06/27/1944? ???), ?^ f.? n ; ? ?) ,C R ...Step tf f ?„ ?, f y ?) ?f U .` ?'-{? is ?`Ve?'„? tr.:.; h?a,yor-Corrsrrissioner, George R. Seavy Co?urrissioners: Sumner R, Lowe 3esse G. Smith cITY co?4?m2ISSIar? OF ?? CITY OF CLFARVJATL'R, I`LORIDA. June 27, 1944 ? ` The City Commission of the City of Clearv??ater, Florida met in speciHl session at the City Hall on June 27th, 1944 a?t 12:00 o?clock noon with the following member; present: Absent: The meeting vras duly called to order by 1?Sayor Seavy. li? City IYianager Flendrix read to the board the resigna- tion of Joe L. hus?ell, thief of Police of the City of Clear- water, effective immediately, said resignation being addressed to 1.ir. F, L. i'endrix, City rr:anager. This resignation is set out elsewhere in those minutes. It `ti?as proved by i,1r. Smith, seconded by ?,ir. Lowe that the resignation be accepted. The vote wr?s as follows: For Acceptance: George ?i, Seavy Sumner K. Lowa Jesse G. Smith For :ion Acceptance: None It was moved by 11;r. Lowe, seconded by P{Sr. "math and carried unanimously that City ?Manager Hendrix be appointed active Ghief of Police until such time as a new chief of police is desigZnated. The Gity Commission adopted without formal vote a statement by Conunissioner Smith as follows: "The City Cornrnission ?^ishes to express their appreciation to Chief Russell for his lone time services as a police officer of the City of Clearwater and regret that they rind it necessary to accent his resignation." There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned. i?iayor-Commis oner TTTT TT TT TM TT TT?FTTT TT T hSr. F. L. Hendrix, City 1?4anager, Clearwater, Florida. Dear Sir;- Dan L. Stoutanrire Herbert Gripe CITY OF CLEAR?)tiAT? Clearwater, Florida June 26th, 1944. I herewith tendex my resignation as Chief of Police of the City of Clearwater, effective immediately. ®, ?{ 1 ,\, .. ,,; '. G ;_,, I1 r ;? ,? s . ) N? r i M ;rf 3 1??4 t' '? t! i.i r-t •, ' ? f) ?» ?.. " . ( ?. t Y i i ) j', ? r # '? u ?'r l???),. p i;'., 1 1 '.f{! r i z h . • ), t4 ? ) r i 'r? ? 1"?i[,• ? ': i ? ? )?? ? r' 9 r ? Fw '.r`` ',.?;' ?:) r:; t.: i b+ Y Y ?); AS. 7? 1.? ys?i'???si -? t? y24 ?'X 2?+ ? ?? ri? ? ? f? ?? ,? X? i _ is 11nT( ?+ ? ?o rJ???M?1 a ?` ,? `?r??}? . (Signed Joe L. t?ussell ';?,???i?'?'`???;?? ? ?F f ?a a7 r?" t S?i? ? k^ ,,? •r,?y ?o r iMa ?k?f r ??`;?'s??d D? f', r )? nC') ? ? ? i?t , ?? .1? ) !yy i ? ? y 5- ti ) rP}a rv?l t ) ? ? °?l er.?S??,??,.tww?f?.??? ai' t ? ? ?,.'4). ip r ? r ?M? n v ? ? i ? iiP'??h A \1ICCI?r?? )^ I ? ? ) )? ?)?'fr L?+?3 ? fl 1) -S? ? .n ? t .?? I ?c ? ?'? ? . }? ,yy ` t 'W ? 1"n to +? . ,? 'l ? r ) ? ,: ? ? ?a i ,? i'n Y i' ? f , ? ? ? µ`?+ ? y? .t ? .+.1f S ?y )f »r ?° qtr. )f ? • ? .f?f' ;.??( '?d?. ??,r?l?in (, •'.? tp,. Yr.o)?.? ? a,f?????r )if t4 •. ? ??f 1 } '? ? . fir ?'?? .. t t&it1 .S' 1. L )1b 1 .. , .._.._..ro+rar?++.,-.-..-- --_.. ? ? ? S ? »Ceti?w a. ;?? ? y. ?? y ] 1 t? S ?.+• ?,` t ? ?? ? ? ;,. ''? 'f ? ) y, , ) s?' 1 n..'` ,,,) ??7 f ?,?. ,+.: ? ?. ? , ., ? ? ;,, :? `? `,? ,? � CITY CoivIMTSSIo;J OF' �kiL+' GITY OF CLEARV�'AT��SR, FZ,OFIDA. �une 27 , ].944 � ' The City Commis�ion of the City o� Clearv,ater, Floxida met in sue2ial session at the City Ha�.l on June 27th, 1944 at 12:00 o'clnck noon with the fol],owin� members present: Mayor-Cormnzssioner, George R. Seav� • Co:runissioners: Sumner R. Lowe �esse G. Smith Absent: Dan Z, Stoutamire Herbert Grice 2he meeting was duly ealled to order by iJ�ayor Seavy, City TJ;anager Hendrix read to the board the resigna- tion af Joe L, Ftus�ell, �hief of Police of the City of Clear- wa�er, effentive fimmediately, said. resignation beino addressed to i;:r. F, L, Fendrix, Gity ?Eana�er. This resignation is set out elsewhere I.n tl�ese minutes. It v�as :noved by :".r. Smith, seconded by �;ir, I�owe �that the resi��,ation be accepted. The vote was 2s f'ollows: For Acceptance: Geor�e jt. Seavy . Sumner R, Lowe Jesse G. ��itr� For �Von acceptanee: Nane.. It was moved by 14.r. Lowe, sec�ndad by n.sr, Umith and carxied unanimausl� th�t Citf Manager nendrix be appointed active Ghief of Police until such ti.me as a new chief of police is designatea. The Cit,y Commissian adopted vaithout fortual vote a staterient by �omtni.sszoner Smith as follows; "The City Commission �nishes to e�ress their appreciatio� to Chie� Kussell #'or his lo;�� time services as a police affieer of the City of Clearv�ater and regret that they Yi.nd it recessary to ar,cept his resi�nati�n," There being no further business to came before the Board the meeting was ae�journed. � .. t;7ayor-Co�n.issioner —� � I'L�BV<!✓ Pt G� uditor and Clerk �*�*��**�**��:�a���k*=�*� CITY QF Ci,�,ARL4�A TEE� Clearv����er, Florida June 26th, 194a. D�r. F. L. Hfndrix, City A4anager, Cle�rwater , Flori�.a. Dear Sir;- I herewith tender my res3gnation as Chief oi'"�olice of tue Ci�y of Clearwater, effecti4e immedia�ely. (Signed) Joe L. nussell S � 7 ; -�� � � � � `,_