12/14/1944 ~ ,. d,"- !,' '-~" ,'. '. ,,,. '.~ ;.~ ~:'.:' ~....u,J~,.:~t'~:j~,~~ v;~.....' , ,..... . ." '....J , . , .'..., '" .. I;.. <;,;;,,\,,:,( , i'i;',', , .. \, ,;, ,;10' : '..', I . ;" ." "'. . q<1{<,,'tft0:r{:1:: L~ . ", " ,,''[:1~,~,&; "'.'.'.;.''-J5.~:;:,:' .. \ . '," ~ '::,' . ',' ':1.' '.'.'j " , 'r ,. . " , 1 ! I I , i "- SPECIAL MEETING OF Tmi CITY COMMISSION DEC. 14, 1944. .' . .n " The City Commission met in the City Hall at 12:00 o'olook noon Deo. 14th for the approval of the eleotion l~sts ot qualified voters for the eleotion to be held Dec. 19th. The following members wer present: Geo. R. Seavy, Mayor-Comm. Sumner R. Lowe, Corom. Herbert Grioe Absent: Dan Stoutamire ;Tesse G. Smith It was moved by Mr. Lowe seoonded by Mr. Grice and carried that the e1eotion lists be approved. There being no further business to oome before the Board the meeting was adjourned. i " ..l. ,j. ;' I , '. ';! , , " , '. ; ',' Mey~e~~i~ .. , , December 13, 1944 Mr. F. L.' Hendrix U 1 ty Manager Clearwater, Florida Dear :Mr. Uendl'ix: This is to oertify ~hat I have delivered special notices to the oomm- issioners listed below: BODY OF NOTICE: _ T"- "There will be a spec ial meeting of the Oi ty Commission, rrhu~sd~Y', Deoember fourteenth, at 12:00 o'olock, noon, at the City Hell, for the purpose of restoring to the election lists any name or names which may have been improperly strioken or omitted from the same." Mayor-C omm. George R. Seavy Dan L~ Stoutamire, Carom. Jesse G. Smith, Corom. Sumner'B. Lowe, Comm. Herbert Grice, Comm. TlME OF DELIVERY: 10:15 10:30 11:00 ll:~O 10:35 RespeotfUlly submitted, (Signed) N'eal POLICE PATROLMAN, Oruiser #_ ---....-- ; :; ,< . " " ,;. ~. :.. ';'; :.-,~,),,:,,.:,:,