12/20/1944 ,,' , 4,";':""" ,..' '.';. " if ;~h";!;:f;\; .f 0 '..,"....:. " l:;"." , ".,-:~;:". ';'.::' ,": J,. 't",::;yj: ',:!ir ~~\~ . '.~~~ \ ,. f. I sProIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION DEC>>.1BER 20, 1944 . ":'~;<:"::':l"."'" :.;:':\.,:. ;":'::i\:~";~"" ' . .' ,,' . 1 . . ~ :. .,.j 1: ".~" '.', r . ! . :'. :~ :' 1 \; ;(~ r: :~..: ':,",:.~:: ", ~ J, : ". ..... " r:' '. The City Commission met at 12:00 o'olook noon Deo. 20, 1944 in the City Hall for the purpose of Canvassing the returns of the City eleotion held Deo. 19th. \i The following members were present: George R. Seavy, Mayor-Comm. Sumner R. Lowe, Comm. Jesse G. ~mith Comm. o , -',,,,,- "'\"..+- l: Absen t: Dan Stoutamire Herbert Grioe The eleotion report signed by the duly qualified eleotion offioials was before the Board an d showed th e elac tion ot ~'Ged>rge R., Seavy as Mayor- Oommissioner and Jesse G. Smith and Herbert Frice as Commissioners, eaoh be- ing eleoted for a two year term beginning Jan 1, 1944. The eleotion report above referred to is set out elsewhere in these minutes. It was moved by Mr. Lowe seconded by Mr. Smitn and Carried that the election report be approved. It was moved by Mr. Lowe seconded by Mr. Smith and carried that the liquor lioense heretofore issued to the Wonder Bar at 300 Cleveland St. be transferred to Philip C. LeMay, who will operate a liquor store at the same looation under the trade name of "Sea Horsett. I t t. I I r :~ . '.. '. ). :',i There being no further business to come before the Board the meet- ing was adjourned. ~aMiJ :yor- omm. ;. , . -.. - ... , , " ,l Deoember 19, 1944 .". Mr. F. L. Hendrix City Manager Clearwater, Florl.da Dear Mr. Hendix: This is to oertify that I have this day (and times listed below) de- livered th fOllowing notioes,to the Oity Commissioners: "There will be a speoial meeting of the Oi ty Commission,- tomorrow, Wednesday, December 20th, at 12:00 O'Clock, noon, at the City Hall, for the purpose of oanvassing the ballots of the City Eleotion held on Deoember 19th 1944." M~or-CommissionerGeorgeR. Seavy: Commissioner Dan L. S~outannre: Commissioner Jesse G. Smith Commissioner Herbert Grice Commissioner Sumner,R. Lowe: TIME OF DELIVERY: 10:20 10:17 11:00 lD:15 10:25 Respeotfully submitted, (Signed) Chas. R. Newman POLICE ]PATROLMAN, Cruiser ,flU ~." :: '::'.".1,,,'>;' ,',"" ...... , . : ~ . . :'k', ' i.....:::."."._ ~: -...------ ...'~'.;.. . ," '. i' ..~ . '. > .' '. .... '{ , , '~J.:, .' . .'. . .. . : ...~~-- " .' ~'.: : :~:i''.~<'''< -:;( ... . ,>"", "'"',,' """N ",' , ~1;~~llfl!Jjl!: . .' ~ . "'\ ~, ' I , I '!J' ! ! ,... i $ , j ","':"" ,,';':,;,.i.; :' ."", .~;;.,;"~;;,~;;,,.i ,; '~';""~'" ;:{:"',',~,:"if::':~;~:;;:;~~~,~1.. ' ' .' '),tJ.' :.;-, ,:tm' , I, ;," (, " ,,', , ,. '''I{t~,;U , '. :";'~'~~;''';<i,~~:r~'<';:. ' " J '/.y"~' \., A ", . !!{~lJI~I~~ , . ." (' ~.. , 0,,', <.ll_"" STATE OF :HLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELL.AS CITY OF CLEARWATER ','i",. .~ ',: .1 .. j We, th e undersigned Inspectors an d Cle rk of the General Munioipal Eleotion of the Cit,y of Clearwater, Florida, held on the 19th day of December, 1944, do hereby certify that we have oon- , ! .. , '-1 -,' . '. . . , !' ducted said election according to law, and upon counting the ballots, find the result of said election to be as follows: VOTES ~ 19th day of If '. i j 1 f . :::'..;./.: , '. i .~:~:.':: ):':':,~'k:~/, .;.' " I" ",...,..'".\,;,' , . r'if: ::<iU:l;fr.:L>. I" ,. ..... "" " , ]i! {: l I Total number of ballots mutilated \1// r J ';"':>" t j,. ; i Total number of ballots cast For Commissioners to serve fo r a term of two years: recei ved B'~sse G. Smith received .36'7 3.1S- .Jo~ VOTES Geor{;e R. SeE'vy VOTES Herbert Grice ~t?.. /:..):;% It:,}.,., J t u. "". Ie.. ItO ,/~A,(;.,.t..,,.'u,(,r' );.rtL~...... ti.:tiH,,'O,;"R..o!....;.."..... ~ .~~Si1/5'-~- rece,~ ved Given under our hands at Clearwater, Florida, received VOTES VOTES 71;Lr.".J-L1 (j-,/ I, ~-y...~'\..A~l,./lr>j;l.<l,.'~' II II I( " received , I~ J M I this VOTES received December, A. D. J!944. Clerk ~E""~~~ Inspector ,It! /'1 ~." /lCw . Inspeotor /J~~ I,. . ,~u Inspec at' Sworn to and subscribed before me at Clearv!ater, Florida, this 19th day of Deoember, A. D. 1944. J .. ,,' Notary Large My Commission expires: ~ - ?,....~l.,-- '" '~"- ,-"P'. .':Y"'~"::.1..:.~. , ']:. ~J.'.Lf) S']A:rJ.lE CR' Fl!.ORIDk CO~ OF PINELLAS CIT1 OF CLEARWbTER , . . , We, the undersigned Clerk end ~nspeotors of the General Eleotion of the City of ClebrwEter to be held on December 19th, 1944, at which election two Oommissioners and one MayoL'-Commissioner will be elected, do hereby solemnly swebr thut ~e will well bnd fbithfully perform the duties of Clerk end Inspeotors at said Electiou\ " :j . .~~ .; /J ark Insp?!!:' () $I C7 ~' 'i'- .'.~ f' /:r:c; T cr-n ~ Inspeotor ~ Sworn to and subscri~ed before ...,:!~~~1-. .,~, Inspeo~~r ' me at Olearwater, Florida. this the 19th day of Deoember A. D. 1944. My ooIIllllission expires: .1./ - ~cf - /, Stt~ , . " . ."., ,', ',',"j ", ",' , ..'\ ,.; " ",:.~ ,.i: .~. """.!;':':,~,"~"(:';~~:':.'::,:;: . ~ \ ' t '. J t j I - I " ," '.. \ . � m � �r�',� ;� �(. , , , � i; i i � SPECIAL MEETING OF TFiE CITY CO2/fI�1iISSION DEC�MBER 20, 1944 The �ity �ommission met at 12:00 o'c�ock noon Dec. 20, 1944 iz� the City Hall for �he purpose of Canvassing the returns of the City election held ` 13ec. 19t;h. The Pollowing metnbers were present: G�eorge R. Seavy, Mayor-Comm. Sumner R. Lowe, Comm. Jesse G. �mith Comm. Absent• Den Stout�ire Herbert Grica The alection report signed by the dulv qualified election ofPicials was before the Bo�rd and showed the �lection oP_George R, Seavy as 7�Iayor- Cominissio�er and Jesse G. S�ith and Herbert Frice as Commissioners, each be- ing elected. �or a two year term begin.ning Jan l, 1944. The election report above rePerred to is se� out else�vhere in these minutes. It was moved b;r Mr. Lowe seconded by �ir. Smit� and Carried that the election report be approved. Tt was moved by Mr. Lowa seconded b7 �r. Smith and carried that the liq,uor license heretofore issued to the 4V�nder Bar at 300 Clevel�nd St. be transYerred to Philip C. LeMay, who will operate a liquar store at the same location under the trade name of "Sea Aorse". The�e being no further business to come before the Board the meet- ing was adjourned. /J ��� -�-�'".�==' h L,�.�.iG Cit Auditor � lerk ��--��'��yo -Comm. December 19, 1944 _ rdr. F, L. Iiendrix Ci�y Manage-r Clearwaterf Florida , Dear Mr. Hendix: This is to certify that I have chis day (and ti�es listed below) de- livered th followina notices to the City �ommissioners: TMThere will be a speci�. meeting of the City Commission, tomoTrow, 4Yednesday, December 2Oth, at 12:Q0 o'elock, noon, at the City IIall, for the purpose of canvassing the ballots of the City �lection held on December 19th 1944." mrME OF DELI�ERY: Mayor-Commissioner George R, Seavyc 10:20 ��mmissioner Dan L. Stoutamise: T0:17 � C�mmissioner Jesse G. Smith 1].:00 Commissi�ner Herbert Grice 1D:15 Commissioner Sumner R. Lowe: 10:25 Raspectfully submitted, {' �igned) C�as. R, i`�ewman POLICE �?�1TROIMAN , Crui � er 11X � 6 �� STATE OF FLORIDA � CQI�i7TY OF PIIVP�,Lr1S CITY OF CLiIAR�'r`ATER / . Ple, the unders�gned Inspectors and Clerk of the CrenPral �iunicigal Election of the City of Clearv�=atex, Florida, held on the 19th day of Decsmber, 1944, du hereb_y cert3fy that we have con- ducted said election according to law, and upon counting the ballo,ts, pind the result of said electic�n to be as follows: Total number of ballots c�st _� %/ -�- -- Total number of bal�ots mutilated ,,3 For Commiss�.o:ners to serve �o r a term of two years; _ = ore� R SPauy _ recei�ed .�J /� VOTES �'esse G. Smith _ received ��� Z�OTES Herbert Grice received ..�c�� VOTES a.�.r2.,r,-.L .R �, a �"� -,� received T�, tfu, l�. y/t� .t.� _ft��.� •� ,� VOTES 72�x,� o-�✓ , .� �-t c �� I � ,�'«:�i.�.<> �ia-et r�:��,s� •,i..n..,, Z•eceived � V'OTES �,-^'`b� �y . � . n .,G,.�" ••p N.;. ` k�7.,.� .�� f� � � . r ��•��-�.,�,..F -�ry.t �g.. • 1 �C1. C �C..� Jh_ . � ll p . � �`� L�'-�- received� � .,C VCITES� << ,, A,{t'�' .v sd-�,.s c�-:t -R:. n � � Given under our hands �t Clearwater, Florida, this 19th day of Ilecember, �. D. 1y44. . - /��� C le rk -- ' � � ���_ inspector — • . ���f� � �� � C� nspector /� � ��� � c Inspec . Sworn to an.d subscribed bePore me at C1earN�ater, Florida, this 19ti� day oi' December, A. D. 1944. '� Notar�y i�blic, State f Florida aL � Large I�� Commission expires. �8.� �,�_��k,�- � � J / i — e ■ � S�PATE 0�� F�ORII�l� C�UN'�`u' OE' PIN^T,L�� GI'TI` �r' CLEL�BVinT�ft Vde, the undersigned Clark and -Lnspect�rs oY the General Electi�n �f the City of Cle�rv�ater to be held on Deceinb�r lytih, 191�1�, �t which �lecti�n tv�a Commissi�ners and one Mayar-C�mmissioner will be electad, do hereby solemnly swe�r thr�� v�e wi}.? wall bnd faithiu�ly perf�rm the duties 5f Cler:� 'end Insyectors s� s.sid Electi�o " / ', /✓ Glerk o�V `� . � � �-/ £�2h`" / . >< Inspector v % ! � � / �(J'I � Inspecta� �� �=, " Insp=c�t'�r Sw�rn ta rnd subscribed before me at Clearwater, Florida, this the 19th day of December �,. D, 1y44, i!!�� ' � 4 Notary Public, Sts�,e �f Fl�rida st large. � My commijsi�n: expires: Y-��, �y�✓ ' �3