11/27/1944 TIME OF DELIVERY: . .', .....~'. ,', .L' ",.,,' .' '. . " ;....1...._,,"~...,.;....~.~.. .~..., , ' ',.( j . c). ~~.." ..' SPECIAL MEETING OF THECITY COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 27, 1944 In pursuance by special ca~ the City Commission met at five o'clock p.m., November 27th, 1944, in the City Hall, with the following members present: . . Mayor-Commissioner George R. Seavy Commissloners: Sumner R. Lowe Je sse G. Smi th Dan L. Stoutamire Herbert Grice license: The purpose of the meeting was to consider the revocation of a liquor (As per notices delivered to commissioners requesting special meeting): " November 27, 1944 , '. " Mr. F. L. Hendrix, C1 ty Manager Clearwater, Florida Dear Mr. Hendrix: This is to certify that I have delivered to those members of the city Commission listed below, the following "special notices." "There will be a special meeting of the City Commission at five o'clock this afternoon, at the City Hall, for the purpose of considering the revocation of a liquor license." mmf " L,,,",..., '''~,r' r\?f" George R. Seavy, Mayor 10.:02 a.m. Sumner R. Lowe, Commissioner 10:16 a.m. Jesse . G~ Smith; Commissioner. 10:27 a.m. Dan L. Stoutamire, Commissioner 10:08 a.m. Herbert Grice, Commisaoner 10:06 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Signed: Charles K. Ne~man PolIce Patrolman, Cruiser #12X It was moved by Mr. Grice, seconded by Mr. Smith, and unanimously carried that the following Resolution be adopted: n RES 0 L UTI 0 N WHEREAS, under date of September 29th, 1944, the City of Clearwater issued License No. 13 to William Dupper for the sa.le of intexocating liquors during the license year 1944-45 ata place of business at 155 Hendrix Street, in the City of Clearwater operated under the name of Uncle Bill'S Place: and WHEREAS, said William Dupper was on the 27th day of November, A. D., 1944, convicted in the Municipal Court of theCity of Clearwater of selling alco- holic liquors to minors in violation of the ordinances of the City of Clearwater; ','.and' . .>.::':~' ;. . ; .-:: . ,.';.." ,:~. J:. ~. . '.. l*..... '''-''~~ .,:~;~ ATTEST: ~~ . . Fra Cooley, '",\'i'~~'~' ,r, \, . I '. ..... "_I~ ,..1 'I' , , I.; . \ . oJ " ,j i: . .....,.',;..... f!age#2' . Minutes 11/2'7/44 ~J( WHEREAS, under the ordlnance3 ~f the City cf Clearwater, particu- ~arly Section 3 or Ordtnance No. 119, the City of Clearwater reserved the rtght to cancel and revoke any liquor license for cause: :: it: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE aITY OF CLEARWATER That Licen~e No. 13 issued to William Dupper on the 29th day of September, 1944, for the sale of intoxlcattng liquors at 155 HendrIx street in the City or Clea.rwater under the name and style of Uncle Bill's Place be and the save is hereby revoked and cancelled. ThlR Resolution passed and adopted by the City Commdsslon of the City of Clearwater, Florida, at a special meeting, this 27th day of Novembor, r i \ '''1.: , , :..., ... J .. A. D., 1944. Signed: Oeo. R. Seavy~ MAYOR-COMMISSIONER ATTEST: .'.i , , I ~ Signed: Frank Coo1e~, rrrTY AUDITOR & CLERK tI The re being no fuz'ther business to come up bef'ore the Board, the meeting was adjourned. G.org~Se~~ISSIONER : to" . '.. ..' . \ ~ ~;j .... ~. J8.-....,.. '-:t.:'.l'!~f., -'.1 ~ "'~I:::~"~'!::~'" .', 'I': .. --1~:J J ..~ " . .. i ~ l '.~.., , .', ,.' '.' ':, .,,' ,', ' ~'~'-""'.~;~~j"~:"-t"'...~..~;1'":.."ro:-~~'~"""-,"'-: .:'.r"':'~:...'"T' yO'. � _; � 1 33 SPECIAL MEETING DF THECITY COMt,:1:SSI0N, NOVENBER 27, 1944 � In pursuance by special ca17, the City Commissior_ met at five n+cloek p.m., NovAmber 27th, 1944, in tZ1e City Hall, with the following members present: Mayor-Commissioner George R. Seavy Commissioners; Sumner R. Lowe Jesse G. Smith Dan I,. Stoutatnire ilerbert Grice The purpose of the meetin� was to consider the revocation of a liquor license: (As per notices delivered to commissioners requesting special meeting); n PTovember 27, 1944 Mr. F. i. Hendrix, Ci ty A7ansger Clearwater, Florida , Dear Mr. Hendrixt This is to certify th�t I have delivered to those members of the City Commission listed belo�v, the following "special notices." "There will be a special meeting of the City Commission at £ive o�clock t?�is afternoon, at the City Iiall, for the purpose of considerino the revocation of a liquor license." TIPdE OF DELIVERY: i. George R. Seavy, Mayor 10.:02 a.n. Sumner R. Lowe, Commissioner I0;16 a.m. Jesse,G: Smith; Commissioner 1Os27 a.m. , Dan L. Stnutamire, Commissioner 10;08 a.m. H�rbert Crice, Corrnnissoner 1Ot06 a.m. Respeet£ull� submitted, Si�ned; Charl�e R, New�nan. Police Patrolman, Cruiser m12X_ mmf t� ! It was mo�ed by Mr. Grice, seconded by Mr. Smith, and unan:;,�ously casried that the following Resolutien be adopted� �� � :i E S O L II T I 0 1� � WHEREAS, under date of September 29th, 1944, the City of Clearwater issued License No. 13 to Plilliam Dupper for the sale of intoxocating liquors daring the license yeAr 1944-45 ata place of business at 155 Hendrix Street, in t he City of Clearwater operated under the name of Uncle Bill�s P1ace; a nd i I 1WfIEREAS, said 'JJilliam Dupper rvas on the 27th day of November, A• D., ' 194�, convicted in the RRunicipal Court of theCity of Clearwater oi' selling alco- - holic liquors to minors in violation of the ordinances of the City of Clearwater; ana � Page#2 Niinui;e s 11�27�44 `}1� � WHEREAS, unaer the ��rdinan�es �.t the City Cf C1.eaxov�ter, part.Lcu- I � larly, Sec�lon 3 of Ord:Lnanco No. 119, the City of Clearwater reserved the right to cancel and revoka any liquor 13cense for carzse: � I�TOW, THEftEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TT3E CITY COD2n�ISSION pF THE �ITTY OF CLEAR'NATER That License No., 13 issued to William Dupper on the 29t� day of September, 1944, for the sale of intoxicating liquors at 155 Hendrix Street in the City of Clearwater under the name and style af Uncle Bill�s Place be and the save is hereby.revnked and cancelled. This Resolution pa.ssed and adopted by the City Corrunission of the City o.f �lsar�vater, Flc,rina, at a special meeting� this 27th daf oz November, � A. D., 1944. Si�rned: Gea. R. Seav,y, It?AYO P.- G OPAMI 5S I ONER ATTEST: Signed; Frank Coole,y, bI TY t?UDI TOR & GLLRK ,r There being no further business to come up before the 3oard, the meeting w�zs adjourned. �� � George R. Seavy, MAYOR� UMMISSI�N�i ATTEST• � n • . . � �: �,�� J� SPECIAL MEETIPjG QF TE%] CITX COMPdISSIQN DEC. 14, 1944. Th9 City Commission met in the City iia7,l at 12:00 o'clock noon Dec. 14t� ior the approval of the eleotian l�:sts oP qualified voters Por the election to be held Dec. 19th. The Pollowing members wer present; Geo. R. Seavy, I�iayor-Comm. �Sumner R, I�owe, Comm. Herbert Grice Absent: Dan Stoutamire Jesse G. Smith Tb was moved by b4r. Zowe seconded hy '�r. Grice an:d carried tYrat the electian lists be approved. There being no further business to come before the Bo�rd the meeting was adjour�ed, � . :Ib�•��Ct`• PYiayor-Commiss oner December 13, 1944 Mr. F, L. Hendrix �itp Manager �learwater, Florida Dear Mr. ��ndrix: This is to certify that I ha;re flelivered special notices to the co�cn- issioners listed below: BODY OF NOTICE: "There will be a special meeting of the Cit� Comrnissi.on, Thursday, December fburteenth, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the �ity Sall, for the purpose of restoring to the eleet3on lists any �ame or names tivhich may have been improporly stricken or omitted fro� the same," TLti'IE OF DELIVERY; Mayor-Cor.�m. George R. Seavy 10:15 Dan L. Stoutamire, Co:�nm. 1Oc30 Jesse G. Smith, Comm. 11s00 Sumner R. Lowe, Comm. 11:10 Horbert Grice, Comm. 10:35 Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Neal POLICE PATROLMAN, Cruiser #