08/07/1940 '~'-'.' .',r: 'J'" (j.~:,.~.:.:.. MINurES OF THE l.~EE'l'IHG OF THE CITY COLll,!ISSION "y~ . ~ .......a-.:.;,f;.~ The Ci ty CO:!Jl11ission of the City of' l)lenrwnter held a Special Meeting in the City Hall at B: 30 P. r.~. on August ?, 1940 in answer to the followine; notice which wus delivered to each Cor:ullissioner: I; I, , ! ' " k t!,;. , ,,' . . (. . ~ l. " t ... (,' V T' I Augus t 7, 1940 trr. Cleorwater Florida. Dear Sir: A special the City Hall, the purpose of meeting of the City Commission will be ~,lednesday, Aueus t 7th., at 5: 30 p. considering the resignation of U. held at m. for VI. Peeler. Yours very truly, i ~\ , FLII:mmf F. L. Hendr b:, CITY l.UrfllGER l' The following members were present: E. 13. Casler, Jr., lIayor-Cornmissioner R. A. 1Jempsey Herbert Grice VI. \'J. Peeler G. R. Seavy Absent: }~. Peeler presented his resignation ~ None the City Commission. Moved by 1.11'. Dempsey, seconded by l.!r. Seavy and unanilllously carried that the resignation be accepted. There being no further business, the meeting Vias adjourned. .../ Attest: .', ' , .,;"'; "',".to" ;., .....:. . :_.\~.l"..,_,-~:'...:.:,:.:..,,::"',:~.. <. ~c . ',. '" ); EBERSEACII CONSTRUCTION COUPANY 520 Stovall O~fice Building Tampo, Florida AUGust 7, 1940 l:r. F. L. Hendrix City ltannger City of Clenrwnter Clenrwnter, Florida Re: Project No. 1106-F. Deal' Sir: ... ,.... ;, . In reference to the balance due to us by the City of Clearwater for work done in connootion with the above project and in rererence to which a controversy has arisen, this is to advise that this motter cnn be settled in this manner: By the City securing from PWA the sum of :!'?4757.48 and paying this to us in addition to the principal amount due under the contract, the above sum to be accepted in full of all amounts due to us by the City of Clenrwater, including any interest which may have accrued before nayment of the abov("sum. In the event the City is unable to obtain the sum of $47.57.48 from PWA, then the City to pay us such cash as possible to pay and to deliver to us a sufricient amount or revenue certificates to make up the sum.o~ 04757.48, together with the principal mnount due under the contr~t oxclusive of interest, which prinoipal amount referred to herein is to be paid in oash. If the City carries throur,h with the above agreement there will be no further claim made by us for anY' paving or any other claim v:hioh we nny have for work done in connection with this project. The City is to proceed in reference to this matter as diligently as possible in an erfort to conSQ~ate this transaction at a very early date. or course, the City is to understand that in the event the above~ agreement is not carried through or consUI!lIl1ated within a reason- able time, or in the event the City fails or refuses to acoept or consur.wate the above agreement, then and in that event this letter will be considered as null and voirl and will be further considered as havin~ been written and accepted by the City o~ Clearwater without prejudice to any riehts or clnios which we may have for work which we may have in reference to this matter. ~.~ ' .' .r~ t. . !..' I' U;. ,t'" . ~:;:.....' t 1,' ~ '. ' <1;t '~:.:~. ; ~:. " . .~;~:;. ~. \ ',' .' ,{,: Yours very truly, EBERSBACH COl'rSTRUCTION CO. By (sip.nature) 3. B. BRINSON S. B. Brinson (Ori~inal letter has following notation and signatures: OK II. Grice R. A. Dempsey E. B. ,Oasler Jr. Geo. R. Sen:v~r (signature) (signature) (signature) (signature)