01/14/1946 . ; 0',., ~~~ The City Commission met in speoial session at 7:)0 o'olook p.m., January 14. 1946, wi th. the to llowing members present: Meyor-Commissioner George R. Seevy ,~> '~'. d . ,...,' ",*........., SPECIAL MEETING OF '!HE CITY COMMISSION' January 14-. 1946 Commiesi oners: w. C. Welle Timothy Johnson Jesse G. Smtth ~~ i i 'I j ,\ . ,j" j j .1 1 , > ~ '.., (, ' ,;-, . .t. A~Bent: ~. I': :j t ';1, ;",- The meeting was called to order by Mayor Seavy who explained the pur- pose of the meeting was to reoei ve the report of Burns and MaDonnell, .,Engineer- 108 oompany, oonoerning the munioipal electrio system for the City of Olear- 'Water. ...1 " .,' . .. . . ":,' Mr. O. R. Hatfield, of Burns & McDonnell, was present and e:xpllained in .,detail various Bohedu les of estimates in the report. Mr. Hat1'lelcl 'elso presented a suplimentary report whioh oovered various oosts and requiranentB end dlther Intormati on should eleotrio! ty be bought wholesale :from tb. e Florida Power Corparatlon. on After discussion at lenght with 'Mr. Hatfield,/verious findings shCMn In his report, the meeting wes adjourned. \' , .;.'", . :1Y._., ;,.:,' - - ~.~i4 Mayor-Oommissioner ...<'::~.1T '. ," '/, -'1.",'.\ , .. .' :."t;~' :,", :-j',~',,"', ',., t.,... . ":':. 'Ji<~~', .. . \,," . .. ~. i. .," " . ,4 I~' ~'. .~~.t~l~j.;3t~:~'~;,~ :,lA;Y<\.; Jr~:tj:\~\.~\.~I~ .'::::: ,~~::~ ~I~::t~ir0~~5~?~,.~~"~~,~~:;!r.~, '"'''' � �� SPECIAL MEETING OF TlTE CI,TX COI�A.h/fISSION Januery ll�, 191�6 The City Gommiasion met in speci�l eession at 7:30 o'cl�ek p.m,, Jenuary 1J�, 1y4b , with the gollowing memtrers prnsent: Meyor-Cpmmissioner Geor�e R. Seavy Commiasioners: W. C, ZNells Tiraothy J'�h.t� on J'a'sse G. Smith A�is ent ; �. � `" `r """' . . The meeting was celled to �rder by Mayor 58avy who explained the pur- pose of the meeting was to receive the report of Burns and McDonnell, Engineer- ' ing company, e�ncerning the municip�l electric syst6m f�r the City oY Clear- water. Mr. C. R. Hetii�ld, of Burns & MeDonnell, was present end exp�ained in.detaiZ verious sc�edules oP esti:mates in •the report. Mr: HetYie�.d siso presented e suplimentary rep�rt which covered various costs en3 requir�men�s and �ther informetian should electricit� bo b�u�ht who�esale from the Florida Pawer C�rnor�tion. on After disc�zssion et lenght with �Bdr. HatPield,/various findings sharan ir1 his re�ort, the meeting was sdjaurned. � "-�c'"- "1� � Ma yar -C ommi s si oner ,�---� /!zt/r�- it Auditor and Clerk