall be fixed at a vaI uation and in the manner as may be de- te��ined'by the statutory authority now or r�reafter granted to murici�alities for the- ptim chase of municipal electric or gas plsnts. In fixing, the value of the g� operty and property rights to be purchased by the �ity, this franchise shall not under any circviastandes be considered a� having any value whatsoever. Nothing herein contained shail be construed to take away, rsstrict, impail or abrogate a:n5= of the rights as granted by the general statutes of the State of lorida to municipalities to purcha,se such properties at a val u�tion and in the manner as may be provided by such statutes, anct the �ity of `'le�rvater does resarve unto its�lf all s• ch r.ights novr or hereafter granted to 3t by chsrter, general statutes, legislative acts or, o�heru��ise; it being the sense and intention that the �ity of Clea rvvater may avail itself o� any such alternatives in establishing a price for the purchaso of sa3d pro� rties. - With3n ninety (5u) days after the expiration of the 3rd,� 8th, 13th and/or 18th years of t11e term oP this franchisa, the �ity of �le�rv�ater, b5 resolution adopted by the �ity Co�nission, shal l ha=✓e the right to denland and receive from the grar,toe � statement shoaring the val ue of all the grantee's property and groperty ri�h�s 3n the �it� of Clearwater. Said statenent shall be furnished to the City by the'-granttee within one year i'ros and after the making of such r.equest by the City, and sY�ll be grepared Yn such a manner as to show the varions it�,ms and ay.se�s t%at go +o make up the valuation of�the grantee?'s property and�property rtghts 'in Glearwater as shown by said statemant. :Ln the event that -the �itg exeraises its option to purchase at any period duririg the life of the franchise, it shall notifq the grantee of its intantion §o to do 'by written noLice at least six months prior to the expiration of said period or periods of years. 2'he'grantee agrees that in the event the �ity exercises the aaid option as herein provided, the �ity shall Y� ve a period not to exceed two yea rs from the date of said wrlttan notice to comple te,its negotiations and purchase of the sadd property in accords�r_c� herewith. Yrovided, however, th�t the said limitation of' two _ , ,.,.� '_3_ 386 F:Lorida rovter Franchise ' � Ordi�nance �527 Continued. years sna11 not apply i� l�.tigation i'or the purchase o£ the said properti.es ' is t:�,en-pe�ding. In the event of purchase, all ri�ht af the grantee un�er this franchise shall terminate, anc3 the grantee sha7:l ha•ra no further right to render soryice except upon consent and permit o� the City. . Nothing in this section aha1,1 provent the �it,y £rom aequirin� the said pr.o�en�y and property rights of the corporation within the corporate iimits of the City by c�.�naemnation proceedin�;s or by any other �.awful mannex; and a'11 such met�liod� of a�quisitiori shalZ t3e alternative to the power of purchse reserved in'the grant or renewal thereof As herein provided. Section ].2. T'riat upon the annexation of any tar'ritory to the "ity, the portion of such utiTitg that may be located within t�ie annexed territor�, or upon the public streets, �illeys, or publlc spaces thereof sha 11 thereafter be subjeet to a1Z the ter.ms of tr.e franchise as fullg as though by express extension of such franchise or g�ant, excapt as hereinbefor�e provided. Section 13. 2'h.e grantee shall have th� right to make reasonable rules and regu7a tians for the use 'of electric energy sola and distributed b� the grantee. to private parties and for municipal purposes, and the rates to be char�ed to the ubl,ic shall at a1T times be under the supervision, direction anci control of the �it�* �ommission. rrovided that the rates charged to the public shall be suff,ic3:ent to insure a' reasonable return on the investmen t of the corporation used or useful in renderin� service under this fr�nchise. 5uck� rate� and r�gulations shall in no manner conflict or int�r£ere with rulings or regulations of the State Railroad Commission, or of any other State governing boasd or commnission having jurisdiction in the pr�mises by virtue of any general State lawe Upon the efi'ective date of this f.ranchisc, the rates to be charged shall not exce�d those set fortTl in sehedules attached hereto an,d made a part. of this franchis e. Section 14. As a further consideration for the granting ��f this �ranchise, the s&id grantee shall, dur.ing t�e term of this franchise, pay to the �ity of Clearwater as a burden i.mposed by this ordinance, ana as one of the elm ressed con- ditions and considerations for the franchfise, ri�hta and privilages granted anci conferred by this orciinance, 4,� of the �ross -receipts from t�e sale of electric energy tn the �it,y of �learwater. Tre said grantee sha11 b� requirad to keep proper books of �ccount showing monthly gross receipts from the sale oz electric energy within the corporate linits of' tY�e City of C1ear�r�ater, and shall raake a statement in writing sho�ving such receipts fD� each semi-annual period ending June 30th and December 31st of each an� every year, and based on such state�ents shal'1 irake payment to the City Tax Coilector the amount due. Section 15. As s further consideration for the granting oF this fr.ar,- chise, the Florida Yower Corporation agxees to furnisb electricity to the City of Clearwater for all municipt�l purposes at a base 'rate not to exceed one and one- quarter (:laa c�nts per .kilowatt hour, sai.d base rate to be subject to exisiing fueZ oil adjtistment�.provisions in Lhe Co�pany's servica contract with the �ity. Section 16. The grantee shall, within nine{;y da�s after the end of its fiscal year, when requested by resolution of the �ity Commissi�n, file with the Czty a complete financial roport af its onerations in the.�ity of Clearwater ior the pre'ceding fiscal year as shown by the books and rec.ords of the grantee, and such other information as the City �onunission may irom time ta t�me ��quiren%�'. It srall be the duty of the gxantee to flzrnish such supplementar� or special i�for- mation concerning its operations in �learvrater as the �ity Commission me9 f'rom time to time demand. Tf at any time the grantee fails to furnish the City with any re- port or information so requested by the City,then any auditor or accountant rag•z- larly employed by the City shall have full acce3s to all the books, recordg, and papers of the grant9e for the purpose of obtai:ning therefrom the information so reqizested by the C1ty� with the privile�e oi taking co pies of the books and records of the �rantee or any par5 thereo£. The provisions of �his section shall not apply to the ope.rati`ons of the Fl.orida 1'orver Corporatian in other co�unities not p�oper- 13*;suburban to the 4ity of `'learwater, except insofar as an examination of the grantee�s books and records pertaining to other communitir:s 4nay be necessar� in ord:er to sectiire the requested information, pertaining to the ope�ations of the grantee ir_ the city of Cloar�n�ater. Section 17. This francilise shall n�t be leased, assigned, or othereiise � elienated except with tYie express consent of the �ity CoIInnission. Section 18. In the event that the grantee herein or its 1ege1 representa- tives, successors or assigns shall violate any of' the terms, prorisions„ or condi- tions �f t'r�is grant or i'rar_cnise, and shall cont?nue to violate such terms, pro- vi�ions ur canditions_,for a period oi' thirty (3�) days after notice in writin� given by the City Commissi'on to desist from such violation, then the �ity Commission may declare a forfeiture of saia grant or franchise, in the manner prescribed by the sta tutes ef the Sta te of r�lorida . -- --- Tf any action shall be instituted or prosecuted direc�ly or 3ndirectly by the �rantee or its legal representatiues, �uccesaors or assigns of this grant or franehise, or by its stockholders or creditors, t� set aside or have declared void any o1' the terms oi° this grant or franchise, the whole of s�ach grant or fran- chise may therenpon be deelared forfeited and annulled at the option ot' the �itg Comm3ssion, in the manner as ebove provided. � Ii' the City Commission shall prescribe the f orm for sucL repor�s, then the same shall be made in the forra .from time to time presarib�d, , � 1 _ 3 8 % -4- _, , Florida Yowgr Franchise • Ordinance #527 Cqntinued. :�ection 19. This graz�t is mado on thc� fur�her and express c.ondition:- thr�t the grantee x�i11, within thirty .(3n) days from the eifect3ve date of this ordinance, file with the �ity Crerk of the City nf CZearwat;er a written sccoptanc0 of this grant, which acceptance will acknov�ledga that tP�e grantee is and sha11 be subfeet to tha several sectie�s nf this ordinance and shaZl also be subject to all pre,senb 'and fubure ordir}ances oi' tl�e City of C1esrK�ater relatl;n� to the eonatruction, equipment, maintenance and operation of wires, conduits, cables, poles and simi'lar �onstruCtions, and alsu to tY�ose ordinance� relatin� to tha distributian and sale of electric current �or the pur�ose of' povxer, 1'i�;ht, and heat. On 'failure of th� grantee to file written acceptance wi'thin the ti.me s�ated, then all ri�Y�t, authority, and �ermissions granted under this ordinancn shall cease and liec�ome of no benefit. Section 20u This ardinance shell become effective: upon the same be3.ng le�aTly passed and adopt�d by the City Gommission of the City o#' �learwater, and up- on the acceptance of this franchise by the grantee as hereinabove prov3ded. S�ctian 21. Al1 ordinances and par.ts of ordinances'in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are hereb� repealed, Passed on first reading _Oct. 10, 1946 Yassed on sec�nd reading__ Oct. 10, 1946 Yassed on third reading Oct. 10, 1946 Mayor-Corrunissoner �S � ic, . �IA-/i . . � ���#�� � A GREEIulENT ' ' TAIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this lUth dav of October, 1946, by and batween the C'ITY OF CLEARWATER, a municipal corporation within the State of Florida, "Y�reinaiter called tY� "hiunicipalit�*," and FLORIDA PoWi,R CORYOFtATION, a corporation oi ganized and existing under the :L� ws of the State oi' Floi ida, herein- after.called the "Company"'; `'VITN?;SS�TH: Tha in consideration of the sum of Dne 17ollar (�1.U0} �a id by each'of the parties hereto to the other, the r;=ceipt of which is hereby acknow» ledgeds" and in furtrer consid eration of the mutual covenants and agreaments herein conta�ned to be performed by the partie,s hereto, it is mutuallg covenanted and agreed; - _ �. , ` Tlia•t the Company binds itse'lf, i�s le gal representatives, successors and bindsnitseif�tonbuh ofdFloriellrto the Municipaiity, and the Municipality 1�ereby y da ower Cor oration, its 1e gal represantatives, successors and assigns, all of the electric energg requirac� by the Municipality, except for `resale and as hereinai'ter provYded, %r the opera tion of its water pumping p"lants, gas v�orks, sewage disposal pumping stations, ca�u.seway drawbridge, for the street _7.ighting sgstems (ocerhead and orr.amental post) and for 'lighting service to alI miscellaneous situati�ns no:v connected, and for similar situations that 1�.ereafter may be added, and not to generate such energy i,ts�lf, except as hereina�ter pro- vided for the supply oi' emergency service, or purchase it elsewhers, except as and when the Company is unab1e to furnish it or refuses �Nithout lggal exense to do so. II. ' In con�ideration of the above agreement, the Mianicigality, dwaring the en- tire per od of this agreement, binds itself to pay to the Com�a ny monthly for a11, e,lectric energy uaed and consumed at the following rates, to-wit: RATE YER MONTH: 1.25¢ per KWH . �'uel Ad.justment; Energy Ghar�;e sh 11 be increased or derreased � ODU15 ` (15/100 oi' a mi111 per KWH for each five cer�ts F5¢) above �p1.U5 or below �,9U per barrel, respective'ly, in tY� pub- lished p�ice oP Bunker "C° ftitel oil, i.o.b. storage tanks at Ycrt Tampa, Florida R'�ere servicss can be consolldated, the Muniaipality +rrill provide si:ch consolidations to elimi.nate separate metering. � , � -5_ Agreemant-Florida Yower Corp oration Continued. �88.u. ._� TTI. It is a�reed th�t t2ie electric ener�y supplied under this agreament ahall be delivered as follovrss To Water Yumpin� Ylants and Gas Works (Served Prom 23Q0-volt �ster-metered ' c3rcnit): Serv:ice supplled at 230U volts and delivere3 at �uz�etion pole located on Maple 3treel,, one span west of Alden Avenue, and measured by 23U0-volt meter- ing oquipment ihstalled on pole locatecl r�djacent to gas plant engine room. To Water Yumping rlants (Not served'from master-metered circuit), Sewage Dis� posel Yumpin� Stations and Causeyuav Drawbrid�e: Service delivered at each location and measured at pri�xy voltage at Company's option. The I�unicipality sh�11 furnish and maintain the nacessary step- flown transiormers end provide meter connection at each location. Street Ti�7atinA Systems (except Clearwater Beachj At bus bar of Company�s substation. Service deiivered and measured at approximately 4,UUU volts, three phsse, C1eas�water Beach (Street Liglnting) � At Island and of causeway. Service delivex*ed and measured at approx- imately 2300 volts, single phase. N.iscellaneous Situations {per schedule attaci�; d) Service delivered and metered at each locations, single pl� se, 115 or 115/23U valts. The Company will furnish and install tlze necessary meters adjacent to each location, t2ze registration of which meteres sYia11 constit�nte the basis of comp�ntation of bills for energy consumption. IV. Bi115 far electric energy shall be rendered monthly by tkee �ompany and shall be dtze and payable within ten �ays £rotn date aendered, and it is fur.ther stipulated that th�e �ompany sha11 h�ve the right to discontinue tl�e delivery of electria ener�y to the biunicipality under this agreement in the evan� the Municipality ta the Compan;gg, as herein provided, or in tl2e event t1�xe IYunicipality otherwise violates this agreement, provided the Company shall give thE Municipality at least sixty days' written notice of its intention to discontinue delivery of electric energy and the reason theregor, and the �un- icipality sha11 heve such period in uhich to pay the sum dmie or make good such violation. V. Inasmuch as tlze Munic3palitq has installed a boiler in connection with its incinerator plant for the disposal o� rubbish and garbage, and has installed a steam driven generatfng unit for the utilization of such eteam as ua y be produced by the said in inerator boiler, it is hereby understood and agreed that the �un�ci- pality hhall Y� ve the right and privilege of connec�ing its wires from its generator, through suitable protective eqm�ipment to be approved by tlse �ompany and �vith sqnchronizing equipment, all to be ilzrni�hed by the T�f,unicipality, with the in- coming alectric service supplied by the �ompanq to the gas plznt and water p�ping stations for the purpose o£ permitting the Niunicipality to operate its generator in para:Llel with the Company�s sgstem and to utilize to the fullest extent such ener�y as may be ganerated from the steam snpplied by the indinerator boiler, The Muni- cipl�ity agrees that it will operate its generator at proper exaitation and that it will not uss ste�m from the boilers of the gas plant for the aperation of said steam en�ine unle'ss the Gommpany, for any cause, is unable to supply the require- ments �P tii� Municipality. The �ottipany Y�as installed 3isconnecting switches at or nanr its meter through which service-is suppl3ed to the N�unicipality for water pumping and gas plant usage so that these switches may tie auvnec in tY.a �cpi2t �f the Compeny i� unable to supply ener�,y ta the hSunicipality f'or water• pur�p�n�. stati�ns frota its atr�ain drivan �ener�;t�r; i:-t tiein6 4nder�t��d nnd ,�reed, hovrever, tY:��t when such i�tzrru.p'tion �f service hr�s been carrCcted, the Comaany shall h�ve the xi�ht t� reconnect its serv�c� �a t'rie circttits supplyin� the ����t�r uuti,pin� s :,�tt�ti�ns c�nc7 �;us �lant, and th� T,fiunicipality will irsri�e�iately resu�ne t�:�in�, service fxolr� �he Comp�iiiy. VT It is i'urther ��;reed and c�venanl;ed th�t tYie C��pany sr.ull r.�t be lia�le f'or d�ma�,e �r injury to parsons or praperty �risinb, occurrinb �r �esultir��, i�: the xeceivin�, use �r applic�ti�n of electric enerEy �r �perati�n ai ruacr.iuery,�r equipm nt on the �,Funicipslit�'s side of the points �f delivEry (except as nerein�,fter proviae� in the misconduct �r ne�li�ence an the part �� the Combuny in the oper::tian r�np ms.interiance of �verhaa� stre€t li�,h�tin� systeri) , snd the iliunici.pality Mh�11 i�at be liable for d�m�Ee or injt�r;� t� persans af property arisin�„ occnrrinc or resultir�� in the constructi�n, r;iaintenanae and �pexai�i�ri af the Company's lines end equip�ent on the Company's side �fthe �oint� b*' delivery; and the Comp�ny end trie :..unic?p�lity �ra11 hald �incl serve e��cr< ather har�iiless r��,r�insi: sucti 1�ss �r dam��e sust�,ii�eu ort their res�ective sid�;y r�i' tr�e ��ir,ts :�� delivery. . ■ � � � , 3 8,y __ _ ����3 �'� E� �]n�A�ot+ F�T a ,-6s.c� . n � ' - Il c�nn � . c : z,z-zsLzis �� � ^- � . n"^.rorsiza�tl _ �_ . vrz It is -furtner c�ven�nt2d rzn�3 a�reed that tlie P�iunia�,��lit� �t eziy re�s�ri:.Ule tinie, upon noticF to the Gat:pany, �,ha11 have tY�e ri�13t in t�i,e ,pre�anco 07 an �fiicer, ��,ent or desi�,nated En,�loyee ai' the G�mpeny to re�.d �.nd check the Company�s �ieters �nfl/or m�terin�, eqaiar:i*�t, shaul�n it so desi�re', and sh�uld �here be any d�sa�re��ient as �� the eor'rectness oi' revdin�s..,.and,Lox�,r ccuracy �i the_ sa?s1 met�s. �r met�xi�.�, equ�,p�t�ent, tY�e przrt�,es hsreto s'r_�1,'� .iointl,v test s�.ud rleters, but it j s hereb5* .�reed that tLe s�zd uetE� s at�d/or �ti.:ter�3.i�� equipment shall b� eonsidexed within t�e perc�nt aver��e �aouracy pxovidad c&J.ibr�tiori is wi.thYn tv�ro ?�erc�en� ( 2 0) o�' an�ursc�*. 6h�uld tY;e r�etPr� be beyond the. sa:id r�zn�;e oi �iccuracy, an ad,iustmer_t shYll. be based an theav�;re�e �f the three mantlis� eonsuntp�;ion inwzadiately pri�r to the period in ;u�stion, `�ut no adiustrn�nt shall extend over �: pez�iocx of c�.ore tY:an three ���nths. __._ V. , _ _ ` � VTII r It is zurther c�verianted �nei a�r�ee7 �riQt in�:sniuch as thQ Co:,ipany awns the overheed st'reet 1i�,htin� eZrsteia and enuiner:�nt, and will �wn t�e ornecuen�G� l va:t street li�,iitin,� . syGtem e.r.c1 e��uzu<��zn�° instulled r�� ths cor��� ny, it.e �t�te for enex;,y rerein sti��ula�ed srall includE the r�u•ir_i;?n�??ce }.:�,� tr.e co�;nunv, ai i;,s ;:as�C rnd e:�z;ecise, of tt:e ov�rhe�:4 _treet li�,Y�tin� si*si�� an� eq�.i�:;•Ws t vi:d �a�d �rnaf:.er.tel *�o.t �tree� �.��hrin� s.Yu'��m and e,t,.�:pr..ent in: tf<lled bv the co :��n� ,�,r�d reial=_ ��mant of 1:.�.i� baZbs in ii;s saiii ��ysten:s; sna it �s f'urther u*:�#errta�q ��z�tl c:Ereea ts��.t t�p�n ��rit�c�r1 r�c�uest ai tlie *,,uniC;i�aliiy the Cor4pari�T will rs�i�t�.in the orn�_�r:ta� �ao: t s�r��i; l�iEhtin� s?>st::�,is �t�aneci o-�• t��e �iu�i�_ipality iiow axistin�,,` os� sueh �iaait� �ns as here��t::r ur:.zr be inst�.11ea ia;� t�ie ,uz.ic<i�4lity, on ti.e �17c^.S7.S �i CDSL ��� US L$Tl ��i CB11'� �Z��v� . It is iurtLer �Lr�e� tt�at tF�� Iuunici.��lity reserves i:i:e ri�I�L ti� s�aec_iy ii�� c�.i�u1e par;er' �f 1e�:ss t� be used ,.ns so �o �e�til:: �e �G� e h�urs �i Gurtiin�, o� s&irl �treal; ii�;hti��, SjT5�8LTlS. . . . . . . . . . . . � � � -1'^�� . . . . . 1t 1S S''i.�T��eZ' CJ42%izii"GZCl �:iiT2 ��,I'G'G'Ct tiiuL 1a��7P_ 3'OaSJII: Ai1.2 LJ'G1C2 i:C��::': 'tIl(� �v:l.liilCllic:�.].Lj�' ir_ ;ri�i._�;, the CoL�,a�y tit� �1 ii•ansfer any la:�� iii�LE.iidtlDI1 iri..�.Y.z �verie�a st�eet ii�,htin.�; sys�e�u: no�i existinb ar as i�e���ait�r ::��y „e �aaea, and in�t_:11 t�e sa::le in any otr�Er l..t�:ti�n ir_ ��e existin�, sysLe�, ur�vidEd, ii�tiae�er, ti�d7;. trie :�:u��ic�pality �;.ill wai�;uin tt�is�ty Q�.ys af�er the c�.^:a� �ti�1_ �' ti:e tr�rsi::r �nd reinQt�ll�ti�n �f tiaicl '_r��� �� lr�-,�as, rei�Uurse �� s i:�txpany zor tlie actusl cost, incl�a:.i�n� trrnsfer ar�,d re� netEli�zi�r �f pole's, cr�ssGrms, �aires �-�!d Siatures. ��iie Cor:��iny furtF�er ��,rees t ��t, u�;�n �;�ritten T�otice ir�ni the ,',.unici�lity, it Urill �nstall �dditi;r,ul 1�n or l�.�s to the e_:ist?ng overi:e�ci �tr•�et 1i�,htin� system, provicieQ tra� sucl� additi�n�1 1�~?as s��l� n�t be �1Gced n:are ttinn i�ur Ytundred (t���) feet ap�r�, and it.rther Uro�ided th::'i, thz �o.�-_�any ��;i11 n�t 'ne re,u�re� t� :aake adaiti�ns to the s�ia �verriead stree�c li�rt; r� sys�Ge_ .�ituin si� r�i�..ths fro^-: t�e e�pir� ti_orl dut'e oi' �n,r antr��.�;t p�riod. . . . . . � . . . 11 �' . . . . ' . .. . . It is f�,r��er r��;reea th�t ti�e Ca���njr v ill use 41I re��onsille car� ar:d ailiE,ence t� pr�vide zY e;:ur_icinulit,y ��;ith ar uni��cerru�ted �upply oz electric ener�y �.�ieii it is reyuis•ed by the �•;unicipality, �ut �t trill r�� be r�w�onsible for irtarruued service ��;'r:ich ntay occ;ur irora �i�e to �ir.7e or: acc�uizt �f dG::i��e to �.r_tr q�rtior_ o� i is �acrinery �z• =eq,uip�ent, ur.d i? =e=viee sh�11 be deiectit*e �r be intcrru;�ted �r 'ui1 b� re�s�n oi acts at Go:?, �r by the acts of �er,�ons �r circut:inLances ocvr :�ric� ��e ��:;��nr hEs n� contr�l, or by uny e��r�Encies in, v���ic� t�.e �ar�c��ny may aE ��.;�pelled ta act �o nre�er.t ir.,��.r_es t� 1ife, person or ?�r�perty exect iip�n trilliul de_"'3ult of �re C��•:p�n_,v, �he Co� �an.y shall no-G be 7_iabl.c for �ny loss �r �i�Yna�e resultin� thereir��, itt in tre �Jent tY�e su��ly �i erler�y .h�11 Ue iriterx•uptecl, the C�mp&ny, c�rill 2xereise all reas�r�r,l� ciiliLence t� r:;r.ov2 th� cause of intea�ru�ti�ri froni cah�terer s�urce �,nd t� resu�:.e t�e n�rrusl supply of aner�;�r as s�ar� as r»�sible. ::=I It is furtsEr co�ena��ec: ar� �u�,r�en `ti.a� the ��c:+panY �r�all �s�u[t,e a1T liability for d��€e or �,ers�=_41 in ;;�ry causea by its rle�,li�;ence in conti�ructi�_., �per.•atian �rid maintei.dnce ai s�:i& �v�rnead stree� 1i�;i�t:.rs� syste�, but t"r.E (;a;:�pany shali iiat u� liutrle ta ur_;� inY:��ritan�t of �i�e :�unicipality or �� Gny �ers�n, fir� or c�r��i°Gti.,ri; �ti� any •cslai�, ue.a�nd, 1�ss. �r a�rn��e ai wh�ts�ever s�ture or cnur�,�tr;x sue to or urisin�, �ut :�f a.uy l�;ilu�•E or irterrupti�n of li�&tin6 service rereuncler; tha1; �othin�, in the �br�erent exp7•cssecl or impl3ed is intendea or shall be cot�st�ued �� c�nier uf�an or �,ive any ii�hubi�•�:n� or citizen �i tY.e :'.ni�i��alit; �x to any _7ex•a-�n, iir;�� �.r coru�:.��,tion '�ther thsn the p�rties he�eto, anp ri�Lt, remedp or claim unae.r or bp re�:s�n �i tk�is a�reement ar any covenant, canditign o£ stipulat:�.�n hereof; and that al1 ca�-enent�, stipulati�ns, �romi: es and �,�;reements in tY:is a�r�ement cor�t4ined i'�r or �n behalf of the ��::.�any sh-11 be i�r the ben�fit �i` trie paz�ties he�eto, . .. .. 1 �I . � . Zt i� ltarther ��reed tl�.t if by any l�ti�aful auth�rity, :Federal, �t�te or �r?uriicipal, ther� shall be im7osad up�n t'���e Coiapany any f r+iH �eneration, s�les tsx. �i �,r�ss reverzue tax, in sc3cition to t��ses n�i�r in ei'ect, vahich shall incr�t�se �r.e Co�pany�s cost qf servir� tY�e �unicipGlity under t�is a�,reer.ent, tY�: s:;id tax shall be ar]ded to the r�te s�ipul�t�d in Para�raph II heret�r�der. In the event tnat the Campr�ny �Equi.res said t�;x so imposed to be. paid h;F its �ther cu�tocners served in Lne Oity ��' Cie�rv,�ter, tY�en tt�e ��u�icip�lity a�rees �o assur?e ard nay the said �ax wY.ich sha11 be a�c3ed to �he r�:te st���ulsted, exc�p� �,^�r�re Ci:ty is e�al:uderi zr��: tr,e o�erati�n or �.ny auch t�x. In the event the C�m�ar�y does not rFquirE the tiax so ir: �a5ec3 t� .;e uaid b,y it� �t'tier cu�.toir�ez•s served in the Cit;� �� Clearr,at �r, -a,�:d tY:e �,�unici�ulity i� untaillin� to ueccpt Uucli inc�ea�e in rate rsausea U�,T suc� t�x irygGsed, tren tY:e .dunici.pa.lity nlay rescind GJ�.�.s c�r,tr�;�t �,nd the C�m�rny sh.Tl �,ive tl:e i+Iuric���aU.lity not lecs thc;n si:c n,�ntP.s' in �vritin�, before ci3c:�rltir�uin�; he 5uppl.y o� electric er.���;,y t� t�z :;�uriici��Iity. 0 , G �7� 390 � '�'�- � { :� ' �nr t c �n 'G� 4. • e � . . . . . . . '�]'Q'CC' � � . � �'�1'`T%�'�' r'�..".�s ��^'�",U,G4.. fIII. It is 1'urther caverian��d �.r.d a r��d tnet tl�is ��rnnnrant shell become ef�'ective on �he lsi; d�y af Cctober, 1g4�, ar_d shall ',� in full force &nd. efi'ect for a�oriad oi five (5) years thereafter, �r�d shall c�ntinue auto��ticall t..ereaster f'or lil:e period�, and be in iu11 Porce end ef�'�ct ur_ti�. ozi� �f. the. psrta.es noti�i.es tY.e ott:er, in v�ritin�,, of i�s int�uti�n to termir_�te �his a ree-- �uent, �chicpl n�;,�fication snall be �iven no� :iess thdr� si�c (6) t;�ortP�s nrior to th d�t� o�' -�esmirtation of. �n,y c�;:tre.et ;,er:iad. ` e TN 1`�ITIti'E5'_ ','::i i�;OF, tfze ��ITY L'�' CL�:r.�} ^-.'`'ER, Y��� c;ausca its�r.�me t� t,e �iereunto subscribed by tk�e Cii;r� i�.��rta�;er of ;.�1d c;ity, c�nfi.r.;:ed by i;ne :::aGor a�';tiaid �ity an? �ttested b,y �tr.o �i�.:Y Clerk on t�e d�y �nd ye�;x �ir�t Gbove vlrytten; �nd t. e:�i3ORI�F� PO ;'�=:R C�.:�PO.�i�nI�R ��f-;; a�usN;: t�i� Lr���F�;c;f t to 6� eaecuted '�;� it5 zTice President and its cornar��te s�dl t� b:: hzreto ai'fixes �r:d �ttest�d 'b�r ii,s hs�ist�:rt -ec;retary, he rl��r unc' vo�;r £;,,v� �aove -rrxitten ��il$IT rr�,� PO' �ii : :�s",VIGr, I.G!>1iTIi;T;S .7Ct1G'G�U�.2 Of ...&].11 iat?C1 _.1St1EL1ct'1�J4..S :'Z7�^iE:l �11'iUc:T,].D.Ci5� iu2t'.B1'EQ SC,-'�'r�_EtLB:L' d:�d c�nriec��d 4s oi' Uct�ber l, lyt�6. 'it.e Y.;3H c:���;:u.:.ptii�v si:all �e c�n-� s�liu�ted and ui11e:, �t tine rate. 1.. :.'xlY1 i�.7y�r..i' ..�6�8T 2'OT° �t-,S p1.uL�. 2i.i1 ;e�..tEY' t�LlLi�..t_E i7itc.L1JT18 Sc2'Ve£i. S.'S':i.L �.bL6Z'- :sE'GeTBQ j»4�.,I' C�T'CUlt. • 2. i;�at�r-1'urap•-vulz �� �ir.;y 33�u1e4�.rd ���d �ii�,�lu�ld hv�nue. 3• 1;�ter P�P- ;; �z��l; Side Gulf to �ay is��lcv�rd ,;�.st �� 5nyvievu. 4. 1";ater Purip- J'e�fords ��reet <:nd �rosoect r•'�v�r_ue. 5. '."�`�ter '�ur:p- it�dison ��-snue an� I,akFvie�r: P,rit e. 6. Seti�;a�;e �isn�.'�1 nurin- :'���1�:��r �n:� Cro.�s Zane. 7. Se��a;��;e �isp��^_1 ?u:�:p- P?nel��� �nd '�1ant ^,tr�e s. `'. Seti.F�,e Di:;�as�l �u:1�- (isce�I� �t �iicrol�on. 9. Sewr��.e Dispousl ��u�:ip- '.;ar�rali at�c< Ba,J . 1D. Sec.�Le �is�osdl ?ur_n- i,antana �.venue 11. �'���;�:Ee T�isnoG�l Ptuc�p- .::2n�ala�r :��,�nue 12. �e��&�,e Di�pos�1 � u:�,a- 9ruae ar_ �:arl�uel 13• �e�,��,e Disnos�.1 �u:��;;�- �:ars�all 3�r�et 14. G<, s Bo�4-�er ?'�L:,p- Harborh.' 11 � tr�et rx � S:.l aty i:�.r�or 15. �au: e�.ray �r,,.. oridve . r.:;..=iI�IT �rB n _ " Ic i:`l':�i`G :. ."v' � �E Lu.. 1,T T-5. ...� Senedule �i' �tirset �,i�i;titiE (i7veriie:,e� 4:�� urnu:.��_r�ic.i i-os�) . na ...� su?iluu��us �.lE'L'LlI?c S1.LL.uL1JIiS� P.18L2T`�a :,ei7tt�c:'Geljr� CJri2:i;B�eQ fiS Ji UCt�J�x` l� 1.7kb (CY.Gruu;,r of �o-:��:.:�1•ce e����tec1). ii.e %:�7�I c�..s�,.�tion ::t��.�l i:� cous�iic.�t�ted �,�ri uiileu u� tiia �•<.t�. - 1. T,'.�it� Sireet ��iEl�tint _eter #'or Ov�if���;d ur�d Or:.u�er_t�l � �Lt l.,i�htin�; Sy-stems, ti. i:uUSG'1&jr �.�1:1t@ i,•ajr 3. ��iuseti^ ay� ?rid�E S,i�'�ts. 4.. C: r�inole Strset Pier. 5. Trrffic �:i�;nel - Sunset P�int "�rive. 6. Tra�'fic °'..i�nal - r,rew ; treet �.i1� ^�;�rth F�. �'arr�isnn Avenue. 7, m, �f�ic �iEn�l - bre�r Strc-et en3 (' den �venue, �. �'r�:3 i'ic `"i�r.;l - ::�n�:�la` T�riva, :,le _ ..� �er• '�e�cli, c,. i�affic 4i�na1 - ��c1:�s��n �i.0 ';out �i:.��c�,Y.is�n ;.venue. 10. '� �:'fic ui�rial - Uruid �oad �.nd Soui;i. Ft. E�::iition .�venue. 11. Traffic aiEnc�l - iurner �tr_:et :.n:� ��uti� Ft. ��;rris�r� r_t-�nue. 12. ^x�r�ff�.4 ;=�i�,na1 - z:.ven rtreet �nd ��ut'r. Ft. Hr�r�is�i� tivenue. 13. `"�_�,tfie Si`nttl - Llctrir:i�e `.trezt _,ti 3v'�rtl� � t. �`.a�riso: _.�a�u�. 14. �.'2�ite '.'�.y r_t .��.L..Tt.H. 'Jep�t. 15, i�lo�=�; 7.i�lttin�, - '�ro�kl�,rn �'iel.d, 1F�. ;lut, :iauGe - `3ioo�,.15=n ';�,ld. 17- Fl��d T,i�rt.in�, - ^.x•�en y�'ie1d, l� :;lu�i F".�u:e - Crc:en "+.ield. ].;�, Fl:���� Li�,htiri� - ,�].or:.:. ;?e.11 "srl� 2�. ^llufi''i .�i.�� .c��i C:;urt - C�ti...•.�r:.u�. 21. i,uYi"1� nos� �s u�u?�i ;it�,� P�:.i�k ��. 1��_fs'1�..�a r:; �vurt 4'e. y�„>l:_ -a�seet. "^ 'uh1i. r:j. ,�117,�'�...L;J � ' � � �4, r"'is�e ;i;,a i,ion �.ix;�; �Tsi1 ti5. i:�rsl!�� �lui>;.�use - City* 1'��rl,i. ,��� � � ��� � ��1 -�- + " - ` : �-�-�a �.��.. _ - .. -� � � . . . �. . � . .�: cT11'i�;�C. . � . . 2ii. :,Iunii:i�r�_ ��uait�rium 27, l.iunicipul ..uc:_i.�r�iur;� - Lxit Li�,r�is'. 2�'. :azniei�al `i'Enr�� s C�urts. ' 29. �ity P�ri - �a�.;.uuriit;� ��uuse. �Q. 1:1.'t;t �aI`h - 4 .F .�^.. TiiUliUiIl6e �1. Ci�y P�:r�:� - Ne�Y i3a�vlin� �:auit, 32.. F? a�d Li�:ii�s - Be1r,�nt. 33, Fire St: -tiort - };Tan�i�ley ��u1ev�.z�d. 34. C�l�z�ed P�a���,rotind - P;��dis�n .Avenue. 35. Cit�r F2a11.. For Additi�r.a�, Z�catiatts: The I>.'.�i c��sur;p�i:�n'�i sii;u�tions sz�.li.:r t;� tl�e �:botr�, c�nnecteq subyequer�t to Oatot�ex� :L, 144ia, va�.l1 .�e o�n�i.lidciz� �nci bille3 �t the r.,te. � 0 i I i i . . . . . , j';.: ' ,: �.. .. �. .. .�, . �}�. � . ���.