09/23/1940 .; .... .... .'..>.'. .. . O. ..'..,,,.' . t., ... ";-'";~ {....,'." .;. , 'I" , ., . .. ',: :' .~ :M MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE OITY 0 CUMISSION The Oity Commission of th~ Oity ot Olearwater held a Special Meeting in the Oity Hall at eight o'clock on the evening of September 23rd, 1940, tor which the tollowing notice had been delivered to the Mayor and each Oommissioner: . September 23, 1940. There will be a special meeting ot the Oity Oommission tonight at eight o'clock in the City Hall to take the plaoe ot the ~ast regular meeting whioh was postponed. Respeottully submitted, The tollowing members were present: E. B. Oasler, Jr., Mayor..commissioner R. A. Dempsey Herbert Grice R. B. Norton G. R. Seavy Minutes of the p.revious meeting were read and approved. Sealed bids trom oil companies were received by the Oity Manager and presented to the Oommission unopened. Mr. Hugh Hayes, representing a majority of the 011 dealers in Olearwater who have paid wholesale dealers lioense, stated that up until the past two years the City had purchased its gas and oil on a ~~ota'tt~., basis and stated that the Oity would save money by adopting this plan again, and that the City tor the past two years has lost money b~ not purohasing on the rotating plan.~Mr. Reed, representing Shell Oil Company, stated he thought the City would save money by buying on a oompetitive basis. Atter considerable discussion between representatives of oil companies and the City Oommission, moved by Mr. Seavy, seoonded by Mr. Norton and unanimously carried that the bids be returned to the oil dealers and the matter be taken up at an adjourned meeting to be held at 5:00 o'clock Tuesday atter- , ~.: noon. M. H. Jones appeared before the Oommission and asked it they would allow him to pay the accumulated taxes and assessments and attorney's cost of foreclosure proceeding which would amount to . 325.00 inCluding 1940 taxes on Lot 3 Block 7 Pine Orest Subdivision and issuing him a tee simple deed on smne. Moved by Mr. Grice, seconded by Mr. Norton and unanimously carried that Mr. Jones' proposition be acoepted. . .,...'. c. ,~ \', , ' I I i .. ~. I ":.~:u:;.,,\:: ::',~.....::. .~',.,: ;~:....':"tl.:,:....:'.~..l-"~ City Manager presented Resolution ~cceptlng an agreement (-\ t.:.;'.. f . i;,il~J,'.I.~. ,':'~IY.'.. lJetween A.C.L. Ry. Clna C1ty of Clearwa.ter granting t.he City of Clearwater permission to lay Gas Main under tract at Rogers st. Movea by Mr. Dempsey, seconded by Ur. Grice and una.nimously oarried Resolution be ad,)pted. The City Uanager pre6ented a telegrUID from Mrs. Wales Leatham witn reference to relief program in Great Britain. The telegram was ordered filed. Moved by 14r. Dempsey, seoonded by f4r. Seavy and unan1mously oarried that the offer hy Mr'. Satterfield of $500.00 in settle- . ; ment of delinAuent taxes and assessments agaln&t the following properties be acoepted: LoLs 4 & 5 of Brown's Court, Lo~s 19 & 20 Blook C of Keys~one Manor, Lots 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21,,22, 23, 26 & 28 in Property of A. J. Moore Subdivision. Moved by Mr. Grice. seconded by Mr. Dempsey and unan1mously oarried that a deed to Wll1ia.m H. Va.lent1.ne on Lots 37, 53, 54, 55 & 56 of Druid Hills be approved. Moved by Mr. Grice, seconded by Mr. Norton and unanimously oarried that the deed to Louise K. Goodman. all Lots 9 & 10 Block J of Hibiscus Gardens, be approved. Moved by llr. Dempsey, seconded by Mr. Seavy and unanimously carried that 11 Resolut1on canoelling the C1ty bonds recently purchased be adopted. The City Attorney presented a Resolution designating "ateon Clark llS Base-ball Liaison Officer of the City of C1earwatert l~oved by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Dempsey and unanimously oarried that the Resolution be adopted. Mr. W. H. Wolfe presented Ordinanoe Number 465. Moved by Mr. G-r1ce, seconded by.Mr. Seavy and unanimously carried that Ord.lnance II 465 be passed on its first reading. Moved by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Grice and unanimously carried that the rules be waived and Ordinance # 465 be passed on its second reading by title only. Moved b~ Mr. Norton seconded by Mr. Seavy and unanimously carried that the rules be further waived and. Ordinance # 465 be passed on ita third and final reading. Moved by Mr. Seavy, aeconded by 1Ir. Norton and unanimously carried that the meeting be adjourned unt1l five o'c1ock the next afternoon. "It ,l :". ~ "': ' " ' ~ . ..., ~ . 1 > ,.;...,. ~ .; -~~ \. . , ......... . ,. ':, " . '. ".:1'; ...... '. 'Attest: ," .., ". , . " . .. :~ ""; . , ,". . ., . : J,. -~ ;.\ ';,: " 1. ..~ ., ,: . 1 ~r .1 1 ,~ 1 I ~ . .': , ..' .....,.l. ' ., ~/ I:' '. ;.... :', .,1 ",I, ". I.) ,,' ~, ~:'~<~ 7'-: , .., . .. " t~ ~ ': :, .. r.. . ... . ~?f': : ' : ," '" ;.:::,',', ,; .:' -- RESOLUTION WHEREAS tor many years pas~ some major league base- ball team has done its spring training in the City ot Clearwater; and WHEREAS it is the desire of the City that some major league team shall oontinue ~o train here eaoh year; and WHEREAS the City feels the need ot a liaison offioer to aot as intermediary between the City and any major league olub that is now or may hereafter do its spring ~raining in Clearwater; and WHEREAS Waston Clark was tor many years an eminent17 suooessful major league ball player and is now a highly respeo~ed citizen of the Oity ot Clearwater. NOW) THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, That Watson Olark be and he is hereby designated as Base-ball Liaison Offioer of the City of Clearwater, to aot as suoh in all nego~1ations and relations between the City and any base-ball olub that may hereafter do its spring training in this City. This Resolution passed and adopted by the City Oommission of the City of Olearwater, rlorida, at its meeting on the 23rd day or September, A. D. 1940. M~~/ Attest: ~~~!:.~~ "", ' , .. d..,. >.:, ...... '", "'!'" . ~ . \ .. . ,/. ~:\;'1!1(~\t ...,"."........l~ . (;:B/;:vt~~~~ , U:,\\4rY?,f"\":',-,~t~~., "i'~' \",~~.~~:;,- ~":j ~ ~~ . ' 't"~~.;~~.rl;,ti n,' h ~ "~J,, : ,:~,~~j .~::~\. <,::' <'''. . , ::.,:'.:~i .l~;~:;~~~~f2~,::'> ...~ ~:: :, ~'':': .'.' :." :, . ".,,,;~t.,).,j. \,'. " .' ',.0, " ,,., '~t' ,. , " ., . (., \'t, It.. :',,, f~" t :- \ ''t'. ~" '. ~ f~:t:~:~~~~b~~~~~~~::'i i;.: '~:'\~: ' >', "" 'J' 'I \",..... r." " . ':'?ii~~il ~2:."'" ',' '.:..:. '~::.~..:'/~:~:~~~;\.:..., ~'"-'" I", , ,,.: ~ ,:" ".~ ;. ,.. ~ ..- ';~1~r ~:'F~ ~;_ A, ...:,' '! :~..' ":. ~;~...~~..:' ,.-,. ........~....~ ',r':' . . >.'" " '..': "',..' .,..,..." ".' ',: ) "'. .'. . \ ..:. , ": l~" RES 0 L UTI 0 N ,.ii.:.::,:'. .';:.'F. > .. ... ." . fl.' " ",.. :' ..:,:.;, ... ;,,: VlHEREAS, the fo11owinc. Donds hnve been purchased by ;,:Q ~~'; ~ tho City of C1enrwl1ter, and ~.l::.:rC~.LS, it is -the intontion of tho City COr.lI!lission " "" . (,\ '.~/~ '. ,.'. -;','/ " I. "~' " t '. ,~:,.:""" <<' ,"".Ii} .' t. .h'.. F that tb: s:\i\l Do!tcls nnu the Courons nttnchoel thereto shall . .'." o 10,880.00 He funclin[: T3:.m<ls fro~1 nus &: \'.'n tor Func1 as of }~\:cust 2(" 1940, bour:ht at 70. Bonds purchased: 730, 731 J 39l), 307, 390, 20(~2, 2023, 2824, 282r::, 202(, :1 t. 1000.:)0 CCtch, n11 b011e1s 3erie3 A. Bond J 4C4, ~ 500.00 Series D. Bond ;f 477, ~~ 300.;)0, :.3eries B. J'ctic1 by checi: .f 1146 to Gas (:, ~;'at8r Fund, o 5,000.00 ~efundinc 50nds at 69.GO und 0 5,000.00 TIefundinc Do~dG at G9.75. Sands: Jcries A # 841- 840-230-842-G30-837-836-e35-n3.1 &, 833; p'urcl~ased from John :7uvecn &. Compnny. ::"oi(l by check ,f 1147. " ~ .." , be cllnco11c(1, :.;' ;.->. : ~O'.;, 'I::::.;r~::;~"O.i1:'::, :3~ IT rUJOLV:.ID by the City CO!:1!uis sion of tho City of U1e:n~\'m.tl)r, FloridA, thnt the City Auditor and C1t,r~~ is h01'eb:r (tu~-,}lOri~ccl nn(l .Urected t.o oancel these ".;,"} ~0!l11S and Coupons ur10n the P.ecorcln of the Ci ty of C1onrviater, /" find to c.1 eface uncl Lluti1ntc thorn in ~mch a manner ns to render each 130:1(1 and Cou;~on ~ru11 rmd "([01el. ~ " noo 00 P f d' n 1~ rt ~() 7~ 'If' .:>, '.I. ...\e un ~nc ..,on< OJ d u.. u. j,'~ } 8:15-8.-10 L [3.17; :,urchased fron j:. 1".., ~ (1 l)'r 0]'." ...'... 'l 11~r:: - '.-'-..1.,... ;; _ 1\:..0 \..I.:.... If ...,...J. 13onc18, Serien "~lfrecl l:uck. .L.;...."..^>>.,.~.... . ~....,'...;. 'hW,".~~'~' . .:I(:'{#;;~i:t~;ii~;i~*~J, : . .,'.'..."....~' '",.,., ,''''.:.. .., . . . .~. \~\~*~Y(f:~i"'\'~~~: ,;.. . ~.. y.. . ...,./ .... ,~j~~\~\~\: . 1 . ,I", '....' t' l ., :') 6,000.00 Refu~1~1i:lf: Dands at 69.05, ;,jorien A ;;~: 1C11-18'10-1C:::j9-1,S38-H337 & 1C3G; }Jurcl~asod froD 'J ~., -", . C ., '.:l b' ., 11A .;.\. lJ. U:i,c,:son (.~ Ol1:;:Jllny. 1 nl.u. "J c;:eck;/ ...9. ~ 1,000.OJ nofu~dinG Bond, fro!:l Louis j;e3sc1 ,~~' 09.50. Series ~ J 223G; purchased raid by check J 1151. ;; 2,000.00 Heruncli ~1C Donds at G8. 5 anc.1 {~ 3,000.00 Refunding Bonds at 69. Bonds: 3eries A J 843; . Series 13 :1 286-287 -2['.0 [C. 278; TJul'chased froIl 13enj ani!l Rubin. :Paid by checr.:- /f 1157. Fh,333i:J l1.l:;D i'JJOI'Till by the Ci t~r CO::ll:lission of t~1 e City of' C1enrviatcr in ;3:)ecirtl l:eetine nsso!"'J)led this 23rd day of Se:!!te~:lber, A. D. 1940. ./ ~'1. t test: , . ;Zv/~f.: ,(" I"~~' r L..-!<~i ,) '-/'. r (.7 /. r. t!-1. .' C:::::-(. t.. '~'C1 /::;~(~.,-~('. .__/ . 3rft)~. 10 , Y/~J/ .91/t 1]2 '. '.~..~':'W- '/;; ) r-;; t (! :../ ./ / -' .~\ oI>r,.r ,,1 yli.,.J" . 1::1 , , . ?/ ,H. " ' ' ,.... :.:1. .,"', .' .:' ; yr~t0rG'~.:7 . .,;!:j~~':lil')):;'... ,'..' ...... ... .,. . '.' -- /'1):'. ;,'.":' . .'.' '..':"',:. , I',~" .1'.... .' I." , "",' "N.;/ ,,~ ,", ' .. ',:, , , ..1:', ~;., ':, . '.-:" ORDINANCE NO. 465. .AN ORDINANCE PROVIDmG FOR THE LICENSING, RlnISTRATION .AND REGULATION OF ALL PERSONS, FIRMS AND OORPORATIONS ENGAGED IN CERTAIN BUSINESS , OCCUPATIONS OR PROFBSSIONS . IN THE OITY OF OLEARWATER; FIXING '1'BE LICENSE TAXES FOR SUCH BUSINESSES, OCOUPATIONS OR PROFESSIONS; PROVIDING TERMS UNDER WHICH SUOH LICENSES UAY BE OBTAINED; REGULATING THE OARRYING ON Opt StTCH BtTSINESSES, PROFESSIONS OR OCCUPATIONS UNDER SUCH LICENSES, AND .AMENDING SUCH OTHER ORDINANCE Il~ CONFLIOT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR PPRMITS AND PROVIDING FOR TERMS 'UNDER WHICH SUCH PERMITS AND LICENSES MAY BE OBTAINED; BmULATING THE OARRYING ON OF SUCH BUSINESSES, PROFESSIONS OR OCCOP ATIONS UNDlm SUCH LICENSES AND PERMITS, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. >'t. . ;:1 ,. y', r, ir...:-,()' " . ;'. ,::\., ' I':'~"'" ',: I' i .. j' I "." ,,,., . .r' :~! ' , ' ( BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OOMMISSION OJ!' THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: (',: ' , i. i I I. I . I ....1..... J "'1' .' Section 1. The following words Rnd phrases where used in this Ordinance shall ~or the purpose ot this Ordinance have the meanings respec~1vely ascribed to them in this seotion: (a) An operator is one who owns, leases, manages or oontrols any of the machines or contrivances hereinafter described in this Ordinanoe. An operator is to e.mbraoe any person who for a percentage of the funds derived from the public use of the maChines or contrivances here1na~ter desoribed, or ~or any rent or other considera~ions permits the use directly or indirectly of the said machines or . 1"->.. .' .. ~ , l : ' ~. ., ';- contrivanoes. (b) A location is the place where a~ or the machines or oontrivances hereinafter described in this Ordinance are \ located for the use at the pUb1ic. (0) A person shall inolude any f~, association or Oorporation. Sect ion 2. It shall be unlawful for any operator to operate, own, manage, lease or oontrol, in the City ot Clearwater, any automatio phonograph, piano, organ, victrola, or any musical instrument or music playing machine of' any kind and charao~er operated ~y the use or a coin slo~, and for any operator to rurnish music through the use of any meohanical device to the pUbl1c for a oonsideration,un~il a lioense has been prooured fram the City and also until that said operator has paid to the Oity of Clearwater an ocoupational < lioense tax of $ 200.00 per year. Section 3. In addit.ion to the above and foregoing' oocupational license tax, there shall be paid by the said licensee 8 permit tee ot $ 1.00 tor each looation where an7 coin operated amusement machine, device or games are locat.ed, and the Chie~ at Polioe sha11 issue permdt~ror eaoh loca~lon the said '': "0'~1'~' . :r~'\~'.,i0] .' ....::'~;l~rl!')\; ....T<~)l.........\'I.. ,i\..... " ......"1 !,~ ..... 'i . '.><~~ ' ," '.,J! .~. . :.~,~ '. .~ ~l .~ p .~ i) .. ;1, , 'J.' ~:;,;~('::\:',:!i;'::,>..:.;.:",.. . ..,t;': f ,G"""--:' ',,- :'7 ~.". ". :0: " .'," " ,"'J ... ;r' .::~..... ......: . . . r'~""f.,;".,,;,..C.~.:~L~,.,.,'t;':~';:: ?::~::':;:;f~:~.".. '. .,' . .:;.:~ 'p .f.........::; If . ~ . rc-,;...;.~;~.~.:, "':':'\', , ~ " ' { .: . , ,. .. ~. . .~. .. . .'..:../':..::-::;-..... .. ~''.\.;.''. :~~, ~, . '. ',. :,-',..;,. .~P'~ge:Fifte.en.. . . ...1 ....r~ , " ,'. .,oRniNANca:'No...'48~' . !iIiJrio.. ',., Al\l' OlU>IN'ANCl!l PROVIDING 1I'0n' 'l'hl1.t dter. the expiration ot ollld LloiDN'I!IING, RIllGI8TllAT10N .AN'P thirty days period the City ClerIc RIllGVLATION 011' ALl, PIllRSONS, ohnll Belt uny such tlll1c:'hlne8 not FIRltlll AND OOnpORATIONS &1'1- el...lmed. or reduced to p08Rellsloll by GAGIilD' IN' CIilRTAIN' DI1SINICSSEH, the plV",'r or own'H'H thereot at OCOllPATIONM OR. l'nOFEK810NlI Imbllc f1nll' uttur tt!n dl\YK' notice IN'TlIlJJ CITY OF OLEARWATER, ,n IVrltlng to thll awru'I' It ho can FIXING 'J'1I11l LIVIilNHR TAXlllll bp. tound, uIIlI by udverllsl'1I1ent In FoR KVell DUHINlilllSJ':H. OCCU- IIl1e IIlHUO of n nl'WllllnplJr of gen- l'ATIONIl ()Il I'ROIo'.1MHIONHI 1'ltO- {'I'ul ch'eulullon III th!:' City of VIDING TJi.lItM!I \JNUlllll WIIICIl' CII'llrwn.ter. 1"lorldn. ' II\JOII J.ICfo:N81l111 ~IAY DE 01,-1 That out of thu pr''''Ilt'd.. of tho 'rAINED, IUIlOl1l.ATINO '1'1110 CAIl- I "'Illl ot any KliCh IIlllchlnofl, ull cellh IlYINn ON 01<' HIICIl JlUHINlilHlIIl1H, . nnd tllornge 8hnll' bo C1rKt "llld, lmll 1'1l0FE!l!lIONN C11l OOOIlI'ATIONIl Ilny bnlance remnlnlnlr "hllll be 1'(1- UNDEIl HVCIl LICENSE"'. AND i t!llned by thp. City of Clollrwnter In , AIIIIllNDING !IUCII OTHIUl OnDI- Il fu IlII In JlosseUlon ot Maid City, . N'ANCIi1 IN CONFI,lt"I' JIRRE\VI'I'II, for n pel'1o ot six 1ll0nthK In orllel' 11'IlO"IDINn FOil 1'lilllM1TII AND to ollnblo the own€ll' or ownerll ot PIlOVIDINfl l,'on 'r1illlMH lJNDEIL ,~"Id machltl<!H to PI'O\'I' o\Ynel'ehl" Wlllvn Hll011 N':JlMITlI AN'D LI.; Ilr snlll 1l1llchlnOR Ra sold, nnll when CICN!lF.>> _III A V _lIIil .0Il'l'AINlilJlJ HIICh IIwnl'rllhlll III 111'0\'1111. Kuch Illlr- IU1ColVLATINO _'I' UI.: .VAIII1VINU plull fUIl.I ..hull bo \lnld to th.. ownor. ON Oil' 10111011 lIUKINI'lSHI;:H, l'ItO- I Artel' the ('x'llrnlton of six ma/lthe, Il'ICMHIONH Oil OC()tJl'A'l'IONH UN'- lilt' In Ihe Jlllrlll!'rll'lh Ilext r'r'Iccdllll!' nfoJR IUiOn J.IVI~NIIJaH ANI) I'Nlt- JI/'II\'ldt'd "ny "\III\M III't"lnl!' rrom MIT!l, ANI) l'UO"IDIN(l A. IIIilN-ltho HultlH ot thO' ,,"111 111l1chh't'e III ALT\' FOil TIII~ VIIILA'I'ION OI'~ /I<!clIrdlllu',' with Ow provlsloJls ot 'J'JUII.OllIJINANCJol, thiN Ordlllnnco, It unclulmed by thll liE IT Onl)AINI~D DV 'l'HI~ Cl'l'Y ()W 1I€l I' or ownerK at th., Allld Inll- COMMISSION 01'~ THI': CI'!'\' 01" /1'hlnI'8. ..hull he trlln"ffll'~"!1I t~ tht' CLEAnW.ATEIt FLOIUDA:. Iftlnl:rlll tund" ot till' elt) or CII'"r- KIWTloN I The tollowlllll' wOl'lIR wlllt1r, and Ilhr""HcII' whure ullod In thl.. HI'lCl'1'ION VIII :>lulhhll(' hnrf'ln Ordlnllnce shnll tar tht! purpoHt! ot contllhltJlI ..hull Illlow till' o\VI\I'r 11/' thla Ordl nnllce havo the /lIennllllfH 01>01'1\101' ot IlIlY Illllchl/lOK, lIIeclllln- rClIPectlvely. u8crlblld to them In ::W~~ ~JIIlJU'~'~hl~tll!'~~nt~c ol~:,~I:lt~S this soctlon. II" l~ Ifl\mbllng dovlce. : (n) An Opel'lI.tor Is ono who owns. HI':C:'1'ION VIlli 4\11 III\V" nnll pint.. IcaBOB, mllnnlles or controls any ot ot lu\Vs In connlet with the pro- thQ machine.. or contrlvullces hero- vision, or thl8 Ordlllnnce nro hereby Inn.ttcr deecrlbed In this Ordl/lllnee. rc"caled. :An operlLtor 18 to embruco nllY pel'. HI~CTION IX. It an)' IllIrt or parts .lIon who tor a (lercentllKu ot the or thlR Ordlllnnce 111'0 tar allY roll- : tunds deriVed tram tho publle use Hon 11l'ld to bl' 'nvllll,l. slleh dl'cl- :af the machInes or contrlvl1llces 810n ehnll 1I0t utreet the validity ot Iherelnatter doscrlbod, or for any the remaining- Ilol'tlons of thle 01'- rent or other consideration permits dlm1nC€l. the USo directly or Indirectly or the !IF.C'I'ION X. Thl" o 1'l1lIIIlhCIl 18 :sl1ld mllchlnes or contrlvanceB, hereby declllred to he II nocessary I (b).A location ls the (llaco where meusure on tl1l' ground of urgent uny ot tho ml1chlne8 or contrivances public /ICl,d tor tho '1I'l'lll1rvlltlon at herelnllfter described In this Ordl- (lence, henlth. Klltet)'. con\'''nlellco 1I11.nco ars locnted tor tho Use of IInd gencml woltlln' ot tho City the fubllC, at Clenrwntt'r, , (e A Ilerson shull Include nny l'l1.:CTION XII Every person COli- tlrm, at<soclntlon or corporation, vlelell ot Il vl0lntl6n of Ilny pro- SI!lC'I'ION III It shull be unla.wful vlfllon of thlK Ol'dlnnnce shllll bp. . tor. IlllY operator to opornte, own, llllnlshell by II fine of not more than ml1nllge, leuse or control, In the $100,00, or by Impl'I!iOllllwllt- In the ,City ot Clellrwllter, u.ny nutomntlc City Jail tor not morl' thnn slxt)' phonogruph, pll1no, orgl1n, vlctrolu, dnYIl, or by both RUf'h fine I1nd 1m- or any muslclLl Instrument or mU81e prl80nmcnt In the discretion or tho playing machine ot /lny kind I1nd Judge. icharacter aperat.ed by the use at Sfo:CTION XIII This Ordinance ill coin Blot, and tor uny operutor t.o shall take effect Immediately upon furnish music '.thraugh tho use or 1t8 p1l8811gll. any mecharilcaLdevlce to the public PASSED AND ADOPTED by the tor f~ cOllllideratlon, \lntll a license City Commission ot the City ot has been proeured trom tho CIty Ilnd Clearwnter. 1"lorlda. this 23rd day also .untll that Bald operator hus or Sflptembcr, A, D. 1940. paid .'to tho Clt)" ot Clearwater an E. D. CASLER. JR. occupational I denee tu" at '200.00 M'lyor-Commlslllollcr Jler year, ~. ,-ATTEST: SECTION III. In addition to the t'J,. FRANK HAMRICI( above. and toregolOg occupa.tlonal CIty Audttor and Clerk .:: license tax, t.Mro Mall be paid by ~ the flllid lIcen.eo a\ permit tee 0 $1.00 t9r each location where .ap . cain opera;ted ; amusement ml1<:'~~ dovlee or games are loca.ted, and the Chlet of Police 8h\l1l lasue per- mits for each location upon tho payment ot the said additlonl11 $1.00 ,hereIn provided. HECTION IV. Before tho Issua.nce at any pel'mlt required In Section III :hereot, the Chief at Pollee shall de- termine that the operlltor applyIng ,for the saId p~rmlt has not been ll. . par~y.,. to .the maintena.nce ot ""ny l' nuisance. directlY or Indirectly; In the ,Clty at Clel\rwater for the .precedJng two years prior to the dl1te ot.the appllcll.tlon tor .the said ltcense. The Chler ot }'ollee lIlay re- .tuse a. permit It the operator ap- .plying- 11I18 been convicted or a. tel- :ony, Involving- moral, tlll'pltucle, either In the State ot Floridll" or eleewhcre. '., I SEc>>rION Va"Upon the Chle~ of 'Pollee notltylng the operator 11- censed under Section I or this .Act , that a.ny location where he has any .Illllchlne or device I1.S set UP', In See., ,tlon I Iloreot III creating a nulsIlIICe.' .the 8111<1 IIcenece 8hnll within the 1pel'lod ot five. (5) dl1Ys rectify the !8ltlq conditions satisfactorily to th' 'Cl)lef ot Police, and upon the tallUl' to do 80, tho City Comml8sloDllrs 'upon the recommondatlon. of .;thti- . Chlet ot Pollee, mny revoke I1nd j'cll.neel the permit Issued tor that' pa.rtlcular location, Upon the ceasing'; ot. said lIulsnnce, UPOIl appllcatlon, the Chief or Police IR authorized tl!: Isaue (l now permit upon compllance- with Section III. hereot_ a.nd said /Iew..permit Is subject to Section 'V hereof, . .- SECTION VII If\ event ot n011~' payment of the lIcen8es herein )Irq- vlded, the City Clerk Is au thorlzed, to seize said machine tor. such' non~ payment. In wi)lch event there aqo.Jl be added, charged and collected..llY tho City ot Clenl'wa.ter, aD additional , sum In the amount at Tun Dollars , ($10.00) tor storage and haulUil\' chnrgeB for each machine so self;~d, . and Buch machIne sh,in not be'1''''-1 lea~ .9r returned until and unlllllls . the Y'Opera tor haR paid to the eny ot Clearwater the license fee alld tho 'Ten Dollnr8 ($10,00) storage and. hAUling chnrA'e. " I That the City Clerk or the City ot Clel1.rlvater .Is hereby l1uthorlzcd . Ilnd :'dlrected'l..ln all CRIes 'Where. -there hUB been U llelZlIre mllae tor . the Ilon-payment at the license tce tar the muchlnes described In SIlC-)/ UOR ,II ,1Iereot. to notifY t.he own"... flr or owners, where possible, at the: f1alll If{ilchlllps.that Kame 11.1'0 being" reta.lilbd ~under the provlslone of t/1o '~ Oi'dhis.Dcell ot.a-.the. City at Clear.- , wat.e!'!i .and ahall;:-durlng the lIer.lod' : at "tb l'ty dar8';-ta!~!h. date ot If.ald .~ ael:r.ure.. permlt.the 9wner or oWJters ' I to 'regain pOllseBB!tID: thereat' 'llY , tProo~ot ownershlp"and. the JlAvrnent. ot :...1 ',. chargcs connected with' the. :1!I~1~.'; Dnd _taruJre ot.the.I1\~,:-..; I~~i:t~~ii;';';:;;': ""'., ,.. ':,;i~; '. ,,~.[.t.":l\ ~-""I'''''''~~+~~~';;~:':' .. ',\/,>,., ~ , " -',. !.U~i!.."t"~ll,_ J....~. ~'."..:...g..;.... :~"'..t: .....:.;.'... .. \ .1 I n \ . , i . .- . . ;.', , ,~ ,-"'" I t r f '. : ','~\: . ., I. t r . t . .. ." '. , ,~~ ~.\:' ", '. ,'. 'y. f' . ., ,. " ,~,;. ....",.., .,' '.. ,~..~ :::! /:: . ,.", ......".!,. ',' ,,'. .>."i.1....',:}" ....',.,' " , " .':.A.,{,.X'.~;..,:,~'.t'F"I''''t''~' ~',;.I'l.~;"~).....~l',...<,~..:,~ _,'I '-';'/-",,-',1." ,.,!,.~:..~t::':t,\'t./:t.1.~".", ,'t, . '., . t., ~~... "r'.'1~~~'''~'''.;V:.i-''-'~ol..1. '~;"".J":J",~I''-.Al...!..:.(,l...",.......l''''r;'~ ~'" 'll<t~"'\.~~~~ft-':'::"~"""'~ .~.'. . ..... ~- .-.,. Ie..<. -"-<~"'" ." q,'~. '1'''' ."') . Sectio~ 4. Before tho issuanoe or any per.mit required in Section 3 hereor, the Ohief or Polioe shall determine that the operator applying for the said permit has not been a party to the maintenanoe Of any nuisanoe, direotly or indireotly, in the City or Clearwater for the preceding two years prior to ~he da~e or ~he applioation for the said lioense. The Chief or Polioe may refuse a permit if tne opera~or applying has been oonv1c~ed of a felony, involving moral turpiuude, eiuoel' in ~he State of Florida or elsewnere. Seotion b. Upon ~ne Chie~ of Police not1ry1ng tne opera~or lioensed under ~eouion 1 or this Act tha~ any loca~ion where ne has any maonine or device as set up in Section 1 nereor is crr-ating a nuisance, the said licensee shall w1~hin tne per10d of five (5) days reotiry une said conditions satisractorily to the Chief of ~olioe; and upon tne failure to do so, the City vommissioners, upon ~ne re- commendauion or the Chief of Pollee, may reVOKe and cancel the permit issued for ~ha~ paruiouLar looation. Upon the ceasing or said nuisanoe, upon applioation tne Chief of Police is autnorizedto issue a new permit upon complianoe with Seotion 3 hereof, and said new permit is subjeot to Seotion 5 hereof. Seotion 6. In event of non-payment of the licenses herein provided, the City Clerk is authorized to seize said machine for such non-payment, in whioh event there shall be added, onarged ann oolleoted by the City of Clearwater, an additional sum in the amount of Ten Dollars ($10.00) for storage and hauling oharges for eaon machine so seized, and such maohine shall not be released or returned until and unless the operator has paid to the City of Clearwater the 1 license fee and the ~en Dollars ($10.00) storage and hauling charge. That the City Clerk of the City of Clearwater is hereby authorized and direoted, in all cases where there has been a seizure made for the non-payment of the license fee for the maohines desoribed in Seotion 2 hereOf, to notify the owner or pwners, where possible, of the said maohines that same are being retained under the provisions of the Ordinanoes of the City of Clearwater, and shall, during the period of thirty days from date of said seizure, permit the owner or owners to regain possession thereof by proof of ownerShip and the payment of all oharges oonnected with the seizure and storage of the maohines. :'. ,;' ,': : ;.<~'/i : , :~:.\j.;' ,~'" ~:: I;.: .. " :".\":;:"(.'! ' , . o ,.,.",j ./ '-. , ., " ~ ,"\' . i' ," .\: '...~ i: '1 .. . f< "," ~ ~.1 ,t ~..;':,\<:; ,"-':;; :~'.,,\:' .:;:', " .' .1 \ .' .. I: .,:: '.,"' , . L' ,,'. r ,',' " " ~ I t. I , , I ! I j j. .:: 1 .... . . ",; "..;. .' '~:'1;~;~;!~~;H';jr1:{,t~r ~~,v' . ;';.;J'" ;:J.*lt}~ , , .'\':,>::.",.' ,:....':'~>;~;~~..;::' ,'; !: ' '~{;a;~\;j;~;;.;.:;,,;: <.:, ~'::""'" ,', \ I ' I i , ;' 1:;-') ii',:. "< '."J ~t\"~IP' +.< " .;. . ~', ",',~:, ' """.." ! , ,':, ., .';.,...... That arter the expiration ot said thirty days period the City Clerk shall sell any such machines not olaimed or reduced to possession by the owner or owners thereof at pUblic sale at'ter ten days t notice in writing to the owner if ne can be found, and by advertisement in one issue ot a newspaper of general circulation in the City ot Clearwater, Florina. ; .. , t I l, ~ . ~ ! i I ,3 That out of the prooeeds of the sale ot any Buoh machines, all costs and storage shall be first paid, and ,any balanoe remaining shall be retained by the City o~ Olearwater in a fund in possession of said City, for a period of six months in order to enable the owner or owners of said machines to prove ownership of said machines so sold and when suoh ownership is proven, such surplus fund shall be paid to the,o\mer. After the expiration of six months, as in the paragraph next preceding provided any sums arising from the sales of the said maohines in accordanoe with the provisions or this Ordinance, if unclaimed by the owner or owners of the said maohines, shall be transferred to the general funds ot the City of Clearwater. Section 7. Nothing herein contained shall allow the owner or operator of any machines, mecnanically operated, to gamble with or allow said machine to be operated as a gambling device. Section 8. All laws and parts or laws in conrlict with the provisions of this Ordinanoe are hereby repealed. Section 9. If any part or parts of this Ordinance are for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect tne validity of the remaining portions of this ! ' i, } oj I Ordinanoe. Section 10. This Ordinance is hereby.deolared to be a necessary measure on the ground of urgent pUblio need for the preservation or peace, he~lth, sarety, convenience and general welfare or the City of Clearwater. Section 11. Every person convicted of a violation of any provision of tnis Ordinance shqll be punished by a fine of not more than $100.00 or by imprisonment in the City ~ail ~or not more than sixty days, or by both suoh fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Judge. , " " . , ".," .