08/02/1946 " ,', City of Clearwater Florida. Commission Minutes --Special Meeting--- Aug 2, 1946. -------~----._.- The City Commission met 1n Special Session Aug 2, 1946 atd7:30 P M in the City Hal~ with the following members present: (!).:;;.y; Cy Geo. R. Seavy. Timothy Johnson, Jesse G Smith J. R. Crane, Absent: W. C. Wells. Mayor Seavy explained that the purpose of the meeting was to oonsider the possibility of taking into the City the Pinebrook Subdivision, located north of Palmetto street and the Clearwater Golt links. Cyril Pogue representing the owners ot the property asked favorable consideration of their petition to be incorporated. It appeared that thirty seven houses had been built, mtSk and about 12 or 14 sold and ready for deli~ery. however complete title transfer had been made covering only one house. part City Manager Hendrix reported that/some of the streets needed repair already, and that in certain sections the surface drainage was defective and should be corrected; also that certain changes were needed in the sewage system, "JBXi~ and that the pumping station was un-completedx. l.~.. ..',{\t~~~i . .' .::~'/~;:., The Commission without formal vote indicated that if the City was given sufficient guaranty that the defective paving, and surface drainage would be corrected and that the sewage system eompleted, then the Board would consider favorably a petition ~Dr incorporation. The Commission unanimously agreed to extend for ninety days from Aug 5, 1946 an option agreement entered into with McKay & Pulley , concerning the operation of a radio station in the south ~ing of the auditorium. There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned. I4L ~.C2 L:1I Mayor-Commissioner City Auditor & Clerk. . ',\' .,....', . " ',. . 1 .. ... '4' ' EXTENSION OF OPTION --~ ..~_.. ~".. : ."'.........11.,.:. . .,'. "'1', '"9'.. ....... :-..... ''''0'> ',~.;.. ... . ". _.J- . ~'.~:..i. ._,i."u:';~.'..~ _.... . ,', '-."., . ..... ",',_.. ,... '.~.....,... . SPECIAL CITY COh~ISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1946 ~.. \ ... .oJ .....;..,...:-'~. ~~EREAS, in that oertain option entered into February 5, 1946, by and between the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a Municipal Corporation, and CLIFFORD A. MC y~y AND DENZIL PULLEY, as co-partners doing business as McKa~ and PUlley, of. Clearwater, Florida, it was provided, among other terms and conditions, that said option to lease the described portions of the Municipal Auditoriwn in said City or Clearwater, Florida, should be exercised within a period of six (6) months, or on or before August 5, 1946; AND ~HE[{EAS, said co-partnership has applied to the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, for a ninety (90) day extension ot said option, made neoessary beoause of oertain negotiations now in progress with the appropriate Federal authorities, and whereas said City Commission, being ru~ly advised in the promises, did oonsider that said applioation should be ~ranted and did, at a.meetin~ dulu and rebular1y oalled and held, by proper resolution grant the said application for said extension; Now therefore this instrument WITNESSETH that is oonsideration.of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar and other ~ood and valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby aoknowledged by the Grantor, the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, does hereby give and grant unto the aforementioned partnership, MC KAY AND PULLEY, an extension of that oertain option dated February 5, 1946, subjeot to all original terms and conditions as set out in said option, for a period of Ninety (90) days from and after August 5,1946. ~ \ ' . . \. . ( r t. I , August 1, 1946 F. L. Hendrix Clearwater. Fla. This is to certify that I have delivered a notice of a special meeting of the City Commission to be held Friday night at 7:30 at the City Hall. At the time set out below. NAME TIME Comm1ssioner Johnson L~: 56 5:10 5:16 6:16 10:25 A.M. August 1, 191..6 Mayor Geo. R. Seavy, and Members of City Commission Clearwater, Fla. Gentlemen: There will be a special meeting of the City Commission Friday night August 2nd, at 7:30 at my offioe at the City Hall. For the purpose of considering a proposal frbm the owners of Pine Brook Subdivision (Owens) to be inoorporated within the City limits of Clearwater. Very truly yours, F. L. Hendrix CITY MANAGER 1.; . " ...:,' '.' . ,- '," . :' ".' . ,,<., , <. ;,t.. '. .:"... .t....: . ','.. ~ ~.:~.'~".~'U ".t:::t.~i~IJ .:1......"..,....... }l/ff~ft)i~i*, ~ \J>::~/:::~:,~;.:;, .. , ~... . (..,....~ ,-, '.. .:: i{%1.~~~f;r.\:;: .. ;.;r~: " -:.'~ " "C'" < ~ <. ~ . .:, ,...d.: ,:,~.:!<.,. -i),' l.:.~.:..;.~.....,:. "~i~i" '.. " ,.... ..., ., ....'..1.',,'.",.,. J.;H.:,'~:' .. " :;,)};G:{.:'\:~"';'jt~~t .. ,'. -. " .... .. d' COPY' - Deoember 6, 1945 Mr. W. D. Owens Owens Construction Company Clearwater, Florida Dear Mr. Owens:- At the request of City authorities, I am writing you . regarding the new houses you are erecting just north of the Clearwater City Limits. I understand that you desire to have these houses connected , with the City sewer, and I am sure the City authorities ~ill be very glad to oooperate. with you regarding this. Since the houses are located outside of the City limits, the City of oourse has no supervision over the plumbing that i8 being installed. I am advised that the plumbing does not meet the city requirements in several partioulars, and espeoially because you are instal!ing three inoh mains instead of four inch mains as required by the city Plumbing Code. I hherefore am writing merely to place on reoord the faot tkat ir any diffioulties should arise in the future because o:f the fact that the plwnbing does not meet City requirements, them the City will not assume any responsibility :for suoh diffioulties. With best regards, I am, Very truly yours, Ralph Riohards, City A.ttorney ,~ . RR/mv 00 Mr. F. L. Hendrix City Manager Clearwater, Florida ., , .. . .. . , \ ., :.~ ,1,. . ,1 . '/,,'< > '\.' ' " ~ . '.. ,, _ . _ _�,. � _ �r�� � 0 , �-..,,�. ,� City of C1.earwater Florida. �6 Commission Minutes -�Special Meeting--.� Aug 2, 1g1�6, The City Commission net in Special Sessian �ug 2, 1946 a�t�;7;30 P M 1.n the City HaIZ wit� the following members present: Geo. R. Seavy, Timothy Johnsan, J.esse G Smith J'. R. Crane, Absents �"7. C. Wells, Nlayor Seavy explained that the purpose of the meeting was to consider the possibil.ity oi' taking int� the City the Pinebrook Subdivision, located north of Palanetta S�reet and the Clearwater Golf links. Cyril Pogue representing the owners oP the property asked iavorable consideration oP their petition to be incorpora�ed. ' It aPpeared that thirty seven houses had been buil�, �iisis and �bout 12 or 1Et. sold and ready for deliyery, however complete �itle transPer had been m�de covering only one house. par't City h4anr�ger Hendrig reported that/some of the streets needed r�pair al�eady, an�i that ixr aertain seetions 'the surface drainage was defective and should be corrected; aTso that certain changes were needed in the sewage system,, ��i� and that the pumping station was un-complete�a. The Commission wi�,hout foxmal vote indicated that iP the City was given su�ficiznt guaranty that the defectiqe paving, and surfac� drainage �vould be corrected and that. the aewage system eompleted, theu the Hoard would c�nsider fa�orably a petztian i�9r incorporation. �he Co�►miss�on unanimously agreed to extend Por ninety days Pram Aug 5, �946 an option agreement entered into with McIiay & Pulley , concerning the operation o� e radio station in the south wing of the auditorium. • There being na further business to c�me before the Board the .meeting was a�ljour�ed. 0 •� _ � � T,dayor-Commissioner ���L City Auditor & Clerk. � T� . 0 0 _ _ � _ ... ., ,., ,��., _ ,r ' _ �� SPEC2�lL CS�'Y COh'RviISSIUN Iv�'ET2NG T:�UTES OI' A�GUST 2, X91��; EXTENS�ON OF OPTIOr7 ti9HEREAS, in that cextain option entered into Februar�- 5, 1946, by and between the CITY OF CZE��tWA.TER, FLORID�, a T�?unicipal Corporation, and CLIFFORD A. n�!C K4Y AND DENZIL PULLr,Y, as co-partners doing business as PiIcKay. and " Pulley, a� Clearwater� Florida, it was prav�ded, anong other terms and conditions, that said aption to lease the described portions oi the Munioipal 4uditorium in said Gity of Clearwater, Florida, shauld be e�ercised within :a period of six (6) months, or on or before Au�ust 5, 1946; ANll Vs��FtEAS, said co-partnershiF has applied �o the City Comuii.ss.ion of the City af Clearw�t.er, Florida, for a ninety (90j day extension of said option, made necessary beceuse of certain ne�otiations now in pro�ress with the appropriate �'ederal authoritiss, and whereas said City Commission, being i'u11y : advis:,�d in the promises, di.d considsr that said applic�tion should be �ranted and did, at a meetin� dulu and regularly called and held, by pr�per resolution grant the said a�plication for said extension; �Tow ther�fore this instrument ti"�ITNESSETEi that is considerstion of the sum of' One (�1.00) Dollar and ather �aoa and vsluable cansiderations; receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by the Grantor, the �ITY OF CI,ELir2V�ATER, FLORIDA, does hereby �ive and �rant unto the aforemeni.:toned partnership, MC KAY AND �ULLEY', an extensiort o� that certain aption da�ted February 5, 1946, subject to all r�riginal terms and conditions as se�t out in said ooti�n, for a period of Ninety (90) dayb �ram an.d �fter Au�ust 5,1946. August 1, 191�6 F . Z . �Iendrix Clearwater,, Fla. ' �'his is to certify that I have @elivered a notice oi' a speci�l meeting of the City Commission ta be held Friday night at 7:30 at the Gity fial1. At the time set out below, • NAN� TIrIE Commissioner Johnson y.SE; � � H Q�,i +�. �5' ,30 . . _�+�Y " f:rane 5.3b 1�davor Seavv 6• 36 Pl. C._ Ptells, L' eft it at Aome 10; 25 A.I:I. SIGISED __ J. Grady August i, 1546 Mayor Geo. R. Seavy, and Members of City C�mmission Clearwater, Fla. Gentle�en: There will be a special meeting of the City Commission Friday n3ght August 2nd, at 7:30 at my office at the City Hall. For the purposs of considering a proposa�. fr�m the owners of Pine Brook Subdivision (Owens) to be inccrpar�ted within the City limits o� Clesrwater. jTei:y truly yqurs, . F. L. Fendrix CIZTY' h;A1VAGER � j :.�y COPY Decvmber b, 1945 114r. �N. D. Qwens _ Owens Construction Company . Clearv�ater, Florida Dear 112r. �wens:�- At the re4�:est of Ci�;y au�horities, I: am writ:Lng y�ou re�arding the new hous�s you,are erectin� just north o� the ClearK�ter Ci�y Limits. T understand that 5ou desire �il have tnese hot�ses connected with ths City setiver, and T am sure the �ity autharities will be very glad to cooperate•with yau regar�i.ntx, this. S3nce the houses are located outaide of th� City limits, the City o� cou�,rse has no supervision over the �lumUing that is , �eing inst�llede I am adviesd that the plumbing does not meet the City requirements in several particula.rs, and :especially because you are installing three inc;h mains instead of f�ur inch m;�ins as reguired b� the City Plumbing Code. I �herefore am writing mer�a_y to .place an record the f&et t�rat if any diff.icultias should arise in the future aecr�use of the fact that the pluucbing does not meet City requirEments, them the City �Nill not assume any resoonsibility ta'r such. difficulti..�s. Ylith best regards, I am, _ Ver�* truly yoL:rs, Ralph Richards, City Attorney RR�IllY ec 13r. F. I,� Hsndrig City r�7anager C�earwater, Florida n .. .. . . �i._.. .,... � . . . .. .. . . _ . . .. . . � . a� � _ t,.,..,., ,� -��, ,,� `r ' �