12/13/1943 , 'I ... ..;h........'... _.,:~;.~_" ,: ,_,., .',~..+ '., ..\.:'_.~:...~~..,.._...,._.~.. ....,. '.:'''-!'';~''''''''''~~'~''.' .:......;....~J.;;......~~ (l.,. '-;~'~~,', ':.':<:"'.':~'!~. ....., . I. 7tr , " ., CITY COMMISSION MINUTES CITY OF CLEARWATER, PLORIDA. DECEMBER 13th, 1943 t ; -' . '.'..," g i.' 'l.\'~"":'\'f!~' t.i~,:t The City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida met in special session the evening of December 13th, 1943 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall with the ~ollowing members present: George R. Seavy, Mayor-Commissioner Sumner R. Lowe, Commissioner Dan L. Stoutamire, Commissioner Herbert Grioe, Commissioner Absent: Jesse G. Smith, Commissioner The meeting was duly oalled to order by Mayor Seavy and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Commission had before it at this time the Eleotion Petitions of Sumner R. Lowe, Dan L. Stoutamlre, F. G. Woloott, and J. ArIas Ogg. It appearing that the petitions did bear the proper number ot signatures and in every way were in proper torm, it was moved by Mr. Grice, seoonded by Mr. Lowe and oarried that the petitions be approved and filed, and that the names ot Sum- ner R. Lowe, Dan L. Stoutamire, F. G. Wolcott, and J. Arlos Ogg be placed on the offioial ballot in the eleotion to be held on December 21st, 1943. It was moved by Mr. Lowe, se~onded by Mr. Grice and oarried that the following persons be appointed as eleotion officials for the eleotion to be held December 21st, 1943: B. F. Perry, Clerk H. E. Took, Inspeotor Mrs. Hazel F. Hemming, Inspeotor Mrs. W. H. R. Kembrough, Inspector There being no further business to oome before the Board the meeting was adjourned. " '.1 . , . f . .f. . f .'. r l . , . ",: I, ~ .'- . ' > I, ',., , ,."'.:,' .,. "...~. Ii I .;~ '. '?- " ~ ~. tP- ~ Mayor-Commissioner ************** CITY OF CLEARWATER Clearwater, Florida Deoember 11, 1943 Mr. F. L. Hendrix City Manager Clearwater, Florida Dear Mr. Hendrix: This is to certify that I have this morning delivered the following notioes of speoial Oommission meeting to the Oom- missioners listed below the "body" of the letters: "There will be a speoial meeting of the Oity Commission Monday night, December 13th, at 7:30 P.M., at the Oity Hall, tor the purpose of reoeiving petitions of candidates for election. Election officials will be appointed at that time. Please make every possible effort to be present." " ~ -:. . Mayor-Com. George R. Seavy Jesse G. Smith, Commissioner Sumner R. Lowe, Commissioner Dan L. Stoutamire, Commissioner. Herbert Grice, Oommissioner TIME OF DELIVERY: 11-23. GRS 2-15 tos 6-15 P.M. 11-35 Dan 11-30 B.O. , . ,. '. .~. , , .' , " . ....'..' "'.'i,^'..,-:" Respeotfully submitted, ~Signed) Neal...... ..' Polio'e Crdser, Patrolman: , . ..'. . ,. . . .'.... I.' � _ � CITY COMMISSIOAT MINUTEs ' CITY OF CLEAFt'NATLR, P'LORIDA. pECEMBER 13th, 1943 The Ci�y �ommission of the City of Clearwater, Florida met in speeial session the evening oP December 13t1�, 1943 at 7z30 P.M, in the City Hall with the Pollowing members present; George R. Seavy, Mayor-Commissioner Sumner R. Lnwe, Commissioner Dan I,. Stoutamire, Co�issioner Herbert Grice, Commissioner Absente J`esse Ge Smith, Commissioner The meeting was duly called to order by Mayor �eavy and the minutes oP the previous meeting were read and approved. The Commission had before it at this time the Election Petitions oP Sumner $. Lowe, Dan L. Stoutamire, F. G. Wolcott, and J. �rlos Ogg. It appearing that the petitions did bear the proper number of aignatur6s and in every wa�r were in proper form, it was moved by Mr. Grice, seconded by Mr. Lowe and carried that the petition� be approved and Yiled� and that the narnes of Sum- ner �, Lowe, Dan L. Stoutamire, F, G. V�olcott, and J. Arlos Ogg be placed an the official ballot in the election to be held on December 21st, 1943. It was moved by Mr. Zowe, seConded by S�r. Grice ana 'aarri�d that tne following persons be appointed as election ofYicials for the eleetion to be held December 21st, 1943c : B. F. Perry, ClerY. H. E, Took, Inapector Mrs. $azel F. He�ning, Inspector Mrs. W. H. R. Kembrough, In�pector � T�ere being uo Purther business to come belore the Board the meeting was aa�ournea. �_ �- r�� ; Mayor-Comm ssioner ili�G City Auditor and Glerk - *****�******�* CITY OF CLEARIVATER Clearwater, Florida December 11, 1943 Mr. F. L. Hendrix City Manager Clearwater, Florida De�lr Mr. Hendrix: This is to certify that I have this morning delivered the fo].lowin.g notices of special Ga�ission meeting to th.e Comd missioners listed below thp °'b4dy" of tY�e letters: nThere will be a special meeting of the City ��mmiesion Monday night, December 13th, at 7:30 P.M., at the City IIall, P.or the purpose of receiving �eti�tions of candidates for election. Election officials will be appointed at that time. Please make every possible efPort to be present." TINTE' OF DELIVEf2Y� Mayor-Com. George R. Seavy 11-23 GRS � Jesse G. Smith, Commissioner 2-T5 �GS 8umner R. Lowe, Comu�iss3oner 6'-15 P.M. Dan L. Stoutamire, Commissioner 1;1-35 Daa He.rbert Grice, Gommissioner 11-30 Ii.G. AespectPully submitted, _(S3gned) NeaZ Police Crtiser, Patroiman: mmP