12/05/1944 .,1 I , / \ I " . . ~ . ~..': ~'.' I .....~ " " ,...-;:,', A';l":l~:, l., , :{"'.,' ." '. 'j- . " 't!""""....~:,.o...j......._'~............. " . . ..-" , :~.."'I,> A. ,"', . ~'" ,; t~t':;~;).;'" ." , d I,,'~." Sf' ;)'>:~"..,."'.,.. --')'0 -C.,"....,,", ~ ::~';::';.,;':':;::;;{ l: ~, . -"'. 'f" '" ". L .... ....:~II~!~!f(' .,', : \ ~ : , . ,. J , ',',.", ,', " , . ' ',' ~. :., ('; ,::' 0" -'",-,,' " .... SPECIAL YEETING, CITY COMMISSION MINUTES, DECEMB2R 5, 1944 I. ' [ [ i I ,,' " 'j The Ci ty Conuni ssion of the Ci ty of CleaI'wa tel' met at a special meeting, called by City Manager F. L. Hendrix, at the City Hall, at 6:00 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of further considering Mr. William Dupper's request for reinstatement. of lIquor license, to operate "Uncle Bill's Place," revoked on November 27, 1944. i j The Commission waived notice of the meeting, and the following members were present: , ,/ , ~ i I ! I' .1 Ii . .l , !' . '. /.':~;, '::,~ I' '.." " \.";.,,,\ I h! I I'.... I' : '.. \:. :;. .'t,.t I Mayor-Commissioner.George R. Seavy Commissioners: Sumner R. Lowe Jesse G. Smith Herber-t Grice Dan L. St ou tarni re Mr. Al Rogero was present by invitation of the Commission, to explain what he knew of the case in questIon. He stated that he had collected evidence against the defendent for sales to minors, other than that for which he was convi c te d. Mr. Wm. Wolfe and J. E. Satterfield, attorneys, were present representing Mr. Dupper, and spoke at some length at what they considered the in- justice of the complete revocation of his license. After some discussion and severe warnings, it was moved by Mr. Grice, seconded by Mr. Smith, and carried unanImously, that the license be reinstated at the expiration of thirty days from the date of the revocation. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. L",:..." l~~~7A;li~; , tr",,}'\" ATTEST: ". ',': ':, n;.. ' .' .."", , , <. ~ ~y:,; ," """", .'" ," ' ',,- , ' '--"'-'" '~ � � SPECIAZ N�ETING, CITY COMMISSZON PJlINUTES, DECEMB:�i 5, 19a4 r � The Cit,y Commission of the City of Cleart�rater met at a special meeting, called by City Manager F. L. Hendrix, at the qity Hall, at 6:00 o�clock p.m., 1'or the purpose af i'urther considerino It?r. NJilliam Dupper'+s request for reinstatement of 1Lqu�r license, to operate "Uncle Bill�s Place," xevoked on November 27, 1944. The Commission waived notice o£ the meetin�, and the following members were present; Mayor-Commissioner,George R. SPavy Gommissioners; Sumner R. Lov�re Jesse G. Smith Herbert Grice ban L. Stoutamire 1�'!r. Al. Rogero �vas present by invitation of the Coramission, �o explain vrY!at he knew of the case in question. He stated that he had collected evidence a�ainst the defendent for salea ta minors, other than that for which he was convicted. Pi�r. N7m. 4Volfe and J. E. Satterfield, attcrneys, were present representi.ng Mr. Dupper, and spoke at some length at what they considered the in- juetice of the complete revocation of his license. After- some diseussion and severe warnings, it tivas moved bg ' Mr. Gric;e, seconded by p�Tr. Smith, and carried unanimously, that the license be reinstate�3 at the expiratior� of thirty days frora the date of the revocatiori. There be�ng no further business to come before the Board, the meet.ing was adjourned, George R. Seavy, Mayor-Co issioner, ATTFSTs . . r�/.f `�Jv�/✓vvr�/ � � . .. . . Fran Cooley, City C1erk � � �