01/11/1946 , " ,,' _ '<<.?~"U >,'" ~,. , .' Sl?:axJIAL MEET I tn OF 'IH E OITY OOMMISSION January 11, 1946 ~ J ) J I I ('-) The City Commission met in speoial session the evening of January 11th. 1946. et 5:00 otdD ok p.m. with the following ~mbers present: Mayor-Commissioner, George ~. Seavy Commissioners. Timothy Johnson Herbert Grice W. C. Wells Jesse G. Smith .,"<-...:..' -( I I I I Absent: None. The meeting Wf.l8 0 alled to ard er by Mayor Seavy who exple ined the t the purpose ot: the me eting was to com ider puraha sing from title Cleveland street Corporation property front ing a pproxlm.a te1y J;:OO teet on the norn of Cleveland Street and immediately east ot: the Bay. It WbS brought out that this property could. be puraha sed by the City for $100,000; furthe r that the stook holders would meet to eeoel ve bids on tb1 s proper ty the next day, Jeo.uary l2'h, 1946, and that. if the Oity was no interested there was a good ahanoe tbat the pro- perty would be sold to other parties at this meeting above referred to. Mayor Seavy suggested ~to the Board that the property be bought for $100,000 and that later it' neeessary, other property be sold and this proper- ty in question kept to be used a s a water'- f'ront perk. The Mayor reoommended that it this property be bought then the property used as a park immedietely south of Seminole Street and b::unded on the ~est by Osoeola and on the east by Ft. Harrison be,1s01d and the prooeeds by used in the purche se now under oonsideration. City Manager Hendrix reported bbat by use of the $25,000 in the post-war fund together with monie s to oome trom spec lal milliage levied by the county for post-war purp~es, probably the $100,000 could be raised without gny increase in taxes. , It W6S moved by Mr. Smith, seoooded by Mr. Grice, that an otter be made to the Cleveland Street Ooxpor,tion to pnrohase the below desoribed prope rty for a pri a e of $100,000: The S:luth 106.89 feet at Block "X", All of Block "Y", and the South 112 .1+6 feet of Blook "Z", all being a part of a re-subdivision of Lots 6 to 21 inclusive, Block "A", Lots 7 to 18 incl usive, Block "B", Lot s 7 to 11 inolu- sive, Block "0", of OAUSEWJJ BUSINESS DISTRICT, according to Plat Eook 20, Page 54 ot: the Pub- lic Reoords of Pinellas County. I ! . ,,'" 'I , , j . i ~.. I ' '. 'j .:, i ..j ..',1 f ,:i , ! At this time Mayer Seavy retired from the meeting but before re- tiring requested the olerk to cast his vote in the Sffirmative on the motion when the same wes called to vote. It \\IbS moved by lIir. Smith, 'second ad by Mr. Grice and oarrted,that Mr. Wells act as Mayor-Commissioner. It was suggested by ~. Johnson, the othe r members being in agreement, the t the terms of the purchase should be worked oat over as long a period of tillE as' pOSSible wi th the provision that the full amount could be pc. id at any time. After fall disoussion the above motion 'Was voted on and oarried unanimously. There being no t'Urthe r busine ss to a.:me be~.L')re the Eoard the meeting 'Was adj our ned. )J.6YOr-COmmisfe~c; ctq ... ;. :" '.:" '~ . ~ \ :.' ;,,1 .,;' . , 't " , " , / j j , , " ~ . :JI j \ . I ,I ! j J .' I f'i:\ ./I,.' I 'l #(, ~ l j r I 'I I ) I I j i I I \ ! C") . " .. ;"'~.r I f I I I I .. ! 'I I " 'J , '-'J ',I .... '" '-;: ~ ,; :.,' ., C;.)"~,,,,,,,,,,,J, ~?j-~{t!1~~~}~i~~Hi. .~" ""f..,..,"",."..,.";,, '" I f~tl~tt~:., ..., , ,. '""""'~<',., '. " n~ ~:~~g;;~1~~\~l :; ,..,.'::!MM' . . ' l' :'. SP~IAL MEETIm OF '!HE CITY COMMISSION January 11, 1946 ,.,~.,; ....: .'~:i;'i""'::~~ ~~. " .'. ~, .~. \...' >.~~ ~:,.i.;~;~..;..4',:.::;.:;,..:; ~:;'(":." ;;,'.:i~,:";..'~~/.!i::~~.;~,,;~;:;.~;'.' I, .i!,,:~ p 'l~' '. "~ , "l',.,;::;, · vnl":>" . . ~ '. ~' l' ' ;" , I ,,; , " . , I" " , ',' "" . I, , '; 6" )2 I ,.. :1.' ,\ The Oity Commission met in s~oial session the evening of January 11th, 1946, et 5:00 otdD ok p.m. with the following members present: Mayor-Commissioner, George H. Seavy Commissioners, Timothy Johnson Herbert Grioe W. C. Wells Jesse G. Smith Absent: None. " 'I> The meeting We s 0 aIled to order by Mayor Seavy who expla inad the t the purpose of the meeting was to oons ider puroha sing from the Oleveland street Corporation property tront ing approxiJIlCl tely ~OO feet on the nor'b of Cleveland Street end immediately east of the Bay. It WbS brought out tha t this property oould be purahased by the ~ity for $100,000; further that the stook holders would meet to ~eoei ve bids on thi s proper ty the next day, Jan.uary l2'h, 1946, and that. it the City wes no interested there was e good ohanoe that the pro- perty would be sold to other parties at this meeting above referred to. Mayor Seavy suggested_to the Board that the property be bought for $100,000 and that later if necessary, other property be sold and this proper- ty in question kept to be used as a water-front ,perk. The Mayor reoommended tha t if this property be bought then the property used a s a park immediately south of Seminole Street and b:unded on the west by Osoeo1a end on the east by Ft. Harrison be'sold and the pro oeeds by used in the puroha se now under consideration. City Manager Hendrix reported blat by use of the $25,000 in the post-war tund together with monies to oome from speoial milliage levied by the oounty for post-war purposes, probably the $100,000 oould be raised without any increase in taxes. , It was moved by Mr. Smith, seoonded by Mr. Grice, that an otter be made to the Cleveland Street Oorpor.tion to pnrohase the below desoribed property for a price of $100,000: The S')uth 106.89 teet ot Block "X", All of Blook "Y", and the South 112.46 feet of Block: "Z", all being a part of a re-subdivision of Lots 6, to 21 iool usive, Block "A" I Lots 7 to 18 inolusive, Block "B", Lots 7 to 11 inclu- sive, Bloak "C", of CAUS~WAY BUSINESS DISTRICT, aocording to ~lat Book 20. Page 54 of the Pub- lic Reoords of ?inellas County. i 'I , i " 1" , 1 ' , ..q i 1 ' i r ", I,,' , ' . '.... . At this time Mayor Seavy retired from the meeting but before re- tiring requested the olerk to oast his vote in the aftirmative on the motion when the same wes called to vote. It WbS moved by hir. Smith ,seoonded by Mr. Grice and oarrted that Mr. Wells act as Mayor-Commissioner. It wes suggested by Mr. Johnson, the other members being in agreement, that the terms of the purchase should be worked out over a s long a peri od of tins as' possib1 e wi th the provision that the full anount could be p6id at any time. After full discussion the above motion ~as voted on and oarried unanimously. There being no :f\1rthe r busine ss to 0 .:lI),& be:l~Ore the Board the meeting was adjourned. , ~,~~ Mayor-Commissioner ,':.. ... ___ --.;r:.,..__ �� :) SPr.."'CIAL ME�,"PII� OF '.�3� CITY COJ�MISSIODI January� 11, 1946 The City Commission met in speciel session t�e ev�ning of January ll�h, 1946, at 5:00 a'dn ek p.m. with the Pallowing mambers present: �Iayqr-Cammis�ioner, Ge�rge R. Sgavy Commissioners, Tim�iihy S�hnsnn Herbert Grice w. c, weiis desse G, Smith Absentt None. The meeti.ng was celled t� order by Meyor Seaz�y who ssplained that the purpose of the me etinr� was to c�ns ider puroha sing Pr�m the Cl�valand Street Corporati�n propsrty fr�nting a�proximately �00 feet on the nortl of Cleveland Street 6nd immediately east of the Aay. It was brought out thet this praperty could be purchssed by the City f�r �100,000; further that the stack holders would meet t� �eceive bids �n thi s property the next day, Jenuary 12$h, 1946, and thet, if' the City was no interAsted there was a gaod chance that the pro- perty would be s�ld to other part�ss at thi� meeting ab�re rePerred tp. �ay�r Seavy suggested �.to t�e Baard that th.e pr�perty be b�ught Pb:, �100,000 and tY�at later iY neeeasary, other property be sald and this pr�per- ty in guesti�n kept t� be used as a water-Pront psrk. The Meyor recommanded that if this property be b�ught then the praperty used as e park immediately south of Seminale Street �nd b�nded �n the west by Os�P.ole 6nd on the esst by Ft. Harri�on bA�'.sold and the proce�ds by used in the purchase n�w under consideration. City Manager Hendrix reported �hat by use oP the �25,000 in the post-war Pund togathLr with moraie s t� come from specisl milliage lavied'by the c�nnty for post-war purposes, probably the �100,000 c�uld be raised with�ut any increase in taxes. . rt wss m�ved by T�Qr. �mith, seconded by �r. Grice, that an �ff'er be made t� the Gle�relend Street Corpor_tion t� pnrchase the bel�w descri.bed property �or a price of �100,A00: 2'�e S-�uth 106.89 febt af Block "X", kil of Block "Y'*, and the Sout.h 112.46 feet of Block '*Z", sl.l being a pert �f a ra-subdi�vis3�n �P Lpts 6 to 21 inclusive, Bl�Ck 'rCs+r� I,ots 7 t� 1$ inclusive, Black '"�", Lots '7 ta 11 inclu- sive � BlaClt ro�,rr ��� C1�.US�,-'t"T13Y BUSINESS DISTRICT, sccordir� to ylat Bbo�s 20, Psge 54 �P the Pub- li� Aecord� �f l ine-llas C�unty . .F�t thi:s time hiayt�r Seavy retired fr�m the meeting but bef�re re- ti.ring requested the clerk to cast his vate in the �f�irnative on the m�tion when the same was called to vote. It w ss mqvad by �r. Smith ,' s ec�nd ed by ii+Ir. Gri ce a nd esrrfied tha t Mr. Wells aat as �dayox-Gommissi�ner. It wss su�gested by iYr. J�hns�n, the other members being in egreement, that the terms �f the purchase should be worked out oYer as �ong a periqd of ti� as possible with the provisi�n thet the �ull amoun� cauld be paid at any time. kfter full discusgion the abave mati�n was voted �n and cas�ied unanimausly. Thare 3sing n.o further business to c�me be��re the Board the meetin� was ad3�urned. �. .��� f Meyor-Comm 3sianer --�`� /�/�1✓,�i `%G C Audi to r and C le xk a� � � �� � i I