11/15/1939 500 cubic 500 cubic " " 700 cubic " 800 cubic ,."' 900 cubic :", .. ..."'. ' . ,"'.;:. ;:+~u~'~~3i:;~~~~}~~\:...~;-'.:~~.:'._~;~ ',:,. r~'J ~ , .~:~/: ;':- ':~ ;' " '"' " " .. .....' "..~ " ;'<:'<~?:,';;;t)~';:i; ~:' 051 ,'"" ''j'_,',v""" ' ;'>'2~~>' ,': 'I .', , MINUTES OF 'I'H~ i'.mETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION The City Commission of .the City of Clearwater met in a "~'~ <,~.' ) . Snecial Meeting at the City Hall on the a:Cternoon of November 15, 1939 with the followine members present: E. B. Casler, Jr., l.:ayor-Conunissioner R. L. Ba1{el' R. A. Dempsey Herbert Grice V,'. W. Peeler '; Absent: !Iota: l.~essrs. George R. Seuvy ancl L. S. Ruder, representing the Chamber of Commerce Aviation COI~ittee, asked the Commission :Cor consideration of a sea-plane float to be purchased by the City at a cost of $ 285.00 for materials only. The work will be supplied by the National Youth Administration. 1.!o~ed by " " ,-\ . -' .\, 1.11'. Grice, seconded by Hr. Dempsey and unanimously carried that the City !~anaeer'be authorized to make the suggested expenditure. Mr. Sebald presented the following proposed schedule f'or reduction in gas rates: D01.!ESTIC RATES feet. ..minimum bill. ...................$ 1.25 net feet. .................................. 1.35 net feet. .................................. 1.45 net feet................................... 1.55 net feet................................... 1.65 net 1000 cubic feet nnd,next 1000 cu. ft. each 1.75 net Next 2,000 cubic ~eet Allover 4,000 cubic feet 1.50 per M. Net 1.00 per M. Net RESTAURlJTT RATE First 20,000 cubic feet @ $ .80 per 1,000 cubi~ feet for a minimum of $ 15.00 per month. Allover 20,000 cubic feet @ $ .70 per 1,000 cubic feet. l.~()ved by 1:11'. Grice, seconded by Hr. Baker and unanimously darried that the new rBtes be put into effedt. The Ci ty l..!anager presented a }:leti t~(")n ~ l.gned by residents of the Turner Street section with referenc~ to noise caused by train whistles and excessive speed. The petition was filed ahd the City ~anager was authorized to notify railroad officials about the matter. , '- ',. .....:~:~i)~,t~: . ':, 'I' ..;^}~~!)i,:i;,',:;:" · ,.. ,'.'.. "",...,, ':.';'I~~:l~~.'>>~.~ "~"""~,' ": ~~;;.;.':'''r:"' , 0'::~' : " ...,. -' . . '. . ""';;:;;";,;F5i'J;~nlr; : ',,' 21' . '. . '." I..... .'.. .' . . ., . .. . . J'..'."'::;"' "J"' . .:r,'>:": .:<; .>, '.;. ;', " >01"':"" ,:;'~: I"~>>;;,:. yo:,:;',".,_:","::;:. '. The llayor offered Objections to the wording of the followins :part of the !Hnutes of the l.:eet inc: of Hovember 6th: :"()", ' \ ,', \', . '. ...;.:,;.;>:' "l-loved by:',:1'. Grice, seconded by Mr. Baker and ,f, . unanimously carried thnt the offer of $ 500.00, made by J. S. Cribbs, payable $ 100.00 cash, balance payable on terms to be acreed ullon by the City ~;lonager and City Auclitor nna Clerk for Lot 2 Block 2 of J. A. Gorra's Subdivision was ,i I '" , . . . ~ accepted." ancl, with the approval of all Ci ty CO!!1.Tnissioners, directed that the ~lnutes be chanced to rend us follows: "Tho offer, by J. 3. Crillbs, of ~~ 500.00 :payable $ 100.00 cnsh wi t,h balance pn:lnble on terms to be agreed .;' upon by the City' ilannc;er and City AuditaI' and Clerk for Lot 2 Block 2 of J. A. Gorra's Subdivision was considered r 1',' " una the City IIanager directed to investigate the proposition and report back to the City COJ:!nission. It l.!oved by 1.11'. Grice, secondeo, by El'. Peeler and ununimously carried that a cormnittee be appointed to investigate the situation of the ~urine Ways and to determine if the sale of this lot will interf'ere with the l.~al'ine VIays in any way. The ITayor B1!,pointed the followinc members to serve on the conunittee: Herbert Grice, IN. W. Peeler, R. A. Dempsey and F. L. Hendrix. The City I,:anagel' read a letter from R. E. Green, County Clerk, invitine the COL~ission to attend or send a rer>resentative to the meetin~ of a Countywide Traffic Committee to be held in the Court House at eight o'clock P. 1.:. on Wednesday Hovember 22nd. The C1 ty !.Tanager was instructed to represent the Oi ty COl;rrnission at this meeting. The Oi ty tlanager presented un offer, by Kennedy and Strickland, of ~ 6,000.00 payable $ 1,000.00 d0W11; $ 1,000.00 on February 15, 1940; $ 1,000.00 on April 15, 1940; $ 1,500.00 on April 15, 1941 and a trade-credit in the amount of $ 1,500.00 for the remaining portion of Block 4 of Sarah !!.cMullen t s Sub- division. l:Ioved by Hr. Grice, seconded by r,~:l'. Dempsey and .; unanimously carried that the ofrer be accepted. The City l!.anager presenteQ a proposal for extension of sanitary sewer on Cleveland street to the properties sold to Doctor Raymond H. Center and to Doctor C. D. Boreland. Moved by Mr. Dempsey, seconded by Mr. Peeler and unanimously carried that the extension be made if money is available. ., '. ~ ' ,. 'I " ' '. " , " . <.-:... " ~,'.l- ,~ ';,""" ','~ ." .."..1..... ".'. , ":"1~"'"J": -~':' .~:"! ......,.~...., -',":::i ; "7:- ;........,..-.3.....~ '.~7~:,~\<;..~;~"';'.;.~.. ~.J..', .. " ..,". :!ovocl by 1.:1'. DeI.lpse:l, seconded by tIr. Bnl(er and unani!llous1~r cD.l'riell that tho Oi ty Encinoer be authorized to llloke applicntion to the 1). \" It. ^ no. for construction of overflow sanitary sewers on Clearwater Beach at a price to be ac!'cocl uTlon by the City COl!1mission. There beine no further business, the rneetine was ad j CJurn ed. I':ayor-Commi~ aioner P..r:'TEST: City AuditoT end Clerk. or .I . \ \