04/09/1945[(o ?? ?s iii r ?` ? ? t ,, 'rt' ?.Y ? r R,a? y ??'. ?,, t ^ , {?.? - ,qd ,, ? ., i (' `y ?{?? 1 Gi t ?i .. ? ?? ?? ' '. ? i ?. ! F 1 ,1 t i ?? ? ? 1.: A Ct ? arTt 3 ?. ? .. r; y r +? t'' .r x ?' ?..' ,? r i.11 r??'?.t?? r?rt4.r 1 "jc? :^^ eyY t ?}y? 1, 'wu ?, f ?i sIe i5Y ?, F "t ?N.'??C/r ia'f a?? 7 ?. ? ?? `Fd .H1 tit .? ?«G M!o- F,nr"?.??ti fix,. ? . aC,? w?, ? ,r? e , "'??'±, ?? +k?? '?i,?,? w?? y='??i'?fi ? t ?i?,?a,?'?r??,??; ??? ??Ut 4??'?yx r x, { f:1( 4N .y ?By??tr?1?? ??, s 't; s?. r? ?? ?r?r ?, i ? ?? _ ?? . 1 ? ? ? ?? t?.. ,? ?4 fii b,?s » , iY. ? Va. 4 ? a t ti? J? ?r ??.? r ? ?? 7 , . ? ? 4. A" l v ti ? 8 ??C??l'?li yrr'?Y?1,?' .rl?r ? ? 'l e a ?i?r?,?Y?f +r:??4 z= IR 44 ? ? ? ? 1f re? ?'.. `?? ??ta?X,?,'?y?'? C ., .? ? ? r `. ?? ?. ri ?Y ,r 1 Y U t ? ,. v T7 1 4r ? s l s? ii;?? L qty rr A tu?Y ?f 1 it , r ^ q i ?r??' .??.????,+1 ? qi£+.v TpV?? ?'? ?.'??F<st?, r .. ? ?? ? ?t` tr 5`,f e?" . ? ? ??" +??::,4,o?K?[ Y?41:")4rz r7?? ?p??!r[??5? ?Y? I ? t ? N ? ?t=fit j7 i? l r ?. t?'a ,??? r?ii????n'li ?1Y .?,- t? .??i r ??{r.t? r ?? s i {? ?5,?.?d"c 'i rb'1?, ?? it. . s.? p..v w .?t t t.?i t, y :. t r? ;."Y1 ?L;k??„tti V4 ( ??h ??,??? ,: ., ,. hr. ., ? ' ...., ... .. .. ..... „? 1 ii i 'I ? i i ? ? J. ?'{ 1 ? Yt. ? / 15'R? 'fJ ' ?!! rtr ?d? i?i6 }? S t .}? ? ;, pJ titter ??`k??}"q?i ? ? ' y ? n F,?`i } tL??? ?'?? ? n? ? 1 ?'_ t r a??ru M. s ??,, .x n 3}i ? _ are p ? ? ; t ` fe' t K ?h Y i ,., , , , r ?, `?? CITY CObiIt°1IS;?ION 11SINU'!'? ? ? ? ? ,' ? ? ?` ? ?'<? ,?, ?? SP?I?,L h1LETING HELD ON ': ? { ,?i?;; ? ?f; f ?' - ,-? -'---?___. ? v ? r ? - t ?;. t ?? {}. `'? The City Commission met in Special Session st 12 o'clook nwn, ? ?? ' 1?pri1 9, 1945 with the following members presont; J ? ? .., George ??, aaavy, Mayor-Commissioner ?. !..?, ... llerbart Grioe, Commiss iouer ` Jesse G. Smith, ,? ?' `? 4 ? City' httarney nalph niohards presented two resolutions concerning ?? ,, the refunding of ? 1,851,000 City of Clearuvater ilonde of date July 1, 1936. It was motred by w1r. Smith, seconded by fir, Grioe and c erried--- I ? ? ?;? .: all members votinFr, in the affirmative that the resolutions be adopted sub?eot _ ; :; I c `' r ' to verification.' 9elcw is set out such resolutions. 2'here being no further kt, ;????+?,; business to came before the 13oard the meeting etas adjourned. h -?,?",??? ??°?? a ?? ?,? << ?v`'? n ? ='??r ? 9 / { +? : ? ? 1 ?.?, ?eyor- omn ssioner ?'?` " ?; ?'' an `? ??., ; j r 1 tY ? + ?^'is it ? i.$r ?. ?,n., r ? 1. ? f tf'.>w z?wstr ?,?i t '{. ? ruG?Ci+1'. '"t ?v.;> ? ,:_?, .,' r ®1 ?a i i ?? ? f i ? ? ' !.. ?? . ? Q ' d A RESOLUTION ATIRENDTNG Att;D S'UPPLEPJ?NTING A RESOLUTION ADOPTED FEBRUARY 7, 1944 ENTITT,ED: z ?, .. ?, ? i ? ?? '? "A• RESOLUTIOJ?T PROVIDTr?C'? I+OR T'?E ISSUANCE OF 3,848000 REFUNDING BONDS OI' 1944 SERIES A, I 354 OOO?REFUNDI:NG BOPiDS OF 1944 SERIES B, I ??? ?:,:?;.,?' AND 243 000 RI;FUNDI'?TG BONDS OF 1944SERTES C ? ? FOR THE ?PURPUSE OF REFITIVDI?IG THE CITY'S OUT- ? STANDING BOA'DED INDp"BffEDNESS ON A Z04i'?'R INTEREST BASIS, ANU PROVIDING FOR TETE PAYN!ENT OF THE INVEST ON AND TIIE PRINCIPAL OF SAID ? , BONDS," ; t"JIiEREAS, on February 7, 1944, the City Commission of the City of t . Clearwater duly adopted a resolution thereinafter sometimes called the 3 "1944 Resolution") entitledt f? "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF 3,848,000 REFUNDING BONDS OF 1944 SERIES A, { ' 3?4 000 REFUNDING BONDS OF 1944 SERIES B, and 243,000 REFUNIDING BONDS OF 1944 SERIES C, , FOR TITS PURPOSE OF REFUNDING THL CITY'S OUT- ? STANDING BOTdDED INDEBTEDNESS OPd A I,Ot7ER ? INTEREST BASIS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYI?:ENT OF THE INTEREST ON AND THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID BONDS." ?"?;, and ; tt'HEREAS, pursuant to proceedings duly had and taken in the Circuit j Court.of the °ixth Judicial Circuit of the Btate of Florida, in and for Pinellas County, under the provisions of Chapter 75 of the Florida Statues, 1941, a decree was duly rendered on larch 14, 1944, validating and con- ?` .,.,,.. ?:? firming the Refunding Bonds of 1944 to'be issued under the provisions f? of the 1944 Resolution; and ? ? `? ', ?? • t'VTiEREAS, all oBf the X3,848, 000 Refunding Bonds of 1944 Series ? ? ,. ` A, X354,000 Refunding ends of 1944 series ,and X243,000 Refunding ?I ' Bonds of 1944 Series C were prepared and executed in the form and manner ?` i ; tinaluding the validating certificate on the reverse of the bonds) and having the details provided by the 1944 Resolution, and all of said bonds were deposited with the pity Bank Farmers Trust Company in the City of New York for exchange in accordance with the provisions of a resolution ?'' ? adopted on June 5, 1944; and ' ? 1 ?, f ' ? ?,'' '? ?, PJHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the 1944 Resolution and the Resolution adopted on June 5, 1944 as thereafter amended, the follow- ? 'I`?. `? ? ing refunding bonds have heretofore been delivered in exohange'for and ?'??: r upon the surrender and cancellation of like principal amounts of the ;?:?;;;;:?:,r'?i,`:? 1 appropriate bonds to b e refunded thereby: ?: ,`' fr ?, _J ?? ? , ?? ; . X2,201,000 Refunding Bolds of 1944 ''arias A, maturing r' ti x ?''"` ? ?' and numbered as follows: }"" ? x ? ` SERIAL BOT1D5 ? ? r' r ` ' ,,t Numbers ? ?` ?'? ` ' ? Amount Idaturin? (all inclusive ? ? ? =-?,;;`rK ?. ,a r 4 ,?.' X28; 000 July 1; 1954 181 to 208 ;." ty; ???? ;,?„?(? ?? ?? 44;000 ? July 1, 1957 286 to 329 ??Y'rzk°?+"?.?r=?'? ` 7 000 July 1, 1958 331 to 337 '} t; ` ?Jit; 5 ?:??? ? ? ,,?: ' ; +,} , 10;000 July 1, 1959 376 to 385 ;t, ?tr4+?,?`?z>,, "'" -?? I ' ??? ? 3 ? 000 ? Jul 1 ? 19 60 426 to 428 '? ''- yy ' ??`?`?? • x+, ?° ? 35 ? 000 July 1 ? 19 61 476 to 510 ?' ?? ? ?? ?? ?. ? ? ? Y r , ; ? ?', sr"? ? 1;000 July 1, 1964 651 , ;, kllf ` ? ? `? 38; 000 July 1, 19 65 716 to 723 ? t ,?R'? ?4`? ?,,; 7 ?; ? 1.000 July 1, 1966 786 ???'' ? ??' ???? ` ?, ' 55;000 July 1; 1967 - 856 to 910 ?!'s ? <<}kt:", ti y `rr 6 .i: ' 25,000 July 1, 1968 926 to 950 ;ia?,' ; ,1 ;; 20;000 July 1, 1969 996 •to 1015 ,; ?;" j? ,r I{'}_a "'? 94;000 July 1, 1974 1401 to 1494 ` ? L^?^?'? 7 k? k .? ?" ik.. ?'?31 000 ? J; ? ?;? . ? h >?1 t, ? j ? .J iip , r .. lY ??l'???iyr''?yl?.t r S',+' ikl vr?`F , ?u; ? ? TERM BONDS 2'- ,,;,_,. ??y? ?,,?. ?sij s 7yrr, , ;,?Y'; ouh?,°??„'1 X1,870,000 July 1, 1979 1651 to 3520 x r`?:,`, r?' `„; . (4 Y???`?'?i f r ?,7 I y } ?``???fP???`?°? r 7 X249 COO. Refundin Bonds of 1944 Series B maturin and numbered as follows: j r ; ???' 7 r,L .? ) .'; I• s (rye ?? Y q"11?4?P? Y 4'?" `? n y '? ? ? r US t?? ?Nl9 i> 1, tT S P%y,? ?? ? ? « .. ? ?Ir >E "K o '? TTY'.,, .•, .? 4i r'„?? ?'j °4y ???? t ?SU `r r ;A?'? ,1 , .{ s ?u k? ??'? t.,?Nri i r r°?s 7 1 o r. ? ? ? .? .? . ,,r 1 ?i .P,LY?,?z11? td •w.?y ? r k ? .l ? ? v 7J???tiur ?n t ? ik7 ? r .? ? ? t RiA' i ? CI ?'?y'` ra Set J? t? X >t''' ? >, t 3? 4? t ? .r s+J4'?F,? i?,+`Y?r,,??l 1 nt W?? ? t ? ?. t ?bN? "11t;p?pn ? ?+y.?i„}? ,? I,,?,?¢+ It },lr?? a. 'qr;? ? r t -,' e ?"?? ?1? ?t i . ;, G 6 ; , ? ; n ? ? , wa 1.?, 1 ?,? ,.,p r, ,; aIZ ?J ?, ?i ? .?;?.; )._7 ??n'4 u 7?y z;^`?a.. ? ': ,`' i t ?? 4?t ' t ?1 Q:? t ? l.v ,', ; ,, I ? `? , 1'.. d?, - ',?, r i 1 t `°' 1 tf 3 t 1 ?.. ?. " ??: . . ,, R r f? ?`? ` Numbers 11 inolusive . 4 r. 1 t?:t ??. i': i r l SERIAL BONDS Amount X2,000 5;000 5,000 5,000 5;000 5;000 5;000 5,000 5;000 5;000 5;000 5;000 3;000 5;000 Maturin July 1, 1953 July 1, 1954 July 1, 1955 July 1, 1956 July 1, 1957 July 1; 1958 July 1, 19 59 July 1, 1960 July 1, 1961 July 1, 1962 July 1, 1963 July 1, 1964 July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966 7;000 July 1, 1967 5;000 July 1, 1968 7;000 July 1, 1989 41 and 42 46 to 50 51 to 55 56 to 60 61 to 85 ?6 to 70 71 to 75 76 to 80 B1 to 85 88 to 90 91 to 95 96 to 100 ,lOl.to 103 lp6 to 110 111 to 117 121 to 125 131 to 137 1 n ;1 1 ' ?; ?` X84,000 sEazAy B orms X165,000 July 1, 1979 151 to 315 X141,000 Refunding bonds of 1944 Series C, maturing and numbered as follows: Numbers . Amount Me?turin? ? all inclusive ) x`2;000 July 1; 1957 61 and 62 5,,000 July 1, 1962 ? 86 to B8 X5,000 TER144 BONDS ` X136,000 July 1, 1979 101. to 236 and VYfi1;REAS, to carry out the refunding program authorized by the 1944 Resolution, it appears to be necessary to modify the details of the un» delivered refunding bonds with respect to the interest payable on such ?' bonds, and it further appears teat the modifications authorized by this resolution will result in further savings to the City and its taxpayers and will not impair any of the rights of the holders of the refunding bonds heretofore delivered; now, t'?erefore, BE IT RE50LVED by the .City Commission of the Oity of Clearwater, Florida: Seotion 1. That, from and after the passage of this resolution ,?;?= ? ''" Sections 5 and 7 of the resolution adopted on February 7, 1944, en- ' ` titled: ???, 1 ? h,J: ??Y ?.. ?? ?fA RESOLUTioP1 PROVIDING FcR TII? ISSUAidCr OF ,?3 848 000 ' ?'1:? ly-; ' ". REFUNDING BOPIDS OF 1944 SERIES A, X354, 000 Ft?x'F'UNDIIdO , 1 ' ?? ??? and 243,000 Rl1?FUNDIAiG BOIIDS OF BOATDS OF 1944"SI?IES B ` ?; ? ?" ? ? , 1944 SERIES C, I'OR TI?T: PURPOSE OE R?'FUATDINCT Tf? CITY'S ', ? ? '? A I,0!','l+;R II`TF,REST OtTTSTANDIP1Cr BONDED INDEBTEDNESS Or? ? 1 t • ? ? , AND PROVIDING FOR THE P9YP:?'NT OF TPE IPITEREST BASIS ? 1} ? ?y??`,f ? ??; ? ? , ON hle? TI?? PP•,II?dCIPAL OF SAID BONDS." ,.? ? r =Nk?,4:?u{ ;`?? ? shall be and the same are hereb;r amended to read as follows: ?? /{? ?? `??a??""s'4;J ? "Section 5. (A) All of t'?e new refundin? bonds authorized by d ?,; j;?"A.^FEt?`?'F?<?'? this resolution shall be dated January l; 1944, and shall bear int . ? `' a>?` P!{;,t?r ?s?i crest at the rates he einafter set forth ? such interest being pay- ' I?s'?"`' ? '? able semi-annually on the first days of January and July of each year. ???.??I?'??' sal, ?,''? ? ? ? Payment of suah interest shall be made only upon presentation and gar °' `}? }s ??" ,?''`'? ??,, { ??.?r?,= ??,?,? ,? surrender of coupons representing such interest as the same respect- s`,;?c?'`??i?????? ively fall due. Both the principal of and the intorest on said new r .. ?r `'?°?'r"???`??` ? ?' iefundin? bo ds shall be_pa able at the Chase National Bank of `the ???;?, ,? :?` " ? ? ` h??: ity of ?etv ?ork in l?ew work City in any coin ox currency of the x'?? ?????,r? ?? " ? ) United States of America ?tihich at the respective dates of payment ""??? , " ? ?"., thereof, is legal tender for public and private debts. t?. 1. ,. 1 ?? i ;' , , "(B} Of the new xefunding bonds so authorized, $?89, 000 '??° ? Refunding Bonds of 1944 Series A, oonsisting of the follo?rring: ?? ? i'1? ti ? ? ? ? 1?, ?.. "? tm ? , ?;? ?'{?7? ,? E' ;"'; r qr? r ? s . a Iii r? . ? y 4 4 yh? .! ' ? ??? 1: ? 4" fi Y `i '` j ? ? r' 3fi " 1 FY; ?lI }N. ??+ S? lT * A. N{ YY?t 4. ) Y ?F? ? ? ? ? ? q ,??„ ???_ F'ti ? ?: lp, yR y3?-? k :.' J° .: .fit ,,.. ?,? Y ?;, y?,'at y''r P,Yr ?q ? ,: ,1 r cr ` r "•"`?'r? ?Ye a n ?fJ f v t ?. t}/ Syr ?4!, y ?I'?14?n?.. ?II!i ?1 ? ?ti. ?j'?'i ?? t'??. ? ?1; f 1 ', } F? 7 `Z? ?i i M1 T? 0.7?a 4Sr• ', t '1?? Y h i ?w .rw y d y ? 'u S?: ?'£ f 1 rsh ?y? ,. 1 ;.y? ,r, i? ,?„x'r7, 1. ' v\???? 5 r ?1'? ?,lix F,?t ^.k ?`?5..5,??( }??,r 1„.,f ??, 11? 1 , x:r'W 1;?.I,ax , ?„, ."., <<??,?, t ?,a? x ?n?, ? ' {4 h? ?l1*1?.? i I "?N17 ???-1IA J?R?' ? ????4t? ???? ? f y? b,. ? 4?, c,?:??x a?'' n '. e re,{r?b ?,?'r t? 1,+?" i yti? ?? ' 1? u: ??????? :? fi??tY i_.k..:w,r. ,, ?r ?, t y K` ?y Y,e ? ?+fs?-;;' +?.,+,?'33 ,rPJ?.". ce s rr r, k?tit ??r..? ?`?"' ' `? f?1'ti+ ?????i, 1 ???c,G ,Y+,6mtari '. ,, ..4 .? s',r, ??? ??' T ? ?x,y- ,? ? :.i ?? ???, ? ' ,k ` r '? " ? k; ?? ' ' .. r. .. ?}?? ? ' ?i, s ' , ? iF tt Y L 1 7?t? j ?xi? , x? `???`?i'ir? `?h'I ; ?.?' d? ?0 ?. „ . ?? ` ?' ? ? `'`'' ? 1 I ?„ ,' f ?s! ?,.,? ? ??,?? . ????: Amount ? ?^ ' ? ??'''? Mat-- u-?6 Numbers ? j'a` ' ? ? all inclusive) r?',' ? ' ?., X28, 000 July 1, 1954 ` r "?`?.. -'' .., 44,000 J 181 to 208 ,?.--?'' 7,000 uIY 1, 1957 28G to 329 ? ' 10,000 JuIY 1, 1958 „ . , .. ? JuIY 1, '1959 376 to 385 r #' ,, ? i x32,000 Refunding Bonds of 1944 Series B ?3A ? ? ,consisting of the following; ,%1'r? ~ ? Amount Mat?_ u?i? Numbers r'? 1 ? gall inelur_ >i X2,000 uIY 1 1953 f I J 5,000 July 1, 1954 41 and 42 ? 5,000 July 1, 1955 46 'to 5p . .. 5,000 JuIY 1, 1956 51 to 55 ? 5,000 56 to 60 ? 5 JuIY 1, 1957 ? ,? ,000 July 1, 1958 61 to 65 f ? ? 5,000 July 1,'1959 66 'to 70? i #2,000 Refl?nding Bonds of 1944 Series C 71;to 75, and ,consisting of the following: ?. ' Amount Mattrin Numbers (;` e 1 "'--'-- a All inclusive ( ' tj 2,000 July 1, 1953 i fil 'and ?E shall bear interest from their date at the rate of quarter per centum 3_ three and one- ?E,I12,000 Refunding Bonds?o?eryannum; and ing ? 144 Series A, consisting ' of the follow- m, ?? Amount Mat uric allNumbers ;,``', 3,000 inclusive) ' ' ?.: t?, 35,000 JuIY I, 1960 ?, -. July 1; 1961 426 to 428 ?.' 1,000 476 to 510 ? ?? 8, 000 JuIY 1, 1964 , ?;I.? ,. 1 000 JuIY 1, 1965 651 3 .:; 716 to 723 July 1; 1966 ". , 55;000 Jul I 786 25,000 Y , 1967 ?,?''?? JAY i; 1968 856 to 910 20;000 926 to 950 ???` 94;000 July 1, 1969 996`to 105 ''' 1870,000 Y , 1974 ' '''? 1401 to 1494 ? "??? JuIY 1, 1979 r.; " 1651_ to 3520 ? l ;2'17,000 Refunding Bonds of 1944 Series B ,;_. ` g' ,consisting of the follow- ? ? ',? - ' f ,??fi .- °...= Ma_ ?? Numbers , , , .: ?° 5.000 All ins cl?• u?e? ,,?; ,? _. 5,000 July 1,? 1960 ' 76 to 80 ,`???, ?? July 1, ? 1961 °? . ' 5;000 R=? :, JuIY 1, 1962 81 to 85 5;000 86 to 90 `?I?????. 5; 000 July 1, 1963 ??? 91 to 95 JuIY I, ? 1964 °, two;, . 3;000 July 1; 1965 96 to 100 ' 5;000 v 7 ? 000 July 1, 1966 101 to 103 ? ,,.Y f "? ,?, , Jul 1 106 to 110 ? , °n ' ? 5;000 Y , 1967 ? l 1. 111 to 117 ?.? 7 000 July 1, 1968 ? ,, 4 ? ,- ?, 165 X000 July I, 1969 121 to 125 ? ; ? ; ?.? ; t `? ' JuIY 1, 1979 ? 131 to 137 ?, 3JI ' ' ` 151" to 315, and X139 000 T' ?'" ' ? ?? M . ??° ? ?? ?'' , refunding Bonds of 1944 Series 0 ? ? ?? ? ?? ?,?'y, ?I Amount ,consisting of? the following: 4 ' r,,' ` r M Numbers at--- u?.. f, r f t all a ? ? , ?? ??. inclusive ? ? ? . ? x°;f? ? ?. ?. ?? ???,? ??? ? ?I ? ? ? 136000 July 1, 1962 ??' ? ? `' ` ?"?? ` ' "' 000 86 to 88 ?? ? ? t ? JulY 1, 1979 ? r? 4t ?,,?, ?,, ? ? w ? s, 101 to 236 ,. t, ?, . shall bear interest from their date atrthe rate of '?';?? , `` ? ? ? per centum (3-I/2?) er 1 4' ,?' ` ?' '° first six interest p annum The interest payablehone'each ofethelf ?iv?F4????? ?1`? ? ? payment dates ? ? ?t? `_? „? ?r ??,?????'?, y ?; ? ? ? ? above in this g p on each new refunding bond herein- ? ? ??? I ? ', ' ? ?? ?; ,?4???„,??? ?,, L, P?'a ra h ?Bj described shall be represented by two ?' '???', ? s i? ? ??? , , , interest coupons, one coupon bearing the letter B for the s ,I?{ ,Y '?. ,?, I???? Es?}??? t ? ollars and the other coupon bearing the letter A um oP Five ? "" ?, ,„; tea;,??a?`,r I ? such interest, for ??? 11 Y 1' fit, ,? r? s??,, ?k, , th'e balance of ,. r a? ?,r?.,t? ,,?,? ?? . ` ? C) The remainin 1Y' ??s ???????t???'a"??? ?'' ?' . A, consisting the fog 1,847,000 refundin Bo v,?`???u?t?=???' ? . °f llowing, g nds of 7.944 Series r? ? I ?,. ?' .,. ,sir ? xT ;;?'} ? ?x ' . c? >, I,.', {. \ ` i y ' p ? ? t? t f ? t C. q?t: ? ` 1. ? ,v 1 A "?+' f?l I 1 ? 7 , ?. {? 7 ?y? i??? ?j M?fit ia:£yti, I- ?1? 3?tr a I e ??? S{?M1l ? ., ? 3 ?d EN i6f? ? ?? rr?1 I .d. 5? F tS x?J r" ? ? r ? 1 i ?? t ? r*a' .? .... ._. .._ k '.ft's ??4, ? ?EI ,1 ,u,rt ?::;a?j';?vr??t, 4 ??? '? pert '??' ` ,? ?I` (;`'?'? ? ? ??A ?' ? !•"I y' A. ?! i t L Ira ?? ,? ' . ??, ?, ; ? n ? r, r..: 2w y{? la?? yt ??` d,'? ? " ? ,? .! . ,t ' ? ?' ..Ir 1® ' S 7j t ' t , t r VV ?t 1 ,, ", r?. , ? SYk. 11? r?, . • 'a 1`? t ??t d j M., 1 , 1? ? y{ ?s ,?h?j' ? r "r v 'i ?? - ? ? , .? a f?. S 4 ?' ?, S , t i` ' Numbers ?,` Amount Maturing (ell inalusive) ? ? '? 25;000 July 1, 1945 1 to 15 ,, ' 15;000 July l; •1946 16 to 30 • 15;000 July 1, 1947 31 to 45? , ' w 15;000 July 1; 1448 46 to 80 •, 20;000 July 1, 1949 61 to 80 _ ? 20,000 July 1, 1950 81 to 100 ? , 25;000 July 1, 1951 101 to 125 , 25;000 July 1, 1952 126 to 150 j 30;A00 July 1, 1953 151 to 180 2;000 July 1, 1954 209 and 210 35,000 my 1, 1955 211 to 245 f 40;000 July 1, 1956 248 to 285 ? 1;000 July I,?1957 330 ??_:? ?? 38;000 Ju13? 1, 1958 338 to 375 40;000 July 1; 1959 386 to 425 `? 47;000 July 1, 1960 429 to 476 ' 20;000 July 1, 1961 511 to 1630 ` 60;000 July 1, 1962 531 to 590 ? ? 60;000 July 1, 1963 591 to 650 64.000 Jul 1 1964 652 t0 715 `• .` t Y r n 62;000 July 1, 1965 724 to 785 ?? , ?;?? . 69;000 July 1; 1966 ?87 to 855 •15;000 July 1, 1967 911 to 925 45;000 July I; 1968 951 to 995 50; 000 July 1, 1969 1016 to 1065 ?t? ,: ` ; ?? ?; 75;000 July 1, 1970 1066 to 1140 r? +" ? h . x ; t r,? 85;000 July 1, 1971 1141 to 1225 ?` w 85,000 July 1, 1972 1226 to 1310 ? ? ??_"? r }'?`"?? 90;000 July 1, 1973 1311 to 1400 ?, ;{ '?'';`?t,r? 15G;000 July 1, 1974 1495 to 1650 3 ?' 't <,,??`?' 328,000 July 1, ? 1979 3521 to 3848 ? u x 'x ` ?, ?:,.,..; ( } ? ? t?? n?tzt ? ? , X105,000 Refunding Bonds of 1944 Series B, consisting of the following; ? ?, ,; , J??? ?' ?°??? .. Numbers ?;; , ,,?? ? . Amount ?aturin (All inalusive) ?,... x?, .,l ?, ?,? ,j 5;4b4 July 1, 1945 1 to 5- ? .?' < , 5;000 July 1, 1946 6 to 10 <? ,.? _ + , 5; 000 July 1, 1947 11 to 15 , ; ?`' ? 1` ?' 5;000 July 1, 1948 16 to 20 '? kx,:? `' 5,000 July 1, 1949 21 to 25 , ;: ,"' , ';>}??? 5;000 ? July 1, 1950 26 to 30 ? ,? , ? •: „? ??t ? ?: 5,000 July 1, 1951 31 to 35 ? ? #+':•rk?` ?;fu=?? 5,000 July 1, 1952 36 to 40 ' ' ?`'` ?? fix 3 000 Jul 1 1953 43 to 45 `?? ? •` 3???;,. "' s Y s ^, '}' x?4jw ,j x '?.?'9''??,ti'u;,? a, 2,000 July 1, 1965 104 and 105 ?',r?a?r??,?? t, 3,000 July 1, 1967 118 toy 120 ,,, ?''?;??`???';??? ? ?? ?? 5,000 July 1, ? 1968 126 to? 130 Nj h;?`? `'??d?z :, 3, 000 July 1, • 1969 138 to ? 140 s? ?%,?x;?xht ?'`?x"?r??,`2 °•' 10,000 July 1, 1970 141 toy 150 x ate ?`,?<???k ?? x 39,000 July 1, ° 1979 316 toy 354 ? ? ???'3-????????????,r ,• a ? X102,000 Refunding bonds of 1944 Series 0, OonsistinB of? the following; ''`h ?F;;,?,i???yyt;. :x" Fk ? Il r x a . Numbers ? „?,S,?A{t'????r,ay( ? ` ArdOUNT ItATURING (All inalusive) ry's,'??=a??=F`zi1??`? N ,L.tP ,,??.?.+ ?i.4 Pik ?, t ??y?t?j? jr?; fix?4 "t;? 5,000 July 1,' 1945 1 to 5? ", }? ? ?? ??? l ?S 11?'?'i'? 4lk?'? ?'?j'yz. 5, 000 July 1, ' 1946 6 to 10 a ^, ;? ?, ??? y ? .? i? tr r. e ? ? ? r Suit .r ., 5, 000 July 1, 1947 lI to 15 ,}? , ,? ?? `?=r?;? ; ` `' 5 000 Jul 1 1948 16 to 20 r "'"wf ? ?` " ?`?` } ?r "? `? ??? 5; 000 July 1, 1949 21 to 25 i ? ?,? ,,? ,? ? , ` ? ? ?? ?,;?`• „r ? ? 5;000 July 1, 1950 26 to 30 ?'???xkx'?'?'?,"'t'k` '? "?? ?r??T? ?? .. r 5, 000 July 1, 1951 31 to 35 , ` ? ,J? ?? ?????x,,??, ,,'?+r? x° K f i? ' 5;000 July 1,' 1952 36 to 40 ??„ ? ?•??? ?,rti _5, 5 000 Ju I 1953 41 to 45 f x5 f ?J` t ' ' _ 5;000 July 1, I954 46 t0 50 :' ????'r }A?; ` ' -` ? '{' '=x 5,000 July 1, 1955 51 to, 55 ??,'? ?` ? ???• ?`??`,;????, ? ?? L 5,000 July 1, 1956 ' 56 to 60 ,? ,t';?'^??}+;t, , ' ?Fri"?' c? `'?r 3 000 Jul 1 1957 63 to 65 , •" ` ?," ?fL` ti ,v? ? ? ! Y ! ? tr ? ?? ??'a'?:r??,???`?? ?? ? ? 5;000 July 1; 1958 65 to 70 ?:; ? ,f?, ?":??,F???? ?? r<? 1 ? r?r?ya?+?,tk ? i 71 to 7 5 ? ?,y. ?. 4'u t?+? ??,hr ??'?k ?`"? 5; 000 July 1, 1959 / ,? £ ' ? t X 1?y }h 41,x1, .t Y ? Y ? J ,n ,? ,i ¢ ??? 5;000 July 1, 1960 76 to 80 dr F t,l k? 1 i . ? x'r`t^`t?j'?? ??tra ,.5 ??` ? ?{? 5;000 July 1; 1961 ? el" to 85 ? ;°F `???;,„???Y • a??1;???'~ ,: 2 ? 000 Jul 1 1962 89 and 90 ' • ? ' z > ? ? ^'?4?;?? #?, ,; ? 5;000 July 1,' 196.3 91 to 95 5 ? ,? ,?G?,?',?,,??s ?; ,, ? ? ? ? 5;000 July 1, 1964 96 to 100 ? ?; ru?,o ,+;r'?? ?? ? ?,:??ii;,?,?' ? t ?, ? ? 7,000 July 1, 1979 237 t0 243 s.k???' r rr'??? l n a .? r a,7? i t ? ? .? ?? f s ' ?? r s. « ??. ?, ,r ? s?s?'# ?. '' i ?,??' `i,'°' , sha11 bear interest from their date at the rate of three per aentum ?,? ?? ?s1c7 ?? ? ??,??ca??r'??i'?: xr {` ?3?) per annun for a period of one year, at the rate of five per xt?`??"`?T?;?>? ?? , ??• '` ?#?"? ? y??"<< ?' ? oentum „(5?) per annum for the next suooeedin two and one-half ears `' ? ;?,???? r, ? and t??.ereafter at the rate of three per aentum (3?) pex annum. 'lhe xx?; '??' , ??? ?? ' ' ??? interest payable on each interest payment date beginning ?'uly 1, , ? ?• ?? '? • .?'?; ;?•???,?r;?, ry'?, . 1946 and ending Jly 1, 1947, on eaoh new refunding bond hereinabove 4 ????, . ?`? ,?? 'Ghi??paragraph (G) desaxibed shall be represented by twa interest • are M 14,,, S • ?+? y??,{ ; " 4 aou??inBO?: oae ooupon bearing the lettex $ far the sum of Ten?Aollars , ,. L ;, ????`???'?' `?` `sttd' 't??e other oou on bearin the letter A far tlas sum of ? ' ??,,???r?'?,r ?, „ p g fifteen ",? , ate, ,+ i ? ??!, '? y r ? 1 (^ Y x ?? , ?' i' _.'?"-r5 , w,r 'lay r, .. ?, d , ? ? y• ?.. ?? ?Ae? p ' ? . '? Dollars (the bahenee of such inte+rest)." "Section 7. The new refunding bonds authorized by ti•is reso- luti.?n shall be signed by the ?'ity Manager and by the City Auditor ' and Clerk and countersignod by the I'?iayor-Cormnissioner, and the ; oorporate seal of the `'ity shall be affixed thereto, and the in- _ terest coupons thereto attached shall be, executed with the fac- simile signature of said City "urlitor & Clerk. Said bonds and coupons and the validating certiTicate and provisions for regis- traticm and aeconveraion to be endorsed on the revorse of said bonds shall he 'in substantially the follov?ing forri? No. 1,000 U1•ITTED S"'A'P1;S? OT' A;':?RICA? STATE Ole FLORTDA ? COUNTY U1?' PINELLAS CTTX O1? CI,EARti','AT1f.R RL?FUIdDINC? BO?;D OF 1944 SNRTES,____ ? f The pity of Clearwater, in Pinellas ?'ounty, state of Florida, is ? justly indebted and fol? value r?:reived he,•eby promises to ?:ay to the bearer or, if' this bond be registered, to the registered owner hereof, ' on the 1st day of July 1° „_, the principal sum of ,.:`,,? ?:? OIdE THOUSAiID DOLLARS (here insert the following ir. the bonds described in paragraph (B) of aeotion 5 above: 'together with interest thereon at the rate of ____°1 per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of January and July in each year upon the presentation and surrender?of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become due, the interest '',?,? Palling due on each of the first six interest payment dates being represented by two coupons, one coupon bearing the letter B for the sum of dive Dollars and the other coupon bearing the '.:???`??;???;??°:`'?, letter A for the balanae of such interest."' and insert the followinn in the bonds described in paragraph (C) ?`''`??,?. of said section 5: "r ? ., • 'together witk? interest thereon at the rate of 3i? per annum fox I??.;''.:,?; ?: a period of one year, at the rate of 5°1? per annum for the next ` ' ' ' succeeding t?ti?o and 'one-half years, and thereafter at the rate of 3? per annum until the. maturity of this bond (in the bonds maturing on July 1, 1945, July 1, 1946 and July 1, 194? insert ? ' in lieu of tre foregoing " at the rate of 3? per annum for a period bf one year, and thereafter at the rate of 5f per annum • ' until the maturi? of this bond'), such interest being; payable semi-annually on the first day of anuary and July :.n each year upon the presentation and surrender of the annexed interest ,';??::;? coupons as they severally become due, the interest Palling due on each interest payment date beginning July 1, 1945 and ending ? July 1, 1947 being represented bit tvro coupons, one coupon bear- , -? ' ink the letter B for the sure of '10.00 and t}?.e other ooupon bear- . ing the letter A for the sum of 15,00 (the balance of such ,, interest.' (In lieu of the tirords 'the interest falling due on'each ,;? - ?. ,.,.., interest payment date beginning July 1, 1945 and ending July 1, 1947' insert in the bonds maturing on Jly 1, 1945, 'the interest ( '?`,?°:???? a? falling due an July 1, 1945' and in the bonds maturing on July ' 1, 1946 and July 1, 1947 insert 'the Interest falling due on ? E ,??, ' each interest payment date beginning July ? , 1945'.) ? ? ?, "Both t?.e principal of this bend and, unless this bond be registered ? ` ?? ` as to bath principal and interest, ,the interest hereon are?ayable ' {'? `` ?; ' ? , '° at The phase National Bank of the ?'ity of New York in New ork City ?° ?: ? in any coin or currency of the United States of Amerioa which, at ? ;`,;?r ?{ t; ? ? the respective dates of payment thereof, i.s legal tender for publio ;; and private debts. The interest on this bond shall be?payable only ? " ' , ;;? 7 ? upon presentation and surrender of the coupons, if any, representing st+ ??," suoh interest, or, if this band be registered as to both principal ?? F ?, ?, .a ? and interest, suoh interest (except any interest which may be ,' :. ' i,," ? • ?' ,represented by an interest coupon b ear.9.ng the letter B) shall be ? t . ?' '?'' payable by oheck or draft to the order of the registered owner ? ?" ?' ? P, E , f ` °?? ; ? ?1 hexeoi'. , or the prompt payment hereof and the interest hereon as ` ;? ,`r;j ? i„ ;? ;_ the same?:shall ?a11 due, the full, faith, a??•edit and taxing pwoer ? ?` ? ?? ,, ? 4° ? ??? oP the City of learvvater axe hereby irrevocably pledged to the c. s ar 1t,.k3? ? ??x ?^, same extent and with like foPae and effect as the same were pledged ??t?,??rt? ???,?;? ? to the payment of the indebtedness refunded hereb5r. ??• „ ?? ,: ,??? Phis bond is issued by said ity under the authority of and in ?z? r'S ? , . ? i ; r ?.??? ?,??, st+?' Pull complianos .with the Constitution and laws of the Mate of ? °????.?°? ?SM?? F? ?? ?%'??"? Florida, inoluding Section 6 of hrtiole IX of the Constithtion of '????`??'^ ??. ?c Florida as amended ih 19.i0, the General kefunding Zaw (C?aptex 132 ;??;;?'?, ;?? ,? oP the Florida Statutes, 1941), and the Charter of said ity, and ? x???h?" ?'?. pursuent to a resolution duly adopted by the City Commission of ? ?,? ?• T A ?a: said Lity (here insert' as emended and supplemented' in the bonds d ?? f,?,???': '' desaribed ±n paragraph ?C) oP said Seotion 5). Said resolution ?,'' ? ?: t a ?? ;? ??,? ?? ?++ +? ' t ?, • ? yet, ,?, t'?? " ?' CY?f Fy' t ''k ? (? ?4 ? L ??' k ds? ) S ? iyy????., HFT+ t N ti' ?J 1 kyl! J C' \ Yt,1, , ?? 5??? ? ? . '""a,.?' ? ?' l %ffir; a . { , .r ,? 5'?"?W??s'fi??r;?i?;?.,,+s S ;, ?•;`... t ?W ?? F ir"' ++??. 'r U i .1,.,. 5 ? ?'? ? _. ... ? .. ( V C b. i. _ ._....r M...?-..•?...._ ?- f .', s, r f6 ?. ?.r yu... ?4 " ??? .'? r ? ? ? ?, describes the bonded indebtedness to be refunded b;,r the bonds of this issue and seta forth the times at which such indebtedness was incurred and the territorial limits of the pity during such times, and refers to all sots of the Legislature of F?orida annexing territory to and detaching territory from the ity since such indebtedness was incurred. "This bond is one of a duly authorized issue of y? bonds known as "Refunding bonds of 1944 Series , ' (herein called the('bonda'), consisting of ?,, bonds maturing in the years 1945 to 19,_,,,•, inclusive herein called the 'serial bonds') and of ? bonds maturing on July 1, 1979 (here- ? in called the 'term bond), all of like date and tenor, exoept as to maturities, the rates of interest and the provisions for redemption, and issued ar to be issued for the purpose of refund- ing a like amount of valid subsisting bonded ihdebtedness of said City for the payment of which the ity was obligated to levy taxes, without limitation as to rate or amount, upon all property within its prosent territorial limits (here insert in the Kefunding Bo?ds of 1944 Series B; 'except within the territory annexed to said ity by Chapter 10394, Special Laws of Florida, 1925,' and insert in the Refunding fonds of 1944 series C, !except within the territory annexed to said City by Chapters 10391 and 10394, Special Laws of Florida, 1925.') which was subject to taxation under the Constitu- tion and Laws of Florida as they existed prior to November 6, 1934. "The City reserves the right to redeem the term bonds, when selected by lot, from moneys in the interest and sinking fund for the bonds of this series, and to redeem all of the bonds at any time outstanding (both serial bonds and term bonds) in whole, on any interest payment date not earlier than July 1, 196, at par and accrued interest; provided, however, t}?at if the pity shall exestcise such right to redeem all of the bonds of this series at any time outstandinP (both serial bonds and term bonds) on or be•? Pore January 1, 1964, it will pay to the holders of the bonds so redeemed not only the principal amount of the bonds and the interest accrued thereon to the date of such redemption at the rate borne by the bonds but also additional interest on suoh prin- cipal amount far the two years immediately preceding such redemp- tion date at the rate of 2-1/2? per a?num if such right of redemp- tion shall be exercised on or before anuary 1, 1949, at the rate of 2ro per annum if such right of redemption shall be exercised there- after and on ox before January 1, 1954, and at the rate of 1-1/2°? per annum if such right of redemption shall be exercised thereafter and on or before anuary 1, 1964. Such redemption shall be made in the manner and under the terms. and conditions provided •in said resolution. I i "It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things required to happen, exist and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have happened, exist and have been performed in due time, fnrm and manner as required by the Constitution and laws of Florida, that the total indebtedness of said ity, including this bond, does not exceed, and that the total . indebtedness of said City at the creation of the indebtedness re- funded hereby, including said indebtedness, did not then exceed, any constitutional or statutory limitation thereon; and that pro- vision has been made for the levy &nd collection of a direct annual tax upon. all property within said pity which, under the provisions of the constitution and laws of Florida in force and effect at the time of the creation of the indebtedness refunded hereby, was subject,to taxation for the payment of said indebtedness, which tax shall be sufficient to pay the princial of and the interest on this bond as the same shall fall due and shall be levied and oollected at the same time and in the same manner as ad valoreum taxes levied for operating expenses of said pity; and that the .indebtedness refunded hereby is merged into this bond with like force and effect as to obligation as if such indebtedness had remained unrefunded. "This bond may be registered as to principal alone and also a s to both principal and interest and, if registered as to both principal and interest, may be reconverted into a coupon band, in accordance with the provisions endorsed hereon and subjuet?? to the terms and conditions set forth in said resolution.) "IIJ4VITNESS ??k?OF, said `'ity of Clearv??ater .has caused this . bond to be signed b;,l its City '?anager and its pity auditor and ;;:.:`,;'. Clerk and countersigned by its Mayor-Commissioner, under its '$ corporate seal, and the interest coupons heret? attached to be ,.` ? ®xeeuted with the facsimile signature of said ity ?+uditor and `:;; Clerk, all as of the 1st day of January, 1944. F'??•I . ?-. .. ?,, .;;r .?,'> ?• I c oun?tersigned; }? i? ) ? ??? + (Nt i n wr y ? ? ?} ; ? ? kyar- ,omm ssioner `' ? ?, ,. l\f + f l?? l f } i y ? ? ? ,; ?? ? ? ?N r? >{ ? ?? 77 1 t?n ?&P i ? S ?'?} ?? .. ' ", . a ? l? 4? X?? • ... .__uSV.fiM?.....?....??, i { • ty onager 1N ?? City udi?tO &?lerk 1 F"P??, ?1? i ? r ,,, ,, ? }rffh li . ?. Ak .. f....,73.ry. ; . ? ,,.. ?,, I ?. ?" i ?, Yt ?,:,la,,;,.,?s;:? ,? ;. ;'?;?.? ?;;:,. ?,;; '',;r: I ?.; '? { , ;.? ,.`„ r' 1 ?A ` ?1 '? . t '( r ''?l E ? i-?r' ,t:i it Yy F? 4. ??Y, f ? . "I'. ? v ., .. f 1 I( Il ilr Approved as to form and oorreotness: ,. ty Attorney (ENDORSU?2]?1TS ON T30NDS ) Certificate of Validation. Validated and confirmed by deoree of the Circuit Court of the sixth Judicial Ciroui.t of the Mate of Florida, in and for Pinellas County, Rendered on ,1'9 lark of said ircui t ourt 4, 4 ? ` 1 ,, ? T l ? ' r 4 ?. ijry -, '.. ,. ,? -,. ?: ?? F ? ? ?? "Provisions for registration and Reconversion." This bond ma`y, be registered as to principal alone on books of the City kept by the ity Auditor and Clerk as Bond Registrar or by suoh other Bond Registrar as may be legally appointed by the governing body of skid City, upon presentation hereof to such Bond Registrar who shall make notation of suoh registration in the registratic? blank below, and this bond may hereafter be transferred only upon a written assignement of the registr::red ovmer or his attorney, duly aoknowledged or proved, suoh transfer to be made on such books and endorsed hereon by the Bond Registrar. Unless this bond be registered as to both principal and interest, such transfer may be to bearer and thereby trnasferabillty by delivery shall be restored, but this bond shall again be subject to successive registrations and transfers as before. Ths principal of this bond, if registered, unless registered to bearer, shall be payable only to the registered owner or his legal representative. Not- withstanding the registration ?f this bond as to principal alone, the coupons shall remain payable to bearer and shall continue to be trans- ferable by delivery. This bond may be registered as to both principal and interest upon presentation hereof to such Bond Registrar who shall detach and oancel all unmatured coupons (other than coupons bearing the letter B, if any) and shall malce notation of such registration as to both principal and interest in the registration blank below, after whioh registration "both principal and interest of this 'bond' shall be payable to the registered owner or his legal representative. This bond, if converted into a bond registered as to both principal and interest; may be reconverted at the expense of the registered owner into a coupon bond upon presentation hereof to such Bond Registrar who shall attach hereto new coupons representing the interest to accrue thereafter on this bond to the date of maturity, except any interest which may be represented by interest coupons bearing the letter B, and shall make notation in the registration blank below whether :phis bond is registered as to principal alone or is payable to bearer. Date of Name of Manner of Signature 8epistration Registered Cwner Registration of Re{?istrar .... .... .. ... .. .. ...... . .. ... "(FORMS OF COUI'OPdS appurtenant to the bonds described in para- graph (B) of said Section 5 and representing interest payable on each of the first six interest payment dates, and appurte- nant to the bonds described in paragraph (C) of said Section 5 and representing interest payable on eaoh interest payment date beginning July 1,,1945 and ending July 1, 1947) No ? B ? ?_.____.._ The City of Clearwater, in Pinellas County, l'lor?da, will pa? to J"?? ? '' bearer at The Chase 1ational Bank of the City of New ork in New ork ?,i ? Ih4 '.? ?+ ? ? a A5 '?7 + °' 1 ' ?''"`?'??'' 4'' ? ' `` Oity the sum of Dollars in any ooin or oux?ency oP yi fp? la ,? r+ <? ?' ? ?r??' ?? Njl )?,., t, ? •.M ?? No. _ 'A On 1, 19_ The City of Clearwater, In Pinellas Cou?.ty, ??lerida, will pay to bearer at The Chase rational. Bank of the uity of 1`Tew York in New York City t'ie sum of Dollars in any coin or currency . of the United States oP ierica wh?ah at the time of payment is legal ;.`1 tender for public and private debts, and provided in ar?d for interest ?:;, ?,.;? then due on its Refunding bond of 1944 Series ,_, dated January 1, 1. '?'^ 1944, No. _,,,. ?' ity uditor and lark j.;r7 j. y .. ?`I11.`?' '' ?^ } ; ??'?'y ?. ?4 ,? ?: o ?. ? i'. 1 f4 ?.?r t ?? l.. JY1?? F ? ti ,,??;??, " Y t i _ .'' 4' ?'. ., ,, ??:, , ,: t, Il' r ??1; i :,. r, t,` ??? ?? ? ., u? j F,4 S ilt''?'x?' "?, ?;N ., s n, iL:?.."r 1.n; .. *, %?%? ?? ?, t,. !? l t ??o r the United States of America vahich at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts, as p ovided in and for inter- est then due on its Refunding Bond of 194 series ,dated January 1, 1944 No. __. City uditor lerlc (FORM Or RL'h2AININO COUPONS) No..,,_, On 1, 19 The City of Clearwater, in to bearer at The Ohase jvational York City the sum of of the United States of-'?mer?ica tender for public and private d annual interest then due on its dated January 1, 1944. No. _. Pinellas Oounty, Florida, will pay Banlc of the pity of l?ew ork in New Dol]a rs in any coin or currency v?hich at the time of payment is legal ebts, as provided in and for the semi- Refunding Bond of 1944 Series , City ?uditox Jerk "Thexe shall be inserted at the end of each coupon which repre- snets interest payable after Judy 1, 1946, the words 'unless said bond shall have been called for previous redemption and provision made for ` the payment thereof.' ' Section 2. That wherever the word "Resolution" or the v?ords "this resolution" appear in the 1944 Resolution, said word or words shall be deemed to mean the 1944 Resolution as amended by this re- solution. Section 3. The ''ity Bank Farmers Trust Company is hereby au- thorized and directed to cancel by perforation all of the undelivered X1,647,000 Refunding Bonds of 1944 Series A. X105,000 Refunding Bonds of 1944 Series B, and X102,000 Refunding Bonds of 1944 Series C, an d all interest coupons thereto attached, and to forward the bonds and aoupans so cancelled to the Security Banknote Company, Philaddlphia, Pennsyltania, which prepared said bonds, Section 4. The Security Banknote Company, upon the receipt of the cancelled bonds and coupons, mentioned in aection 3 above, is hereby authorized and directed: ` (a) To forward said cancelled bonds and coupons to the pity tiuditor and Clerk of the city of Clearv?rater, and (b) To prepare for execution the 1,647,000 Refunding bonds of 1944 Series A, X105,000 Refunding Bonds of 1944 Series B, and ' ' ?102?00'0 Hefu.nd'in?? Bonds of. 1:9'44` Serio's 'C, described in paragr.'aph (C) of Section 5 of the 194 Resolution as amended by this resolu- ' tion, in the form provided' by this resolution. ' 'Se'ction '5. The ?'ity j'uditor and Claxk,? upon the receipt `of the cancelled bonds mentioned in clause (a) of Section 4 above, is hereb°' authorized and directed to prepare and file in his office a state- . ment giving; the details of said cancelled bonds a?d thereupon present said cancelled bonds to the Clerk of the Circuit ourt of the Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida, in and for the `'ounty of Pinellas, with the request that said Clerk cancel t}?.e validating certificate on the reverse of each of said cancelled bonds and file with the papers in his office which relate to the validation of said bonds, his certi- ficate giving the details of the bonds so cancelled. ' Section 6, Upon ?he preparation of the new bonds and coupons as provided in clause b) of Section 4 above, said nevr bonds shall be executed in the manner provided by Section 7 of the 1944 Reso- lution as amended by this resolution, and deposited v??ith said ?%ity Bank Farmers Trust company in the `'ity of New York. Section 7. each new refunding bond described in paragraph (c) ' of Section 5 of the 1944 resolution as amended by this resolution, shall be d9mrned to have been issued under the authority oP, and to be one of the bonds authorized by, the 1944 Resolution, and shall be payable from the sinking fund wl.ich is created by the 1944 pesolu- Lion and is identified by the same series letter, and shall be sub- ?eat to aid governed by the terms and conditions of the 1944 Resoln- Lion as amended and supplemented by this resolution: ` `? r ,Y Seat ion 8, That the pity Atitorney is hereby authorized and ?r? tiffs r???'? ? dixeoted ?to take:,proper pr3caedings far the validation of the new ?? Y ? { ? '':refunding bonds desaribed in paragraph (C) of section 5 of the 1944 ? .k?? ?k??f ? Resolution as amended by? this resolutions ?Y ' ?'??z?t?,t, ' ? ,r ,? ?' 4 '?"'f<s?, ? ?? ? ?y.;?ktPtlt4,. r7 j l t i ?? ? .. 7 I+ { f r r;i f 1'N 1 ? ? i ?Y Y Yf ?~ '?? i J? . , . ?, . 5 n ;+? Vii'' .;;;N;?n??-??yfg,;.,. ? ?' ?'r , ?? V .y i??',. ; t'?v ujj; s ?r ? ?? „? ,. ??a :?., ?;: t?;;; ,. ?; , ?,;? ??; 7r? ?%:.'. ? } ?r ?,? ??., v r!Y -. Ik .;, , , .,.. .s.: ,r. r,,.?,?;,: ;r,,. ;,:?.. ,? r 1' ?, ?, ?,, ? , ) ?'? <:,`; ",.:krY, ?.?; . '.:r `: ':'? ? ? ?? ,;, r'. ,? ?'? ' ? ,t? ; ? ?. ?F ,.??.f.??. 'r ? y5 rt ,:i+, , .,r1,??{,? T> t? ?? Y, nf? ..: laY ? ¢,? r Il® I ? ? . ? F, ? . . ? Y LLM41k . ? t ri r ?'?r t ?V '.I. T? ? S t,. ?; s *; ? ? ,?; ., t rr, y7.j ?? i .i1; 't ' 1 ,.?:, y, Section 9. This resolution shall be in full force and effeot from and after its passago. ' _, k 3 ? ? 'c. ?. A RESOLUTIGDT DIR?i;CTING PUBLICATIO"I OF 'NOTICE OF SALE OF X1,647,000 RrFfINDIDIG I30?,IDS 'OF 1944 ST:RIES A, X105 000 R1rFLNDING? BOPIDS OF '1944 SERIES B, AND 102,000 REFUNDING BONDS OF 1944 SERIES C OF THE CITY OF CLFAR?I?ATER, FLORIDA, AND CALLIATG FOR REDF?^.PTION OPI JULY 1, `1945 ALL OF THE OTITSTAPID]'T?,G REFUNDING BO?'JPS ISSU!? OF JULY 1, 1936 SERIES A, SERIES B ACID SP1tIES C, B1; IT RI;SOL?IED by the City Corrnnission of the City of Clearwater, Florida: Sectionl, The City Kuditor and clerk is he..?eby authorized and directed to publish at least `Twice, the first publication to be at least seven days before the date for the receipt of bids hereinafter stated, in the ?_??pRWAr?R Su.? , a newspaper of general circulation published in the?ity ofZlearwater, Floride?, a notice ca111ng for yids for the p1,647,000 Refunding Bonds of 1944 Series A, X105,000 Refunding Bonds of 1944 Series B and w102,000 Refunding Bonds of 1944 Series C of the Oity of Olearwater, dated January 1, 1944, which are described in paral;raph (C) of Section 5 of the resolution adopted on February 7, 1944, providing for the issuance of said bonds, as• am?anded and supplemented by a resolution adopted on April ? 1945, which notice shall be in substantially the fo11o??.ng form: X1,854,000 ' CITY OF CLEARti'IATER, FLORIDA ' REFUNDING BONDS OF 1944 Sealed bids vrill be received by the Oity Commission of the City of Clearwater, k?lorida, in care of the undersigned at'his office in the City Hall, until io o'clook 9117., Eastern ti',ar chimes, n r ?_ 1945, for the following R funding Bonds of 1944 of t'ne Oity `of Clearwater, Florida, all dated ?anuary 1, 1944: X1,647,000 Refunding Bonds oP 1944 Series A (the balance of a total . authorization of 3,848,000 bonds) Amounts 15;000 15;000 15,000 15,000 20,000 20;000 25;000 25;000 30;000 2;000 35;000 40,000 ' 1;000 38;000 40;000 ' 47,000 20;000 . ? 60,000 60;000 ' ? 64 000 . T'tw?s. 62;000'. ? '`' 69;000 . 15;000 ' 45;000 ? 50;000 ??? ? 75;000 85;000. ?,; ? ? 85;000 ?? . ? 90;000 t ' " 1 8 000 ?„ ;? ? ry r?;{ ??? ?s>4 ? ?? „ , , ? z si9,ooo ?q+q?e'r??,??'?,rMpp? atryr4r,' ; ? fr( 'F.^?t„ t? ky?'S'j ?? 1?4? tax' 1 , t ti .' ,, +"?' t H1?t t??Nr ?jt r'i Yet x'nI , , P ?}z rN?ynB+t ?d2+UG??r jL?Jr 7 Y. ..n ??... ??: ,_?ajv ti s,..,..,?.,T .t?.+, ,_ .: r? ,.. _ _ . . ? i SERIAL BONDS Maturities Jul I) 1945 ' 1946 ' 1947 ' 1948 1949 1950 ' 195]. 1952 1953 1954 19F5 1966 ' 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 ' „ 1968 1969 ..1970 1971 ` 1972 1973. 1974 14[uYl '.?Ol`iJJS r a s ,?u ?/ i n.( /n?... :..,- ???? >. '; z,' v> ? +rt ., .. ^,.t?,1 ..,?i,;. +?ti t , i j ?? 1 1 ry ly ?,,?,.?? *?? ? ? i . ?! 'haY?SYA???`? f t ? ? t 4:. ?2 t ?. ', k` ;,. ? +, ?`. •i:? ??'?'a:? ???? ;; ? ?? . .?,?; . :... s. .._ .. ,_.',S.c1,YS. . 5"'S .w 0 0 I? ??' ? ,. ` ? ? ?o. ?y - s, 7 ? {, Ate a?A ia? a >' ef? r? l _ rk 1i,? ,ill j ? ? C $? ? ? 1 + ?? ?,t ? rt? ,ti rat , ti,l ?y ?'" I t 1 Vii{ {f j 'f ?? iq ?' 1 ' ? ? { ? '? ?{ kNV ' a ..t ?t4 ?a,{ t i k `? l 1 . ;., ,. , i. ... ?? ' '? ?, ?. ?.,, i .? '1 ,.' ;; r { { .ii; l i . ry I4 (, !Q 71' .. . .:,. " ,,, ... • . w .. t ,uh 6 R, k '?? ?; ' ??{ rl s43w t6 • ? v ? ? t,.t ?':r?i? ?.1 ? ?, ? ?. 'Sn ? ?,+'?l? ?^s ': NSF ?q??7 a ? 1 Y ` s?r i?+'???? i i??? ? . ? " S, ? t? ?.d? { F 'f •?( 4 ? 1? 1. xl wl 2 YkF,•. ' ?? m.??t..Bai??DS ?? ?? , ?? ?,, ?, ??, ?,, X328,000 1979 ?' t ' , X105,000 Refunding Bonds of?1944 Series B. (the balance of a , ? ??, total authorization of {354,000 bonds) `;.:= 3 SERIAL BONDS f , Maturities ? '' Amounts ? _ July 1 ? 5;000 1945 ? 5;000 1946 ,: 5;000 1947 i' 5;000 1948 '' 5;000 ? 1949 5;000 ? 1950 ? I 5;000 1951 ? ' ? 5, 000 1952 . 3;000 1953 2,000 1965 3;000 1967 ';. ,4 :. ? 5,000 1968 '' 3;000 1969 ??` 10,000 1970 '• ,,??!, ??; ?: 66,000 ???? ' ??' TERM BONDS ? `K' X39,000 1979 ?,???; . '? ` ?????. ; ° { `102,000 Refunding Bonds of • 1944 Series C (the balance of a ??t?^?? tix ti ? 7 r '' total authorization oP X243,000 bonds) ? ? j ?zW}? :.! ?? y ?,I41 y '+iY ? 'i ????, Y? ` ???+.? SF?RIAL BONDS d,?s+. r t ?' a F '.7 btaturitfaes ???;;.? s , ">' ' ? ` ounts July 1 "? '? '???'?`? , 000 X5 1945 ?1r??, ?f??n???. ' • ; 5;000 1946 ,??3„.,:,.,.,;?? ?,'? ?? ?^?' 5; 000 1947 `s`??r?<???"' 5; 000 1948 ???"??"??` ?`< "? ' 5 ? 000 1949 >r?„ ? t?,???; n ?..a ? al r 5;000 ' 1950 ?'?' .tL?w??;,, ? 5 •.000 1951 ?+ ??? fi?`?'??? aF?"a 1? ?x ' "? ? ? 5; 000 19 52 ` " ' ' ' ' r ?,? 5; 000 1953 ? ,?, ?? , 5;000 000 5 1954 ;??? , ?? ,„ ?,?;'., ? ? ; 5 000 1955 1956 ??? ?^ ? - ; ?#? ? x ' ? ? ; 3 000 1957 , ? , , ? , ; ??A ?t?;? 5, 000 1958 , ;?.¢? 5; 000 1959 ? ? JG ? {? 5; 000 ' ? 1960 ? ?_?????+?? ' ?'; ? '? 5 ? 000 1961 }? ?? % y 2.000 X 1962 F?',' ??`?? u - ` ? ?? ,'# 000 5 1963 ? ?: ? ? ?? 5;000 ?p95 000 19 G4 A'F + S} y; r. ; ? ????: ' . - TII?4 BOI??DS X7,000 1979' w?. ? {' ' The term bonds of each series are subject to redemption in part by lot Prom moneys in the interest and sinking fund for the ,• bonds of such series, and all of the bonds oP each series at any time outstanding (both serial bonds and term bonds) are sub- sect to redemption in whole, on any interest payment date not ?? earlier than my 1, 1946, at par and accrued interest, provided, ,; however, that if the Oity shall exercise such right'to redeem all '? of the bonds of any series at the t?ue outstanding (both serial ?= bonds and term bonds) on or before anuar 1 1964 'it will a to o ?`?? the holders of the bonds so redeemed not nly the principal amount ??r of the bonds and the interest accrued thereon to the date of such ??`:` redemption at the rate borne by the bonds but el so additional in- tercet on suoh principal amount for the two years it?rmediately ' preceding suoh redemption date at the rate of 2-Z/2?? per ?nnnum if such right of redemption shall be exerci sed on or before anuary 1, 1949, at the rate of 2? per annum if such ?ight'of redemption '?` shall be exerei sed therafter and on or before anuary 1, 1954, and at the rate oP 1-1??' ? per annum if suoh right of redemption shad ?; ?, , ? , be exercised thereafter and on or before January 1,'1964. +? ` The Bonds of each series bear interest from January 1, 1945 ??;a,, ?` at the rate of 5? until July 1, 1947 and thereafter' at the rate of f??,??.,tl?r 3? per annum. the Interest payable on each interest payment date u ?? _?+?? , '' ? ? ' until and including July 1, 1947 is represented by two interest ,, ' u? ??{I?,?i '? '1 ' ? ? ry' ooupona a 00 bearing the letter B and th8 other for the ? ne for X10. { ? r; y?? ?. r ??,??" ,?tiq ? 4 ? ? ' r' remainder of the interest bearing the letter A. ?? teti ? ? a?,,? + n ?r? 11 ? ??? S 1 ?` ? i 4 / ?? ?h9 f ?. t1 het Y i?' { , 4 1 a ' .lark, '?li 1,.t .??1 ?r ? ?.:?,A????4h ,,.., ?? ?S Y?X,' ? ' 1 ?a4 i r+ 4?. , J ??y ???? Ir . . r.s? p 9 y { y ? Ru ? ?"1,:c ? A? LS? dt ?t P,y9 y ^ {h + j 'r'l?ie l? 5?r?3,. 7 ?? ` ? {{? al ; ?:?1?{ G ?yN.??eY.L; I ' 111111 A ?"??? 'r ??v'? ??..?: 1 ?,? tv1 J rd y ? to{?A ( ' ' ?,t?4 ? 2??4.}?1 J? s ??1v1 ?ih; '- ? ? , ? ??{Z ?'H40. Y ;? i}d) ?'Yi 4)y? I I ti ? k?' ?' , n ? ¢{ ? ? ? ? ??,? xj ?E ?? M:r"I? f ?{? , ?I, ? . y ? { pVb?..1,v?a r?,..?." ' ; ?a,,,?: 1,; > ,,rye ,?, '?1??? ? 4,: . A:, ?? ??y • ? ?? ? ? ? ?? { a ti Y },??? x k ??? f F, . ;;. ? ,; , ? ` ,, . ti dr. ? ,,.{ ? """ 44., 1?i15 YpWM(+J ? ??' dt? '; r .. ?rr.w? _ _ .. Y ?' ?y q/ ? ° 0 ? ?.:... ?. ` ' The term Bonds of each series are sub3eot to redemption in part ? • by lot from moneys in the interest ana sinking, fund for the bonds i : /'1 • ( } of such series, and all of the bonds of eaoh series at any time out- t ,E standing'(both serial bonds and term bonds) are sub3ect to redemption in whole, on any interest payment date not earlier than July 1, 1946, j at par and accuued interest; provided, however, t',at if the City shall 1t exercise such right to redeom all of the bonds of any series at the time outstanding; (both serial bonds and term bonds) on or before January 1, 1964, it will pay to the holders of the bonds so redeemed ? not only the principal amount of the bonds anti the interest accrued 1 thereon to the date of such redemption at the rate borne by the bonds but also additional interest on suoh pr. incip9l amount for t'ze two years immediately preceding such redemption date at the rate of 2 ll2 per annum if such right of redemption, shall be exercised on or be- fore January 1, 1949, at the rate of 25? per annum if such right of ? redemption shall be exercised thereafter and on or before January 1, • . 1954, and at the rate of. 1-1/2w pex? annum if such ri?ht of redemp- • tion shall be exercised thereafter and ?n or before anuary 1, 1964. F 1 TYie bonds of each series bear interest from January 1, 1945 at a d ? the rate of 5 o until July 1, 1947 and thereafter at the rate of 3? ? + per annum. The interest payable on each interest payment date until •; and including July 1, 1947 is represented by two interest coupons, one ..??:?` j for X10.00 bearing; the letter B and the other for the remainder of the i interest bearing the letter A. I ? , Denomination $?l 000; principal and semi-annual interest (J and J 1) payable in l?ew fork city in legal tender; coupon bonds register- } - able as to principal alone and also as to both principal and interest , and, if registered as to both principal and interest, may be reeon- ' ????'?•' , vetted ? into coupon bonds; general obligations. The bonds are payable from an unlimited tax to be levied upon all taxable real property ?''?'?????, (including homesteads) and tangible personal property with the ?'ity, except that no taxes may be levied within the territory annexded to ???,' the ity by Chapter 10394, Special Laws of Florida, 192, for the - ''`??'?? ? Series B bonds, or within the territory annexed to the ity by Chap- ?';?;..'?'`?; tees 10391 and 10394, Special laws of Florida, 1925, for the Series .?°:±?? ??.. C bonds. ?? `''`'}?' The bonds are to be awarded to the bidder making the most ad- ' ?.,°; vantageous bid which will be determined by the pity Commission in `"`?•?' •? '?•?``'`` ? its absolute and uncontrolled discretion. But no bid will be accept- ?."•?'•? ed for less than all• of the bonds offered or offering to purchase the ??'???.= ;??:,.;;:?` :. bonds at less than 102. '.?. ?x, '"' The a rovir le al o inion of Masslich and Mitchell New York `??`'? ='??°-k???" :.3 -? ..;;4? .. City, will be furnished the purchaser wLthcut charge; ?elivery will - ?''•'???'?°?" i be made t he pity a?-`•."?`?'"'? ?? ' a t Bank r armers `Dust Company in the ity of New ?.`;`?:{ ,,,;: , •, York on or about June ?, x.1945. a, ; ??? ?? Each bid must" be enclosed in' a sealed envelops marked "Proposal ?.„::',?`?k•?? "" ? 1,t ? it:ti <<<.s ?: for Bonds", and be accompanied by a certified check for 2? of the :;° ?'a .,n.?,',1,. amount of the bonds bid for , payable uneondi ti ^ pally to the order `?":?`???~' of the Cit of Clearsr?ater which check will be forfeited to the Cit ?• ,?.t..{•? as liquidated damgges b the bidder to whom the bonds ma be awarded ``'"?"'?`??``?'"?' • r_ ?,???-:1: in the event of the non-performance of the terms of his bid. ':::?'"`'?y3? "?? The right to reject all bids is reserved. 'f''?'`"??'''????"?' ???.., v;??::i;4==;. FR.API:? COOLEY 3ti.5`z?..,a.,F?_ • ? City, auditor and Clerk -??;a',?ax'=???"??,' Section 2. That all of the outstanding X1,647,000 Refunding r+t?y(??%??r??.1?,;,' Bonds issue of July 1, 1936 Series A, X105,124 Refunding Bonds Issue .?,}.r,y` ?:..} of July 1, 1936 Series B and 102,528 Refunding Bonds Issue of July •??'t"54?"??:•? '? 1 1936 Series C dated Sul 1 •1936 maturin Jul 1 1966 and ?r;7`;{,°:;l.~?-?- > > Y ? ? g Y ? , :,f ,: redeemable at par and accrued intsrest •on any interest payment date `r°'s prior to maturity, be and the same are hereby called for redemption ??'`??''?`????'???' on July 1, 1945 in accordance with the provisions of the resolution •?`?:'??'_?r=:`??:?":'' • • adopted on May 25, 1936 authroizing the issuance of such bonds. ? ?'?,??,;?;:'?°:` '' Section 3. fihat the City Auditor a'nd Clerk i"s hereby ,. `;'`;??•4,, ?.,?:,, authorized `• ",?'` tt? and directed to cause a notice of the redemption of said 1,647,000 ?'~ \f,?:` ", Refunding ? Bonds Issue of July 1, 1936 Series A, ?lb9,124 Refunding ?`?`=????`-? xefundin- Bonds ;;_?,':;?A`;,x:{-?;? sonde Issue of July 1, 1936 Series B, and X102,528 g Issue of July 1, 1936 Series C, to be published ?n the V1a11 ?treet ?????'?',_:. ' ' Journal a financial news a er ublished in the ? pit of i'?ew ork '` ???`???'? P P P Y "?' ?' onoe a week for four eonseoutive calendar weeks, the first publics- :????+'?_'?`=?`''? ti on to be made no "j f'?'''?``"??`?''-"?' later than ay ?2, 1945 and to be filed no la er : ,.a,?..?;?a7. ,'_` ' than Ma 2 1945; at The Chase National Bank o f the City of New ?ork '`? ?x?`• .,, s$ • ' , in New York City, the place of payment of said bonds whie • .':?r????rtr ???? , h notice ?; ?; .?.s; . shall b® in substantially the following form: ? •'r;;`?,.?? ?'?r' ?, -`he'r a c ; ' 'A?ti+??i '(( 1" 'ls: • ? r? ''tR ??4 i . ? .{,• ` ' f ,.s.Y ? 1, ?a ,f Sri n,, :y a tea ,• '.x i. ,. ?" ... ? _? _ ?x } ?. st -.v? ?!). ;t'?.an+?+n...•'?'rl.Mn?i??7?• r!• ? ??? r?:tiYypjNl.??„?i?atvt9w w.?. - `•A'3`:=iW#'? ,yy,? n .fir s.. - v'?' ".e?y^'; E 's• ?r",•, i.,!-?...;w«..... Y" .f 1 f k ?,} x< '!S '? .?;' 4s; !?0:??"+,.?'.,7,?,t•?`??b..?v?.??.i??k- .?i''1"r:??w'?'S,?3. .. ?,t;R?? ' ,a? ?4'?T.' ?e.? 7?'"._s'?,?"" a .? `:"T?."'!":`?i. L, k? aq'? '? ti eih (,,l j? ??r? .b :i?y ,:f kk?,•Y +?.?ZG?y. ? .?.: ?.'?• ?"'1' ??y 9 'Y?rai i f7 c, 1 1 d ?i . , . ?' ;. . 1, i7 Y :n i ? ?t' ? ?t?y ? ?.;? ? t.?, K, :?:,?. RED?IPTION IJOTICE CITY OF CLFAR?"CATER, FLORIDA ?, REFUNDING BOT.'iD5 ISSUED OF NLY 1, 1936 S1?RTES A, REFUNDING BONDS ISSU?"' OF JIILY 1, 1936 SERIES B, AND ??? ' REFUIDING BONDS ISSUE OF JULY 1,, 1936 SERIES C " Dated July 1, 1936 ?faruting duly 1, 1966 ?r NOTICI IS F?ER'?Y LIVEN that all of the outstandin5; Refunding '. Bonds Issue of duly 1, 1936 aeries A, Refunding Bonds issue of July 4 1, 1936 S@ries B, and Refunding Bonds jssue of July 1, 1936 Series i C of the pity of Olear?vater, I'lorida dated July 1, 1936, maturing duly 1, 1966 and redeemable at the option of the pity at par and aconued interest on any interest payment date (January 1 and July j ? 1), have been palled for redemption on July 1, 1945. f The bonds so called for redemption, constituting all of the He- r ? ? funding Bonds Issue of my 1, 1936 which were issued un?er the pro- _.' .:'=;: visions of the re?plution adopted on Flay 25, 1936, authorizing the ? ? refudning of the ity's outstanding indebtedness, with the exception '. ? of the bor:??s •;?'..ic:i? have been plid and cancelled and the bonds which 1 Y'? ' have been exchanged Por like principal amounts of hefunding Bonds of 1944, are more particularly described as follows; " ' X1,647,000 hefunding Bonds Issue'of July 1, 1936 Series A consisting of: 7 , 1,645 bonds of ;;1000 each, bearing numbers (not con- ? ;?. secutive) between 1 and 4,345, and ??`??`'?:'.?.= . 4 bonds of X500 each, numbered 4,360, 4,361, 4,368 :.; ,'??:<;, and 4; 371 ' ? . . ? I;; , . x; . 105,124 Refunding Bonds Issue of July 1, 1936 aeries B consisting of: - rY`,`?` ? ,r,? ,z ?i 82 bonds of ,x1,000 each, numbered (all inclusive ' 4 ? + i s" Yr Zph'. `? - ??#?;,;?,._;,.?,?. 1 to 6; 15, 36 to 38, 41 to 50, 76 to 100, 124_ ' ? `' ` ?° `;;; ' to 128, 130 to 140, 143, 144, 158, 159, 166, 167, ;t?tt? , ' `?? 173, 196, 276, 277, 300, 301, and 310 to 318, ? ' ?w.tr. t?rTr ? 38 bonds of?500 each, numbered (all includive) ??? ?° ;<<<: 356 to 358 3??1 362 365 to 370 377 378 383 ? 4.y ?? ?. tt ., ?; ;:,. ?,?.?.;.,<.? . to 388, 399 to 404, 409, 414, 415, 452 to 456, ,,, ; . ? ,',`'?.,ry?, ,? ? ; ?? '`S ?'F3.1??.. 458, 459, 461, 467 and 468, , ?:;;a;';??;u:,a??;?7? ?J 6 bonds of ,300 each numbered 471 and 478 to 482 ..w. ; .?. ?:: A'S y. ?? ?¢uw s.. '"'`?????'"}""#?' ' ? ? inclusive and ?"' ???'?'"??????`?" `? 19 registered bonds of odd denominations , numbered K'' ';;??'?`?:?,y?-` ?'?' 1 ?': t r? N sJ 701; 716; 721, • 722, 727, 929 to 93G, inclusive, , ? 1? ?;;;:',:';;?????,,, ` ? 938, 939, lOlO, 1013, 1018 and 1029. `r'?L?}? ??'a??j; ' +?b? 1936 Series 528 refunding bonds Issue of July 1 102 .??_ a? ??rv c? ?? 7 ' tS ??` ?? ? ??'?'????°`' ?? ' 4i4? ?-`?Y , , consisting; of; .? } ? q?r ? sti,lk??f?.?n?`?e,,? ' " '= 73 bonds of X1;000 each, bearing numbers .. (not consecutive between 1 and 200, 1 ..; ?,.,'?...:. ? l bond of X600, numbered 201, + ;" ? ? ? . ?t',, tr5?; ?,? •,. ?,',';,:...??;?-' 44 bonds of X500 each, numbered (a11 inclusive ),• ' 4,,r 428; 429, 439, 445 to 448, 453 to 461, 490, 491, ?,,?','? ? 493; 495?to 498, 50? to 505, 519; 522, to 524, ` ? ? ,}1 t' ? 529 531 543 to 545 549 to 551 556 557 559 a ?r ?R i i ?r ... ? ! f ! ! 1 and 560, 1 h ? L?,;` ? 1 .. ?YCy 1? t ! T ` 5?; 6 bonds of X400 each,' numbered 561, 566 and 635 to ;? ;,?`' ? r?? ? ? '638, inclusive, 5 1 frEal M: 5^?? ?????r ;? ,i, 1 bond of X300, numbered 721, and fi t ??a 1. ??? ti ??y ?????"? 18 registered bonds of odd denominations, numbered 722, ?!f •M1.S M k44I! } 4, ? ??r?+, ` 725, 730, 741, 799 to 805, inclusive, 807, 808, 880, '?y?'€??'`% 895 900 901 and 919. ????! ;rf ?y .; t s i `?? ?? r ? Payment of the principal amount or said bonds so called for `??'? ?`''{ redemption vrill be made on or after July 1, 1945on surrender of q?? ?R? ?+, f said bonds accompanied by all January 1, 146 and subsequent ?' ???xf?„? ,` .r coupons at The Cha?e Natirmal Bank of the city of dew York, 11 ????ti Broad Street, 'New ork City. Bonds registered as to principal ¢p??:; alone or as to principal and interest should be accompanied by '^'??' a duly executed assignment in blank of the registered owner or f"J„? ?? ? ': his attorney. Coupons maturing July 1, 1945 and prior thereto ?s?"° , will be paid upon' the presentation and surrender of such coupons. j?Yi °l '} 1 ? I ..,?L! ?? F .., ' ?? ?6?i11 ? + 1 ?, i ?'?R?i r °r ilk ,. t'?7 tr i w 7 " ??Y? ? 4.r P N°? 1 }S -- ?"' y ? tr+. ? l C' 1 !5 , t ' ?? ,? N r ,t?,? i 4 f4?„?' 1 .? ?. i '.fit, d.?l .'.4"j ?'cy? 5 t ?r,,F {r??? j rti,c) ,. ^? i ?? ? ?} . 5 ? ? i ? t ,? ' " ,. ?, , ,? ? ;? ?,? + ?t? . ,r :?? ;,? z.?? ??M . ? " a un?r?r?? a r '. ?q7,k , ? I ?' T,' ? i ? +??i7 }J':? ? ? ? 4i ` ?i A " F '??? ??? ?` ' ?' a, x'?"?a r ? a ? t ?jt4[?e? .r ?'d a . p y +.,? t ?'{. . ' ? d}? I? T ' t' 'c?? t ?r41 ::.• :r ?: ., ?'{ '"4&i?n 4 e It'll i SLIL Et ! b l .S ' y 7 ? ?i ?ri ?.? ?{ ? ?? r{0.?s' ?.A??`e t(? ? x?.. ???r ! ?J414? 7 t, QiTq?} ?(M1 {t ? ( ,? S I `tY3ryry yStfr? .. { 6t.S$4.34r.}? {? 1?( «p t?7 tI4Y?r ? ? fir +'?• t y, ? } ` 1o-+ ? ?y,,r?i?P?`6r?i ., z ,{ , a???tL?a ,r... fix. w#r ,? , '? ?r 4: ?; r i ? J +?. ? , ?l. . '• nk ,, ???,r t, , , ., J.° i,:i: ..t i t ' ,;. ?., ,,,,? ??, ,; , r, ;=t ?? ?? i' 4 (i „' • '1 f . J ??, ??? r ( . t' ? ? t .. ,'? i #? y ? p i • ?.• ,Y ?'t ? 9.? ????.,; , }_? xr;r Y?t r p'. ? x' ??t?a ???s4?? E t ?1 r 9€ri ? Rldk` . ?•y??d??l?L?YyRti 4 (?? t ' 4 ? ?S ??'!a ytt,?,e fiJr????i, , Interest on said bonds will cease to aecxue from and after July 1, 1945. Dated at Clearwater, 1'loride, this ,r„ day of April, 1945. CITY OF CLEAI?'t'AT?R, FLORIDA BY, C ty editor lerlc Section 4. That upon the deliver of the Refunding Bonds of 1944 sold pursuant to the notice of sale set forth in Section 1 of this resolution to the purohasers ti?ereof, t1?e prooeeds of such bonds (ex?ludilig the premium paid thereonl shall be deposited with The 4hase I`lationa 1 Dank of the ity of l?ew York for the sole and exclusive urpose of paying and Pedeanin? the outstanding Refund- ing Bonds ?ssue of July 1, 1936 Series A, °eries B, and series C. which have been oalled for redemption on July 1, 1945, and on or before such delivery the pity t?uditor and `'lerk shall d@posit with said The phase lJational Banlc of the City of New York (aJ the sum of ?27?819.78, being the amount required for paying the interest which will be pa able on Tuly 1? 1945 on the bonds so called for redemption, and ?b? the sum of w652, being the amount required for paying the balance of the prinoipal of said bonds. Secti•.?n 5. That all resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Seati?n 6. That this resolution shall be in full foPce and effect Prom and after its passage ' ?vJeY[ylJl `b? y?? h{ i ? ,?SpY?d d «.a . 4 tr. ?? tb ?'? l c ?,, '??? ;. t' { ,;, {' . `. ?. r. { -. f # I:l.. rr ;. #I I ; ? ????? s ,?,><,, 6 >.? Y? } I ? { Y a t? 'Itq at3 { t ???" ''i 4{ ?, ?y??4 Li rttNl? ? w°;sl n r4 i R ? ?>?±d y? ? ; ' !,'. i # "???h'y .464; , ' ?i?uty"?M4a?,,pL Gtr, ?' N gt 9 ,ry i ? „? ? r?? ?: {r 1.' a ?ypTr i S??'?r i ??l'y; . I`t' ( j 5 f t? P 1??tuirl??1?, tt ll,?.tjl, ?, y r ...+ ?41CI??JUly?w?,i df? Fl'`! ? i' ` ( ? J l.? Y?i ?rv AtiN ???? i. . r? . 1 ?? ? ? A?? e?L"?{ a ?t r ? t t a , ,:. i' .y 6?,?. , i.. r7 ,. h?R d ..d I t ? S ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? t 11 I u.?' t I I k?RY? ?.,5 gyp.-1 r I 1 fi t? p rl) N4? 9 C ? ??11 ? ?f5 t ? r?,?sr r h ?fR t{;., ? ? i? I I A7 Tt r.r.4 f? ?.t} t ,:ipAa? ?y, ? ?, ? r U1 a a t a (F y? t ?,lGt?i?(?... ' ? it ? ?'t f'ir ? I'YF.,^ ?" t )i J x ? r. ?: . x ?f t ?r.t, S?y? n ?yf , ? ? e , } • ?? r.? ? ?? (? ?'>a,(?y??J?i?t ? ,?6? .. . ? .i ?'?ti? f ??, tt??I Y r r'TMr?4 ti+"'vt ? 1 , '+Y+t I ?? ???±,? ``r??.,i ?, ??'.t t ,t ?'`? ?y ? "? l r?? pt G??i? I? ? ??'?'~ rF1; ? 4? ?) ?1? ft' f 4 7Fi s, ` , ^1,H 9?j?'i' .• ?rA .• ? ? a ?? ?', a ? ? 6 ??? ??I ; ?? ,. ? .. ??? ??'' `"?' wit a ?,V ??, t,. i ?`? t .r ?,',,t? ?.? ' -off .. I ? j r ' -,;'?. t'??'p ?n ? h"? ? t # r .?? rL ? n a 1 '?? i ;f ,? ? ? t'{.{4 ?I 1 t I 4.?? F.. L f (fit f t ? .. ? , ????F? t.'(t ?? { ?A 7rri'f??????tX"YE???? tI ? ? ? ? .. ? ? . ,, ?sn4 r{ t???4 kt`,t{ y{ r ? ? rI?Kr titi q `"? r (.. v6 5 ( ( ? ? ,. ? ? tirk i t '? ?? r ?' r1 '-l F r!' d (? { 4? C r{ I A q t y {? {. 6'J dl '4? '? I N l t 5 J f t t ??"r1 ,,t#{,?i ?i? "? ? 4 {rP I k?. t t ,+ .. I t ,. is t 61, ,.r d? ?i?1t ' M^??`l?tMT??aa1 "Y'f?? ? t Ic'?a H? ? 1 ? 4 t { ? ? s ?r ik? ,,, {.. d"u'?"??f '' ? ?3'' Pi?? din R.? I { ' ' ??l t? ?' { ? ? ?}?Q{?j ????S??1H tt}i anty ?,? ?, ii - r ?i J ?{??'N??rr ???1??+? 'Z1 o-9 «i?"rb'LV)tv?'G` ° ..??i td, 7•? ? F, li. ,•lelYh Rt •r.'S..V' a .F. ??' i, t, ?? I .?li ? . ?_,, .. •? (y, ?, ........ ? ............ .... __. ...... _ . 1 ....,,,,,, ? .i ? ? ?'¢i? jtla t, '`^' i j ? '?t"??rl ', -I #? ????? Z ?^•}`? rry 9 ?`r"u..1"C+ ? „? TC? 4?I 4? " X (f 'f .r? i4 ?,,? k'" r u Y'?'v. ?_St. a s CITY COb'R�RISaION P.?IY7UT� �/ SPEC TtiL I�ii,ETING HEZD ON Hpril 9, 191�5 The City C�mmissi. ��. met in Special �ession a t 12 �' clock na�n, lipril 9, 1945 with thz f�llor•,ing membe�s present; Gearge lY. aesvy, I�ayor-Commissianer �Ierbert Grice, Commissi�ner Jesse �. Smith, „ ,� � City httorney scalph nichards presented twa resolutio�s c�ncerning the refunding of � 1,g51�,Q00 City aP Clearvaeter B��ds oi t�ate July 1, lq3b. It was maved by ��r. Smith, sec�nded 'by �tr. Grice and c arried--- sll membe,�•s vatira� in the affirm�tive that the res�luti�ns �e adopted sub�ect to uerificati�n. • Belarr is set �ut such resoluti�ns,. Z`here being na Purthr.� busir.ess t� c�me bef�re the Board the meeting wss ad journed. �,� ' ���•J , ir'�-t- --, Msyor- o�oner � M �'j � �; a � ,, A RE80LUTl'ON AIJ�NDXNG AI�7D SUPPLEME�TTING A RESOLUTION ADOP`FED FE�RUARY 7, 1.944 EhTTITLED: "A�RESOZUTION PROVIDTNG FOR T?sE TSSUANCE OF 3,848�000 REFUNDING BONDS �F' 19�4 SERIES A, 354,AOO REFiTNDZNG BONDS OF 1944 SERIES �, � AND �243,000 R�F'UND1'TG BONDS f�F 1944SF.�ZIES G, FOR 'PFIE PURPIISE OF REFUNDI�TG TH� CIZ*Y'S OUI'- STAN'DING BONDED INDEB�DNESS ON A I,O�h*Eft INTEREST BASIS, AND pR0'PIDING FOR TFlE PAYi,�NT OF THE INT'�'R�ST ON AT3D 2`l� P�INCIP.AI 0�' SkID BOA7DS. r� WHEREAS, on February 7, �944, the City Commis9ion of the City of Clearwater duly adopted a resolu�tion (hereina�'ter so�t;;.mes called the "1944 Resolution") entitled: "A RESOLUTIOIV PROVIDING I'OR T_KE ZSSUANG� OF 3,848,000 RFF'TTl�TDIhTG BONDS OF 1944 SERIES A, �3�4 000 REF[TPIDIAIG BORTDS OF 1944 SERI�aS B, [ and �243 , OOQ �EFtTI�i IISG HQNDS OF I:944 �ERIES C, � FOR Tf� PLRPOS� OF REFUI�7DING THE CITX'S OUT- � STANDING BOIdDED INDT+'�BTIDNESS ON A ZOL'PER INTEF2EST B,ASIS, AND PROVIDIPTG FOP THE PA'YPtIE�tT OF � IN`I`.�REST ODI AND T�E P�I�iTCIPAI� 0�' S_4ID BONDS.+r an�3 WHEREAS, pursua�t to�proceedings duly had and taken in the Circuit Court of the �ixth Judicial �ircuit of the �tate of �lorida, a.n an3 for Pinellas County, under the �rovisions of Chapter �5 of the Florida Statues, 1941, a decree was duly rendered on �arch 14, 1944, validatin� and con- �'i�-�g the Aefundin� Bonds of 1.944 to be issued under the provisions of t�.e 1944 Resolution; an�3 4 '6'�NE�S, ali of the �3,8a_.5�000 Refunding Bonds of 1944 Series B, 9,p354,000 Refup.ding �onds of 1944 Series B, and ��,"243,000 Refunding onds of 1944 Series � were prepared and executed in the form and manner (inel,uding tk�e v�lida�Ging certificate on the reverse o�' the bonds) 'and having the details proui.ded by the 1944 Resolution, and all of said bonds were.�,deposited with the �ity Bank Farmers �'rust Company in the city of New ork for egchange in accordance wlth the provisicros of a resolution adopte:l on Sune 5, 1944; and �;JHEREAS, gursuant ta the provisions of the 194a Resolution and the Resolu�ion adopted on June 5, 1944 as t�erea�ter amended, the follow- ing refunding bonds have heretofoxe been delivered in exchange for and upon the surrender and cancella�;ion oi' like principal amounts oi the appropriate bonds to be refurided thereby: �2,?01,000 Refundin.g Borids o�' 1944 '�eries �, maturing an�i numbered as followsc � S .�-,t?La.I� r�ONDS Amount Numbers I�2aturin� (all inclusive) �28,000 Ju1y 1, 1954 181 to 208 44;000 �u].y l, 195'7 286 �Go 329 7,-000 Ju�.y l, 1958 331 to 337 10,000 Sul,y l, 1959 376 to 385 3,000 Su1y 1; 1960 a2S to 428 35;000 Jtil.y 1, 1961 476 to �10 1;000 July 1, 1964 651 ?8;000 Ju1,Y 1, 1965 716 to ?23 1;000 Jul.y l, 1966 �7g6 55;000 July 1; 1967 � 856 to 910 25;000 July l, 1968 926 to 950 20;000 July T, ].969 996 to 1015 94;_000 July l, 1974 1401 to 149� �331,000 . TERi�fi BOIvDS . �a].,87D,0�0 �'u1y 1, 1979 1651 to 3520 $$249,000 Refunding Bonds of 1944 Series B, maturing and nu�bered as follows: � �� �� k4. � SyE2TAL BONDS Nu*nb e ra Amount �iaturin� (all inalusive)_ �2,000 JuZY l, 1953 41. and 42 5;000 � Tuly 1, 1954 46 to 5� 5 000 �uly l, 1955 51 to 55 � 5,000 �u1y 1., 1.950 56 to 60 5;000 �uly 1, 1957 61, to 65 5,000 �uly 1, 1958 C�6 to 70 5' 000 �uly 1, 1959 71. t� 75 5�OOn Ju1T 1, 1960 7f to 80 5s000 5uly la 1961 81 ta 85 , 5;000 �ul.y 1, 1962' . 86 to 90 5'000 �uly l} 19Fi3 91 to 95 5;000 �uly l, 1904 96 to 100 3;OOd , Suly 1, 1965 101,to 10:5 5; 000 July 1, 19 66 ZJ� .'�b 110 7;000 ' �uly 1, 1967 . 11.1 to 117 5;,000 �uly 1, 1968 121 to 125 790a� �uly l, 1989 13Z to 137 �84,000 - SEBZAy BONDS �].65,000 �uly 1, 1979 �57�. to 315 �7.41,0�0 Re�unding bonds of 1944 Series C, maturing and riumbersd as follows: Numb er s Amount Ma�urin� S,all inclus�ive� ,��,2;OQO July 1; 1957 81 and 62 S,z000 July 1, 1962 � 86 to 88 �5, 000 . `�Il� BCI�TDS . �136,OQQ J'uly 1, 197� 101.to 236 and 4VHEREAS, to carry out tk�e ref�znding progrr�m authorized by the i944 Resolution, it appears to be necessary to modify tl�e,details of tre un- delivered ref'unding bonds with respect to tl�e interest payable o.n such bonds, and it Purther appears that the modifications autharizad by this resolution will result in further savings �to the City and its taxp$yers and wilZ not im�air any of the rights of �he holders oP the Lefundix�g bonds heretofore delivered; now, t'aerefore� � BE IT R�SOLVID by the City �ommission of th.2 City of �learwater, Flori da: Section 1. Tha�, from and aiter the p assage o� thi� resulution Sections 5 and 7 af the resolution adop�Ged an February 7, 1944, en- , titled: '�A R�SOLU'I'ION PROVIDIiLTG FOR 'TH� ISSUAATCE UF �3,848,000 , REFUND2N� BOI�TDS OF 1944 SERI�S A, ,��354,000 REFi7i�TDING , � �ONDS O;E 1944�S�RIES B, and �243,000 P,�FUNAING BONDS OI' 7.944 SERSES C, rOR �?''OR_pOSE OF R�F[]IJDIiVG `_� CITYPS DU'PSTAI3DIi3G BONDED �NDEBTEDNFSS 0� ,A L0�1'ER Ii��EST BASIS, AI�D PROVIDING FOR TEi� PAYP,'�NT OF TI� INT�.'I��ST ; ON' p.NU 'it�' PRIi�ICIPAL OF S9ID BONDS.1P , shall be and the same are hereb, amended to real as follows: , '�Section 5a (A�i All of t'.Ze neur refunding Uonds authorized by this xesolubior sha11 be dated �anuary 1;.1944, and shall,bear int- erest at the rates he einaPter set forth such intexest bein� p�y- able ssmi-annually �n the firs� days of �anua�y and Su�.y �f eac�. yeo.x�. 'Payment oP such interest shall be made on]:y upon preaenta�ion and surrendar o� coupon.s representing such i.n�Gerest as the same xesp,ect- ively fall due. Both the principal of and the interest r�n said new refunding bonds sha11 be_ payable at the C}iase National Bank of`the city of Neiv Yorl� in �e�rt York City 9.n any coin or currsncy� of the , �nited 5t�tes o:� America z�thich at the respective dates of payment thereof, is legal tender for publia an.�l pxivate debts. "(B) O� the new reYundin� bonds so authorized, .`�89,OQ0 Rexundin� Bonds oP 1944 Series A, consistin� of the �oiio�..ng: � Numb ers Amount Maturin�= (all inclusive) �� �v28, 000 July l x 19 54 181 �0 208 �� 44,00^ July 1, 1957 286 to 329 1 7,OOi) July I, 1958 33]' to 337 � 10,000 July ]., �1959 376 to 385 �32,000 Refundin� Eonds of 194•4 �eries B, consisting of �he Poll.o`t�ing; ' " 1`�urub e;�s Amount Maturin� (all iriclusi�re} �2, 000 r'". July 1., �1953 41 and 42 5,000 J'ul� 1,, 1954 46 to 50 5,000 J'u1y l,'1955 51'to 55 5,000 Ju1� 1,�1956 56�to 60 5�Q00 Justy' i, 1959 61. to 65 5'000 �'uly l, '1958 66 'to ?0 • 5t000 Ju�.y l, �1959 71.'to 75, anc' #2,000 Refundin� Bonds of 1944 Series C, conaistin� of �lie �ollowing: ' Numbers Amount Ida+��Yrir_� (I�ll inclusive) � �i 2�000 Ju�.y l, 1:953 f�l and �2 shall bear interest from t.heir date at the rat� of three and�one- �uax�ter per centurn (3-1/4�} per annum; �nd �,112,000 Re�unding Bonds o� 1944 5erias k, consisting,oi` the Po11o�v- ing; � � Nuiub e rs Amount �aturia� (all lnclusive) 3,000 Ju7.y 1, 1960 426 to a28 35,QQ0 Ju1y l; 1961 a76 to 51� 1,Q00 Ju1y l, 1964 651. 8,000 July l, 1965 71"o to'7�3 1,000 J�u1y 1; 1966 786 55;000 �uly l, 1967 856 to 9Z0 25,Q00 �uly 1; 1988 926 to 950 2p�000 July li i969 996`to 107�5 . 94;000 Tu�y I, 1974 1401 �0 149� 1870,000 July 1, 1979 1651 to 3520 �2�17,000 Refundin� Bonds of 1944 �eries B, consisting of tY�e follow- . ing: NumTi ers Amouiit Maturin� {All ihclusive} 5;000 July 1, 1960 7S ta 80 5,000 �u3.y l�_1961 81 to 85 5; 000 Jul.y l, 1962 �6 to 90 5 i 000 July 1 i. 1963 91, �0 95 5;000 July i, 1964 96 �0 1�0 3;000 Ju].v l, 19�5 101 �c� 1fJ� 5,000 �ul.y 1, I966 lOG to 110 7;000 Jul,y 1, 1967 111 to 117 . 5;(300 �uly l, 1968 121 to 125 7,000 July l, 1959 13I to 137 165 � QOQ � uljr 1` j 1979 151' to 315 � and �139,000 reflznd�ng Bonds of 1944 Series G, consistin� oi'the fallowing: . Nwnb ers Amount �aturi� iall inclusive 3; 000 Ju7.y 1, 1962 86 to 88 � 136�000 Suly 1, 1979 101 to 236 shall bear interest :�rom their da�e at�.the rats of three and one-hali per centum {3-1/2°fo) per annum. The intsxest payable on each of the first six interes� payment dates on each new rei'unding bond herein- above in this paragraph tB) described shall be represent'cd by two �.n�erest coupons, one coupon bearin� the letter 3 for the sum oi' r'zve �oi,lArs and �t,tie other coupon bear3.n� the let�er A for tli� balance of sueh interes�. ' "(Cj The remain3ng �1y6�7'pfQOQ refunding Bonds of `1944 Series A, consisting of th.e %llotiving: Sj Y N�b ers A�n�unt I�aturin� ;e11 inc].usiveJ 15;000 JU13� �., 1945 l to 15 15; 000 J'uly l; �1946 SEi to 30 15;000 July 1, �1947 31 to 45 � 15;OOQ Jttl.y 1; 1948 46 to 60 20;000 July l, 1949 61 to 80 20;000 July 1, 1y50 �31 to 100 • 25;000 July 1, 1951 101 to 125 25 s 000 JulSr 1� 1952r 126 t0 150 30;A00 July 1, 1953 151 to 180 2;000 Ju1y l, 1954 209 and 210 35,000 luly 1;'195� 211 to 245 �0,000 July 1, 1956 246 to'285 1;000 July l, 1�a57 330 38�000 July 1� _1958 338 t0 375 40;000 July 1, 1959 386 to 425 47;000 July 1, 1960 =-a`� to 475 20;000 July l, 1961 511 to-:630 60;000 Tu1y 1, 1962 531 to 590 60;000 Jul�* 1, 1963 591 to 650 64;000 July 1, 1964 652 to 715 62;000 J'uly 1, 1965 724 to 785 69;000 July 1.; 1966 787 to 855 .15;�00 Jtt?y 1, 1967 911 to 925 �5;000 �uly 1; 1568 951 to 995 50;000 July 1, 1969 1.016 to 1065 75;000 July 1, 19?0 1066 to 1140 85;000 Ju1y 1, 1971 1.141 to 1225 85,000 Jui.y 1, 1972 1226 to :L310 90;�J00 J'uly l; 1973 1311 to 1400 156;000 J'uly l, 1974 1495 to 1650 328,000 �uly l, 1979 3521 to 3848 �105,000 Refunding Bonds of 19�4 SeriPs B� consisting oi' the following; Numbers Amount �aturi� (All inclusive) �;�pp �Tu1y 1, 1945 1 to 5� 5;AQ0 J'uly 1, 1946 6 to 10 5;000 Tuly 1, 1947 11 to 15 5, 000 J�y 1. , 1948 16 to �0 5,000 J'uiy l, 1949 21'to 25 55000 July l, 1950 26 to 30- 5,000 J'uly 1, 195I 31 to 35 5,OOG July l, 1952 36 to 40 3,000 July 1, 1953 43 to 45 2,000 Jl,il,y 1, Z965 104 and 105 3,000 J'uly 1, 1967 11�3 to• 120 5, 000 �'uly l, � 1968 126 to• 130 3,000 J'uly 1, 1969 138 to-140 10,000 July 1, 1970 141 to�150 39,000 J'uly l,' 1979 316 to� 354 �102,000 Refunding '�onds of 1944 SeY'iss C� Consistin� of• the following; Numb e rs ' �rIOLTIlT r�ATUI3ING (Al1 inclusive) 5,000 Julg 1, 1945 1 to 5� 5?000 Ju1y 1„ 1946 6 to 10 5r000 J'uly 1� 19�7 li tc 15 5,000 �uly l, 1948 16 to 20• 5,000 Jul� 1, 1949 21 to 25 5;000 July l, 1950 28 to 30 5,000 July 1, 1951 31 to 35 5;000 July 1,�1952 38 to 40 5,000 Tu�.y l, 1953 41 to 45 5;000 Jul� 1, 1954 46 to 50 � 5,000 �uly 1, 19 55 51 to 55 5,000 July 1, 1956 ` 5B to 60 3,000 J'u1y l, 195� 63 to 05 5;000 J'uly 1; 1958 65 to 70 5; O�JO J'u1y 1, 1,959 71 to 75 5;000 July 1, 1960 76 to 80 5;000 Julf l, 1961 81 to 85 2;Q00 �Tu1y. 1, 1962 89 and 90 5;000 July l,- 19d3 91 to 95 5;000 Ju1y l, 1964 96 to 100 - 7,000 J'uly 1, 1979 237 to 243 shall b�ar interest From their date at the rate of th.ree per centum ( 3 0) per anr.un for a period of one year, at the ratP oi: five p er � centum: (5�) per annwn for the n.ext succeeding two �nd or�e-half years, and t'ereafter at the rate of three per centum (3a) per annum, The ir�berest payable on each interest payment date beginning �'ulv l, 1945 and endi7g Jly l, 1947, on eaclz new re�'undir.� bond hereinabove in �hie•para�ra:ph �C) deseribed shali be repreaented by two inte:�est coupbns, oue eoixpon bearing 'the le��er ��or tk�.e surn o�' Ten�pallaxs and t' e o�he� caupon bearing the ].etter A for t}� aum of r'ifteen Dol]ars ( the ba�.ance of such interest} .'� '�Section 7. 2'he new i�e�unc�ing bonds authorized by tris reso- lution sha11 be si�ned by the �'ity l�ianager and by� the �ity Auditor and �lerk attd counters�gned by the r�ayor-Commissioner, and the corporate seal of the ity shall be afPia:ed thereto, and the in- terest coupons thereto attached she11 be executed �rith tre Pac- simile signature of said �i�y xud,itor 8c �lerk. Said bonds and coupons and the validating certiPicate and provisions for xegis- tration and �e�an�ersion to be endorsed on the reverse o� said bonds sh�11 be 'in aubstantially the Pollovrin�; f'ormt No, '�1,A00 U1�TITED ST�i'I'ES' OI' A��'RICA: STAZ'E OF F'LORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS CITY OF CLEI�RT'IATER REFUNDING BO�D OF 1944 SERIES The �ity of �learwater, in Pinellas �ounty, atate oP Florida, is jus�ly indebted and for value r8ceived hereby promises to �ay to the bearer or, if this bond be �e�istered, to the.registerad own.er hereof, on the lst day oi' July 19 ,.the prir_cipal sum of ONE THOUSI��1D DOLI,ARS . (here.insert the folloaRing in the bonds described in paragraph {B) of �eotion 5 above: 'to�ether with interest thereon at the rate of _� per a�.um, payable semi-annually on the first days of �anuary �nd J'ul,y in each year �xpon the presenta.tion and surrend�r�of the annexed interest coupons as they severally becoiue due, the interest falling due on each of the first six �ntere�t payment date� b�ing represented by two coupons, one.coupo� bearing the ,letter B for the su.m of Five Dollars and the other co upon. bearing the letter A for the balanee of such interest."* and insert �he follovrin� in the bonds desGribed in paragraph (C) oi' said section 5: � 'together with irterest thereon at the rate oP 3� per annum for a period of one year, at the rate o�' 5p per annum for the next succeeding two and �one-half years, an.d thereafter at the xate of 3°� per annum until theama��ity of this bond (in the bonds maturin� on July l, 19.45, July 1, 19a6 and �uly I, 1947 insert in lieu of the foregoing "�t the rate of 3� per annwn f or a period bf one year, and thereafter at �che rate of 5 o per anntun tu�.�til t�e maturi"g oP this bond'), such inte�est being payable semi-annualiy on the first d�r of `'anuary and July in each year upon �he presentation and surrender�..oP �he anne�.ed interest coupons as they severally become due, the interest Palling due on each interest payment date beginning J'uly l, 1945 and endin� July 1, 1947 being represented b two coupons, one eoupon bear- in� the letter B for the sum of 10.00 and tihe other coupon bear- ing the letter A for the sum of �7.5,00 (the balance oi such interest,' (In lieu of the tieords 'tl�e interest falling due on�each interest payyu�nt date be�inning July l, 1945 and ending July 1, 1947' insert in. the bonds maturing on Jly 1, 1945, ' the interest falling due on July S, 19a5' and in the bonds maturing on July 1, i946 and July l, 1947 insert 'the znterest fallirig due on each interest payment date beginning July 1, 1945',) "Both t�ie principal of this bc�d and, unless this bond be registered �s to bQth principal and interest „ t he interest hereon are_payable at The �hase National B�k of the �ity of New York in New Yorl� City in any ccan ar currency of the United States of �lmerica which, at the respective dates of payment thereof, is legal tender for public and private debts. T�e interest on this bond shall be�payable only upon presentation and surrender of the coupons, if any, repre�ent;ing such interest, or, if this bond be registered as to both prineipal and interest, sur,h interest (except any interest which masr be �' represented Uy an ir�terest coupon bearing the letter B) sha11 be payable b.V check or draft to the arder of the'registered owner �ereof. ,�'ar the prompt payzuent hereof and the interest hereon as the s�me shall �frzll due, the fu11, fai�h, credit and taxing pwoer of the �3ty of learrvater are hereb.y irrevocably pledged to the same extent and with like fo�Pce and effect as the same were pledged to the payment of the indeUtedness xefunde� hereb3*, "This bond is issued by sai.d �ity under the,authority of and in full compliancse,with the �onstitution and laws oi' the �tate of �'lorida, including Sac�ian 6 �f' �rticle IX of th� �onstitt�tion of Floricl.a as aruended ih 1930, the Genera�. kef�xnding' Zaw (ChaptsT 132 of �the Florida Statutes, 1941), and the Charter of s ai d �ity, an!� pursu�nt to a reso].ution dUly adopted by the �ity �ommission of said itp (here insert' as amended and supplemente3' 3.n '�he bands d described i�n paragraph �C) of sai�i section 5). Sai d r�solution �^ qe.:�,. _ .»y� F� ! $� desaribes the bonded indebtedness to be refunded b�a the bonds of tY!is issue and sets forth the times at which su;ch indebtedness was incurred and the territorial limits of the �ity during �uch ti.mes, and refers to all aots of'the Legislature of Florida annexing territory.ta and detaching territory from the �'ity since such indebtedness was incurred. -. "This bond is ona of a duly authorized issue of � bonds known as "R:efunding �onds of 1344 Ser�es ,'(herein called the('bonds�), consisting of � bonds maturittg in the years 1945 to 19_, inclusi ve herein called the 'se,rial bondsT) and of � bonds maturing on Jul,y l, 1979 (here- * in called the 'term bonds'), all of like date and tenar., egcept as to maturities, the xates of interest and the provisi�ns for redemj�tion, and issued or to Y�e issued for the p�npase of ref�ar_d- i�g a like amount of valid subsisting bonded ihdebtedness of s�id � �ity fo�: the payment of �n�hich the ity was obligatPd to levy taxes, withouf� linitatio� as to rate or amount, upon $L1 �roperty within its presen_t territorial limits (here insert in the Refu�.cling Bo�ds of 14�44 Series B; 'except within the territory annexed to said ity by Chaptier 10394, Sgecial Laws of Florida, 1925,' and 3nsert in the Refunding Bonds of 1944 5eries C, .�except v�rlthin the territorp annexed to sai3 City by Chapters 10391 and 10394, Special Laws oi Florida, 1925.') which was subject to taxatican under the Constitu- tion and Larvs of Florida as they existed prior to November 6, 1934. "The �ity reserves the right to redeem the term bonds, when selected by lot, from moneps in the interest and sinking fun� for the bonds of t�is series, and to redeem all of the bonds at any time outstanding (both serial bonds and term bonds) in whole, on any interest payment date not �arlier than July 1, 1946, at gar and accrued interest; proviaede however, tl�rit'if the �ity shall ege�cise such right to redeem aTl of the bonds of this series at anp time outs�andin� (both �8ria1 b�nds and term bonds) on or be- �ore January 1, 1°6�, it wiJ'.,�;ay to the holders of the bonds so redeemed not only the principal amount of the bonde a�:d the interest accru�d.thereon to the date of such redemption at the rate borne by the bonds but also additional interest on such prin- cipal amount for the two years im�ediately preceding such redemp- tior� date at the rate of 2-I/2� per annum if such right of redemp- ti�n shall be egercised on or be�ore �anuary 1, 1949, a�G the rate of � per annum if such right of redemption silall be exercised txier3- after �nd on or before January 1, 1954, and at the rate of 1-1/2% per annum i:f such right of xedemption shall be exercise� thereafter and on or before �anuary 1, 1964. Such redemption shall be made in the manner and under the terms,and condi�ions provided•in said resolution, "rt is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions anc3 things required to happen, exisl; and be performed precedent to and in the i ssuanee of this bond, have happened, exist and have been performed in due time, fmrm�and manner as required by the Const�tution and lsws af Flarida, tbat the total indebtedness of said ity�, including this bond, doe3 n_ot egceed, and that the total indebtedness of said �ity at the creation oi the indebtedness re= Punded hereby, including said inaebtedness, did not then exce�;�., any eonstitutional or statutory limitation thereon; and that pro- vision has been m�de fo�� the levy �nd collection of a direct ann.ual tax upon.all property within,said �itp which, under the provisions of the �onstitution and laws bi F1.orida in force and effect at the time of the creation of the indebtedness refunded herebg, was subject;to taxation for the payrient of said indebtedness, which t��c shr�ll be aufficient to pay the princial oi' and the interest on this bond as the same.shall fall due and shall be levied and col7.ected at the same time and in the sarn,e manner as ad valoreum trax�s levied for op�rating expenses oP said �ity; and that the indebtedness refunded hereby is merged into thi� bond with like foree and effect as to obligation as iP such indebtedne�s haci remained unrefunded. , "This bond may be registered as to principa� alone and also a� to both principal and interest and, if registered as to both principal an3 interest, may'be reconverted into a coupon bond, in aceordance with the provisions endossed hereon and subjuct�� to tY.te terma and conditions se� forth in said resolution.� "INUTI�fiTESS ;°,�2�'OF, said �ity of Llearwater .has caused this bond to bE signed b;� its City'�`ana�er and its �'ity xuditor and C1erk and �ountersi�ned i�y its �ayor-Cormnissioner, under its eorporate seal, and the interest aoupon� heret� attached to be executed vrith the facsimil� signature of said ity �uditor and Clerk, all as of thp lst day of January, 1944. Coun�ersigned. i�f�yor- ommissioner ,' ity anager City �uditor & �3,,z=; , m Approved as to Yorm and correetnese: City L�ttorney ( ENDORSII�/I�TTTS AN BOI�TDS ) Certificate oP Validation. lTalidated and conFirmed b decree of the �ircuit Court bf the �ixth Judicial �ircuit of the �tate of Florida, in an� for �inellas County, Rendered on � �lg,� lerk of said ircuit ourt '�Provisions for �egistration and Reconversion." This bond ma�y, be registered as to principal alone on booka o� the � City kept by the ity Auditor and C1erk a:� Bond Registrar or by such other Bond Registrar as may be le�gally �appointed Uy the governino body of si�id City, upon presentation he�eof to such Bo�d Registrar who shail make notation of such registration in the registratia�: hlank below, and this bond may hereafter be transierred only upon a written assignement of the regist�red owner or his attorney, duly acknowledged or proved, such trans�er to be made on such books and endorsed hereon by the Bo�d Rogistrar. Unless this bond be registered as to both principal and interest, such tr�nsfPr may be to bearer and thereby trnasferability by delivery shall be restored, but this bond shall again be subject to successive registrations and transfers as before. The principal oP this bond, if registered, unless registered to bearer, shall be p�yable only ta the registered owner or his legal representative. �+ot- ivi.thstanding the registration �bf this bond as to� p.rincipal alone, the coupons shall remain payable to bearer and shall c�bntinue to be trans- ferable by delivery. Th�;s bond may be regist`ered as t� both principal and in.terest upon presentation hereof to such Bond Registrar who shall detach and cancel all unmatured coupons (other than coupons bearing �Ghe letter B, ii' an.y) and sha11 make �ota�;ion of such registration as to both principal and interest in the registr�tion blank below, aPter which registration'both principal and interest o� this �bond shall be payable to the registered owner or hzs lagal r'epresentati�e. This bond, if converted into a bond registered as to both principal and int�erest,' may be reconverted a't the egpense of the registered owner i.nto a couuon bond upo� presentation hereo.f to sucn Bond Registra� who shall attach hereto ne�v cau�ons representing the interest to accrue thereafter on this bond to the date of maturity,' except any interest which may be represen�ed by interest coupons bearing the letter H, and shall make notation in the re�istration �la�lc below whether .�hi� bond is registered as to principal alone or is payablz to bearer. Dato of Name of bianner o� Signature 8e�istration Re�eistered �wner Registration of Re�istrar . . . ,. ., a . . . . . , .. . . . . a . , . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . + . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °(,FORMS QF COUI'ONS appurtenant to the bonds described in para- graph (B) of said Section 5 and representing i�terest pa�table on each of the first six interzst payment dates, and appurte- nant to the bonds described in paragraph (C) o� s aid �ection 5 and representing interest payable on each interest payment date beginning July l, 1945 and ending July l, 1947} No. 'A �n l , 19_ � The City of Cleara:�ter, Zr Finellas �ou�.ty, �l�rida, will pay to bearer at The Chase ational Bank of the i;>y of 11ew York in Idew York �ity t'�e sum. of ' Dollars in any coin or curreney of the IInited 5•tates of �!�rica which at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts, anc� provi.ded :Ln and for interest then due on its Refunding bond of Z944 �eries �, dated January l, 1944, No. �. ity uditor and lerk No, B � On � � lgr The City of �lear�vater, in �inellas County, Flor'da, will pa� to bearer ab The �hase 1`�ational Bank oi' the �ity of New �ork an New oxk Gity t'•�e sum of _ ' _ Dollars in any coin or currency of SJ � �� r � the United States of Ameriaa which at thextime �f pRyment is legal tender for public and private debts, as p�ovide�l in and fo� inter- est then due on its 1�efunding Bond of 194 series , dated January l, 1944 No. ..L. City uditor lerle ( FORM OF RIl+dAIPTING COUPONS ) No.___. � On^ 1, 19_. The City of �learwater, in Pinellas �ounty, Flor�3d� wi�.1 pay to bearer at The Chase IJational Banlc o� the �ity of 1 ew ork in TTew Y�rk �ity the sum of Dollars in any coin or currency of the IInited States of inerica which at the time cz:� payment i� legal tender for public and private debts, as nro�-iaea in and for the semi� annual interest then due an its Reiunding Bond of 1944 Series , dated �anuary 1, 19a4. No. _ ' Gity �u�litor lexk "There shall be inserted at the end oi' each coupon whieh repre-- snets interest payable a�ter Jus"�y l, 1946, the words 'unless said bond shall have been called for previous redemption and provision made for the paymeiZt thereoP. � ' Sectio� 2. That wherever the word "Resolution" or the vx�rds �"this resolution" appear in the 1944 Resolution, said word or words shall be deemed to mean the 1944 Resolution as am.ended by this re- so lu ti on. " Section 3. The ''ity Bank Farmers Trust �qmpany is hereUy au� thorized and directed to cancel by perf oration a1.1 of 'the undelivered $�l,'647,000 Refunding �onds of 1944 Series �L. �105,000 Refunding Bonds of 19a4 Series B, and �102,000 Refuddi�g Bonds of 194,4 Series C, an d all+interest couu�ns thereto attached, and to forward the bonds and conpons so cancelled to tre Security Banknote Company, Philad�lphia, Pennsyl.�aania, which prepared said bonds. Sectian 4. The Jecurity Banknote company, upon the recsipt of the cancelled b'onds and cougons, mentioned in section 3 above, is herebr authorized and directe3t �(a� To forward said cancelled bonds an.d coupons to �he �ity nuditor ard Cle,.k of the �ity of Clear�vater, and (b) To prepare for �xecution tYie �1,647,000 Refunding bonds of 1944 Series A, �T05,000 Refunding $onds of 1944 Series B, and � `�102;00� �efundin�� Bonds of 1`9�4� Serie`s `�, described i:n paragr`aph (C) oi' Section 5 of �Ghe 19�4 Resolution as araended by tLis resolu- tien, iri the iorm provide�`tiy thie resolution, " '' ' Section `5. The �it;� Hudito'r 'and �l`eric,' upon. the xeceipt �of the canGelled bonds mentioned in clause (a) of 5ection 4 a�ove, is hereb�° authorized and directed to prepare and'iile in his office a state- �er_t giving the details of said cancelled bonds a�d thereupon present said cancelled bonds to the �lerk of the Circuit ourt of the sixth Judicial �ircuit of Florida, in and for the �'ounty oi Pine�las, with the request that said'�lerk cancel. tre validating cextif icate on the revesse oi' each of said cancelled bonds and file with the papers in his ofiice whick�. relate to the validation of said bonds, his certi- ficate givir� the details of the bonds so cancelled. ` Section 6. Upon #he preparation of the new bonds and coupons as pr�vided in clause tb) of Section 4 above, said new bonds shall be execu�ted in the manner provided by Section 7 of the 1944 R�so- lution as am.ended b� this resoluti�n, a,nd depoY ted v�ith said �ity Bank Farmers Trust ampany in the �itv of New ork. Section 7. Each new refunding bond described in paragraph (c) of Section 5 of the 1944 resolutzon as am.ended by i;.�is resolution, shall be demmed to have been issued under the authorit�r of, and to be one of the laonds authorized by, the I944 �esolution, and shall be payable from the sinlcing f�a.n.d �vl:ich is created by the 1944 R�sol.u- t�on and is identified by the �ame series letter, and shall bo sub- ject to aad governed by the terms and condition,s o� �the 1�J44 Reso1�- tion as am.ended and supplemented bf this reao7.ution: Section 8, Z'hat the vity ��torney is hereby authorized and dixected to take proper proceedings for �the va.lidr��ion of the new refunding bonds described in paragraph (C} of secti�n 5 oi' the 1924 Reaolution as �unended by this reso].uti�n. a Section 9. This resolution shall be in full force and effec� from and aiter its passzge. A RESOLUTI�PT DIREGTING Pi7BI,ICATIQTI OF "NOTICE OF SALE OF �].,6��,000 REFt7nTDIDTG �30TIDS'OF lga_4 SERIES A, �105 000 R��'FTJNDING I�OI�FDS OF 194�? SERIES B, ,AND �102,000 REFIINDIATG BOP?DS OF 1�44 SERIiS C OF THE CIT'.� Q�' CL�'ARTfFA�R, �ORID_9, AND CAZLING FOR RED��PTIOi�1 OI�7 Jj7LY 1, "1945 AI�T, OF THE OII'I`STAPTDIYdG R�'FUNDTiJs BO'?DS ISSUF: OF J'iTLY l, 1936 S'�tIES A, SERIES B A,'JD SF�2IES �, BE IT RESOZVE'D by the �ity Cor�i.ssion of' the �ity of Clearvaater, Florida: SecLionl, The �ity xuditor a.nd �lerk is �er•eby autharized and directed to puhlish at least �'wicr;;, the first publication to be at least seven days before the datE ior the receipt of bids hereinaiter stated, in the �"��AQ�,,,,�,-e� S-w,� , a newspaner of general circulation published in the ity of learwater, Flori�,a, a notice caZling for vids for the �1,6a7,000 Refunding Bonds of 1944 Series A, �105',000 Refundin� Bonds of 19a4 �eries B and �102,000 Refundin� Bonds oP 1944 Series � of the �ity of �leaxwater, dated Janua.ry 1, 1944, wF�ich are deselibed in paragraph (G) oi' Section 5 of t�e resolution adopted on �'ebr.uary 7, 1944, providing for the issuance of said bonds, es• amended and supplemented by a resolution adopted on April � 18�5, which notice sha11 be in substantially the fol2otiving form: �1,85a,000 � GI`I'Y OF CZEAR�'JATER, �ZORIDA ' ' RE�'OI�DING BOTIDS OF 194Q Sealed bids trrill be received by the City �ommission of the �it� of CZearwater, �'lorida, in care of the undersigned at'his ozfice in the City Hal_l, until /o o'r,1oc1: 9&7. , Eastern 4':'ar `rimes, Mar ___�__� 19�'-5, for the following R�f�ding Bonds of 194� of t'ie City "of �ler�rater, . r lorida, �1.1 dated anuary l, 1944: �p1,647,000 Refunding Bonds of 1944 Series A(the balance of a total authorization of �3,848,Q00 bonds) � S�RIAI, BONDS Maturities Amounts ( J'ul.y 1) �15,000 1g45 . 15;;000 1946 15;000 1947 15, 000 lgq,g 20,000 1949 20;000 1950 25;000 1951 25;000 1952 30;000 1953 , 2,000 1954 35;000 19F5 40,000 1966 1;000 ' 1957 38;000 1958 4Q;000 1959 47,Q00 1960 20,000 19G1 60,�00 1962 60;000 1963 64; �00 1.964 62;000� ' 1 965 69;000 1966 15;000 1967 ' 45,Q00 1968 50;000 ` lg6g ` 75;000 1�J70 85,000 1971 85r000 1972, 9 0 ; 000 .l9 i3 156,000 ' 1974 ?�1,319�000 ' TERP:1 BONDS �� 9/ TERMW'BOP1I?S �328,OOD �105,000 Refunding �onds o�•1944 Series B. total authorization of �,�p354,000 bonds) SERIAL BONDS �,mounts ' ' :� 5;000 5;000 5;000 5;000 5�000 5;000 5;000 ` 5,000 3;000 2;000 3;000 5,000 3;000 lO.Oc�O < �,66,000 � TERM BONDS �39,000 ' '�102,000 �ef�.nding Bonds of•1944 Series C toi;al �ut�orization of �243,000 bonds) SERIAL bONDS Amounts ��,000 5;000 ' S;OOQ 5`; 000 5;A00 5;000 5;.000 u;000 ' 5,000 , 5;000 5;000 5;-000 3;000 ' 5,Od0 5;000 5;000 5';000 2;000 5;000 5;00� �95,000 1'9 79 ( the �alr�nce of a IvSaturitie s J'ul.y 1 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 19 53 1965 1967 1968 1969 1990 1979 { th� balance of a b7aturitiees Ju1:T 1 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1"950 1951 19 52 1955 19�4 19 55 1956 1957 1958 1959 � 1960 1961 1962 1963 19 64 T�d BONDS ,�,'7,OOQ' 1979 ` The term bonds of each series are suUjecb to rcdemption in part by lot f rom moneys in the interest and sinking'func� �or the �onds of such series, and all of t}�.e bonds of each Series at any time outstanding {both serial bonds an� term b�n.ds) are sub- ject to redem�tion in whole, on any interest pa,ymen.t date not earlier than u�y l, 1946, at par end accured interest, grovideci, however, that ii thE �ity shall exercise such right'to rede�em all oi the bands af any series at the t�me outstanding (both serial bonds and term bonds) on or bePore anuary l, 1964,'it will pay to the holders of the bonds so redeemed not only the principal amount of the bonds and the interest accrued thereor� to the date of such redemption at the rate borne by the bonds but al�o adclitional 3n- terest on such principal ��ount for the two y�ar� immediately precedin� such xedemption date at the rate of 2�]./2 6 pex �nnv.m if such ri.ght of redanp�ion shall be exercised on or before anuary l, 1949, at the rate of 2� per annum if. such �i.ght'of redemption shall be eaercised therafter and on'or before anuary 1, 1954, anc? at the rate of 1-1./� f per annum if suck� right oP redemption sha? l be er.ercised thereaPter and on or befare January l,'1964. �'he gonds of each series bear interest Prom January l, 1945 at the rate oP 5% un.tiZ July l, 1947 and thereafter'at the rate oi' 3� per anntun, the I�.tere�t payable on each interest payment date +z until an.d including July l, 1947 is represented by i�No interest coupons, one for �10.00 bearin� the letter B and th� other for the remainder of the interest bearing the letter A. 0 The term Sonds of each series are subject to redemption in part by lot frorn monsys in the interest anc� sinking Yund for the bonds of such asries, and all of the bonds of each series at any time out- atand3ng•(both seria]. bond's and term bonds) are subject to redemption in tivhole,� on any interest payment date not earlier than Jul�r 1, 1946, at par and accured interest; provided, hawever_, tt�,a� if the �ity ahall exereise such rig�t� to redeem all of the bonds oP an,y series' at the time outstanding (both serial bon ds and term bond&) on or bePore J'anuary l, 1964, it will pay to the holders o� the bonds so redeemed not only the principal amount of the bonds snd the interest accrued 'thereon to the date of such reaempt3on at the rate borne by the bands but also additional interest on sueh principal: ar�ount for th� two years immediatel y preceding sttch redem�tion date at the rate of 2 1/2 f per anzium if such right of redemption sha7.l be exereised on or be- fore Januaxg l, 1949, st the rate of 2/ per annum 3.f such right oP � redemption shall be exer�ised thereafter and on or be�'ore Janu�sy l, 1954, and at the rate of 1-1/2� per annum if such right of redemp- tion shall be exerci:sed thereafter and thn ar before January 1, 1964. The �onds of each series bear interest from January l, 1945 at i;he rate of 5°�o untii July l, 1947 and t:Zereafter at the rate oi 3� per annum. The interest payeble on each interest payment date until and includi.ng July l, 1947 is represented by tv��o interest coupons, one for �10.00 'hearino the letter B and the other ior the remainder of t!�e interest bearing the letter A. Denomin�tion �l 000; nrincipat and semi-�nnual interest (J and S 1) payable in l�ew �ork �ity in legal tender; coupon bonds re;gister- able as to principal alone and also ag to both pr incipal and interest and, if registered as to both principal and interest, may be reeon- verted�into coupon bonds; general obligations. The bonds are payable from an unlimited tax to be levied unon all taxable real property � (including homesteads) and tangible personal property with the �ity, exce�t that no taxes may be levied wi�hin the territory annexded to the ity by �hapter 10394, SpeciGl Laws of Florida, 192,�5, for t�e Series B bonds, or within the territoxy anneged to the ��ity by Chap- ters 10391 and 10394, Special laws oi Florida, 1925, f or the Serie� C bon$s. The bonds are to be awarded to the bidder making °;he most ad- vantageous bid which wiZl be determined by the �ity Commission in its absolute and uncontrolled disqretion, But no bid will be acee�t- ed for less than all�of the bonds oi`iered or o��ering to purehase the bonds at less than 102. ' The approvir.g legaZ opinion of P�asslich and Mitchell, New York City, will be furnished the purchaser without charbe; �lelivery will be made at the �Yty B�nk F�rmers 2`rust Co�npany in the �ity of New �orl� on or about June �,n1945. Each bid must be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked "Proposal for �on�s", and be accompanied by a certified check zor 2f of the amount of the bonds bid f or, payable unconditi�nally to the order of the City of �learwater, vah`lch eheck will be forfeited to t;he �ity as liquidated damages by the bidder to whom the bonds may be awarded in the event of the non-nerformance of the terms of his bid. The ri.ght to reject all bids is reserved. , FRAP1'� COOLF�+`Y ' City t'u�itor ancl Clerk Secti�n 2. That all o� the ou'tstanding �1�,647,t�00 Re�ncling Bonds issue of Ju1,y l, 1936 Series A, �105,124 R'efiznding Bonds Issue of �Tuly 1, 1936 Series B,, and �102,528 ReTunding Bonds Issue of July 1, 1936 Series �, dat'ed �uly l, •1936, maturzng July T, 1966, and redeemable at par and acerued interest'on any interest payment date prior t� maturity, be and the same are hereby called for redemption on July l, 1945 in accordance with t1�e provisions o� the resolution: adopted on May 25, 1936 authroizi:ng the issusnce of suc� bonds. � Sectior_� 3. `That the �ity Ai?ditor and Clerk i's hereb authorized and direeted to c�use a notice of the redempt'ion of said �i,647,OQ0 Refunding Bonds ssue of July 1, 1936 Series A, �lb5,124 RePunding Bonds Issue of July 1,, 1�J36 Series B, and �102,528 xefunding �onds 3ssizo of �uly l, 7,936 Series v, to be publishad i�n the Wall �treet Journal., a financi�l riewspaper published in the•Uity of �ew ork, once a week for �our consecutive cr�].endar weeks, the firs't publica- tion to be•made no 3ater than '�`ay `2, 1945 and to be filed, no lat�r tihan May_ 2� 1945; at The �hase I�ational B�,ls of the �ity o�' New York in New York City, i;ho pl.ace oi' payment of said bands, �vhich notice shall be in substa:itially the following form: ' ■ �� REDEtV�TION NOTICE CITY OF CLE_ARZ�ATER, FLO�2IDA RE�'UNDING BQ�,TpS ISSUES OF �T.ULY l, 1936 S�RIES A, REFIINDING BONDS ISSU�` OF JULY 1, 1936 SERZES B, AND REFUIQDING BONllS ISSIIE QF JIILY l,, 1936 SE�2IES C Dated �uly 1, 1936 Maruting �uly l, 1966 NOTIC� IS HEREBY GIVEN thati all of the outstanding Refunding Bonds Issue of Tuly l, 1936 �eries A, Refunding Bonds issua of July 1, 1936 ��ries �, an.d l;efunding Bonds Issue of �uly l, 1936 Series C of tLe �ity of Clearw�ater, Florida dat�d �uly l, 1936, maturing July l, 1965 and redeemsble at t�e option of the �ity at par an.d accnued intexest on any interes'� pqyment date (J'�nuary 1 and Ju1y 1), have been called for redemption on July 1, T945. The bonds so calle� for redemption, constiz;uting all •of the Re- iunding Bonds lssue of uly l, 1936 whicn were issued ur_der the pro- visions of the re�solution aaopted on �ay 25, 19 36, authorizing the ref�dning of the zty's outstanding i�debtedness, with the exception oi �he bor_cas �rl:icY1 haFe been paid and cancelle.d and the bonds vahich have bee� exchanged f or like rrineipal amounts of xePunding Bonds of 1944, are more particularl,� described as follows; �1,647,000 Refunding �onds Issue of July l, 1936 �eries A con5isting of: 1,645 bonds.of �1000 each, bearing numbers {not con- s8cutive} between 1 and 4,345, and � bonds�of �500 each, riumbered 4,360, 4,361, 4,368 and 4;371. � ��.05,12� Refunding Bonds issue of July l, 7_936 Series B con�isting of: 82 bonds of �1,000 each, numbered•(all inclusive) 1 to 6, 15, 36 to 38, 4]. �0 50, 76 to 100, 124:: to 128, 130 to 140, 143, 14�; 158; 159, 1G6, 167, 173, 196, 276, 277, 300, 301, and 310 to 31�, ° 38 bonds of �500 each, numb ered jall i;ncludive) 356 to 358; 361, 362, 365 to 370, 377, 378, 383 to 388, 399 to 404, 409, �14, 415, 452 �to 456, 458, 459, 461, 467 and 468, 6 bonds of �300 each, numbered 471, and 478 to 482, inclusive, and 19 registered bonds of odd denominations, numbered 701; 716; 721,�722, 927J 929 to 936, 'inclusive, 938, 939, 1010, 10].3, 1018 and 1Q29. y102,528 r�funding bonds Issu� of July 1, 1936 5eries � consisting of: 73 bonds of �1;�00 ea�h, beari.ng numbers ' (not consecutive be�v�een 1 and 200, 1 bond oY �600, niu�bered 201, 44 bonds oi �5Q0 each, numberefl (all inclusive),- 428; 429, 439, 445 to �8, 453 to a61, 490, 491, 493; 495�to 498� 50� to 505, 519; 522, to 524, 529, 53i, 543 to 545i, 549 to 551, 556, 557, 559 and �60, • 6 bonds of �400 each, numbered 561, 566 and 635 to 038, inclusive, ' 1 bon@ of �300, numb ered 721, and ' 18 registered bonds of odd denomination�s, nu_mbered 722! 725, 730, 741, 799 to 805, inclusive, E07, 808, 880, i 895, 900, 901 an� 9I9. P�ment of the principal mnount af said bonds so called for redemption will: be rmde on or aPter July l, 1945on surrender of said bonds aecompanied b y a11 January 1, I946 and subsequent coupons at The Cha�e Z'�ational Banlc of the �ity of �ew I'ork, 11 Broad Street, New orlc City. Bonds registered as to przncipal alone or as to principal and interest should b e accompanied by a du].y sxecuted assignment in blank of the registered o�vner ax his attos'ney. Coupons maturing July l, 1945 and priox tt�ereto �vill be paid upon' tbe presentation ancl surrender o� such coupons. \ � E r 9 0 In�erest on said bonds will cease �Ga accrue i'rc,z� and after July l, 1945. Dated a'c �learwater, Florida, this day of April, 1945. , CITY OF CLEAR�`�ATF'R, FZORIDA By, City uditor 'lerk Section 4. That upon the �eliver of the Refundin� Eonds o� 1944 sald pursuant to the notice of sale set i'orth in Section � oY this resolutinn to the purchasers taereof, �I�,e proceeds oi" such bonds (excluding ths premium pai� thereo�) shall be deposit�d with ?'ho chas� 1'jational B�k of the ity oY l�evJ York for the sole and e�clusive �urpose of paying and 'rede�ning the outstandin Refund- ing Fionds ssue of Ju1y l, 1936 Series k� �eries B� �d �eries C. which have been caTled for redemption on July l, 1945, and on or bePore suoh delivery the city xuditor and `lesk shall deposit'tvith said Tha �hase I�ational Bank of the City of New York (ai the sum oi y��7,819.78, bein� the amount required Por paying i;he interest which will be payable on Jus,y 1 1945 on the bonds so called for redemption, and (b) the sum of �652, bezng t}�e,amount required icr Paying the balance of the principal of said bonds, Seeti��n 5. That all resolutions and parts oi' resolutions in conflict herewith are hereb� repealed. Secti��n 6. 2'hat this resolution sh�ll be in full foi'ee and effect from and after its passage. 93