06/24/1940 ., .,. .... ; . Ii " :..... ....~.:... ~.' "-""'\.10. :_4 r.:" . - . ~.t'l ...~..T;:a:.,\\~;~i'.'?'#1Z>fT"'':~-;:''':''?''i.:'~:~.''~;';.,":;'~'':.\~,'.f'';~~.",,-,,-,..,',.~:""~:t~...;.~~ 't.~~~:"""-"~"""~"r-':""~f..:.. " :'. ':"'0'" ..... . , " ' .: .\;.w;~1' " "., " '. .' . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY C01U!I5SION The City Cocnmission of the C1ty of Clearwater held a SpeciAl Meeting in the City Hall at 8:00 o'olock on the evening of June 24th, 1940, with the following members present: E. B. CUBler, Jr., !.!ayor-CoIn:!l1asioner R. A. Dempsey Herbert Grioe G. R. Sea.vy ..----- Absent: VI. W. Peeler Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr. H. H. Baskin requested that the Oity turn over to the Clearwater Athletic Association $ 500.00 of the $ 1,000.00 previouely asked for construction of wooden bleachers on the north side of the football field &t Green Field; the Association to use $ 2,000.00 they now have on hand in building the bleachers. Mr. Buskin also asked the City to treat the material with the gas tar and to transport the material to the proper place. He stated they would use local labor so far as possible in this work. Moved by Mr. Grice, seconded by ~r. Senvy and unanimously oarried that Mr. Baskin's request be granted. .: 17:/t' ~ . "'.' . , ". . . '." , , " ,- J ( 1 ,~ II i ~ , i 1 ,,, .. ,,; >.":',:.,. .. ;.:~~l ~ .. '~ . Mr. John Hanna, representing the Demol~rs asked the Commission if they would make a deed to them on Lot 4 Block 3 of Avondale for the purpose of erecting a club house. After disoussion the Commission decided to g1ve them a lease on this lot for a period of time and instr.ucted the City Attorney to draw such a lease that would be acceptable to all concerned. The Oity Manager was instructed to settle all delinquent taxes and improvement liens outstanding against any lots in Breeze Hill Subdl vision fol:' the sum of twenty-five d,ollars per lot. The City Manager read the following letter from Raymond Lee, Chairman of the Civil Servioe Board: JW1e 11th, 1940. Mr. F. L. Hendrix City Uanager, Clearwater, 'Florida. Dear Mr. Hendrix: This 1s to advise you that at: the request of Polioe Chief Joe L. Russell the Civil Service Board on May 31st, 1940, did give a promotional exami:)ation to Avery Houchu.rd and Edd1e ROdgere, Class B Policeman. Mr. Houchard and Mr. Rodgers were succesoful in passing this examination a.nd are now el1gible for appointment to Grade II AI' Policeman. This promotion, of couree, 1s contingent on the City Commission raising Mr. Houchard's a.nd Mr. Rodgers salary to the scale paid Grade itA" men. Trusting that you will act favorably on thls promot lon, if poss lble'f'" " ':..-". .. ',t , '. , ,.,' , :.,r'. " .......I~;;;c::i:.... ;;:\t~f~f!"~I;;7!,.. ':. . :".," J- ~ r;------~.I j,--H--- fo' I i I I \ I ! I !. :}~t ''''' l ~; , ' l ... \I (~ , \ f ~' ,<r~. ,.- ~'. ,._/-1~.~.j " 'J ~'. ~~@B~W__i " , E. R. CASLER, .I... MAYOft CO....I...ON.R R, .... DEMPar;V HERBl:RT GRICE COMMI'.IONI:"' F. L, HENDRIX CITY ...ANAGER J, FRANK H....RICK CITY AUDITO" AND CLeRK Tftr.AIUAER AND COLLECTOR ,'. .' " '~":~:~~::"'.,':,:r71/ ' '" -., ",0 '~~.\?S\,r " '. ., . 'I. , ',', < '; I \, ,:',: .'.': L -.-. 'F 1'f:l S.. W. W. PEELER GEORGI R. aEAVY CLEARWATER, FLORIDA RALPH RICHARDS CITY ""TONNIY' J.une 24, 1940 Letters stating that a special meeting of the City Commission would be held at eight o'clock at the City Hall, June 24, 1940 were delivered to the following: Mayor E. B. Casler, Jr. Major George Seavy Mr. Herbert Grice Mr. R. A. Dempsey ~ '.. . , " . ____ _......mu"'--- Time DeliveJ1l3d - ,-~.-.,~ / /:Jf. 6 )~; 7-/ I ) :Ar;' / I ; 3} ei;: ~i\.. ..... Respectfully submitted, --: .....,~' .'9' r/. ../:' /~ .,r:: ~/,. ~ ;'" 7., .' I-~/? ..f;; /1;fx (A-'1d1...- (,_..~. /, t/ r ':::;t...,~,,-, .j> ~, .. 'K0"""". . .,.." .\. " '.;' . . .'. .;., I ,: ",'. ",'.f, ,', "". " '" ',' .' . - ': .', 'C. ~:.. 'J' ... I I ~..:t;~~ ,: " ." "'-~ '...;.-..:-.L.t;l-.....___~~~~.Af..>I':K....;;:~.~.t ...~-,.."...""h".-:,.Jfl :.,""~..:........~>1t.:~-~_'........I..J......,.._'.~_u';...,....r.....""'......"'~...._".'Y".........4~;..k..:O'..:~~.."".~..:...I.;..........~w.:.,..;.k_...;'O'O':;-....._""______.___._....__.___,. l~~~t~tters sent. 1 f,'.'iS'.....,' " ' '''''~~''~GeQ'Seavy , ", ".', ., ' . I ~~~bert Gr1ve I '~~~,'~' Dempsey I ,- ""'" I ",' .' 1,,1"" . June 24. 1940 ..' Mo.yor E. B.. Clearwater. Cnsler. Florida Jr. Dear r,~o:yor Casler: There will be n special moeting of tl~ Cl ty Connn1sa1oners tonir,ht at eight o'clock at the C1vy Hall for the purpos,~ of' considering unf:ln1shed business end such other l:,usiness that may come before the meeting. f I' Yours very truly, ,- F. r... Hendrix, City Unnager i' FLlil sp '" ,~,i~~;r;~;~r'"~i~~C~'" "_.C"~""':'-"""'1" '" ,. _ ". ~....,-'. I -::.':.: .. '. ".:: "~~"t~.' ,. , ()J Moved by Mr. DempseYt seconded by ~r. Seavy and unanimously carl'ied tha.t Mr. HOl.lchard and Mr. Rogers be promoted to Grade It A" Policeman and their sala.ry be :r-n1aed to Grade "A" Policeman. The City Manager gave u very favorable report on h1s trip to Washington with reference to the oompletion of the Sanitary Sewer System. Moved by MI'. Grice, seoonded by Mr. Dempsey and' \ unanimously carried that the follo~ng Resolution be adop ed~ , RES 0 L UTI 0 N '\. WHEREAS the City of Clearwater recognizes the f'ao't .,< 1;, that a national emergenoy exists and that it may beoome necessary for some of our young men to aooept government employment in defense of our nation and to preserve demooraoy; and WHEREAS any employee of the City of Clearwater who aocep'ts servioe for his country and for demooraoy is entitled to all the honor and proteotion that can be gi'Ven him; NOWt THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA.: That whenever any e~loyee of the City of Clearwater leaves the ~ploy of the City for the purpose of accepting servioe in defense of our nation or the preservation at democraoy, said enployee sha11 be re-employed by the City upon the termination of the national emergenoy; and it 1s hereby declared to be the policy of the Ci~y of' Clearwater that any suoh enployee shall be re-~ployed in the same position, or a better position, and atlthe same salary, or a better salarYt when the national emergency is ended and re-employment is requested by said emp1oyee. This Resolution passed ~d adopted by the Oity Oommission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, this 24th day ot June, 1940. " . ~/ Mayo - Boner Attest: ., '''><'>'?,:. . ,. 1 ~ : .' .~:'" ":'.t.. " '.,":l: ,:;J.' j;~t~., ," ...... . ...:'~".i,< .'''-. '.-,'. . I,", .. , . ":::\ "' ...""..\;' .., ;"., .. ", " .' ',' , ,~~" ,'. : j)\";~'''t.",., f;{t~rr~i' '. ~l~' .,., '".. , \,. r": ,':: " ,j. . \ " , "',',"" ,''';;7i:~~{ r,'; '...':,' '!: . . . .I.'..':~. ; \ I. ' : " t' ~",;:.,:.)~ ',' Moved by Mr. Seavy, seoonded by Mr. Grioe and unanimously oarried that the following Resolution be adopted: ,,0 r RESOLUTION WHEREAS the City of Clearwater has been requested by the owners or all lots abutting the alley hereinafter desoribed to vaoate said alley; and WHEREAS it is the opinion 01' the City Oommission that said alley is not needed for use by the general publio or the City of Clearwater, and serves no useful purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OOMMISSION OF THE OITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, That the alley running through the eastern portion of Blook Two (2) ot Wallaoe's Addition, said alley running from the Atlantio Coast Line Rail Road right-ot-way on the east to the north and south alley on the west, and abutting Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Eight (8), Nine (9), and Ten (10) in said Blook, be and the same is hereby olosed. This Resolution passed and adoptod by the City Commission 01' the City of Clearwater, Florida, at its meeting on the 24th day of June, A. D. 1940. Mfr!f::!::Rn~ - {~. '~ ' . "'r ii ',:: I,: .../ j" , Attest: ,/ There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Ma~/:/ , ' Attest: .Jo!': . '. ' . ',,' '~'.''', "" '.: .' '~-:~...? ~~. , , ' "~' , I:;' .~.~ .,': : . \.& .:'" IJ ,,_ ,. n} .' .~:" ...r:~..: .; "QJ' . . . ''','.,;" ",' , . . ~'. :'. .,:,'-.' ..~ lire Paul Johnson, r(-)presenting Urs. Nicholson, asked the Commission if they had ~ade any decision as to payine I:~s. Nicholson any compensation. After discussion, moved by Mr. Seavy, seconded by ~r. Dempsey and unnnimous~y carried that medical expenses not exceeding ~~ 75.00 and the SUlll of ~~ 46.00 per month for not more than three months be paid. There being no further business, the meeting was :. adjourned. ~ Acting :Mayor-Connnissioner Attest: ~~ . . "'.- /c/ ~~~ C tJ r U 0 r an C e r !: J ~ ..~ I 1 ..