01/02/1940 '; .,.,,;',:',-:....,'/?ts:t: ,':;,';', "';> ", \"S'(l".~',""'d,".'F ". ..;, , :' l~ .:,i:~~1:;:;!;r~t~11l:t f:..; ~, .' . '''Jf .' ./.(,,<\,,,,\..,, . :. <:~ .;\f,:~~~~~~1~l\tJ1~\' " 'fl'.'\" ,'H, ' . ...",; 'fjff~1~':f. ,..,_.I. ...........~_ >. (' ,.-~..' '..., ,'. ," ".-,., . '... ,..., ~ IV .' '. r t.~' '. I' . UINUTES OF THE l.fEIr.TING OF TIm CITY COI':r.!rSSION "~"o," . , , . \~,,".i~ ' The City COflmission of the City of Clearvmter held a Speciol !'.~eeti n{j in tho City Hall at 5: 00 0' clock on the nftornoon of Jnnuary 2nd, 1940 vIi th the fOllO\'.'inr, members ..j' 1.''- . . 1.: ,~ E. B. Cusler, Jr., ;;nyor-Comissioner '.,.,~,:(1 ", "\~f .', '\:'1 ',' ,.-,. . ::,,'';' ,,' "', , ,.' ,..., ,r . ; preDent: R. A. Dempsey Herbert Grice G. It. Seavy Absent: w. W. Peeler The City Attorney reported thRt Mr. J. D. Baskin's bid was the best bi~ receiveft for Lot 3 Block 1 of Magnolia Parle Subdivision. !.~oved by 7.:r. Dempsey, seconderl by Mr. Seavy and unnnimous1y cnrried th."J t Hr. Baskin's bid be accepted. r!oved by :"~r. Grice, seconded by !.!r. Dem.psey And unanimously carriecl that the autol'lobile .and property dnrn9.ge insurnnce be awarded to L. G. Abbett provided that Hr. Abbett aerees to write the Compensation Insurance if it is cancelled or refused by othor CompRnies. i:oved by !'Ir. Grice, seconded by :,~r. Senvy and unaniL10usly cf'loried thnt I':r. Alf'recl 1,~(1rshflll' soffer of $ 1,245.05 in settle~ent of. City taxes against Lots in Blocks 38 &. 39 of Mae;nolia Park Subdivision be accepted. Hoved b:)T !'.~r. Dem::;sey, seconded by Hr. Grice and unanimously carried that A transfer of $ 4,000.00 from the Gas and Water Fund to the General Fund be approved. James JRckson's offer of ~ ?5.00 for City tax certific8tes on Lots 2 & 3 Block 2 of Lincoln Place was rejected. l-i!oved by :.!r. Dempsey, seconded by Hr. Grice and unanimously carried that the fOllowinB Resolution be adopted: ~!. , ; t '0 -~....)" ~~{EREAS, it hns come to the attention of the City COl:ml.ission th".t the cemetery heinr, used for the burial of ner,roes in Cle8rwnter is innde~unte nnd not well loo~ted ; ,.0 ,;;:.~ ~'...., . ;',.., : ,;..,:.:..,. . -!:~;;j~~: ;' ':.~: .:~ ',;.,;:,,~~... "! ., ,.:;',-;:.,:~ 'i'::,::'; ::''':;'l.i~:lA-.:.::..~;,~eJ~':;'::'~':'':''~' :f';''!~:'':'':'''i~~f'...'''~l.:'~'~:;~'''',~:::,:'~~:,~~''~ '. .::, '~','--,l',':':' .. ./,..:~,:.><~,;:~:' .'.~:::: ;:, , /i,/,:,,:"i~"'~f;":C;>""'" ..... .' .,'~''\... ' H, 1'\P~~~~WIl"'f"'~'.";;"''''\~~~~''-'w''",''''''' ..,"'.'.. '.i,;::~\%f ..... . . ',' .'.. '. ,~, " " " '.., . .,'....,.." _.,.,.'.'._.'" 'r."'~", \....~.. ." ,... RESOLUTION '. . ..."f ~~ " i. , ~ '. 't , t: , 1',\ . , .' ),;{:;.;{~ -l~ ",. "'J' ,,~,.!I;,..{~t.';'IJ~'~).{'l;:,;:L:::,'t~ "1,.'.:..~,~},,\"':1. :{...t:{'t.VJ.~1 ,on. ?:~j:~~t '1:1. ~:'~~f ,'-:.';jf} ;;~:{ :.~ ~~..I1~'_:;I:~~;~'!(~: " .s'.J,,,,,~"'I,c.t~"~r,"!..1l ~.. ",::,,1< "1'1.' ~~t -.J:t-;..<(,..bf,. ...4"r!": "'l u''''Vf\' t,\..,.....~ ....:.l~..., n r%t(:.~~~:,,,f :,:",-;:;,,"'l"~.t':.~'_..J/""~';~'" ...,- .,,('.:1 ,,'/," ~ . v':'. ~ .I'j''::!'~:fJr.;~r:~_'~',~~:: ',i'.-~';., ~':; '.: " q,r~...a.'_~\'''~~h';~:lW~~~ . ' ,'I.f\-\ f....~.. "'\~ :'''.?~:~':~:, . "':'t~ ,,~.! '. \ f, 'I for the purpose; and \'i1lEliE/lS the Ci ty CO'lunission has boen ref2uested to '.... provide Ground for 3 suit~ble negro cemetery and it is the desire of the City COl:JIl1ission to do so; lIO\'! 'I'!!EHEFORE, BE I'l' RESOLVED BY TI~ CITY C01~UISSION O:E' THE CI'l'Y OF CLE.I\R\'/ATER: I 4 t J , i l. Th:::-t tJ::e followinl? described property now ovmed. by the City of Cle8rw~ter, to-wit: Being l} acres nore or less, which is part of the west 25 acres of the SW~ of the NE~ of Section lO, ~'~. 29 S., Rance 15 ~., GS shown on Pne;e 35, Plat Boo;~ 12, of Pinel1as County, starting at n point 936' to the North from the centor of the pflvement at the junction of Ced9r Street end Holt street, to the P. O. B. Thence W. to a point 208.l?' thence N. to a point 208.17', thence E. to a point 208.17' thence S. 208.1'7' alone Holt Street to P. o. B. Thence to P. O. B. E. side of Holt Street, being a point 936' from the center of CedAr and Holt streets, ll7' East, thence 20S.l?' north, thence west 120', thence south along Holt street 208.1'7' to P. O. B., 'heine; a IJnrt of COUNTRY VIEW ESTATES, and being n measured plot only, be And the s~e is hereby set 3side for use RS n Negro Cemetery, and shall henceforth be used for that purpose and for no other PUr:PO se. 2. That after the above described property has been placed in suitoble condition for use as G Negro Cemetery, no burials of negroes shall be permitted in Clearwater other than on the above described property. This Resolution passed Qnd adopted by the City COLn:lission of the City of ClearVl8. ter, Florida at a meeting held on ~nnuary 2nd, 19~O. ~r I.Iayor- orrunission Attest: Ci Moved by Hr. Grice, seconded by !,:r. Dempsey and. um1ni:nously carried that the fOllm'ling Resolution be adopted: ;I_ift 'J~~l.:;.' " " " .. . . 't~\I~~~t.;\,;::. . Jt~~~':::;.\; . ", ' >....'~ .,.., .'. '", ,:.' " . ' , ;..,...,..., .t....~, .\"'~"~("''''''''<' ......, ,1\ .......,....,;,_:0..',......:,......0/, . ',:.:..', :-: ~ ,;~ ~:, ..: ",. . , ' .~ . . ~ /~ ;" } .......~I~ WHEREAS, Gas Revenue Certificate Number Four (4) in the face amount of One Thousand Dollars ($ 1,000.00) \'lhich WH,S issued by the City of Clearwater, FloridA on the first day of December, 1935 and payable December first, 1939 has matured an~has been redeemed by the RESOLUTION ,\ ' '- . ' , City of CleArwater, and \HIEREAS, Coupons IJumber Eight, due December first, 1939, in the amount of twenty dollars (~ 20.00) each, from City of Clearwater Gas Revenue Certificates numbers four (4) throueh sixty-seven Co?) both numbers inelusive, and sixty- eieht (68) through seventy-nine (?9) both numbers inclusive, and representine a total face value of one thousand five hundred twenty dollars ($ 1,520.00) have matured and have been redeemed l)y the City of Clearwater, and, YIHER.EA,S, it is deemed to be to the best interests of the City of Clearwater that the said Certificate and the said Coupons which have been redeemed, be cancelled as of record, NOVl, THEREFORE, BS IT RESOL'1Bj) by the Ci ty Commission of' the City of Clearwater, in Recular UeetinG assem.bled, that the City Auditor and Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cancel the said Gas Revenue Certificate Number :rour (4) and the said Coupons mentioned above on the records o~ the .City of Clearwater and to mutilate the Certificate and COUIlons in suoh a manner as to make them null and void. This Resolution passed and adopted by the City COl:11llission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, at its meetine on the 2nd day of January, A. D. 1940. ~~. J.~a:ror- ,ommiss oner. :~TT'S3T: c / ~/~~. uncI Clerk Orote: The abo',r~ mentioned Certificate ancl Coupons were paid by City chect: ,;' ;1.28). There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: Mayor-Commissioner . ~t , . ; "If'."l" . "''''''',........, ..,'t"'....~~.VI'....~~..t.r..,~. .,-..1':1:......",....._ ....j'" ',r . I , . ~. :, , . i , .', .1 .1 , ')j , '.'.i .' , " ; ~ '.1 " i ',j ;":1' I' ..